Mufti Menk – Are We Good Muslims

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of obeying instructions given by Allah to reduce one's life to entertainment and spend time with family. They also share a statement made by their own family about their belief in Islam, which they consider to be a "moodier Muslim" than their own. The speaker concludes that the world can become a better place for Muslims to start studying and see questions, and that anyone who is not good enough for their own good will be punished.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters, that's not what life

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is. If you're a good Muslim, how can

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you reduce your life to entertainment alone? Yes.

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You may want to enjoy yourself within the

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limits once in a while, and you take

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your family, you spend time with your family.

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But you need to know, the greatest enjoyment

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is achieved by obeying the instruction of your

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maker. He tells you

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to eat that which is pure and good.

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He tells you to earn in a beautiful

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way, if you're a good Muslim.

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He tells you to spend time with your

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family members. Today,

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the crisis we are facing,

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people are prepared to spend time with their

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friends every night,

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doing only what Allah

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knows and they know.

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And their spouses and their family members whom

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they are supposed to be spending time with,

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they are responsible for.

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A literal orphans

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whose parents are alive.

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Orphans whose parents are alive because we don't

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even spend time with our family members.

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And we call ourselves good Muslim.

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And then we are depressed, we are sad.

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And then sometimes we lose our families. We

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have children who grow up all on drugs

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and bad habits, because you never spent time

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with them.

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Rather, enjoy yourself going on a holiday with

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your own family.

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So, mashallah,

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take your family and go out. And enjoy

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Force yourself to enjoy that little shell that

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Allah has given you

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to start with. What's the point of having

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a 1,000 friends, when your own family is

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crying for your company? And you cannot spend

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5 minutes with them, and you cannot speak

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with them with a good tongue.

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This is why I read before you the

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verses of Surat Al Furqan towards the end,

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where Allah

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makes it very very clear to us. Who

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are the true worshipers of the Most Merciful?

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Very clear to us. Who are the true

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worshipers of the Most Merciful? And one of

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them is, and Allah

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says, when they walk, they walk with humility,

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Humility, humbleness.

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We do not want to give the impression

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to others that we are haughty, we are

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arrogant because

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we are just one of the rest. SubhanAllah.

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I remember,

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once I was traveling

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and we had stopped to refuel

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in one of the,

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we call them petrol stations.

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And there was a group of people in

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another vehicle,

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who looked at us and started laughing. Because

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we were Muslimine.

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And they started laughing at us and scoffing

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and so on and we could see it.

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I told the brothers with me, please just

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ignore them. It was actually my family. I

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said, just ignore these people.

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I came out, we bought a few, you

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know, a little bit of water and drink

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and whatever else, whilst the motor vehicle was

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refueling. And thereafter, we came out and

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happily, we went onto the road. They had

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left 5 minutes before us.

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Somewhere down,

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they made an accident. A huge accident.

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A very, very big accident. And we were

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one of the first people who came in.

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that was an opportunity.

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I didn't just look at them and say,

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you guys laughed at me. You guys were

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scoffing. You guys were so arrogant. And now,

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No, we didn't say that. Not at all.

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I stopped,

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ignored what happened before.

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Let's deal with you. Are you guys okay?

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Is everything fine?

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And I noticed there was injury.

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And in no time, not only with my

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vehicle, but a few other people. And we

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took them to the nearest hospital.

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And thereafter,

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we happened to help them tow their vehicle

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and so many things happened.

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As a result,

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I want to share with you a statement

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that was uttered to me a month down

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the line.

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1 of the brothers

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came to visit me.

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And he told me,

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I thought Islam was a very barbaric religion

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that never ever respected human life.

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And I've changed my mind forever.

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That's all.

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I've changed my mind forever.

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I didn't ask him, brother,

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enter the fold of Islam and so on.

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I told him, my brother,

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here are 3 booklets

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and here are 2 DVDs.

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I only want you to know

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what I believe.

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Here you are. That's all. That was enough,

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By the will of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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at least the bare minimum is,

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the world can become a better place. People

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can start studying, they can start seeing, they

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can ask questions. What a great opportunity Allah

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gave us. This is what supposed to be

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the quality of a Muslim. May Allah make

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us good Muslim il. And I'm sure it's

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happened to a lot of us. But my

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brothers and sisters, the worst from amongst us

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is he,

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or she, who behaves in a way that

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those who already have

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a not so bad impression of Islam, start

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having a worse impression of Islam. Then we

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have done a disservice

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to not only to ourselves and to Allah

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to Muhammad

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as well, and the deen at large, and

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every other Muslim on the globe.

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So we call ourselves good Muslim, and then

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we complain about the image of Islam on

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the globe when we have contributed towards it.

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