Muhammad West – Re-thinking our approach to Ramadan 2019

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history of Islam, including the Jrasmist's use of the "has been" label to defend against attacks and the importance of achieving the highest level of Jana's reward for one's life. They also emphasize the need for acceptance of Islam's values and personal growth, as it is critical for everyone. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding major sins and maintaining healthy eating, avoiding major sins, and balancing work and socializing. They also mention the use of Zina as a means to earn money and suggest attending events and reading the Quran. The importance of achieving a full salary and avoiding wasting time is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are we live in a shutdown regime? similar manner Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala should have been more saline. Saline Mohammad Anwar early he will Savio Germain, beloved brothers and sisters in Islam assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen all praise and worship being to Allah subhana wa Tada Nasha to Allah Allah, Allah we will witness that man has the right of worship besides Allah and we send our love greetings and salutations to beloved Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his pious and pure family to his companions and all those who follow the Sunnah until the end of time. We ask Allah to bless us to be steadfast in the Sunnah of Nabina Muhammad wa salam in this world and to be in his companionship in the earth, Hera mean, may Allah forgive us and bless us this worked of Juma May Allah grant us to see the rest of this month and into the month of Ramadan. May Allah grant all

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of us to achieve the full benefit of the month of Ramadan. I mean, today inshallah we'll talk about the month of Ramadan, but it will be incorrect of me to begin without discussing what has happened in the last week in terms of the attacks in Sri Lanka, just as much as we feel angry, we feel hurt. When we saw the attacks in New Zealand, we should have the same level of anger and disgust if these attacks are done to other people of faith, that when people come to a place of worship, when it is a masjid, whether it is a temple or synagogue, whatever it might be, whether we agree, disagree, but a place of worship, should it be a place that is safe, and is a place that is sacred. And this is

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confirmed in the Quran and the Sunnah, and the following of the the methodology of the sahaba. And for 1400 years, really, this is how our Ummah has conducted itself. We have ruled over many, many Muslim governments, Muslim believers have ruled over many non Muslim minorities over this past 1400 years. Whether it was the Hindus in India, the Coptic Christians in Egypt, the Jews in Palestine throughout the world, and the places of worship were always secret, even we say, fit around. His temples are still there today, the pyramids, which is a comet really to the pharaohs, and we know that they are cursed in a religion and everything in Quran they're done. And Allah has mentioned

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that Pharaoh only Sinterklaas Philomena now this is in the shadow either. He's in the lowest place of Jannah. Yet his temples and things are still there. We did not damage or destroy these things. And this just shows the thinking Allah subhanaw taala and one idea that we need to mention,

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for 13 or 15 years. It was impermissible for Muslims to fight jihad. Bilal being beaten up couldn't do anything. Besides Salam almost murdered, assassinated, couldn't fight back was haram for us to raise our hand in response we just accepted and sub make Hegira runaway, then Allah made Jihad compound may be permissible and compulsory. The first act of God Buddha, Allah Subhana Allah says in surah hajj, permission to fight has now been given to you, for those who are being fought, because they were wrong. So because you are being attacked, you can now defend yourself. And then Allah continues, and indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory. These people who have been evicted

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from their homes, so people who are thrown out of their homes without any reason their houses are taken from them, only because they say I will always Allah. And then Allah says and worried, not the wisdom behind jihad, where it not that Allah checks one group of people by means of another. If Allah did not balance one group with another group of people, then they would be demolished many many monasteries, churches, synagogues and massage it would be demolished. So the first act of jihad was to defend places of worship, not just the Muslim, not just the masjid, all places of worship. This is think about that Jihad was legislated to protect people being evicted from the homes,

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refugees, and the places of worship. And Allah subhana says, These places of worship in which the name of Allah is mentioned much and Allah will surely support those who support him. Indeed, Allah is all powerful, and he's Exalted in Might and Allah will always when Allah is always going to win. So Subhanallah we feel sad, but not only sad, we feel disgusted that those who get carried out this allegedly appears to be those who claim to be Muslims, this is the worst thing because it not only harms besides the loss of life, it harms the entire ummah. And it paints the entire Ummah with a negative brush. So this kind of thinking Subhan Allah is, not only is it contrary to any sane mind,

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it goes completely against Islam and what it stands for. So may Allah subhanaw taala protect us. This mentality of college this is how I teach mentality than a visa Salam. As I say he never ever spoke. He said I will my Alma will split and will mainly be many groups 73 sects, we know this. He never mentioned the Salafis or the Sufis, or the Shia, or the ACMA, these are in He never mentioned any of them. The one group he mentioned were the coverage. This group that killed

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innocent people, and they do it in the name of Islam. This is the only group he mentioned by name. And he said, If I were alive with them, then I would make jihad against them

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that they won't you'll see in the Salah, they will pray more extreme better from the outside then you also have the new Abu Bakr and they will fast more strictly than you they will recite the Quran night and day but they won't understand and they will kill innocent people. This is the outage, nothing to do and the prophecy these are the people if they were there, I would fight them so malice won't save us. And the best thing to do the best defense is knowledge and for us of sane mind to continue speaking and we need to work extra hard now to show the truth of this religion we need to count when we make you make dua for those who have lost loved ones make it easy for them. I mean,

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we're talking about Ramadan Inshallah, and within a week just over a week in sha Allah will be blessed and Allah grant all of us to be there to achieve Ramadan 2019 And I want us in this football because many of you have heard by ants upon by ants about Ramadan in fact whatever iron Hadith I quote now you know already how many by ants have you heard how many Ramadan by ants do you know already, but something for us to think about? Ramadan is the special time and it is a bonus time. It is an opportunity, unlike any other opportunity, the Sahaba in their wisdom, you see for them getting to Jana was not the real challenge. They wanted to get the highest levels of Jana for them,

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interestingly enough was 50% is enough. Yeah, Allah if you let me cross the line, and I even into the parking lot or this basement of Jana, that's enough for me. I don't need those I just need to get inside. Sahaba wanted the highest level of Jana. But they said how can we compete with people like nobody knew? These people live over 1000 years, 1000 years of Salah of charity, we only have 60 years, how are we going to get to that level. So Allah has blessed this ummah with something that he had not blessed any other Ummah before this month of Ramadan and it Laila to color. It is the opportunity as we know, three explicit opportunities, all your sins can be forgiven. Remember

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geometric mean, your job, your work, your money, all those things, family kids, it comes down to ultimately a day when we will stand before a scale and our life will be weighed. The good on the one side and the bad on the one side. And if that scale is heavy, in the good side on the right hand, then we are in Jannah well Hamdulillah you will bypass Johanna and say to Jana Alhamdulillah. But if the scale is heavy on the other side, now there's a problem. Either this punishment or this forgiveness over here to be loved for the one who come with a chick only punishment and never to Jana, and this we weigh our life up. We don't know where we are and how our account is with Allah. I

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don't know you don't know if we want to take away now right now today, which side would that scale be balanced? But Allah gives you a bonus excuse me a bonus that we can wipe out the entire left side of that scale, every sin can be forgiven in this 30 days.

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And the right side there is so much of blessing and reward available in Ramadan. That one successful Ramadan is enough for a lifetime of good deeds that it can get you not only Jamnagar genital theodosis I mean, that is what this Ramadan is. That is what Ramadan is all about. The Muslim says three opportunities whoever forced the month with iman, whoever stands the month will have with iman wherever stands the night of lady to cuddle with iman. And you catch that with a man who acts up all your sins can be forgiven. And then we know the night of later to God we said Allah says vitamin artificial hair better than 83 years of reward. 83 years of fasting 83 years of Hajj. 83 years of

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Salah, just get one night and you have a lifetime on your scales. You're sick for life.

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And it is so abundant in the good deeds that Miss Olson says of his dua that cursor is the one truly a loser is He who finds the month of Ramadan and he cannot get any benefit from it. He cannot is deprived of its goodness, as one scholar said for us to understand our worldly terms. It's like FnB and epsa. And all these banks seen the CEOs come on TV and they said from this month on for 30 days, the banks are open, the vault is open, come in and take as much as you want. And we'll fill up that and then one night we're going to give so much in those banks, there's no limit. It's up to you how much you want, we won't stop you. So for anyone to go through that man and not to earn something or

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then really he's he's lost, he's lost.

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But at the same time think about this. Doing the fasting and making the Salah and reciting your heart does not guarantee that it's accepted. And it is not a guarantee that you receive the reward. And how do we know it's accepted? The scholars always mentioned this litmus test if your life is the same or if your life has transformed after Ramadan if you are a different person

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That's a good sign that you have changed if after had you come back home and you and our * besides taking the right of the stage you also can now you can now also you and a better person, they need some good indication Allah knows that your Ibadah is accepted. Now when we test ourselves like that, how many Ramadan's? Have we seen how much of last year 2018 Ramadan is left in us?

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Are we still the same like we were the year before? And when we look at it like that, then we ask how much of our Ramadan is actually accepted? That's a scary thought that we've gone through some of us 3040 5060 Ramadan, and may we have many, many more, and we have not really gotten the benefit of it. As one sister sees it is Ramadan time again, however, my life is still the same. I haven't improved in my knowledge of Islam haven't done extra works of worship, I haven't come closer to Allah in the last 11 months since last year. In fact, I probably have nullified all my good deeds that I've earned in Ramadan, even in my worldly life, there is no difference from last year. This

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Ramadan is possibly going to be another disappointment for me. Now how many of us feel that way?

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How many of us feel that we fasted and made salah, but come, it'll it will fit we back to where we were. And this is the scary thing. So let's rethink Ramadan and rethink our approach because we are fasting when Hamdulillah we are performing Salah Alhamdulillah Why is it not impacting us? Maybe we have really looked at it. We looked at it the wrong way. So let's rethink Ramadan. First thing, the NEA let's rethink the NEA. Now when I speak about NEA I'm sure many of you can tell me that. Yes, the NEA you have to make sure you have your near before Fajr yes, that if you near isn't there, you're fasting isn't accepted. We've all learned the fact by an NEA was never mean to only be

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affecting. Nia is intent, its objective, it is purpose. What is the purpose of Ramadan and Allah actually gives the reason for Ramadan in the Quran.

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That Taccone will know the ayah tunnel I don't need to give the hook by you know the i La La Quinta tekun. There the Ramadan is a training round. It is a practice round. It is a bootcamp. It is not the objective itself. Finishing the month is not the objective. The objective is when you're done with a month and you go in the real world that you have a little bit of Taqwa we're not going in the best case scenario. But Allah phrase it like that LAN Leko meaning maybe you will have Taqwa meaning, not everyone is going to get it.

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Everyone will go through the training, but not everyone is going to qualify. So the objective of Ramadan really is seen at the end of Ramadan. In Chawan. That's when we see the true value of our Ramadan. Now, the NIA now so what is the Neerja Allah my Nia is I'm going to fast and I'm going to pray with your mercy and your permission and do as much as I can, so that I can attain Taqwa not hunger. Not tired. Yesterday what is good, but the real reward is at the end you get Taqwa. Now what is stuck? Well what is Taqwa? And again, you can give me a lot of really definition because you've attended so many Bionz Taqwa is this stuck. Why's that relationship with Allah. Really what Taqwa

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yourself. Plus Taqwa equals someone that does a little lesson, and does a little more ibadah. It doesn't have to be an extreme transformation. For the sister who was not weighing. Let's say the sister who was weighing very little clothing. And after Ramadan, she's not wearing hijab, but she's wearing a little more clothing when she's got a bit more Taqwa journey. For the person who isn't performing DADGAD salah, and now he makes an extra 10 minutes tahajjud now he's in an earlier category. Then he's got a little more taqwa, the person who wasn't performing his five solid hours on time. And now after Ramadan, he's getting every walk in time. That's all he's doing that he's

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gotten some Taqwa. So you and I need to think now. How do I want to be after Ramadan?

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Extreme transformations are difficult. And then Jesus said, I'm in fact, he discouraged the Sahaba, the young Sahaba when they were excited, energetic, what can I do here rasool Allah, then they would say, I will do this, I will do that. And he said, That's too much. That's too much. Whatever starts off extreme, you're going to collapse sort of small and slow. So sit one objective of the Ramadan in Ramadan after Ramadan, who How do I want to change my life and don't set unrealistic targets. Don't say after Ramadan, I'm going to fast every single day. I'm going to force the fasting of that wood which is the base every alternate day or I will be making every night five hours of gadget. Even if

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you're able to do it for a few weeks, will you be able to sustain that? So give yourself one simple objective, maybe one small sunnah I will make Salah to Doha to Allah because of the Fajr of the sunrise, maybe it will mean I will recite five minutes of Quran of the Isha, whatever it might be something which you can maintain something which you promise

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yourself and Allah after Ramadan, this is what I'm going to do. And if you maintain that and you've gone one notch up in ibadah, then you've got Taqwa Alhamdulillah, you've achieved Ramadan. And after you've succeeded, or one sin that you say, the sun, I'm going to cut out or even limited, I won't do it as much as I currently do. That is taqwa. So we think your objective of Ramadan, change your life a little bit and maybe I speak to myself I need to sit down with myself with my family and say, what is our objective we want to look at like a little bit different after Ramadan, something to change. And if you do that, Alhamdulillah then that is the definition of your iba being accepted.

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We need to rethink hunger.

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Now Alhamdulillah now Alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed us that really we go through a month of fasting without feeling hungry.

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So many of us, myself included, sometimes the scale doesn't move or if it moves, it moves in the wrong direction of the Ramadan.

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As the muscular

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demands 30 days of fasting, and the only people preparing solidly are mothers in our lives. Well how freezes are stocked full. The shopping for Ramadan is more than outside of Ramadan, the food grocery shopping Subhan Allah one Imam, as he says, Ramadan is not about making kabaah for all the not eating in the day in the night. Now you need to make cut off everything that you've missed with interest. No, it's not Ramadan.

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There is a reason Allah doesn't want us to suffer or to feel hurt. But he wants us to feel a little bit of discomfort, so that we find appreciation so that we find

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empathy for those who go through this all the time. So Subhanallah the fact that they are one in nine people on this planet that go to bed hungry, that there are children that don't know of complete meal that there are people over a million,

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there are millions of people that die of starvation. And we live in a planet that produces enough food for everyone over enough. If you look at all the food we produce, we produce too much food, there's so much waste that goes into it, we can feed everyone, and they still extra. So why are people dying? The old I was sitting with an organization in Australia, they said that hunger is the most fixable problem of the world. There's some big problems we can't fix. We can't fix the climate. It takes a bit difficult things, but hunger we can fix. Just need to move the food to where it needs to go. But there's no will. There's no one that really cares. And why don't we care because we

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haven't felt hungry. Now maybe you will go through a day where you by mistake you oversleep for supper. And you're gonna go that day where you're angry, you're angry, you're angry,

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and hamdulillah for that day, that day you feel angry, say this is how many millions of people feel every day. This is how Rasulullah saw Salam felt most of his life.

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That day, you can sell Hamdulillah I walked in the shoes of someone, someone that goes through this difficulty Alhamdulillah and hopefully that tarbiyah will make you and I feel a little bit differently to be either grateful for what we have. Or if it really profoundly impacts you. It will make you a person that will look after the poor. You know, it's finalized set again with these people that called Charity. Right? They have a school in Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh that looks after the Rohingya. They, they trying to provide meals in the school. Why? Because the parents will not send the kids unless they get a meal. Right? Because why they need to work. So at least if they're

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going to the school, we don't care about education, but because there's a meal way so now they will go and they'll obviously have to study. So now they have a meal and they struggling just to feed them and they said you know what we give these kids meal dal and rice we realize without protein, kids are not going to grow up. So now they're raising money. You know what? To give one child one egg a day that protein.

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Now Subhan Allah.

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At least at the end of Ramadan, we should know what it feels like to be the child.

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That's the idea of Ramadan. So maybe we need to even not fast at night. I speak to myself first. We need to really try and experience one day in Ramadan literally feel what it feels to be miserably hungry. Maybe, maybe the Quran we need to relook at our sin now. Subhanallah everyone will tell you. You cannot only force Ramadan stay away from food and water and * with your wife but at the same time you're committing sin upon sin on the side. You're fasting as Allah says then absences you're only fasted was the body the body you basically had a diet that if you don't give up sin, Ramadan is not going to have its impact as it should be. And many people Subhanallah we know we see

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they make that extra additional

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change in Ramadan and Subhan Allah

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Really we take our coffee off to them, that we see some people who spend a lot of outside of Ramadan. Yet in Ramadan, they've slipped all those sun behind Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah good for them.

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And many of you I know Al Hamdulillah you, I assume most of you here, you don't do the big sins openly so we try our best to maybe look at don't look at things to haram don't listen to things are haram very good, but there are certain sins which we overlook. And there are certain sins which are so problematic that they are the buffer that stops our Ibadat from being executed.

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They are sins that we do that nullify all our good deeds. Amongst them. Number one Sheikh Allah Swan says, and it is we have already declared to you and to those before you that if you can achieve good Allah, your works will surely become worthless, your EBA is useless. Nobody would for fasting and Salah and you will surely be among the losers. This is one of the punishments of Schilke it also nullifies your charity if needed. So one might say how are we risk of shearing? Again as I say, if you're wearing a towel with anyone sitting here waiting a towel, you remove the towel we now today could be a form of sciatic, if you are habitually going to graves and shrines and worshiping the

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avoid these things. These are the means by which we fall into superstition you reading your horoscope from today stop. These are major major sins worse than Zina worse than murder in the sight of Allah. Avoid these things behind Allah. Another big sin that we overlook. We will have the Hadith of the man who comes to Allah that's the you know close atone and he's begging and crying out Allah Allah Allah is sincere he's Iman is up there but Allah says he's close is haram meaning he bought his money is haram. So his clothing he bought is haram. The 48 is haram his body is haram How will I give answer this man? How many of us are locked in a riba Loan Mortgage Riba is worse than Xena. If

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we know of a young man who in the day force at night he visits his girlfriend and commit Zina will say what kind of fasting is this? What kind of Ramadan is this? Yet he only does Zina maybe half an hour every night. We as the person in arriba transaction is sending while he sits in the masjid while he's fasting his interest is earning paying to the bank or receiving it. This could be the reason why are we beta is not accepted. So we look at it if you stuck in this one, your house bond your car bond real look at it start now phone the bank says the Sharia compliant option. Now we this is how we make the change. They one of the reasons why the EBA could not be accepted when a visa

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Salam says the gates of Jannah opened on a Monday and Thursday and that's why he fasted on a Monday or Thursday, and everyone who does not come achine could Allah Allah forgives him. Any person who does good deeds every Monday and Thursday,

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except for one exception is the man who commit Cherokees sin is not forgiven. And a man who has an argument with his brother, his brother, and Allah says wait till these two people reconcile before I forgive them. So maybe you and I, we have a relationship with a friend with a neighbor with a relative. I haven't spoken to him in so many years. I don't want to hear anything from him or from her. He did this to me and that to me, but because of that relationship that is being neglected. Allah is not accepting the Veda.

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Every one of us part of the preparation of Ramadan is to fix those problems in our lives.

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The people that you supposed to Allah says you need to connect with certain people. The immediate family members your blood relatives, your aunties, your uncle's your cousins, these people you didn't choose. I didn't choose to put them in my life. But Allah has put them in your life either either as a means to get Jana was a test for you your mother in law daughter in law Subhanallah now you ask Allah Contacta Cohen what is taqwa? Yeah, Allah I hate her. The mother in law daughter in law might hate each other Swann Allah but I love you more than that. So I'll pick up the phone and I'll be the first one to say Ramadan Mubarak, whatever may Allah forgiven guide Melafix that this is

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the challenge.

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These are the reasons why maybe our Ibaadat is not being accepted.

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Part of relooking at Ramadan, so as I said, many people and Hamdulillah you get you get a types of people, one type of person, you can mix a lot of sin, he neglects the basics of Islam. So when it comes to Ramadan for him, he just wants to do the basics are hungry Allah in fact, these are the people we see the biggest transformation. They didn't perform Salah throughout the year. But now every walk there on time, they didn't dress properly, but now that hijab is on Alhamdulillah meaning the Iman went from a much bigger jump than those practicing Muslims. Right so I haven't left for them. Then you find those 100 I've been practicing the basics throughout the year. Come Ramadan. So

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now they want to kick into that higher gear of Nevada, right? We want to do more Quranic recitation, we want to make more sada want to give more

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charity so usually are focusing on Ramadan and you will agree with me the focus in Ramadan if a man if you ask a man, Sister, how are you going to get more out of Ramadan? They will usually say I'm gonna try to make an extra Hatha Yes, or I'm going to try and make extra tahajjud or sometimes are trying to be extra charity give more charity. These are good things. And in reality, these are the fundamentals Ramadan, the prophet has mentioned fasting, I mean, obviously fasting is compulsory, then of course Salah will ever make Salah in Ramadan. So yes, you must make more Salah more tarawih and tagit Quran recite more Quran, but we forget, there are other types of EBA that that we neglect.

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There are two types of evade that there is the EBA, which is the ritualistic fasting and Salah between you and Allah alone. Excellent. But there's another side of Ibadah which is between you and the creation between you and insaan you and animals, me and you were those that is living alive with the environment. And we sometimes neglect that side of eBUY that that what is needed? Yes, so hamdulillah you're fasting and your Salah is accepted and good. But what is needed is perhaps not an extra hard time, perhaps is a visit to the orphanage.

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Maybe what is needed is not to give another extra 10 grand or 1000 Rand or million Rand but really to give what you love to open the cupboard unpack all the unwanted clothing and physically give someone something to physically invite someone to your house. So much more difficult to invite someone to have a meal with you someone from the street who delivers data that's panela we wouldn't do that. Kind of look at look at where we are. We easily will give 100 grand or donate 1000 Rand but to share a meal with a poor person's wine Allah How difficult is that? We can stand ours in the mozzie tarawih attitude. But ask you to clean the masjid for half an hour who do that clean the

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toilet of the Masjid? Now these extra different types of EVA that that really brings home Taqwa a man comes to the visa Salam and he says yeah rasool Allah I'm scared for my heart. It's hard. It's like a rock. You speak about Jana and Jana who lives all these things doesn't impact me doesn't do with this hobby. What can I do to fix my heart? What did he say? He didn't say recite more Quran stand a few more times. You know, he said go and spend time with an orphan and rub the head of that orphan it will soften your heart

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we need that human touch also part of the Baghdad part of it is through creation through creation. So look to that Subhanallah in this month of Ramadan as you rethink how am I going to approach this Ramadan How best can I you know utilize my very precious time a you have so little time just to do the salah to do the hard time that you want to do you want to try a little bit another hour extra Ibadah how best to utilize it, maybe look at it in that way. Subhanallah maybe look at it in a different way. The provinces disease shall not tell you something that is better than voluntary fasting, and Salah and charity and these are the things that Ramadan, right. Better than all of

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that. They said yes. Yeah rasool Allah. And he said, reconciling in the case of disputes between people. You see people fighting and arguing you bring people together for the evil of Discord is the shaver that remover and so he said that removes the shaver I don't say shaves here, but it removes religious commitment. It removes your deen you Eman. And so an Allah Subhana Allah last year Ramadan was a highlight in terms of disunity in the Ummah, this Masjid making clear of this Masjid that scholar making this one a caffeine and Subhanallah even bombs and fightings one Allah

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in the month of Ramadan, so this month, maybe it doesn't require Allah Allah Allah knows best what He wants, but maybe he doesn't require another hard time. Maybe it requires less arguing about silly things the moon was what the car he said what the Imam said you agree disagree. Maybe that is the challenge.

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Ideas for EBA. Dad, as we said some scholars and this is just some hacks that people save. So calling up and visiting relatives don't waste time. Sometimes these Iftar parties become out of control, but make a plan to join family ties. Maybe you should be the one that invites the family that haven't seen each other in so long. We will invite the family together. Maybe that's the thing that's needed. As we said cleaning out your house, your cupboard of all things are needed visiting the orphanage Subhanallah who of us does this and if you don't want to visit the orphans then we have an opportunity Majid with Islam. We realize this so one night we should do this every night one

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night in Ramadan, we take the orphans out to let them have a fun day out and then we have Iftar with them. If you don't have the you know, we don't go to the orphanage at least come to the supper and sit at the table with the orphan and have a conversation. Maybe that's what you need. If you'd like to be part you could speak to the Italian afterwards, visiting and feed in feeding someone versus giving someone maybe it's not about giving 100 grand to the soup kitchen, maybe selling the soup kitchen I will volunteer one

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will actually cooking something if you can't yourself volunteer and but it's good to physically see the poor person that really helps. Really helps. Not every night, one night maybe it's very nice when you have a thought in the masjid and you see because sometimes poor people come to the masjid. They only come to start because they don't have a thought at home so they come to the masjid. It's good to sit down and share a meal. Cleaning out the mosque maybe one night in this Ramadan or before Ramadan begins tell the Imam of the Masjid. I would like me and my family will come. We'll clean the Masjid. We'll vacuum the floors wash spatula, maybe that's the better you need to give you the taqwa

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giving dower wonderful, wonderful opportunity for you. hamdulillah the masjid started this initiative. We hand out dates in the road here in the middle of town. Because people get stuck in traffic. You can either contribute financially, the dates and family get the reward when they break the force. But What's better is to stand in the road with and you meet non Muslims ending our dates. What is this? And you have a conversation about Islam about fasting? Very, very good, very, very nice, nice experience. Being the facilitator of good Nabisco Salam, we always remember this hadith. Between the last 10 Nights came, he now became more serious, he tightened his belt, and he didn't

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sleep. What else did he do? He woke his family meaning he was obviously the one in the lead. But he realizes this is a team effort. I can't be the only man on the finish line. I need to be the one that brings everyone in. Now if you are the practicing brother, the sister the strong one, then you should be the facilitator. Maybe you're the one in the WhatsApp group that must say this a well in Malawi, that if we all give 100 Then we can build a well as a family. Or we say these this program, whatever. You need to be the facilitator of good maybe that's what's needed. Learning the Quran verses reading the Quran. Yes, strive to complete the heart and if you can, but maybe not doing a

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second hartham Maybe it's actually to learn a little bit of the Quran or memorize something a bit different.

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There are certain hexans one are we running out of time. But as scholars say to maximize your your time in Ramadan, because our problem those of us who work, we wish we had the opportunity to just spend the whole month in Dubai that we still have to work, we still have exams, we still have families to look after. And it's good. This is the Sahaba they all didn't take off one month, it just made me better. That's not what they did. In fact, many of them if you look at the amount of tahajjud, they didn't make that a week 20 raka as the type of visa Salam. It wasn't even in the masjid Daljit programs, each one still lived in the dunya. He struggled in the dunya and did what he

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could in terms of his eBUY that so what we should do.

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Make sure you focus on the eBUY the compulsory, more important than tagit and tarawih is to make sure your foreign Salas are done properly. So if you are not doing them in time, make sure the salary is more important the cost that you're making your salary on time in the walk the stairway after work doesn't work every time in the works. And if you do it if you're already doing it in the locked, try to do it now at the beginning of the works. And if you're doing it in the beginning of the what I try to do in JAMA that's more important to perfect the fault than to do the Sunnah. Utilize that unproductive time take one vicar and while you're in traffic, make sure you're reciting

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that dhikr one two or whatever it might be this many do ask that are very, very big five second dua, all the rewards in the world. Spread your charity. Make sure there's not a single night or day in Ramadan that goes without an act of solder or charity or Quran. Those three things every single night. So we know these lazy nights, there's nights where the work maybe the computer we have to study we have an exam tomorrow we have a late night work we know this. At least if you can't attend the masjid photography, make two records late not a single night go without Tara wif even if it's two rockers or some recitation or some charity why you and I don't know when it's later to cover. It

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could be the night that I am lazy that I didn't do any Ibadah besides the font that I missed later to other

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It can even be out of the last 10 Nights possible. So make sure unlikely but possible so make sure that every single night instead of giving 300 Rand every day or 30 ran every day in the city ran in Ramadan give one ran every day every night so that you know by Allah that Lena don't cousin came and I gave charity on later to other so spread you Ibadah over the month to make sure there's no unutilized days right? For the sisters Subhanallah get out of the kitchen, get out of the kitchen get out of the kitchen if you do that. Basting sisters waste too much time in the kitchen and preparing food and preparing of Soho sua Mala reward them but if ever you will want to take a time

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where you're not going to spend so much of your time in the kitchen. This is the month that you do it for our sisters too much time and the middle part of Ramadan is missing. We see the magic disappears. The beginning we excited the end we excited and the middle is we

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If we lose that Baraka in that these Iftar parties also takes a lot of time. Yes, you need to balance between. Don't be the selfish guy. I only make my EBA I mean, it took off. In my mind, I'm far clearer focus, so I don't speak to anyone. That's also bad. So how do you balance this the challenge, you need to be sociable, you need to be friendly. You need to invite and be with family break Iftar together, but also don't think that if third party goes into Hotel The next morning, which Kyla, okay, group Eva that I find, sometimes people, we like to do things, we go to the masjid together, we do eBUY that together, that's very good. But a lot of times, the Ibadah gets neglected

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and it's more group socialization. It's like those people that study in a group, they go to the library together. And the whole day, they didn't study anything come back they did so but they were in the library together in the masjid together, it decaf sometimes becomes that. No Ibadah just discussions. So be we maybe you that person that needs to a buddy that pulls you to the masjid and maybe you're the one that's supposed to pull people to the masjid. But also avoid unproductive time.

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Just to move on quickly, as I said later to cover how Allah explains to you what is laser cutter to understand what laser cutter is, I keep this as the best analogy I can give you, it does pay day to day or yesterday, how much you get in your bank account, who's got the guts to tell me? No one. But picture that number in your mind. So if it's 5000 10,000, Hamdulillah, 30,000 Alhamdulillah. For you, whatever it might be, picture that number in your mind, add three zeros after it. If you earn 5000 Rand a salary, 5 million Rand 1000 months, Allah is saying I'm giving you the value of 1000 months, whatever you could earn in one month, I give a third time's 1000. Now I say if your boss, my

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boss told me come to work Maghrib time and you can leave budget time. And you one of these 10 Nights, you work that much and you do it properly. I'll give you that amount of money. How will you work? How will I work? How would we spend our time? We wouldn't number one, we wouldn't look at our phones. We wouldn't even eat. We wouldn't even go to the toilet. We wouldn't go yes. Barnala? You do? Yes. You agree with me the opportunity, you wouldn't waste a single second. So you said How have I not achieve this? Now Allah is giving that promise. And he's not giving you a dunya salary is giving you the reward of 1000 months. You want to also realize about this analogy is if you get that

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salary, you get that five mil 30 mil. You can retire the next morning budget time you get your paycheck, you say and I resign automatically. Right? You will resign the next day. So what the CS Allah is saying if you get that you are set for life in terms of Ibadah you've achieved your Jana. Now that is what's available. May Allah grant us to get later to Qatar, to live to see it and to get the full benefits. So keep that in our minds when we get to those rarely from the beginning of Ramadan. But especially in the last 10 nights.

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I end up and say

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rethink post Ramadan.

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It won't just happen even the person who achieves the full benefit of Ramadan. It's not that you don't have Taqwa.

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You still have to work hard after Ramadan and now the training wheels are off. Because when we go out of Ramadan shaytan is also out. And eidl Adel fitter is the real test. Are you sisters going to still dress appropriately on the day of Eid? Are we still going to avoid that socializing just haram? Are we going to make sure our Salah is on time? Yes, we need to visit everyone and have you know eat with everyone. But are we going to miss workouts now? So the compound so now think about as we said post Ramadan How am I going to commit myself maybe you know I'm getting it's easy for me to give money in Ramadan but outside I never give charity. But if I forced myself into an EFT, then I'm

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stuck to commit yourself. Now when the taqwa is high so when the difficulty comes after Ramadan, you will sit in it you can't get out. And then lastly, there is one part of Ibadah yes is to fear Allah but it's also to hopeful is that he would never ever underestimate. Yes, we underestimate our good deeds is not enough. But don't underestimate Allah Rama.

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That even if we've gone through all of it, even if you've missed a lot of it, remember Allah is bigger than that. And the fact that you live in we live in a time where everything on demand you can eat without anyone saying or doing anything to you. You don't have to come to the masjid tomorrow time. No one can touch you. No one can do anything. You have sun on tap even you don't have to look for sun we live in a time the only so how I didn't get this that if you want Zina you can in your house. You don't have to look for it today. Ripa click a button it's available. Just say yes. And every day we go through we say no

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Oh, no, no. This we abstain from all these things yet it's on our fingertips. We live in a time when the Prophet said 50,050 sahabas. Iman will need to, to have your level of Eman and we do that and Allah Subhana Allah knows better than us. And so we appreciate that he's a shark who really appreciates it. So if you come to the end of Ramadan on the 29th night if you really want to know if you Ramadan really made something, that when the man kickers go out in the beginning the moon fighting Moon sighting and you making dua, Allah let them let put so and so not see the moon. I want another day of fasting, another day of difficulty and hardship and hunger. If that's what you want.

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Then you've tasted some taqwa, even Allah and we didn't get the full Taqwa. But we've tasted that Taqwa. We've come closer to Allah. And I think all of us feel that way. We all excited for Ramadan, we and if you ask a non Muslim will say why are you excited for this month? It sounds like a terrible month, your whole day? You know, eating whole night standing so difficult. But we say no, no, it's so wonderful. That is a bit of Taqwa. And that's what Annaleigh is an indication of getting closer to Allah may Allah accept from us forgive us late this year. Yeah, Allah be the best Ramadan for all of us. Let none of us will be deprived of its blessings. Just a few announcements. Our last

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class for the term on the Sahaba we beginning with say no homework last night and we continue on Monday. So Monday's from off the Margaret basically our last class for the term on say normal and the conquest of Jerusalem, Angela csah. The conquest of Jerusalem will be it's open free of charge, please attend back to basics on pause for now to resume inshallah after Ramadan. Then

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we've been asked to mention that the ladies Cardinal Quran Gemma Sunday the 28th, mostly Chaffee 8am. They're going to have a ladies hartham Quran program. So this is in Ramadan. They want to start the Haram fantastic. This is at Mercy Chaffee am they will make the offer with the gees was on the corner. And with the Kasim, both of them are not in the best of health was Allah to grant him cure Shiva and for all those who are sick, may Allah grant him a cure for you know, the another announcement 30th of April, the 30th of April 7 of Port seven at night, the Minister of Tourism, I think the minister of culture, culture is going to be bootcamp will be declared a heritage site in

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sha Allah Alhamdulillah. So

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a national national heritage site so anyone that would like to attend to the oh well masjid, and if you'd like to contribute to any of these Ramadan programs, please speak to Buddha tell him afterwards the orphans the dates that you've thought please speak to with a little circle the Buddha treats available next week and hamdulillah Zakka Salaam Alaikum forget

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