Muhammad West – Islam from Scratch, Lesson 28 & 29

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The importance of practicing the rule of thumb for learning new things and avoiding touching things until the next year is emphasized. The "will do" concept is discussed, including the use of the "ham ham" method and avoiding "monarch" behavior. Severe discipline is emphasized, and the importance of avoiding "monarch" and following the "ham ham" method is emphasized. The importance of following rules and staying true to Islam is emphasized, and the use of the "ham ham" method is discussed as a way to remove sin and avoid harm. The segment also touches on the topic of hamster behavior during the pandemic and the importance of safe behavior during the pandemic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Other limestone with him Spinarak man Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala sure from Sydney, Sydney. I'm only here to catch Marina Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Hope everybody as well from the dinner

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and my audible

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the moment are you able to

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do the?

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Wouldn't Would I be able to get an indication from anybody?

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If it's audible or

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Okay, okay.

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Hamdulillah. And as I played for your patience and persevering these last couple of weeks,

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as you as you know, it's quite quite busy on my side, and the class kind of went on a ad hoc basis, but inshallah we will, will pick it up again, and Prof most likely the new year, so it's most likely our last session, and for the young Show, everybody has had a very busy, 2022 Alhamdulillah might be prosperous, and we look forward to a better year, with the best of our days later from the villa, I mean, and just wanted to conclude

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the semester or the year with, with a with a class and to formally thank the students for, for persevering. There's only five of you, and two of you are poor. And also, it's only three of you, that have actually the last standing three, but I'm sure the others will join and watch on YouTube as well.

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As I mentioned last week, that you know, it's about the consistency that's important, both from a student and teacher perspective. And that's what, what what makes it successful, and what makes it difficult the consistency, because we will always have the the time will always have the luxury just to attain, but we must maintain it. And even if it means we take a little bit of a backseat, we never leave it off completely. And so, the Sahaba when they would do a good deed, you know, maybe they will perform a soft performing gadget. And you know, in the beginning you may be quite eager. And as you go on, you become sick, you become you travel, you become busy, and you can't maintain

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that same level of Nevada. And what is required is recommended in those situations is that you have to obviously do a bit of less of the vida, but don't leave it off completely, don't completely quit. That is that will be bad. So if you think of Ramadan, for example, Ramadan, you you you make, you know, hot among a number of hard times, you fasting every single day, you're making data that night, at the end of Ramadan, you cannot have the same level of Ibadah as you had in Ramadan. And that's fine, that's normal that sets that's what's expected. But do not leave all that ubeda You know, don't completely leave Quran that you don't own. You don't you never touch the Quran until the next

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year that you never perform a single novel force to a single act of gadget until the next year Ramadan that would be completely leaving it open. So hamdulillah the baraka is in the perseverance, we know that very, very famous Hadith where the responses the deeds of Allah loves the most after the compulsory ones, or the Sunnah ones, or the natural ones, or the optional ones that are done

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regularly, and consistently, even there are small, even though there are small, five minutes, 10 minutes consistently is better than to do a lot all at once. And that is where the baraka comes in, because that's the hard part the consistency. And so I think the classic formula for being consistent. If I look at this,

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you know, we are on lecture number 30. And that's really good at Hamdulillah, which means most of the weeks, we started this, I think during the year, so most of the weeks for the year, we have had this class from the villa. And we can you know, we concluded quite a bit from the introduction to the basics of Islam, the theology of Islam in a very basic and we moved on now to the rituals and spoke about wudu and in fact we are going to completely do today.

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What we had spoken about in the last few lectures was we just said he kept very, very quickly.

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My slides machines

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so if we were to recap very quickly, we had spoken about

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you know, the windows one require we do require we do before you perform Salah before you perform the throw off. And of course, if you are touching the most have to touch the most if not reciting it you may recite the Quran, without wudu. That's permissible. We then spoke about how to perform voodoo and we went through the idea of voodoo in surah and Malita, where Allah explains the process of we'll do the steps of voodoo, we also then mentioned the, the besides the compulsory actions, I will do there are a number of recommended additional things that one needs to do for for your widow like you know, the NIA and starting with your hands and two hours and all those things. So, we spoke

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about the complete the will do which is compulsory from the Quran, and then we spoke about the a complete voodoo and all the pillars of voodoo that is required for it to be acceptable. We then asked what are the things that nullify that we do, we spoke about things that break your will do or invalidate, you will do when it does one need to perform with you again, and we said that within this issue, this is there are a number of of the those things which all the scholars agree on, which for example, they all agree that if anything comes out of the front or back passage, the front or the back, private pot, if any substance solid liquid or gas comes out of that area, then you will do

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is nullified and they all agree all the scholars of Islam agree that if you lose your

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your intellect, your you lose your senses, you go unconscious, whatever reason you do would would invalidate, we then see that there are a few areas which the scholars differ, and the one we discussed last time was the issue of a skin on skin or a contact contact between a man and a woman and this is very famous with in the in the Shafi madhhab way a man and a woman who could get married to one another, either they are married husband and wife or it is a strange woman or man that may get married if they touch each other, whether deliberately with a accidentally with a with desire with or without desire, if there is any contact between them without a barrier would you do is

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invalidated that is part of the Shafi opinion. The majority of the scholars disagree with this view and we spoke about in length, what is the Shafi opinion whatever the Hanafi opinion is the opposite. And then you have the middle opinion, the humbly and the Maliki opinion. And not to go into too much detail of recapping, we said the Shafi opinion is based on the understanding of the idea where Allah Subhana Allah says that Hola, Mustermann Nisa that if you have come in contact with women, if you have touched a woman, then you need to basically perform Moodle. And so the Shafi says very explicitly in the Quran lamps means to touch Allah says if you've made lamps, you've touched a

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woman, then you need to perform wudu the Shafi opinion is that straight from the Quran, the Hanafis of course disagree with that. And they said no, oh chef is we agree with them. Obviously, we believe in the ayah. We understand the ayah but our interpretation of the word lamps, our understanding of the word lamps is not touch in a literal sense. It means if you have had * with a woman, then you need to perform a hustle. That is what the ayah is saying. And they add to that, in the words before it Allah says that if you have come from the toilet, you must perform we do now everyone understands coming from the toilet doesn't mean if you went in and out of the toilet, you

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you need to come with what is mainly if you use the toilet, if you basically urinate or defecate it, then you need to perform we do but Allah is speaking in very polite language in the Quran. I was not going to say that if you defecate urinated and had six, then you need to purify yourself. So I was using, you know, euphemisms. And that's what the Hanafis are saying. So we have the opinion of the chef ease which says any kind of touch correction we do the Hanafi say No touching a woman does not procure we do. And so we have these two evidences and both sides. As we said, they are reading the same idea and extracting the different conclusion, based on the same idea sincerely, with love with

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understanding, they've come to genuinely a different conclusion. So then we say, okay, the sheriff is then counter this argument. And for me, what is important is the academic discussion. It is the intellectual conversation that is happening between these different scholars. That gives you a lot of confidence that our religion is one that is based on, on knowledge and it's based on learning and it's based on it's based on on a lot of different opinions. It's good. It was any person can take the Quran and read it and postulate you can come up with an opinion

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As long as it so long as it's reasonable, so long as it makes sense, linguistically, we'd have some basis but anyone has the right to interpret the Quran so long as it's done correctly. And so the sheriff is then respond to the Hanafis. Okay, so you're saying this ayah says that if you have * with a woman, then only do you need to perform a reversal. So everything before * does not make you do so you can kiss her on the mouth doesn't make you do, you can be laying naked next to one another, cuddling, spooning doesn't make you do, you can be rubbing in touching, it doesn't make you do and the Hanafis would say, let from our understanding of the if it

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doesn't break you we do so long as nothing exists the front to back passage, if anything comes out of the front passage, some substances a witness venue will do is broken, but everything other than that does not break your we do and the Hanafis go further and say there is a Hadith, authentic hadith, then of Esau Salam, he kissed Aisha on her mouth, on her lips. And then he went to perform sada without performing wudu and this is an authentic hadith I show that the Allah and Allah says that, and she speaks now and this is one of the softness of the Hadith. She says that the prophets was on a kiss to one of his wives on the mouth. And then he went to perform Salah without performing

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voodoo and the fact that she sang without performing widow. She wants to emphasize the issue that it does not break your will do. And so her nephew, she's telling this to her nephew, and if you ought to assess, I think auntie, when you say he kissed one of his wives, you mean you? You're actually talking about yourself? And she didn't respond. She just smiled meaning Yes, it was me. And so this hadith clearly shows that it is permissible to even kiss your wife on the mouth with desire and perform Salah without performing we do a new will do so long as nothing comes out of the private parts. So that's the Hanafi view. The Shafi view sticks to the literal sense of the im and visit the

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Shafi view is safest Shafi view undoubtedly is safe. And if you've always practiced the Shafi open Alhamdulillah no problem with that maintain that. But understand that is the stricter interpretation.

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We then have the Maliki's and the humblest who find themselves in the middle between the Hanafis and the Sharpies. And they said, You know what we understand from the Hanafis that perhaps the eye doesn't mean *, we have the hadith of Aisha being kissed by that I mean Salam, however, we find it very, very difficult, that people should have foreplay, and they should have all kinds of interactions with desire. And still they will do is fine. We find something difficult with us and it opens the door for a lot of potential problems. So as a middle ground, the Maliki's and the harmonies are basically said, if you touch a woman by accident, if you touch her, you know, part of

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daily life unintentionally, no problem we'll do is fine. You in tow off and someone bumps into you no problem who is fine. But if you touch with desire, if you touch with love, if you touch with an intention of an amorous kind of touch, then you will do is broken by these mud hubs. And it's basically a compromise view between the Shafi and Hanafi opinion, although alum as we say at the end of the day, you have and there's a very good example of showing you have the strict opinion, which is the Shafi opinion, you have the majority opinion, which is the Maliki and humbly view that you touch with desire with lust, you will lose broken, and you'll have perhaps what we'd say the correct

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opinion, but the one that speaks to the evidence, which is the Hanafy opinion, but it's also the most liberal opinion, but it speaks to the evidences what hamdulillah

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based on this, there were questions around so should I change my madhhab? What do we do? And we said, it is not permissible to chop and change your map based on whims and fancies. You need to if you're a lay person, and by layperson I mean you haven't formally studied in a dark room in Islamic University, you haven't spent, you know, 345 years studying Sharia. So you are a layperson as I for example, I'm not a mechanic, I'm not a plumber, I'm not an electrician, I never studied these things. I might know a little bit about how to change a tire or how to do a few things on the car, but I'm gonna mechanic, we know the difference between a professional mechanic and a guy who can do

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few things on the car. So if you are a layperson, then your job is to make tech lead that lead means you choose an item or chef or Molana or madhhab. And you say look, this is the item I have put my trust in and confidence in him doesn't mean that I delegate my mind and intelligence to him, but I follow the opinion of the scholar and hamdulillah whichever month have you make up leader if you follow the Hanafi madhhab or the Shafi method the Maliki method will humbly must have all minority opinions within those mud hubs because not all the not all of the opinions are unanimous in the mouth Have you might have disagreements.

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Well, so you choose a scholar who is recognized as a scholar of the Sharia, and you follow the opinions and Hamdulillah that is fine. If you have reached the level of being a witch that hit a person who can academically understand different opinions, then you have the

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the flexibility to sincerely choose an opinion outside of your mouth. So if you studied formula here, or Molana, you're a chef you've studied a few years in, in Medina, and you have understood the books and the conversations of the scholars. And now you say of all these opinions is a buffet of opinions, the only acceptable height of your opinion is fine. Shafia opinion is fine. You know, we choose the one that is the most acceptable from the evidence, and you do so sincerely. You don't choose convenience, you don't take the madhhab I like that one. I choose this opinion, because it's easy when it comes to pronouns, Shafi opinion is good, because the Hanafis don't like prunes. So I

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don't I'm not Hanafy when it comes to Crohn's, when it comes to touching a woman, I'm sure I'm Hanafy when it comes to traveling Hanafis 15 days, I choose them. When it comes to cancer and jump, the sharpies are more lenient, they I choose them. That is not permissible. You choose it based on the evidence. And then of course, but within a spectrum of acceptability, you should not choose an opinion outside of the format hubs very, very unlikely that they would be an opinion, especially if it's a classical discussion. We're not talking about contemporary stuff, brain surgery, space travel, those things are perhaps more, you know, novel, new, those things might not be within the

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standard Madhouse but any classical kind of discussion, you would stick to the form of hubs, and those would cover all the acceptable opinions. If you of course reach the level of being a mufti, then you can develop your own independent opinions, and Inshallah, all of that is fine. So, this is with regards to touching a woman and breaking your womb. There is also an opinion within the Shafi method. And it's based on a hadith that if you were to touch your private pot directly, without any covering, you also another person so maybe you change the baby's nappy and you touch the baby's private part by accident, then you would do would be broken you would do would be broken, touching

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or Jassa. If the baby pees on you urinate on you, that will not break you, but to touch the baby's private part while cleaning the baby that according to the heart, Shafi mother breaks your will. So

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in summary, what are the things that occur we'll talk about the Nullifiers some things which do not break you do something which would not invalidate you will do and sometimes people confuse these things touching Natasha as we said, if the baby urinated on the floor, and you now clean that Niassa with a piece of toilet paper and some of that unit some of that feces came on your fingers you will do is fine, you will do some broken so any or you know you're walking and as you walk you step in some dog feces or whatever it is and it got got on your skin, it will not break your window you obviously have to clean it before you make Salah you have to remove it from your body your clothing,

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but it does not particularly do so coming in contact with Natasha does not break you. But if Natasha exits your body very important to know the difference. If your own Nyasha exits your body, whether through the front passage, back passage or some kind of other throat pipe, then your will break. Vomiting does not break your will. Yes some scholars have said vomit is nudges but the majority view and the most insha Allah correct view is that vomiting in itself does not break your will to becoming naked. There are some people who have this idea that if I become naked, I undress my rubrics or they would say for example, and you'll find this a lot when they're performing the

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hustle. They will say I hustle I'm naked and I've also myself and we will talk about also next inshallah when I'm also is for those who are not familiar is a full body shower. So I'm naked when I shower when I hustle. Now I need to perform we do do I need to put my clothes on and then perform will do because I can't be naked when performing we do that would be naked does not break your window being becoming naked in itself. And bracing yourself does not break you Why would it break your window

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and lastly, committing sin itself does not break you will do so of someone and we're not saying it's permissible it's okay or underplaying the sun. But if someone sways or they look at something which is haram, or they say something haram or do something haram, it would not break your will do it will not invalidate you do simply by committing it's a Nutella lie. Of course of course. What we do have in the Sharia is that by performing we do you remove sins, so perhaps from the angle and that's perhaps why there is this misconception that we

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A person committed a sudden scholars would perhaps recommend him called perform Moodle and make Toba and so far it wasn't that you will do was broken but performing a fish will do a new we do removes the sin. So it is not that you perform will do to

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put yourself in the state of the Hora if a person had to do and they committed a sin perform a new we do to remove the sin, but you're already in the state of voodoo. Is there any questions on these points that we've made?

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By you have any questions usually have good questions?

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Okay, anyone from the

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from the class any questions?

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Right as a question yes. Actually doesn't make

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intentional vomiting doesn't break you will do however intentional vomiting breaks your fast.

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Says sometimes we get confused with the things that break our fast will the things that breakout will do with the things that break out your firearm and how genre.

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So sometimes people are confused that if I vomit, it won't break your will do. But it breaks your force. If it's done deliberately

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going to the toilet or being in hide, for example, a lady in our men's Mensis obviously breaks Who do you call it voodoo while you're menstruating, you also cannot force for menstruating, but you can be any haram or menstruating lady can still be in the state of harm, she can still go go to alpha in Iran marches menstruating. And so sometimes we get confused by what breaks why we do haram and fasting because all three of those things we do, you can't see when you can't see fasting and you can't see haram. It's a state that you're in. And so sometimes these lists of things that nullify will do haram and fasting becomes intertwined. vomiting, breaks fasting, but it deliberate vomiting

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would not break you.

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Any other questions. Also just on as we mentioned in fasting or Saudi haram, and Hamdulillah, we are now in December, and many people are at home the law they do the best thing they can do in the holidays is they take off and they go home. It's the best holiday you can go for the most rewarding in Sharla. And we are having now this weekend, the 10th of December, at half past eight at the Bronto masjid, we are having a mini Crash Course a three four hour session on camera. So anybody would like to attend, you'd like you're going from raw or you know someone who's going for Amara, it's good to refresh your knowledge so that when you get there, you don't forget any of the

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important stuff, we something we only go formula, you know, once in a while. And so sometimes the knowledge becomes rusty, especially if it's your first time, then perhaps a very good session to come and join us for our our master class unfortunately won't be online, it will only be live in person yet at the masjid. And you can sign up for those of you who are not able to attend physically but you'd like to join, we could perhaps create a special link for you. And so you can just message us and we will inshallah accommodate you. Okay, so those are the things that do not break you. So to end off, Inshallah, let's not do enough. But let's To summarize, what are the things that break your

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window. So in summary, this is a detailed summary. Now, this is not Islam from scratch, this is a little more than scratch.

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The thing that everybody are two things which all four microbes agree Berkshire will do. And that is any substance exiting the front of the back passage. They all agree on that slight nuances end, but take that as a rule. And they all agree or foremothers agree that if you lose your consciousness, you will always broken the shaft fees add to the list and they specifically and they say that skin on skin contact between man and woman breaks your will do we spoke about that at length. And they also said that if you touch a sexual organ directly your own or someone else's that Berkshire will do that's only to the sheriff is to other methods don't agree with it. The 100 is 100 means have a

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lot of things. vomiting, for example, bleeding breaks, you will sometimes see our Hanafis are very liberal year there is

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other things that if a person laughs too loudly in Salah Where do these things come from these obviously reasons why they say that. But a lot of the discussion is around what is nudges. So the Hanafi madhhab. Again, they are very strict with what is not just they'll say pass for example is not just blood is nudges vomitus nudges. And so as we said the rule is if NASA exits your body, it will break your window. And so for them vomiting, bleeding, even a nosebleed they'll say a heavy nosebleed will break you will do that if you have a wound it will break your window. And so this is based on the Hanafi opinion and that's what Hamline everything is comes down to rules and Hadith and

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discussion. All these opinions have evidences behind it and you have counter evidence

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as well, when Hamdulillah

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this point, which is inshallah our last point, for this

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semester, if you want to call it for the

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next section would be on the hustle. But this last point, and if anybody if you were sleeping or not listening for the last couple of weeks, you really want to listen to this, you really want to listen. In fact, maybe we should make a little voice a small little, you know, tick tock clip for this one.

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Every single one of us at some point in your life, you've asked the question, Did I break my window? Or not?

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How many times a day? Are you unsure? Do I have to do or don't I have to do? And you sort of think in your mind? I remember performing the work or Fudger the I go to the toilet? Did I pass some windy I fall? is why we do they are not the do I need to pull a new one or not all of us have been made? And what is the ruling? To the question? What is the ruling? When you are in doubt with regards to we do when we're in reality? The golden rule is with regards to any doubt in Islam. So there are many times that one can be in doubt. You can be in doubt too. If we do not we do. You can be in doubt. How many records did I make? So you're making shy? Am I ever made three or four? Or am I

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short? How many records Am I you lost track of of count. You're performing tawaf? Which round Am I in? I should make seven? And I'm am I in number five? Number four? I'm not sure. So doubt creeps in? And what is what happens when we are doubtful? So most of us, perhaps we grew up, and the Imam basically said, you know, be played safe? If you're not sure you have we do take we do if you're not sure if you made you in raka number three or four, then make an extra one just to be safe, make an extra one. That's fine. You can play it safe. No, no problem with that. But that's technically not the correct opinion, the correct opinion. And take this as a principle. It's a law in Islam, that

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certainty is not removed by doubt. I say again, certainty is not removed by doubt. So whenever you are in a situation of confusion, ask yourself what am I certain of? And what am I doubtful of? So let me give you an example with who Muhammad took who do Fudger he made Salah Fajr even got into his car and he drove to work.

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Three, four hours later, it's the word and he's about to fall over and he's asking yourself, did I break my window and now he's going through the steps of the morning?

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He can't remember going to the toilet. He can't remember passing any guests. him sure he didn't sleep. So he's not sure do I have we do or not? He says Shafi and he says look I haven't touched any person I you know I left her house and I didn't even greet my wife Pamela Audibel husband. I didn't kiss her goodbye, but I didn't touch her. So now I'm not sure if I've broken my window maybe when I spoke to that lady and she gave me the paper our hands touch I don't know I can't remember. So what do we advise Muhammad? Do we say look be safe Muhammad? I think we do again? We say no? What are you certain of? I'm certain I had we do I'm 100% sure I would do because I made 500% Sure I'm doubtful

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if I broke my window. So we say okay, we are certain we had we do we are doubtful that we broke we do we throw the doubt away the doubt is there a break we do I throw it away and I keep what is certain which is ahead we do and so we say to you Mohammed no need to make a new we do perform we are the worst Salah well hamdulillah if while he's performing Salah he then remembers oh I did go to the toilet while then you're no longer doubtful you need to go and perform voodoo and perform your Salah over however let's turn the scenario around Mohammed is sure he didn't have to do

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he knows I went to the toilet. I know I went to the toilet. I use the toilet. I'm not sure if I made a new we do again I'm not sure very unlikely you would forget making wudu but it's possible you could lose track of time and say I'm not sure if they will do I made was yesterday or was it earlier I'm not sure I know I broke my we do. So that we do is uncertain we throw the we do away in the scenario and we say what is certain is you did not have we do and therefore your opinion is you don't have to do or the ruling is you don't have to go and perform. Again. As I said it's most most unlikely that you forget performing we do but you will definitely forget breaking wudu and therefore

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many times if you play this rule, you would save yourself from performing multiple windows without you know needing to do it and so hamdullah This is a easy rule and it is a rock so it's something which benefits us in the Sharia in other areas like Salah if you are unsure that I make three or four cars then I you are unsure about number four but you're definitely certain this is either number three or number

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Will you then obviously do an extra rocker because what is certain is that I'm on number three I'm doubtful if this is the last rocker and the same with bow off or anything else, you base your opinion on what is what is certain Inshallah, inshallah The next area of discussion will be also and also is

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to perform a major we do a shower a complete way way as we do wash a certain parts of the body also washes the entire body. And so inshallah this will be our discussion into the new year. When do I need a puzzle? How do I perform a puzzle, what happens if there's no water, we'll talk a bit about jamoma as well in sha Allah, but then the those things if Allah allows for us to rejoin we will begin with those items. And once again, as I say it is lack of a hate for the class, I know that it has been a little bit chaotic these last few weeks at hamdulillah work on my side, by the Grace of Allah has become a little bit more manageable, but it is unfortunately, December time, and I think

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everybody, myself included, would be keen for a little bit of a breather, a little bit of a break, and we will inshallah

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reconvene in the new year at a time, which is convenient for everybody. But you're welcome to share your questions and your comments via our WhatsApp line or email. I'm sure during the holidays, a number of questions tend to come up, we'll respond as best we can. And Allah except from us, as I said, this is episode number 30. When we started we had over 3000 students, we are now left with about three or four Alhamdulillah and that's what is the purpose of is we continue to teach and to benefit with what we have some Allah accept from us and I hope that it was beneficial to all of you that you've learned something and that it was not a waste of your time, whatever we said that was

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good and beneficial and this from the grace of the topic of Allah, whatever we set up wrong and mistakes in this from ourselves and Shame on him Allah forgive us for that. And then he would us to our best of intentions. And again, a special thank you for to the Bravo team in particular obeyed Hamdulillah He is really the star of the show because he's here an hour or so before the class starts to set up and he is here long after we leave to pick up it it's the videos and put it out there so Hamdulillah he has not missed a single class. I've missed a few but he's not missed a single class of hamdulillah it's more like sip from him and put Baraka in his in his life. I mean,

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are there any questions before we conclude

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any questions or comments

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then just psychologically to all of you and all the best and we will reconvene Inshallah, in the New Year Allah grant us all the best over this period, safety and security and granted next year be better than this year normal except I mean just like Luffy was ALLAH said no Muhammad Ali also have your Salam was seen but humbler Ramadan me as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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