Moutasem al-Hameedy – You cannott reap a fruit whose seed you did not plant

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary ©
The history and importance of Islam are discussed, including the Prophet Muhammad sallali wa and the need for patience and faith in Islam. The importance of understanding and embracing Islam is emphasized, as it is a way of life based on personal growth and personal relationships. Investing in a social project in Bangladesh is also emphasized, with support from the speaker and support from the community. The importance of preparing for the month ofFinancial is emphasized, as it is crucial for individuals to connect to Islam and change things.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah, Madhu who want to stay you know who want to steal fuel when it will be him in short Rudy and fusina was a year Dr. Molina

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mija de la who Fela medulla who want to you believe in Fela yella? What a shadow

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law wash the hula and Sherry Keller wash had one more Hana than they do who are Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa early he was seldom

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Yeah, are you Hello Lena taco law helper to RT he wala termo tune in to musli Moon Johan Sutopo back home or Lady holla back home enough Singh Wahida mahalo common has Oh Jaha what Bethlem inhumanity John and Kathy along one is

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what Taku la Hala the

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new wanna be well?

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In Allah Karna Alikum Marathi

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Yeah, you Hello Dina Taku la how aku studied Usili hella Come, Come ye o ut la Komodo no back home woman

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Rasulullah who Firpo differs for us and our weima Am banned for in us the Al Hadith he Kalaam Allah here as

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well how y'all had you had your Mohammedan SallAllahu early he was early he was salam are short one or more data to her were kulambu desert in Bidda. What will be that in Bala Wakulla Bala team Vinod,

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All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, none can lead astray. And whomsoever Allah leaves to go astray, Nan can guide I testify that there is none worthy of our worship and devotion but the Almighty Allah alone. And I testify that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was Salam is His servant and His Messenger or you who believe, fear Allah as he should be feared and die not except in submission and surrender to your Lord, all mankind. be dutiful to your Lord who created you from a single person, and from him

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he created his wife, and from them both, he created many men and women and fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and observe the rights of your kin. Surely Allah is over and all water over you, or you who believe. Keep your duty to Allah, fear him and speak the truth. He will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed attained a great achievement. The best words are the Divine Words of Allah. And the best guidance is that of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was salam. And the worst things in the religion are the newly invented matters for all the newly invented matters in religion are

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considered heretical innovation and bitter and every bidder is misguidance. And every misguidance leads to the hellfire.

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Our Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Allah He was salam

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after many years,

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speaking to the people of Quraysh,

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advising them

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in goodwill, from the bottom of their heart and from the bottom of his heart, inviting them inviting them to the truth to Allah subhana wa Taala away from polytheism into Tawheed, and monotheism the worship of Allah alone, away from darkness and into the light,

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saving them from the path that certainly leads to the hellfire, inviting them to the path that leads to eternal bliss and prosperity in Jannah. Yet, he was met with disdain and resistance, ridicule, harm

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and enmity.

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And the prophets Allah Allah when he was telling me remained patient.

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And after about

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eight to nine years, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam decides

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that we should explore, explore more territory, New Horizons and he seizes the time of Hajj

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as the Arabs still adhered formally in name

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to the religion of Ibrahim alayhis salam and ismail Alayhis Salam. So they maintain the Hajj despite the foreign and alien practices that they introduced to the Hajj to the pilgrimage.

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So the Arabs would flock to Mecca

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from all around the Arabian Peninsula to perform Hajj.

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam decided to take this opportunity and approach the camps of the pilgrims one at a time.

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speaking to them about Islam, and about Allah subhana wa taala. And above the fact that Arish who were considered to be the leader of the Arabian Peninsula, and everyone looked up to or Irish specially in religious matters.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam opened up about this to those people, and he would meet one tribe at a time.

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And he reminded them of Allah subhanho wa taala, speaking to them about the true religion of Ibrahim Ali Salam warning them against polytheism and the worship of other the others besides Allah

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invited them more to a moral code

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about an upright way of life rather than the corruption that was wreaking havoc in the life of humans in general at that time.

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So for three years, the Prophet sallallahu sallam was approaching the pilgrims, patiently. Sometimes, he was receiving positive responses, mildly positive responses,

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and sometimes he received outright and blatant rejections. Yet the Prophet SAW Selim never gave up.

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He was not searching for an immediate results, because he knows great matters. Noble missions are strategic in nature.

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Don't expect things to turn and change overnight. That's not the nature of noble missions and causes. Why? Because they feed off of sacrifice, noble sacrifice for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And if the price is not paid,

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there is no revenue.

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Imam Shafi was asked and we quoted him on that many times.

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A person approached Imam Shafi and he said metta, Maha, Maha.

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And you will make Kenya immune patella, which is better for the Muslim for the servant, to be empowered

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to be given dominance and power and authority or to be tested

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to go through trials to be persecuted.

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remain a chef Shafi. He pointed to the fallacy in this assumption that the question itself was wrong was built on a false idea.

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Imam Shafi and he said, Well, * you can Hector your patella? Would a person be given authority and power the believer? Would he be given power and authority until he pays the price for it.

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So don't expect to reap the fruit of a tree whose seed you have not planted. That's the attitude of the Muslim. And he knows this is how Allah deals with the creation.

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And it's a common disease among us today is because of the poor quality of education that we are exposed to from a young age consistently. One feeds after the other in our growth.

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We want to reap a fruit

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that we have not planted that we have not contributed to. And if Allah doesn't grant us that fruit,

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we become impatient.

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And again, as we said repeatedly, many times Islam is not an empty slogan. It's a way of life.

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It's a way of life.

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Islam is not an empty name that we want to put to be the uppermost in any way No there is. Islam

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is a way of life. Islam is guidance. Islam is moral code. Islam is the truth.

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And it has this the prescription for how to help

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paid in support it embedded in it. the morality of Islam, the practicality of Islam.

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The cutting of corners and the cheap ways and the cheating of achieving quick results does not apply to Islam, because it's based on deception.

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So the Prophet SAW Selim knew

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that this was not going to happen overnight overnight. He knew that he had to be patient because Allah said to him

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was barely Hakeem Arabic and be patient with the Command of your Lord.

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With the way Allah allows things to unfold, be patient in Luna, Xena, illogical Khurana, tansy, Illa Hospitalier, HK mela Beck, We have sent down upon you the Quran, so be patient, with a Command of your Lord, and the orders of your Lord.

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This beautiful and profound aspect of Islam that really constitutes as many scholars said, half of Islam

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patience means strategy. It means insight,

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awareness of the long term results.

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planting the seeds today, for tomorrow, even if you don't live to witness them tomorrow. That's what patience means. And we need it. We need it in our personal life. We needed in the way we grow our children, raise them and educate them and prepare them.

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We need it in the way we deal with our spouses. We need patients in the way we cultivate our hearts because it doesn't happen overnight. And Imams of the NFL. He said to me Yeti is Shireen arm and had the stalker mately.

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The great scholar of a tabby and Sophia and authority, one of the greatest scholars of Islam ever, and the greatest worshipers. He said I struggled. I wrestled with my intention for 20 years until it was set right?

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And we want to do it instantly.

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We miss out on the nature of things when we rush into things and the scholars have a very clear rule that applies across the board and across many subjects. Mr. Gela che a cobbler awanee He Ruthie baby head man hee hee hee hoo hastens for result over a fruit before it's due.

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Then he will be punished by being denied that fruit. That's how things work.

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People who become successful people who achieve mastery and excellence. They have paid the front the price for that in private for years, hours of hard work, sleepless nights of hard work and dedication and research and skill and beating at their craft until they got to this point where when you see them performing, it seems easy. But it looks that way because of the me using the decades probably of the hard work that they put into it. Then we get deceived by this. The appearance of things that we think oh, I can do this overnight. You can't you have to pay the price. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam after migrating to Medina Alayhis Salam.

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There were a lot of challenges.

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The hypocrites started to pop up and the hypocrites were people who were considered to be Muslim.

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From our time we look at them, or they seem quite exposed and obvious. But for the Muslims at the time, they just blended in the Muslims you couldn't tell who was a Muslim and who was the hypocrite you couldn't tell.

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And that was a great menace and threat to the Muslims from behind. It set them up many times in the battle have altered

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and afterwards in the Battle of the Trench, and afterwards in the Battle of taboo, and so on and so forth, and it continues to eat at the Muslim society and Muslim nation.

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Yet the Prophet SAW Selim did not resort to an immediate action because he knew the damage of that would be greater than the benefit.

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When we approach our affairs and our matters of our Ummah and our personal life and our social life with impatience, we sabotage them.

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We sabotage them. This is a life of test. Allah promised. So we shouldn't be surprised when things go wrong. We shouldn't be put off

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when we don't get what we expect, that's the nature of this life, that now that doesn't mean that we're not going to meet success, that we're not going to eat meat, comfort and ease. It happens, it has its place. But we should always be prepared for surprises, for disappointments, for suffering,

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because that's the path to paradise. It's not about what happens, it's about your response to what happens. Is it a faith based response? Or is it a self centered response? Is it? Is it a response of patience and trust in Allah? Or is it a response of impatience,

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and immaturity.

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This is a great aspect of Islam. And the Muslim whose history is full of examples like this.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, he could have just gathered the Muslims, and to attack Mecca, who killed his companions who tried to murder him, who were who turned the whole Arabian Peninsula against him, by creating lies about him, just like lies are created about people have the truth all the time.

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That the Prophet SAW Selim remained patient, he did not rush to any military attack, whose consequences would mean

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more damage and more loss than benefit. And he knew on the long term, that taking a patient approach would win more hearts, and people will get to see the truth.

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And that's exactly what happened. So when he marched to Mecca eight years later,

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the vast majority of the people of Makkah accept Islam. That's what the prophets Allah Salam wanted. And we know from a story of the story of a life that Gibreel Alehissalaam descended upon the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he was in the most difficult moment of distress. And he said, I have the angel the mound, the angel was responsible for the mountains on earth. And Allah has commanded him to fulfill your wish, if you want, Allah could cause the two mountains of madcap to collapse on the people and destroy them. And the Prophet SAW, Selim said, No.

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No, hopefully, they will come from their descendants from their progeny from their children from their grandchildren, there will come people who would say, Lola, and it became it became a reality.

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So, as a Muslim, we are supposed to think with buslee, Euro basura and suberb, this kind of long term vision, and this patient's for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. People think that this kinds of enthusiasm that, that that that is free from all control, and from all reason and from all dignity, they think this is a sign of passion for the OMA.

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That's moral confusion.

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It's moral confusion.

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We have we started to try to implement Islam, and support the cause of Islam with the morality

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of the non Muslims

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who don't have a sound moral system. They don't have a timeless moral system. It's more about pragmatism.

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Whatever the trends stipulate whatever is more popular,

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and a little bit of morality is a facade. A lot of it is just some sort of

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pretense, rather than the reality doesn't have real substance. And we've seen in the recent times how the hypocrisy is so clear and evident. We've seen it

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how 1000s upon 1000s of children and women and helpless civilians are being bombarded and killed.

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And then

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what, still, no one is making any decision. Still, no one is even acknowledging a genocide of innocent people. They are complicit and they are part of it.

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All of that reveals the truth. And these are again, these allies that we have swallowed, we have believed in. So it's time that we actually turn more to Islam, to the values of Islam, to the practicality of Islam.

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And as I said, this helps us as an ummah, if you really care about your Muslim brothers and sisters who are dying

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and who are being killed and being targeted, you have to know first and foremost as Allah says, When I guess I don't really wanna come Hatter. Y'all do come and Dini come in Istanbul

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and they will still fight you until they push you away from your religion.

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That's what Allah says, Forget about all these geo political analysis all of that stuff is on the surface.

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These are situational technicalities, the reality is

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the reason innocent people are being killed today.

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Yesterday, and tomorrow will be for Allah because they believe in Allah subhanaw taala because they know Islam is the only way of life and system that is resistant to the, to the moral deception to the, to the modern deception, and the ideologies that destroy humanity. They know Islam and the Muslims when they truly adhere to Islam. They are the only obstacle in the face of that destruction of humanity and the demoralization of of humanity. They know it.

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But they camouflage it with political arguments.

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And with other stuff. It's important for Muslims to be able to call a spade a spade and understand why things are happening. And this is, as we said, helps us not as an ummah only but also helps us as individuals. Ago look only had our stuff that Allah had you were looking for stuff.

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Alhamdulillah Allah, Allah al Amin, salat wa salam, ala Shafi mousseline so you didn't know Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Jemaine.

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As we take care of our own hearts, and or worship with a loss, untangle, we are in the month of shutdown where we should get ready for the month of Ramadan. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would not fast any month in the year more than he would fast in the month of Shaban, obviously second after Ramadan. And he says this is a month yofoto annual cathedral meanness. Most people don't pay attention to it. Most people are not aware too aware of it.

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And this shows the strategic approach that we Ramadan is the time to reap the fruit so you should prepare yourself from now.

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From now, the companions are the Allahu Anon, six months after Ramadan, they would make dua that Allah accepts Ramadan from them. And then the six months before Ramadan, they would start calling upon Allah to help them make it to the month of Ramadan, help them fast and worship during the month of Ramadan, and accept the upcoming Ramadan from them. That's strategy. And that's patience.

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They know where to put their attention. They knew where to put their attention. And we should be something like that. As you prepare yourself as you purify your heart, as you engage in worship, many people think oh, how can you engage in worship? How can you engage in lessons? How can you just read Quran and talk about fcr and talk about the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when Muslims are being dying? So what do you want to do?

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If you don't see the connection, the strong connection between these you don't know your religion, and you shouldn't open your mouth.

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These people are dying for Allah.

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And if you want to change things, it starts with you connecting to Allah truly, and if you don't, you have to know you are a burden.

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You are a burden on that cause rather than an asset.

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Woman nostro Ilam and doula, it starts with you if you don't set your affairs, right. You know, you realize that you are actually creating a void in the strength of this OMA, whether you know how it works out, or you're not aware of how it works out. And this is not just an empty kind of forced logic. This is a reality that is obvious. But when we think in secular terms, we don't see it. So be patient with yourself.

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And your relationship with the Quran, build it slowly. It doesn't happen overnight. Keep working on it, don't give up on it. When you don't achieve the results you want. Don't be hasty. The same applies with your Salah, the same applies with your fast. The same applies with your PM. The same applies with your Zika and your sadaqa.

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And then when dealing with your spouse, be patient,

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you're not going to be the ideal person, but you have to help them become a better person. You have to you have to help them. They don't have to be you have to help them and they have to try their best. It goes both ways with your kids as well. We have to think we don't think strategically for our kids. We throw them in school, we throw them in activities, and we're surprised when they are teenagers or grown adults and they're confused in life.

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Of course, you as we said you can't reap the fruit of a tree that who's who seed you have not planted.

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We can't just make our parenthood some kind of a side job.

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It does

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Some work like this, you can't make your religion a side thing in your life. It doesn't work like this. Your life should be infused with the love of Allah devotion to Allah. That's how this life should work. And this is how it works. Then as a community, we want to change things. It takes time, we need patience.

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Change is difficult, there will be resistance.

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Finally, you want to close with one thing. There is a project that I'm dilemmas with Ebola

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took care of and took special care of. And this was a project that really particularly impressed me in the in the longevity of it, and the long term vision of it. And that's the sand school and the sand, social social development project in Bangladesh, and they have their, again, their charity here in Canada, they have been doing tremendous work long term, taking care of the girls in impoverished areas in Bangladesh, providing them with Islamic education, they teach them the Quran from a young age. They teach them Islamic sciences and studies from a young age.

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And then they provide them with vocational training so that when they graduate from school, they are able to provide for themselves and their families.

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That's a long term vision because these girls, and they have I believe, at the moment, 300 girls and 100 Orphans that they sponsor fully.

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It's an impressive project. And it looks at the long term results.

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So that when those people, these are going to be the mothers of the future.

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And this is something that is definitely worth contributing to, they are our guests today. And they are collecting funds for that. And what I would say about this, it's such an impressive project because think about each one of those girls, when she grows to become a half healer of the Quran, someone who knows the Quran, someone who's trained and who is cultivated on Islamic etiquettes and character.

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And then she has, she's able to support herself and her family, she becomes the mother and she's gonna pass on that knowledge and this character to her children. Let's say an average she's going to have three to four children,

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then it's going to pass on to generations and generations, you helping them in their livelihood, not being in need of other charities, or they don't need to beg for money they can provide for themselves, and they can educate their family and their children. This is how you build a nation.

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And we hear we should learn from this Wallahi we should learn from this. And Hamdulillah we have a good level, generally speaking the Muslim in our organizations, the Muslim centers here at Abu Hurayrah you have the Quran school, you have the high school, the weekend school and a lot of the educational programs

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with all of the limitations that you find here because people are busy and because of the kids are busy, but still they're trying their best and they're achieving great results. These are the kinds of projects that you will really contribute and why because it reminds me here of the Hadith and I'm going to close with this hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says

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Montana South Dakota well,

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because the timber team Minkus bumper Yep.

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But in Walla Walla who ilaqua Yep, in Allahu habia. Meanie he will be handy. Sahibi How can Europe be a Hadoken Fellow

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at corner metal algebra Bhawan Buhari wants slim, the Prophet SAW Selim said that if some of you give just a little because sometimes people say I don't have much to give, give the little, as much as one beat one piece of date. You give it for the sake of Allah from a good source of income, halal income, and Allah only accepts what's good, Allah takes it with his right hand. And then Allah grows it and takes care of it as you grow the young horses in your horse farm.

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And anyone who knows about horse farm, a child like a small horse, a young horse is born out of nothing out of the mother, that's it, you don't manufacture them. There's no you know, material that you need to bring together it just take care of the mother and then you have you have a horse, and then it could grow into a huge value today sometimes in the millions of good horses. So Allah takes care of it, until it becomes more like a mountain. And look at that something you you get you, you get to help to feed a poor girl from a poor family from a poor area, and educate them and help them give them a tool to handle this life and to earn a decent and honorable living. And then they grow

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up to be a mother to be to be a constructive part of that Muslim society. And they pass that on to generations imagine imagine how much reward is getting multiplied. So invest in this project, please

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help them out with all you can and consider this to be as we said that something an installment that you give to Allah subhanaw taala that you will get returned to you multi fold on the day of judgment so help them out and I believe as well they have tomorrow a fundraising dinner as well so ask them inquire the brothers will be at the doors inshallah ask them about the details Allahumma filipiniana will mean that when Muslim in our Muslim met here, I mean Hamid Ahmad Allama fildena and Obernai slough and if you Emelina with a bit of them and I want sadhana Allah Coleman Catherine la Houma. fildena huali dena volumen de HomeHub when Elena Bureau Hermetica Alhamdulillah I mean Allahumma

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COVID-19 Almighty Allah rushed us up here local attic will be the Luffy I do not say attic or your Manaphy kita because we met in a big castle Allah rally he was a llama couldn't muster by fina mean anymore minion if equally makan Allah Muhammad. Allah how much podcast Allahumma Kula home Yeah, they'll generally will Iran. Allah on my email Bella Aqua digital position the Elohim Well, Salam Illa Allah Houma, cuando nos at a Walmart ina along with Regeneron along with Regeneron Allah home and sort of home America, America biomedica Bill Medina BGK other jewelry Quran Subhan Allah because as the unknown so for now I sit down with a little more salient. hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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