Mufti Menk – Why You Should Never Lose Hope in the Mercy of Allah

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the struggles of shaitan, a student who committed a sinful act and is now upset. He warns that forgiveness is a big sin and that forgiveness is not just a choice. He also emphasizes the importance of learning about Allah's qualities and lessons for future generations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Shaitan is now upset because you regret, he's

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so angry.

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And as you seek forgiveness he comes back

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to you. He says, oh well done. That

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was so good. But But you know what?

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You committed such a big sin, such a

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big sin. You can't just be forgiven so

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easily. That's shaitan's plan again.

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That's shaitan's plan again. You committed such a

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big sin, you can't just be forgiven so

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You think you after you committed zina, you

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can just say

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Oh Allah, I regret it. I don't want

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to do it again. Help me. Oh Allah,

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I won't do it again. Forgive me.

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Shaitan tells you, do you really think you

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committed such a big thing? Do you think

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just by that much you're gonna be forgiven?

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That question alone

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is enough to destroy you again.

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What happens? You lose hope in the mercy

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of Allah, which is worse than the first

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sin you committed.

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Because one of the names and qualities of

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Allah, in fact many names and qualities of

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Allah are connected to mercy. He is most

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loving, most kind, most forgiving, oft forgiving and

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so many other names where Allah says,

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don't ever lose hope in my mercy. That's

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what he says in the Quran. So the

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mercy of Allah.

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He is

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You know what that means?

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He is the most merciful of all

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those with mercy.

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The most merciful from all those who have

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mercy, Allah.

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And you're doubting him?

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That's from

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Don't ever lose hope in the mercy of

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Allah. What are you doing? Losing hope in

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the mercy of Allah. So you're going against

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a verse of the Quran.

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And what is that? That's dangerous.

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Allah says he will forgive. Indeed Allah forgives

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all sins.

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So when you seek forgiveness, shaitan comes back

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and makes you think for a moment that

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you know what? You're not forgiven. If you

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listen to his whispers,

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You're going to fall back again and again

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and again. And then what happens? Now you're

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far from Allah. Because why? You start believing

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I'm too dirty. I'm too unclean.

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I've committed too many sins. I'm not going

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to be achieving the forgiveness of Allah.

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I'm lost. I'm already gone into Jahannam.

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Now, there's nothing left for me besides to

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continue this life

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of distance from Allah.

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Then you've fallen into the trap of shaitan.

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Come back my brother. Come back my sister.

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Don't think that way. Go back to the

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mercy of Allah.

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your Maker. Learn about Allah, His names, His

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Learn about who is Allah.

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Learn about the forgiveness.

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Learn about the others in the past like

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the story of Adam alaihis salam. The lessons

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we learned from this are tremendous. They are

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