Muhammad West – Sex, Sexuality and Gender #04

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of good deeds and avoiding avoiding sex in Islam. They stress the need for publicity and responding to sin in public, as it is natural and should not be condone. The speakers also emphasize the importance of showing one's political stance and avoiding being associated with movement. The conversation shifts to the negative sentiment towards drugs and the ban on activities, and the importance of not insulting anyone and not advertising one's sex.
AI: Transcript ©
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Out the window you want to check on the regime between men that are human hungry now who are benign amino Salatu was Salam ala should have been listening. So you know Muhammad Ali he was like Ah man, my beloved brothers sister Mr. Alec and we're

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having a lot of good I mean always before we begin with the praise and thanks to the wishes of our last panel darlin I should have Allah had a lot with testify that there's an unworthy of worship besides Allah subhanaw taala and we sing aloud greetings salutations. So we have with me Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who aspires his pure family, his companions and all those who follow his sunnah until the end of time. We thank Allah for blessing us for being in the holiest days of the year, as we know that the days of the hijab first 10 days and in South Africa, Hillel was cited today is the first of the hedge in Cape Town. in Makkah, they've obviously they one day hit. So

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these are the holiest days of the year, and any acts of worship, now the beautiful Hadith of the Prophet and said,

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Whatever good deeds are done in this time, no matter how small you give a fiver and charity you make to raka sunnah Allah multiplies the rewards so much, that it is more it eclipses any other act of ibadah, no matter how great it is. So if you get to the end of charity, the amount that is multiplied by is more than giving a million Rand of charity last month. And then obviously, there's nothing that can beat it. The Sahaba said nothing. And the prophet is the only thing that can beat it is someone that goes out in Jihad and he dies. Basically, he's a believer to give your life meaning, what is the reward of dying for Allah? Can you imagine how great that reward can be? That

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is the only thing more powerful when doing good deeds in these 10 days than fasting reciting Quran giving charity. So in sha Allah, all of us should strive to do a little bit more in this act in these days of the hijab. And we make that we thank Allah for just putting Yes, yeah, can you imagine the weight of this Juma? In your scales of good deeds? Can you imagine how much Allah is giving me? We're just fasting. Yeah, Alexei from us. I mean, I'd love to talk on the ledger. But we have to conclude our series that we started over the June month, which is around six and sexuality and diversity we spoke about agenda. Today, we're going to wrap up and ask very important questions. We

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understood in our last discussion, what is it? What does Islam say with regards to these topics? We said, our morality, our ethics belong to us. We don't compromise on it. We don't say what is halal and haram except what Allah has made haram, even if the world has changed drastically, our morality stays the same forever. So how do we then survive and live in a computer, a society that is very different to us, we will actually the outsider and the stranger. And so we'll talk about living in a diverse society.

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But just before we begin, there was one question on LGBTQI. So we spoke with the L, the B, the, the LGBT the Q the I was a question What is the I stand for? And someone else's thankfully, Islam and Islam

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intersects and there was one young man and now he's here, as mashallah he asked me a very good question. Last week around intersex the most people don't even know what in six means. And intersex is the one subject that Islam actually has a lot of literature on. Long before these things came up. Islam Imam Shafi, the great scholars of the past spoke about this issue. And intersex is really a medical condition where a person is born with both organs male organ and a female organ, he was born like that, but Hamdulillah, Allah subhanaw taala creates as he chooses. So this person is called intersex, and this is we have all those topics. Islam has a lot of understanding because it's a

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medical condition. And so in reality, what what happens with a person like that, this person, there's a term called the hermaphrodite, both between males and females, and in reality, and this young children here, but it's biology. Now, there is no documented personal history that was 100% functioning. And like, my whole metrodate, who had a functioning male organ, and a functioning female organ, no one in history has ever had, that you either have an organ that is there, but it doesn't work. And you also you are a male, with some female hormones, or some female

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physical structures, but they are almost an addition. And Islam sees this as a deformity. It's like being born with a sixth finger with an extra Pinky. So it is not something which is there something went wrong. And somehow people are born with different things. And we should try in the past, of course, you couldn't do anything about it. This is the only place where you can have sort of agenda operation, where you choose the the organ, the system that is working and functioning. Like if you're a male with extra parts, you remove the extra parts, or if you're in a female with an extra piece, you remove that extra piece. If you're a male with some extra hormones, you suppress those

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extra hormones and you become a male. This is the only time we do sort of gender

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changing and it's part of the Sharia the same way as we said, if you were born with an extra finger, we remove it. This is what the Sharia recommends. But in the past where they didn't have an option to to change this, the Sharia actually made allowances in terms of inheritance. What is the whole target more different to avoid the goal. You have a child that is in between these special allowances made and it shows you

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Again, the principle in the Sharia, Allah subhanaw. Taala does not condemn anyone and the laws are there. It is fair and it's just, but it also does not give into desires and whims and fancies. The laws are there that we abide by even if it's difficult, we abide by it. But if someone has a genuine problem, someone has a genuine as we go gender dysphoria is a mental condition, then, of course, the Sharia has its allowances for medical conditions, but you must treat it you must treat it. And so I think this is just on the eye and hamdulillah as I said, there are whole chapters written on this, this this this the segment. Now let's get back to how do we live in a society where we say something

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is haram, we are not allowed to engage in these activities. We say it is sinful, we say that is immoral. We say that it is something we should forbid something which we should make incur. incur means we should speak out against it. It's not just even that we should say, Look, I don't do it, but you do what you do you I do mean we oversight No, no. We have to say like this, this is not a good thing. It's not the right thing. How do we live in a society when we are a minority? So the first thing is, remember Allah subhanaw taala advises that you can disagree with someone you can even be at loggerheads with someone theologically, one person says Allah has a SunWarrior biller.

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And we disagree fundamentally, but it should not stop you from dealing justly with that person. We'll give you an example. You have someone that you work with a customer, employer and employee and you disagree on serious fundamental issues, whether it's religion or morality and all of that, the way you deal with them in terms of business does not change, you need to still be honest, you still have to give them the Huck their rights if you are renting a property to them. And so they have done their part as a tenant, irrespective of the beliefs, you cannot put the water off or put the electricity or say, I'm not gonna pay you because you're you're a Christian person. Are you? No, no,

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no. You have to do what is just and Allah says in the Quran. Yeah, you will know the nominal Kurokawa Amina the law shahada because Oh, you will believe standard firmly for Allah as witnesses of justice. When I actually met in a commissioner and who call me Allah, Allah delu. Acropolis taqwa and let not your hatred, your resentment, your dislike for somebody, we're a group of people so you don't like them? Like not your feelings of animosity against them. Make you swerve against justice, that you take the hearts when we say, being unjust means taking the heart of someone else in respect of that person's belief there but how can you when Allah says when the prophet speaks about the

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neighbor, the rights of the neighbor, he's not talking about your Muslim tattooed making neighbor, you need to give rights to him. It is the neighbor who is an atheist. It is the neighbor was a drug addict has rights on you, you can't disturb them, you can't harm them. You need to give him the hook. So the Prophet Allah Subhanallah says, just because you don't like somebody, just because you're not getting along with your mother in law, doesn't mean you can take the rights of your daughter or mother. Always stand up what is just never be disrespectful. Allah sponsors what are the super Latina yada yada Runa mean? Do nilotic Allah says, Do not insult but the people that are

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making shit. Do not insult the idols that they're making chips don't swear at Google and Latin manag all these idols these stones I mean, if you swear this i don't i It doesn't keep it doesn't have a feeling. But Allah says do not curse. The symbols of worship that they can achieve against Allah, do not insult them so that they will insult Allah. We disagree with those things, we speak out against it, but we never disrespect you will never find in the Sharia. That then we seldom ever swore was disrespectful or was ugly towards his enemies. Fair, our could never say that Nabi Musa was rude to him, even if Iran is the worst of the worst. So it's a very, very important thing. You can be

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morally principally against something without ever being disrespectful. And a person who's a non Muslim, or someone who doesn't doesn't agree with our theology should say, you know, those Muslims, they don't agree with these things, or they don't accommodate us in these things. But they should never say they are rude almost a Muslim never does. And part of being rude is ugly nicknames ugly words, derogatory term slurs. And we all know the terms that are used for this group of people. We don't go into that it is haram to use those terms. We also need to remember how do we respond

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when a sin is so the question is someone is living a certain lifestyle we know it's sinful from our work Sharia is the model

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can I be friends with this person? Can I talk to this person? Can I work side by side if I have a project? Can they be part of the project for Sharia reminds you that there's a difference between sinning openly and selling privately we are all sinners and no matter who you are, there is a presumption of innocence and goodness and morality for everyone Muslim and non Muslim. You see somebody is a non Muslim we we take it for granted that this person doesn't drink doesn't do anything doesn't eat haram based on the exam unless we see openly they do the different they do differently. So whatever a person does, in a private capacity the Sharia says you don't investigate

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and look

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You can ask questions that's between them and Allah. And so long as the matter is a private matter, you know, you we don't assume oh look, this guy isn't married, but he's got friends that are sleeping over me we don't make assumptions. Invest especially in the area of, of intimacy. The Sharia is very strict on insinuation and assumptions for witnesses. I mean, one eyewitness would technically be enough for murder one eyewitness enough. But in this Allah wants you to have four witnesses before you bring a case. And if you can't bring four witnesses, you bring three, those three should be left for slander. So very, very serious about insinuation and assumption and

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suspicion in this type of area. There is a presumption of innocence. However, if someone is open,

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putting pictures online, they promoting certain lifestyle, how do we respond to this, the minute someone sins openly, and promotes a certain lifestyle, and this goes with innocence. Someone drinks openly someone takes drugs openly, it becomes now an issue of public. It's a public issue now. And we know that the promise is, every single sinner of this OMA will be forgiven. Allah will forgive every sin, except for the one who sins openly that you sin in the night and Allah doesn't expose you. And then you go and put it on Facebook, you tell So and So look what I did show the friends. Now, after Allah has covered up your fault, you make it open, you almost promote your lifestyle.

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This is a biggest seller understand that. It's actually a biggest sin to promote the sun than doing the sun. The sinner who does it and says, Yeah, Allah, I'm weak. I do the sun. Forgive me. That's understandable that in fact, that's all of us, all of us are in that category. And that is the best of sinners, but the one who promotes it, who legitimizes it, the one who encourages others with it. This requires a response from us publicly. So how do we respond? The first thing that we should never ever do, we should can never participate in that sin. We can never condone that sin. If it's being done in front of us. What we should do is speak out against it. What we should do is speak out

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against so for example, someone comes to the masjid with a bottle of whiskey. What are we going to do? Is we're going to say, okay, luckily enough money, you can sit in the corner and you drink and No, no, we also get out to whatever, in a nice way, I'm not going to beat him up. When you say, Look, this is not the right place. And we'll have words. If you can't do that, then you need to extract yourself from the sun. If you can't prevent the sun from happening, or speak out against the sun, then at the very least you should not be and that is why this whole concept of you cannot sit at a table with comedies being drunk. You can't go to a restaurant, when people are drinking, how

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can you or they use the food might be haram I'm ordering. You know seafood, food is halal. But how does one commit sin all around you and you have your meal and doesn't bother you? There's something wrong. It's like, you know, you're sitting in the company and people are taking drugs and they're sleeping in front of you naked and doesn't bother you it should disturb your model. You take away your appetite, you say I can't be here. And so Allah says in the Quran, that either Samaritan is when the kuffaar they listen to the Quran. Yes, Stephen Zubia for that taco mom had a hold up Hadith and Allah says that the kuffaar when they hear the verses of Allah when the Yerba Islam, they start

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mocking and insulting the ayat, they start belittling and swing at the Quran. Now you're sitting in the company with non Muslims. And this was made in the time that it be so numbered. You know, we, you had friends, they were family, let Think, for example, the Sahaba had family members who were not Muslim. And they were talking and they were talking about family and all very genetic stuff. Then the religion comes up at the family table. And one person says, Hey, your profit is this and your Muhammad and your Quran is when that happens. Allah says You cannot sit there, you get up and you walk away. What you should do is respond. But if you can't do that, Allah start commanding you

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now that you have to respond to have to stop it, get up and walk away and say this conversation now this simple thing, I want nothing to do with it. And you show your dislike your complete aversion to it, and therefore you walk away. And so it is required of us when we see sin, happening in our prisons, we should extract ourselves at the very least. And then Allah says, if you don't do it in either Miss loom, if you don't do it, you remain. You let the sun happen and you

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tacitly condone it. It's as if you are part of it. One interesting, scaly point for us the relevance of the story of an absolute, we know that the only people that were saved from Nabhi Lutz city was absolute and his two daughters. What about the women?

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Why all the women in absolutely destroyed but you didn't do anything of the sudden because they approved it. They encouraged it. They in fact, incited their husbands to go and participate. So when you condone Allah says you che in that same so at the very least you must show that I do not condone this And subhanAllah shouldn't be very difficult to us. We've done this we have practiced so many law so many times. When our friends very good friends, when they have a party and they invite us to a certain party we say

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Thank you for the invitation. But as a Muslim, I can't participate in that party, when they have a certain, you know, drinks, we're gonna go for often on drinks, you invited the the work function to say thank you I know, you know, I appreciate it. But I can't be I can go to a bar to a nightclub this goes against my Sharia and the people understand Subhanallah when you're going to eat this, look, if the food is halal, you guys eat. No problem, I'm not going to even say but I can't participate, and don't expect me to participate as well. And so Alhamdulillah this is no different this kind of lifestyle. We say that this is against our models, we are not calling for anyone to be

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harmed or banned or be arrested, or violence to be done against you. We're not swaying or insulting you, but I have to say goes against my religion. And, you know, I extract myself beautifully from the situation and you guys continue don't expect me to put a flag to participate, I don't want to participate. And that is what you should do. And so the question is, Can We Be Friends can I be a good friends with someone who has a lifestyle that is morally against Islam? Remember, one of the one of the things that brings you down or takes you up is the caliber of friends that you have.

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And one scholar beautifully said before we get into the laws and the technicalities of what you can and can't do. Think about the people that you want to stand at your janazah when you die

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if the people that you with you think that they're not even able to come to the masjid or they won't even make janazah Salah on you. And that is the people that you spend 90% of your day with really you're not in the best of company

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work hard so that when you die you have people Allah loves will make Genesis Allah on you. Because Allah says in the Quran on the day of karma or Yama yeah oh do Lolly more Allah Yeah, day on that day when people will bite the fingers think it would literally bite their hands. Yeah, cool. We are at this one also, yeah, Allah. Why, why? Why did I not take a path with the prophets? Why did my follow the way of the prophets Yahweh letter? Oh, woe to me. Later Neelam, a turkey Fulani and kalila Why did I take this person as my friend on piano, one of the biggest regrets are gonna be the friends that mislead us. And so it is just normal. It is just human nature, that if you spend your

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time enough with a group of people that talk about cause you're going to be in because you spend the time with a lot of people talking about Quran and Sunnah you're going to be into Quran and Sunnah. You talk about people who live a certain lifestyle, you're going to have that lifestyle. And I want us to think we talk about this for our kids. As adults, we should also think about this, you would not be happy with your kids, being in the company of people, for example, that are abusing substances, you would say, Look, I know you're a good boy, good girl, you won't do it. But it's so easy, that you can be influenced somehow. And so we need to be very, very careful about being

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influenced. And so yes, the Sharia does not forbid you from being friends and friendly. And even having good close relationships with people that commit sin. I mean, subhanAllah, if you really want to be technical about it, you can marry a Christian and Jewish people who commit open ship. There's no sin greater than that. But you can marry them from the Sharia perspectives are encouraged, and no one will ever encourage that. But it's possible. So you can have people in the very close circle. But remember, there's not good for you. And if it begins to affect your iman, especially when you are young, your Islam is not solid, you're still learning about the Sharia, and you're being

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influenced negatively, then it becomes haram for you to engage in such a company. So we can be friends and friendly. But your friend must know where you stand. So almost dim youngsters. If you have a friend with a non Muslim, and they have certain views that are different to yours, you must make it clear to your friend, that when it comes to these things, non negotiable, they must know for example, and Amazon handla. When you become older, our colleagues all of us at work, they know you don't schedule a meeting one o'clock on a Friday, because we're going to be musk. I don't care how important it is, we need to have that awkward conversation. We need to tell our friends in this

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week's behind Allah, there was a meeting of in my, in my company when they talk about alcohol and distribution.

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And I said I can't participate in this discussion.

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What it was my job that I can't be part of this discussion, awkward, difficult, and how not there is no lie. They respect you for that. We are very fortunate that our non Muslim friends and neighbors respect us and respect our views and they try their best to accommodate us. But you make it very clear, no insult on you or what you do understand is permissible for you. But for me, I can't give you examples and assistance, how to transport commerce. I can't facilitate that because then the sun is on me. So it goes against my models. And you need to find a solution on your own. And as a Muslim if you want to be friends or in an environment that is diverse. Then you need to make your position

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clear. And if you don't have the strength to do it in Cocoon yourself around like my

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Did Muslims if you can't, if you don't want to do that, then stay at home or stay with friends that will not go unchallenged to Islam. We, of course, never ever condone violence. And in fact, we reject any group that is causing violence and harm to any other group. We are against that. And as we said before, our rights as fellow human beings, our rights, you might have family members Subhanallah, you might not Allah protect a brother, that is living a lifestyle that is not critically Islamically you still your brother is a Muslim. And he still you still owe him the rights of one brother to another. And you should encourage them with good and forbid what is evil in a

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beautiful way. And so while we don't disrespect anyone, as I said, we cannot condone any action, which is haram. So we must be clear that these actions so again, no one has if you're a Muslim, you say the Kanima you cannot be 5050 on it, you must be very clear that this is against our morality as Muslims, and it is bad. And if we don't feel that it is bad, if you and your hardcore What's so bad about it, they know that there's a problem within your morality is there's nothing wrong with Islam, there's something wrong in you that needs to be needs to be fixed. And you should make it clear your position as we said, that, like alcohol is haram to us, like we don't eat pork. This lifestyle is

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also haram for us. We can never participate and show our approval of this lifestyle. We can put on symbols and logos and flags the same way Subhan Allah and and you know, sometimes we forget we do we know how to do this. If someone asks you, do you believe that? Do you? Do you believe in the Trinity? We'll say no. Do you believe ALLAH has a son? We say no. Does that mean you hate all Christians? No, we don't hate all Christians. Do you just mean you can't be friends with a kid? Of course you can. Can you be good to them? Yes, you can. So are they allowed to worship in a church? Of course? Do you promote that anyone should burn a church? Of course we're against it. And if we in

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fact, we see someone vandalizing the church, we will shout at him. Even if it's La ilaha illa the church we will phoned the police for him wrong. But don't expect me to be across also. That's one step. Let's use symbols. You wouldn't expect me to be across. So this is very this this? This is exactly we need to apply in this situation. One question that someone asks, do we hate them? Look at this hadith parlance first time I come across Hadith every time I do a and I find a new Hadith like finding a piece of gold, you know, Spamalot, in Abu Dhabi, and it's narrated, that a man was brought and Spanner Look how beautiful always the Sahaba whenever you find a sinner, the man who urinated in

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the masjid, the man who did that we don't know which man it was. But we will know it's a hobby, you know, won the battle on this Sunday that even 1500 years later, there is the honor the dignity of this person is preserved. So Sahaba said a man was taken to the visa Salaam for the heart, the punishment had meaning capital punishment, some sort of serious sin. They don't have to mention what the sin is. But it's a capital punishment. Either you had to be executed or something had to be amputated. And the Sahaba started to insult him sway him to other sin or the system, your whole thing is harmlessness harbor started going on. And then at least we should stop. Now we're going to

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be some is going to put the punishment on this man might even execute him. And then our businesses, do not insult your brother. Don't curse your brother. And rather praise Allah who protected you from the sun.

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Thank Allah that you're not the one that committed the sin. And then there'll be some sisters harbor. If you saw this man, your brother fall into a well, would you not want to take him out of the well? So I said yes. So then at least we'll see. So in the same way, try to take him out of the sin and don't curse him and praise Allah for that he protected you from the sin. Then someone asked this is a beautiful the Hadith, someone asked Yaroslav, but don't you hate this man, that abuses I don't hate him. I hate the sin. He has done the action he has done. Anybody if he gives up the sin, it is my brother. And that is our attitude. We don't like the person with cancer. We don't hate the

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patient. We hate the disease. But the person who has any problem the drug addicts, we don't hate the drug addict. We say if you get we want to hit you off the drugs wherever you are. And that is our attitude with all kinds of sins that goes against our morality. And if you really, really want to be sure and as well Unhatched I'm going to talk more about Nabhi Brahim and Corbon to close off this whole topic, be like NaVi Brahim be like NaVi Ibrahim on this issue. How is NaVi Brahim? So we know the story of novembre hemolysis RAM he's at home with his wife Sarathi Salam and three beautiful men come to the house and visit maybe Graham doesn't know the InfiniBox from above so but they tablets

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they stranger so is this island come you come by my house. Please sit down and he prepares them a wonderful He will show us the type of r&b I don't know who these people are. And he prepares them a feast. And they sit and when it's time to eat. Now the brain says they don't eat and he begins to get scared. What is guys this is not normal people. And so they say don't be scared. We are angels, three angels from Allah subhanho wa Taala and they said we have come Allah has sent us with a mission. But first we will send to you to give you the good news that you're going to get a new sun is hot. Allah has blessed

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See with a new son, and maybe Brahim is you know, Saara is laughing she's in her 80s isn't me old lady. I'm gonna have a newborn baby and my husband is Tutsis and I was Allahu Akbar. How is this an angel says, Allah's blessing be upon your elevate that Allah when He decrees something he will be when Allah says Allah Muhammad Ibrahim IRA, so when the fear we need to be winning,

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agitation disappeared, was there at will Bushra and he received the good news of his hawk. What now? He asked the angels but now why are you what is your mission? So they said we have come to the story that people in the middle

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because of the sun because what they did they said Allah has now passed judgment on them they're going to be destroyed. What did you do? Allah says, You Jad you enough he called me to NaVi Brian began all going with us not the angels with Allah, even God down in sujood make dua Allah don't destroy these people, not only dua, he is arguing with Allah Allah Allah don't do this. And maybe doesn't argue with Allah yet. Maybe Brahim is arguing for him. For the people of Naveen how many of us will say this is bad and evil people and yeah Allah destroy them curse them. That's not the way of a Muslim. That's not the way of, of the Gambia. Now the Brahim is making dua for them. Protect

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them yeah Allah give them a chance save them forgive them find another way out. And what is Allah is responsible for I am the let's look at this sympathizer. This person, Allah says he prays in Ibrahim the honeymoon are welcome when you allow Ibrahim is such a soft hearted,

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kind person, forbearing person, always coming back to Allah, Allah praise has not been around for this quality, that he's making dua for the people of komoot. For Sodom and Gomorrah, he's making dua for them. And so if you really, really want to know the position of us as Muslims and how we live in a society, we make it very clear we are against this, not because we hate anyone, but because we love people. And we believe that this lifestyle is the lifestyle to our lifestyle, our morality that Allah has preached, is what's going to be your genital dose and we want everyone on that path. And if you're not on that path, we'll make dua that Allah puts you on that path. And if you committed

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sin, we make dua Allah forgives you for that sin. We don't want to see anyone destroyed or hurt or harmed in this dunya or the aphorism Allah protect us and all of our people that Allah bless us and our neighbors, Muslims and non Muslims. And Allah bring all of the wealth on the guidance of Islam, the oneness of the hate and the beauty of this religion. I mean, just a few announcements as we know it is the holiest days of the year. And the greatest act of evader while the Sunnah is to fast these nine days until the Day of Arafah. But of course, the greatest need to be done in this time is to put a ban in some manner, I like the Hanafi madhhab it is compulsory that everyone who can put a ban

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should CORBA. But alhamdulillah in the other my life is not the view. But perhaps we should all make the NIA that on behalf of our entire family. there be so many we could ban you would put a ban on behalf of his whole family, that everyone should make that intention that I want to have one sheep at least. Because if this is the greatest event it will be done at this time. It is the only act of Ebola that we replicate the edges. We don't jump out we don't make the officer but they could have been and we could have been Allah has allowed us so every single person in shallow every household should attempt to quarterman or have at least one sheep and Allah the near should be there and put

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on Islam. Of course you'd like to put band through us with the television at the back and the last last announcement Alhamdulillah as we conclude this last series, the best thing for anyone who wants to be safe in this time is to be in a healthy happy Nikka marriage. So for those singles, if any male above the age of 2122 23 is not married. Sign up you must sign up here. Do your Huck as one brother said Imagine if half of your Eman is had Jihad fasting and the other half is marriage shows you that you know how important marriage is without difficult marriages Pamela but you need to do so inshallah we're looking for especially young man to be honest we looking for brothers over the age

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of 14 particular lot of sisters looking Wiseman's looking to live a halal lifestyle. It is bad of a society with sisters and find husbands. Not even for money purposes just for companionship. So please sign up but if you are married, not for you, inshallah. Allah say that Muhammad was Pakistan was unbearable enemy


  • Question on intersex
  • Living in a diverse society
  • We do not harm or cause injustice to those we don’t agree with
  • Never be disrespectful
  • Difference between open vs. private sin
  • Can interact with a sinner?
  • Can we be friends?
  • Guidelines
  • While we don’t disrespect anyone but we cannot cannot condone the action
  • Do we hate them?
  • Be like Nabi Ibrahim A.S
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