Mufti Menk – Think Long Term

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the challenges and opportunities that come with terminally ill and struggling individuals. They emphasize the importance of hoping in mercy and acknowledging the forgiveness of those who commit crimes. The speaker also warns of the need to recessionily pursue forgiveness and apologizes for past mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yes indeed there are many challenges and there

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are so many. At times we don't even

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know what's going to happen to us but

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you're not the only one. There are so

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many of us. Live your day for the

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day and when you look ahead, keep trying.

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But remember,

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your Lord will take care of you. Allah

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will see you through

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even if you happen to be terminally ill.

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You have no

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but to hope in the mercy of Allah.

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As you grow older,

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and you might be looking forward to a

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day when you will be meeting with Allah,

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remember it's going to be a beautiful day.

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I have heard that Allah is merciful, kind,

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The most amazing, the most beautiful, the most

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loving, the most the most forgiving, etcetera etcetera.

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I've heard all of that. I've tried. I'm

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not an evil person. I've tried my best.

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I faulted as a human being here and

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there. I sought the forgiveness of Allah on

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a regular basis. That is very empowering. Now

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what has happened to me? I'm honestly looking

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forward to the day I meet my maker

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because I know he is amazing.

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He is amazing.

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Have hope in the mercy of Allah.

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If evil qualities are overtaking us, we need

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to be concerned. We need to eradicate it.

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The temporary

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that one achieves through sin

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will only bring about sadness in the long

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The temporary gratification

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that one achieves through engaging in that which

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is illegal and unlawful

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will only bring about long term regret.

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The good thing is

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in the eyes of Allah, you can always

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seek forgiveness and be forgiven.

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But if it were a crime against a

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fellow human being, then you will need to

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perhaps pay a price or seek the forgiveness

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of that particular individual.

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