Mufti Menk – It all goes back to THIS!

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the translation of the Hadith and how it relates to actions. They explain that actions are based on intentions and that all actions are judged based on that intentions. The speaker also mentions the difference between the two concepts of reward and sin, and how they relate to human actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Omar Allahu anhu heard something with his own ears. This is the beauty of these terms. Sometimes when it says an, it is narrated by this person from this person from that person, you may have to go into deeper detail to find out whether they actually heard or didn't hear. But in this particular case, when the man says himself, Samir, to I heard it, we should know that that means, there is no doubt that he heard it with his own ears and he has met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam What did he say he heard? He heard the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam say,

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enamel Amma lupini. Yet in NEMA. Indeed, Allah marylu the deeds Binney yet are by their intentions. Indeed, the deeds are by their intentions, Amal could also mean actions. Indeed, the actions are by their intentions. Now, man, that elephant lamb would mean all the deeds that is the depth of the Arabic language. So we would not be wrong if we translated it as indeed all actions. And then we, although the Arabic language is very powerful when they say be me yet what actually is meant is, are judged by their intentions. So indeed, all actions are judged by their intentions. That is one of the most powerful statements from the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, connected to

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the actions of the heart, all deeds, all actions shall be judged, or are judged or are by their intention. So it means you need an intention, you have an action, the two are together, making up what you've done, and what exactly you achieved, try to achieve etc. You will be judged based on it by whom? Well by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Ultimately, because Allah alone knows what your intention was. Sometimes people may see what you've done, but they may not know exactly what you've intended. Let's move on to the translation of the rest of that Hadith. The second part of it, what innama liquid memory Manawa It sounds very similar to the first one in terms of meaning, but I'll explain

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to you the difference it says, and indeed, for every person is what he has intended. Now, you might ask what's the difference between the two? The first one says all actions are just by their intentions, no mention of a person. In the second section, Allah says or the Hadith the prophet SAW, Selim says that in nama equilibrium Manoa indeed for every person, every person shall have either in reward or in sin, whatever he has intended. So if you see the difference between the two, and the O Lama, the Maha defin have spoken of quite a few differences. I'm going to speak of one the one is, the first point is making mention of the deeds. The second point is making mention of the person who

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is doing the intention and what he will get. So what will he get, he will get whatever he intended. So all actions are judged by intentions therefore, for every human being, shall be a reward or a sin based on what he has intended. And this is something very, very interesting

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