Muhammad West – Sex Sexuality and Gender #02

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the negative impact of recent events on the youth community, including Merida's loss and rise of gay pride. They emphasize the importance of acceptance of gay pride and avoiding explicit language. The speakers also touch on the history of their views on homosexuality and the negative impact it has on society. They stress the need to fight addiction, avoid harms, and change one's lifestyle to avoid workplace discrimination. They also mention the importance of avoiding drugs and drinking alcohol and offer guidance for protecting individuals from harms.
AI: Transcript ©
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FileZilla in Washington rajim Bismillah Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala should have been more serene. So you didn't I'm humbling already he was in my in my beloved brothers Salam aleykum rahmatullah wa barakato

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and hamdulillah Bill Alameen always we will begin praising Allah subhanaw taala and sure to Allah, Allah, Allah Allah will testify that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah subhanaw taala and we send our love and greetings salutations to beloved Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who spice up your family, his companions and all those who follow his sunnah until the end of time. May Allah Subhana Allah protect us in this dunya to be upon the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad wa salam, and in general Philadelphians companionship, Amin Al Hamdulillah, Hamdulillah. Before I begin, usually at the end, we mentioned announcements, but I'd like to start off by mentioning that IKEA as

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we know, passed away, the lady that's on the corner, passed away this week in la la, la, la June, wonderful, wonderful Merida of this magazine and the entire book up community. And once again, we'd like to express our sadness as a passing but also our happiness that Allah has blessed us with such a wonderful lady, and everyone in this community benefited from her warmth for generosity and kindness. What a beautiful, beautiful janazah in spite of the rain, and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to to make it easy for Uncle Aziz. And the children are with dickeya Allah grant IPS Jana and put somebody in their hearts. I mean, when hamdulillah last week, we began the question on

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homosexuality, part of our discussion on youth month, part of our discussion with regards to the youth and the issues that is impacting the youth. And while this is a new issue, a modern kind of discussion, it really isn't something brand new. It's always been the case that Islam is a set of morality, set of rules, sets of do's and don'ts, and the society around it might be different to Islam. It was the case at the time of Jay Helia. It was the case 1000 years ago, in our parents, they were different issues all the time. This is just another issue. We the rules, and the norms of society is different to that of Islam. And the Prophet also speaks about this when he says that

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Islam started off as something strange. It was strange indeed, community. Women and men are equals hello, what is this? This is madness. Animals have rights. This is crazy, right? To strange. And the prophecy says A time will come where Islam would also seem strange, you would seem like you're crazy. But what is he say? Glad tidings to the one who is a stranger, you are outside of a crazy society. You're the only saying one Alhamdulillah. So we mentioned Islam is position on homosexuality is very, very clear. It is haram, you cannot interpret the Quran in any other way. And when we talk about the ruling of the Sharia, it's not so much about is it halal? Or haram? Because

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we all know it's haram, the question that usually comes and our young people in particular, there's a sympathetic feeling, even if I'm not personally homosexual, why is it haram? Why did Allah place in me a desire and then made it haram, you have done something? This is sort of unjust. And so the dialogue that I that we find with our our youth, is that they are very sympathetic to this cause and why are they sympathetic? We also where does that come from? It's because you're being programmed by what you watch on TV as what is normal on social media. In school, it's being taught to you so while you only spend one hour a week in the masjid learning the morality of Islam outside, you're being

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taught a completely different set of rules, naturally, it's going to impact you. And I said this last week as woke as you think you are as enlightened as you think you are, if you really ask yourself and we're going to get into the detail today, where does my modality what I think is good or bad, right and wrong ways that come from it wasn't thought out. You are just an empty glass and whatever is poured inside of you is what you reflect and you will find that the modality the things that you are okay with, it's not based on any science or any deep conversation. It is purely based on what is the dominant morality. And if you lived 100 years ago in Nazi Germany, chances are you

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would be anti semitic. If you live before that the time of Jamelia, you might have been okay with being alive because that is what society said was okay. Whereas Islam says no, we have a higher purpose is a set of rules that does not change in time and place set by knock Amen. It said, but Allah subhanaw taala. So before you ask Islam, why do you put homosexuality on the Haram list? I asked you Why are you okay with certain things? So let's unpack that. As a Muslim, we say we do not accept things as halal or haram. Because it makes if we believe there's wisdom behind it, of course, Allah always rules makes rules based on wisdom. But even if we don't understand the wisdom, we still

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have to obey it. Whether you understand why Mercury is three records and afore occurs you still make your mark replug that whether you understand the wisdom behind why hammer is bad and not good or not, we It is haram. We don't our as Muslims and that's what it means to be a Muslim. We submit to Allah we say to Allah, You know what, I don't know whether

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I understand Alhamdulillah that's good. But even if I didn't understand it, I trust you over my mind. That's what it means to be a Muslim. But of course, we can talk about the wisdoms. There's nothing wrong and I must say this to our parents, there's nothing wrong with a child, your child saying, Why does Allah make this haram? Why does Allah not make this halal? Because you know what the angels ask Allah, same question, why are you creating Adam? What's the wisdom? Like, we don't understand this Yet Allah? And Allah said, I know you don't know. Firstly, who am I am Allah? You don't know. And I know. So we said before you question Islam ask where does your morals come from?

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And a karmic of Allah, I don't know how many there are some small kids in here. So we have to keep it as PG as possible. But if you ask Western morality, what is it based on? Give me a rule. But if I were to say, this is the rule, if it's if it meets this criteria, it's legal, if it meets that criteria, it's illegal. Usually, they would say, look, so long as it's between consenting adults, and no one gets hurt when we Okay, so, obviously, we also got consent. So it's all illegal. We all agree, epi. If it's between an adult and a child, we will agree it's illegal haram hamdulillah because it's not too bad if it's two consenting adults that love each other, and no one is getting

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hurt. And why are you guys you know, getting all excited about it. Live and let live. Okay, fine. Based on that rule, should we then allow insist two brothers

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who gets to love each other?

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Most people say no, to a problem with us. But that meets the definition.

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And subhanAllah we can go in is a lot of lot of different fetishes. Who decides what fetish is Permissible or impermissible? And you will realize if you push Western secularism on this, they will simply say there are things that we deem okay for no reason, just because we it is out of pressure, popular demand, if enough people made noise about insist it will also be permissible, you will also have people coming to school saying, look, the two of us were twins, we spent nine months in the womb together throughout our lives who were to get in the same bed. And now Hamdulillah you know, we love each other, we are getting married.

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Love is love. If enough people pushed for that agenda, it would be there. And this is you, when you when you go down this rabbit hole, you realize it's not based on anything. And really, what is Western secularism based on? You're only here for 6070 years, maximize your pleasure. Do as much fun as you want to buy as many things as you want sleep with as many people as you want. When you die, it's over. So that's the purpose, and in what strange. You would think that that lifestyle will bring you happiness, but which people are on antidepressants, which people are committing suicide, not your Muslim tattooed making Monday, Thursday, fasting with a aunty, that person will lose

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contentment. You see them in the worst of moments, Allah put upon them some major, major calamity, it gets to freedom it Allah unhappy. The other side, you don't get enough likes on Facebook, and you want to kill yourself.

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When Allah says this is what is good for you. It's because Allah knows us. So when you push this group, you'd find that there is no standard principles. It is okay. It is legal legal for homosexual marriages. It is legal for prostitution, it is legal to commit adultery. But it's illegal for you to make a second life in most of these countries, illegal for you to wear hijab in these countries. How? Where is the you know, consistency. And you realize that as much as the left in liberal agenda, love for everyone. It's not love for everyone. It is love according to what we deem is permissible. And if you're outside of that, then you will be silenced. And when we talk about this issue, we are

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not here to criminalize them. We have past that point. They have succeeded in being accepted. We're not here to say banned them and put them out of us no, we are saying we are scared of being criminalized. We are worried that we will be prosecuted by teaching our kids that look, this is Xena. My boy, my girl, if you want to get married, it must be with an opposite gender indica. Now it becomes dangerous to say that to say that we don't want our kids to be exposed to the messaging the modality or they leave it for us to teach when they're 1617. Wherever possible Caliph vinius, they will be exposed to it naturally, but don't teach for five year olds about this. That's what we are

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asking for. We're not asking for anyone to be banned and anyone to be you know, harmless. That's what we ask you if we are being discriminated against. Now, we want to say if you want to have your parade,

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we live in a free society lacking the liquidity but give me the chance not to be part of your parade. We don't want to be part of the parade. That is what we are asking for at the moment. So when you push this you realize the modalities are based on anything where Islam is of course based on rules that will stay until the end of time sit by alcoholic the one who knows and Allah subhanaw taala knows the future knows everything. He knows the implications to society when he deems something haram it is in the interest of

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society also on this agenda of Western morality,

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why we ask?

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Why should you be defined? Why should your lifestyle Why should your identity be based on your preference, your sexual preference? We all have sexual preferences. We all have things that we like fantasies that one, we should have not been have a group that is integrates into blondes into the dead bonds. Should we not have for everyone there's a preference. Why is this group, their preference is a lifestyle. And you must be defined by what you want. We all have preferences, and we say that's only a part of who I am. But it's not my identity. Now it's become an issue of identity. And if you don't agree with my sexual preference, you are discriminating against my identity. We say

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that which other which other desire is defined by that my hunger, my preference for food. So why do we make why do we change the rules for this group?

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And again, it comes down to no better answer then what is trendy? What is by popular demand, what makes the most noise what gives the most likes and so we would say that if everyone should have an equal right to express their lifestyle, then we and to teach kids or expose them to certain things, then the guys who are into guns they should come to primary school kids and teach them about guns but that's the lifestyle choice. That's what they want. The guys are into nudism should feel that it's natural. We were born that way. They should also express that to the kids in such people, Satanists, all of it must come and they said, Look, this is our lifestyle. This is what we want. You

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should allow everyone to have a seat at the table. And we ask that we understand that kids are not appropriately equipped to discuss certain issues. They can't drive a car before 18 They can't buy a packet of cigarettes i think there's only 21 but this discussion, they can have

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smoked beef before they are at the age of 10 they were really exposed to this cartoons have all this on. Children in the West can change the gender remove body parts before they are even 1213 SubhanAllah. What do you know about about yourself and identity?

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So we go back to Islam. So we said to you before you question us as to why we've Why is the things Halal haram Why does Islam come up with it? We say why do you say things are right and wrong? And why have you put things as inappropriate, you will realize you have no framework. So just remember that anyone who finds conflict with your morality and Islam and your lives, your morality isn't based on anything. It is just based on likes on Facebook. That is what you meant it is based on I was on hamdulillah it's based on what we believe from Roberto Alameen. And so Allah subhanaw taala We ask Allah Okay, Allah, You made us haram. You also put desires in the hearts You created us with

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desires. Is it fair Allah that you criminalize you make it haram for someone who is has a desire, walleye, there are people and I animala we take our care hats off to those people. They are Muslims will say we have same * attraction in our heart. I want to be with a man. But I'm not gay. Meaning I've never acted on that impulse. I think about the jihad of that brother. The whole world will celebrate him he's come out. And every way he looks is calling come before dawn. The only thing that stops him from crossing that line is because he loves Allah. And he says this is my I identify as a Muslim first. And so I will not cross it. And that is a high level of Taqwa. You want to look at a

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Wali, that insha Allah is the value of Allah subhanaw taala. And that is the taste and other tastes all of us with different kinds of tastes. So we ask Allah is it free?

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Firstly, we don't know where this comes from. And even if it was, even if you were born with it, even if we find out that there is a fabulous gene, and that is what you've been born with. We say there are people that are born disabled, there are people born with autism, there are people born with, with whatever differences, people are born with certain inclinations, addictions. You know, sometimes you out of your control, something happened to you as a child, not your fault. And now you are damaged. We say to that means Wow, look at the *. So many of them would say, I'm like this because something happened to me as a child, but my fault. Now I have this great desire for

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children. We say we sympathize with you, but we can't change the rules for you. You need to that's your jihad. You need to fight it as much as you can. And you need to fight that desire. And you must say to yourself that this desire is not right and will lie. That's not unique to you. I have a desire for women. But it's only one woman on earth that I can express a desire with is my wife. The next beautiful woman that walks past something stirs in my heart. I have to fight it is haram look away. Like Doberman is too far. All of us go through that in Ramadan. We all hungry that consistent schooling to us, but we say no. McGriff time, and that is what it means. That is what Islam means. I

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submit my desires in this minute my life is for Allah subhanaw taala. And so everyone is struggling with us. And so we say to the brothers, yes, the sisters and the brothers that have this, it's a much, much greater struggle. It is SubhanAllah. The only thing I can basically link it up with is a person who has a drug addiction, they chemically addicted, even if they could get away from it, they would, but they can't. The body is controlled by this thing. What do we do with a drug addict, we say Come let us support you. Let's give you the help that you need. We're not going to condemn you and curse you. But you will say this is haram don't do it. It's bad for you. We will help you and

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hold your hand as much as we can. And that is really the process that we say. And remember, Jericho Muslimeen Islam does not condemn feelings.

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In Allah's mercy, He does not punish you for a feeling that you have in your heart. So

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you feel like you want to slap your husband, loosen on you only sent when you slept, then it's okay. So Islam does not criminalize feelings. In fact, Allah rewards you for having a negative feeling that you hold back. That is Allah's mercy. And so we don't judge people on feelings and attractions, we judge not judge even we respond based on how you act. If you act on that feeling, then it's a problem. But if you don't, then Alhamdulillah you are you are holding on to that. And Allah subhanaw taala doesn't hold us accountable for that. And we need to talk about this, that there are Muslims, that if they could, they would switch off those feelings if they could, and they don't have the

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power to do it. And therefore Allah does not hold you accountable to something out of your control. And we said that this was always the plan of Allah. We know in the very famous Hadith.

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The Prophet ALLAH SubhanA Shoji video Jahannam and he showed you a video, Jana and he said, you know, what do you think and you've been strong. I haven't seen anything worse than Jana. Haven't seen anything better than Jana. Then Allah showed the path to jahannam for with all the fun, nice things all the temptations, and he showed the path to Jana sada vicar fasting. So gpdo said, I fear no one is gonna get to Jana and Eva is gonna go to Johanna, because the path to Johanna is filled with the nice things and that is the test of life. Allah, Allah, you know, you know, this is a much bigger discussion, but this is the part of Allah's Hikmah what makes us I do a series Islam from

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scratch, what makes you and I better than the angels is because they submit, they don't have a choice. We have every desire screaming out at us, and we say no, Allahu Akbar, and we put our head on the ground that is greater than being an angel. And that is why we deserve Bismillah Jana, for that suburb and that and that sacrifice. So this is the purpose of life, that we prioritize our love for Allah over our own desires. Now certain questions may arise. How do I live an Islamic lifestyle with same * attraction? There are some people that are struggling with this and I think we spoke about that Allah does not judge you based on your attractions or your feelings, but you must fight

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it. And you must know that this is not a feeling and attraction that is good to do to exercise on the same way I know I should not fool I should not give into my desires. What is haram? My attraction to people that are permissible, I should find them. And I should not be in a situation that tempts me. If you are, you are recovering drug addict, you should not be working in a pharmacy for example, you know, be careful. So this is the thing that we all we all struggle with. And if you Subhanallah you have that attraction, you have that addiction, and you fall off the wagon, you made a mistake

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to privately repent, ask Allah who is TFR believe in His mercy, and you start again immediately on your road to recovery. That is what And subhanAllah that's not just not just for them. It's for all of us who have us. When we look back at Ramadan, the kind of people we were the sins we gave up. How many of us have fallen back in doses? All of us. We all know since there's not about publicizing any Scindia but what do we do you make that sin

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then your senses come back to you. You go to the masala you make this define and you believe ALLAH will forgive you. If that fairly famous Hadith if Allah forgave the man who killed 99 people, do you really think Allah is forgotten to forgive a person who genuinely makes a mistake and then he paints no regrets no matter how big the sin is. Remember what we learned our belief is doesn't matter how big cities so long as you recognize it's a sin not to the Imam but to Allah and you make you suffer and Toba. Allah, the problem is me, not you. Alhamdulillah Allah is happy with you repentance. And so you have types of people types of sinners. You have the person who has the feelings in their

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heart and they don't, they're not a sinner. In fact, they are without even fighting a jihad. We admire them because Allah I don't know how many of us would have the same kind of strength like them. Then we are those who have the feeling. They Know It's haram, but they give into the temptation and that is like one of us we are all we are all in that same boat most of us here and we say to that person you make use define and Toba. You keep your sin private. You don't publicize it, you don't put it on Facebook, you don't celebrate it, make it stiffer and there's a place for you in Allah's mercy. Then there's those who commit the

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Certain, and they publicize it, because it's like it's one login. Let's not just talk about that group, there might be the girl who doesn't wear the hijab. You might have the guy in the office party and he says, are you here drinking with us, but Fatima says she can't be part of this party. Why? Now, when that happens, the right thing to do so you know what? Nothing wrong with Fatima something wrong with me. I know it's not part of my religion, make dua get there one day, this is still bitter. Because now you're saying, Look, I'm a sinner. I don't feel bad about the son. I love my son too much. But I know one day inshallah I want to get there. This is still bitter. And so if

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you are in even publicly committing the sun, you are living the lifestyle, at least acknowledge this is not part of the Sharia. Don't try to change Islam, to suit your lifestyle. At least I'm a Muslim, but I'm not there yet. I want to get the I still make sure I still believe in Allah. The problem, the real problem is when someone says, Islam is wrong, my lifestyle is correct. Islam has change. This is now the difference between a person that has feelings and acts on his sin versus an agenda on a community. Now, it's an agenda, an onslaught on our morality. And that is a problem. And that is where we say this. This is where we draw a line when there's no software here. And we say that

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person potentially, like the person who says hammer is okay, pork is okay. Hijab mustn't be allowed in Islam, we need to change the rules. This is borderline over the line over because you are now challenging Allah subhanaw taala. Even if you don't do this in yourself, so I don't drink alcohol. But I think Islam has allowed alcohol because the Islam is backwards. They said, This is not borderline who for bigger challenges Allah. And so and again, as I say so many times, it is not for anyone here to declare anyone caffeine. Don't ever use that word inhibition says, Whoever prays like us, and he faces our people. And he eats our halal food is a Muslim, and is under Allah's

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protection. So do not betray the protection of Allah. We never ever say it to the close of insha. Allah. We said that this is a big discussion. And we'll continue next week, what is the way forward on this topic? Remember, the same way our parents had to sit in school, learning hymns. Jesus loves us and all of that. They have a smiley, you had to sit in that you had to be given messaging in school that didn't align with what you learned in the madrasah. But you were taught that this is what a Muslim does. What they do, we don't, we're not going to we're not going to fight them, what they bring to food, if they bring the pork and stuff to food, they have the right to eat it, but you

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can't do it. And the message is the same sons and daughters. You may you took the Kalama you're a Muslim, this is what Allah has given you, no matter what society does, no matter what is okay, we know what is okay for us. And so we are not going to be able to change society. It's always we are a minority, and we live in that storm. But we have to say our Eman comes first and so the beginning is You we have to connect with Allah The only thing that stops our kids or stops us from doing sin today. It's not the Imam is going to get you. There's no jihad or anything like that. It's your taqwa. No one knows no one knows what you do at night on your phone. It's only the decoy that

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prevents you so we need to build on that duck when our relationship our kids need to have a strong connection with Allah and Islam, that if I do this, I lose my relationship with Allah subhanaw taala, then that is for us on the on the ground for each individual. But it is also for our lawyers. And if there are any lawyers in the group and educators, teachers, professionals, what are the guidelines? What can we do? What can we do? How do we protect the masjid now, we now are looking for our protection. You know, it's not about persecuting a group, we don't wanna be persecuted, we want to go to jail. Then if someone wants to give a lecture here against our values, and we say no, is

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that discrimination? Someone applies to a job for Imam. And he's of a certain persuasion, can we say no, based on his orientation? That's discrimination. So these are the things that we need the bright minds to help us formulate this. Our Imams need to talk about this more prominently and give guidelines for us. We need to assist those Muslims that are struggling with same * attractions. Who do they tend to and we need to talk about this maybe next week. If your kid and Allah protect your sister your brother comes out with as your friend, how do we handle it? You don't take them to the doctor mantra him out sticking to work. You need to talk you need to discuss there needs to be a

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conversation with love with love. And then as parents, always at the end of the day, we need to do our job and make sure that we show the models of Islam in our house and make dua that the time that we have to let the reins go. They are ready to make the right choice. May Allah protect us and our families. Next weekend, we'll talk about all these kinds of questions. And just a quick few announcements. I know we overtime on this topic. One of the best ways of saving a person from this is to be in a huddle Nica that's the best thing that's the greatest way of saving and many many young people Alhamdulillah want to maintain the Islam the deen they don't want to go out and do

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things haram they finding it difficult to meet a member of the opposite * to get married. So inshallah

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Hello is doing our first meet and greet. We 10 single young men and 10 single young Muslim women to meet each other in a halal controlled environment. And we hope that from the kneecap will happen that's the knee up and for those who are interested, we are still working out the details, you can contact us you can email me and inshallah we will work out the logistics. I will choose the best in insha Allah and

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for those who are planning for Corbon we obviously offer liquid van services or some let's say that Muhammad wellness services I'm saying elemina sonawane


  • Morality Framework – What’s in, What’s out
  • Ok, we know Islam makes it haram, but why?
  • Halaal/ haram framework
  • Equating sexual orientation and sexual preferences as one’s identity
  • Are you ok with?
  • Conclusion
  • Is it fair?
  • You are not held accountable for feelings
  • The purpose of life
  • How do I live an Islamic lifestyle with same sex attractions
  • Can I be a Muslim and practicing homosexual
  • The way forward
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