Muhammad West – Sex, Sexuality and Gender #03

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The upcoming generation is focused on the controversial issue of the LGBTQIA plus discussion, which is about attraction and sexuality rather than gender. The speakers explore the use of "has" and "hasn't" to identify individuals and their bodies, and how it can be used to express one's "has" and "hasn't" to identify individuals and their bodies. They also discuss the importance of acceptance of the "hasn't been seen" and the "has been seen" in the culture of the West. The speakers emphasize the need for men to act like a man and not be a woman, and emphasize the importance of avoiding embarrassment and addressing the "brink" of women's roles. They also mention a meet and greet event for couples who want to get married in a certain environment.
AI: Transcript ©
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avalanche Donna rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi trumaine Beloved brothers and sisters Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Al hamdu. Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. Wa is we will begin with the praise of Allah subhanaw taala. We worship Him we thank him with a witness that is none worthy of worship. It says Allah. We thank Allah for Allah Eman for guiding us to Islam and we ask Allah to keep us steadfast upon the deen of Islam. He said I love greetings salutations. So beloved me Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam despise his pure family, his companions and all those who follow the sunnah to the end of time. Allah subhanho wa Taala keep us to be steadfast in the Sunnah we're going to be Salam, especially in these times, we'll be upon the sooner even if it's not popular, we will be upon the sooner even if we are

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outsiders, even who are strange. As the medicine see, the time will come. Where to be the disarm started as something odd, strange, unpopular. And as time goes back towards the end of time, it also be odd, strange, you will be the odd man out by following the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala. And then he says what Glad Tidings the stranger then you be that stranger? May Allah guide us to be upon the Sunnah in this life, and in general Theodosia, the Astra I mean, hamdulillah as we conclude youth month, we have discussed the last few weeks, there's very, very controversial issue of the LGBTQIA plus discussion. And I see that because it's school holidays, we have young faces, so we

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need to really keep it PG. And really, this discussion really has two dimensions, the LGBT side is about attraction, it's about sexuality, whereas the TI is more about gender. And we see unfortunately, or the strange reality we live in, where gender has become something

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fluid, it has become something, you know, optional, it has become something that is changeable. And we need to talk a little bit about this, and to conclude Inshallah, and this discussion, the way forward, and how do we live in a society that's going to have different views to us, we can have our views in the masjid and our views at home and teach our morality at home. hamdullah we live in as we are favored, that we live in a society where we can do that. But when you go outside, there's a whole different kind of morality. And we as a Muslim, how do you balance these two realities? So an issue of gender, gender is, as we said, it is a reality like gravity, like the sun like the moon, it

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is something which to deny it is to deny reality itself. To question it is to question basically, all of human history and all of human knowledge, psychologically, or sorry, physiologically, from a biological level,

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we can tell, as we said, if you dig up a body, 100,000 years old, you don't know what religion they followed, what food they ate, what preference they had, but you can tell if this was a male or female, it is grained inside every single cell of every single person, whether this person is a male or a female science, you know, something that doesn't, it's not something that you can question. It is physiologically coded in every single cell of your body, not just, it's not just one organ, the reproductive organs know, even in the cells in your eyes, the cells in your hand, it is coded for male or female, every culture in the world, every religion, every society, if you ask them, wherever

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you went from China to the Amazon jungle 1000 years ago, 100,000 years ago, you ask them, people come to models and two types, they will say, Yes, male and female. Everyone agreed on this, this was not something that was ever discussed or debated. And it was recognized that you have two genders. And these two genders were different. They were not the same. They were not identical, they were differences. Gender is not an imagined, social construct that is being said, Now the this new, fancy language to say, gender, the concept of this males and females is something that we as society invented, and we can elevate. It's a no, this is a biological imperative. So to deny this is to deny

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science, it is to deny history, it is to deny culture, civilization, it is to even deny common sense, it is to deny common sense. And so we find a movement, which has really, I don't think has a precedent in human history, a movement of this level way. People are physically able to change the bone six and this is difference between the conversation now is the difference between six what you're born with, and gender. What you identify with this is you can change what you identify with. And today we see people as young as 1213 years old in certain countries in the world, you can physically you can go medically and remove certain organs and use chemicals that are used to

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castrate rapists, to suppress your hormones to prevent you going through puberty is not only allowed, you can do it without your parents consent, in fact is a man

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The people sitting in jail, because they will not allow the children to go through this procedure. Man in Canada, he's in jail because he won't allow his children child to do that.

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And besides having the ability to do this many, many years before that in primary school, as young as toddlers are being told that they can, you don't have to be a boy or a girl that you can choose. At an age when children don't even know the difference between what is real and imaginary. They have imaginary friends. So already the consciousness of of reality still developing, and we're confusing the moon with this kind of language.

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So, if you this movement basically says that if you identify with a gender which is different to your, to your born, birth, six is the same. So this is a question. How are we responding to this?

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If someone comes to you,

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and this is something called Trans abled, then if I spoke about last week, trans abled

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right about this trans abled is someone that comes and says, I am a disabled person in an abled body, I feel that I should have one arm, but I have this extra arm here. Please remove it doctor. What do we do with such a person? We will say you need psychological help. problem isn't the arm, there is a delusion in your mind that needs to be looked at.

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And yes, there is a medical condition called Gender dysphoria. There are genuinely people that have a condition way. What is in the mind is different to what is in the body. It's a very, very eerie condition. But to say that 5% 10% Getting on 20% of kids have this disconnect. We've never seen it before in any society, never happened in the history of mankind, that this is a trend, we need to ask and take a step back and say is this really? Is this really a reality that we should be pursuing?

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And the same way no doctor would ever amputate an able bodied person, because he identifies as a disabled person. Why do we not apply the same rules in this in this instance?

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Why do we not apply the same ethics of medicine and K when we have this discussion?

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And when something that no one is talking about? If someone a kid, five years old, six years old, says I feel I'm a boy says I think I'm a girl or vice versa? Instead of saying let's have a discussion around that. Let's have some, you know, conversations. What do you understand to be a male? What do you understand to be a boy and a girl?

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That's not very profitable, but to put someone on lifelong hormone medication, and to go through surgery,

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that's a lot more profitable. And no one is asking that question. Who benefits from, from this from this movement as well financially.

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And that's one of the big issues with this movement. If you ask a person, I identify as a male. So what is a man a man because before this definition of a male is very easy, someone that has the X Y chromosome and has a male reproductive organ is well, and vice versa for the female. But now that definition doesn't apply anymore. So we asked them, What is your definition when someone says, I identify as a woman? So now what is a woman? You can't say a woman is a woman that has these body parts because this guy doesn't have it. So how do you mean you identify what is it that you identify with? So long? There is no answer to it, it's like a circular thing and if you go through this

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discussion, you realize, as we discussed in the previous lectures, this is not based on any logic, or science is not based on any sound judgment, it is based on popular opinion, it is based on haha, whatever we feel, and that is the religion of the world today, do as you feel doesn't have to make sense.

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Even if we see that was okay, you want to identify with whatever you want.

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But to force it upon everyone else to

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agree with that delusion becomes a problem now that we have to you know, be part of that we have to acknowledge that

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it's an issue though, and we take this we take again it really when you work with Western secularism, you take the arguments to the extreme and then you see wait for that if I go to gym, and I say to you know when I'm done with my session, Amin my good day, when I say at the end of the session, I identify as a female You can't stop me I need to go in the ladies dressing room for 10 minutes

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why should you stop me?

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Why should you stop me? Right this problem?

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If you ask these kinds of questions, these no no outcome in the asked the question

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and this is statistically the high one of the the groups that have the highest

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rate of suicide are people from the transgender community. So that tells you how many young people really struggle with body identity. They struggle with feeling insecure, they struggle with, I don't look good enough, I don't fit in. I'm not. I don't I'm not the sporty type. I'm not the cheerleader type. So where do I fit in. And then you have this other group that if you change, you are celebrated and placed. Yet after all these operations and stuff, they still this deep sense of emptiness that I don't fit in. Now, when discusses that, and this is basically you can look at that. So it's a mental issue that is not being addressed as such.

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So this is something that we, you know, this is one of the realities that we live in, and as much as you might feel strongly about it, how do we address it? How do we live with it? How do our kids teaching our kids going forward from an Islamic perspective that is just beautiful about Islam and that is why Surah Kahf begins that this Quran claim and it is going to stand forever and it will always be your compass The world doesn't make sense anymore. In many instances, Allah says, stick to the Quran, it will guide you to the right way. When you want to understand which way do I go in this debate in this discussion, stick to the Quran. Allah Subhana Allah says very clearly, that all of

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mankind uns Oh mankind, it taco Robuchon have consciousness of Allah that created you may have seen Wahida that killed in all of you from a single soul from a single

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knifes. Nothing is in a person but the soul maybe Adam soul. Well, Hala caminhadas og from that soul from that person. Allah created Hawa from maybe Adam came home at the Hawa. Well, that's the mean humare Janin cathedra, when he says, and from the two of them, and from these two different types, and through the unity of these two different genders, only through that Allah was able to disperse many men and women. So Allah reminds us

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that on your own,

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we are incomplete.

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The world without ladies, I know contrary to what some of you might think, would be a world that is very, very empty and said, and vice versa. Without mean and Allah had made it such that we can we will only survive as CO we can only coexist and that's how our success we converse to the angels. Angels don't have gender

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Gibreel isn't technically male or female. Yes, they come in the form of men, when they when they appear, but in the energetic form, they have no gender, Angel stone, they are non binary. They are not here, they don't have they are a age they don't have a gender. And that is okay. Allah subhanaw taala creates as he wants. And as for us, Allah says for Jared I mean who so Jane, I said, Allah says I created the two types of sexes, that Cara Well, I created male and female, that is in the Quran. And this is the guidance. And Allah also says in the Quran, what they said the Quran into the boy is not like the goal. In the Quran, Allah mentions that males and females are not the same, they

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are different, without superiority without one being better than the other one. And so there is such a thing as masculinity, male, male identity, male energy, and femininity, being a female, and Islam celebrates being a man and celebrate you being a woman. Islam wants you to embrace what it means to be a man and to embrace what it means to a woman because in that uniqueness in that diversity is the beauty of Allah's creation.

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So Allah subhanaw taala tells us and we know from science we know from technology we know and we know from reality, that physically men and women are different. Now we can deny that physically men and women are different. And emotionally, men and women are different. And if you deny that, then I guess you're not married.

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If you were to die, that then you haven't spent time

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in a relationship, you will know that emotionally. And this goes down to because on the outside, there are differences on the inside. There's a whole different set of organs and chemicals and enzymes going on the different parts of the brain that activates at different times. This is how Allah Subhanallah created the beauty of Allah's creation. So emotionally and physiologically, men and women are different. And even intellectually, the way we think the way we process information is different, not better, not worse, but different. And each gender. Each gender has its strengths. Each gender has blind spots, each gender excels over the other one in certain areas. But ultimately,

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there is no preference. Allah does not praise being a man or a woman and vice versa and no one is better than the other. If you're blessed with a daughter Alhamdulillah you're going to have your own set of challenges with a daughter and embrace with a son Alhamdulillah you're going to have your own set of challenges with a son. That is the way Allah subhanaw taala has given being a boy is good and be a girl is good at hamdulillah

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and therefore Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us the same way

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that we identify nicely the West, the Western secularism, they would say that if you seek any separate by separating gender, you are almost discriminating

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you're discriminating and we say no. The same way we don't discriminate between white and black. We don't do we don't say that let us all cancel race anymore. No one should say I'm a black man. While I'm a white woman. No, no, no, that is racist. We are all

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I don't know what

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color this is. We are cannabis. And we say that we don't we remove our nationality and we remove our anything that identifies us as different we remove it we say no, we celebrate diversity. We want you to be proud of your Indian heritage your Malay heritage be proud that you're a black person be proud that you're white person. But in the academic Amendola, Qualcomm, Allah says that I want you to know each other and celebrate your differences, celebrate your as a man and celebrate yourself as a woman. But ultimately, what counts is is the consciousness inside with Allah subhanaw taala. Now what do we see the sturgeon in the movement is really a backlash. It is a reaction of a long time

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baggage in western oppression to women, part of the discussion of feminism and the oppression against women. This is what happens when you oppress people for too long,

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the backlash is so much worse. So it is very clear. And to deny this again to deny reality, that Western Western philosophy before Christianity, and then also verses in the Bible was very clearly opposed, or there was definitely a superior race and an inferior race. There was a beta six, there was the Lexus and there was a theater. That was what is very clear. And so for example, we have Aristotle who said, As regards the two sixes mailbag is, by nature superior, that if you got a male Alhamdulillah, you got, the better quality and the inferior quality from the factory is the females, and the female is inferior, and the male is therefore the ruler, and the female is the subject. This

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is one of the founding fathers of Western thought, Western philosophy. And if you go to the Bible, we've mentioned this a few times, where in Genesis it says, Allah says, Allah protect our visitors. The Bible says, Allah says, to the lady to the Hawa, I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, you are going to struggle when you're pregnant, and in pain, you will give birth, and you will desire to control your husband, but you will always win over you as a punishment to her she has hate and as a punishment, where she will give birth. Islam says it is a great honor to her. And it's an honor that a father will never ever reach three times, because our mothers carried us and gave birth to us.

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Allah also mentioned Yes, in pain she carried you, but as a praise for her a type of jihad. And in fact, if she dies, in that moment of childbirth, she isn't Shahid, Subhan Allah. So Allah says that the woman carries a burden that a man can cannot carry. There was a brother that asked when we did this course last week. Why is there no female? Gambia? Why are all the prophets men?

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So it's a good question, difficult question is a good one. And when we when we had a discussion, we said, Allah does not command you to fulfill a role that you are not built to do. And the job of the Gambia is to fight jihad to go out in public to receive all that. This Allah has made it exclusive for men, just the same way. Allah does not require men to give birth. We can't do it. So why is Allah not allowed us to be mothers, because we can't handle it. Only our systems can handle it. That Amana is something which we can carry. The same way the mountain says I can't carry the Quran only in son can do it. Certain manners, Allah places on the woman certain manners that Allah placed on

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the men, and each one has their own challenges, not because of one another, but to Allah subhanaw taala. And Eve as we said, in the Bible, very clearly, the view of the clergy the view of of Christian theology was a woman should learn in complete quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach even to teach if you don't have authority over men, she must be quiet. For IBM was formed first, then it was Eve and Adam was the one Adam was not the one was deceived. It was the woman who became deceived and became the center. And so this baggage of inferiority, of guilt of oppression against our sisters, sort of as a backlash it almost became seen it's it really became

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understood that the to be a female was to be inferior. And to be a male was superior to have a girl and this was January Yeah, January was exactly the same. If you had a girl that was born you buried her alive because she was a reject basically. And you have a boy Masha Allah we have a party Islam came to say no, we praise both sides. We honor both sides we celebrate both sides without it ever, without ever being an issue of one over the other. And this hadith hadith of we've all heard this hadith of the Cricket Club. The hadith ladies made from the cricket

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is very unpopular Hadith in the context of today you should like throw these Hadith away according to if you want to follow what is trendy but if you look at

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The hadith understand it, it is a beautiful Hadith, the Prophet SAW Salem says, The woman is created unique like a rib. And he says a curve that a crooked, crooked is like shady dodgy, she scanned them. The hadith says that she is created from a curved like a rep that is curved. And then he says to the Sahaba, if you try to straighten that rep, did you try to change it, she will break your break it. So if you look at the Hadith, and we always stop the look at the Hadees hardbody. So if you want to get the full benefit from her, if you really want to be happy with her, do so while she still has that Corvinus in her, she still has that feminine nature in her for it is how Allah had

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created. What the Prophet saying, yes, sometimes your the way your wife thinks frustrates you. And we know vice versa, the way we think frustrates our wives, Allah the Prophet insists that the men do not try and impose your masculinity upon her, let her be a woman let her go and live her life and process information and react as a woman would react because Allah created her that way, and she's just fulfilling the function she's supposed to do. And if you have any sense if you really want to be happy and get the true benefit of your wife, let her be as a woman is going to be and I say the same to our sisters. I know many times the sisters when they get married, so now I have a project to

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change this husband of mine I need to change him panel beat him

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the way he needs to be hamdulillah there are certain areas that we can all improve on. But nonetheless, there is this campaign against masculinity to being a man is a kind of a an insult now you know you to actually call someone you such a man. It's like a bad thing. Now before there's a he wasn't the man. Now it's not anymore. It's a bad thing. No one wants to be the men. Islam says we need women to act like women and men to act like men and to be proud and celebrated and as their businesses if you really want to enjoy the benefits of a happy marriage or happy society, this must come through

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as I said, being a man and this is for young brothers here.

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As I said the campaign against masculinity is very very harsh

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that you don't even know how to act anymore. And I call it toxic masculinity. This is a concept now that just do to act like how you how Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted to act I wanted us to act is almost toxic, it's bad.

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If you look at the Quran, I tried to look for a nice catchphrase what does it mean to be a real man? What's the deal man because some if I if I say a real man, people have different minds, different pictures you might have this guy camping Hilux Bucky and fishing another person is a real man is holding the baby is you know he's he's changing the nappy that cereal man in the modern term. This is a real man. What is the real man from the Quran? And Allah beautifully he says a region mean ko muna Allah Nisa. Your manliness is judged by how you treat your women.

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How you teach your wife how you teach your mother, how you teach your sister, that will determine if you are a man.

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CO one we said this is a view there's no English translation for the word co one Allah says men make a one of women what is called one the same way woman ecommerce salah the closest thing is ecommerce I don't know what when the commerce Allah what does it mean? We prioritize Salah Salah comes first we honor it, we respect it, the establish it, we protect it, we preserve it. We forget everything else. Salah comes first. And so Allah says if you are if you're a man, you make that same Kurama for your women, you lead with with with with kindness, you're strong to protect and serve. You are first and foremost with your women over yourself. That is what it means to be a man and the who took it

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one step further. When he said the best of all Muslims is the one who treat his wife the best. Your Iman as a man is even dictated how you treat your women. So if you didn't want to be a man,

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to make sure your wives your mothers are treated, well cared for protected, you make a lot more of them. So our young brothers grow up to be real men. And subhanAllah when you sit in these conferences with women and feminism and it's like very anti anti men and you say picture this man. He works hard. He's ambitious, he's he's motivated, he provides for his family. He stands for justice. He's strong when he comes home and he keeps a soft with the children. He's romantic with his wife, he brings a rose. You tell the ladies you want a man like that you should know probably can be the king. I don't mind being the queen. I don't mind being by his side, but he needs to lead

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properly. And if you don't lead if we don't lead properly as men, that's when we see this default. You shouldn't be there. So be Allah subhana wa Tada has given us as a manner as men. Yes, you take the leadership role, but you do it properly.

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In terms of gender roles, we talk about the gender of what does it mean some men are the leaders of women currently

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It women can't be directors on company. She can't be a judge. What does it mean? Is there a limitation for her? Nope.

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The first the Allah, the Prophet who says that cursed is the one and this is the worst of brucellosis and I'm cursed is the one a man who imitates a woman and a woman who imitates a man, a man who dresses like a woman and a woman that is a command, this is not the right, you should not wear the clothing of the opposite gender, you should not act like a member of opposite gender, you're not sure I tried to be into the things that are exclusive exclusive. I'm not saying that sports is only for boys. No, women can also play sports is not exclusive. But certain things are exclusive for men, and exclusive for women, by the rules of the Sharia. And therefore, in Islam.

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Islam has basically made very few things specific to men and women, specifically rules for men and specific roles. For women. The vast majority of the rules are both for equal for men and women. It's haram for a man to drink alcohol as Roman. If a man drinks his hands. You know, if a man steals his hand is amputated of a lady is still the same. The rules are the same. But where there are differences in the rules. It is where Islam celebrates the differences in the gender, the clothing, obviously, because you have different bodies, you should wear different clothing. And the tasks that Allah gives is because we think differently, we act differently. And there is no limitation for our

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sisters. The only two roles in Islam which two jobs that a lady cannot do it. She cannot be an imam in the masjid. Where these are mixed Gemma it's a ladies only Jamar no problems you can eat the sada and she cannot be the Khalifa of the Ummah, because the Khalifa is also the commander in chief in the jihad.

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And you know what?

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Look at what's happening in Ukraine, the first people to leave women and children. Why now, we are equal or equal, but the trains women and children first

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SubhanAllah. So even in the discourse, you see the disconnect. And so Islam is against this kind of this is toxic patriarchy where women are not allowed to study and said you find the minimum some countries have the problem, and women are not allowed to

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achieve their full potential. And then we see that evolve. This is not Islam. Maybe it's in our cultures with a certain cultures, but this goes against what is in Islam. And so, next week Inshallah, when time is up, we need to ask the question, how do we live in a society where you might find people who change you know, you might be in school, and the conversation comes up? openly homosexual? I'm a Muslim, openly omnisexual I'm a Muslim, but I want to change my gender. Can I be friends with such a person? Can I talk to such a person? If I do business? Can I do business with such a person? Do we? Are we calling that these people should be banned? Should we do? Should we

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insult them or hurt them? Of course we say no. But we need to talk about the guidelines. What is okay, what it's like, Okay. Remember, this is not something new. Instead, our parents have dealt with the same kind of things. We are taught one thing at home. And then at school, you're taught something different. And I said many people, you have to grow up memorizing hymns in school. But you do this is you you butcher this at home at school, even if you must sit in that class, but you know what your principles are, and it's the same today inshallah we'll talk about that next week with Nila, just a quick few announcements.

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That could have been for those who'd like to quit banned for ha which is I think the ninth or the 10th of July 3200 Insha Allah and it's a full service package delivered as well to you if you need the meat is cut and stored and delivered to you if you need it or distributed on your behalf. And then of course, we spoke about this last week and now inshallah anyone who's interested in our meet and greet a meet and greet event for singles, looking to get married please singles looking to get married. There's not here to find more friends. Right? So if you're and also if you are married already, you know conjoined so it's people

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if you were married and you no problem if you weren't married and single now that's fine. You're welcome. But if you are married, this will get me I don't know when we will be woke enough to have a second life event. But for now, for those singles who would like to meet a partner and they want to get married in a halal environment. Just email me and we're going to send out the registration form inshallah this weekend, and inshallah we'll set up the details. Because Allah says Allah Muhammad on the surface around the scene, handloader datamine said I want to come together.


  • Gender is a reality
  • The transgender movement
  • The Creator reminds us that we are created in pairs
  • The two genders are not the same
  • In Islam, each gender is different, but no gender is better than the other
  • We understand this in other areas where we celebrate our uniqueness
  • We should not take on western baggage
  • Embrace femininity
  • A real man
  • Gender roles
  • The un-islamic patriarchy
  • To men
  • To women
  • To both
  • Interacting with the sinner
  • We not harm or cause injustice to those we don’t agree with
  • Fulfilling the rights they have over you
  • Never be disrespectful
  • While we don’t disrespect anyone we do not condone the action
  • Guildelines
  • Be like Nabi Ibraheem A.S
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