Zaid Shakir – Sacrifice To Put Out The Call To Humanity – Eid Khutbah

Zaid Shakir
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a celebration of Islam in the US, where participants are sharing their experiences and experiences with the event. The speakers discuss the importance of the event, including the belief that Islam is a service to humanity and the need for unity among all individuals. They also mention the potential for racism and the need for unity among all individuals.
AI: Transcript ©
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baro baro borrow the ball while in Hill hum in Alhamdulillah enamelled who was during one of UNESCO funeral who went to LA he went Ruby left a message for we am fusina Women's CRT arm earlier

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when we deal

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were shared when

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in our law who Sherry Keller shadow and say Donna Muhammad and others who who are also Yeah, you lead in the taco law how to party party party he taboo in

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the moon yeah you Hannah's taco rock como lady for the appointment enough so Hida ohada covenant has Oda what that what that seminary Journalisten Katiyar one is

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what couple warhead it is gonna be he was our hand in no more how can I make him Rafi? Yeah, you handed in a ham and a couple I will call call them so do you that your submission from

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your field Open Google Chrome, while main left hand was suitable for the fairs a 1,000th of the

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value of our stock on the heavy keytab law the higher road had he had your Mohammed bin Salman Allahu Allah he will send them or shorten one or more of that to the Coulomb. That and with our killer Beratan Bala Bala and let him know Alhamdulillah hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, where the land in hand hamdulillah loss of Hannah what Allah has blessed us together for the prayer has blessed us to attain to eat has blessed us to have some degree of relief from the scourge of the Coronavirus.

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Alhamdulillah. We praise along with thank Allah for all of the blessings that He bestows upon us. I do brothers and sisters. From one perspective, our religion is two things, service to Allah subhana wa Tada and service to humanity.

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Those two things are things are embodied in the hajj, the combination of which we celebrate today.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tell us not only the believers, but all of humanity.

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One the follow up to dinner with INSEAD in the afternoon. I've only created the jinn and the human humans that they worship in

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the worship the devotion represented by the Hajj is unparalleled in human history, where people are mobilizing from all over the world,

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in response to a cry from Ibrahim Allison, who responded himself to the call of Allah subhanho wa Taala when he ordered him, but then Senesi Bill has

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yet to carry jello while oppo that bomb you yet Tina can come the federal army. So I'll proclaim the pilgrimage amongst them.

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And then finesse it to touch rather procane The pilgrimage amongst all of humanity. And this is a deep spiritual cry because it's related. That that cry was not just for those in the immediate vicinity, those who can hear the voice of Ibrahim Ali Sinha there was no internet there was no modern communications, none of that. But Allah Tala made that call, which not just those who are in his vicinity, but those throughout the entire world. And not just those in the entire world at that time. Those would ever come into the world until our very day and beyond this day until this world is no more and everyone all of

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those millions, if not billions, who over the centuries have made the pilgrimage to the Sacred House are responding to that call. They're electing the law and now call his worship, rather and that's part of our service to Allah. Let bake Allah, they were responding Oh Allah we are responding. Then handle Allah. Then Allah handle Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and our religion embody service to humanity. Allah Tala reminds us an oft repeated goes come to hear on the tip of the Gatling dance. You are the best of communities raised up to serve humanity. Hope to hire automated offering Jasmine nurse service to Allah and service to humanity. So the Hajj is part of our service, our worship to

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Allah subhana wa taala. But the Hajj also represents a great service to humanity. And that service, not your brothers and sisters, is showing humanity we don't have to be divided by race. We don't have to be divided by ethnicity. We don't have to be divided by social class. We don't have to be divided by skin color. We don't have to be divided by all of these things that have divided humanity in those divisions leading to war and dissension and strife, oppression. We can be united as the program is Unite from all over the world and the medals cast off all signs of distinction. There are no signs to indicate this one is from the poor. There are no signs that indicate this one is from

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the wealthy. There are no divisions based on skin color. There are no divisions based on land of origin, there are no divisions everyone is united but united under law in the law, two brothers and sisters, let us take this call of Lahaina hamdulillah to humanity as part of our service to humanity as part of our service to this country at a time when racism not just here, but in Western Europe and throughout various parts of the world threaten to tear our social fabric apart. If we can do that. We are showing that the spirit of Hajj doesn't just reside in Mecca, but it resides in our hearts and our hearts is the messenger or the inspiration for our tongues. As the poet said at

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normal kala moolah Phil for

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Julia to do alien descend LMFT for me the de la then in reality speech resides in the heart and rather the tongue has been made and interpreter for what is in the heart now Allah give us Tofik Allah bless your mistake Kulu how we have stock for Allah Hi Lea welcome only sapling mini your common stock through law

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bottle bottle

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hand Alhamdulillah mail Lord bless everyone in this day. As we said if you have the opportunity and the means not if you have the means not the opportunity find the opportunity to sacrifice an animal as one of the firm's sunless for the evil Aha. As the name indicates the celebration or the Festival of the sacrifice. A lot of times I bless you bless your families, thus this community this wonderful community to continue to grow and to prosper and to continue to be a shining light for this corner of the earth. Bismillah menorah hemal hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam Ala Moana say universally Sayidina Muhammad Allah and he was talking to us selling our home or feeling misdemeanor

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one Muslim one what we need and we'll move

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really Hill hum along everybody logged

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in logged on

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law the law

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well in Hill hammock coulomb when two

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people get up and become a seller and why they can buy the overcap

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