The Deen Show – Hollywood Actor Will Smith OPENS UP ABOUT THE QURAN he read in Ramadan THIS IS WHAT HE FOUND
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I just I loved the simplicity that the Quran is so simply here's a salami concrete is a piece you want to bring you some interesting news about Will Smith as he reveals that he's read the entire Quran and I believe it's even in the month of Ramadan you told me that you read Quran let's go through some of these clips from the video and I'm gonna give you my feedback and my thoughts and my reaction to it. I was shocked how much Moses was mentioned, Musa you know, it's like it was so interesting. We didn't just have an average person accept Islam. We had the legit poise Gracie a shadow girl La La ilaha illa Illa Allah Illallah most of you out there know our brother hobby. Now
before Habib there was hoist Gracie, because if there wasn't a hoist Gracie, there wouldn't be no UFC. What's the moral of the story that if we can have people like hoist Gracie, the legendary Bruce Lee of our time, come and visit the D center and not only visit but take his shahada imagine all of the other people who knows zero to nothing about a slob will be able to come in and learn and inshallah go from being able Joe's to potentially able toilets or even like boys Gracie accepting Islam. And that's where you guys come in, help us to reach our goal. So we can go ahead and make this a reality to get up open and running Dhoni right now and help us to reach our goal. So in this
part, Will Smith is talking about how he was amazed about how Moses was mentioned so often in the Quran. I want to comment on this. If you guys didn't know for the non Muslims out there the yes Moses is mentioned 100 Get his 136 times in the Quran. The question is why? Why would Prophet Muhammad with everything the world events that are going on right now just think back at that time if this was a constant war, if Muslims are taught to hate Jews, Islam as an ideology that just hates Jews, anti semitic acts, yada yada yada all this stuff, all these lies that are perpetuated. Why would he be the most famous of Prophets? Messengers in the Quran mentioned astounding 136 times? And
let's go even deeper in that. What about Jesus peace be upon him? How can Muslims be anti Christ when they have Jesus mentioned 25 times in the Quran and as a part of our belief system to believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers of God. And one more important point in his blessing mother, Mary, I'm sure now also he got to see this Will Smith that Mary's entire chapter so as Will Smith is reading the verbatim words of God Almighty, the Koran. He's seeing a chapter chapter 19. It's named after Mariam Medion alayhi salam, marry him the mother of Jesus, there are also other prophets and messengers who are from the Jewish ethnicity. And we're not talking about religion when
we're talking about the way of life they were on we know they were on upon Islam submission to the Creator, not the creation submitting your will to the will of one God let's continue on with this because that's what Islam isn't a Muslim is one who did the action does the actions of submitting his or her will to the creditor has an earth hence a Muslim, that's by definition, what is it and those prophets were Muslim, that their ethnicity might have been Jewish, but their way of life was of submitting and surrendering their will to the will of the Creator, ie Islam. I just I loved the simplicity that the Quran is so simply here so crystal clear, you know, it's like it's hard to to
walk away with, you know, a misunderstanding. This is very important here. He says he loved the simplicity Will Smith is saying that he loved the simplicity. It's so clear the clock the Koran is so clear, it's hard to walk away. Will Smith he says it's hard to walk away after reading the Quran with a misunderstanding. My question is of exactly what let me break it down real quick. Well, we all want to know let's say you get some gadget, you get something new a product, how do you operate this? What's the purpose of this product? What is it? Everything has a purpose around this? Just look at yourself I challenge people often when I talk to them, look around you find yourself looking
at something that doesn't have a purpose, everything even if you don't understand the purpose, it was created for a purpose. What about you the human being what's your purpose? And I'm not talking about to have a family the means I'm not saying I have a family to win the NBA championships to get to the moon. Now I'm not talking about because what if you don't make it to the moon? What if you don't win the NBA championship? What if you can't have a family etc, etc. What if you can't have children? What if you lose your job the job that you wanted? That was your purpose in life? These are means okay because through these purposes, you can be fulfilling your greater purpose which is
to worship the Creator, not the creation, to do everything your Creator loves God Almighty Allah to stave everything that he's told you to stay away from. So the purpose of life is
Clear. It's made crystal clear as Will Smith is talking after reading the Koran. So this is one thing that you cannot walk away with having a mission to understanding what the purpose of life and what's your mission in life should be. How to be truly successful in this life and the next who your Creator is. The Quran is so simply here who got is the pure absolute monotheism of God Almighty, the Creator Allah, it's outlined in the Quran you cannot walk away with some different understanding God is a man, a saint, the Trinity a holy God, no, no God is God, the Creator, the Creator. And the creation is the creation. And it's he's purely one and alone worthy of worship. You also have the
eternal bliss outlined the paradise yes, there's light at the end of the tunnel, all the struggles, all the pain, the Crown makes sense of it, how to deal with it, how to develop yourself to be the best human being that you can, and then how to achieve success in this life and definitely paradise. This is your home for eternity. Eternity getting to see your creative phase, your Creator, and also the details of the Hellfire, how to avoid it all the answers to life's question. It's there in the Koran and as well, Smith had and his was Smith is saying it's hard to walk away with a misunderstanding after reading the Koran. The spirit of it was so beautiful and clear. Adam Smith
he's talking about he's read other books of the Abrahamic faiths, I've read, you know, all the holy books of the Abrahamic religions. But when you come down to it, there's really two making the claim you have the Bible and in the first five books of the Bible, you have was claimed by the Jews, the Torah, and then the rest you have now for the Christians, and then you have Bible scholars telling us that the Bible has an animus books, this is all due respect, we just pointed this thing out. So we don't have the original we have a copy, copy, copy, copy copy of nothing that's original people, of course call the gospel books, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Well, they call them Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John because we don't know who wrote these books. And there's no point calling them Sam, Fred, Jerry and Harry I mean, they're, they're written by people we don't know they were written by. They are anonymous. You might not think so because they have the title. The Gospel According to Matthew, whoever put that title on it was an editor later, the followers of Jesus were Aramaic speaking peasants from Galilee, lower class men who were not educated. In fact, Peter and John, in Acts chapter four, verse 13, are literally said to be illiterate. They couldn't read and write, of course, not they were fishermen. They didn't go to school, the vast majority of people in the
ancient world never learned to read, let alone write, and their native language was Aramaic. These books are written in Greek, by highly educated rhetorically trained writers who are skilled in Greek composition. But that's why God Almighty Allah sent the Quran in its original, we have it to this day tamper, free tamper proof, it's a living miracle embryo and the grant cannot be based on scientific knowledge in the Seventh, Seventh Century.
we haven't could not have known these facts about human development in the seventh century, because most of them were not discovered until the 20th century, these facts could only have been revealed to Muhammad by the one no one who knows all about it memorized by millions and millions and millions symbols revealed. We have today and then you have facts, not fiction, they're prophecies and you have things that were unknown at that time they're coming up now today you have miracles just miracles miracles that Prophet Muhammad did he did miracles that his time just like Jesus did, but then you have a living miracle of the Quran for anyone just like Will Smith puts it to the test
takes the analytical scientific approach there's no possible way that this man Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him could have came up with this book. No way. I was I was surprised how it's like one story that is from from the from the Torah through the Bible into the Koran, and then he talks about the line. Yeah, I never understood the the line and it's like for the first time
I saw the line and Abraham being the father, I never totally understood the, you know, Abraham as the Father and then the split with Isaac and Ishmael. And it was just you know, it was it was beautiful to get
the completion of that, that comprehension and it always brings me back to this powerful verse in the Quran where God Almighty Allah is saying in the Quran that Abraham he wasn't either a Jew or Christian, but he was one who submitted his will, to the will of God to the widow of Allah, the Creator of heavens and earth, remember in Aramaic is Allah Ha, Aramaic languages, Arabic, Hebrew, Arabic, so the English language didn't exist. Jesus didn't say God, he said, Allah ha, look this up as Allah, you don't have to have too many PhDs to figure this out. It just makes sense. You put it together. This is the creator that he called upon. And now there's that line, that chronological
order, Will Smith is talking about the line The line and it's like, for the first time I saw the line and first man Adam, he was told to submit his will to the will of the Creator, he was a Muslim. That's what Muslim means one who has submitted their will to the will of God to the Creator, and he was doing Islam. It means to acquire peace by submitting Look, look, Islam has root words in there you have peace, sincerity, surrender submission. So you're striving for peace as a human being if you're well Smith or anybody else, you want to appease purpose in his life. Now, how do you get that by being sincere in your search, you're asking the Creator to guide you guide me, guide me guide me.
And now when the truth comes like it's coming to us, some of us are going to surrender. Now you're going to surrender and submit to the truth or you're going to be heedless, cover it up and continue following your desires, man made religions and now because you're seeing the truth is in front of you, and this is what fascinates people. It's not confusing. So the first man Adam, he is a Muslim. And now other prophets and messengers are sent because some deviate from that line that he's talking about. And they go on to creation worship, they go on to worship human beings to worship saints, idols, icons, man made religions so God Almighty, Allah sends another messenger to call people back
to the moral right way of pure absolute monotheism. Here always with the Lord thy God, this is familiar for some are Christians. God is one one, not three, and one, one and three, none of these things, it just one God. This is something you can explain to a child and an adult, and a person with a GED, PhD, whatever it is just one God, pure absolute monotheism that was the message consistently delivered throughout time, and including some of the messengers that came with his message was no, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, peace be upon them all and Muhammad, peace be upon him the last and final messenger. So it was a consistent line. It wasn't God Almighty sending one religion
with one prophet. And in that religion, he's talking human beings to worship a cow worship a human being, worship Jesus worship the sun, moon or something, no, no creation, worship, only worship the one and only create a pure absolute monotheism. As I keep saying, and they will repeating the same thing and be morally upright what according to your desires, nor according to the moral code that God Almighty Allah sent. So now, that is making sense to Will Smith. So we ask that Will Smith, he reached out to the cradle to Earth and you have your Will Smith fan, if you're somebody who's confused in life, and you're searching for these things, you want clarity, and you've read so many
health self help books to Tony Robbins books, and this book and that book, and it just not these are, you can take some good and then you also have true fondness with falsehood. The Koran is a book for all time to the end of time is a living miracle. And I want to commend Will Smith for reading it and hopefully we call him we invite him to do what Moses did, who's mentioned 136 times in the Quran, we call him to do what Jesus did who was mentioned 25 times in this book the Quran to submit to call upon the Creator this is your homework, say the one who created me the all loving the Most Merciful. I am seeking to know the truth is if Islam is the truth this is the way of life you want
me upon. Guide me to a guide me guide me guide me pro Muhammad is nearing the God Almighty is saying that all my slaves This is God Almighty spent all my slaves everyone is misguided unless I guide them. So ask me for my guidance. Don't put a middle person between you and your Creator. Ask your Creator, humble yourself, put your face on the ground if you have to cry, earnestly seek out all the pain all the struggles you're going through in life. You want to make sense of it, God will make sense of it. Start to ask your creator for guidance, and then start to do your homework one bit at a time. I'm gonna give you a free gift, the gift here that I'm holding in my hand go to the deen and we'll get you this book for free. You can start reading this as a translation. The original again is in the Arabic preserve until this day
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haven't already hit that notification bell you still got questions also call us make that human connection one 800 662 Islam before you go on we got a lot of haters some we got a lot of good people also some trolls haters before you hate even you out there to trolls the people who are projecting they're in pain oh so they're not happy they haven't figured out the purpose of life so they go on the attack. Give us a call man let's talk come on make the human connection 1-800-662-4752 We're here to answer your questions as any of them wish the best for all of mankind. We'll see you next time until then Peace be with you. As salam aleikum, so mighty good to live in
the country My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam. Listen, if you want an opportunity to support Dawa to get this set up for June, giardia, this is a project for you to do that. I'm saying to you very clearly, you know, whether it's $1 or whether it's a million dollars, this is the project that you need to support. So we can have a template, you know, for Dawa and a community and we need to ask Allah subhanaw taala to duplicate this 10 times all over America. This is Chicago scene speaking to you from the Dean Tao Center in Tampa, Florida, Santa Monica.
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