Muhammad West – Pray for Kashmir #04

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The "harlequin" movement in India is a culture of "theology" rather than religion, which led to the "harlequin" culture. The British Empire was created by the British Raj, which was paid for by their ancestors and eventually led by the British Raj to rule India, which was replaced by the British Raj. The "harlequin" culture is a culture of "theology" rather than religion, and is a war between two Muslim countries, with Pakistan and India leading to war and deadly deaths. The conflict is a political crisis, and the conflict is a war between two Muslim countries, with Pakistan and India leading to war and deadly deaths. Viewers are encouraged to join a mailing list for future questions or concerns.
AI: Transcript ©
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Out of Alumina shaytaan rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala should have been more serene Sadie now Mohammed no other early here wasabia Jemaine beloved brothers and sisters in Islam as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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or president to Allah subhana wa Tada Masha Allah Allah Allah Allah We bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah subhanaw taala we send our gratitude our thanks and praise to Allah subhanho wa Taala and we ask Allah to forgive our sins and our mistakes or shortcomings and our faults. May Allah granted this Juma Bill forgiveness for all the sins that we have done. May Allah grant us to be our hearts to be open to Iman, may we be guided to be a better Ummah, and we send our love greetings and salutations so beloved Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his pious imperial family to his Sahaba and all those who follow his sunnah until the end of time,

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may Allah granted this ummah, returns to the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where we learn from his teachings and be in his companionship in the Ophira. Amin Well, hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah port for our series on Kashmir. Over the last couple of weeks, we've been doing a series for those of you who are new young Kashmir, and who said, I repeat once again, for some of us, why are we talking about Kashmir a number of reasons. Number one, it is an area which you all heard about. But if I were to ask you what is happening there, you know, there's something happening, but I'll ask you what's really happening, you wouldn't be able to answer and how can we

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really say we love for the Ummah, what we love for ourselves, when we are hundreds of 1000s of Muslims, for decades, have been under difficulty, and we have no clue why. Also, it is part of our history, and to learn why the Ummah is in the state that we are in, and to learn from this in a way to go forward. But so much of what's happening in these lands, is happening in other parts of the world can happen. Yeah. And so we need to learn this history. We need to learn this history last week. So in the first few weeks, we spoke about how Islam came to India and amazing that it was the time of Satan, Amara, the Allah and that already in the time of the hula. Hula launched in the

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Sahaba, had already had the presence in Pakistan, and they ruled in Pakistan. And then with time, Islam actually became stronger. And with within a few centuries, Islam, the rulers of India, and that time there was no Pakistan or Bangladesh. Today we're going to see how how a country like Pakistan came about Islam, the Muslims with the rule, the rulers of the subcontinent. The majority of the people, of course, as we said, were Hindus, and until today, the majority is Hindu. And one point to mention on that Islam is described in the West as a barbaric,

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oppressive religion that we come to an area and we force you to be Muslim. You say the Kadima, we kill you. If that was the case, there wouldn't be Hindus in India today. Hindus were the majority. When we ruled for over 1000 years, we had the armies. When we left when partition happened, as we will learn today, the Hindus were still the majority. There wasn't a major swing, there wasn't major conversions even only through Dawa and interaction. Yes, they were unrest. But Islam the point that we still have induced as the majority in India is the biggest example that we don't come in, and we don't forcefully convert a population la ik Rafi Dean, there is no compulsion in religion. The

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freedom of religion is given by Allah to everyone you can decide what you want to worship. Welcome Dinoco Malia Dean in Kiama, you will have to answer for that. So the Hindus are the vast majority of this, the subcontinent and the Muslim is made up about 25%. This is when the British came, and I and what's important for us to mention in here is a group called the Sikhs for the Sikhs. You probably see them with a turbans. Certain cricketers, you'd see they have a turban on the head. Many times in the West, they confuse Sikhs for Muslims, call them terrorists. And it's actually meant for us, not for them. Right. So this is a new religion, really of the world's religions. It's only a few 100

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years old. It started in a region called Punjab which is very important to understand for today's lecture. And they basically came as a group between Hindus and Muslims. They took certain things of Islam, the beauty of autohide what makes Islam very special. Yeah, one, what makes our deen so special? It's theology is easy. Very simple. There is a creator, we all can agree. And you can speak to that creator directly. You don't need to go through an Imam, a shrine, an idol, a share a karma you don't need to do any of that. You just raise your hands and the harlequin, the Lord of the universe responds to you. That's our theology in a nutshell, versus a Trinity versus the different

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gods and sisters. So Islam theology is very pure, the Sikhs borrowed this from us and they took certain cultural practices from Hinduism. And they formed a community on their own and they Holy Land is the Punjab Punjab is a place on the border of Pakistan, India, which we will talk about. So things were okay in India, we said and comes along the colonial

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Is the British company in India shipping company and they basically invade India 400 years, a company rules India, not a government, a shipping company Musk rules India for over 100 years. And of course, with that comes operation and they robbed India blind, robbed India blind to the point when the people could no longer sustain themselves, they rose up. And eventually the government of England took over, the Queen took over. And they used India really to finance themselves World War One World War Two. And we spoke about the atrocities that really to look to see in a nutshell what the English did in India, when they arrived, the Muslims had developed Muslims with along with the

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Hindus had developed the biggest economy on earth 25% of the wealth of the world was in this place. When they left, India was an impoverished country. 90% of its people couldn't sustain itself from a place that was feeding its people and exporting to a place where people are dying, dying of starvation, millions of people dying. So this is the legacy of colonial rule, they would say that India was the jewel of the crown, they didn't only mean that figuratively, literally in the crown of the Queen, or jewels from India, the major diamonds are from India. So the Great British Empire was paid for by our ancestors.

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And what's shocking, as I said, is you're only ahead when the British fully were in like the most, there were less than 100,000 people on the ground, ruling 30 380 million people.

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It's impossible to think about that they've used our weakness, they use the belief that as their favorite skin color, that they are superior. And they meant one person could subdue a whole village. In fact, they wrote when I said this before, I think that Queen Victoria on her when she was celebrating her greatness. They said what's amazing about the British is we come we send our young boys, and they go to the lands of savages across the world. And we they submit themselves to us. And we train them and teach them to be obedient. We'll take a boy of 16 Send him to India, and he will rule a whole village and we will just obey the rest of the world obey is Subhanallah said. So this

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school, the British Raj. But of course as time grew, and the Indian people became a little more educated. Now what you must understand what the British did was, they did it in South Africa, they did it all over the world. They did not want to interact with a mass people directly the farmers and the peasants. So they took an elite group of locals, they educated you, they taught you British ways. They taught you that your religion was inferior, they taught you to speak English. And then you will serve as a as a middle class between us and the locals. You are sort of the ruling class in our position, we the rulers, but you do you do the admin work, understand this. So you had lawyers

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and doctors and engineers that were British taught, but they were basically working for the British government. And from this group, from these intellectuals. The idea of Indian independence came about and what's important, why is this important? We talk about the revolution in our politics. Now we're gonna have an election, we're gonna hear about the revolution. revolutionaries are not the barbarian guy with the AK 47. That's what a revolutionary if you look at the revolution, that is here in South Africa, and in India, these were gentleman these were highly educated people, civilized, cultured people, kind people who out of modality felt we need to make a change.

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Revolution is not carried about by the barbarian. It is done through the scholar and the academic done through by the intellectual, this is we revolutions are born. Okay, we sometimes think it's about on the streets fighting. That's what that's barbarism. So it was a group like this that came together. And students Subhanallah students at university that first began to think we can't live like this forever. How long are we going to live under British rule? We need to start governing our own affairs. And they started to form that inside the ANC, not the ANC. In fact, the ANC probably copied it from the ANC, the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela copied it from the Indian

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National Congress, that they started really one of the first movements against colonialism, intellectuals, and many of them being lawyers. So if you're a lawyer in the crowd, your role for changing the world. It is a big history and legacy of lawyers making a change in the world fighting rights and oppressive oppression. So the the Indian National Congress, it took form, and initially its focus was non racial. Now it's a secular movement. It's got to do with religion, or it's for Indians and to uplift the Indian people, and many people join this.

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Now, the big problem that if India moves to a democracy, if India moves to democracy, what that means is, you're going to have the majority, the majority will win majority rules.

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And what's the majority of India, Hindus. So the Muslims now began to worry that if we move to a democracy, we are going to be left out of the political equation, we need to start looking for Muslim interests were minority. And so the Muslim League was formed. And they basically look to start to move to an Islamic kind of Islamic Islamic self rule. So you had the Indian National Congress, the ANC and the Muslim League, you have these two parties, the Muslims sort of aligned with the Muslim League, and the majority was with the ANC. And the ANC. The old school in the Congress, the Congress was very much opposed to partitioning or splitting India up on racial lines,

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because they saw a secular, you will can be a black Indian or white Indian or Muslim, Indian, a Christian, Hindu, Indian, India is a country that nothing to do with religion. And many people join this group. Now I must talk about this man. Again, it's important maybe for you, it's not so interesting. There's a man called Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He is the widow called McArdle, the great leader of Pakistan, the founder of Pakistan,

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if you if you read books on him,

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Pakistan makes him like the greatest hero ever lived. And if you read books in India, he's the worst villain of all time. He's either blamed and Allah, Allah.

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interesting character. He started off as a congressman, a lawyer, trained in London, very westernized, only Muslim, really in name.

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But to speak bad about the man but it's known, he wasn't fully practicing as a Muslim, ate and drank and whatever he did, and he was very much opposed to Muslims ruling themselves. And he was a big, big guy in the Congress. And he was the guy that was kind of bringing Hindus and Muslims together for a united India. But the Congress, the problem with the Congress, it wasn't getting big support from the guys in the field.

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The Congress was still seen as a bunch of intellectuals that are debating in the clubs, but the guy the villager on the field knows nothing about this. They needed someone that will be an icon. And they heard in South Africa is an Indian chap, who is galvanizing the Indians, Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi, as I said, He's thought you should know this. He was a lawyer, and he started his work here in South Africa in Durban, he brought the Indian community of Durban together. So when the Congress heard that there's a very good chapter in South Africa, fighting colonial rule, or fighting the white superhero, they called him over and he comes to the Congress and he sort of takes over and he

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brings a very Hindu flavor to the Congress. At that point, the Congress was very secular. And as his as Mahatma Gandhi becomes sort of the overall spirit of the Congress, Muhammad Ali Jinnah feels isolated, and he leaves and joins the Muslim League. Okay. It's very important to understand this. So Mohammed Ali Jinnah, from being a congressman, from a man from the Congress, he leaves Mahatma Gandhi's party, and he joins the Muslim League. And we say the Muslim League's real focus now is to have a Muslim state. Okay. Meanwhile, the British rule is coming to the end, they World War One damages them badly. They are forced not to give concessions to say, look, we can't rule this country

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alone, we're going to give you Indians an opportunity to serve on provincial governments. And what they did was they said and this was a big, big thing. They said there will be certain seats for Muslims and certain seats for Indians, for for for for Hindus. Now already people are starting to vote allow around religious lines, I'm voting for a Muslim person and voting for Hindu person. So politics now is becoming religious. Politics is becoming religious, and the Muslim League they realize they're not getting a lot of support. So they use the slogan that Muslims we the state of our own, we need a country that is separate from the rest of India. And slowly but surely, the

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Muslims start to galvanize around the Muslim League after World War Two England really is about on the verge of control it anymore. And

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long they they decide that look, after World War Two, we need to give India over we can no longer rule India. So they they gave India you have 18 months for you Indians, Muslims and Hindus get together, decide how you're going to rule the country and we'll give it over to you 18 months to do this. You have 18 months that the Muslim League Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who used to be Mahatma Gandhi's friend, and now they're very, very opposed to one another. They're not talking to each other. Muslims in the Hindu Congress are not talking to each other. The butter blood, the Muslim League says we will only agree if you give us a country that's a Muslim country. The Congress says we will

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never divide India up in half Combi, we're not going to split our land. We want people one country and the England the English says we will not leave until you guys come to an agreement you understand this issue now.

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So with time,

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politicians again, US language from the Muslim side, from the Hindu side from the Sikh side, politicians use language to create mistrust of one another. These divides will always be

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We will always divided on religious lines, but we co existed for 1000s More than 1000 years. Now, you must trust your neighbor that's a Hindu. Now you must trust your Sikh neighbor. Now the Muslim is seen as the outsider. And slowly and what does this do?

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Riots start to, to occur and neighbor starts killing neighbor. And as the situation gets worse and worse and worse, killing spreads across India, across India, you have now sectarian killing. And one of the first killings that go to the Calcutta killings, Calcutta was Britain's capital. The was a journalist in Calcutta. Now, this was after World War Two, this journalist was during World War Two she saw the chambers of Hitler, she saw what the Nazis had done to the Jews. And when she saw the killing of Muslims killing Hindus and Hindus killing Muslims in Calcutta, she said this was worse than what the Nazis did to the Jews, neighbors killing one another. How did this happen? How did

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people go from living side by side? I mean, subhanAllah think about this, you guys are living. Next your Christian neighbors found them peacefully. You know, their religion is different to ours. We know our religious different to this. We know that they don't accept our Nabhi. They know we don't accept the Trinity, but we lived civilly. Now it's easy for a politician to come in and start inciting in flaming sectarian violence. It's easy for someone to do that. And within a few months of this kind of language, the whole of India is up in flames. 1000s are killing one another, and you have horrible stories of the sectarian violence. So you have Muslims living in a Hindu village, the

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village is all gang up, * the women kill them in. And worse than that, what's even worse than that, Muslims doing that to induce so what it said when we hear a Muslim was killed. It's even sadder when a Muslim loses his Iman and his humanity. Losing your life as a Muslim is bad, but to lose your humanity as a Muslim because our deen is against such things to hear Muslims Subhanallah cutting open Hindu women's bellies and taking out their babies to hear Musa Subhanallah This is what because of politics because of politics. And the British, of course, had a big role in this. It was in the interests to divide people religiously. So now as violence breaks out, the Muslim League

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insists we will not agree to any kind of constitution, Muhammad Ali Jinnah insists I will not agree to anything. Unless we partition India. Mahatma Gandhi's Congress has no choice because the violence is erupting all over all over. It's going crazy. And so eventually the Congress decides, we will find let's divide India so that we can live so we can get independence from England, and that we can we can move forward with us. Now, how do you divide the country? It sounds easy. But how do you divide the country? It's not just drawing a line on a map. Remember the people that are living in one country and they've got a family now in another country. You've got an uncle living in Lahore,

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Pakistan tomorrow, and you're an auntie living in Bombay is now in two different countries. You need two different visas. You have kids in one side, parents the other side, you have assets the one side also the country has one army, how do you divide the army? How do you divide the government? How do you divide industries, rivers that run through all of this has to be decided, England comes in and says You guys have 18 months to do this 18 months to divide this and seem thrilled to the problem. The big, big hot issue is this place of Punjab, because they said let's look at provinces that were majority, majority Muslim and majority Hindu, the Punjab is majority Muslim.

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But as I said before, there is a big Sikh community and the Sikh seed the Punjab as the Holy Land, that the Holy Land is like giving maca to another group that's not Muslim. Basically, Sikhs are not gonna allow this also Lahore to the capital of Punjab. But in this three, the whole economy of the Punjab is run by Hindus, Hindus own the land, but the people are Muslim. How do you divide the Punjab? Of course, the Muslim League wanted the whole of Punjab. And the Congress said, we're not gonna give any of the Punjab. So how do we resolve this?

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The way the British resolve this, they called a professor in England who never ever left UK, he never left Europe. He never set foot in India. They called him over, they locked him in a room. They gave him a map. They said, You've got one month draw a line and draw up the divide Punjab, you divide it

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called the Radcliffe lines. Wow. It's crazy. When you think of this, it's crazy to think that this really happened.

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And to make matters worse, the new ruler, the British viceroy, the guy who was in charge of India, he said, I'm not giving you 18 months. I'm giving and I'm actually taking back 10 months. So in June, he made the announcement that in June, by August, British, the British are leaving. We don't care what you guys do. We're going to have a lot of Brexit, India exit, we are leaving India, and you guys need to come to some sign of solution. Now already the country is basically in civil war. And the politicians the Muslim League doesn't have an army. The Congress doesn't have an army. They don't have police

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How do they keep control? They need the British to keep control because they are the ones that control the the army. If they step out, it's going to be a mess, Civil War, mass genocide, you understand now what the British are doing. And so

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the British gives a timeline of a few months to solve and divide this country up in half this massive country aligned with determine whether you're Indian or Pakistani.

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More complicated, you had certain provinces called princely states. So what the British did, they said certain areas like the book of they'll say, Look, we don't want to send our army and invade you, you guys pay us money, and you have an agreement, you can keep the book up as yours. And they would have have states all over. They were all by princes, princely states. So now the princely state says, we have an agreement with the queen that we can live independently, when India and Pakistan arise, which way are we going to go? So they, the British told him, You have three options, one, you can join Pakistan, two, you can join India, or you can remain independent, but that's on

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your own account. So whatever happens to you happens to you, you have no agreement with us anymore. And so the princely states on paper had to sign which way they're gonna go. They don't know ways Pakistan going to be at this point, there's no line yet. They don't know who's gonna get what in terms of assets army, you just have to sign people in the Army, for example, they will line you up and say, if they the one day they will be a Pakistan, we don't know where it's going to be. But you can decide it's going to be a Muslim country, or in India, you must choose, and people just put their names down. And so these princely states chose sides. And there was one state that was a

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problem, Kashmir, Kashmir, and we'll get to why it's an issue. The majority of its people are Muslim, but it's Prince was a Hindu. Now, which way is he gonna go? Is it gonna go with India? Was he gonna go to Pakistan? Well, we continue on. So this guy, Mr. Ratcliffe, he splits the splits that line through the Punjab, that red line there. And on the other side, the Muslims were concentrated on the way on the one side, that is Pakistan, and Bengal, which is Bangladesh. So these two were the two Muslim majority regions in India. And so they became East Pakistan, Bangladesh and West Pakistan, there was no country called Bangladesh. It was one country called Pakistan and Muhammad

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Ali Jinnah. As we said, he pushed with us.

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So for from June until August, these men are sitting together trying to draw a constitution, they don't know how the line is gonna be drawn, they dividing the whole country up Meanwhile, people are killing each other left, right and center. And people are not sure which way they're going. So in Lahore, for example, the people of Lahore don't know am I gonna be in Pakistan or not because the city is Hindu, but it's part of the Punjab which is Muslim. And so people try to push, change the demographics. If we burn the whole Hindu quarter down, and we get them out, then this becomes a Muslim thing. And the same thing with Hindus, and SubhanAllah. If you really want to shock yourself,

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read, because this is 70 years ago, many grandparents are still alive who live through this, they will tell you, we live through this partition, how people were massacred in one another villages which will live peacefully without killing each other. Because they were scared

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Subhanallah man, you know both sides. This goes both sides. A Hindu man says our Muslim mobs came and they will rate the Muslims were * the women. And so his father gave his mother and his sisters a bottle of kerosene. Now they would burn they say, look, protect your honor. If this happens to you burn yourself and he said, I watched how my mom pulled the kerosene on herself burned herself and assistance. Same with Muslims. The guy says hon Allah, I walk into my house and every single member of my family or did my neighbors that I lived all my life became my enemy.

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So this is one of the biggest disasters of the last 70 years is this issue. And so now

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in August 14 of August 1947, Pakistan is officially declared as a new country didn't exist before a Muslim country. The next day, India declares the independence and new country. They still don't the guy who drew the line still hasn't told him officially where the line is. So they say these are Pakistan country officially. But the line will only be told in two three days. So you listening to the radio, not knowing which country Am I in? Not knowing which side of the line I'm going to be in, and people and the longer this anxiety and frustration, the more the panic. So finally when the line is officially known, and you now realize, Oh, my goodness, I'm a Hindu, but I'm living in Pakistan,

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and I'm a Muslim living in India, a mess migration. This is the biggest migration in human history.

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15 million people pack up and leave one way some 7 million going this way. 7 million going that way. And now you have these long queues of people one going on the highway one going up one going down, and they're looking at each other because of you I'm I've lost my home, all my properties. So these lines, what did they start doing, killing each other stories of

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train's coming from Pakistan to India. Every single Hindu in the Trindade strains going from India to Pakistan, every single Muslim did as they drive through this hatred. Millions of people killed in this millions of people killed in this in this problem six Muslim, the Sikhs obviously found found it easier to live with Indians. And so the Sikhs join the Indians of the Punjab, the Sikh side, joined the Indian side and the Muslims, of course, God Pakistan.

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And if you this was really ethnic cleansing.

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Because if you look at a place like Lahore, which had a very big like 40% were Hindu, today, Allah who has very few Hindus, Delhi, which is in fact, it's a Muslim city, I mentioned this before the first city that Muslims set up and the capital of the Muslims in India was Delhi, that was our capital, Islamic capital of Delhi. More than nearly half of it was Muslim. But obviously Delhi is firmly within India. Today, not even 2% of Delhi's Muslim. So people were forced out both sides, and they lost everything. They lost family members, people, subhanAllah family members got stuck on one side of the border, the others got stuck on the other side. And still now they haven't seen each

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other, they have not seen each other. So now, this partition takes place. And the British, as I said, on the account, they did nothing about it. They saw the riots, when they were asked both sides, Muslims, and the Congress said, how can you guys allow this mess genocide going on? And they basically the answer was, look, we can't do anything about it. And the head of the Congress, Nero said, you just defeated the Nazis. You're the most powerful country in the world, you said you can't stop riots in the Punjab. British basically said, Look, we want to leave and the sooner the better. We're not going to lose a single soldier in this. So you guys continue killing each other. We're

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just leaving, and we're going to pick up and go.

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So by the end of the decade, as we said, the the aftermath of all of this, at the end of this after 1947, you had a new country called Pakistan, East Pakistan, Bangladesh and West Pakistan, which was a Muslim state. And you had an in an Indian state, which was it secular, but it's predominantly Hindu. And this hatred, this hatred between Muslims and Hindus now, was so severe

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Muslims and Hindus hating each other so much, also, England, of course, lifted, not politically destroyed, religiously fragmented, but they also robbed the country blind.

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They basically live in impoverished country. And this is the story of colonialism. Gandhi himself was assassinated by Hindu, a Hindu killed him why? Because he felt they felt how could you give the Muslims a country on their own? How could you give them a land that belongs to us? And so Kashmir, we said, is the last unfinished business of partition, Kashmir, didn't know which way to go, the people, the people of Kashmir wanted to join Pakistan, because they were Muslim, the ruler of Kashmir was Hindu, he felt closer alliance with India. And so for two months, he was unsure. And when he started to make agreements with India, Pakistan invaded Kashmir

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and India when and then officially Kashmir joined India. So the print signed the agreement to join cash to join India. So India sent their army in. And there was a war one year, not even a year, two months after Pakistan and India now form they go to war against each other in Kashmir. And so there was a ceasefire and until today, just where they stopped fighting, that's the boundary in Kashmir. The UN said both of you India, Pakistan leave Kashmir, the people of Kashmir decide which way they want to go. They all agreed we will do the school the referendum until now, 70 years later, no referendum, Kashmir is still in the half of it ruled by India not ruled but controlled by India.

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Indians controlling a Muslim majority country and the other 1/3 ruled by Pakistan, basically, highly This is the most militarized place in the world, the most highly militarized place in the world dangerous place now is this place, because both sides have nuclear weapons as well. But if there's war in this area, the whole world is going to be caught up in the last summer Hala. And so today, this thing continues, and wars continue to be fought. And hundreds and 1000s of people have died in the in all of this. And what makes matters even sadder a few years later, Pakistan, West Pakistan, so neglected Bangladesh, that Bangladesh itself wanted to become independent from Pakistan. These

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are two Muslim countries now to Muslim areas.

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Bangladesh, the economy the whole country was basically left without K. And do because of that they asked to be set on their own back in Pakistan went to invade Bangladesh, and millions of Muslims killing Muslims. Now this is Muslims killing Muslims, until eventually Bangladesh became independent Subhanallah so what do we learn from this whole mess? We learn from this not just the history lesson, but this is the politics of the world. And what scares me Subhanallah is how easy

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Really, a person can go from being a decent, normal, you know, the human being to killing another person? How do you go into a mosque and kill small children? And how do you do that? How do you go in and put bombs on you and bomb a church or synagogue? How do you do this? It is ideology being corrupted, that people that spirit hates can easily change them. We're all frustrated. And you can use that frustration against us against each other. Now we're going to have an election soon. There are millions of people in this country of the frustrated. And those people who speak hate, it's them, they took our land, we take what we want, don't ask to stake. They are all foreigners, the

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outsiders, xenophobia, this is the ingredients for genocide. This is we preachers of hate can destroy an entire country and kill millions of people. You can get normal, you know, normal people becoming monsters, through preachers of ITIL. We also look at the the Muslims, really, they will fall behind the Hindus in terms of organizing themselves. And even today, Pakistan has fallen way behind India, that these are consistent failure in leadership. We as Muslims, subhanAllah, don't get involved in public organizations, civic organizations, we don't get involved in politics. Our deen is not just for the masjid, these big issues that's happening to the bootcamp. For example, we only

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wake up when the man comes in, and it's too late. The the only answer is violence. When this talking, none of us want to come and sit around a table and talk. None of us want to sit long and use our intelligence, our strength to negotiate. We only get upset when it's too late, then we become angry and violent. That's too late now, guys, as Muslims wahala we have unsettling a lot. One of the reasons for our disunity is how fragmented we are. We fight over petty things, things that are unimportant. And while countries of our land is sold wholesale, how millions of our people die, because of a lack of leadership, a lack of a common unity. This is when we need to get together

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Subhanallah and fix these things.

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And as I said, you know, ultimately, what does it mean for us? This is a problem. Not much you and I can do besides voodoo. Ah,

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but remember, these things are reoccurring. We living in a country we are we are a minority. We are surrounded by non Muslims, our presence here, don't take it for granted. We have very good neighbors. Well hamdulillah we're very fortunate in that way we are. But that can change overnight. So it's our duty to not abuse and misuse the blessings that we have. It's our responsibility that the Muslim ummah continues in this land. We remain being good neighbors, that in spite of his horror stories, there are some very good stories, stories where Hindus stood up and said that this neighbor of mine is a Muslim. If you want to kill him, you kill me. And similarly with Muslims, Muslims

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shipping Hindus and protecting them. This there's some good stories that come out as well. And we need to maintain this we Subhanallah as a people as a Muslim, what do we do? Our battles here? The battles you fight is in the masjid, your Masjid committee, your neighborhood watch your school. Those are your Kashmir's, those are your Palestine. As I said, Majid Luxa will only come right when the magic on your corner is fixed. Only when we fix the poverty year, the oppression year in Cape Town. The child in Khayelitsha that doesn't have food always help them the poor Muslim in Palestine and Syria. This is the deen the prophets of salaam focused on what you can control. Yeah. And

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therefore as Muslims don't live just in your bubble, don't just live for yourself in terms of I need to earn money. I need to put my kids to school save up for holiday and that's my life. No, you need more than that. And it's sad when you see other communities looking at the bigger picture. Are the communities working for a greater purpose? Subhanallah brothers sisters, they are brilliant people sitting here. And that is why if you read history, the change happens rarely by whom? It is the educated middle class. Usually that brings about change. I'm doing the seed of an obesity problem. If you look at the major the 10 promised Jana Sahaba. What did they have in common? They were not

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the elite Elite, not the billionaires, but they will also not the lower class people. The people that don't have education that don't have money, how can they make change can expect them to make change. It is those people that have an education, they have a position in society they have some skill, but they have an they're like minded that they get together and they bring about change. You only need Subhan Allah the Prophet sallallahu showed you only need about 40 people 40 saying right minded people that work sincerely together and you can change the world. You can change the world. So yeah, one there are many stories like this, across the world, our brothers in the West, going

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through a very difficult, difficult problem. Eastern west of Annaleigh I

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I don't know of any land as a Muslim, that you would feel better or safer to live then in not only South Africa but in Cape Town, not even Saudi Arabia, not even the Muslim lands. So you and I have been given a a blessing which most Muslims in the world don't have. You have the freedom to practice your religion. You have the freedom to utilize your skills for the best of your ability. You have the freedom to live peacefully. Allah is going to ask you in me What did you do? What did you do with that? Amana? What did you do with us that I've given you? What can you show? Just that you had a nice house and you had some holidays can't do that. You need to do something with this Amana so my

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Allah Subhana Allah bless us. Bless all of us, our communities, all the Muslim in all the people of the world. May Allah bless all the people irrespective of religion, may Allah make it easy. This the world should not be there should be no operation on the earth, but there will always be oppression. There will always be one group looking to oppress the other. As the angel said when Allah subhanaw says in the Jain and fill out the Khalifa, I will place my viceroy I will place my Khalifa on Earth, the angel said but they're going to kill one another. Yes, they're going to kill one another. But that's why the people of Huck must stand up for justice. That's our job as the representatives of

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Allah We must always be on the side of justice as Muslims about Allah help the oppressed people of the world. May Allah grant these conflicts to end May Allah grant that our money not be used to kill one another. But to uplift one another. MAN We live where we met Allah choose us to be instruments of change, but we can leave a legacy of goodness when we leave this world where we leave the world in a better place than when we found it. mela forgive our shortcomings Amin or Salah Satana Muhammad wa Celine, just a few announcements. We are continuing our series The rightly guided caliphates from six to seven on a Monday evening. And of course, on WhatsApp back to basics the essentials of Islam.

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What is Islam all about? If you want to know if you have a this is very good for non Muslims as well. I want to share a little bit about Islam. This tells you the basics of Islam. If you want to join our mailing list is absolutely free. I wait for triple to 1308 any questions, concerns or comments were from Kamala She couldn't so much Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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