Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Beneficial Means To A Happy Life 02

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of history and acceptance of Muslims' views on technology and media. They emphasize the importance of avoiding confusion and being careful with what is said in scientific fields, as it can lead to reward and happiness. They also discuss the benefits of hardships and patientism, as it can lead to reward and happiness. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning from experiences and finding a life of civilized pleasures.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is the second session in our

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second session dealing with a book

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that's written by shade under study. And we say with him Allah said she said he was the teacher of chef Mohammed Masada. However they mean, and the chef passed away in the late 1950s, and the late 1950s 200 Monastery. And just again, to recap, mentioned the story of the book, The chef basically was getting medical treatment in Lebanon and the last five years of his life as he suffered from hypertension. And during that time, the doctors instructed him not to, you know, maintain his busy schedule, because that was having an impact on his health. So the shift was relaxing his son was there, obviously, in in Lebanon looking around. So he seemed to have picked up this book from one of

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the book shops, and it was the translation of Dale Carnegie's book. And the book was stop worrying and start living. And we said in the late on the 1940s 1950s, this was this book was a bestseller. It was a big hit. And it became a very popular book.

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And it was translated and the translation even in Arabic, did very well, it did very well. So he

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was a best seller, even an Arabic a lot of people got influenced by this until this time, until this time.

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So she had the right mindset. He read the book, and he really liked it. And he said in judo monster, he said about Dale Carnegie that he's a man who's got a sense of justice, because by the way, in towards the end of his book, Dale Carnegie mentioned some examples of people who handle stress in very constructive ways. And he mentioned one day that he was in North Africa, in an either Algeria or Morocco and I believe he was talking about Algeria. And he spent some time with the toric

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what we call sometimes our, you know, the, the tribes there.

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he spent some time with them. And something really caught his attention. He said when we were traveling, and they had cheap, so we're traveling. And then there was a sandstorm, very powerful Sandstorm. So they said they have a waste to take shelter during the Sandstorm because the problem with sandstorms when they're strong, they can block, you know, the nose and the mouth and the person could not breathe. So they had a way to take shelter during these times. And when they were moving along with their cattle with a sheep, so that was a big challenge. So as soon as the storm was over, they would rush and check their sheep.

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Was there any dead sheep because of that, so any sheep that had not died at that moment, there was still some breath in it, there was straightaway go and slaughter it mentioned the name of Alon it because they're Muslims and slaughter it.

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And he said, they never got worried about this. So they would say this is the will of Allah. This is the will of Allah and they will be happy with it. They said everything happens for a reason. So this can which is we know as Muslims believe in a cabal, belief in the decree of Allah subhanaw taala. It appealed to him. And he said it mesmerised him when he was in a state of shock. And he said, This is such a beautiful example. And he mentioned this a couple of times in his book.

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So it seems I believe, what she said when he said

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basically, he was referring to these points in the book where Dale Carnegie was referring to these Muslims. And actually Dale Carnegie, he said Muslims like ours with Muslims in North America. And so in North Africa, he mentioned even an E he alludes to their religion, like he mentioned something about the implies that it's when I asked them, Why do you Why don't you feel bad about losing, you know, these sheep? They would say, Well, basically, we trust a loss penalty, and we'll we'll do the best and things happen for a good reason. So he says something that from their religion is something from their religion from Islam itself. So chef Sadie, we said he gifted the book to a friend of his

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who was going through some hard times. Then he instructed his son to buy two copies of the book.

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I believe he kept one for himself and he put the other one in a public library that he had established in his hometown, or city or Nisa. So he wanted people to know

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Read the book, he wanted people to read the book, and the methodological point here. And the important thing here that we can take is how Muslims should handle whatever points of benefit whatever instructions, whatever science that comes from non Muslim sources, how can we handle it? If it's it has merit, we recognize it, we acknowledge it, we benefit from it, if it has issues, because some science has philosophy in it, by the way, not all science is fact. Some science is interpretation. Some science is interpretation. So is there an interpretation of sine of certain facts.

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So this is why it's important for someone to be

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aware of the difference between these things. So when there is something that is based on fact and science we take from it, we take it, we benefit from it, because this is what was known as wisdom. And we Muslims have right to it to benefit from it. But this kind of defensive approach, that whatever comes from these human sciences, whatever comes from, you know, anyone who's non Muslim, we feel threatened, this kind of insecurity does not really present.

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The right is the right Muslim attitude, the right Muslim attitude, the Muslims learned how to do build archives, and keep files of and even financial management, they learned that from the Persians, they learned that from the Persians, and I'm adopted these, he adopted them, and then they develop them, then why are we having obesity and only allow and who develop that even further. So the Muslims have always benefited from whatever other cultures had to offer. This is a common human experience, anyone who contributes to it, this is a shared human heritage, if you can benefit from it, if it's beneficial, if it's practical, why, you know, due to a sense of insecurity, that that is

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not even justified, as some kind of a phobia, we start, you know, turning away from that. And then the problem is, sometimes we call this is the right way to deal with these, this is what stem tells us, this is how we standing structures to deal with these things.

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And the irony is, sometimes people do it with inventions, with technology and devices. They don't have any issues with that. But when it comes to things that are intangible, like social sciences, now we have an issue with this, what's the difference? What's the difference? You know, no one says no computers were made by non Muslims, we don't know what they put in them, etc. No one says this. Now says airplanes were not built by Muslims. They were, you know, invented by the Wright brothers.

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One says this. So we have, we have to have adjust and Islam, Subhan, Allah, Islam, Islam doesn't make us just human beings, we approach things with a very reasonable, you know, from a very reasonable mindset. But we feel feel threatened, because you're not sure of your religion, or you're not sure of your knowledge of your religion, then don't make this a rule for everyone. If you're not comfortable dealing with these, you see these kind of maybe some of this knowledge, especially in self help, maybe in some social sciences, you see them challenging to yourself, you can't handle them, perfect. You don't feel comfortable, don't get there. But don't make this a ruling for

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And here we see it's shift. Sadie here is a very well versed scholar, he's a he's a top scholar of his time. So also these like when General Muslims get into these sciences, it's good to keep in touch with students of knowledge with Muslim scholars, who can explain to them certain things.

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Because as we said, Sometimes what you find in science is not merely facts, you will other times find opinion and philosophy and interpretation. So we need to be careful with these, we need to be careful with these

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just to make it a bit safer, more relevant, or times the idea of evolution. Evolution is a theory is a scientific theory, but is in fact,

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some people argue it's facts. But even this kind of argument is an interpretation. Because there is scientific evidence, it could be interpreted in many different ways, in many, many different ways. But the dominant narrative now is based on evolution within the scientific you know, the within academia. So that always stress analyzes all evolution, evolution, evolution, evolution, but there are other voices within academia that are ostracized, marginalized, that actually say no, there's something different. These facts can be interpreted

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In other ways as well, so is that it's not necessarily evolution. And evolution is not only one theory or one understanding, there are different approaches to the theory. There are different approaches to the theory, even among people who believe in that kind of evolution.

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And interestingly enough,

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I heard one time one of the leading psychologists of all time, and

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she used to teach in New York University, and now she's in the University of California.

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Carol Dweck, she's one of the leading psychologists of all time, she was asked about what they call evolutionary psychology, because that's one of the fields or disciplines in, in psychology, evolutionary psychology, they try to explain whatever psychological phenomena they have, or they study, they try to explain it through evolution,

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through evolution. So if we have, for example, the need for survival, so we humans have a tendency, you know, what they call the fight or flight, attitude or a state, they say, this developed through evolution, because humans, you know, we're living in the early times in the jungle, so there was a lot of threats. So in order to survive, they had to either fight or flight. So this is how through evolution, this developed into the system and into the brain of human beings. This is how they try to explain them through evolutionary psychology. So she was asked about evolutionary psychology, what do you think about it, she says, I'm not comfortable with things that are not testable.

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And the problem with evolutionary psychology, it's theories. Again, it's interpretation, it's opinion. So she said, it's not testable, so I don't feel comfortable with it.

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And that's from a leading psychologist. So who can deal with these human sciences and other things, self help, whatever, you know, contributions that come to us from a non Muslim source. It's usually people who understand who are very well versed in these fields, and people are well versed and Islamic sciences. So if one of us, you know, General, Muslims are reading into this, it's good to always have a consultation with either a student of knowledge or a scholar, who would put things in perspective for you. Because yes, there is sometimes philosophy there is some times, you know, issues of even spirituality that are taken from other religions that are introduced into these kinds

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of sciences. So it's good to be careful. Still, that strikes a balance that strikes a balance. Going back to the book of Shaykh. Abdullah, yesterday, we said he wrote a book after reading

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Dale Carnegie's book, so he wrote a small book, and he called it alpha in Elmo Fida little higher to say that he's a, the way we can translate the title is beneficial means are useful means to a happy life, to a happy life. And sometimes, some people might look down upon such titles, but this has said this is one of the leading scholars of his time, one of the top scholars of his time and his books until today, Mashallah are among the best. And he himself wrote a book about happiness. He wrote a book about happiness, linking it to the man and see are trying to put whatever was in Dale Carnegie's book trying to put this within the right perspective for Muslims to look at. And anyone

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who read both books, it can see the influence, it's so clear, it's unavoidable. You can't miss it. You can see the influence of Dale Carnegie's book on the book of shareholder setting. So, we got to the point where she said he mentioned that he said that he started talking about the reasons or the means to a very happy life. And he mentioned the first one, we said it was a man and the man will Ambleside belief and faith in Allah and righteous deeds. He says this is the most powerful means to a happy life. And he was explaining how so he says, basically, when believers who have true faith in Allah and they do righteous deeds, this will bring to them good character in this life and the next

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and they have principles and they have beliefs with which they can deal with whatever life throws at them.

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Whether these things are happy occasions or they are challenging, disturbing

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occasions, they can do with that. So he explains further now. He says yet a Lacuna Coil muhabba will Massawa be tabula rasa

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Quran Allah he was the man in Laffy may in fact. So he says, when it comes to happy occasions, blessings from Allah good things that come from Allah subhanaw taala the way they deal with them, they accept these. And this is something we all miss out on. They accept these gifts, most of us skip this level, this basic level.

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Sort of they acknowledge these blessings from Allah subhanaw taala. That's what he's saying. Oftentimes, we don't acknowledge the blessings of Allah, we take them for granted. So we skip that step. And we don't realize how much blessings we are living in.

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Who in the morning wakes up and looks at his body? And he says, what a great buddy, what a great machine What a great device. Allah has bestowed upon me. The law has given me this is Allah's gift to me. What a beautiful gift. Have you ever felt that connection?

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Do you? Did you acknowledge this gift from Allah, how valuable it is? That Allah has given it to you, you woke up today, with this gift intact, and in good shape, and fully functioning? It's such a profound gift and blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Did you acknowledge it?

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Did you love it? Did you feel the connection to this body, this is a gift from Allah, I love it, I feel it, I feel that's the gift from Allah. So I rejoice over that. And I feel happy. And I'm full of joy, and gratitude because of this.

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This is such a connection. By the way, this has a tremendous impact on your body. Most of us don't have a proper connection to our bodies, we neglect our bodies. I'm not saying neglect our bodies in the sense, we don't feed our bodies, or we don't exercise, but we're not there in our bodies.

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You don't feel that you are residing in your body.

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Feeling that you reside in your body and that your body is holding your soul and keeping your soul and is serving you. And this is such a profound gift from Allah subhanaw taala. Do you feel that connection between you and your body? Do you feel that connection? That's all in the word that he is saying. He says they receive whatever comes to them from the blessings or the good things in life. First of all, by accepting them and acknowledging them. Oftentimes we skip this. So you say okay, what do I have to do today?

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That's a later point in your day, by the way, first you need to acknowledge, you need to

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realize you need to be present in your body to realize that blessing from Allah subhanaw taala and only then you will be able to see why you need to thank Allah. But if you skip that point, you don't feel any need or any urge to thank Allah subhanaw taala because thank Allah for what you're not even feeling it. So allow yourself the feeling. Allow yourself the luxury of really experiencing that gift from Allah, being aware of it. That this is a gift this buddy is from Allah subhanaw taala This is a gift from Allah today Allah gave it to me he made it sound perfect, because you know, as we know from the prophet SAW son number he said, he said, and no more hormones, sleeping is the brother

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of death. There is similarity because when you sleep your soul partially or partly leaves your body.

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Your soul partly leaves your body when you're sleeping.

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So this is where the profits are Southern said sleeping is similar in a certain extent to death is the brother of death. So your you are your soul. So when your soul came back to that, buddy, Allah has given you this body again, he allowed you to live in this body this day. Do you feel it? Do you feel your soul is harbored by your body? Do you feel the connection? Do you feel thankful for this gift that you COVID this magnificent device, this complex system with everything in it intact.

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Feeling that you let your awareness go through your body, let it go through your body, feel it feel your hands, feel your abdomen, your stomach,

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feel your back, fill your head, fill your shoulders.

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These are all gifts from Allah. And thank Allah for each one of them and for the fact that you can feel them even and you can use them. So he says they receive the blessings from Allah and the beautiful occasions, first by accepting them and acknowledging them. Second, by thanking Allah worship couldn't lie. They are grateful to Allah for but this can only come when you reside in the first step, which is accepting these gifts and acknowledging them. When you are conscious and aware of them. And you develop this consciousness about your body and about the gift of your body and the enormity of this gift. Only then your heart

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will automatically be tempted to say all Ah, thank you. Thank you because you feeling that blessing, you're living it you're experiencing it. So now you are tempted to say to Allah Thank you, you don't have to push yourself into Allah Thank you You don't have to push yourself into it. Gratitude comes naturally it's automatic when you put yourself in a state of awareness of Allah's blessings as simple as that.

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Well shukran gratitude for them was the Imad in Lucha FEMA and then using these blessings and these good occasions pleasant occasions in things that are beneficial, so making good use of these blessings for either standard Aloha, Aloha,

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aloha minute,

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GB ha ha baba baba katha, while j if it will be sharing more on how we met fo b hierachy. How to how to heal myself a lot, unless you have the camera to her has a profound statement. He says because these people when they receive a lot of blessings and pleasant occasions, they receive them by acceptance and acknowledgement. And then gratitude to a lot of hearts move in gratitude and thankfulness to Allah subhanaw taala, then they use these blessings in useful things and beneficial things. So when they do this, this attitude and this usage of these blessings

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brings them more joy and more happiness Allah gave you this body when you use this body to do your work. When you use this body to help someone, when you use this body, to fulfill whatever you need to fulfill in this life, this gives you a sense of satisfaction, a sense of fulfillment, a sense of agency that you are able to do things that you are able to have an impact. So he says because they using these blessings through in this kind of attitude, then this will bring them another level of happiness and joy. And then it will also bring them

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a desire that these blessings of Allah remain with them that they are not taken away.

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So there is a high level of acknowledgement of how precious these gifts are.

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And then they also

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hope for a reward from Allah subhanaw taala because they acknowledge these gifts, and they are thankful for them. And they use these gifts

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in a good cause. So they also hope for reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he says, All of this kind of attitude brings about them great benefits are more on alima to fulfill the hierarchy either a far greater the vocal variety, however, I can see her had the hidden muscle right unless he unless he had a tomato. So this kind of attitude and this response to the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala the way they deal with them. This brings them more joy that is far even greater, that's even far greater than the original blessings and gifts.

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So these are levels, levels of the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala now he explains how they deal with hardship challenges, unpleasant situations, where the owner Macquarie how well mobile well, Hannah, welcome, Bill mukava Mattila yukino, whom are one or two with a 50 million kina home to FIFA, was Sabrina Jemima la sala home and done. He says the way they receive challenging situations and unpleasant occasions and sources of anxiety and stress and pain

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is by

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pushing back through what they can change. So a hardship comes your way. You can push it back, you push it back.

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You fight him back. So you're not helpless. You do whatever you can do you do to change the situation. What's the thief in Lima you may encounter if they can't remove this hardship or this unpleasant occasion completely, at least they reduce the level of negativity in it. So they push whatever they can push. And they change whatever they can change was sabriel Jamie Lee, Malley, Salah human habit and whatever they can't change, there are things that are beyond your capability. How do they deal with them, they resort to patience.

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They resort to patience. That's how they deal with the situations that are the negative or the challenging situations life throws at them. If there is something unpleasant if they can push it completely, they push it away completely and they solve it if they can't push it completely, but they can reduce the harm or the evil in it. They reduce the harm to the best of their ability. But if

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Something that's overwhelming. They can't do anything to change it. It's beyond their circle of influence. What they do, they resort to patience, they accept the decree of Allah. They don't resist reality. They don't resist, but they accept it with patience and patients we said comes from your trust in a last panel.

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And this is why Sharif is coming to me in his book, lF to judge other very great book when he talks about people who use the decree of a law to justify things that are wrong. He has a beautiful statement he says one of the earlier generation said

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things that befall you in this life

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are two things things you can change, then do not be lazy, change them be proactive and change them things that you cannot change.

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Don't feel overwhelmed by them. Let them be

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let them be. So he says a moron was mortal dunia a moron a moron laka Fie Sheila, something you can or

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sorry, like a calamity or hardship or a predicament. Like if he he feels that you can deal with it, you can change it either completely or partly

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fell flat tire adjust and do not be lazy. Do not you know put off things. Deal with it face to face and change whatever you can change. What a moron les Salah, kaffee healer and something that's beyond your capability, you cannot change it further

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examine who do not fall in despair because of it. Be patient and be hopeful in Allah subhanaw taala. So this exactly this echoes what the mama Sadie here is saying.

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Then he explains how the believers deal with these hardships. He says we'll be there Nika. Yes, Allah min Ethel mcherry. He mean Elmo kawamata Nakia with the jury be one woman or somebody were to say I will agree with the word we will move on alima mahalo mahalo mcherry what a holo mahalalel masala, one rupee bah, bah, bah, he was away. He says, okay, they change whatever they can change. And they can't change it completely. They change it partly,

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if they can't change it at all. They are patient, they endure it patiently and favorably. So he says, with this,

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they get a lot of advantage. First one, he says hardships, teach you lessons and make you grow. That's what he's talking about. So with every hardship, as the last one that says there is ease, what's that ease is what you learn from it, is how much you grow with it. By the way, every time we go through hardship, it's an opportunity for growth. It's an opportunity for growth. And this is why some of the

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writers famous writers in our times, he says, Every calamity comes or brings with it the seed of a greater opportunity.

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Every calamity comes and brings with it the seed of a greater opportunity.

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And the Arab say, when the rahimian missioner, to lead will have been here. They say from the womb of hardship comes the gift of Allah.

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So the the hardship when it comes in its room, there is the seed of a gift from Allah subhanaw taala. But you can only get it when you are patient. So he's saying, when people go through these hardships and these challenges, there is a lot of benefit by trying to push them and going through them. And these are usually growth, personal growth and lessons that you learn lessons that you learn. And the herbs also have a very famous proverb that says a Baba to let he let x zero let x zero bahagia to a ye. And by the way, this is something I'm curious to see. It's one of his famous statements. He says the hits that don't break your back, make it stronger

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hits that don't make or break your back, make it stronger. So we usually grow with hardship because hardships challenge us. And sometimes we're too lazy to reach our full potential. So Allah says hardship hardship your way so that you push back and you fight it back. Then you will discover that you there are gifts in you. You had no clue about

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but the only way you could tap into these gifts and tap into this portal

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was by the discomfort that this hardship brought upon you

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somehow. So that's what this is an elaboration of what the man has said is saying. So when these people can't push everything, and still the hardship has to take its full course, these believers, they get the benefits that usually come with hardship and calamity and challenges and experience, what the jariwala who was so they get more, they got they get stronger and they get more experience in life. wamena Sabri what he said when he was away, be more on album and they will get an opportunity to be patient because if there's no hardship, you know, why do you need patience? How can you patient if everything is easy, but when hardships come, that's an opportunity for you to

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exercise patience and to be patient for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala were disabled and seeking reward from Allah because we know from the prophets of Salaam, that manually will not mean a

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human well it hasn't had to show to you shaka laka for Allah and obey Allah Paya. There is no anxiety, there's no stress, there is no concern that before a believer, not even a phone that causes him some harm, except that Allah uses that to expiate some of his sins. So he's saying as well so these hardships, expand your sense and give you reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says, These are great outcomes that outweigh the hardships themselves.

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So the benefits even through going

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even that come with going through hardships, they are even greater in scale than the hardships themselves. So you will come out of the hardship, you know, having gained so much experience, so much growth, so much power, and so much patience, and so much reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says these things outweigh the hardships themselves, and then later on they will be replaced these hardships with the hollow mahalalel. Masada will Mr. Paiva they will be replaced with a lot of blessings from Allah and happy occasions and a lot of great hopes, great hopes and more hope in the gifts of Allah subhana wa Tada. So he says, Come on up Barnaby use a lot when he was selling them

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and had a headache. So he ended up in the Emerald mini in ambala, hula hula high in Sabah to sobre

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la sobre, todo sobre la la la la when he said that he can he hadn't learned in a moment. He says this is exactly what the prophet sallallahu Sallam was talking about in the Hadith, where he saw lots of them says, amazing is the state of the believer, whatever happens to him, or whatever comes his way is good for him. And this is only for the believer. So he says if something good comes to him, he is thankful. he's thankful and this is good for him. But if something bad comes to him, he's patient, and this is also good for him. So he says that's exactly what the process that I was talking about. For us about our son Allahu Allah, he was sending them and then what Minaya taba I

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for one more Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Man, I see clearly my Roku, Minnesota one Macari. So he says, Allah messenger SOS Allah is showing us here that the believer is always getting reward in all of his states. He's always getting rewards and benefits. He's benefiting whatever he's going through. And he's getting so much benefit in this world. And he's getting getting so much reward from Allah subhanaw taala.

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in every circumstance, whatever he goes through, he's always winning. He's always winning.

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We have today with Nainital omana eva tominaga Bill Haley, our shop feta alternativa Wooten Lehman fee tilapia, whether they can be a bit of a booty Hema Phil Emmanuel Emily Sala. He says this is why you find two people, they go through the same negative experience the same hardship or challenge

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or they go through some great occasion something pleasant, they go through the same experience, but you will find a great difference between between them in how they deal with these and this difference is based on the diff on the difference that they have in a man is based on the difference of their a man each one has a different level of Eman and righteous deeds and I'm on a Sunday so he says have them also for we have a Neil was fine. The one who possesses these two traits a man and a woman a solid faith, belief and righteous deeds.

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Here's a local hero shall be mother Corona. homina shukri was somebody who is by the way

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One who has belief and righteous deeds, they deal with good and evil with ease and hardship with what we mentioned previously, thankfulness and patience, and whatever follows. So this brings in happiness and joy and tranquility and the removal of pain and anxiety and stress.

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For your doula who suru and Etihad was the one who will help me welcome Alcala de casa de la Ilaha, with a team without Hayato Peggy but if you haven't done so, if you haven't hit done, so he says, this person who treats life with these two things, patience in the face of hardship and thankfulness in the face of blessings, this person will always get a lot of reasons for tranquility and peace and the removal of anxiety and stress and pain, and his chest will be full of happiness will expand and

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the misery of life will be removed away from him and then adhere to a godly life a pleasant life will be his share in this life in this world.

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Oftentimes we exaggerate the dichotomy or the the the the trade off between this life and the afterlife.

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Some people think you can only get the afterlife if you destroy life, if you know if you destroy life for yourself here. If you live a life of misery here, you're in good position to get something in the hereafter. But that's not necessary. That's not necessary.

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As well las panatela says Miami lasagna have been decorating whoever does righteousness, male or female, well who am woman while in a state of belief and faith in Allah fella yen who heya Tampa we shall give them a goodly life a pleasant life.

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What an adze and Giambi is an American Ramadan and we shall recompense them

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in the best kind of reward for what they used to do. So this causes us to see if they say hey, at some point a goodly life means life in this world. And the recompense will be and the reward will be in the hereafter. So sometimes people think they have to, you know, torture themselves here in order to make it to the hereafter or to really get the reward of Allah. But it's not necessary. It's not necessary. And this is why Islam and to me, it says, in dunya, Jonathan Mann Lamia told her that beautiful Jonathan Ashima, there is gender in this dunya in this life, the one who fails to enter it will not be able to enter the gender in the hereafter. And what's this? He says, to Billa when a man

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will be here.

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He says, knowing Allah learning about him, loving him,

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and believing in him. That's the general of this world. So life could be pleasant here. It could be pleasant here. And the believer gets his share of this kind of tranquility and peace and the messenger of Solomon, this Hadith, which is reported by Muslim, he's saying that all the affairs of the believer are good for him. So that means even in this life, whatever you go through is actually good for you. But sometimes there are people who are able to tap into this. But sometimes people are unable to tap into this. So they believe they have to live in misery in order for life to give them paradise in the hereafter. But it's not necessary. And little am Rahim Allah.

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And then he said this a few times, he says, We used to go through some really hard times, and we would become desperate. Like, you know, when you lose hope in life.

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It seems like everyone has turned away from you. Everyone lets you down, everything is just going against your will. And nothing seems to work. He does. Sometimes we went through, you know, circumstances like these times like this.

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And the solution was for us to go to our chef. And when Timmy, we would go him and then he says as soon as we see him, we like his level of hope in Allah. And his level of since like serenity and tranquility and peace was so contagious. As soon as we saw him, you know, our despair would disappear, would vanish, completely evaporated. He says like this man, there was no way to get him in a desperate state, impossible, who's always feeling happy. He was always feeling this kind of joy and connection to our last panel.

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So he's talking about something like this back to chefs. And he says, well, aha, the other one, the one who doesn't have faith. This one doesn't have righteous deeds. The

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mohab be ushered in webapp are in what Tolkien The one who doesn't have faith, true faith in Allah, you know, when blessings come to them.

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They abuse them. They abuse these blessings. They abuse these blessings, so they go overboard with them. So they have a sense of they want to fulfill you know, their overwhelming desire in the so it's if it's food, they overeat. If it's money, they want more of it, and they always spend it

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If its influence, they, you know, abuse it, whatever Allah gives them, they don't use it moderately, but they use it with some kind of overwhelming desire this some kind of greed that is overwhelming and off putting for 10 Harry for Aleppo. So this causes his characters to shift from the right course, where tilaka Hakuna Matata la halvah imobie, Joshua in wahala. So this person, they receive the blessings of Allah, just like the animals.

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They, he takes over it with greed, with overwhelming greed, and with fear. So they always fearful that these blessings would be taken away, so they don't want to lose them. So they want to enjoy them enjoy them as much as possible before they they lose them. So they always panic, they're always under stress. They're always overly attached to these other blessings or hardships, whoever comes to them, when my other friend who study * called although they are enjoying these blessings, seemingly, but their hearts are not in a state of comfort, and tranquility. Why? Because the heart will only find peace with Allah.

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So and by the way, this is what they call today. They say there are two levels of well being today in science.

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They study well being so they say there's two levels of well being there is he donek happiness, hedonic well being, and that's basically satisfying your desires, the kind of joy that you get from eating, the kind of joy that you get from drinking, the kind of joy that you get from sexual intimacy, the kind of joy that you get through your body, physical, so that's the call this hedonic kind of well being and happiness and joy. And they say this is you know, it's ephemeral, it's short, it's a glimpse.

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For those, for example, who love coffee, when you drink, when you take your first cup of coffee, you enjoy it, but you want another one to get the same sensation, you don't get it with a second one, right?

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is trying third one, it even gets worse, like you stopped getting the joy you got from the first one, why that's the nature of life

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of these kind of joys.

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So he says this kind of person, he's not happy His heart is not in a state of tranquility and peace belly Moshe tetto home in the tg when he had an idea, but his heart is actually you know, split into so many directions is trying to catch this trying to get this because if they have some money, they want more, they have a house, they want another house, if they have a car, they want a better car and so on and so forth, though the heart is split and chasing other things, so many things, machine to machine at home as a means of mobility. So, in a sense, one of the distractions of this heart and the consensus of this heart that whatever I have, maybe today the economy the economy will you know,

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will collapse and they will lose all my wealth. What if something happens and accident happens and I lose my my investment.

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So they always concerned about losing whatever they have, woman kathrada till more are a lot in Nashi Etienne have Ali bin, and whatever, you know, any blessing that you get in this life, there's always something to spoil it for you. So if it's money, you make some money, there will be some new tax on your money.

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If you you get what you wanted, you will find something to spoil the beauty of that game for you. It's either, you know, some kind of loss here or there. Or maybe you thought when I get this amount of money, I'll be able to buy this house you get this amount of money you go to buy the house, you find the prices went up. So with every joy, there is something to spoil it.

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So this kind of person who's seeking their happiness from the, you know, the immediate blessings in this life, you know, there's always be a distraction, there's always be something to, you know, take away a great portion of this happiness and this

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And he says, another source that splits the heart and another direction is basically woman jihad, the end and no forcella 34 in the head. He says, One reason these people also don't enjoy the blessings that Allah has given them, but they find a lot of distractions and they find the hearts are split into different directions is the fact that the self is greedy and never feels enough and never gets enough.

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So and we know this, you don't want to say if I move to this neighborhood, I'll be comfortable. If I buy this house, everything will you know will go well in my life you buy this house, then you get some other issues you have to be pay what they call the city tax or council tax or they call it

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Yeah you have to pay this you will find you have to insure the house then you will find some other taxes and find something else you will find something breaks in the house I need to fix it oh this gets really crazy you get used to the house you visit a new friend who bought a better house I say you know my house is not good enough My house is not good enough I wish I can get house like my friend's house you try it you know I mean some some of us are like the first car you wanted you said I can get you know any car I get as long as it has four wheels and a steering wheel fine once you get it

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you know you don't you appreciate it for a couple of weeks then you start looking at other cars you know I live in misery man this is not even a car

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so you start you want another car so you get a better car you start looking at people have like four wheel people have brand new cars you know I get this car it's used to have changed the battery things keeps breaking down I need to fix it. what's what's kind of life is this remember yourself when you were just hoping for a car by now you moved on. So the nature of self the self is degree that never gets enough and never gets enough. And we don't the Hadith where the prophets are suddenly mentions that on the Day of Judgment, one of the people in the Hellfire the Muslims once they get enough punishment in the Hellfire to expand their sense that Allah will bring them out.

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These are this is the last person to leave the Hellfire and enter into paradise. So Allah will bring this person out of the Hellfire so who he'll be glad that's it made it out of the Hellfire hamdulillah

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Is there anything else you want? No, absolutely no nothing else. But Allah subhana wa tada will show him something at a distance at the horizon, which is probably like

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a tree. So here at the GDC online, just take me to rest in the shade of that tree and eat from its fruits. So allow it to Allah knows that person and knows the nature. So I would say to them, I'm afraid.

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Like I don't want if I What if I give it to you, you will ask because once you get there, you will ask for something more in how am I going to ask for anything you give me this? This means the world to me, just give me this. So Allah will get in there. As soon as he gets there, he sees a better tree. And this is all luck Can you can reach to that tree, then he will see paradise. See all law? Can you get me closer to paradise alone? Say What if I get you there? You start asking me to enter it. So he says no, no, I will not ask and just just give me close to it. That's good enough. That's all I'm going to ask for. And then he makes he swears he says will lie. I will not ask for more. So

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I get him there. He says Well, it's a little bit closer.

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And it happens it happens until he asks a lot to get into paradise. So that's the nature of the human self. It's always asked for more. So we never appreciate what we have. So a blessing comes to you. Yes, there's a lot of distractions. But even another distraction is that once you get used to it is time appreciating it.

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You start looking for what's missing.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:17

Okay, so he says woman do you have to in the new sonata form in the head? valetta xello motorshow we certainly omala so this self is always looking forward for more. For more what's next.

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Salvatrucha soon these things that the self wishes for they could happen and they could not happen

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so they could happen they could not happen so what if they don't happen?

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your self will be in pain and agony until it gets those

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he says what in hustler lol for the year for what are you been called upon meningioma crisis, even these things that the self wants if they don't happen as a source of pain because it will still still wish for things and it's unable to get them so that's the source of source of frustration. But even if it gets these things that it once that the self once once it gets them the same distractions that we just described, will again okay so the same cycle will repeat itself. So you see, the blessings of this life the joy that comes from them is limited, is limited.

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But that's when you are attached to them. But when you see them as blessings from Allah penalty and and as means to get closer to Allah and what you get from ally with thankful for what you can't get your patient and you contend to Allah gives you a different story. It's a completely different level. It's a different dimension, completely different dimension.

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So he says we're set up called mcherry. This person who doesn't believe in Allah doesn't do righteous deeds. Well, it's an app called mcherry have been caught up in wedges and we're hoping well the job fella tests and unnai the fool at home in Chicago will hire a woman and he will also be a woman and hopefully, it'll be a lot of animals, jet. The Nola your job and voila sobre el de la he says this person has no faith, no belief, no email, and no righteous deeds. This person

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With hardships and challenges and calamities before them, the way they respond to them is through stress,

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despair, hopelessness,

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frustration, and anger, and anger. So he says, Don't ask how much misery this person lives in when they go through hardship,

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and how much frustration and pain they live in, and how much mental illness and emotional pain this brings to their life, and how much you know, trouble it creates in their experience. And it usually transforms into a state of fear, overwhelming fear that sometimes reaches this stage, the stage where a person starts to have fits of fear, which is, you know, panic attacks, panic attacks, or sometimes it goes into a mental illness, a person who lives in fear and despair and complete frustration. They even want to commit suicide, they know who they are to throw up because this person sees no point in hardship or it is hard to come to me isn't well meaning.

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Whereas the believer, he knows hardship comes to me, that's the test from a life I'm patient, I will get reward from Allah. And I will also grow with these hardships. And I will also grow with this and get stronger with these challenges. So I will learn from them.

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What are some Brenda, who you Sally, whoa, whoa, and he has no patience to help him, you know, live through this hardship and this calamity.

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So you see this, there are a lot of people who live in pain, who live in agony, live in misery, and

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they live in fear.

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They live in fear, especially when things get hard, especially when the financial situation gets a bit tight. And then the economy sort of collapses. And there is

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inflation prices go up.

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And these people feel helpless. Why do I have to suffer?

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Why don't have to suffer? There's no way like this doesn't make any sense. There's no way to explain it. There's no way to explain it. So it's painful. And this causes them a lot of trauma, and a lot of pain. And he says what could you have done? Moshe hadn't been injury but

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he says all of this is known through experience. You see this in life? You see it? You see people like this?

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One method, why don't we have no idea that the birth to one is delta, wellness, or ITIL? For lima beans.

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Imani ouabain, Amanda mucuna. Rick says this, you find that you see it through experience. And if you look at the states of people, you'll see the people who are believers, they are able to handle blessings and hardships with that state of balance that we described earlier. Whereas the person who doesn't have this email on this righteous deeds, these righteous deeds, they're you know, they go through what we described of despair, or greed and abuse. So it says what what do you have for YSL hathi ll Connor attribute is Canada. This is because the deen of Islam. It encourages us and advises us to

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hold on to being content, being content with what Allah has given you. Whatever law has given you we know that there is from a law that's the decree of Allah. So I'm content Allah is written that for me and hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah.

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When we met at a bar them in fatherly, he would call me he and maternal were. So our last mantra teaches us this kind of contentment with whatever he has given us, whatever he has bestowed upon us,

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these different varieties of blessings that are around us, so we run out of time.

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This is more of an elaboration on this first reason. So again, just to recap, we're still talking about the main reason or the main means that Schiff said he gives us to find

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a life of happiness and tranquility and peace. And that's basically to have true faith and belief in a lost penalty error, and to do righteous deeds, because these put you in an optimal position to handle the blessings of life and the times of ease in a very constructive and good way. And it helps you also handle the negative experiences, the painful experiences, the challenges and the hardships, the calamities handle them in an optimal way as well, that ends up working for you. So by this we fulfill the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam that all the affairs of the believer are good for him. So we asked the last panel to Allah to help us benefit from these. Again, another point of benefit

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is you see the Muslim scholars were always concerned about the well being of Muslims. Sometimes when you talk about happiness, some people like cringe and they say what are you talking about?

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I think that this is not part of our religion, not having a pleasant life, as based on faith and righteous deeds, having good quality life. Having good level of well being in this life is actually one of the mythos of Sharia is one of the main objectives of Islam of Sharia,

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of Sharia. And just something that went through my mind now, it's very important. I lost my dad because he's the mercy for a lot his for his servants.

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Even on a Lost Planet, Allah describes the prophets I send them he talks to instructs the prophets, Allah tell them

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about who to marry, and who not to marry and how to give his wife's his rights. Allah Subhana, Allah says that he can add in a camera, you know, when, when I, when we are buying habima Tito nakulan.

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Allah Subhana Allah, he's saying he's explaining why he gave these conditions and these instructions for the provinces on who to marry and who not to marry, and how to treat his wives, a lot of interesting value added

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on this is on this kind of these instructions will lead to your wives,

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you know, being emotionally contented and happy

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Vedic as

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well as an and that they do not feel mistreated, or they do not feel any reason or any cause of grief.

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We are leyna Bhima it to the Quran. And this will put with this will help you allow you to keep them satisfied and happy. Allah is explaining why he gave the profits and sell them these instructions. Why? To put his wives the wives of the Prophet SAW some of the mothers of the believers in a good emotional state, make them happy, make them content.

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Subhana Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala in His Majesty, he gives the solemn detailed instructions about how to handle the issue of marriage, and how to deal with his wives, so that his wives live a life of tranquility and peace and respect and contentment, and they don't feel being oppressed or not being fulfilled and not being you know, given their rights a lot sometimes given the instructions of the processor, like this. So a lot does care about people, and does care about the state that they go through. So these are things as we said, it's one of the mocassin of the Sharia and Islam is to the quality of the lives of people. It is important. It is important so we asked a

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lot of times to help us realize this and see our religion in the way that is most pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala and closer to the way the prophet SAW Selim and his companions, but the Allahu Allahu Allah was the last

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Shiekh Moutaseem discuss the book of Sheikh Abd Ar-Rahman ibn Nasir as-Sa’di in this series. Presented at the Abu Huraira Center.

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