Muhammad West – Miracles of the Quran #1

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The Quran is the final revelation of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and it is a work of human intervention. The title is a powerful claim made by Jesus Christ, and the definition of a miracle is the ability to split the ocean and create the "imran" section in the title of the Quran. The transcript discusses various examples of words used in the Quran, including the verse of light, the verse of guidance, and the use of "imran" in the title of the book of 600 pages. The title is a complete legal framework, with no difference between the church's legal framework and the church's history. The Quran is the most powerful and profound language on the planet, making it the only language on the wall that remains the same.
AI: Transcript ©
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I was relying on a sheet on resumes for man Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashraf and was an insane number humming mine early he also iVh remain My beloved brothers and sisters in Islam in Santa Monica and work with law here when I go to handload I'm glad I mean all praise to Allah subhanho wa Taala insha Allah, Allah and Allah we will witness at another night of worship besides Allah, we glorify Allah and we thank you for bringing us to this holy day of Friday in the holy month of Ramadan, we ask Allah to accept from us and we sing our greetings enough and salutations will never be Mohammed Salah to send them to a spice and pure family to his

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companions and only as follows until the end of time. And Allah bless us to be part of the tsunami Mohamed Salah Salam in this life and to be with us in general theodosia amin Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah, as part of our Ramadan Friday sees we want to begin inshallah a series on the miracles of the Quran. This is the month of the Quran, one of the important aspects of Ramadan is to connect with the Quran. And we thought it was a very good opportunity for us to look at the Quran and analyze it and try to dissect the Quran and explore some of the miraculous aspects of the Quran. We also welcome a number of our non Muslim friends and neighbors who have joined us in this in this

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lecture series, wanting to know a little bit more about the Quran and what makes it special. And looking at it, how it stands out in an RV, is there any evidence that we can put forward, that this is actually a divine revelation? So before we actually get into it, I think some important points to be mentioned, the Muslims believe that along with you know most religions in the world are based on creator and that he looks after and he takes care of the of the universe that is one creator. And we also believe that throughout history, God Almighty sent down a revelation and send out scriptures, amongst the scriptures which Allah Subhana Allah God Almighty, revealed was the Torah to a prophet

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Moses, at a peace be upon him and the gospel in the Injeel to me, Isa Prophet Jesus Christ, the peace be upon him. And then the final scripture we say, we believe is the scripture of the Quran. This is the final revelation, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. And this revelation was 1400. And almost 1500 years ago, this is when the Quran was revealed the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, the Quran, it literally means the recitation because it was transmitted in an auto format, it was not given in a hardcopy will a book wasn't given, rather, it was revealed over bits and pieces over a period of 23 years. every verse of the Quran is referred to as an IRA, an IRA actually means

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medical. And so therefore, Muslims quite proudly, or quite confidently, we say that, you know, as every prophet was given a special kind of miracle to convince its people and that they are being seen forward by God Almighty, the miracle of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, the miracle they still alive with us today. And his most powerful and compelling miracle is this book called The Quran. And that if you were able to if we were able to go through its evidences, then hopefully, we would be confident that this is a very special book, but this is not a invention of human invention. Rather, it is something beyond human human intervention. And so that is what we try to go through

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during this series in sha Allah. As I said, Muslims believe that the Quran is the verbatim Word of God, this is, every single letter, every single word in the Quran was revealed, it was not put together by the scholars or by the disciples of the Prophet peace forum, it was even put together by him. He's simply relaying that which was inspired to invite God Almighty. And maybe this is an important discussion thing for us as Muslims, we don't appreciate that in other religions, the religious texts are actually a compilation, something which is put together over many, many decades, even many hundreds of years. And the belief is that it was inspired by God to different authors. And

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so it's a it's a work a man made work inspired by, by Almighty that is what other religions take seriously position. The Quran Of course, we say that every single word was given by God over a period of 23 years began and ended. And the Prophet peace funding was simply he conveyed the message. And often the message was done wasn't long after that he passed away peacefully upon him with a bold statement being made by Muslims, because if this is the, you know, an altered Word of God, then surely any mistake in it any grammatical error, anything that is out of place, if it's incorrect, then the entire book, you know, the whole book must be thrown away, because God doesn't

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make any mistakes. And so it's a, it's a powerful claim, and one that needs to be needs to be backed up with some kind of evidence. And of course, it needs the Word of God, it must be special in some way it must stand out above other other books. The Quran has 114 chapters called surahs. It's quite a lengthy book, if you haven't seen it's about 600 pages. So there's quite a bit of it that we can talk about. And so we will go through some of it inshallah, during the series. So our main objective is to prove or to look at it, does the Quran meet the definition of a miracle? And it goes a bit further than that. It says that even if it is a medical it's not only just a medical view or certain

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medicals, which God Almighty gave to the prophets, for example, God gave Moses the ability to

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to split the Red Sea of Jesus Christ, of course, he even resurrected the date, the Quran makes a claim that is, it's even more powerful than these miracles were given to the previous prophets. So not only is it the miracle, we need to prove that it is the greatest of miracles. And so of course, it's a big part for us to do. And something we hope that we can just try and touch on and trying to get some discussion around this inshallah in the next few weeks. So the first question is, is it a medical, we need to understand what is a medical, and so therefore, throughout the series, I want you to keep this definition in mind, and ask yourself if it meets this definition. So the definition

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of a miracle is any act or event that does not conform with the natural law, it's an extraordinary event that cannot be explained by scientific or normal, natural, rational reasons. If you can't explain it through the normal means, then you know, there has to be another alternative explanation. And so does the Quran meet this definition, we will look at the Quran from various aspects, from a scientific aspect from a historical aspect, and look at them from from these different dimensions and see if the Quran is special in any way. Today, the first aspect that we're going to look at in the most basic way is to look at the Quran from the angle of literature. So how does the Quran stack

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up as just a book of writing? So if you had on your desk, a number of books, how is it put together? How is the language being used? The Quran, of course was revealed in the Arabic language. And so of course Arabs will be the people who understand the language will be able to understand it better. And so we will talk a little bit about in terms of Arabic compared to all the other Arabic textbooks or literature books, how does the Quran campaign the first point to note, and this is a very powerful point. And this is what really makes the Quran very special is that it is the first and the oldest book in the Arabic language, there were no books before it, there was no way for you to copy

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from anything else to be inspired or to be compared. And so it's important because every author in the world they are before they write something they read, and they acquire knowledge and therefore they have a basis of a foundation of knowledge. And then from the they put forward the books, the fact that the Quran had nothing before it, it stands out as without a doubt the most important book in the Arabic language, this alone makes it the most powerful and most authoritative book in the Arabic language. yesterday. Well, of course, the lack of Arabic language existed, people did speak, they were contracts, there were certain poems written down bits and pieces of parchment. But without

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a doubt, there is no book that preceded the Quran. And there's no book therefore that the Quran was influenced by and so every single book in the Arabic language is influenced by the Quran. If you look at the style, how is the Quran written? If you open it? Is it like a book of law? Is it a book of history? How is it written? The Quran, of course is a book of guidance. And it's a book of how to live your life and it gives you instructions we'll talk more about the themes of the Quran, but just in the style of its writing. The Quran is written in a vapor we take form. And it's a very, it's a very eloquent formal writing in the Quran came down at a time when the Arabs who took great pride in

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the mastery of the Arabic language and the ability to to recite poetry. So the Quran came in that kind of context, able to challenge the poets of its time and to stand out as a literary masterpiece. It uses stories and parables, figures of speech, it gives contrast and those sketches, all of it to deliver its message in a very powerful way. Just to appreciate how unique it is, from a literary standpoint, that if you were to go to any university in the world, and you want to study Arabic as a subject, just the Arabic language you'd like to study Arabic part of that curriculum would be the study of the Quran, because because of the poetic nature of the Quran. Now, again, don't take this

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for granted. Many most religious books do not form part of the curriculum of the language. I'm not talking who study Islamic values. Of course, if you study Islamic Studies, or study the Quran, I'm talking purely just the Arabic language that you wouldn't study like Shakespeare in Arabic, the Quran forms the basis of the Arabic studies. And yet even though you don't have to have a PhD to understand the Quran, it's very simple. From you know, basically when you can able to read their kids at the age of four and five, they're already reading and understanding the Quran. So it's simplistic enough for even children to understand and yet if you want to it has such depth and

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meaning that you could actually spend years at the university level trying to understand it. Just to give you an example of how the Quran puts forward parables and how it gets its message across. one verse in the Quran that I've selected is called the verse of light way. God Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to explain, give a message over in a very, very deep, abstract way so that you can understand it better. It's called the verse of light. And in this verse, lots of answers will be mentioned already. Allah who knows somehow 31 out of that God Almighty is the light of the heavens and the earth. masanori can be shared in fear Misbah, the likeness of His life is that of a of a

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niche. I will miss biographies.

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A judge in which there is a lamp so these are a niche in the wall is a part of the wall that is cut out inside that that hole or that niche. There is a lamp as Sujatha can call cabin durian, you call them in charge rotten mobile rocketing zaytuna teen national key alharbi that the lamp is in a glass the glass looks as if it is a bright star. If the lamp is kindled from a blizzard of three that is neither from the east or the west, whose oil all but lights up while Olam There are so narrow even though fire has not touched it nor on other North light upon light he had allowed in order him a year ago God guides to his light tone he was wired that he will love and emphatically NASA will love

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them equally Shane and him and that God gives an example for people and Allah is knowledgeable of all things. So again, let's explain this this verse. So Allah has given example he says there's a niche in the wall. In this wall. These are a lamp which is surrounded by gloss. And the gloss itself is very sparkly. It's very bright, it's very clean, it itself sparkles like a stock. The lamp is kindled meaning inside the lamp when it's used to light it is a special kind of oil, which glows itself the oil itself is sparkles. So you've got this lamp with this V pure oil is very beautiful glass in this wall, and without any fire touching it, it sparkles. Then, when fire does touch it, it

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brightens up and it's light upon light. And it gives us beautiful imagery of light. Now what is this verse actually speaking about? It's a beautiful image and it's creating, what is he speaking about is the niche is the chest of a person. And inside this niche is the heart of of a person, the heart is the lamp. And inside the heart is this beautiful, pure oil. It's natural, the natural inclination of mankind is to do good, his natural humanity. But even if though even before it has been lifting up with with the fire, it is already on guidance. It is beautiful, if you can see truth from falsehood, but then when it receives the fire, the fire being the the light of Revelation, being

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inspired by God, when the natural human nature of man meets with the revelation of God and the guidance of God. And then you've got this this beautiful effect of neurone Allah, no light upon light. And then God says he guides to his light whatever he wants, and he gives an example to mankind so that we can pond up there's a very beautiful verse, explaining, explaining the revelation and the relationship that mankind has within relation with the revelation of God. Then similarly, in that exact same chapter, a few verses further on. Allah subhanaw taala gives an example of someone who does not have the light of guidance, and he gives a parable. So Allah says, the situation of

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such a person is like layers of darkness someone out in the deep sea, which is covered by waves. On top of which there are more waves on top of which there are clouds, layers of darkness piled upon the other. So it's a ship in the middle of a dark ocean, with waves caching over eight waves upon waves, over it are these dark clouds, pile darkness upon darkness, when he puts his hand out, he can hardly see it. And one who is not given the light of God has no light. So this contrasts guidance and Miss guidance, the guidance of God helping you through life, versus someone that is lost at sea. And again, if you look at the parables in young, it's put forward in a very, very beautiful,

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beautiful way. Another example of we is a deliberate usage of words, word repetition. Quran when you use words, we omit certain words to give forward a powerful meaning. One of the very basic or simple examples of this is the the statement for enamal also use raw enamel so you syrup, Gods is for indeed, with hardship, they will be ease and he repeated a second time. So this is where the repetition, verily with hardship, they will be ease. And what we see is called Safe, a lot of understanding you that whenever you go through hardship, hardship is it's made difficult, it's confined in is restricted immediately with it, God will give you the means to get through it. And

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then he beats the words twice. So think about the psychology of this verse, someone was going through a tough time someone that has lost something lost, someone will look at the current situation, everyone's going through difficulty, you get this message from God and he says with hardship, they will be ease indeed with hardship, he repeated twice of dealing with hardship, he is ease and it doesn't mean the ease will come off the hardship with every hardship, there is a silver lining, you are strong enough to get through this and repeats it twice to give you any force that idea, some other examples of the perfect usage of words in the Quran and v v, there is no doubt that

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these words are placed very strategically. And you have to understand these things to show that the the the usage of the words in the Quran are miraculous in nature. In the 33rd chapter of the Quran, Allah says, Allah has not made God has not made for a man two hearts inside of him. Now, the idea of the meaning of this verse is of course

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If you only have one heart, you can only commit to one deity. You can't worship multiple gods, your heart belongs to only one, one creator. And so usually it would be more you'd think in the Quran. When our speaks about man, he would use the word mankind that Allah is not made in the heart of mankind to hearts in his interior, but he uses the word orajel, which means male, Allah is not made for a male to heart in his interior. Now, why is the word man man used, because it is possible for a woman to have two hearts inside of, of course, it's the case where the lady was carrying a baby at the time, she would actually have two hearts inside of her body, because the word is V Jove mean

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inside of him in his interior in his body. And so just for the precision of word usage, that only you know the word man instead of human is used, or person is used, again, perfect word usage. Another example of how the Quran has, you know, it can't be a coincidence, we need to ask yourself again play that definition. Is this normal is this irrational is this is this something that can be emulated? For example, the longest chapter of the Quran is the second chapter it has 296 verses are quite a long, a big chunk of the Quran is the second chapter of the Quran. And it was revealed over a period of 10 years. So it wasn't didn't come down in one go. But 10 piece of it was was revealed.

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And this was all in oral tradition, remember, so there wasn't like a part was written down. And then additional parts were added to it. It was spontaneous, and he came in many, many parts of the chapter, you would find it will be waste and ohnaka, they asked you about something someone would come with a question? And the answer would be in in Revelation form. And so it was put together over a period of 26 hour period of 10 years 286 verses, it's the longest chapter of the Quran, where interestingly, if you go to verse 143 143, of course, being right in the middle of 286, if you will read that verse, it says, and thus we have made you a middle community, middle meaning a moderate,

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a, just a fe community. So right in the middle of the longest chapter, you have this verse that says, We have made you a middle community. And again, this is very difficult if you were to say that this was deliberately placed in the way it is an oral tradition, it's very hard to know where the middle is of your recitation, when it was put down in a in a text form which happened the year of the Prophet, peace be upon him passed away, when you can actually see this. This is only something which you notice, once it's in text form. Another example of the precise usage of words the Quran, one of the ways of knowing that the Quran, there's a lot of there was a lot of thinking behind it,

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there was a lot of planning, it's not just spontaneous writing, is, as I said, the words of precise what your Quran will use in one area is consistent throughout the Quran. For example, in Arabic, there are two words where the Quran uses two words describe a wife, the one word is Emma, it literally means woman. So if we say the woman of Mohammed, it would mean his wife, and also xo, which which means his mate or his pay his partner, so Emma and Zoey, and both of them if you read the English and this week becomes clear, when you read this in the English translation, both would say wife, the wife of Muhammad, the wife of karma, even though it's two different words, but they

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carry different meanings, and it's consistent throughout the Quran. So while you're reading it, you would not really understand would not really pick it up, it's almost in the background. And once you analyze it, you will find that it's been used very, very deliberately. To show you that this was every single word is quite, it's thought out it's placed strategic inlay. So for example, the word MRR is generally used for a relationship that is, something is missing, or there is some incompatibility between the husband and the wife. So for example, Allah says, Allah gives you an example of the imra, the wife of Noah and the imra, the wife of of loot of lot, so we no profit, no

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profit loot, the wives did not believe in them. And so there was a disconnect between the two of them. Another example, Allah says, and I give you the example of the Emperor, the wife of Pharaoh, so we know the wife of Pharaoh and Pharaoh, they went off on the same page, he was honorable person, she was a wonderful person. And so the word mo is used to show that there is something missing between the two of them. When when Allah speaks about a happy marriage, he will use the word xojo, your partner your pay, so he would say, oh, Adam, you and your wife, you and your Zoey Eve, stay together in paradise. And whenever God speaks about the people of Paradise equal, he will say them

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me, Zoe to the partners. Now what what really stands out is there is a woman in the Quran where Allah uses both these words Emma Enzo, which for her in different contexts. So at the beginning of this is the wife of Zachary Zechariah. She's the mother of course of Prophet john john the baptist. In fact, it's john the baptist mother. And so, in this passage, Prophet Zechariah Zakaria, he is complaining that he doesn't have a son and that his wife is bad.

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So nobody's econia prophet Zechariah is complaining and his place to call me says, I fear that I won't have a successor after me and my Imola. My wife is barren. So give me from yourself. And he says, so he used the word Imola because there is something missing in a relationship, and then a lot of peace be upon it, Allah Almighty. He answers the invocation of the second year. And he says, so we responded to him. And we gave him john, we gave him yahia and mainedot, for him, his soldier, his wife, so now that she has a son, and the marriage is sort of complete, she went from being an emerald to a zone, which, again, if you read the English, it would say wife, wife, you wouldn't see

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the difference, but it's been very deliberately used. Now, again, this is something which is not coincidental, through a book of 600 pages with the word xojo. Memorize, use interchangeably, to look at every kind every time to use the word immerse used for relationship with is a problem. And the word xo, which is used to weigh the relationship is on a happy footing. Now there's quite quite interesting. Some again, consistency in Word usage. There are two prophets that said, we're in Egypt, and they speak to the king of Egypt, the first being Joseph or Yusuf. And there's a whole chapter devoted to the Prophet Yusuf, and he interacts with the king of Egypt. And of course, the

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kings of Egypt are known as the Pharaoh. Yet he never uses the word Pharaoh He will speak to the king and refer to him as the King. Whereas Prophet Moses Mousavi Salam was the most prolific character in the Quran. He of course, interacts with the king of Egypt. And, of course, he is referred to as Pharaoh in that dialogue. So why why doesn't use of speak about the king of Egypt as Pharaoh? We know now from a historical standpoint, the title of Pharaoh was only used in the time of Moses, before Moses, the kings of Egypt would refer to as King. And so again, if you if you read it, you don't really notice this, this point, it's, you know, you almost brush over it as you read it.

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But the specific usage of when to use the word King, and when to use Pharaoh is exactly in line with historical records as to when the fear of took on the cycle. The next example of the of sort of the miraculous way in which the Quran has been put together, one of the verses and it's perhaps regarded as the greatest verse of the of the Quran, in terms of its meaning, but besides its meaning, the way it's structured, it's called the verse of the Quran, or the chain the footstool, if we will, what what, what does this verse mean? So, just a side note here, God Almighty doesn't mean he doesn't need a chair or a throne or anything like that, but he has a throne. And if we remember those

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storybooks, as fairytales, you would picture a king sitting on a chair, and we will put his feet on he wouldn't put his feet on the floor, he has his little stall, a foot stall on which he places his feet. Now this thing is called a quasi. I mean, it's a verse called the verse of the curacy. Because even though God Almighty doesn't sit in chairs, it doesn't need a throne. He has a throne. And what the throne comes this little footstool, and underneath his footstool is all of creation, all the heavens and the earth is beneath us. And God being above his creation. This is the idea. So this verse speaks about this footstool. And if we go through this verse, it says, Allah without you know

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how you load how you pay you, that Allah there is no deity except Him even I mean, the eternal, the Sustainer, of all of existence, he never drowsiness overtakes him, no sleep, To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth, who is it that can intercede with him except by his permission, he knows what is in front of them, and what is behind them, and none encompasses anything of his knowledge, except by his permission, he is cool to see extends over the heavens and the earth. And they perceive and they preservation does not tie him in the least. And He is the Most High, the most great, this is one verse, but it's broken down into into nine sections. And he is an amazing

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pattern, if you look at this verse, so the meaning of the verse is, of course, that God is watching over and Cain for all of his creation. And he does, he does not feel tired, he does not, doesn't make you feel weary when he looks at the most, the smallest of atoms, how they move, or the biggest of stars and planets. Everything in creation is under his supervision. And he does not feel really or tired when he does. So this is the meaning of the verse. But if we look at this, this is an interesting pattern. So this verse can be broken down into nine sections. If we go through them, section one speaks about God and His names. The one is the evil loving and the eternal. The ninth

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part, says he and He is the Most High, the most great, which show the verse, the first section and the last section for section one and section nine speaks about God and His names. In the first first section. Two names of God is given a higher volume, the EverLiving, and the Sustainer of all of existence. The last, the ninth section speaks about two other names of God the Most High and the most Great. So now let's look at section number two. section number two says neither drowsiness overtakes him, no sleep.

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He never feels drowsy, and he never sleeps. If we look at the eighth section, it corresponds it says, and preserving the heavens does not tie him out. So both of them to an eighth, they've got to do with sleep and feeling tired. Now let's go to number three. And number seven. Number three says, To Him belongs, whatever is in the heavens, and whatsoever is on the earth. That's number three. Number seven says, and he's cool, see, this little ci, this ci thing, it extends over the heavens and the earth, and the fourth was a big thing. So number three, and number seven, both speak about the heavens and the earth, number four, and number six. And I mean, I actually advise you to take a

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pen and write this down. So number four, and number six, number six, number four says, Who is it that can intercede with him except by his permission, and number six says, and they encompass nothing of his knowledge, except by his wallet, his permission. So number four, number six speaks about his permission. Just to recap again, one and nine, speak about Gods names. Two and eight speak about sleep and being tired, or not being tired. Three, and seven speaks about the heavens and the earth, four and six speaks about and now nothing can comprehend, have nothing can and can intercede with him or not can get from his knowledge except by his permission. When the fifth section reads,

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of course, the middle section is in between the the two halves, what does that section say? Yeah, and I'm albina. edu or hongfa. Home, that he knows what is in front of them and what is behind them. And so this is a perfect pattern is listed as versus almost submit, it is symmetrical in the way it's put down. Again, to ask is this a coincidence? Is this something that is how was this pre planned? Again, remember, the Quran was was was revealed in an oral tradition. And so when you put this down on paper, you can see this pattern, but when you listen to it, it is very difficult. I mean, even me explaining this to you is quite difficult. When you put it down on paper, you see the

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music pattern in here is a very deliberate genuine pattern in which this first was structured. So how was this put together? Moving on some other points about the Quran, as we said, the Quran is quite uniquely or there is no book that preceded it and is a book off digitally that has a similar kind of poetic style. You can't really classify the Quran in any other genre or any political genre. It stands on its own and it is unique. No other book of poetry resembles it in the Arabic language, its theme, what's amazing about the Quran, that the the style of the Quran changes very dramatically. So the Quran, as we said, was revealed during the Prophet peace upon his lifetime,

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over 23 years. Now, the first 13 years the Prophet peace be upon him was in a city where he was in a minority position, believers were being persecuted. The majority of the people were disbelievers. And so the message to them was a far more based on faith based on belief. It was speaking to people that were burdwan being oppressive, and it was giving hope and encouragement to a very oppressed believers. When the Prophet peace upon him, he leaves Makkah, and he migrates to another city, where he is in charge of that city, and the city is a city of believers. And so the audience changes completely from being a minority, they are now in the majority. And of course, being in charge of a

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city, a whole new list of issues arise, many of them are legal in nature, you know, how do you run a government, how you how you live as a believer now, what are the rituals, the laws, the ethics, all of these things now and become prevalent in the Quran. So the Quran now takes the form of a, of a, of a book of law, a legal framework. And so it says, If though the author completely changed from from speaking about abstract theology, to speaking about legal ethics, and so it's amazing that you don't see it when you recite it now. But if you actually analyze it, it's an amazing thing to think that it's the same author, but he completely different style and the way in which the structures,

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even the earlier verses that were revealed in Makkah, speaking about the theology of very short or very eloquent, have a punchy have a deep and cause you to think we as the other was very long and we explain in detail, laws and regulations, you know, giving, giving guidance. And so this could not, it's as if though it could not come from one author. It's as if the two different authors wrote it, if you were to analyze it.

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Remember, again, as we said, the Quran is a complete oral tradition. Now, if you imagine giving 600 pages of, of speeches, how many mistakes would you make? How many times would you enforce if you were to give a speech today, and you were asked to give that same speech tomorrow, there's no way it would be identical. It's impossible for it to be word for word verbatim, identical. The Quran, of course, was only in one version, it was given in one go without any second attempts. There were no spelling mistakes. There were no errors. I think just for us, to be fair, when you went to write an email without spellcheck, how many errors are you going to make? Now imagine you were to dictate

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this over and you will speak 600 pages long, there will be countless errors. It's impossible to go in the first initial in the first try for it.

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To be free of any kind of any kind of mistakes, and so the Quran has not been altered or changed. One of the other amazing factors about the Quran is that it has not changed at all, for the last 1400 years, not even by a letter not even by is exactly as it was revealed. And this is really amazing, because with time or religious scriptures has changed has been altered has been affected in some way. And the fact that the Quran is really the only religious scripture you could say, of the size that has remained intact in its original form is something very unique. It stands alone in that regard. What is also then which one is also the really interesting, if you were to take a book that

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is a few 100 years old, you will find that language moves on. So we all experienced this when we when we read Shakespeare when we read Shakespeare, we asked what kind of English is this? Well, of course, Shakespeare didn't speak a different English, it was just the English of his time, as languages are evolving. I think as time goes, the language changes. Sometimes languages come become extinct, like Latin, it completely disappears, people stop using it. So a book of 1400 years ago, it should be very different to the language of today the contemporary language. And you know, in my slides for those of you who are following with the slides, I actually put an extract from the Bible

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1000 years ago, just to look at the difference in this is English. But of course, you wouldn't be able to make a single word who would read it, it doesn't sound like English, but of course it is English. Of course, the language has just changed over the last 1000 years. And as you go through the the ages, you can see how the same passage changes with time until it reaches to today's time, which more understandable. So if this is 1000 years ago, Arabic should have gone through the same transformation. And therefore the Quran in that there has not been changed, we've become redundant. Now what's amazing is that the Quran has not changed. And so to Arabic has not changed is the only

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language in the world. This is something really amazing. It's the only language on the wall that sort of became static. And it did not move away from the Quranic language. So the left the Arabic language, not the colloquial you know, as we say sleep Arabic, we'll talk about the academic Arabic, the Arabic, the Arabic speaker in the university, or the news reporter would speak on the television, the proper Arabic or in Africa to the saver, Arabic. This is the same Arabic That was spoken in the time of the Prophet peace be upon him now. No language on earth stays unchanged for 1400 years. Why is it Why did Arabic remain intact? The reason being, it always had to stay relevant

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to the Quran, meaning liquid and forced the language to stay in its way so that the Quran always is understood. And this is something that no other language went through. And therefore proves one thing that is very clear, is that undoubtably just in the Arabic language, the Quran, the Quran itself has mastery over the Arabic language and the Arabic language almost subservient to the ground. So the influence the Quran has on Arabic is unlike any other book having influence in any other language. So in every language, of course, we have amazing pieces of literature. No book is so profound and so powerful, that it kept the language itself from changing that is something which no

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book can can can claim besides the Quran. And if we were to imagine in the Quran influencing Arabic so profoundly, we can consider how Arabic has influenced other languages for example, there are so many words hundreds of words in the English language that actually come from Arabic for example, sugar, candy, cotton, sulfur, sherbert, alcohol, all these are subtle. These things are all Arabic words that found its way into English and to many other languages. So if the Quran has influenced Arabic, and Arabic influenced all other world languages, in the world as influence on on languages in general, is very profound. And again, we're not speaking from the point of view of believers or

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unbelievers, we're speaking just from the point of view of linguists. This is an amazing statement that the Quran is making. So just to summarize, again, the Quran as we've seen is unique. It can't be classified into any other type of poetry, no other books of poetry resembles it, it has different styles depending on the on the audience, it changes, it evolves. It says even though it comes from different authors, we know the Quran was the first book in the Arabic language, we know that these only one attempt there is no second version. The first attempt was flawless. There are no spelling errors, there are no grammatical errors, it was automating also, as we said it was it came down and

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they had a very clear beginning and he didn't have any clear end and he basically said it is done now the Quran has been finished and complete has been revealed. And then the Prophet peace running passed away very soon after that he has been unchanged is the only religious sticks when there is no debate amongst its adherents, every single Muslim on earth wherever you are. We agree that this was the Quran and there is no debate as to its authenticity. And we said its powerful impact on the Arabic language. There are millions of non Muslim Arabs and they all agree that this book is the most profound and the most influential book in the Arabic language. I want to put

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all that together. And what we also know to be another truth, this is corroborated by the disciples of the Prophet peace upon him and Muslims or non Muslims together. And the Prophet Muhammad was unlimited. He never in his life, he wasn't able to read or it never learn to read. And he never wrote anybody the book in his life, and he never, ever read a book in his life, and he wrote anything. So for a person who never read or never wrote, to have produced the first Arabic book, the book that you know, completely dominated this Arabic language and is filled with such eloquence and such patterns, precise word usage. This again, is something which we need to ask how is this

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possible? And that is a question more than believe out there for us to think about. For the believers of cosmoses. We say, you know, this is the work of God. And of course, the Prophet peace upon him is simply being inspired and reciting as again, this is not something new. We believe that as the prophets of old Prophet, Jesus Christ, Prophet Moses, they had revelation and so of course, it is a it's a divine, an act of of divinity from God giving as a gift to the Prophet peace upon him. And so the fact that he's unlimited if you don't accept that he was inspired divine living. The question is, how is this possible? How is someone that has never they've never had an education in

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literature, but could never read or write, produce something 600 pages long, without any errors that alone is is basically impossible, but to be so powerful and profound? That is one of the great books of humanity. This is something which needs to be pondered about. So I thank you for for your time. In our second part of the series, we will talk about some scientific facts that are mentioned in the Quran will also speak about some historical predictions and some historical consistencies of the Quran that could not have been been known at that time. So thank you for being with us. If you have any questions or concerns or comments we welcome you to email us with Mohammed and all the

00:36:55 --> 00:37:01

best inshallah for the so the number one question utilize are some levina Mohammed earlier, so if someone was sending or Hello without me


  • Introduction
  • Quran is the greatest miracle
  • Miracle of the Quran – Literature
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