Mufti Menk – Where Is The Success of the Palestinians

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses how wall NBC's prerecorded prerecorded video discusses the evil and cruel actions of the Israelis, including killing and destruction. The video also references a statement from Allah, who claims that everyone is God's chosen people and is the one who can kill and destroy. The video ends with a statement from the speaker about protecting the life of a dog.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's been 76 years from the Nakba, to

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the day almost.

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What happened? Wallahi,

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people living.

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They were living super happy.

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They welcomed

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these guys who came with bad intentions.

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They welcomed them

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because they felt they were being persecuted

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elsewhere in the world. So let them come.

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We can actually give them some form of

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shelter and perhaps

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do a good deed.

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Little did they know, that these people came

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with such an evil intention, they were going

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to steal that land

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And they were going to cause pain and

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death and murder,

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destruction and everything negative that is unimaginable

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to any normal human being,

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for decades to come.

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When I sit and I watch what's going

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on in Palestine today,

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I tell myself no human

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who has a droplet of humanity

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can do

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what these Israelis are doing to our brothers

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No chance. I never thought in my 50

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years of my life,

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that anyone with a droplet of humanity

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could do what is being done,

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what they're doing and still claim

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to be the victor.

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And still claim that, no, it's ours, it's

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us. We are advanced, we are modern, we

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are westernized or whatever else you want to

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say. We are the leaders and yet you

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are butchering and you are destroying

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and you are actually finishing off

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every life

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and everything positive that they ever was and

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Even for those who have just been born

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moments ago.

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So where is the ultimate success

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for those

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who were born in that situation,

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And they lived and their parents lived and

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many of them have had to flee.

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And they were driven out by force.

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Those who didn't want to go because they

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needed or they wanted to hold on to

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their land were killed brutally.

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Where is the success for them?

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Well, I can tell you where it is.

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Allah is just.

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Allah is fair.

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That fairness and justice

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is not necessarily

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simply in our lives on earth,

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but it will extend beyond that. That's why

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Allah says in the Quran in the first

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Surat al Fatiha,

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manikiyaumindeen, owner of the day of?

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He's the owner.

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And on that day He will say,

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kingdom and ownership is it today? Who has

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the say?

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No one.

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Allah says,

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All the voices and the sounds will be

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for Allah.

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Silenced. What are you going to say? It's

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the day of justice.

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Face the wrath. As much as people wrongly

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think they are God's chosen people,

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they have

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altered and adulted

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scripture in order to claim that they are

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the ones who are the best and the

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closest to God Almighty.

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In order to engage in murder and killing

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and destruction and chaos on earth, as much

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as they may claim they are God's chosen

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wallahi they are not. Not in the least,

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and they never ever were.

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It's a claim they made. That's it.

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Because Allah does not love those

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who destroy life. As a muslim, I'm taught

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to protect the life of a dog.

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Don't you agree?

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