Moutasem al-Hameedy – The Beneficial Means To A Happy Life 01

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The importance of learning and teaching in the writing community is discussed, as it is a powerful book with wisdom. A man who lost consciousness and passed away a couple of hours before then was considered dead, and the importance of positive emotions and faith in one's life is emphasized. The speakers emphasize the need for faith in oneself for building stronger relationships and trusting in relationships to achieve happiness and peace. The importance of positive and authentic communication for healthy and productive relationships is emphasized, along with the need for positive and authentic communication to ensure healthy and productive relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hi, I'm Melina Mija de la Vela mobile Allahu la mejor de la Chateau

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la vida hula Shetty color, wash Adana, Mohammed and

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I'm about for the next couple of weeks or three weeks probably, we will explain a book. It's a very small book by a famous chief

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chef, Abdullah man, as say the shape of the monastery. He is for those who don't know him. He is the teacher of Shea from nathie mean.

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He's the main teacher of chef Mohammed, a mean, Chef, man when said he or she said, He's the one who wrote a book on tafsir. And it's one of the most successful books. It's precise, but profound at the same time.

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It's called PCR or carrying of a human tissue or carrying on and that's one to fear or interpretation and explanation on the Quran. It's precise, but it's very profound and beautiful, has been very successful, has been

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the shift passed away in the 50s 1950s, late 1950s. That's when he passed away. May Allah have mercy upon him?

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So before we start, let's take a glimpse into the life of Shahada Rahman Saudi Sheikh Hamza. I said, he was born in a Muslim, the middle area of Saudi Arabia today, and a city called Veronika in a city called moneda.

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She was born

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1300 after hyjal, around 1300, after hedra, which is roughly

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in the late 1800s.

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Late Late 1800s, so probably would be

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our guess would be 1888 or 80, and 88 and 81 when he was born 1881 when he was born, okay, and he passed away in the late 50s and the 1950s 1957 1956. That's the time he passed away. May Allah have mercy upon him. He died at the age of 69. He died at the age of 69. So the ship was born. When he was

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around four years old. His father passed away.

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His father passed away as he was four years old.

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Also, his mother passed away at the age of four. At the age of eight, his father passed away. Seven at the age of seven, his father passed away, who took care of him, his stepmother,

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his stepmother took care of me, she loved him more than she loved her own children. So she really took very good care of him. She sent him to Al Khattab to the school there to learn. So he refused to go to school, by the way at the beginning, he refused to go to school. Even his father, like complained about him not, you know, are refusing to go to school, he refused to go to a qutab to school at the time.

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His father didn't know what to do with him.

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But later on, he started learning he started going to the foreign school. So he memorized for an around the age 11. When he was around 11. He memorized the whole Koran. And then he loved Islamic knowledge. So he started sitting with scholars and learning by himself. And that was after the passing of both his parents so he was living with his

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step, mother. Later on in his life, he moved to live with his older brother, his older brother, his name was Hemet. So he moved to live with his older brother, who took very good care of him, but took very good care of him and his brother was a businessman. And he was more of a fatherly figure in his life. So he took care of him and he lived with him till the age of 38.

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When he was 38, and he had a few children at that time, he decided to move out to a separate house. He decided to move out to a separate house. So share from the minister. He's like,

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he was very short. He was short guy, a bit stout. Rounded, and he was nice, like they say, No one saw him in a state of anger. Ever, was always smiling. He was always like, you know, easygoing, very kind with people. She had done it. This is why he was loved so much. He was loved so much like when he

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He passed away in the city of annisa. Like they said, people of that city, they said that we felt the world has become empty, the world has become empty. And you know, when you have this feeling about someone, when they pass away, you realize this person really filled people's lives with goodness.

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Such a person must have left again, a legacy behind. So when someone influential, someone who has been beneficial to others is very kind to others. When he or she passes away, people around with feel that life has become empty, there's a void behind them. And that's a very good sign that the person has really had a very good influence on people. So she has said, the man said he was that kind of person where he like left onaiza on Asia was all morning, like they said, like it filled, the whole world has become empty. There's nothing there. So he left such a huge and profound void. I myself remember when I was young, a one one important person, one influential person in my life, and

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he was a public figure there. And he was very good with people was a very learned person, very active socially. I remember I was 16 years old, when that person passed away, I could I could relate to this feeling. I felt that there was nothing left in this world after this person passed away subpanel

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although was still young, 16 life is not so much aware about like life and how things go in life. But I remember when that person passed away,

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like I felt there was such a huge void, he left such a huge void. And I filled that, you know, there's even like, you get a feeling like there's no point in life after this man like he filled life up.

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He occupied such an important place like he created events. And when that kind of person unfortunate person leaves. So Pamela you feel such a huge void, and things sort of you like, get out of balance. And it takes some time to adapt. So she had kind of said he was this kind of person was this kind of person. So he started learning the Islamic sciences. And he learned a little bit Hanbury, which is very was dominant in the Arabian Peninsula. He learned from the great scholars of his time. And by the way, his father was a great shape as well a learned person, his grandfather was the Imam of the main student visa. So he comes from a lineage of Imams and learned and scholars, you know, learning

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people and scholars. So he comes from that lineage. So he studied very well and he started expanding. So he started learning after finishing Hanafi madhhab. From an early age in his like late teens, he started learning the shafia Hanafi madhhab, the Maliki madhhab. So he did not stay with one madhhab. So he learned the other mother. And then he learned the science of Hadith he later sold. And he spent most of his time afterwards with the books. And this is what he states with the books of Evan Tamia and the books of it. So they had the biggest influence on him. Even Samia and Mo, play him. And she had a very beautiful way of explaining knowledge in a very simple, simple way

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that people could relate to. People could relate. So he was very good at simplifying complex issues. He presented them in an excellent fashion. So the chef became very well known at the age of 23. He was allowed to teach in the main mustard or the main Jama in the city of Geneva, he was allowed to teach, he was given permission and jazza to teach because like, all the people who were studying all his like, colleagues, people who were

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same as his age who was studying with him, he like Excel, then he left them behind. So they became his own students. The people that he started studying with both of them started study, all of them started studying at the same time. Later on, they became his own students because he excels so quickly. And he learned and soon he became a reference in the Arabian Peninsula for questions and fatawa and things like that. And Mashallah was very influential, and he kept a very simple way of life. Very simple way of life. Generally speaking, his routine, there's a book written by his son, Muhammad.

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He actually explained a lot of the personal things about his father was very good. That was a very good read. And he says, My father had a very simple way of life. He would go to sleep early, around nine o'clock these times around nine o'clock he would go sleep early, he would wake up about one and a half two hours before federal and he would pray start praying. Then

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he would go to selected Virgin and after salted virgin he would give a class and then they would sit in the masjid and there was something about his life, which is like very common in those who come from Saudi they know this. They drink a lot of coffee. Like every couple of hours they were like they have this

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the yesterday will be called in English.

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The flask, the flask the flask, like they would finish three for every day.

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Drinking coffee

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design. And this will have an impact on the shakes health, by the way, is gonna have an impact on the Sheffield. So they would drink coffee, then he would go to another person's house, some of his friends, and he would have a small session with them. And they would call it coffee. So they would drink coffee with it together again after them as the second time. And then the chef would go to the market and visit some people and you know, advise them and so on and so forth. Then he would go back home and he would have his meal. He would have his meal, they call it in, it was around 1011 o'clock, but it seems they called her that they call it that lunch. It's a very early lunch. But for

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him, breakfast was the coffee with a little bit of dates, obviously that was breakfast for them. So he would go back home and eat with the family, then he would go to sleep for about 14 minutes before so lots of you would wake up at the end, make wellbore go and read the prayer in the masjid. So he became the Imam of the masjid there. And

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after that

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he would

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give another class in the masjid and teach. And he would visit a few people. And they would have like a D one, something like a D one year where people sit together and he would explain things. And he would study with his students.

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Then he would,

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from that time, sit in his own room or he used to do his own studies. That was a private and by the way, like he they lived a very simple life. His room was basically

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under the stairs, you know that kind of space that you have under the stairs sometimes that was a very tiny small room that we usually people use it for storage. So for him, that was his room. And he would sit there and this is where most of his works, but were produced in that small place, which is around they say probably like

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three square meters was the whole place three square meters. That was the whole room that he where he wrote most of his books. And then the shape

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and he would respond to questions. So people had access to that room because it was the end of his house. So people had an external access to it. He would respond to questions when they came but he would spend most of his time reading and studying and writing. And he was a very good writer by the his. his tireless flows so beautifully. When you read his words, you enjoy his style. Then the chef would go to Maghreb, to the salad to the masjid. And then he would start his Tafseer for most of his life, he was doing his Tafseer. And that's this episode that we have. I think we have it actually here. Yes, it's that blue, dark blue one TCL caramel.

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It's in five volt, but was also printed in one volume, one thick volume that says tafsir. They Cyril Kereama is one of the most successful profound books.

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The sheriff around the age. And by the way, he was offered to be a judge in the main court in Saudi Arabia and he refused. Why? Because he just wanted to dedicate his life for knowledge, learning and teaching. And this is how he was he didn't have any authority apart from people's love for him. everyone enjoyed him. And the way they described him as a person. They said, like, everyone loved him, even the small kids. So he was a person who would not like give himself so much.

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You know, like, like respect or status. He's a very simple, easygoing person with kids with elderly people, different ages, all had access to him. So he didn't have any, you know, he wasn't fussy about how people treated him how, whether they respected him How, how much like formalities. He didn't care about that at all.

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At the age 64, the sheriff was feeling tired. So he was diagnosed with hypertension, high blood pressure. And coffee has to do with this by the way. Yes. So

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if you are addicted to coffee, you need to be careful because coffee. Yeah, it does have an impact on blood pressure, especially when you like drink three flasks of coffee every day. That's obviously going to push your blood pressure high.

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They didn't have I guess they didn't have decaf at the time.

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So was coffee and you know, the herbs like the coffee, especially like in Saudi, they don't really like when they roasted. They don't make it dark. Yeah, so they want they they keep the caffeine they're, you know,

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very optimal levels. So the chef was diagnosed with hypertension, he got treatment cetera but it was under control

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until he reached the age 6869 and it got worse.

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So he was advised to go to the

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But on site Saudi at the time, specifically because same there was no not much medical services, we're talking about 1950s. In 1950s, there wasn't much of medical services. So he went to Lebanon based on the advice to get proper medication. So the doctors they are told him, You need to take a rest, because he used to read a lot. So they told him, You need to slow down, take a rest, don't read, don't teach, okay? Just relax. Your body needs a lot of rest. So you need to allow your body that kind of your body has rights. And so the chef could not do that. But he had to, at that time, his son Mohammed is writing the book. He said, I went, I was in Lebanon. So I was like, I would go

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around in the market. And at that time, there was a book

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that was translated into Arabic from English. And that was written by an American writer at the time. And it was Dale Carnegie.

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Dale Carnegie. Anyone knows Dale Carnegie.

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Oh, the foundation was named after him after another one who was named Carnegie that was, I think, Andrew Carnegie. But the there's a public speaking training Carnegie program that was after Dale Carnegie. So Dale Carnegie wrote a best selling book. That's one of the best sellers of all time until now. It's a bestseller. It's called

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was translated into Arabic, it's in English.

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Or is it?

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No, that was Napoleon Hill. Yeah, delcambre. Both books were written at the same time.

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That was his second books. His first book was stop.

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Yeah, stop worrying and start living.

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Stop worrying and start living. That was his first book, and most successful book, stop worrying and start living. So the book that was written in the late 1940s, early 1950s, and it was a best seller, millions of copies were sold. So it's very successful book, so was translated into Arabic. And Lebanon, at that time, by the way, was the only place and with Egypt, but Lebanon came first, the number one place in the Arab world for publishing books. Until today, Lebanon is number one in printing books. So anyone who writes a book in the Arab world, usually they would prefer Lebanon. So in terms of quality, everything is checked. Most of the books, you will find most of them are

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printed in Beirut, in Lebanon. So his son saw this book translated into Arabic, he liked he liked the title, in the southern Arabic dialect book, the higher the alcholic, work the higher. So he bought the book, and he gifted it to his father, his father was in the hospital, and he was in his bed.

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So it was relaxing. He gave him the book, and he read the book, the whole book.

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Now, this book is considered to be one of the is considered to be the Bible of self help, along with the book that the brother mentioned, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. So these two books were considered to be like the Bible for self help until today. Until today, they're considered to be like anyone who's in self help, they have to read this, it was called also the time practical psychology. So they would take things from psychology things from philosophy, things from experience, everyday experience in life, and they would put it in a practical way. So she read the book. And his first comment was, had Roger alone.

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mocks that was a hybrid.

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He said about Dale Carnegie, this is a man who has a strong sense of justice and understanding.

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And he loved the book. He loved the book. So what he did, he had a friend who was a little bit troubled at the time in Lebanon. So he sent the book to him to read it. To help him in his, like challenge and his challenges. He was going through some emotional issues. So he gifted him, she said he gave him the book.

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Okay, and the book was not written by a Muslim. It was written by an American writer. Yeah. Okay. And who is this? This is a Sadie the teacher of

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a mean that's the theory of chef I'm not I mean, he's the he was the scholar number considering number one or two and his time because he's Tom was chef

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Hamad bin Ibrahim as a chef. He was the master of his time, was considered to be the authority of all scholars at that time. Chef Mohammed bin Ibrahim the Mufti, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia at the time, shares the Saudi. Both of them are competing on price number one in the Muslim world, these two scholars, so himself, he read the book

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He said, This man has a sense of justice and goodness in him. And he gifted the book to one of his good friends who was going through some trouble. Then she said, I liked the idea of the book really appealed to me.

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And then the show, as they were leaving Lebanon, he told his son to buy two copies of the book, or the two copies of the book. He said, why he said, because the sheriff had already established a public library in annisa. And it wasn't like was a new thing. There was no public libraries there. Because people were hardly living hand to mouth. People were living in a very basic level. So he was building a public library probably was a couple of shelves, by the way. So he called he told his son had to buy two copies of the book. He said, one of them to keep it for my own self, the other one to put it in the public library so people could read it. So people could read it. That's quite telling.

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Yeah, that's quite telling. The chef chef goes back. And then he has a project in his head. So he writes a small book, and it's the book that we are going to explain shortly. So very, it's a tiny book. It's been printed, probably hundreds of 1000s of copies, copies have been printed in print. It's been distributed widely. I believe, like a huge number of copies have been distributed. And a lot of the scholars of our time, like the, the main teacher have had death, domestic nabawi, one of the main causes of our timeshare

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Marshall Hubbard, who teaches until now, in the midst of the prophets of Solomon Medina, he says this book by chef Sadie.

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You know, if you read it and understand it, you will not need to, you won't need a psychiatrist. You will not need a psychiatrist. Okay, so, so she has studied wrote this book, if you read this book, you will see the huge influence of Dale Carnegie, you'll see the huge influence. It's there. He even used some of the, like the words he kept them as they are. And he took me know most of the topics, most of the main points from the book of Dale Carnegie, but he wrote about them from an Islamic mentality from an Islamic putting things in perspective, putting things in perspective. So this is something that

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one of our great great scholars of all time we consider that to consider this to be modern times. So one of the greatest scholars of our times, the most influential scholars, he himself had no issue, benefiting from knowledge and wisdom wherever it comes from, even if it came from a non Muslim. What's the big deal?

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You know, I'll hikma volatile mu min. This is attributed as a headache to the prophets of Salaam, all of this dispute how authentic it is. But the meaning is correct and hikma that will mean, you know, wisdom is the last property of a believer, wherever you find it, it belongs to you. It belongs to you, and no one has any kind of monopoly over wisdom wherever you find it. This is why the end of this statement says for analogy, the half of what happened Naseby ha, so wherever the believer finds wisdom, he's the one who was most right to it, you have most right to it. So I don't know why sometimes, you know, when you will benefit sometimes from modern sciences, if you benefit from

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social sciences. Or if you see the connection, and you try to put things in perspective, putting things in the right perspective coming from an Islamic point of view, that would put things in a very practical perspective, people will start, you know, making fun of this thing. This is not the way of the scholars, right? This is not the way of the scholars This is using, you know, the kuffaar stuff. We don't need this in Islam. So if that was the case, why would one of the greatest scholars of all time

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Why would he, you know, do something like this? Why would he and he had no qualms about that. He gifted the book itself to some of his friends, and he put it in the public library. And he wrote the book and he actually alludes to that about it.

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The Book of delkor just this is more besides the point but it's worth mentioning this book of Dale Carnegie's well let to write other people writing books as well. There is the Egyptian

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considered to be a scholar and one of the main personalities in Egypt previously was Mohammed Ali, from Amazon, Amazon, he wrote a book called jet did hypothec renew your life, renew your life. And it was the idea to write the book, you know, sparked in his mind when he read Dale Carnegie's book, he mentioned this in the introduction. He says, I read that book is such a powerful book, profound book. And there is so much truth in it. There's so much wisdom in it. And so he gives, he writes, it's it's much of a bigger book than the one that we are talking about. And he does give it a beautiful taste. It does give it a beautiful taste and writes a book. It's around 100 and

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80 pages, around 280 pages was published on was a very successful book. And

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in the last probably

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around 20 years ago,

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Dr. avacado money to throw out other company wrote a small book, wrote a small book. And

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he wrote the book and I remember when the book came out, at the time I was visiting Saudi was making 100 and the book came out was a small tiny booklet, very small book was called a Sharon has ever been this sad 20 reasons to find a way through which you can all

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20 yeah means to happiness. 20 prescriptions to happiness. And that small booklet grew up to become his famous book that hasn't Don't be sad. Don't be sad, which actually sold more than 12 million copies, sold for more than 12 million copies and was translated into many languages. So it seems that there Carnegie's book spot, a few ideas.

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So this is the book inshallah, that we'll be dealing with, which is the book by Sheikh Abdullah monastery. Now chef Abdul Rahman said, After spending some time in Lebanon, and in Lebanon, he met che Alberni. He met with Shannon Valley. So he got to know Shin Advani there when he was in Lebanon. So they met that time. And he came back to onaiza to Saudi Arabia. And he was doing well. But it seems the chef did not take it easy on himself. He was still doing his on daily schedule, still drinking coffee, and still teaching on a daily basis and writing. And so one night this year, he said in the morning that he was feeling a bit cold, there was a bit of chill in his body.

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So he prays, he goes and leads muscle ups a lot and he leads his shots a lot.

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As his leading shot Salah, as soon as he finished, he felt dizzy, he couldn't stand up. So he asked his students to help him, you know, so they took him home. As soon as they took him home, he lost consciousness. He lost consciousness.

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So, obviously, when something happens to a person like this was very influential. And I said it's very simple man. But he was very influential people loved him admire them.

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So the mayor of the city sent to the Capitol the time, so they sent a helicopter, they sent a helicopter, but it found it difficult to land there because it was a stormy night was a very stormy night. And it was very difficult. So for a couple of hours, the helicopter was trying to land in Oniisan, to take the shape to rehab.

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Where to the hospital. And when the helicopter was trying to land. At that time, she passed away. She had passed away before passing away a couple of hours before passing away, he woke up. And he said I like him to learn he was remembering the last pantalla then he went back into his coma. And then like about a couple of hours later, he passed away.

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Just before just before for around two o'clock, three o'clock in the morning, he passed away. And as I said, the people of annisa mentioned like people this time they said like we felt that aneesa was empty, there was nothing else in the world. That's it. Like they felt the whole world was empty. So the chef passed away may Allah have mercy upon me, he left a very wonderful legacy of books and writings. And what I believe the most important among them is is Tafseer is the most influential as well. He wrote a lot of books on how to EDA, and he was an excellent or solely in our solo work, like he has a special taste. Anyone who wants to study the effects, they have to read the books of

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shadow Hanuman setting, and he was a very fluid poets.

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his poetry flows like nothing else. Like you can see the worlds like it's sorry, the words for him, were like,

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like, he could shape them however he wanted. You could feel it when you read his poetry. Like he could do whatever he wants with the words Subhana Allah so this is why his poetry is specific. And he talks, most of his poetry is actually about scientific issues, religious issues, and the way he like he simplifies knowledge with these kinds of this kind of poetry. It's profound and powerful, and you know, provides a clear and solid. Maxim's and the principles are not an easy subject. There's somehow a little bit philosophical, there's a lot of logic in them. There's a lot of mind work in them. He simplifies them in a way that you can Yeah, like when you read these poetry, you

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enjoy it so much and you understand what's the point behind it. So may Allah have mercy upon Chicago. Sad. So we will be starting with his book he as I said he passed away

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around 19

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57 or 58 around that time mental loss monitor Allah have mercy upon him. He was 69 years old, was 69 years old. Among his students are a lot of the scholars that we know chef Mohammed have not they mean a lot of mercy upon him, was one of his main students. She had good luck with Sam, the teacher in the Herman matki. A famous scholar is well I mean, I love mercy upon him was one of his main students should not have been up there as well who passed away a couple of years ago now love mercy upon him, one of the Kabbalah The, the grand scholars, as well part one of his students.

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A few a few number, like a good number of the religious personalities and the scholars were the students of shake hands up on Sunday, may Allah have mercy upon him. So let's start with the book I'll be reading in Arabic, and I found a translation by Dr. Saleh slyly to society has Allah may Allah have mercy? upon his love mercy upon him? He translated the book so it's good to use his translation.

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Again, the book is called an Arabic Elisa mo Fida little hiatus.

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Allah says it will Murphy they'll have to say that it could be translated as the beneficial means or the useful means to a happy life.

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be beneficial means to a happy life. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Allah In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the most compassionate Alhamdulillah he led ILA whole hamdulillah All praise is due to Allah No one deserves the praise, all praise except Allah alone will shadow Allah Allah in the law winder who will actually kill us I bear witness that no one has the right to be worshipped except Allah subhanaw taala alone. Why should a number hamedan Abdul Rasul Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while he was Herbie. May Allah sent peace and salutations upon him, and upon his family and upon his companions. And ado,

00:32:02 --> 00:32:46

I will read the first paragraph in full then I will read the English and start commenting in English and that I do so in our hotel. I'll be working Nina who was Aurora who was a word of umami. He was he was clearly ahead will be he will have to pay Eva while you're in Missouri, but he had when he then he can babble. Dini Yeah. Was Babylon Baba. Yeah, was Babylon amellia. What are you in Kenosha? Who have kulu ha in min. Well, anansi wha home in our in house La la la home in what you hidden. What's up, I've been uj he do Oh, Carla O'Malley, He further to mean Virgin and for our better our eyes and a hurlan. One

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shift to the English, there is no doubt that the bliss of the heart, its tranquility and happiness, and the absence of grief and worry from it is the goal of every individual is the means by which a happy, blissful and excellent life is achieved. There are means to achieve this, some of which are religious,

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some are natural, like things that you're born with.

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And some are physical in the sense what he means here that they are acquired. So this is a rough translation. By the way, I'm just that's the first time I'm checking it. So it's a rough translation. So as babbling, probably Yeah, there are natural reasons basically, you're born with some people are born with an easy going nature.

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Some people are born with so much patience. Some people are born with a temper. So these are us babble.

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And there are other means

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basically, that are acquired, that you learn that you pick up that you try to develop within yourself. These are as well hi Maria.

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And all of these different means were religious, whether they are inherent and innate, or whether they are acquired and learned.

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All of these means are never gathered together or never acquired by one person except for the believers. The people who don't have belief on the other hand, despite the fact that the earnest endeavors of their philosophers is to lead them to these means, even if they achieved them or achieve some of them in a certain certain aspects. They miss the way to them in several other aspects that are more beneficial, more permanent, and better in yielding results. So simply what he's saying that happiness, achieving state of bliss, like bliss, a state of tranquility, and state of

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is naturally the goal of every human being. We all search for that. We all seek for that naturally, this is how we humans are designed. This is how we are designed

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And everyone, whether they are they believe in Allah or they don't believe in Allah, regardless of their faith, regardless of their color, or their culture, everyone is seeking happiness. Everyone is seeking happiness, whether they state it directly, whether they are aware of it, or even if they don't stay it or disclose it, or if they don't even realize that what's inside them, or there's something inside them searching for that kind of happiness, and tranquility. So everyone wants this peace of heart, everyone wants to get rid of their pains and their worries, and their concerns. And, you know, a goodly life or a pleasant life can only be achieved by this kind of peace that you

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acquire in your heart. So he says, in order to get to that kind of bliss, and peaceful heart, there are different means, there are different means. So there are religious means. And these are spiritual means spiritual means by following the guidance of the religion. And there are means that come to you naturally that you are born with, you're born with these other said, some people are born with an easygoing nature, some people are just happy, and others jolly kind of person by nature. Okay, so this makes a difference, this makes a difference, your your, your, your very fabric, the your, your genetic makeup, it has an impact. And by the way, this is supported today, by

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sort by science. Today, in positive psychology, they do study levels of well being and happiness. And they realize that the genetic makeup of the person actually accounts for a great deal or person's level of happiness. So some people are just born to be this happy kind of person. That doesn't mean they reach ultimate happiness, but they are more likely to find peace and easygoing pneus in their life than others, some people just have short temper, is, you know, have this fire inside that keeps burning. And there. And there are other means that are practical in the sense that you learn them, you acquire them, you pursue them, you study them, or maybe you can learn them from

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other people, and so on. And so something that is acquired. So he's saying, the ones who are in a very good position to acquire, all the reasons that bring about a peaceful heart and bring about this kind of serenity and tranquility, is a person who believes truly in a loss penalty, because they have access to all these means they have access to religious means.

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Anything that Islam has to offer about this, and it has a lot to offer, Islam has a lot to offer, when it comes to happiness, when it comes to peace, when it comes to well being it has a lot to offer, and

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natural reasons, something you know, in your genetic makeup. And maybe this is also as well, that's not on offer to everyone that depends on you know, what's your genetic makeup, you don't have much choice about that.

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And also,

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you have access, you can learn all these, you know, techniques, all of these, you know, practices, all of these, the, you know, ways of thinking to increase the level of your happiness, your well being, your tranquility, and your sense of peace, the sense of peace in your heart. So the one who is in a very good position, in a very strategic position as someone who truly believes in Allah Subhanallah because they have access to more than one means more than one means you have religious and you have also things you can acquire, but your share of your genetic makeup, that's something from Allah subhana wa, tada, you don't have much choice. Although today by the way, in science, this

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is not a scientific, you know, lecture, but in science, in science.

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They've come in the last 15 years to realize that, you know, your genes don't are not like are not abs

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are not absolute, are not absolute, by the way. They say genes are more of a potential genes or more of a potential. So the environment around the social environment, the emotional environment, the physical environment, the chemical environment, decides how your genes will be interpreted. And this isn't science, there's a special field in science called epigenetics. epigenetics check it out. It says now, it transcends genetics. It says we are not bound by our genes. Our genes, yes, dictate a certain percentage of how things go for us or what happens to us physically, or emotionally, etc. But they say also the environment plays a role in how our genes unfold. So your genes could actually

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have more than one potential have more than one potential, like let's say, for argument's sake, three potentials. The environment plays a major role in choosing which one of these potentials

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will actually unfold. Like let's say you have a proclivity or you are prone to develop diabetes,

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you're, you have this in your genetic makeup, it's in your family history, that your parents, your grandparents, they all had diabetes, so it's easy for you to become diabetic. But if you watch your diet, you can avoid this kind of genetic makeup from being translated into reality. So this science called epigenetics, it's not a scientific gathering again, but it's worth mentioning it.

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So what he's saying, other than people or people who don't believe people don't have believe in Allah subhanaw taala, or not connected to Allah subhanaw taala those people although they might have access to means that will lead them to happiness, like things they are born with, people have this kind of natural tendency to happiness and well being okay, or they have access to training, a lot of training courses. Now, there's a lot of courses about living a happy life now. And living or developing a mindset of happiness. That's what they call it today, or developing strategy for your own well being. There is a lot of things, most of them today come from what they call positive

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psychology, or the study of emotions among psychology. So

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these, everyone has access to these. But those who don't believe in a las panatela tyla are missing out on the biggest means means to achieve a happy life and to reach a peaceful heart. That's because they don't believe in Allah subhanaw taala and they don't relate to Allah, Allah and Allah is not in their lives and we will inshallah come to see how belief in Allah and how connection to Allah smart Allah brings about a lot of happiness and tranquility and well being and serenity into your heart has a powerful impact into your life. So he says those people who don't have belief, although they can get it, get some of the means, but they do not get the rest. And even though a lot of their

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intellectuals and their scholars are trying their best to develop means to help them find happiness and tranquility. Still, it works from one side, but they're missing out on a huge, you know, sources of happiness, which are more sustainable, and which are more profound, and which will help them find happiness not only in this life, but also in the next. Also, in the next following. He says well our kidneys COVID he said that he had the hemophilia little and he mean speb we have an mclibel Allah Allah Yes, Allahu Ahad. So he says

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that in this book, sometimes I'll depend on my own translation because, okay, in this book, I will mention whatever reasons I have in my mind at the moment, so it seems that you wrote it in one sitting, you wrote it in one sitting, this is how it seems to be, because it's not it's about

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27 pages, it's about 27 pages, not big. So I will mention whatever goes through my mind about these means that help us find happiness, and tranquility, to find to arrive at this lofty goal that all people are searching for.

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When he says Birmingham men, I saw Becca Thielen when half shot he shot and hernia were hayyan panga, woman woman Africa, Kula, clearly half Russia, Asia to Chicago, he hired a woman woman who have been a been B has to be my wife Allahu Allahu Allah or more for a long walk, you're almost there and obey Allah, Allah. Allah, equally sharp. He says those people who search for happiness, and they try to acquire the means to happiness, some of them have have achieved a great deal of these means and these reasons that bring them peace of heart and tranquility and serenity. So these people live a godly life. They live a peaceful life, a fulfilling life, a meaningful life. But some

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of them have failed in their endeavors. They have not reached these means that bring them about a life of happiness and peace and tranquility. So they live lived a miserable life, a life of pain and suffering a life of emptiness and vacuum. And there are people in the middle. There are people in the middle who are sometimes here and sometimes they're who get a little bit of happiness and a little bit of misery. So they are not okay. Sometimes they hear sometimes they're there. And he says, No one is granted success in these endeavors except by the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So everything happens by the will of Allah subhanaw taala he is the one that we depend upon to get all

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goodness, and he's the one we depend upon to repel and remove every hump. The first chapter in the book, he says what alimony especially dyadic will also have was so how will he man Oh, well, I'm an aside he says the greatest been

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means and the most effective means to find happiness and tranquility. And this is the main source of happiness is faith and email, faith belief in Allah when I met Assad and righteous deeds,

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belief, faith and righteous deeds, Allah subhanaw taala to another man, Amina Swati Han min Decker in a one hour one minute fella no yen

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Jeeva. Well, energy z in Johannesburg is an emac and we are Malone. He quotes the verse from salt in verse number 97. He says, Whoever does righteousness, whoever does the deeds of righteousness, whether male or female, when they are in a state of belief and faith in a law, then we shall grant them a godly life, a life of happiness, peace and tranquility and fulfillment while energy in the home Angela home and we shall recompense them, their reward

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according to the best of their deeds, according to the best of their deeds, that's what a lot of Allah says in Surah verse number 70, and 97.

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So he says for about a

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month Gemma I've been an EMA and he will emanate slowly will higher up but if he had he Tao will be just that it has any doubt he had to hit da, da, da da da da. So he says, a law the Most High promises, whoever combines these both faith in alarm, belief in Allah with righteous deeds with good deeds, good deeds, let's explain them because sometimes, you know, we get stuck in the terminology, we don't realize how, you know, human these deeds are righteous deeds, they are as simple as a smile in the face of your brother. As simple as an act of kindness. As simple as helping someone who's in need. As simple as holding the door for the holding the door for the for the person behind you. As

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simple as that. Sometimes it's as simple as yielding the right foot traffic to another person. As simple as that. And righteousness also includes all the acts of worship that we know the prayer,

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the CME the fasting, this is the care that paying or giving out of charity, the Hajj, the pilgrimage, the remembrance the vicar of Allah Subhan Allah to Allah, talking about a loss of Hannah Montana, thinking about Allah subhanaw taala contemplate contemplating about the reason behind your existence, contemplating your life and what its meaning. What are you supposed to do in this life? What's the meaning of your existence? What are you supposed to do with this life? This is an act of worship like a Buddha, or the Allahu, and one of the great companions of the Prophet SAW Allah. He says, never met Riba too difficult. He says, what a great act of worship is to contemplate,

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contemplate what, contemplate the creation of Allah, contemplate your life. Contemplate your mission in this life. contemplate what you're supposed to do with your life, contemplate the reality of life. So never made a bad call.

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This is one of the great acts of worship is to think about life to think about what you're supposed to do. Think about your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. So righteous these don't is most of the time we take it technical, we say okay, righteous deeds have to be praying all the time. righteous deeds, I have to be fasting all days. righteous deeds, I have to be giving

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righteous deeds, I have to be making one hedge that's it.

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A righteous deeds, I have to be thankful for lots of panels and panels, panels bounce around all the time. No, these are righteous deeds and great acts of worship, if they come from your heart. They are great acts of worship, great acts of worship, but you can turn everything in your life into a great act of worship. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the authentic hadith, and a man who moved on with a bonus shot about a man faith belief in Allah is divided into branches. And he mentioned 70, more branches more just above 70 branches. And he says Allaha La ilaha illAllah, the highest of these branches, the most important of these branches, is the statement when it comes

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from your heart and you pronounce it with your tongue. In law, no one has the right to be worshipped. But Allah, no one has the right to my ultimate love and devotion and dedication, but Allah, that's the highest of the branches of faith. And he says what had never happened one of the lowest like the basic levels of faith are the branches of faith, a motto to another and you see some something harmful on the way of people on the sidewalk. On the street, you remove it, so no one gets harmed by that.

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That's part of faith. That's what the prophet SAW Selim says, that's part of faith. Then the professor sometimes says what is higher or short the two minute email, a sense of shyness or amakhala, a sense of shyness, sense of bashfulness that you that you feel shy that you do.

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You know, bad things. If you're shy, the president says, and this sense of shyness, and bashfulness is one of the branches of faith. You see how human

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faith is? It's not a technical, the problem is that sometimes we get caught up in the technicalities, we don't understand that almost everything you do in life has to do with a law. And that doesn't make it like complicated, it makes it simple. It makes it simple.

00:50:26 --> 00:50:34

So there's no separation between like, okay, church and state, right? There's no separation between, that's life. And that's religion.

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There's nothing like this, because almost everything you do is a reflection of what's in your heart. And that's the that's the definition of religion. That's the definition of religion. So, every human being has a religion, regardless whether they have a name for it, or they don't have a name for it, it's a religion, the fact that you have certain beliefs and convictions and assumptions in your heart, and you function according to them, because that's how we function humans based on our assumptions and our beliefs. And so these beliefs and assumptions and ideas and convictions are translated into actions into behaviors into attitudes.

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That's what religion is. And that's how humans behave. So everyone has a religion, whether it's whether it has a title or doesn't have a title, it's all religion, it's all religion. It's a religion. So generally speaking, everything about humans is religious, is religious. But most people associate the word religion with the, you know, what they call conventional religions. They call No, they call them now traditional religions, like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, regardless, all of these different religions. So it has to be like a form of religion, we call it religion. But if I have my own way of life, my own beliefs, my own set of beliefs, and I

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live according to that, and I hate certain things, because of my beliefs. And I hate certain people because of my own beliefs. They don't call this religion. It's at the end of the day, it's the same thing. It's the same thing. You're everyone has a personal religion, everyone has a personal religion. So don't get caught up in words. Don't get caught up in words. And we were not supposed to be caught up in words. Because people can put you then in a box. You're following a religion, you religious people, but you are religious as well. Because when you for you if money is the most important thing in life, well, that's, that's a belief. And it reflects on all your attitudes, all

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your actions and all your plans. And that's your religion, you are also a religious person, but on your own terms. That's it. So everyone is following the religion. Everyone has a god to worship. Everyone has something that they serving in this life. for them. That's the source of happiness, the source of meaning, the source of tranquility, that's where resourcefulness comes about in their life. So they're serving it, they're chasing it, they're trying to use everything around them in order to arrive at that goal. That's, that's the definition of a god, an object of worship. That's what it is.

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So everyone has a personal religion. So anyway, let's not get distracted.

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So he says, What's up a Buddha kawada in Elmina Villa, an Amana Sahih Muslim. I'm an outsider, and Muslim, Allah, we will fit with dunya and akhira Mara, whom are sold on Whoo, Sonia telepon. Effie. Hi, Jamie, Jamie and I already do it in about the story. Well, it was Babel, karate will help me when I'll conclude with the statement because it's profound. It will be a springboard inshallah for next week, he says,

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the reason why the people have faith beliefs and righteous deeds, the reason these people will find ultimate happiness, he says, it's very clear. The reason behind this, the logic behind it is quite clear and obvious. Because the ones who truly believe in Allah, the true kind of belief, they have the true belief in Allah.

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The kind of belief that brings about the fruits of righteous deeds, and we said righteous deeds is not only prayer, it could be a smile, it could be removing something as the process of cellular harmful out of the way of people, so no one gets harmed.

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It could be any act of kindness, it could be an attitude, as we said, bashfulness you know, shyness, that's a righteous deed. This is how, you know, pervasive, and this is how, you know, colorful, righteousness and righteous deeds are so simple. Anything you can think about could be a righteous deed. You give someone a small advice, you give a little child, you know, a piece of candy. If you intend that with good intention, you're getting a reward with it for that it becomes a righteous deed. It's as simple as this. So he says, so those who believe in Allah the correct way, or the right belief that brings about or that yields righteous deeds, these righteous deeds

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in turn will bring more righteousness and more healing to the heart. So it's more of a loop. It feeds back in. So it comes from the belief in the heart. It produces righteous deeds. When you do righteous deeds, and you do them for Allah, they will feed back into your heart. So it's more of an upward spiral. And this is why, according to a listener, Eman rises with righteous deeds. When you do righteous deeds, it feed they feed back into your heart. That's why For example, when you help out someone you feel a little fulfillment and happiness in your heart. That's your Eman, increasing that sign because the action, the righteous deeds you do, they feed back into your heart. So this

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kind of correct faith that yields righteous deeds that rectify and correct the hearts and they rectify your character. So when you do righteous deeds, you become your character becomes more upright, you develop more kindness, you develop more generosity, you develop more authenticity, you develop more truthfulness, you develop more patience, you grow simply, you grow and develop as a human being, you develop and grow as a human being. So human development is a very important thing in Islam. And the means to do it is through faith is through faith. So self development is an Islamic concept. But the way we do it, not to worship itself, not for self aggrandizement. It's a

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byproduct of believing in Allah and doing righteous deeds, you grow in every aspect. So he says these righteous deeds, rectify the hearts, and they rectify their character and improve it and develop it in this life, and prepare you for the next. So he says these kinds of people who possess these traits malham or sologne, were who said, Oh, societa latona, he had me and him, the people who possess these traits, these traits of Rites of belief and righteous deeds, that bring about character development, and bring and bring about better hearts. These people have all the tools they need to face and handle whatever life throws at them.

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Malmo Sweden was also scatola own, he had me and Liam, whatever life throws their way, they have the tools to handle these in a very good way, in a very efficient way that pays off for them. That makes everything you know, in their own favor.

00:57:24 --> 00:58:03

Yes, a laptop he had me and I originally him Minh as babbie, a solo developer he had whether these things that life throws at them, they are happy occasions and good things and blessings. Or even if they are sources of stress, anxiety, and pain and sadness. So the people who possess belief, a man will magnify righteous deeds, these people, the more they have these, the more they develop the tools to handle whatever life throws at them, whether these things are happy occasions,

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or they are sad occasions. As believers, we are given the tools to handle these and turn them into our own favor. So as they say, when people throw stones at you, Amanda's give you the power to use these stones to build a monument for yourself.

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So you can use everything for a good reason, whatever it is, even if it's an unpleasant occasion, or an unpleasant circumstance. So inshallah, as we go on with the book, the shape will explain more about these things in a bit more detail. And hopefully, we'll find practical ways to implement them. So we see martial law the methodology for scholars is that wherever you find wisdom and benefits, you take it because because you have more right to it being you know,

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having this kind of stigmatic approach to people and others, etc, and refusing goodness when it comes to you, whether through a Muslim or a non Muslim, any source where goodness and benefit comes to you, you can use it as a Muslim as long as you have the means to use it in a way that is in line with the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam we ask a lot of increases in knowledge in the deen and understanding and practice of his religion. Giacomo maharana masala was Salam ala Vina Mohamad early, he was so happy. He was

Shiekh Moutaseem discuss the book of Sheikh Abd Ar-Rahman ibn Nasir as-Sa’di in this series. Presented at the Abu Huraira Center.

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