Muhammad West – Power Of Knowledge Series – Episode 04

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The importance of learning and being a student in Islam is crucial to achieving knowledge and excel in various areas of one's life, including sex, work, and personal life. The legacy of the past is dominated by men and women, and the importance of testing evidence for authenticity is emphasized. The importance of learning and exploring the world beyond just knowing and knowing everything is emphasized, as it is crucial to achieving knowledge. The speakers discuss the importance of learning and researching the Islamic culture, as it is the basis for modernity. The cycle ofeted Islam and the use of education to encourage people to take education away is also emphasized. The speakers emphasize the need for more basic education and the importance of breaking cycle ofeted Islam.
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Machito nauseum Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam Agha sugarfree mursaleen cd now Muhammad in ohada early he also his main beloved brothers in Islam. Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
All Praise be to Allah subhanho wa Taala the Most Merciful, the most kindness should of Allah, Allah and Allah, I bear witness that no one has the right to be worshipped except a lot. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless us in the act of Juma to forgive our sins and have mercy upon us. My last panel diala sin, his Rama and his mercy may open the skies and send the rain to us and alleviate our difficulty and the difficulty of all those people across the world. We also lost Rhino dialect to send our love greetings and salutations to our beloved Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his pious and pure family to the Sahaba and all those who follow his student until the end of time
Allah grant us to be on the student of Nabil Mohammed Salam in this life and to be with him in the amin will hamdulillah
Al Hamdulillah, we continue with our series inshallah, this would be the last or second last two more, two more lectures inshallah, on this topic, the power of knowledge, and we began by discussing that ikura is where we begin, and we our problems begin to get solved. It begins with knowledge that Allah subhanaw taala began with a crock and as an oma, as an Omar the solution to our problems goes back to knowledge. And we spoke in the city so far, we mentioned that Allah subhanho wa Taala made a promise and this is very important to remember when Allah says he had a very low Latina woman come one Latino to the Alma de Raja, that Allah says I promise and I swear and Allah subhana wa tada is
guaranteeing that he will raise up daraja in levels he will raise you up in levels two kinds of people, the people of Eman and the people of knowledge. If you have Eman Allah subhanho wa Taala if you have belief, Allah subhanaw taala will give you goodness in this dunya and if you have knowledge, a level getting you will get goodness in this dunya and if you are if that knowledge is beneficial, it will give you knowledge benefit in the era, but even a disbeliever even a disbeliever that has knowledge, Allah will give him prominence and superiority in this dunya and we can see the lens even though they are not lands of believers, but because they are lands of knowledge and
understanding and learning. They are superior. So Allah is telling us here he will raise you up through knowledge, and we only need to look at the Sahaba way they began. way they started, how they started to how they ended, started off as thugs, killers, murderers, criminals. And within 23 years of learning 23 years of spending time with a prophet SAW Selim, they became the most prominent people on earth, Allah gave him the dunya and it's a sooner it's not just for the Sahaba it's for each and every one of us. If we become an oma of learning, I will talk inshallah what oma we are currently will look at the state of the oma. But if we return to the s to economic return to return
to learning, Allah guarantees you guarantees us this dunya will be used and you will solve the problems that you're facing.
And we sit in terms of specifically Islamic learning and Islamic knowledge. And therefore every one of us needs to be part of a class, or a audio to listen to weekly or a book that you're reading. Be on the path of knowledge of the prophet SAW, Selim says, He who walks a path of in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to gender guaranteed, and the angels will lower the wings, in submission in humility for the people of knowledge. And we said all the way earlier in our series, that if you look at the story of Adam, the angels making sure due to him was because maybe Adam had knowledge that they did not have, that you and I as in Sun, we have the ability to excel
above the angels, but only through learning only through learning. I mean, over the last week or two we discussed the story of NaVi masala Soto salam, when Allah put him basically put him in a in the school put him back in in. In grade one. He had to humble himself and he had to go through a difficult journey to learn. We spoke about the story and the learnings we take from that is number one, very important.
If you I am not in a class of learning, doing a book without been without excelling either for the dounia or for the accurate in terms of our Islamic sciences or dounia. sciences. If we're not learning, there is no excuse really.
No one is too busy or too learned or too senior or too mature. To learn. Maybe Moosa is more learning than all of us. He was busier than all of us. He was more senior than all of us. He's most he's superior to all of us. Yet he had to go and start from basically from scratch and learn something that he did not know. So there's no excuse, and therefore learning is a word. It's compulsory on every male and female Muslim. It is compulsory. As we know, we know the same money
can be made from the cradle to the grave. We constantly have to learn from one another
A lady from the cradle to the grave we have to learn constantly, we only stopped learning when we die. That's our oma. That's the ethos of our oma. And we have forgotten that by and large. We have lived that. And that's why we have these problems. We also see the urgency to learn that you have to make a priority prioritize learning in your life, maybe move to a salon immediately when he found out that he had some knowledge he didn't know immediately he stopped everything he stopped basically his job as an IV, he took leave from being a Navy is an amazing thing. In the in the in the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you never find that the Navy is allowed to leave his people because
his job is to look after them. No, the moose actually takes a sabbatical to learn. Some scholars have even said it was more than a year that he left in search of nambiti that I said to Sam, so, you know, there are no excuses and there's no, they should be urgency. If I haven't been I haven't signed up for a clause. I haven't taken a new book to learn. I'm not listening to a series of lectures, then I'm not fulfilling my obligations. And remember, a lot of what we know from the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, one of the specific questions each and every one of us will be asked, all of us will be asked on piano, it was requested knowledge, asked me to ask you,
what did you do in terms of knowledge? What did you learn? How did you use it? Why didn't you learn that? Everyone has to answer that question on the day of piano. And remember, the point is not to be an island. It's not to master it's not to be half of the Quran. That's not the end is not the objective. The journey is the person the important part. And that's why it is called a student in Islam. You know, the student is called Bollywood. A student is called bollywood, the one who is seeking or searching for knowledge. Even if you're doing Google search for knowledge is okay inshallah, so long as it's reliable, but in the past, it's searching for knowledge, this is an ethos
all of us must be to love, all of us must be seekers of knowledge, you should always be searching for knowledge and be musallam he physically had to go out in search of that knowledge. And therefore one of the challenges a lot is going to put in the past and the present tokuyama knowledge is something that you must seek out
it will not be easily available, as you will always be called until kiama you'll be called a file you will have to search through find that knowledge it's a treasure and you'll find from every muscle story what do we learn effort and patience hidden mentioned so many times that Musa you don't have patience, you don't have patience, you don't you with knowledge and learning, it will frustrate you. It will make you tired, it will make people upset you even it's not easy. Allah will another we said this rule over and over Allah will not give knowledge for free, nothing, everything in the dunya Allah might give for free even Eman Allah might give it to you for free. But Allah will not
give knowledge away for free. Imagine. Imagine you born as a Muslim, right? You think about it. You are born with Islam, in your heart, he Daya but you weren't born with knowledge. Allah does not pot with knowledge except with struggle even to be Muslim. Even though you're Muslim, even though you're the most beloved to Allah on the face of the earth. You need to be patient and you need to learn. So it must be difficult. You it has to be difficult. And then of course we see knowledge transforms. From Moses perspective. Before he learned Nabi Musa, he saw what is a man that broke a ship, he killed the boy, he built a wall for no reason. But knowledge made him realize he saved a family's
life, that this child was an evil person, he removed evil, he protected the rights of an orphan. Knowledge opens your mind to see the world differently. He transforms you. Now the monster before he learned was one thought of the world in one way when he left he understood things very differently. And that's what knowledge does.
And we as an oma, we have a rich legacy of knowledge. We are as an oma it's not just theoretical. It's not something that we've been talking about and encouraging it as an oma, we dominated the sciences of the dunya and akhira. We an oma that excelled and all of us should know by now you should all know that. In our history. It's not was not common, that we are where we are currently today. Historically, the Muslims in the Muslim lands were lands of technology of advancement, it was a land of rich knowledge. In fact, people would come the world would congregate in our countries to learn. Now we go to Western countries, European countries, American Canada, the Australian, you
know, the Far East, China, Japan, we leave our lands to search knowledge outside because our lands don't have the knowledge. This was not the norm. Many of our international law scholars came back if our ancestors of a few 100 years old came back and they saw this will be shocked to swallow. This is not the way it should be. The rest of the world came to us to learn and you'd be surprised how much of the modern society is built on the foundation of Islamic learning. And that's why for about 1000 years, but 1000 years, it was called the Islamic Golden Age before
Before Europe, you know picked up pace, Islam, the Muslim lands, Muslim scholars and scientists were dominating every field, every field of learning.
There was a time, it was once upon a time, we kings would send the sons and daughters to universities in Muslim lands, Kings of Europe would send the sons and daughters to Muslim universities, Islamic universities to learn, because that's where the scholars were, that's where the knowledge was, that in the university, the textbooks that you would learn if you were in Oxford, or Harvard, whatever universities might be, the textbooks would be written by Islamic scientists and scholars. That's why it was 111 study said that if they had Nobel prizes, you know, a Nobel Prize, not just for PCF for literature, for chemistry, for physics, whatever it might be mathematics, if
they had the Nobel prizes, like 1000 years ago, then for a period of 600 years, for 600 years, every single field would have been won by a Muslim scholar for 600 years will only be Muslim scholars that would win in every single field. Today, you can count on your you know, on your one or two hands, how many Muslim scientists and scholars have won the Nobel Prize. And we are behind we are, you know, maybe centuries behind some of the some of the some of the countries in terms of science and technology.
And we should remind ourselves about this legacy. One of the one of the ways in which we are being dominated or subjugated is to also make you forget that, and it's a very clear bias. If you study history, for example, you will study ancient Roman history, the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, and Plato and all those ancient names. And then you will learn you'll jump about 1500 years later and learn about Isaac Newton and all that. So what happened between that period the world is listed as the Dark Ages, nothing happened. Now that was the age that Islam dominated. You won't learn about we don't know our Islamic scientists yet. We know Isaac Newton, we know Albert Einstein, we know all
the great scholars of the Western world. We don't know, the Islamic scholars, our scholars, why? Because it's a deliberate way of making us forget, it's deliberate. It's very intentional, it's very biased, to shift in all glory all is all prestige, away from a people to different people. It's part of colonialism. And we can't allow ourselves to forget, at the very least, if we can't emulate it, at least remember, at least remember what we can come from. And before we talk about, we're going to talk inshallah, about some of the great Islamic scholars in terms of science, the Islam, the scientists, I want you to understand that everything on science that we developed all the amazing
things I'll talk about that we develop the first group of scholars to really begin thinking of the Islamic ummah. Remember Islam, came the first the deen knowledge came, the Quran came down first, the prophet SAW Selim taught Islamic knowledge. And then the oma started to learn Islamic knowledge. And we started to get Rama in terms of Islamic scholars. But it was the ethos and the way of thinking that encouraged other scholars to explore into other fields of science, and therefore it's a very critical relationship that we have with our Islamic scholars Dalai Lama. Sometimes we get frustrated with Allah know that sometimes we we get frustrated with them. Sometimes we might even
look down on them and sometimes we judge them. Failure unfeeling, one brother says, you know, you squander what amateurs get together, they stop the bickering the Marino's shortcoming, maybe we still have to Malaga guide all of us. But understand this. Remember this every nation that received a Book from Allah, they Allah corrupted it and change the narrative over rotate with the own hand to subjugate and deceive the people. It is the only this the law of this nation that preserved the Quran, purely and gave it to the masses. There was always a clergy in every region you find a clergy and elite group of scholars, whatever they say is law. Our law is not like that. Our man made it
accessible. Every one of you can come up with an opinion and you can debate openly bring your daddy if you say this is halal. Bring in evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. Even if you have no titles behind your name, but the evidence is with you. We accept your opinion, right to Subhana Allah, don't forget that the aroma of this oma preserve the dean, they did the job. And they created the love of learning the first scholars to really love learning and toil in the sake of learning with the scholars of the dean. And that, that thinking and that encourage and they encourage others to say, learn and explore the world even if you don't want to study Quran and Hadith because explore
science and technology, geography and the stars do that it's part of the deen. Our own ama showed that science and Islam is all part from the same source light from the same source. Very different to European, the European example, the church shunned scientists, the church burn scientists, this you know, any other kind of scholarly thought was put down
Why should the church could remain in charge? That's the clergy, the religious scholars, our scholars didn't do that. Our scholars recognize knowledge in all its spheres. And I said, it's a very important thing that we did. The scholars of our time that made the Quran accessible to the masses. Everyone can read that quote, and it wasn't kept hidden for us only. And they showed a very important thing you when we talk about Hadeeth, when we say is it strong or weak? This concept of grading information tasting, verifying, scientists do that today, you know, is this correct? Is this hypothesis critically test. It is the scholars of this Dean that did that first, that whatever
knowledge you come forward, it must be tested for authenticity. We only take credit information, this kind of thinking, we take it for granted. But 1500 years ago, there wasn't for granted. People believe in myths, and they believe in all kinds of fables. But this marvelous oma said we test information for its reliability. And that thinking, encourage the scholars in other fields to do the same. We test everything for authenticity. We thank Mr. Bahari, and Mr. Malik and the great scholars of the past to what we have in science today.
We also be thankful that we have not one method, or one group of scholars, we don't have a pope in the Vatican. We have scholars throughout the world, meaning we no mother always encouraged debate, but arguing and differing in this respect. But we encourage differences of opinion. And we show that there's not one answer. The scholars of this mother clergy of the soma, have in the past showed that you can have multiple opinions. And you can all be right, that no one has a monopoly on knowledge. Mr. Malik, for example, as we said, in fact, all of us should have been Maliki because the halifa wanted to take the Maliki madhhab, the book of Mr. Malik, and make the pages the cloak of the
carrabba. He wants to print it on the cloak of the Kaaba. And he said, Every one of the woman must be Maliki from now on. That was the state, you know, in my mind, he says no, don't do that. Because I don't have all the knowledge. I don't have all the information, leave the Hanafi madhhab leave the other methods to be they have also knowledge that I don't have. This is the thinking of our scholars of the past. Evidence and debate is a rich, you know, culture of evidence and debate. And in fact, we should go back to that, not argue and not fight and not bomb and blow each other up and call each other names. No, no, that's fighting. But we should have rich debate, the rich scholarly debate. And
we find the greatest of scholars, the people that we love the most. They argued and debated with one another and sometimes it became heated and whatever it might be. And then with the writing the books, I disagree with Shafi I disagree with Malik Hamdulillah, this only enriches the oma, we need to go back to that way of thinking. And as I said, they paved this paved the way for future scholars. Why? Because kids and we're lying in the past
the formal way of learning if you lived 1000 years ago, how did you go? You began by coming to the madrasa First, the madrasa and they weren't schools. So you learned first thing alphabeta to recite the Quran, and you had to share what you learn Quran and Hadith and basic Islamic sciences. And from that shift, you also learn the importance of knowledge, you learn the etiquette of debate, you learn to explore and study. And therefore even though you might not have gone further, as a Islamic scholar, you learn the basis of being a scholar, just a normal scientist from that madrasa. The concept of you know, you say, is the chair of the faculty. Why? Because you had to share who sit on
a chair, and you have people sitting around him in a circle, a learning circle, this came from our, our legacy.
And therefore many of the great Islamic scientists, they will have the Quran, they were scholars in the Islamic field, they were philosophers. Why? Because they went through first Islamic learning, and then open the mind to secular or dunia learning and if we don't believe a difference, so what kind of contributions did we give to the world? And there are books, and you should read this many YouTube videos on this. And we need a revival of the Islamic Golden Age, the age in which the Muslims transform the world. You have to know some of these Islamic scholars know some of them for example, I just list some of them and there's no order of preference. Even on Haytham very
interesting story, I think they should be made a movie of this man, even a story should be made a movie out of his life. It was a scientist, you know and he an engineer, he began as being an engineer. And he wrote, he made a claim. He said that, you know from the beginning of time, people lived in Egypt. And the Nile River always used to flood the Nile who is used to flood no engineer on Earth would ever control the flowing of the Nile. So he said I've got some theories about how I can do it. I know how to do it. So the ruler of Egypt was a bit of a tyrant. He says, Okay, I have is the scientist who claims in Baghdad to bring him here. And he has about two they gave him like 10
years to do this. After 10 years. He failed, couldn't do it. So he was gonna be executed. And the only way you could save himself. He was he had to what what did he have to do? He mimicked madness CCT I'm just kidding.
person I just took nonsense, you know, I'm not the real, I'm just talking fairy tales and fables. So we can't execute a crazy person. So they locked him up in a cell. And he lived many, many years in a very dark cell, no light, and a beam of light would come, only one beam of light would come through and would cost an image you would see the outside world on this beam of light on the wall. And he thought as a scientist, how does the image from outside come here? And he began to think and as a scientist, he knew the theories of light and the eye and, and he realized all those theories were wrong. So in prison, he wrote this, you know, thesis on optics when he was released. He's his study
of the eye and optics is known as the father of optics. The first camera when it was invented was about the scholar. He understood how for the first time in history, someone understood how the eye works, why we have a hole the why we have retinal people why is the image upside down what's happening? He understood the beams of light first person on earth, this meant even hate them, right?
even fit in as 1000 years before, you had the Wright brothers who invented aeroplanes, this man really has had diagrams of how planes should work. And he experimented with balloons and these kind of things. 1000 years before this man jabil, even hayyan the word gibberish one of the you know, gibberish means like nonsense. It's believed that comes from this man's name job, but even a man he was an Islamic scholar. And then he went into better mysticism. And before there was this before we had a science called chemistry, we had something called alchemy, alchemy, and even even Isaac Newton at some point believed in alchemy, where they said if you experiment with different substances, you
can find like the secret of life, you can drink something and makes you immortal. So they they didn't understand how chemicals work was almost like magic. So this man began as an alchemist experimenting with different substances. But as he went through he realized he discovered a new science called chemistry. And he was able to list different properties acids and bases and different elements even add the one of the first periodic tables different elements utilize this element of it mixes where there is an explosion in these two go together, nothing happens and he experimented for many many years and he wrote a book on all his findings. And when later European scholars got his
book they said this is like a different language. And you know, if you study chemistry is like equations, these numbers and letters, it looks like different language they say this is gibberish, Java ish. Java is language a language all on its own. Right. So this man many of the many of the processes that are still used today, he was the first scientist to do it. Again, he began as a Islamic scholar, searching, searching for for truth.
enamel Jerry, father of robotics, the first robots in the world knock traffic lights, robots, robots and robots with differently and Capetown, the father of robotics using pumps and motors. The first man to invent these things was his main agenda. You know why how we started problem we have the well for outside the city, but we want to take we're doing the masjid how are we going to bring the water to the masjid? That's how it started. So I said, Okay, fine. Let's find a way of using pressure and pumps to get the water into into the masjid. And that's how we started the first man to really innovate it was an Islamic question that lead to a new field many of the astronomers as well. How
Why did they get into astronomy? Why, you know, many of the, you know, in chemistry, in particular, the word chemistry is Arabic. And many of the like, alkaline that iron sound is an Arabic word and how many? How many substances are basically taking home Arabic? Because this field is dominated by Islamic chemists. Astronomy is the same. Why? Why is astronomy important? To get calendars we all about time when the Salah period when he's Ramadan when he's eat? Is we still struggling to get it right? But Alhamdulillah one scholar said, you know, you know, you know, the sky and the moon is not a symbol. We don't believe in symbols and stuff like that, right? We don't be worshipped symbols,
but the sky and the moon is synonymous with Islam. It's so strange. The one thing that Omar doesn't united upon is the moon. That's our symbol, right? That's the symbol of our oma the star and the moon. But because our need of understanding dates and times, our scholars are astronomers, we dominated the field of astronomy. And he said that today, many of the you know the works that they did was basically thrown out and just plagiarized blatant plagiarism, and the contributions thrown away. SubhanAllah. We know. For example, just think about this. Edwin Hubble Hubble telescope is named after him. It is a telescope outside of the earth. It's floating in space. It's taking
pictures. It's the most advanced telescope. It's named after him, Edwin Hubble. And why is he so famous? Because he discovered that the universe is expanding it Allah says in the Quran, that visually we created the universe and we are continuously expanding it now let's say the image on the earth is I made the summer work and I'm making the summer work expand, not the earth. So this is something we knew and our scholars knew one
1500 years ago, the universe is expanding, yet we didn't get the credit for it. Right? Only 100, less than 100 years ago, this became a recognized algebra. All of us did algebra in high school. Why? Why must you solve for x? Where did this come about? You know how it started? It came about trying to understand, like, you know, in algebra, it's about trigonometry and algebra go together, you know, shapes, solve for x, y, how big is this, this this angle? Why do you need to do that? I mean, we need our math teachers never explained to us why you need to do that, you know, it started the Hollywood scene, a tax collector, go to this man's farm, and measure how much Zakah he must pay
from his day plantation. Now, the farm is in all different kinds of shapes. So they said, You know what, if we draw a square, we know from this square, that's how much data must come out. So we we cut his farm up into shapes, and we calculate from the and this is how trigonometry and algebra developed, how to calculate Zakah on forms SubhanAllah. And today, it's, you know, standard methodology. The scholar even seen, one of the great medical is an Islamic scholar, he wrote philosophy, you know, they've seen all these sciences. But he wrote, I think about 1000 1020 5000 years ago, he wrote an encyclopedia on modern medicine, all the procedures, all the instruments, all
the diseases that he encouraged, encountered, and what are the treatments and the cures? Up until 1000 700,000,700 years later, he's encyclopedia was still a textbook in European universities. for 700 years, this man's Encyclopedia elcano, in the canon of medicine, was the Standard Book of medical science in Europe. Right? This is like 200 years ago. How is it now that when we seek we need to go seek doctors in non Muslim lands? The Muslim doctors, our Muslim engineers, our Muslim astronomers, we don't have them we second in line, how did we forget? How did we go backwards? Alhamdulillah we not the Sahaba started at zero, we're not starting at zero, we still have a
platform, we can get back to that Alhamdulillah we can get back to that. I mean, first university in the world, was by far my theory, oldest university on Earth, was by a lady who built a university in Morocco.
Yes, yes, yes.
The first university on earth and when you just just think about this, I'm going to get to a point as to how many people have tertiary education.
The need there was a sister, a father was a scholar in Morocco. He was a scholar, and she realized that there is a need for people to get together and to learn Islamic Studies, not only Islamic Studies, but the world sciences. On a higher level. People should become scholars basically full time that should be the job. So she she had a massive inheritance from her father. And she said I want to use this to build a university, a Jamia a place that Jamia like Jama where people get together, and they get to study and learn. It's a place for an assembly place of learning, purely for learning, the first person on earth and the first university by us, we should have the most
universities therefore, and the most libraries, the most scholars. But of course we know that's not the truth. And this built this foundation that we put that we forgot about. The European Renaissance is built on this visit picture. One of the painters, they painted all the famous 20 scholars that based European that European civilization is based on Plato and Aristotle and Isaac Newton, all the great scholars, they put them in one portrait, and there's a picture of a man in a turban. And there's a picture of a man in the turban in the and I said this is even ever ever else. He developed these the books that he wrote. Now he was a scholar of thick like he wrote thick Mohammadi scholar.
If you go to the Islamic University of Medina today, you still study his book and his book is competitive, his book says is putting water in your mouth when we do compulsory asuna hanafy save us that's the evidence Shafi say this this David is humble. So he's a scholar of thick, but he was also a philosopher. and European scientists took his way of thinking they left this left Islam, but they based the law on his law. His mark is a former Maliki scholar. And the Moloch is ruled Spain. So European law, French law was based on his writings, Panama. So today we studied in Islamic University of Medina. So we forgot that you know, the Europeans took this about a year ago, two
years ago, they were renovating one of the oldest cathedrals in the UK. And when they looked at the beams at this, like the planks that were put the hundreds to 300 years ago, the now the people who work in the building today you have to number the speed because the the numbers were all in Arabic to build these cathedrals. Why? Because the best artisans and the best masons came from Muslim lands.
They were talking Arabic and obviously writing doing the notes in Arabic. The oldest maps in the world Arabic maps, I mean of the modern world span Allah. How did we forget? How did we not go to the moon first? How do we not seen the first, you know, rockets into space? How did we not, you know, sort of colonize the ship that Christopher Columbus winked and sailed to
America, both by Spanish Muslims, Panama, how is it possible that we were not the if we were not perhaps we're the first ally on them. But this is what happened. Now we look at the current state of Alabama, the current state of Oklahoma, that's where we were. We are we now you know, some kind of law. Our Eman is being attacked because of our ignorance, both from an Islamic or we're going backwards. From an Islamic perspective. We don't know Islam, and we don't know the dunya. You know, it's not that we became all Obama and scholars, and we live the dunya. We live both, unfortunately, both in terms of scholarly and scientific knowledge. And after knowledge, for example, you know,
there was a study done, and they wrote an article they said, you know, as a young person who graduates high school, and you go to university, Muslim, young boy jungle, they should be able to answer these questions because this is what they deal with daily. How can they prove Islam is true in between myth and truth? is Islam rational? Does it make sense? Can you answer that question? If our kids asked us, prove to me the Quran is real? Prove to me there's an Allah atheism? Can we answer that questions? Our kids need to answer that? So are we equipped to answer those questions, sectarianism? Why do we have different groups fighting each other Sunni, Shia Salafi suitability?
Where does this all come from? How do we find an answer? In fact, inshallah myself and Chef shared Siddiq will be doing a series on sectarianism, different groups, and we start in Shall I think, Muslim, give give the details. But it's a science that we need to know the different groups, different ideologies, Islam and gender issues. What is the role of a woman the role of a man? What does Islam say? Is this correct? Is it about sexuality wise? You know, homosexuality is okay not okay. Why not? Why four wives, all these kind of issues? We need to answer those questions in the time we live in. nationalism, am I a citizen of South Africa, a part of the oma was not such a big
issue. Alhamdulillah but in American context, very difficult. Am I a citizen of the United States allegiance to the flag and the President? Or am I part of the oma? And can that be brought together? Tough question, questions and usage of Sharia law versus secular law. Your friend tells you how you people are backwards, you still stone people to death, you still cut off the end? How is this right? How do you explain these things? These are the kind of secular questions that we need to understand we need to explain. And our youngsters they get confronted with this.
In terms of so that's in terms of the dunya the deen knowledge, and those are the kinds of learnings that you need to do. You need to go to classes do the basics of Salah stingier, we do Salah basic fasting, get through that basics, recite Quran, then you can get to those higher level discussions. We haven't gotten the I mean, the reality is we took a a polio, all of us, none of us are equipped to deal with those issues. But that's the issues that are happening today. We can't avoid it, we need to learn it, we need to study it.
And then a very shocking, you know, I was looking at UNESCO is you know you in you know study and we're looking at the literacy rates, you know how how much people how much basic education people have throughout the world. And if you look at the 10 most illiterate or the countries that struggle with literacy is the 10 countries. So in, for example, South Sudan for this study, a lot of its, you know, 100% correct or not 27% of the population can read and write the remaining 50 or the remaining 73%. Can't read and write shocking, right South Sudan. But if you look at this list, about half of the Muslim countries, Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Chad, Somalia span all these are
Muslim countries. We basically we're not even talking about scholars, we don't we just able to read alphabeta lacking
as a problem as a problem we have as an oma and Subhanallah you find Muslim groups, bombing schools, bombing universities, killing teachers. This is sort of this is Jamelia, back in the days of Abu jihad, back in the days of Jamia big problems that we have, and that's why almost no, there's no secret while oma is struggling. There's no conspiracy or big mystery. These numbers are what's our problem?
The Oh I see, you know, Subhan Allah back in the day when they invented that where they had the United Nations. They used to go to the League of Nations. The Muslim countries had the Nia we would like to have an Islamic un Muslim countries get together what's called the OSC, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. That organization is just the name now. It has never flourished.
But they and they meet regularly and they discuss. And in they study, they said in the opinion 40% of the Muslim population cannot read and write throughout the world globally, if we had, if we put all the Muslims together, 40% of them don't have basic literacy.
What is our raise you up if you learn and if you don't learn, that's where you're going to be. So there's no again mystery and this is why Alhamdulillah You and I were all literate, we all learned and we have access to education and knowledge. It's our duty, our Amana to change the world in that and to give our kids to push them forward.
So in sha Allah, the numbers are bad. What do we do? And we know the problems that this is causing in this oma and we know the problems is going to cause we will talk in sha Allah, what's the solution? You might not just to bash into lament how bad things are and how we we came from? How do we go back in the province of Salama Xia? How would we start from the beginning? How do we start to get to becoming masters in Islamic knowledge? masters in the secular knowledge? Where do we begin? Many people ask me, I would like to now learn Islam, where do I start? How do I start? I'd like to learn where do I begin? So inshallah Next week, we'll talk about how to break the cycle of jelly.
Remember, there is a concerted usage of taking education away to keep people abreast
definitely, there is no it's not a, you know, by accident that the best schools are in the privileged areas that this the well funded institutions have a select only a few people who can afford it can live they can get the it perpetuates the cycle, that those who have privilege can afford education, meaning when their kids qualify, they will have a leg up, raise them up, because they're going to be the the leaders of companies, they're going to be the leaders of the medical world, and the rest of us will be dependent on them, we get our medication from them, our food from them, our water from them, our energy from them. So you're not going to bite the hand that feeds
you. It's a type of slavery. You can use education as a means to enslave people, you give it to some an educated few as an elite. How do we break this? How do our kids dominate not for the sake of *, but for the sake of giving the world access to this kind of knowledge, we'll talk about that inshallah. Next week, I must of course, mention again, once again, that water restrictions, if you didn't know as of as of February now, we have six B water restrictions, basically a more extreme kind of restrictions. Really 5050 litres per day per person. If you exceed that then you are transgressing, and there's severe penalties if your household exceeds that so each and every one of
us need to look into that they will be diminished penalties and besides that, you know, as bad as things are, I was talking to my mom who lives overseas my grandparents or goodness along health and our grant them goodness in this dunya and if they've passed away, Allah bless him Allah have mercy and peace on your parents in the copper. May they feel the bulk of this right now in the common army. And you know, in this discussion I said the one good thing that we take from this is we realize you don't you can actually survive on 50 litres of water a day. It's not fair to walk out the jug it's just uncomfortable, but you can you can you can do it. Which makes you think 30 years
50 years I wasted water and even though I got away with it in the dunya I have to answer for those every drop I wasted I have to answer for that. Alhamdulillah Allah gave us a reminder in the dunya and not in the ashram whoever thought I'm gonna have to answer for the water we think of all the other things I do but to answer for that drops of water because there are people who never in their life experienced opening a tap and water running out never in their life voila we have to Allah forgive us for every drop of water we forgot of wasted mama forgive us for that. And when we get in sha Allah and Allah bring the reins back when we get back to it may we continue using water
sparingly the hadith of sad and indifference inshallah, the Hadith of
the prophets of Salaam so I'm taking we're doing the prophecy to sad What is this wastefulness extravagance? So say the suit Allah I'm using waterfall do I'm not wasting what is the wasting? We do? Supposing yes, even in Voodoo, even in Nevada for the sake of Allah you can waste any the profits in even if you were standing in a river. Now everything you wash goes back in the river, that what you're doing is waste. Even if the river not because we're in a desert, that if you use one drop more than you should even if it's in the ocean, it's waste. I was gonna count we're going to be held accountable for that. So for the sake of our Deen and for the sake of Ouma of you know,
that we save each and every one of us please use water sparingly and make the make ecfr Mela bring the reins back. May Allah bring the reins back mela bring the rings back. I mean, we've got a number of announcements in Sharla.
First, the handle our Tuesday classes have started up once again six to seven on a Tuesday evening, the age of the rightly guided caliphs.
The age of the Sahaba to happen here in the masjid 67 Alhamdulillah began with abubaker please attend insha Allah. Then we have a brother who was a masala in the masjid. He's very very young brother I should have angry. He has asked us to make dua for him and make the off all those who are ill alone mushy melograno Grantham Shiva, Aloma de allometry. A lot more of bananas as the bill bass ish fee when the chef is Fernando Sakuma masala, demobilization. Anisha Jamie Muslim, we ask Allah the Most High them was great to grant him a complete, complete Shiva. And Allah is the only one that Graceffa was the only one that brings back the health when it is gone. Now let's remove all traces
and all signs of the illness for him and for all the sick about Allah. Allah make it easy for those who are going through a hard time. Allah grant him His mercy and His kindness was the most merciful the most kind Alhamdulillah I mean, Zach Lucha Salaam Alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh