Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2015 – Day 28

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the historical and cultural importance of Islam, including its use of "thank you" in paraphrasical and cultural context. They stress the need to speak clearly when speaking to people outside, not yelling at anyone who is arguing, and not insulting oneself and others. They also discuss the use of negative language in media and media outlets, including the use of "be Cameron" and "monestry" to describe people. The speakers emphasize the importance of peace and strong understanding of one's own.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. where Allah Allah He was happy he woman, voila. We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala we thank him for everything that he has bestowed upon us. We ask him to send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his entire household, all his companions May Allah subhanahu wa taala bless them all. And may Allah subhanahu wa taala bless every single one of us and grant us goodness, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive us in these beautiful eaves of Ramadan. Remember,

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it is not how you started the month, it is actually how you end the month that holds more value. Any deed you do, how you start it? Yes, it's important but if you have ended it in the correct way, by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the condition upon which you will be judged. It is the ending if a person spent the beginning of Ramadan in the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the end of it in the disobedience of Allah He has lost. But if a person has become more serious in the end of Ramadan, then by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala he will be from among those who have earned the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala has indeed revealed so

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many verses connected to His mercy. One such verse was a verse that I mentioned two days back, and I remember saying it is the verse that has in it the greatest hope from all the verses in the Quran. And an error was that I said verse number 150, or surah. Zuma, if you were to look at surah to Zuma, it does not have 150 verses. So that was just a human error. It was actually verse number 53 of surah. To Zuma, I thought perhaps I'd start off by clarifying this. And as you know, we're all human beings, we can slip up in that regard. And I'm sure those of you who have been following closely, would have probably picked up that it's just human error. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us the

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beauty is I recited the verse, so it's quite easy to go back and to look for it and to ensure that yes, indeed it is in Surah to Zuma. In fact, it is verse number 53 of that surah

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we move on to Surah 300 alpha gerat, named after the rooms, the dwelling of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there is a reason why Allah subhanho wa Taala has named the Surah Al hoogenraad, or it is named gerat. Because there was a time when Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in his rooms, and there was a group of people who had come and they wanted to see him and they were impatient. They did not wait. They started yelling and screaming, and they started calling out his name, which was quite disrespectful. So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed verse number four of that beautiful surah. And this is a narration in a Bharani narration of a diviner camera, viola Han,

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he says, These people came, they started calling out impatiently the name of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam from the back of all the rooms, which means they did not wait. Normally you knock and you wait, like we said, a few days back. So Allah says, in

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una una camisa

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la him, la Cana, whom those who call out those who call you from behind the rooms, they are actually many of them are not sensible. Many of them are not thinking correctly. That's the wrong way of doing things Allah says, had they born a little bit of patience, had they bought a little bit of patience.

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Until you came out and emerged, it would have been better for them. I think what we learn from this is that when we would like to call someone, we need to use a respectable term to refer to them number one. And number two is if you arrive at someone's home, there is a proper way of doing things. You know, if someone were to arrive, for example, in your driveway at your gate, and they are to route or use the home of the motor vehicle, to the degree that it seems like someone is dying, I think it would irritate everyone. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant is understanding you ring the bell, you push it once you wait, perhaps you might want to after a little time try again,

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or if it is a door you knock it and the third time maybe it is a message to say we don't want you here may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us an understanding. But if you were to wait for the people to answer the door, perhaps it would be better for you. It would be better for me These are etickets and if you look at verse number two of that surah the very opening versus a Tafseer of a tabari narrating

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By patata he says that people used to raise their voice when it comes to when it comes to addressing Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam raising their voice and the times also yelling, screaming, you know, when I am speaking to you, for example, I try to raise my voice in a way that you can hear also in a way that I'm not distracted by the sounds that might be on the sides because if I'm speaking too low, perhaps a child who's making a noise to my height, for example, might disturb me. But if I were to raise my voice a little bit, I won't even notice what's going on. So I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us all these etiquettes are made mention of in the Quran. If you look at

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the Quran, we recite it in Salah. Yes, indeed, we do have children behind us and it is a Sunnah to tolerate the children that are behind us, but it does not give a green light to the mothers to say, you know what, it's okay, let my child yell as much as they can. It's fine, because it's asuna no way not at all. My mother, if you know that your child is making such a noise that they are disturbing all the other mousseline, it is only correct etiquette for you to take the child away so that you do not disturb the rest. But if it is a cry and a yell, you're about to complete your Salah, perhaps it is something you know a noise that is made normal children, perhaps making a

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little bit of noise here and there. That may not be such a big issue. In fact, it was tolerated by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. As I say, we need to strike a balance. We are not saying that we should not be tolerating children, not at all We should be, but at the same time, we should not take advantage of that rule. And we should not be from among those who say it's fine. It's okay. Even if they yell at the top of their voices, I do not need to attend to them. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us come to our senses. So this is what we learn those who are raising their voice with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it was considered disrespectful. You did not have to yell. You

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did not have to raise voice. Imagine if I'm talking to you and I'm yelling at the top of my voice. People would think I'm arguing I'm fighting and yet I'm not all I'm doing is trying to raise your attention. The same applies today. When we speak on the phone. It does not mean because the person happens to be across the continent to overseas, that we need to yell on the phone. Hello, they can hear you my brothers, my sisters, they can hear you You just need to whisper by the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about this. It's a beautiful narration where people were raising their voices. So Allah says regarding Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam in

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particular, yeah. Latina man who

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can focus on routine AB

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Kj gotta hurry. Ba ba ba ba

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ba ba Maluku

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Tula, Tasha?

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Oh you who believe? Do not you do not raise your voices above the voice of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And don't speak to him aloud as though you are speaking aloud to one another. May Allah subhanahu wa taala help us which means no need to raise your voice. We ask Allah to grant us the true etiquette of speech and speaking, we speak clearly in a way that those who need to hear can listen. The irony is some people when they are perhaps in different company with their friends and so on. they yell they scream, they shout but when they need to speak to those perhaps indoors, you cannot even hear them you have to ask them 10 times Sorry, can you repeat that? Can you say that

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again? You would never believe that the same person can actually scream at the top of their voices. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us a balance. Then we have verse number nine of Surah gerat also a very important lesson for us all.

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A Hadith Mustafa con la narrated by nrcb Malika the Allahu anhu He says, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once asked by some of his companions to go to Abdullah hypnobabies saloon in order to sort something out. And so the Prophet sallallaahu salam decided to ride on a donkey and went to see Abdullah hypnobabies saloon who was the man he was the chief of the hypocrites from among the people of Medina menorah pretending to be a Muslim, and yet he was hiding the fact that he hated Islam and the Muslims. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went to Abdullah hypnobabies saloon with this donkey.

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So as the donkey came near, this man says, move away from me. The smell of your donkey is disturbing me.

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Now this was quite disrespectful because he was trying to insult he could not insult Mohammed salatu salam so he is trying to say the smell of the donkey is offensive. So Allah subhanho wa Taala definitely protects Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this man could never ever have done anything to spoil the reputation or tarnish the image of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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Rather, one of the companions responded. And you know what he says? He says, Well, he the scent or the smell of the donkey is better than your smell.

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Now that's obviously a response just to tell him Hey, keep quiet. You dare utter these words, because he's saying the smell of the donkeys disturbing. And the Sahabi immediately pounced on him. And he says, Allah He it is a sweeter smell than yours.

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So that caused the problem because this man also had supporters, one of his supporters from among the believers, who was from his tribe got up and began to yell at this companion, and a few of the other companions came to the defense of this one of the 11 home Jimmy and molars best blessings in peace be upon all of them, may Allah be pleased with them all and with us as well.

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So it ended in a in a fight, literally, one hit the other and the other hit this one. And Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed verses to clarify that this should not be the case with the believers wish. Number nine, what

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if at any minimum meaning

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when two groups of believers fighting each other, then it is the duty of the rest to make peace between them. One might ask, Well, there was a hypocrite on one side, the hypocrite was not involved in the fighting. It was the believers who were involved. The hypocritical was only a catalyst. And this is the habit of the hypocrites, my brothers and sisters. Listen carefully. They want you and die to fight. So what they do, they come and stop the war, and then they move back, they move away, and they're not involved and you are fighting with me. I am fighting with you. And I don't even realize the one who kindled that was actually a hypocrite who is now sitting and laughing at what we

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are doing. This is something that is really the quality of those who do not fear Allah, they start a war between people who really don't have a problem among themselves. This is why Be careful, like we said, and we always have said, people are good, but shaitaan is very bad. So remember to identify shapen and to keep him as far as possible. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us a deeper understanding. So Allah says for Baba

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foccacia no knotty Tabori had that if he

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if while you are trying to make peace between the two fighting factions of the believers, you find that one of them is the oppressor and he doesn't want to make the peace he is the oppressor, then you need to fight the oppressor until he comes back to the rule of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the law of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This verse is connected to two who are believing but they are fighting each other. It's our duty to make peace. And it's a great act of worship. Just like it is a major sin for us to fight amongst each other. It is a major act of worship, to make peace between people who might be fighting each other. And they are all believers. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala

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to grant us goodness in our own homes, to grant us goodness in our own communities. My brothers and sisters, it's important to note that now during the last few days of Ramadan when the hearts are meant to be softened, and it is just around the corner, we need to make peace with our brothers that whom we may not be speaking to, we need to make peace with our sisters, our uncles or aunts, perhaps our cousins, our relatives, perhaps our community members members of the oma we need to make peace and to make peace a lot of patience is required. Sometimes there is given take, you might need to for example, apologize when you know perhaps that this apology might not have been extremely

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necessary. But to make the peace we apologize, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us a deep understanding. Also what we learned from this is we should never utter derogatory terms to hurt people hear the term was uttered about the the donkey that was being written by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam very offensive. Sometimes we offend one another because we comment about someone and their clothing and perhaps their motor vehicle and their house and their home and something of this maybe their job and so on. Remember, we we all have feelings don't hurt these feelings for no reason. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us

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connected to the same issue of feelings. It is reported in Shannon Abbey doubts in an article mediation and an si es una de magia hadith of Abuja Bella. He says that there was a time when the people or the unsought the people had more than one name. You know, they were called by different names. So I know you as Abdullah, for example, but then perhaps some people might know you as Fatty, fatty because you're fat. So what happens is they used to call each other with the name that was detested and they used to use names that people don't like, you know

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Doc effetti whatever else it is, these are nicknames and Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed versus prohibiting that when it comes to a nickname, it is totally forbidden to use a nickname to refer to someone that that person does not like. If they like it No problem. You know, Mashallah you can call them cutie pie or whatever else it is by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If they like it, there is no problem. Sometimes it might even be obviously between the right people here we're talking of a spouse by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala or a child. If you're using a beautiful name that they love, and they would like you to call them by it can become an act of worship because, for example,

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if that is your spouse, it's the sooner of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to use the loving term. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to call it shadow delana with the term Humira Humira referring to the pink cheeks that she used to develop the blushing that she had, you know, for example, someone would call a person who blushes a lot referring to their rosy cheeks as a person perhaps with maybe rosy cheeks. So if they like that name, and if it is good, yes, there is nothing wrong with it. But the minute we use derogatory terms, listen to what Allah says. Verse number 11, of Surah 200

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Yeah, are you hella Dina man is

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comin, NASA coo

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Whom? Wanna nissa nissa

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Allah says, Oh, you who believe, do not mock at one another, less, some are better than others. And even women, they should not mock at one another, less, some are better than others. And Allah continues to say, while at Tell me Zoo for a second. Do not insult yourselves. How would you insult yourself by insulting others? You insult someone there is a hadith which says one of the worst people is He Who insults his own parents. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was asked How can a person insult his own parents? So he said, Do you see a man insulting the parents have another so that one then insults his parents. He's the one who asked for it. So by me insulting the mother or

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the father of someone else, I am asking them to insult my mother and father, I'd rather abstain from it, and I don't want to do it. So don't insult yourselves. While etana bazoo bill

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and do not call each other with offensive nicknames. Never use an offensive nickname to refer to another person, no matter who they are. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive our shortcomings and make us more conscious of this. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to use the best of names to refer to people.

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In fact, it is also good to use the full name to refer to someone if someone's name for example, and I'm giving you an example of a long name, say for example, it is Abdul Aziz, to call them something shorter than that would actually not be ideal. You should call them the proper full name. And if you want to use a nickname that they love, or they don't mind, then it's okay. If not call them with their full name. Don't you know chop the name up because sometimes it has the name of Allah in it, and you've just deleted it may Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us. Then we have a narration mentioned by Allah hady veneration of Makati, he says that, at the time of the victory of Makkah,

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you and I know that the chiefs of Quraysh some of them had accepted Islam such as Abu sufian and the likes, and some had still not accepted Islam. And it was time for prayer. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam chose from amongst his companions, Bill Alibaba, who was a dark skinned man from Africa, to climb on top of the Kaaba, which means the rooftop of the Kaaba and to call out the other end the call to prayer. He says, oh, Bilal, you go and you call out that call. So beloved Nora, who used to be a slave of some of these people, when he climbed and he went on top, and he was calling out the people to prayer.

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Some of the kuffaar of Quraysh and some of those who were weak, who had less knowledge, who were not really fooled with the man, they uttered a term that was derogatory. Do you know what they said? We wish we did died before we saw this day. Look at this dark skinned men standing here being given the honor. How can this have been the case? How can this be allowed? How can he be a man who's calling to pray?

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is calling the others to prayer. And yet he's a man whose dark skin and immediately you know Allah subhanho wa Taala has raised the status of beloved murabaha rhodiola Han. And if you sit and think about it, he was carefully selected by Allah subhanho wa Taala, to be among the people of Quraysh and later on to go to Medina in his urine, and later on to come back and to achieve this virtue. Had there been no people who are dark skinned at the time, where would we have ever learned the virtue of those who have dark skin? Or where would we have learned that skin does not mean anything at all? It's Allah subhanho wa Taala, who has created us with different skins from different races and so on

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for a purpose. So let's listen to this purpose. A lot reveal verse number 13 of Surah Al hoogenraad to clarify this, and to make it very clear that we come from one source and the reason why Allah has separated us or created us differently. Allah makes mention of it Yeah, I you can

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follow up on

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that Gary Oh,

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in a coma como de la Torre come in nama honeymoon. kabhi Oh, you who believe

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in the Oh, should I say oh man, Allah doesn't use the temple, you who believe here he says, Oh man, because this is a lesson for all mankind. All Mankind I have created you from a single male and the single female which means you are all belonging to one father and one mother. One father, one mother, Subhan, Allah. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us the ability to understand that Allah says, We have made you into peoples and nations in order that you recognize one another so that you can know one another. That's the reason why we made you different, but you need to know that the most pious from amongst you, or the most honored from amongst you is the one who has the greatest

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consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And Allah knows best man doesn't know who knows who is more pious, it is actually Allah who knows that we will get the result of it on the day of judgment when Allah gives it to us and says, You know what, you were better than the others because you are closer than me. For now. It's a struggle for everyone. Now one might ask, so this difference in order to get to know each other, how does it work? Very simple. We don't think today we are seated here perhaps Mashallah in our 1000s I think if you take a careful look, every single person is recognizable by their looks because Allah made you unique and different. Imagine if we were all

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looking the same. Allah is telling you I made everybody different. So you can recognize each other. So I know you because your name is Muhammad the other one is Abdullah the other one is side The other one is smile. The other one is ahref. The other one is machine we know them because of their faces. Had it not been for these faces we would have not recognized them we would have had numbers take a look at the motor vehicles. Each one has a number plate Why? Because the tail does look like lava Akbar. Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us an understanding So Allah is saying look, some are tall, some are short, some are a little bit on the you know should I say Mashallah bigger, we don't

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want to use a derogatory term. Some are a little bit slimmer Mashallah. Some are muscular, some are perhaps, you know, slim and so on. All this is from Allah, some are dark skinned, some are slightly lighter and complexion, Allah says it's only for you to recognize one another to make it interesting, you live on Earth. You say Mashallah, you know, Subhan Allah because you look at so many people who are all different, and that's Allah subhanho wa Taala. So remember, this racism is totally prohibited. It's something that Islam disallows. Today we are seated here, we've got all sorts of colors, shapes and sizes, Mashallah. And everyone is free to sit wherever they want. It's

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the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We are brothers and sisters in faith.

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Nobody can say okay, because my skin is a little bit perhaps darker or lighter. I am more entitled to do X, Y and Zed Absolutely not. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala help us May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from among those who do not feel superior to others simply based on perhaps where we come from, perhaps the color of our skin, perhaps sometimes even the village we come from, we have a habit where we believe we are better we are better than everybody else. That's it. It's my little village that is there in one corner tucked away and the mangoes we ate with a little bit more yellow than the mangoes on the other side.

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This is a disease it is a disease and if you think about it, I think I've hit it on the on the head.

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Because it's affect a lot of us and if we look at our hearts, even our fathers and our forefathers, they feel that we are better just because we come from a certain village or a certain area will law who you are not that is exact Jamelia, the co founder of Qureshi used to feel exactly the same, and a lot reveal these verses to clarify that, let's be passionate about this. And let's take it out of our hearts. And let's understand we are all from Adam and Adam is from the dust and we are going to be returning to that dust. May Allah subhanahu wa taala bless us and protect us from racism. Sometimes that creeps in without us even realizing that we've become racist. I mean,

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so my brothers and sisters after that passionate message, we move on to Surah Kahf surah Kahf. Allah subhanho wa Taala clarifies a statement made by the people of the book, some of the Jewish people said and this is a narration made mention of

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in almost a draft of an Imam Hakeem narration of the Allahu anhu he says they said, when they asked Muhammad Salallahu salam, a question about the creation of entire creation, and he explained that Allah created the earth and the heavens in six days. And they said, Well, he rested on the seventh day.

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So Mohammed salatu salam was upset Allah, the Lord of the worlds does not get tired, he doesn't rest. And aluk clarifies this verse number 38 of surah Kahf Allah says, while aka they call upon a sama wa t when

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he said that he

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was a man mama Sammy Lobo. phosphine Allah

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Indeed, we have created the skies or the heavens and the earth, and whatever is between them in six days, and we did not get tired at all. So bear patients regarding what they are saying. They are saying Allah got tired or Allah needed arrest or that Allah rested on the seventh day. Allah says that's not true. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us an understanding, then we move on to Surah two there yet a beautiful surah they used to say to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam because people used to listen to him, because those who listened to him accepted his message in most cases, because the Quran was so powerful that people memorized it so quickly. Even the children used to read it. The

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people of Piraeus used to say this man is a magician, and he's a madman.

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This man is a magician, and he's a madman. So Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed versus number 5455 are similar to that yet, telling Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to ignore those statements. Don't worry, just ignore them, you know, leave them leave those people. Sometimes we get so worried about what people are saying about us that we become depressed. Whereas To be honest, you can never stop the tons of people, they will continue wagging. That's their job Allahu Akbar. You make sure that you ignore money. Oh, Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us. Allah subhanho wa Taala. Forgive us. If someone wants to utter dirty words ignore it. These words are full of a stench, they are full of us

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a foul smell. Why do we want these words to depress us when we know they are untrue? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not a magician. He was not a madman. He was so concerned these people are uttering words against me. Allah says fatawa Lancome pharma, Tabby man Oh, leave them you know, ignore them. In this regard, leave them for indeed you are not blameworthy if you were to do so. Now this does not mean stop giving them the good message? No, it means leave them in this particular matter. This is something that you are not blameworthy. If you were to ignore people, when they utter bad words and you just carry on, you are definitely not blameworthy. That's the way

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forward my brothers and sisters, sometimes you just need to ignore. Sometimes people do not want a response from you.

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Their intention is to insult you, you must be able to distinguish. If a person wants to clarify something with you, they will come to you with utmost respect to say you know my brother, or my sister, this is a little misunderstanding I have I'd like to know what's going on. These are genuine people. But when people want to hurl abuse and insult and make a public scene of that, you must know their intention is to insult you walk away as per the instruction of this verse in a beautiful manner, you will still sleep in Sharla in a beautiful manner as well. But if we are to be worried concerned we want to respond as you reply they are happy because you've given them ammunition now so

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hon Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us a deep lesson. So then some of the believers when they heard this, that Allah is telling Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to leave them to turn away. They thought for a moment that perhaps we are at a loss because yes, these verses were revealed for the mushrikeen but you know when the minima worried they normally think to themselves

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If Allah is telling him to turn away, he might be asking them, asking him to turn away from us. And immediately the next verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala clarifies this.

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Well, that good for

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Remind, continue reminding for Indeed, the remainder will definitely benefit those who are true believers. So they will now happy to say no, he will carry on reminding us, he will continue calling us towards goodness. Now, I want to pause for a moment, listen to that list. Allah says continue reminding for Indeed, the reminding will benefit those who truly believe, ask yourselves, and the question is for myself as well, when you are corrected or reminded, do you feel bad about it? If the answer is yes, then there is something wrong with your belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you're a true believer, the reminder will help you. And the more you are reminded, the more it will help

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you Subhana Allah, when people tell you once, twice, 10 times, you're actually a person who thinks about it, even if that person happens to be your own child. And they say that I don't like this to happen, you know, I want to stop for a minute and let you know, of something that is really terrible. Many of the children grow up, grow up looking at their parents as their role models. It's something given from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I have had so many cases of people, or young, you know, young adults who are growing up adolescent and so on, and they find immorality, they find a lot of unacceptable messages, and images and videos in the phones of their mothers or fathers. And

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they become so depressed, they don't know how to deal with it. They find that has a girlfriend or mom has a boyfriend, and they are doing something totally haram they meeting up for a haram relationship. And the child is reaching out to people like myself, for example, saying, you know, we need help. I don't know, I feel like killing myself because I can't believe my father's doing this. I don't know, I looked up to him my entire life. And now I've seen something that is so shocking. My beloved mothers and fathers who are here, for the sake of Allah, cut it, quit it. Your children are suffering, they know what's going on. They're not fools, and they cannot handle it. They looked at

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you as a role model. They looked at you as a person who is supposed to be leading them to the path of purity, and we are leading them down a path of dirt. Now Allah forgive us. May Allah grant us the ability to change our ways. Some of the children don't know how do you address it? When I say for example, that you know you need to have a heart to heart with dad. They say I can't do that. I just can't know Allah subhanho wa Taala help us I know, perhaps we just, you know, spoke on the topic of reminding. And this is a reminder, this is definitely a reminder to cut our ways and habits it's the month of Ramadan. Let us live up to what Allah subhanho wa Taala wants as best as we can. Remember

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my brothers and sisters the day we die, we will tell ourselves these 60 years 70 years that I lived, it was a waste of time engaging in sin. What did I benefit from it here? I am dead. I'm now facing Allah subhanho wa Taala I've got a stack of sins on my back. What was that for? So Allah gives you an Eve like this one, where he teaches you a prayer. Allah whom in Naka who want to hit Bulava, Swanee. Oh Allah, you are most loving, you love to forgive. So forgive me May Allah forgive us all. and grant us a new beginning was Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad Subhan Allah Subhana Allah homovanillic Chateau La La Land testofuel kawana Tobu Lake

Mufti Menk makes mention of the reasons of revelation of Surah Hujurat, Surah Qaf and Surah Adh-Dhariyat. The occasions being; hypocrites insulting the Prophet SAW, ways to handle the insult, respect of Prophet SAW, how nicknames and racism were forbidden, resolving fight between believers’ and clarification on blasphemous statements uttered by the people of book regarding Allah SWT.

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