Muhammad Abdul Jabbar – Beware He’s Your Enemy

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A representative from Muslim Central talks about a woman who wants to become a Christian and is hesitant to admit she is a Christian. She describes her
acquisition with a man who wants to marry her, but she refuses to give him her
the name of the man. The representative encourages people to donate to help cover their expenses and projects.
acquisition with a man who wants to marry her, but she refuses to give him her
the name of the man. The representative encourages people to donate to help cover their expenses and projects.
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This audio is brought to you by Muslim Central. please consider donating to help cover our running costs and future projects by visiting www dot Muslim forward slash donate.
after praising the King of all kings, the Master of the Day of Judgment, the one, the only a Lord Almighty and sending salutations on the email of the Prophet, the leader of the Prophet, the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
remember one thing
and that is that the shape is your enemy. So take him as an enemy, he will try his best to deceive
to misguide you. Why, because he wants you to enter the fire of how
this is why, even though
Rahim Allah would say
that the Shakedown,
he will not be alone.
And when you're on the verge of dying, and you're on the last throne,
to shape
or the other, in the form of your father.
And the father comes
and he says, Oh, my child
was a Christian.
This is the best of religion,
change become a Christian.
And then
in the form of shape on
the shape and takes the form of his mother.
And she says that was a dude.
This is the best of religions
before it's too late.
And he will keep on trying
to deceive a person, make a person
deviate from the path.
And on occasion,
he has succeeded
on an occasion
he has faith
that the shaytan is your enemy.
So take him
as your enemy.
for that very reason.
The first story comes to mind.
There was one guy
I know personally.
A man who worships a mall
that he's been practicing for the past
1516 years
worth shipping alone on a daily base.
eager to learn about the religion
that is eager to elevate is
a man
who gets a press five daily prayers
with his kids.
And he prays
to one occasion
he wanted to get married
to a second wife.
I'm single Muslim,
a woman
in compression
but the only problem was
She was from Nigeria.
His wife disagreed.
He beat his wife black, blue and purple with a stick.
He oppressed
in front
of his little kids.
He beats his wife to make her agree.
And yes,
when she got the beating of her life, she agreed.
But the sad thing was
that she was oppressed.
So this individual
I asked him
that you spoken to him?
He says, Man
Have you verbally spoken?
How do you see a picture of it? No.
contact me at night and he will say,
man's I've fallen in love with the Accord live without wait to marry this woman.
Many of his friends, Kevin
Many people went against him.
And he started dropping lines that everyone's jealous.
to certain extent
the way he does
he makes his wife
go to the shop, buy some wedding clothes, buy some food, and everything.
beheading night.
His he's dressed in a Moroccan
dress to impress
defends me up and he says, Come down. I'm going to get married.
So when I came
home, his friends was sitting down in a circle, waiting to do the ceremony for the marriage.
And all of a sudden
she doesn't turn them
loose. Like I said earlier.
His wife is oppressed.
His wife came to me
came to my family.
And she said
My husband has beaten me. Give me some advice.
Tell me some things to my husband
doesn't get married.
I understood one thing
that this guy was an oppressor.
So I said
that between you and a law? There is no
there's not a barrier. You simply connect to a law and the law will answer your prayer.
Good feeling women she replicates and indeed a long
answer the application
is past.
She did a turn on the bright
side we went on to the account on single Muslim
and found out
that it wasn't a woman
but it was a Nigerian man.
That standing
at 7000 pounds
through Western Union, because
was claiming that I want my family to attend my marriage.
Seven she didn't turn up.
Now he's on the word.
fooled him.
People are laughing at him. texting him.
sending him
pictures of apes or monkeys.
He sees
to me and he explained the full story.
He said, and the trailer
he says, I picked up later
on I felt the presence of shame
to yourself, kill yourself disgrace.
You have been humiliated. People are laughing at you.
Kill yourself, kill yourself who says
I heard whispers from the
family. He says I grabbed the blade, and I put it to my stomach and I was about to stop myself.
And all of a sudden
I stopped.
I sent to my mind way.
And he said, I put the belly button.
He says I heard voices in my ear. Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill myself
my wife
and I came out
and that was
a man who worship a law for 15 years, dedicated his life for religion.
And his end
was that he was about to kill.
His wife
oppressed his wife This is why I end by saying beware of the application of the oppressed.
This audio is brought to you by Muslim Central. please consider donating to help cover our running costs and future projects by visiting www dot Muslim forward slash donate