Mufti Menk – When Ibrahim As Was Searching For His Lord

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker describes a young man's interview with his father and his father's actions. The speaker describes how he approached his father and his father's mother and approached the idols. He describes how he approached his father and his father's mother and approached the idols. He describes how he approached his father and his father's mother and approached the idols.
AI: Transcript ©
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as a young boy, when he questioned his

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father and he tricked the community by destroying

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some of those idols and when they came

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back from their festival and saw the idols

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were smashed,

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he actually, when questioned, said, well, ask them

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what happened if they could only speak. And

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they knew the idols couldn't speak. So they

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had beef with him. They really did not

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like what he did. They wanted to get

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back at him. They expelled him from the

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community. At some point they tried to harm

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him and Allah always saved him. But

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he looked at when he went to a

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place called haran

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and out in the open he saw the

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stars and he says, you know what? These

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stars are better than the idols

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that my father was carving.

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He did not worship the stars. He only

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considered the greatness of the stars. And then

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he says, no, no, no. When the stars

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began to disappear, he said, it can't be.

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This can't be my Lord.

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And then a little while later he saw

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the moon. Beautiful, nice, bright shining moon. He

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looked at the moon. He says, well, this

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is shining brighter than the stars. This is

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actually even better.

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He did not worship the moon, but he

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was considering

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looking for his creator who created me, who

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made me. And so when he looked at

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the moon

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and the moon began to also set, you

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know, the moon sets and it began to

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disappear. He said, that can't be my Lord.

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He says, Oh my Lord, if you're not

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going to guide me, whoever you are, I'm

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going to be misguided. You guide me.

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The prayer and supplication for guidance is the

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most important prayer you and I could ever

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Guide us to the straight path. We repeat

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it every day. Wallahi my brothers, my sisters,

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the dua, the supplication you make, the most

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powerful of all of them is to ask

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Allah for guidance. May Allah guide me and

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guide all of us and keep us on

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the straight path.

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So Ibrahim, alaihis salam, he continually

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asked Allah to guide him. He saw the

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sun rise in the morning and he was

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excited because for the first time,

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even though throughout his life he used to

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see the sun every day, but it was

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the first time he considered the greatness of

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the sun. That's why Allah says when you

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look into the creation of Allah, the night

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and the day and the way it moves

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and the sun and the moon and so

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on, you will discover the greatness of the

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maker thereafter.

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But for us, every day we look at

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things, we take it for granted. Take a

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moment. Allah says,

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Don't go too far. Look inside yourself. Take

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a look at your organs.

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Each one of them is a sign of

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the existence of Allah.

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How they work, how it happens. You're looking

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at me. I'm looking at you. You're breathing

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Your heart is pumping 136

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1,000 times a day and you don't even

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realize Allahu Akbar. Allah says that you still

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think we don't exist. La ilaha illallah. La

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ilaha illallah. Each one of your limbs, your

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organs, your ears, your lips, your nose, your

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your nostrils, the hair in your nose and

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why it's there is just a miracle from

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Allah. It's not a coincidence.

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Those who tell you that are actually not

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even dreaming because the dream itself is a

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miracle. Subhanallah.

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May Allah Almighty grant us guidance. So Ibrahim

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alaihis salam looks at the sun and he

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says, you know what? Wow, this is bigger

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than all of it. Wow. He's looking. He

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did not worship the sun, but he's considering

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where is my maker? And then he realized

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something powerful. The most powerful statement and the

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Quran has it in the Quran.

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I turn my face in worship to the

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one who created

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the heavens and the earth, the skies and

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the earth.

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Everything I'm seeing, whoever

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made this, he is my Lord

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and I turn my face to Him alone

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without associating a single partner

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with him in worship and I will worship

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him and him alone.

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He discovered Allah.

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