Daood Butt – Ramadan 2016 – Treasures From The Quran – 04

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The Bible's title, which refers to the creation of a woman in the Middle East, is discussed in various verses and references, including its use in various cultural and political moments. The use of "has been" in verse 19 and 23 describes relationships with their relatives, while the use of "has been" in verse 22 describes relationships with their spouse. The exclusivity of marriage is emphasized, and the importance of praying and not drinking alcohol is emphasized. The segment also touches on the difficulties people face in certain parts of the world and the importance of learning different languages and sharing information to avoid jail.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam. ala MV mursaleen Nabina. Muhammad in early of Masada to our eternal destiny, Bob Bishop, Lisa de acidity Emily rock data Melissa Annie f Gabor Kohli, my brothers and sisters in Islam a set Mr. alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato.

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I'll begin by reminding the sisters again, they still would like to open their lights. And if they also want to come out on the left side they can do that.

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I know at the beginning of the halaqaat is usually not too many people there and then halfway through

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a few come out. So we're going to continue our halaqaat tonight, going through the verses that will be reciting entire week and tonight we will cover the beginning of Surah An Nisa up until verse number 147. So from verse number one two verse number 147 of Sora to Nisa Surah Nisa, what does it mean? What does it translate to in English?

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The sutra of the women Masha Allah haven't been in LA. Okay, the women know right away. This is our surah right? And that's, that's nice that they take you know, pride in that simply because, you know, as men, we don't have any soldier named after us. There's no sort of named demesne right but there's a soldier named after the women. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala in the solar as we will see as we go through it and we obviously can't cover everything, but Allah subhana wa tada talks about treating, you know, our spouse or our women correctly, looking after the family etc.

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So to begin Allah subhana wa tada says in the very first verse of sola to Nisa, which is the fourth surah of the Quran after RO Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Yeah, Johan swept up on I'm back woman lady Akana pokken min FCM wahida. Team wahana come in. Whoo jaha wahconah coming has ambu jaha betheme in Houma region Kathy

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what dopo la la de tous

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whenever he won,

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in law can hide a rock the

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So in the first verse of Sora, Tunis Allah subhana wa tada calls out to us. Yeah yohannes it Dakota Docomo levy holla calm enough. Simba Haider. This is again one of the three verses that we will typically hear at the beginning of a drama kotoba when the Imam begins, right his foot but in Alhamdulillah Nakamoto, who understand you know who and so on and then he says, You know, I advise us or encourage all of us to have Taqwa and Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's usually set in Arabic. That's why we don't understand it. And then the Imam or the hottie will recite one or two or three verses of the Quran. And it's usually this verse and the verse we took yesterday, and we'll see the

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third one shortly in sha Allah. Tada. So yeah, uh, Johan. Sorry, yeah, yohannes it dako de como la de Hala Kakuma. nwsc wahida. Here Allah subhanho wa Taala. Again, calls out to us calls out to mankind to human beings in general.

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Remember to have that taqwa and to be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Who Who is he? He's the one who created us. Chanukah con me Neff sin. wahida wirkkala caminhar Xhosa. And from Adam, Allah has sent him he created.

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HAUER And so how it is created from Adam. And a lot of people will understand this to say, Hey, wait a second. Why is it that Allah subhanho wa Taala created women from men? And how is it and you know what took place and we all know the famous Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that people say, as they translate the words of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that women were created from a

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from what? Not women in general Actually, that's a correction that we also need to fix that women women in general who he who OMEN winman the plural were not created from men, and were not created from a bent rib. Adam was created from clay from soil from you know, the dust of the earth, etc. However, not all of women however, herself was created from a rib. What was the shape of the rib? Was it a completely straight rib? Does any of us have straight ribs? No, none of us have straight ribs. We all have

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rounded ribs, right curved ribs, and some people will translate it as crooked. And that is not a good word to use. Because when people hear the word crooked, crooked usually means you know, someone's a crook. They're crooked. They're not straight. They're not honest. They're not, you know, trustworthy, they're not truthful. And so how was not someone who is created crooked, right, she was created from a rib that was bent and all of us as men. And as women, we have ribs that are bent, none of us have straight ribs, they're all bent. So it's a description of the rib. A rib bone is bent. So no one should think that you know, women were created, not straight, not perfect. That's

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one thing. Secondly, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah when he created Adam, he created Adam from the soil from the clay from the you know, the dirt of the of the earth. He created Howa as a woman from something that was already living, Adam, Allah has sent us something that already had life in it. And so women in general should never feel Oh, you know what, it's not fair. Why is it that we were created from something that was crooked, and something you know, that came from? And then why did we have to come from men? Well, first of all, you were created from a piece of something that was already living it already had life it already is from the best of the creation of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. Why? Because it has actually not differentiating between the brain of men and the brain of a woman, or the reasoning of a man or the reasoning of a woman. But Allah subhanho wa Taala created Adam and Hauer in a beautiful way. That's them. us as human beings when we are created. What do we created from not a bent rib? from a liquid? Right? We all know marital relations. There's children here, we're not going to get into details, but we're created from liquid. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala created Adam in a certain way, our in a certain way.

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And let the halaqa come in Nelson wahida wahala caminhar Xhosa? What Beth Minh who Marie john and Kathy are on one Nisa, you notice Allah Subhana Allah to Allah here he says, and created from Adam and Hawa, lots of human beings, men and women. He doesn't just say men, right? He says men and women why this is so nice. It's the surah that is titled after the women. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala says, from both of them can Kame men and women

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and fear Allah through whom you ask one another, and the wombs Allah Subhana, Allah says what Taka la la de TESSA aluna b he will or ham in the la hochanda la cumbre Kiba. here Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to talk about our relationship with our relatives, be kind to your relatives, understand your relationship with those that share blood with you, and be honest with them, be just with them, treat them correctly, etc, etc, etc. And not only is Allah subhanho wa Taala referring to those who are relatives of ours in terms of blood, but here we see in the next few verses and throughout the sutra, Allah subhanho wa Taala is discussing the relationship that we have between

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those who have become halaal for us through marriage, Hillel for us through marriage, in verse number 19 to 23 Allah subhanho wa Taala

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says, Yeah, Johan levena mundo la, Luna come

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Calvin Maha one terrible no one any type Naboo Bebo Lima, Tito Mohan, Isla de la Viva he shot him abena Where is she?

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That you carry to move on

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Takahashi way edge on Alo houfy he

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Allah subhanho wa Taala here in verse number 19. And going on into verse number 23. He shows us how we are to respect the women of our lives. So he's referring to the men here Hey, men, listen up. Right now it's time for us to look after the women that are in our lives. Now what Allah subhanho wa Taala is referring to specifically here in these verses

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is how in the past when a man was married to a woman, and either divorced her or passed away, usually usually it was the case of the men passing away. The women were

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left to be inherited from the male relatives of her spouse.

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Right she was left to be inherited from the male relatives of her spouse.

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Right? As in for example, a man is married to a woman and he dies. She is now left to be in the

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How could we say in the care of his brothers or his father? Right or his sons, but it was usually the brothers. And so the brothers would pick and choose and say Oh, you know what? Okay, I'll take care of her right I'll take care of her I'll look after I will marry her. I'll look after her. No, no, you take care of her No, okay, let's just let's let's make her do this. Let's make her do that. Right. So they would use her in that sense to put her in the care of one of the male family members of the of the deceased husband and he would basically look after her or put her to you know, work in certain ways. However he wanted so Allah subhana wa tada there says, Do not inherit your women as in

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a woman one when her husband or her spouse passes away, someone just go open the door for this. This boy is trying to get it.

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I don't know if the women locked him out and said you're too bratty. You stay with the men or he just genuinely can't get in.

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sha Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here Yeah, and you have Latina Amman, la luna come and Teresa Nisa, Kandahar, it's not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion.

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When that's our Luna Lita will be very happy my potato Mohan and it and do not make difficulties for them in order to take them back or to be part of what you gave them unless they commit an unclear or sorry they commit something that is not nice. Basically Allah subhana wa tada here is saying that you should not miss treat those women don't consider them as inheritance, while at the same time, try not to make life difficult for them. When a woman Pat her husband passes away, or when someone divorces their wife, don't make life difficult for them and say, Hey, you know what the money that I gave you the jewelry I gave you the wealth that I gave you and shared with you, the house that we

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own together. Now all of this you have to give back to me. Don't make her life difficult for her. make things easy for her try your best unless she did something that's wrong. Then justice, as we'll see in the last verse that we will take today. Justice as Allah subhanho wa Taala encourages us to do so don't make things difficult in verse number 20 Allah Subhana Allah Allah says, we're in our adamos Db down as emoji mechanism.

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fella for the woman who shy

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una hobo

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movie in what in automa stybar data and if you should choose to divorce your spouse, your wife and marry someone else in place of this wife, Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna, you know, encourages us and tells us here don't take back the dowry that you gave her. That's hers. Well in our Tomas de Bella zolgensma, McKenna's Odin, you know, if you want to divorce one and marry another, then don't take back the dowry that you gave her even if it was something small, like a thin bar, right? Something that's small, you know, like, a small amount of wealth. Don't take that back. Right. That's hers that belongs to her, give it to her, leave it with her.

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In verse number 22, Allah subhana wa tada says, to us, one key Roma, NECA

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meenan Nisa, Eden, Pontius SNF. In Canada, he shot him mahkota was a sob. And then going on to into verse number 23. Allah subhana wa tada highlights the people that we are not allowed to marry the categories of people that we are not allowed to marry. So we'll go through it very quickly. Allah subhana wa tada says hardily Medina you come on to como Bana to come Ahava to come to como hola to kamada natural Aviva Bana tuna akima.

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To commodity

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to commodity adarna komazawa to caminada. hearty welcome to Nisa ecomondo

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waratah evoko latifi hydro recomend Nisa, eco mala t dasan been in Tokuda, hold on being in village una hora de como Hana

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de Janeiro banging an octane in cada salaf in ma can have a full on washy prohibited for you are and Allah subhanho wa Taala goes through the list, your mothers do not marry your mother.

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Now some people would say why why does it say don't marry your mother? Like why would anyone marry their mother to begin with. Now, if we look at the verses going on Allah subhana wa tada also touches upon the stepmother and the scholar say that in the past, what people would do is, they would sometimes look at marrying the wife of their husband of their father, right, the wife of their father, not necessarily their mother, your Allah Subhana Allah clearly says you're not allowed to marry your mother. So if your husband, your father passes away, you cannot marry your mother. She is how dumb for you, as in how long to marry halaal to be with you or halaal your her mom, as the men

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but you are how long for her in terms of marriage, your daughters, right so you cannot marry your daughters. Now this is very simple. But as we move on, it gets a little more technical. your sisters, your father's sisters. So who is the father, sister, your aunt, the father, sisters, the mother sisters, so your aunt or your auntie, from your father's side and from your mother's side? Your sisters daughters, right, and your brother's daughters, so your nieces, from your brothers and from your sisters, your milk mothers who nursed you. So for example, if you were fed, you were breastfed by someone as a child, and then you get older. And now you're of the age of marriage and

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you want to marry someone and you consider marrying her You can't because she breastfed you. So you cannot marry her your mother, sorry, your mother who breastfed you basically. So she's not your actual mother. She's just another woman in society who breastfed you she is not allowed for you to get married to write your sisters through nursing. So if there were other women, for example, and now we're just referring to the men, you now apply the same thing to the women. Okay, so Allah Subhana, Allah listed out for us very simply, and you apply the opposite for the women, right? So as a men, your sister who breastfed from the same person, so for example, she's not even your actual

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sister. You are breastfed by, you know, some other sister in the community, right, an auntie. And she also breastfed other children, other people's children, those children cannot marry each other. They can't marry each other. So you need to find out now did I marry someone who maybe was possibly from my village but was breastfed from the same person. And that's something that a lot of us don't think of, but especially people coming from, you know, Pakistan, India, etc, where we marry within our own cousins. I know sometimes, you know, the case is that you are married to someone who was also breastfed by the same person. You can't be married to that person. And you can't be married to

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them, you're considered sisters. Right? You actually are Muslim to that person. You You know, you're allowed to be around them. You could sit with them, you can talk to them, etc. They are someone that you're not permissible, you're not permitted to marry. And then Alas, pan with Allah goes on and says, Your sisters through nursing your wives, mothers, and your stepdaughters under your guardianship either born of your wife, unto whom you have, you know, had relations with, but if you've not gone and had relations with them, then there's no sin upon you. And it's also prohibited

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the the wives of the sons who are from your own children, right, the wives of the sons, so for example, your

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daughters in law, right, your daughter in law, who's married to your son, for example, you cannot marry her, nor that, nor can you be married to two sisters simultaneously, except for what has already occurred. Allah Subhana Allah says, if this has already occurred and has taken place, and you did not know of it, or and what he's referring to is the time of Jamelia, if there was something that was permitted, or was done in the time of God, and maybe this also applies to us now, where some of us live a phase of God as in, we don't know that something is not permissible, permissible or is permissible, and we go ahead and do it, and then we find out that it's not permissible, then

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we are to rectify that by clarifying for example, if someone is married to two sisters at the same time, they have to know divorce one or the other, right? You can't be married to two sisters at the same time. So this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala is referring to here in these verses, and you can

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Read through verses 2324 2526 in English and you can ask me questions later on in sha Allah Allah. But Allah subhana wa tada here specifies the people that we are allowed to marry and not allowed to marry. Now one of the things that is really interesting is that Allah Subhana, which Allah does not mention, that we are not allowed to marry our cousin, because we are, so you can marry your cousin. Right? And I know for us growing up in this society, like wait a second, I'm not marrying my cousin. No way my marrying my cousin, right. I was talking to a brother earlier today. And I was like, You know what, why don't you just marry your cousin? make things easy for you? Right family will be

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happy. Everyone's gonna be happy like, you. That's all he's like, no, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna marry my cousin. So I was like, how can something that is Hillel permissible? be disgusting? Like if someone says, Oh, that's disgusting. I'm gonna marry my cousin. It's not disgusting. You just don't prefer it for yourself, but it's permissible. islamically so something that's helpful is Helen, you don't prefer it. You don't want it for yourself. That's allowed islamically you you don't have to marry them. A simple example is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was one served babeu what is the

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It's a type of a It's a type of lizard. right type of lizard. And they can grow pretty big. I remember when I was a student in Medina, we actually caught one and a few of our, you know, Saudi classmates, they would bring them in and and, you know, give it to us and say here, you want to eat one. It's kind of nice. Some of them get pretty big. And it's permissible to eat a certain kind. So don't go and say oh, you know any lizard I see. I'm gonna go and kill No. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was one serve that and he did not prefer it for himself. And he never said I don't like this right, we should never say that we don't like a type of food or some kind of food. He

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didn't prefer it for himself. So he passed the the plate of food over to this habit of the alkaline home, allowing them to eat from it, but he didn't touch it. Now that does not show us that it's how long not permissible because he didn't eat from it. It shows us that he didn't prefer it. But he allowed the Sahaba of the Allah on whom to eat it, showing us are indicating to us that it's permissible. However, he did not prefer it for himself. So similarly, someone might say, you know what, I don't think that it's right to marry your cousin. No, it's permissible. However, you don't prefer it to maybe and we leave it at that. In verse number 29.

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Allah Subhana which Allah goes back into discussing wealth. Yeah, uh, Johan Latina Manuela. Taku

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benina comme Bilbao, el.

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Chapo, natalija Ratan Tata all the mean, come, while taco tolu.

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For a second in LA How can I become Rahim in verse number 29, Allah subhanho wa Taala, he goes back into discussing consuming wealth, or consuming the goods that may not belong to you. And so he says, somehow anahola to Hana or you have believed do not consume one and as one another's wealth, unjustly or unjustly, right, you're consuming something that does not belong to you, whether it's money, whether it's food, whether it's someone's provisions, whether you're taking their car, whether you're going into their house, and touching things that you should not be touching or taking them when you shouldn't be taking it, etc, don't consume that which is not yours. Now here, going

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more specifically into the meaning of the verse, Allah subhanho. wa Taala is actually talking more about business as well. So for example, you're doing business with someone, right?

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And a person gives you a certain amount of wealth and says, Here's $20,000, open up your own business with this, well, they gave you the permission to use this wealth, you can use it, that's okay, that's permitted. Don't read the verse and say, You know what, I can't take someone else's wealth for business, except by mutual consent. Okay, that's fine. Right? So they tell you, here's 20,000, if we need if the business is suffering, and we can't pay our losses, at the end of the month, we can take you can take from my wealth, and pay off your losses, and then replenish the amount or give back pay back into the account. You know, within a year, two years, whatever, you

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know, you have determined between the two of you in terms of a contract, that's permissible, that's allowed. But to simply go into someone's account, let's say you have a business account with them. And so you're taking from what belongs to them, but doesn't belong to you. And a lot of us have business accounts, and we work for a company and they give you a business credit card, or a business card. So when you're traveling, you can use a certain amount of wealth. And some people will say, you know what, I'm gonna treat all of you for dinner. Right? Let's go out for dinner. No, no, it is too expensive. This restaurant, don't worry. It's putting it on the company. It's a business tab.

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All right, putting it on the company. That amount that's given to you to us is not given to you to use for your

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Friends is given to you for your own personal use. Or if you're going for a business meeting, so you now can feed the client that you're meeting with, not your friends are now considered your clients. So you're taking the wealth of the company and feeding your friends and feeding your family and saying, you know, it's okay, it's a business expense, don't worry about it. Know that business expense is there for use of the actual, you know, something related to the business. So there, Allah Subhana, Allah shows us if you're using it unjustly, that's wrong. But if you're using it correctly, as in, they've given you the permission to use that wealth, no problem, use it. And as long as

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you're using it for the right things and the correct things that they allowed you to use it for, you can use it there's nothing wrong with that. But then in the next part of the verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala touches upon something really, really interesting.

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He says, when a duck Tulu enforcer come in the law, how can I become rahima? One may have heard one of them was only meant for sofa no sleep, you know, what can I know that he can write a lot yesira Allah subhana wa tada forbids murder, and forbids suicide. he forbids murder, and forbids suicide. Now, this is a very sensitive topic. Because some people know or may have known someone or may know someone who's going through difficulty and hardship, who may commit suicide. We leave that up to Allah subhana wa Tada. Okay, we leave it up to Allah. Remember, we said yesterday, no one needs to judge another person. However, Allah subhana wa tada warns us now a person who commits suicide and

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they're not in the right state of mind. That's a different matter. They, they technically in that case, don't even have to pray. They're smaller. They don't have to fast, right? They're not in the right state of mind. lucianne column and Sarah, there are three people who the pen is lifted from, right the person who's sleeping, for example, and they missed their saw that they set the alarm, but they didn't hear it.

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Not the person who sets the alarm, here's the alarm, turns it off, goes back to sleep says, you know, the pen is lifted upon the person that's sleeping

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and falls back asleep. No, the person who hears the alarm or hears the event gets up close, you have to get up, you need to force yourself to get up. The person who doesn't hear it. They said it, they asked someone to wake them up. Or maybe they're in a city where the event is called out loud, but they did not hear the then they're not sitting for that until they wake up they have to pray, get up, make Whoo, pray immediately. The person who's not mature, they don't have to pray.

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Then, you know, it's not compulsory upon them, the person who is not in the right state of mind. Similarly, for the time that they are not in the right state of mind, let's say they are unconscious, or they're conscious, but they're mentally challenged. They do not have to pray, why they might be praying and saying things that don't make sense. They might be actually uttering statements or verses or things of Schick. They're not saying the right things. They don't know what's purity, they might come into the masjid and start urinating on the floor, thinking you know what, there's nothing wrong with that. Even though they've been told 100 times, you know, they just

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don't know. They're challenged mentally. And so if a person is in that state, and they take their life, we leave this up to a loss of hand without it but someone who's con who's conscious, aware of their surroundings, aware of what they're doing, but they're like, you know what, life is just too difficult for me. I can't take this. I don't I don't like how people are picking on me. And so they commit suicide. Here. Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us against suicide, that it is something that is forbidden. And in a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in Sahih Muslim,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I'll just paraphrase very quickly to go over it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives three examples. The person who takes their life using an iron tool, for example, they take that and they stab themselves, maybe it's a sword or something. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam says that person will continuously and you know continuously be stabbing themselves with it, just like they took their life in this dunya they will continuously do that in Johanna. He goes on the second example is the person who took poison, they will continuously take poison and jahannam forever and ever. And the third one is the person who you know throws

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themselves off of a cliff or a mountain, a high place, taking their life This person will continuously throw themselves into jahannam over and over and over as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, so we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us and to safeguard us against you know these trials and difficulties of life. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us a means of helping those who are living around us and amongst us, who go through such challenges and have those thoughts to be a means of helping

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them out of those situations and bringing them from tough, you know,

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aspects of life and challenges that they're going through into helping them get through moments of ease and into ease and and you know, beauty of this life. I mean,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us an example also through the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how amor yBnL house or the Allahu Allah. He was sent out by the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, in one of the battles. And he woke up in the morning in the state of impurity. And so he had to take a listen. But it was so cold, he feared In fact, I don't remember actually, if he had to make a whistle, or if it was just Whoo, I will have to check it and I'll get back to you tomorrow inshallah. But he feared using the water to make blue, right, he feared that he would die because it was so cold if you use the water to clean himself. So he made tinium mon. And he makes to him and he

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goes and he leads the people in prayer. He's the Imam after making tailmon. Right? And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asks him how you know you're leading the people who maintain them and water is available. He said, I actually feared death.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam smiled, and just let it go. Indicating to us that it's permissible if a person fears death, and remember, this is an example of committing suicide, you would have thought that you know what, okay, I'm going to make whoo because I have water but it's too cold. It's okay. Don't worry, I'm not going to die. But you're actually genuinely fearing that you would die for whatever case, right? You might you might think, you know, I have to take a listen and you go outside and it's minus 40 degrees and you're standing in the water, you jump inside a lake or something, you know, I'm gonna jump in the lake and it's freezing cold, it's ice, and then

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you will, you know, have hyperthermia and possibly die. So in that case, do not do that. Simply perform Tai mo and you're okay. And we'll see Tom shortly. We'll explain to him as we go on right now. Verse number 43. Allah subhanho wa Taala here.

00:32:09 --> 00:32:16

He says, Yeah, are you Latina? Man who lotta cannibal sauna. Tom Suki.

00:32:18 --> 00:32:26

Taku nawala Juno Ben inla. hubiera. Sabine in tow. Does he know what you call?

00:32:28 --> 00:32:29

a wireless effort in

00:32:33 --> 00:32:38

Minato Ethan Ola mustonen nissa.

00:32:40 --> 00:32:43

nissa. phenom taggi doom

00:32:44 --> 00:32:46

fat am mo sorry.

00:32:48 --> 00:32:54

FM second will be module II como ad come in. Ma can.

00:32:57 --> 00:33:26

Allah Subhana Allah again calls out to us. Oh, you have believed? Yeah, you're Latina Amador, la Takara. masala, toa, Anton suka. Don't approach prayers, Allah, and you are in the state of being intoxicated. Right? The state of intoxication, you drank something, you consume something that took away your senses. Now, we know that

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alcohol and we should not only say alcohol, because alcohol is pretty general. But comma, or you know, anything that allows us to lose our senses here, more specifically, the drinking of beer, wine, alcohol, something of that sort that makes us become drunk. We know that we're not allowed to approach the prayer sauna, when we're in that state. had

00:33:52 --> 00:34:02

what what there's a loss of Hannah Montana, say, at Morocco, Luna, right, until you know what you're saying. So you regain your senses. You're standing in prayer, and

00:34:03 --> 00:34:28

you don't know what you're saying? No, until you regain your senses and you understand what you're saying. Then you can pray. But there's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that says that the sauna is not going to be accepted for the person who drinks alcohol for 40 days. Now a person might say, Oh, you know what? I drank alcohol. So my salt is not accepted for 40 days. So I don't need to pray. What do you think about that?

00:34:32 --> 00:34:55

Not right, what's not right, the Hadeeth or the person's thoughts? The person's thoughts, right? Okay. So let's look at it. First of all, a person who says, Well, if I drank alcohol, then my Salah is not valid for 40 days. What do I do? You pray, you pray and you pray a lot more than you normally would have to pray. Why? Because in a similar

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you wouldn't move

00:35:00 --> 00:35:47

Como Sana as Allah Subhana Allah tells us 10, her annual fracture in one cup, it pushes us away. It creates a barrier between us and the evils that we could commit or want to commit. The sins that we may, you know embark upon. It creates this barrier between a sauna protects us from those sins. That's the first thing. Second of all, a person says, You know what, I don't have to pray. No, you do have to pray. It's a punishment for you, that you drank you did something that was not right. So now you have to pray. But know that those 40 prayers, 40 days of prayers that you that you are going to pray now, you could pray and none of those prayers are accepted, but you could simply make Toba

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and ask Allah subhana wa tada for forgiveness and Halas it goes away.

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It goes away. You repent from the sin that you committed, you turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala. You give it up. You ask Allah to forgive you, you cleanse yourself from it, you no longer embark on that sin and you continue to pray. And the person who says Oh, you know what, but what if my Toba is going to be accepted, leave that up to Allah subhana wa Tada. And pray. Don't ever think that you know what someone says, You drank alcohol for 40 days, your prayers not going to be accepted. But because you drank it, you still have to pray. And that's your punishment. Prayer is not punishment.

00:36:29 --> 00:37:09

Prayer, Salah is not punishment. So don't think that someone says oh, that's your punishment. So you have to pray and your prayers punishment. Prayer is not punishment. We stand before Allah subhana wa tada in Salah. And we feel relieved, we're comfortable and hamdulillah we feel really good, right? We gain that patience that we spoke about yesterday and the day before, we feel extremely comfortable praying our prayer. So in no way shape or form. Should anyone say that prayer is a punishment for the person who drank alcohol, it isn't. Okay, let that be clear. And let it be understood. And teach it to your families and teach it to your friends and let our children in

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particular who are going through those phases in life understand, when they make a mistake, they should turn back to a loss of Hannah Montana, and they should continue their prayer. They should pray and pray more prayers to protect themselves from the sins that we can and do commit. When we ask Allah subhana wa tada to protect us from that. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, well, Juno been in LA IBT, sebelah and tassilo. Here Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that a person who's in the state of Genova, what is Genova? Does anyone know?

00:37:50 --> 00:37:56

Okay, so it's a state of impurity, what what is that state of impurity?

00:38:01 --> 00:38:05

Okay, you said it could be which means it could be something else.

00:38:06 --> 00:38:07

Okay, like what?

00:38:09 --> 00:38:11

When someone is in a state of impurity.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:59

Okay. What else? sisters sometimes, right? Every month, they have their menstrual cycle, right? That's a state of impurity. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, while juban illa IBT Sabine Hatter del tessuto. So Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that the person who's in an in a in a state of impurity because they had either you know, marital relations, and we won't go into details because of the children you know very well what we're talking about, or you had, for example, a *. And I'll say that because you need to explain this to your children, because that will identify their entrance into a state of maturity or not, right. And for example, a woman who is experiencing her

00:38:59 --> 00:39:41

menstrual cycle that is a state where you are not pure, you cannot come to sign up like that. So for example, you have marital relations at night, husband and wife, and then you go for Salatu fudger. Without purifying yourself, you can't do that. You need to purify yourself, how do you do that? Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us what in consumer law or NSF or in our domain communal heartedly Oh la Mr. manisa vantaggi Duma and fat am mammals are eaten by even firms. I hope you will do here Can my ad comm Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that we either make a hustle and we know that hustle, we spoke about it, I think a couple of days ago, the hustle if we need to clean ourselves. Whistle is

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very simple. All you have to do first of all is take some water.

00:39:46 --> 00:39:59

Wash your hands, wash your story, make Hulu or you could do this before after the scholars differ with regards to it. So I'll just say the points and then you can either put a little before or after. So wash your hands, wash your private areas right

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your private parts and then wet the entire body with water.

00:40:06 --> 00:40:29

Now, at our time we say take a shower. Okay, simple, very easy. And a lot of people would say, Well how do I make a hosel? Take a shower, right? Simple, but make blue either before or after. Okay? Make Hulu with the hustle as well. So take a shower and make Hulu and Hulu, you're done. At the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know how much water they used to use to take the hustle.

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To have these? This is one this is another. So for those that are watching, handful, right, two handfuls like this, so not one handful, put your two hands together. Okay, that's one and that's to that amount of water is enough to make a hole. So you might ask yourself, how, how is that possible? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with that he shut out the Allahu anhu they showered together and they used four of those to make listen for two people how the water basically needs to touch your body. So you rub it on your body you pour a little bit over you and you rub it in you rub it into your hair, you rub it into your body etc house you're done. You make your iRULU you're

00:41:09 --> 00:41:24

finished. Simple, very simple. So we don't need to waste loads and loads of water. Now one last panel atana here he talks about the person who doesn't have the water right find MTG Duma and Fatah yamamo make them how do we make to

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do we all know how, okay, who does not know how to make salmon?

00:41:31 --> 00:41:38

There's nothing wrong with that. If you don't know then we're going to teach you if you know then tell us we don't need to teach you. Okay, who knows how to make tamlyn

00:41:39 --> 00:41:41

who does not know what am is

00:41:42 --> 00:42:01

good? Mashallah. Being honest Alhamdulillah we'd like that to your mom is something that you do for example, you need to make Hulu but you don't have any water. There's no water. How do you make Hulu? Okay? Very simple. Mashallah, how are you? You learnt this? Okay, what do you do?

00:42:05 --> 00:42:29

Good. So you use the earth you use a stone use something that's natural, right? And I remember when we were teaching this to each other, remember, we learnt it? What did Danielle say? If you're on an airplane and you have nothing to use, he said use the dandruff of the hair of the person in front of you. A little eight year old Mashallah. He says tap your hands on Find someone with dandruff and tap your hands on their head.

00:42:30 --> 00:43:00

Where are these kids get this from? Only Allah Subhana. Allah knows. So what we use is we use something that's pure, for example, use the earth outside, let's say you're in the hospital, someone brings you a stone, right? Use the stone. It's very simple to make them you don't have water or you're sick and you can't use water. Or for example, you fear that you're going to get sick from using the water because maybe you know you have pneumonia or something. Whatever the case is, maybe you have an operation or it's extremely cold. It's winter, you simply tap

00:43:01 --> 00:43:04

the ground. Wipe your hat. Oh, sorry, wipe your face.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:22

Right? And then wipe your hands. hos some scholars say you tap the ground, you wipe your face, and then you wipe your arm. Right arm. Left arm callus you're done. That's it so simple. There's nothing to it. You don't have

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all this stuff. You know breathing air through you through your mouth thinking okay, I have to make a little I have to do a must have my head and my ears. No, you don't have to do that right? I have to wipe over my feet. No you don't have to wipe over your feet. But am mumble Allah subhanho wa Taala says for ilam Digital mat and for tm mammals are eaten by yibin thumb Sara will be with Julia come with a D come wipe over your face and your hands haha. So you're done. It's very simple. Okay, so Allah subhanho wa Taala made this Deen easy for us. Now you might be in situations where you find it difficult for you to even make Tammam like just the other day I was with some brothers in

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Vancouver. And they asked me, you know, really private question. And they're not here. So tell us we can mention it generally. So this brother says, I was flying on the plane, and there was turbulence, and I woke up and realized that it was time for Sala. And during the turbulence, the seatbelt sign was on. And it was the turbulence that woke him up so he couldn't get out of his seat. And so kind of like he realized he had a *. So he had to pray. But he had a * and he didn't know what to do and he was stuck. He's like I'm on a plane. How do I take a shower? I don't know what to do. And so we'll talk about that another time when the children aren't around. inshallah, on us, we

00:44:35 --> 00:44:37

move on to verse number.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:49

What did we do? We just finished 43 All right, we move on to verse number 59. In verse number 59, Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

00:44:50 --> 00:44:51

Johan levena

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come for you today.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

Are autumn fishy? funnily enough, no one was Looney

00:45:07 --> 00:45:12

tune to me no Nabila he wouldn't Yahoo meter here, then you can

00:45:14 --> 00:46:01

send with that when we, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here in verse number 59. To obey Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yeah, you're Latina, ermanno li en la, Li er en la seule. What will remain calm, obey Allah obey His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam and obey or we could say, respect the authority over us, those that have been placed in authority over us. Now, the reason why I said respect is because some people will challenge it and say, how can you obey a leader that's placed over you that is not a Muslim? Has respect them? Respect the laws of the land, you're told to wear a seatbelt? Is that the law of the land? Yes. You're told not to speed is that the law of the land?

00:46:01 --> 00:46:40

Yes, the authorities over us who look after us, they place that as a law because it's something that will keep us from harm. It will protect us from any sort of hardship, as any sort of hardship or harm that would come to us. There's no guarantee no doubt, you could be in a car accident going 30 kilometers an hour with your seatbelt on the airbag explodes, right? The airbag deploys, and it hits you so hard in the face that it might actually take your life. And that's actually happened to quite a few people. Now, is that something that could happen? Yes, it could happen. And you're going 30 kilometers an hour with your seatbelt on. There's no guarantee. However, we have to still respect

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the laws of the land. It does not go against our Deen if I wear a seatbelt, it does not go against my religion if I follow the 100 kilometer an hour speed limit on the highway. Oh, but I need to get to Sala and I need to break my fast and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us not to delay. The thought when you hear the then break your fast when it's time break your fast, don't delay. But a person says oh I need to rush and get their house relax. Keep something in your car to break your fast. Right? keep something in your car to break your fast with. And if you don't have anything, then take your time get to where you need to go and break your fast it's an abnormal

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situation. Okay, so don't break the laws of the land respect the authority over us as long as they're telling us to do what is good for us and does not go against our Deen Alhamdulillah. And honestly, what goes against our Deen in this religion in this country? Like what laws force us to give up our Deen?

00:47:37 --> 00:48:13

I can't think of any right now. A law that forces us to give up power and to give up our Deen. There are laws and people you know, in certain countries, Muslims, for example, in parts of China, who this year Alhamdulillah hopefully they're, you know, not being harmed. And I saw that, you know, the government of China was going to make sure that this doesn't take place this year where our Muslims would be harmed for fasting, right, they'd be forced to drink and forced to eat and forced to drink and eat things that are how long as well while fasting. But there are people in parts of the world who Yes, they go through difficulties and they're forced to give up their Deen in Burma, for

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example. they're forced to give up their Deen in certain parts of the world. We don't have that here. We're not experiencing it. From my knowledge. I don't experience it. Right? And so we ask Allah Subhana which Allah to make it easy for us to cooperate always with those who we live around and to spread the goodness of this Deen to them and we ask Allah subhana wa COVID to had to shower to shower has mercy upon us.

00:48:38 --> 00:48:50

I mean, please excuse me, it's not easy to speak for an hour after fasting for 17 hours. In verse number 94, will only take two more verses Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here.

00:48:51 --> 00:49:38

One of the lessons that we will take in verse number 94 let me just get to it in sha Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you're letting me know, either bada boom FISA vilella e fetida Yano y la Koo leemon alcar, la como salam, LSTM Mina. The lesson that I want to take from verse number 94 is when you meet someone who gives you set up, we spoke about how to respond to the setup in the first day, right? We spoke about that. But when someone who meets you and you meet them, they greet you with senem don't think and assume that this person simply wants harm upon you. Because they're a non believer, but they're saying sell them so they're covering it up. And this happened during the

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time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you know, where some of this habit of the Aloha and home felt that the non believers who were giving Selim were simply saying sell them to the Muslims so that they would be protected. here Allah Subhana Allah is showing us do not discriminate. don't discriminate. Someone says Salaam to you don't say oh, they're just saying that because they want our vote. No.

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Maybe they're saying selam because they genuinely feel that you're a human being and they're learning your culture. Your culture is your deen your religion, and they want to you know make you feel comfortable by saying something that's nice for example, you go to France, you go to France you don't say hello, how are you? You go to France is a bone jewel. Everyone's like, oh, there's also you come. I'm from Canada, right? You start to speak in the French accent with your you know, English language. And so some kind of like, you know, the person feels good, like, oh, wow, you know, where are you from, you know, a little bit of the language. And this is a son of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as in it was something that he would do, he would learn different languages, so that he can relate and communicate with different people. He wouldn't learn the whole language, but he would learn simple words, simple words, that you know, for example, if the Abyssinian language, he learned a few of those words, so he could relate to the people from Abyssinia, right? And that's something that we should do. We should be able to say, I want to combine de la

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dee da does He say no? Mashallah will do Punjabi, right? You know what all right Arabic You know, a little bit of Arabic, you know, a little bit of Malay, whatever, you know, the people that you live around, we live in Canada, we should learn some French, right? I know they teach us to us in school, but the only thing we know how to say is, you know, how can I go to the bathroom? And so we need to learn things so that we would be able to spread this Deen to others and they would understand that we're people who care about them as well. And the last verse that we will take verse number 135, Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us to stand for justice. Yeah. Are you on Dena uno? uno con la mina

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de la, la la.

00:51:49 --> 00:51:54

Fauci, como come I will, I will lead anyone up on our bean.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:43

E corn avani. And I will focus on farm law who will be Hema, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here to stand for justice. And don't just distort your test certification, your testimony, if you have to, you know, stand, you know, on trial or you have to give some sort of identity of a person, don't hide it, reveal the truth, bring the truth out. Allah subhanho wa Taala wants the truth to be known. Right? That's important for us. Now today, I was listening to the radio and I thought I would just tie this in. They're looking for someone who, you know, the witnesses of someone who was murdered, I think a 17 year old right? It was mentioned on the radio and they're asking people come forth, those

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of you that witnessed it or those of you that may know what happened, what took place, who is actually responsible who the criminals are, come forth and tell us tell the authorities and Allah subhana wa tada commands us to do that in the Quran as well. If you know, you know the the the information to something that is needed by society, share it, give it even if it's someone who's close to you, and you know, I don't want them to go to jail or something. No, if they did something that's wrong, Justice needs to be taken upon that person. We ask Allah subhana wa etana to help us and to save us and to protect us from all sorts of evil We ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy

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for us throughout this month of Ramadan to learn the Quran and to implement it in our lives. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to grant us a deeper understanding of these verses. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to open up our hearts to the people that we live around. And the people who live amongst us, we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us to be a means of spreading this Deen a means of spreading this Deen to others. And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us the best example for the rest of humanity and mankind. I mean, out of the hand, I mean was that a lot of sentiment about a cannon Amina Mohammed while earlier Samira Salim we have about five minutes, six

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minutes before the hour, then take the opportunity to make dua to Allah subhana wa Tada. And remember those in different parts of the world who don't have what we have. We're now about to break our fast with a couple of dates and maybe a samosa right. Some people don't even have a single date. Make dua for them that Allah Subhana Allah Allah takes them out of their hardships and gives them goodness and ease. I mean out of banana mean

Ramadan Tafseer Night 4

June 8, 2016

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