Muhammad West – Pray for Kashmir #03

Muhammad West
AI: Summary ©
The history of India, including its involvement in shipping and trade, has been highlighted as a hub for bribery and promises of profits. The British Empire was eventually replaced by a new puppet governor who promised to collect taxes and pay the customer, but the Empire was eventually replaced by a new puppet governor who promised to collect taxes and pay the customer. The British Empire was eventually replaced by the Mughal Empire, which was eventually replaced by a new puppet governor who promised to collect taxes and pay the customer. The segment also touches on the loss of human life due to starvation and natural disasters, as well as the loss of human satisfaction due to the lack of modern technology and the failure of peace plans.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are the Allahumma shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashraf in water saline Seaton and Muhammad Anwar early he was Sofia Germain and beloved brothers and sisters in Islam As salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu.

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All Praise and Worship be Unto Allah subhanho wa taala. Nisha to Allah Allah and Allah will be a witness that Nana has the right to be worshipped but the Lord the Creator, the Sustainer Olivia, let me lead to Allah mula, who has no partner in the creation. We send all our praise and gratitude to him, and we send our love and salutations and greetings, our beloved Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam to His pious and pure family, to his companions and to the entire ummah. May Allah subhanaw taala bless us to be on the Sunnah of Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah grant strength and is to this ummah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant that the days to come be better

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than the days that have passed, may Allah forgive us our shortcomings, and May Allah guide us in the week to come. Meanwhile, hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah a few weeks ago, we began a series on Kashmir. Now I said that part of our iman and I mentioned this last week, that when we see one group of the Ummah being harmed being hurt, and you feel bad, it's an indication of your iman Al Hamdulillah. So we saw this in New Zealand, and we all felt bad, and it's good. But there are many, many parts of the world going through calamity, millions in China Subhanallah hundreds of 1000s did in Syria, Palestine continues for many, many decades. And Kashmir is another area that is going through

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conflict for for more than half a century. So many of us know the word Kashmir and we know it's somewhere between Pakistan India side, but we don't really know what the reason is. And we should know, at the very least we should know if these are our f1 15. If they are our brothers or sisters, we should know why are these women Mullah protecting right? Why are the kids being killed? Why what's happening? So we did a series we started a few weeks ago, on Islam in India. And we explained our deep connection, and I were looking at the faces here many of you, my grandfather, your forefathers had some kind of Indian lineage. Even if you think you are PACA Malay, you probably have

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some Indian blood in you somewhere along the line. Right. So it's something to know. And this is a very important point. History is written by the winners. Currently we are the losers. And there is a concerted effort. One of the ways of colonizing you is to colonize your mind, to make you forget that you did not belong here on the floor, that you did not belong at the bottom, that there was a time when we had is an honor. And therefore it's good to understand these things. So we spoke about how Islam came they in the time of the Sahaba odd say, no matter the Alon, the first armies came and the concrete Pakistan, and then it moved on many, many centuries. And for a long period of time,

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Islam had a presence in India. And we said before we took a break, we see that from about 1500 to about 1700 There was a kingdom called the mohill. Empire, the Mughal empire that ruled all of the subcontinent through Pakistan, India, parts of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, this was the Empire. And it was the richest country in the entire world, the wealthiest country in the world. And in many ways, it was the strongest Muslim state in the world. So even though we had a Khalifa in Istanbul, in Turkey, the strength of the moguls in India was something that was better than it was the most stable country in the world. And this is how we this is where we left off. And then we spoke about

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the decline. Now we're going to bring today in sha Allah today we're going to talk about how a company a corporation stole the whole of India, by the government, not an army, a company stole the let them wealthiest country in the world. Perhaps the biggest heist in history was by a corporation. We'll talk about that today. Inshallah, let's talk a bit about before the moguls. 1492 a very sad day in our history. I said 711 We'll have 711 Because that's the day we went to. We conquered Spain. Well, Hamdulillah 1492 is when we left Spain. So for seven or 800 years, Islam ruled in Spain. Which limbs just take think about this. Muslims ruled Spain longer than Europeans existed in South Africa

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in the United States of America in Australia, Muslims were longer in Spain, then these colonies. So 1492 under Lucia, the fall of Cuba, we are expelled from Spain. That same year, the same people that expelled us, Isabella, and Ferdinand they give a ship to a Mr. Christopher Columbus who discovers a country called America. Where did the technology come from? We know that under Lucia was the most advanced European country in the world. The technology was from the Muslims and the Jews that lived there were expelled. Seven years later, Mr. Vasco de Gama from Portugal he gets a ship and he is the first person to sail around the horn of Africa.

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came around Cape Town, discovered that you can get to India or get to Indonesia via the sea. Right? So they made these great discoveries will ask, where did they get the technology? Because they were inland and they were Muslims were on the coast of Gibraltar, where did they get the shipbuilding technology anyway? So Spain was the first of the European countries to really begin colonialism through the maritime power. They're the best Navy in the world. And they focused a lot on the new colonies. So that's why South America, they still today speak Spanish. And we know what the Spanish did in South America, completely eradicated millions of them, and the rest of the colonies wanted to

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follow suit. And the Spanish, they began dominating, the Dutch followed suit. And that's why the Dutch that's why our Indonesians and Malaysians here, our colonizers were from from Holland, they went to Indonesia. So the British were a little behind them, the British were a bit behind. So how did the British ended up in India, so after, so meanwhile, we have the British are starting to build their ships, they behind the Dutch they behind the French, they also want to get in on this, this operation. These ships were not mean to initially to conquer countries, it was all about spice about buying things in Indonesia, in Malaysia, in China, and sending it by boat around Africa back to

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Europe and selling it they, they were merchants, they were basically, you know, a shipping company. They were Musk the most of the time. And, you know, people got together and they built and they formulated these these, these companies. Of course, when they landed in a certain area, they come to Indonesia, they didn't do fair trade and deal fairly. They took what they wanted. And they used weapons, of course, to colonize those areas. They come to Cape Town, they set up a castle. Yeah, they go to Indonesia, they kick out the rulers and they set up an area and they make the people work on the plantations and take the spices so they send it back to to Europe. So meanwhile in India, we

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say this is very powerful Mughal empire in India. And to understand how rich these people were. They said the last Mughal emperor Aurangzeb where we spoke about last time he was 1700. His annual income was more than all of the European kings together. There's the richest man in the world, really, this was his kingdom. India was 25% of the world's economy. India. That's a massive, there's no country on Earth today has that kind of power. And

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when the British were pushed out, they couldn't take hold in Indonesia and Malaysia because the Dutch were they, they were forced to do business with India. So they come to India, the British East Indian company, a company, the job was to buy spices and clothes and send it back. That's the business they are shipping company. They come to India and they ask the Mughal ruler, allow us to set up a like a shop a trading post on certain areas. We want to just set up a business we will buy from the farmers of India and we'll take it back. And the Emperor says no problem. The ruler said this is fine. So long as you pay your taxes. You live by the laws, we can do business with you

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businesses business, we know the Indians, they don't mind doing business, right. So the British come and they sit up little bits where we call trading posts and factories along the coast of India, one of the main areas was in Banga, Banga, which is Bangladesh. So in Bangladesh, they set up a factory the Kolkata also till today was the was the main area. Now what they started to do, as they set up the factory, they obviously bring their soldiers to protect it. Then they told the rulers look, we need to fortify our factories. Why? Because the Spanish and the Dutch our European neighbors are always fighting with us. We need to protect so they built a fortress around the factory. When they

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stopped paying taxes. They stopped paying another government you must pay taxes. Obviously you're buying from it, you're making a profit you need to pay taxes. So they stopped paying taxes to the Bangalow. Governor. Naturally, this would have said the governor and he said you guys need to leave and they refuse to leave. They refuse to leave. And because the Mughal emperor was not that strong. And every province now was fighting for themselves. There was no central government was really in control. This was the perfect opportunity for an invader to walk in. So a company with private security, not many, a few 100 people. They paid local mercenaries, local soldiers, local farmers

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bribed and cheated and slowly they start to expand. So after they arrive, they turn important but 757 really was the first battle the Battle of classy. This is when the bank, the Bangladeshi governor, it was in the country called Bangladesh, the bangle governor. He comes in he says you guys need to leave. You set up a factory or you build a fortress. It's like someone coming to your country. It's like Apple coming to open a shop here in Cape Town. And then they take over the whole of Canal walk and they fortify it and they bring the soldiers and they don't want to leave. So the army comes to stop them and what did they do And subhanAllah this man is going to live in

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For me, the general of the governor, the governor's general meeting, his name is Mira Jaffa, they paid him to desert to run away, they paid him in exchange will make you the governor. And he did this he sold out these people. And so the governor was obviously removed. And they put this new puppet governor in charge of Bangalow, about obeying Gao. And so now they had free rein to rule as they wanted. And not too long after that, they replaced that guy with someone else. So this is how it began. So now they have an actual colony in what is today Bangladesh, where they are buying, taking the goods of the Indian traders not paying taxes, controlling the villages under them. And

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they obviously sending this to England into Europe and making huge amounts of profit. Eventually, this can't continue because now, the central Indian Government spoken allow this. So the Mughal emperor tried to stop them 40,000 army, the British have an army of 7000. But of that series, just think of this. The Indian Army is 40,000 It's a big army, the British are 7000. But in that army, not even 1000 are British soldiers. The soldiers are actually Indian soldiers. So they getting our people to fight each other to allow them to colonize.

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To understand this, we will never more than 50,000 Europeans British on Indian soil.

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How does 50,000 people rule 200 million people?

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How did they do this? Corruption, intimidation, bribery, promises.

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They got the Indian people to fight against their own rulers for promises of riches, promises of Granger, and they defeated the Mughal emperor in this battle. So once they beat the Mughal emperor, they said, Look, we don't want to, we don't want to come and take your land. You can rule your country, you can do all the administration. But the one area will is to areas of government when they beat the central government, there's two things you want to do. Number one, we want to control the defense, we will protect you, you will pay us money for predictions like the mafia, we will pay you pay us money and will protect you. And also we'll do your favor. We'll collect your taxes for

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you. We'll collect your taxes, and we'll pay you at the end of the year. The taxes What do you think they did with a Texas, the Texas which should have gone to building schools and hospitals, roads, they use that tax money to buy the goods from India. So the Indian people were paying themselves with a tax money. And that shipments all went back to London, jolly old London. And this is slowly how this is the beginning of the biggest heist in history. So for the next 100 years, a small factory in Bangladesh, would manipulate one kingdom against the one one brother against the other one neighbor against the next paying this one bribing that one. And slowly they worked the entire

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Indian Government out people they told them look for a few sums of money, you can keep your palaces you can keep everything will pay you the rulers, you don't have to lift the finger, just allow us to rule your people. So the real people paying the price was the poor farmer, the merchant, the guy making the textile, while the rule of the King was just paid a sum of money, you do nothing. Today Subhanallah, the same, we come to your land will do your favor will pump your oil, refine your oil control, your oil will just pay you a statement and you can be the king in name. You can have all the titles you want, but who's really controlling the game. And this is how a country was basically

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sold to a corporation.

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So this and to show you the extent of the exploitation, as the taxes are now collected from the Indian people, they raised it more and more and more. Even when there was famine, they would raise the taxes. And you would find the level of exploitation cause millions of people to die of starvation a country which was the richest country in the world, people who couldn't feed its own its own people anymore. So this is an ingenious way, way the taxes of India paid for the industrial revolution of England. England's conquest in South Africa, in Australia, in Canada, funded by India, India actually paid for England's expansion of the world. We speak English, because the Indians paid

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for it the Indian taxpayer. Even when Indian business people wanted to sell privately, the British said you need to send the gold to London and we'll give you a piece of paper and you get rupees back in India and then that rupees that you collected Where do you think that rupees came from the tax revenue you got paid with your own taxes back to you while the gold fortune amassed in London.

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So this is how England slowly grew. How India slowly window now of course you can't continue to you don't want to talk about state capture. We imagined Indian people capturing a country is actually the state capture on a grand scale. This is the masters of state capture. You obviously

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have to start when you're not paying for infrastructure, your electricity starts going out, you're also falling apart as we get to know. So now the Indian country is suffering. So the English said no problem, we will lend you money to build your country, we'll lend you back your money with interest, there to pay back even more.

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To show you the level of exploitation.

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There are certain industries in India, which were the most advanced in the world textile, for example, they were the best of the best in making textiles. They were the best at spices. But what they did was they would destroy industries like shipbuilding in India, so that shipbuilding and textiles in England could flourish, they would even cut the hands off of artisans. So that Europeans the inferior goods could be sold. So what you had, you had the best textile makers in the world, they destroyed the factories, they tax them to the point where the country and those who still made it, they will cut their fingers off. And then when the people say, well, we don't have clothes now,

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we said, we'll bring you nice clothes from London, into India, and therefore the industries in London took off. And the industries in London prospered while a country continued to be destroyed more and more and more. They had laws that they put in place that if a ruler or person died, and they didn't have an A, then they would exploit expropriate your land. Today, land expropriation is a big thing. But this is really the founders of land expropriation,

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eventually in England, so after about service, this is still a company that is ruining a country, the government is not officially involved. And people are becoming billionaires privately and the money is going back to England. In England, a movement arose that look, slavery is bad, even though we have colonies all over the world, slavery is bad, and they abolished slavery. So now you had rich land owners, you let's whatever it might be sugar plantations in Natal sugar plantations in the Bahamas, they need slaves to run and both keep the engine going. So now with slavery gone, what are we going to do? So this company said, we've got a lot of people in India, we've got too many people

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in India, we can solve the problem, we will set up policies and tax them so much that they will become so bankrupt, that will offer them jobs, nice jobs, in other parts of the world, you will sign up which is called the Indian indenture system. You sign up for five years, we'll put you in another part of the colony will send you to South America, to Natal to Mauritius, you will work in a plantation for few years, and we'll send you back and we'll write a few dates. Of course, many of those people never got back home. And that's how your forefathers ended up in Durban, ended up in Jamaica, ended up in Sudan, in Canada, that's how they did it. SubhanAllah.

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It wasn't just the loss of money that was tragic. To rule a country like this, the British understood that they were a tiny minority, one governor wrote back, he said, you know, if the people of India, each one would raise a handful of sand and throw it on us, they would bury us alive. We are like Subhanallah for every one British person, they were over 5000 Indian people to match, they just have to spit on them and they will drown. So they had to have this illusion of grandeur that we are this master race. They made people feel inferior. They made examples of one they would come to one village massacre everyone and the rest would be too scared to rise up. And they would use

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divisions, Hindus and Muslims living. You know for history. When Islam came to India, it was a Hindu country. And it remained the Hindu country throughout Islam Islamic rule, we didn't have mass genocide. But it was the British that that brought up this, they would make a city a Hindu city that if you are Muslim, you can only vote for the Muslim governor. Now you had Muslim government, if they installed this identity. We as Muslims and Hindus, the caste system that untouchables this became really affirmed inside the Indian system inside inside this divide and rule process, they will take the best of the best amongst you. And they will say we will educate you like Europeans, and you will

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basically be the lackeys between the ruling class and the masses, a educated upper class. This is how they do it. And the strategies remain the same. You know, Pharaoh himself did this, who was one of his most important ministers karoun And he was a Benissa eel. He was the man that sold his own people out. So how many collaborators it was this heist was done. It's an inside job. Many people sold their own brothers, their sisters out for a palace for a few rupees for a position in a government for a salary. This is how they did it. But I said it went beyond and today the mess that we have is because of this. Now we have atrocities to fully understand the human loss

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before the British came in there

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was like a breadbasket? Yes, it had floods, yes, it had natural disasters, but you didn't have people dying of starvation. We didn't have that. After the British rule Bangladesh, that very first decade of the rule, 10 million people die of starvation, 1/3 of the entire population of Bangladesh, dies of starvation, why there's a famine, and the British would not feed its people, they would take crops a man would, they would force a man to grow rice, they would tax him 85% and ship it back to Europe. And that person couldn't feed himself. And they would say neighboring states just next door that were ruled by not by the British people were able to feed one another. That was the it was the

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British policy that we don't give charity because it it forces you It installs laziness in you. And for those people that want to support, they gave you a ration. So the proposition will give you a ration. We'll give you a stipend, you work and we pay you in food. A journalist who was who was at

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war knew about the Nazis said that Hitler gave twice as much rations to the Jews that he executed, then the British would give Indian people that were in need during starvation. This is how they treated the people. And this wasn't only 1700s Up until 1943, World War Two Winston Churchill, Winston Churchill, he takes all the grain of Bangladesh to send it to Europe in case there is a need during the war. The governor of Bangladesh writes back, he says, Mr. Prime Minister, we have millions of people dying on the street. A boat has just arrived from Australia with wheat. He said no. In any case, India has too many people. Let them die. Winston Churchill this up this is not even

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100 years ago. Now you understand why your forefathers would leave their home country to a land that was under apartheid rule because they couldn't even eat from a country that was the richest country in the world.

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When we tried to quantify just how much money was lost, the great British expansion paid by Indian tax money. They say, Allah Allah, I'm this this. You can you can read this as research on this an economist, man named by Patnaik. He calculated he said, if I just look at the taxes each year, that was expropriated by Britain $45 trillion, meaning for the 17 times more than the entire British economy today.

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Today, that's today's money back then has to be paid back to India.

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Before just to summarize what they did before the British arrive, India was the wealthiest country in the world 25% of GDP. It had a very sophisticated for its time, literacy technology, people had very sophisticated skills. They exported and didn't need to import machinery, import anything from anywhere else. There was political and religious stability, they had an identity 200 years later, the English leave 35 million people up to 50 million people dead, mostly starvation. 90% of the country is impoverished, from the richest country in the world to 90% living in abject poverty.

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Life expectancy drops to 27 years. Imagine that in India

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17% of the people could read and write. This is one of the only countries in the world look at this. When the world was going through an industrial revolution. Many can factories are building up. India has a de industrialization. Cities are lifted because they pushed you on the farmland. We don't need you to build machines. We want you to get cotton and wheat, grain spices, they force people onto fields. They d industrialize it. They say interestingly,

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the word loot is actually an Hindi word loot. The British actually took that not just in the vocabulary, but in the in the actions as well. They looted an entire country. And 400 years we said this was up with the obviously with the consent and the permission of the British government. This was a company this was like Amazon or Samsung coming and ruling a country and enslaving an entire population. This is what happens behind Allah. We was the result of us. That's the sad thing. The saddest part of it is we will we've you know, Subhan Allah, the Allah ma, the Mujahideen, simple, insane people to allow 50,000 people to completely have dominion over 200 million people. And

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eventually the Indians did rise up there was a rebellion.

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In 100 years of company rule, there was a rebellion, and the company massacred a lot of people. And for about six months, India was sort of pushing in England out. And when the company couldn't take hold. Now the British Crown got involved. Now the government realized we can't allow India to become independent. So they abolished the company and it became an official colony of England and now

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The queen, she said I'm now the Empress, Queen Victoria and the inputs of, of India. And India now becomes a British colony, which will be used and we'll talk about this next week in World War One World War Two, and how they would divide and conquer once again and what they will do to the Indian people. So we'll continue about when the British government actually gets involved, all this is happening. It's a company doing this to us. The lessons we learn Subhanallah whether you look at unduly sia Spain, whether you look at India, whether you look at any Muslim territory, where we become so weak, it wasn't the strength of our enemies. Forget what they tell you in the fable

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history books. They didn't come with advanced technology or advanced ideology. They were systems, there was a long legacy of civilization, in all the countries they came to when they came to India, or North Africa or wherever it might be. They were civilization. But they what they did was they went to a level a level of barbarism that people at that time would never have done, massacre and commit genocide on such a great scale.

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It was the weakness of us internally and we learn this today. You look at the blue cup,

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easily infiltrated by external parties, why we don't have one voice. We don't have one leadership. We don't have one objective. Each one is looking for his own objective. Well, we as a Muslim Ummah, not two Muslim countries, you can say our allies, you have United States of America, European Union, you find that these people understand that unity is strength, and division is weakness, yet we fall for the trappings. So it is our own weakness. And it's not our not the strength of our enemies.

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While I'm teaching this to you today, I'm viewing the Syrah the biography of say, no bucket of the Alon, with a handful of people, 17 slew group of people could take on the most powerful nations on earth and be successful. The complete reversal of this, the opposite is the opposite the Sahaba did out of no way. They manage to and it's not about conquest, as we said, but they add this ability of success. We have the opposite. We have wealth, we have numbers, we have strength, but it shows for nothing as their resources a time will come when the nations of the world will gather around the Muslim lands, and they will basically eat from it like animals have. We've seen our animals eat from

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a bowl. They'll just take what they want, whether it's your land, your children, your women, and the Sahaba said Ya Rasulullah why why would it be like that? Would it be because we were feeling weak? He says no, you will be a lot. Millions of you billions of you. But you're like the foam of the sea. You have no value to it's a lot, but it counts for nothing. And then we saw Selim, as I said last week, we will not be replaced by an external enemy. We don't have to worry about that. We will not have to be why we don't have to worry about a natural disaster. But with what is going to bring us down is the internal divisions. Remember, they don't see Salafi and Sufi and Wahhabi in Tbilisi,

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they don't see Malay cockney in India, they don't see this. You are one people in the eyes. And the objective is one we are the ones that divide ourselves up. We are the ones that cut ourselves and they just, you know, further exploit this. So Allah says this to us 1500 years, years ago, will it Allah wa Sula, who went out and as our first official Waterbury rehome, was to be true in Allah ma Savini. And obey Allah and His messenger and do not fight with one another. Do not dispute and argue, do not fight with one another, because you will lose your courage and your strength will leave you and be patient in times of weakness. Surely Allah is with the saw between the prophets of

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salaam comes out one day, and he saw a few Sahaba having a debate with each other on color, which is a very deep area, freewill and destiny. They were debating about can Allah do this and that and the one was using this ayah and that was using that I am I deleted my daddy than a piece of solemnly said, His face became like a pomegranate and because it aid became really angry, and he says, Have you been commanded to do this? Or were you created for this purpose was the Quran sin so that you can debate like this, that you use one part of the Quran against another part of the Quran? This is what led to the doom of nations before you this kind of debate? Yes, there is areas we need to

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discuss, and we have a rich history of discussion. But it's a big difference between discussing and deferring and disputing and splitting and dividing. That's a big difference. And we have not learned this lesson. We've paid for it. Subhanallah we've paid for it for the last five 600 years. We've paid for it badly, cannot afford to keep doing this.

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I think about the one guy the first man that signed a document fraudulently, the first man that betrayed his general that allowed this company it's only a factory. It's only a few rupees I'm taking but he opened the door for millions of his people to die and he has to be answerable for that.

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200 years later, people are still killing each other. He has to answer for that. Corruption destroys a country. We see that a few people got rich. Millions are now in blackouts. This rolling blackouts that we have a few people got rich and only signing a document. It's only a few grands. The government has infinite amounts of money, you actually destroy your country completely like that. Allah says, and eat not up one another's property unjustly through illegal bribing and stealing, nor give bribes to the rulers that you may knowingly eat up a portion of the property of others. sinfully the minute you do corruption, especially from a government position,

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and you do it you are you are destroying the country. The province of this is of the seven worst sins, the seven major sins, not Xena, not Kamara not eating pork. One of them is to eat the wealth of orphans. And this is through corruption. People that are when you steal from when you are a government official, and you do dirty dealings, you're taking from the poorest of the poor. And if you bring in if someone can steal from an orphan, and steal from the poor and the weak and he doesn't feel bad about it. Tomorrow, we'll come off to you, your family. So we'll see how, after 200 years of British rule, eventually, India is able to get the English out. They didn't actually force

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them out. They basically left when they had done what they needed to do after they're taken so much. And as a result they left as a country which is unified one. It's split up into three countries, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan didn't exist until about 6070 years ago. And you have the sectarian violence, 1 million people killed on the streets told you they'd been killed over religion because of the British did they in England drew a map people that never went to the country do a line on a piece of paper and said from tomorrow you are in Pakistan, and you're going to be in India. We'll talk about this inshallah of next week in the week to come and show you next week. So

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any just a few announcements, I see Mirage inshallah will be on Wednesday evening of the mothership. So we will have our Mirage lecture insha Allah just a lecture between Mercury Benicia Monday we still have class. So Monday we still have class, and this is the good so if you wanna if you're tired of hearing how we got how bad the scoreline is against us come to our Monday class, it feels good to hear about how the Ummah was strong those days of ESA when the Sahaba were pushing and Islam was strong. So come to the class on Mondays between six and seven. Also a back to basics we're talking about who is Allah? How do I have a connection with Allah? We'll talk about the miracles of

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the Quran Why should I believe in the Quran? That is free if you want to join the WhatsApp oh it for triple to 1308 any questions concerns or comments with [email protected] to cycle the hide or sort of Law Center Mohammed while also happy Salam wa salim handle Arabella mean somebody look at

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