Moutasem al-Hameedy – A Thematic Commentary On The Quran #21

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of Surah Al Albaq's teachings and the need for individuals to be leaders in community, as it is crucial for everyone to be a shepherd and leader. The complexities of a family, including finding success, are emphasized, along with the importance of understanding the principles of Islam and avoiding embarrassment and workplace bullying. The speakers also touch on the history and importance of Islam, including its cultural significance and the need for individuals to show their faces in public. The speakers end with a discussion of being heard and respected in public settings.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad were either early he was Herbie a Jemaine were bad. So welcome delight Allah, we finished solid earlier in Milan and today inshallah we will start dealing with salt and Nisa

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in the first phase of this class

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we said that

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salata, Nisa, anyone who anyone who was here recalls what was the central verse In surah? Nisa?

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Yes, the first one. So, salata, Nisa, the verse that resembles or presents, the central theme in the Surah is the first verse,

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we're going to start again with the same kind of noise now, as usual, almost

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anyone can pull her Sam who Sam Mabhida Kulu honestly, she, she show finishable where all sorts of lies and that sort of selfish way.

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Okay, so the central theme in solitude is that appears strongly in verse number one.

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And let's read it in Arabic. And look at the meanings in English. Allah subhanaw taala says I'll do now Shalom Jameson Elohim Yeah, you have nasil

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back home Allah the Halacha commune FC Wahida wahala caminhada zoologia Bethlem inhumanity Janin cathedral when he says what double la haliaeetus Luna V he went out of ham in Allaha Cana La Cumbre Taibah translation of the meanings

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or humanity Yeah. Are you oneness?

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What does this remind you of?

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Yeah, you are NAS Allah is addressing humanity. Right. This is not an address only to the believers only to the Muslims. It's an address to all of humans. Yeah, you harness does it remind you of something we already dealt with?

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Surah Al Baqarah. The central theme in Surah Al Baqarah appears in verse number

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21 Yes, verse number 21. And they also start with what? Yeah, a Johan NAS or a Buddha or humanity. So again, Surah Al Baqarah isn't addressed to all of humanity. And Surah Nisa, the central verse or the central theme appears in verse number one and also starts with the AU Hannahs. So this means generally speaking, the general frame of Surah Nisa is an address to all of humanity, including the believers as well there are special points for the believers in it. But generally, the the general approach of Surah Nisa, there is a lot of intent for the for humanity in general. And when Allah Subhanallah addresses all of humanity, this shows this is an extremely important topic for all of

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humanity to consider. So yeah, you and us or humanity, be mindful of your Lord. This is taqwa translated as be mindful, and we said previously, and there's no harm repeating that again, that tequila is one of the comprehensive words. That is not limited to only the basic meaning, though, tough one means you protect yourself, you take a shield against something, and tequila means you take a shield against the punishment of Allah. But that's not the only meaning. Because this is there is something in the Arabic language and all languages basically but the way we deal with the with the religious texts with the divine text of the Quran, and the prophetic texts of the Hadith of

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the prophets of salaam there is something called Low as

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low as

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low as it means.

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Things that are included in a text by necessity by implication,

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by implication, for example, if I say Wallahi,

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who Sam is a very good person

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who Sam is a very good person.

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I'm just saying who Sam is a good person. I'm making a judgment on her Sam, he's a good person. Did I tell you that I know who Sam.

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I didn't tell you but it's implied already. The same thing when you say Taqwa. If you take the literal meaning, it means take a shield against the punishment of Allah. But that's not all. That's not the only meaning that you should focus on you should see the whole context of Taqwa.

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You only protect or take a shield against the punishment of Allah.

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When you know Allah, when you are mindful of Allah, when your heart is full of love of Allah subhanho wa Taala when you have a sense of duty towards Allah, obedience to Allah subhanaw taala. And then all of this is included in the word take your shield,

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because the worst punishment that you could receive from Allah subhanaw taala is that you are denied access to him.

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That's the most painful punishment.

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And you won't feel that pain unless Allah means a lot to you.

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Okay, so be mindful of your Lord, again with all of this stuff that is implied in it in this Taqwa who created you, from a single person or a single soul.

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And this is Adam. This is a reminder to humanity, that all of you came from one person from one self. And this is Adam Alehissalaam, meaning you have a common ancestry. Humans, you have the same father, all of you, you can trace back your ancestry to Adam Alayhis Salam. So all of you are the children of Adam, meaning all of you are related to one another. All of you are the equal children of one person.

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And this is the foundation of equality in Islam. So humans in the sight of Islam are equal.

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race, gender, status, color, language, culture, etc. None of this matters. Humans start off at equal footing. All of them.

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The own saw any kind of assumed superiority or supremacy, based on color, language, ethnicity, culture, etc.

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All of this is false and bogus, in Islam is baseless. Whatever it is, humans start off at equal footing.

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And Allah so this takes us to solitude, Allah to Allah subhanaw taala says, in a Croma Komenda Allah He at our come the most noble, the most honored among you with Allah subhanho wa Taala are the ones that have the most Taqwa.

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So you guys start off at equal footing, taqwa is your own earning is what is your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala, how you build it, how you take care of it, and how you excel in it. That's it. Anything else is baseless, to differentiate between humans, or to give anyone preference over the other? Why? Because you are all born to the same Father, you're all related to one another, you all connected to one another. So you are all the equal children of this one person.

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So he created you from a single soul

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from a single soul or a single person. And from it he created its mate, Allah created from Adam, his wife Hawa, and the prophets are Salam told us and Allah Holika Hawa meuble a Adam, and one way to say man Lila.

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Lila, okay, which is a rib basically, the rib of Adam Alayhis Salam and the Hadith mentioned that Adam a Salam went to sleep.

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And during his sleep Allah created from his rib, his wife,

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he created her at once, in an instant she was complete. And when Adam woke up, he was surprised to see this person right next to him.

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And he asked her who are you, she says, I am your spouse, Allah created me for you. So, so Lecrae did Adam and Hawa Eve.

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And through both, he spread countless men and women, from them, Allah brought a lot or a tremendous number of men and women, and these are the children. So we all are the children of Adam and Hawa. So this, this makes us equal, there is no excellence, there is no supremecy for any person, over the other, any individual over the other, any group over the other. The only criteria that really makes a difference in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala is the taqwa that you earn the work that you put in, in your relationship with Allah Subhana Allah to Allah so Allah created from Adam and Hawa many males and females, men and women, and this shows that Islamically there is two genders, male and

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Yeah, that's it.

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And your,

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your personality, your conduct your role, social role, or the gender role that you have, is identical to the biological gender you are born with. In Islam. That's how it is clearly to the point that the argument is not even made. It's it's mentioned as as a given. Allah made you into minute. Males and females men and women.

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And be mindful of Allah meaning have Taqwa what Allah have Taqwa of Allah, in whose name you appeal to one another, and Lady Tessa Aluna b He will hum. Most people most of us don't understand this. It just happens in Arabic and in English. What hola Lolita sir Luna V will or harm will come to explain this

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will or harm. So have Taqwa of Allah in whose name you appeal to one another and honor family ties? Surely Allah is Ever watcher is ever watchful over you.

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So this is verse number one again. So it's a call to humanity. It's an address to humanity, all of you. And what is emphasized here first, number one, the ultimate obligation upon humanity and that is to be true to Allah, which is taqwa, be dutiful to Allah, that's Taqwa. That's what the message is, and so and so lots and is that, but what is the flavor and the context that this theme is given?

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It is based on the backdrop background of your origin as humans, that you are the creation of Allah, Allah brought you into existence, and that's why you have to attend to him. You came from him. So you turned to him, he gave you life. So the force of life that He gave you, you're supposed to direct it back onto him.

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That's what taqwa in a different way. This is, this is how this is what it is. He created you. He gave you life and thus you are supposed to direct your life back to him.

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And the way he created you, He created you from Allah could have created humans Allah could have created 10 million humans all at once, right?

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It would be the same thing.

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Allah Subhana Allah says one mahalo Komaba through Camilla can have Sinhala Haider, your creation, and your resurrection again, bring you back to life again, is like creating one soul.

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So creating all of humanity, throughout the ages, from the time of Adam and Eve sinned until the last man to ever live on Earth.

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Is like creating one soul to Allah subhanaw taala. Like there's, there's no different level of difficulty here. So the same thing to Allah Subhan Allah he says, couldn't couldn't vehicle and he says be and that's it, it becomes.

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So why didn't Allah Subhan Allah create, let's say 10 million humans and say, Okay, you guys now can start reproduce and expand the number of humans? Why did Allah Subhana Allah started with one person. And from that person, Allah created his own wife, and from them both all humanity came about

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why? Because Allah wanted this bond, Allah wanted humans to be brothers and sisters. And this is how they are supposed to treat one another. This is how they are supposed to deal with one another and relate to one another. That's it. This is clear on the soil.

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And Allah created this

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familial relationship among humans, so that these relationships help help them worship Allah subhanho wa taala.

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In a family, there is a common culture, right? There is a sense of unity, that we have something as a family that we moving towards, we have something sacred, something common and sacred among us, right, that binds us together.

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And is something that we all moving to achieve. It's either preserving the family preserving the culture preserving, there's a sense of family sense of unity there. We have this at a global level as humans, we have this as at a global level. Why? Because we are all brothers and sisters in humanity. That's how Allah Subhan Allah designed it. And the reason Allah Subhan Allah made us brothers and sisters, is that we worship Allah in the sense of unison, we all together worship Allah acknowledging our common ancestry back to Adam who came from Allah subhanho wa taala. Very beautiful. It's extremely empowering. And he brings the concept of worshipping Allah subhanaw taala

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and gives it a family feel to it.

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So Allah Subhan Allah and Sorenson gerat Allah says, Yeah, Johanna so in a HELOC an outcome mean they're carrying what owner or humans we've created you from a May

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ln a female Adam and Eve, would you come shoot Reuben work on Isla Lita out of all, and we made you into races,

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different races, walkabout and tribes, whatever divisions you have, whether it's tribal, or whether it's

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social circle or social group, right, et cetera, or even ethnicity,

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whatever kind of divisions and subdivisions you have, that's a variety. It adds richness to the human race,

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which I'm not sure we're going to

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have, who saw that you get to know one another. And this kind of knowing one another is a fresh, because you all came from you all have the same origin, you all have the same blood, the same nature as humans, so you are brothers to one another. But by virtue of your own race, and your own locality, and your own unique, you know,

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your own unique was the word

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your own unique

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way of

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education and coming to be who you are, there is something unique and when you humans get to win, win, win, win the races get to know one another, and the tribes get to know one another, that enriches people's lives. So we have something in common but each group has something unique, each race has something unique, and each tribe has something unique, each social group has something unique. And when these different groups unique groups come together, there is so much that you can learn and benefit from it enriches the experience of the of the humans.

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But ultimately all of this is supposed to lead you to what to worship Allah subhanaw taala Allah worship Allah alone. And by the way that verse in Surah Hydrolat shows that as some of them have a serene they took from it the conclusion that actually races have some unique features not only physical features.

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So races, human races, they have unique features, some of them are bodily features, physical features, some of them are mental features, some of them are emotional features, and some of them are social features, etc.

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But no race is superior to the other.

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That variety enriches the human experience and we are supposed to connect to one another and benefit from the things that another race has. And thus we can incorporate whatever they have and benefit from it.

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Okay, so Allah Subhana Allah here is is basically is emphasizing the we are one family Surah, Nisa, and it's called in the South for a reason it's called Salatin is that for reason women.

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This tells you

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what this surah is about is about family.

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The dynamics of the family

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and all the dynamics, social dynamics that are that feed into the family.

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Be that marriage, divorce, inheritance,

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who to marry who not to marry,

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and other issues as well.

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since it's called the new set is actually quite telling there is a message in this since this talks about

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issues that pertain to the family

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and rulings that have to do with family dynamics.

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There is an insinuation

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that women are at the center of a family. And this is not to please, women. This is a reality.

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What binds the family together and what connects families together are women.

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In the Arab world, specifically in a sham area.

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There is something they call the the social web among women. Females.

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They say it's so intricate that it will surprise you.

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They say if you want to reach anyone, in a society or in a country,

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okay, go to the females in your family. You're going to find some connection.

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Women connect families. Tell us some someone has a daughter

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and this person is a US from Afghanistan.

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He has a daughter. He marries his daughter to someone from Egypt. You've connected

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to countries

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you've connected to countries and to families from two countries. And if there is no if there is a proper appreciation of family relationships, which Allah subhanaw taala recommends that we do, taking in connecting the relations of those

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translated here, family ties, honoring those family ties. The connection is profound and powerful.

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The Prophet salallahu Salam, one of the ways that he could reach out to different tribes and different nations was through what, through marriage

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through marriage.

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One of the things that really stand out for Egypt, the fact is the prophets of salaam married Marie, of the Allahu Ana, and the Prophet Salam only had the child from Maria Ibrahim

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and the Prophet SAW Selim said about

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about Egypt, still also be early Misra hierarchy in the home and the camera Hema program said, Take special care of the people of Egypt, because they have there is a there is there is an inlaw relationship that you have with them. His what his wife is from there is a strong connection. Many of the tribes, many of the tribes, they actually became Muslim when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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married from this tribe.

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So there is an insinuation in this verse and the whole tool. And the reason it was called, it's called actually in Nissa. T, and it talks about family relationships, but is that the centrality of the women

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in the structure and the stability of the household, and society. So if you want to destroy a society,

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all you have to do is shake the women, the mothers in it, that's it over.

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You can destroy the society.

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You destroy the family, by destroying the mother, the wife.

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If the mother has no interest in the household, if the wife has no interest in her marriage, and her life takes place outside of the house for the most part, then that's going to spawn a lot of problems for the kids, for the husband, for everyone involved. That's what you have to do. So the woman is the backbone of the house. She is the backbone and this is why the Prophet SAW Selim as he talks about responsibility, individual responsibility, the famous Hadith the Prophet SAW, Selim says Kulu, Qumran what could look on my own under a Yeti? All of you on every one of you is a shepherd,

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a shepherd and a leader. Ryan can be translated as a shepherd, it's the same word for two things, shepherd or a leader.

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And you will be responsible, you have to answer

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for those under your charge.

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For Roger, Laura and VBT are homeless at the man is in charge of the house, the household and he will be questioned about this.

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Well in model Atolla, yet on V boat V bait is OG Hawaii, Ms. O Latin antihero, and a woman in the house of their husband, she is in charge.

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She's in charge,

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meaning she is

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she's the operational manager. And that since she's the CEO, so the husband is the visionary. He's the board.

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Okay, he's the board. But who does the day to day in our functions and running of things is the mother is the wife

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and the profit center made that clear. So there is an insinuation about the centrality of women in the stability, the structure of the household, family ties, relationship between families, etc.

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Okay, and this sensuality of the women and the rulings that pertain to family and women issues, do not function in a vacuum.

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Everything in this sense should be seen within the context of worshipping Allah subhanho wa taala. The reason Allah Subhana Allah created us from

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one from one couple from a couple Adam and Hawa and made us brothers and sisters, so that we are connected all of us are connected by blood. All of us humans are connected by blood. So in a sense, humanity is one big family. The reason Allah made it this way is that we worship Him.

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We recognize this unity and we use these ties and this unity to worship Allah subhanaw taala

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Let alone and Allah Subhan Allah teaches us rulings here that pertain to how to organize the family how to organize issues that relate to the family and society in general, and other rulings as well. All of this is within the context of worshiping Allah and being dutiful to Allah fulfilling our purpose in this and on this earth.

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So, all of this is interconnected.

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And Allah subhanaw taala here she says, what Allah led me to set a luna be he will have him and be mindful or have Taqwa of Allah, in whose name you appeal to one another.

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Lady Tessa Aluna behave,

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you appeal to one another.

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In the Name of Allah, what does that mean?

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So there is a basic meaning here, which is,

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you fulfill the rights of one another.

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Because Allah subhana, Allah to Allah said, so

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you give people the rights because Allah says so out of your love of Allah, out of a sense of duty towards Allah and out of fear of Allah. You give people what are they? The rights upon you.

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people have rights upon you. They can ask, they can call upon the sense of obligation that you have, by Allah by the name of Allah give me my rights. That's the basic meaning. But there's another meaning. And this has to do with causality, cause and effect. Allah says, what the Allah Allah data set Aluna be he will Erhan you basically seek

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what you want.

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In the Name of Allah.

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You get what you want, in the name of Allah, what does this mean? This means

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and this is a very important point when dealing with people who deny the existence of Allah subhanaw taala.

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The dynamics in life,

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cause and effect relationships in life. They are set up by Allah.

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They are set up by Allah.

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And we cannot live without that.

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You cannot live if you don't drink enough water.

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You cannot survive if you don't eat food, who created that dynamic of nutrition, Allah. So you seek life and sustenance through following the rules that Allah set up in this world.

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So you actually arrive, if you deny the existence of Allah, whatever the rules of physics, chemistry, biology, all of these are actually they are set by Allah subhanaw taala, and you cannot overcome them.

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You cannot overcome the dynamics that Allah created in this world.

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This is part of the meaning that you seek what you want. And you get what you want, either from other humans, or from inanimate objects or the world, in general around you, even plants, mountains, whatever.

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Everything in existence, you seek what you want from it, through the laws that Allah set in this world that everything functions according to.

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So Allah is saying that you are dependent on Allah, in every single thing in your life and every everything that you seek.

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You are dependent on things and that on dynamics that Allah put in place.

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So don't forget that.

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Don't forget this. And this is the arrogance of people who deny the existence of Allah.

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That you are surviving on Allah's gifts. You are surviving and you are following divine rules that were put in this universe.

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And then you deny the one who put them in place. This is the RNA of of denying the existence of Allah subhanaw taala Okay, so what the Allah Allah does that alone me he will our ham.

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this is okay. This is more of an interpretation here the translation and honor the family ties, but literally what it says have Taqwa to Allah and family ties. How do you have Taqwa of family ties? There is something very special about family ties that Allah subhanaw taala singled out in the religion of Islam.

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There is a Divine Hadith authentic hadith

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where Allah subhanaw taala

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what Allah Subhan Allah says

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that he created

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Allow him family ties

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from underneath his throne that's the closest to Allah

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in terms of creation

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then Allah Subhan Allah says in the Divine Hadith What's your Tula is min min is me. And I gave a lot him family ties and name that is derived from my own name of lemon.

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So the family ties

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are so sacred with Allah Subhan Allah to Allah that Allah gave it a name which is Allah him that is the derivative of the Name of Allah Allah Jimin.

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And another ERATION Allah says whoever observes the family ties, I will connect him meaning I will connect with to him or to her.

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Woman, Katanga, Qatar and whoever severs the family ties I shall cut him off or cut her off.

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In a hadith authentic hadith from the Prophet SAW Selim, which says

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Men hubba

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and you Balak Han USADA who furiously while Yun said Allah Who V Edgerly, he fondly acelera haimo. Whoever, once Allah to give her more risk, more provision

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and expand his lifetime or her lifetime.

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Let them observe the family ties.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says on the Day of Judgment

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that Allah or Rahim

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be Alysha Rama.

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The family ties on the Day of Judgment will hold on to the Throne of Allah to one of the pillars of the Throne of Allah.

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Allah says, and they will cry out to Allah. Allah Subhana Allah says to the Rahim to the family ties, I titled Lena and I'll see them in wasa lucky work by Monica Aki.

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Would you be pleased if I connect whoever connects you over observes you and cut off whoever cuts you off?

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For Carlota Rahim Allah leads, Rahim family ties would say I accept I'm pleased.

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That shows you the importance of family ties in Islam the

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importance of family ties in Islam.

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this is why

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the instructions, the stipulations, the rules that Allah subhanaw taala puts here in salt in the SAP primarily and another source that set the whole dynamic of the family in a state of balance.

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All of that serves the purpose of observing the family ties and preserving them

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in ways that you humans cannot possibly even arrive at

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because we humans, and you can look at human legislation mad manmade legislations. We don't have any absolute morality in that sense, we don't have any absolute no reference, family law keeps changing,

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sometimes family is appreciated, then family becomes comes with before the individuals then times change, then individualism takes over.

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Then children, sometimes although there are cases where you know call for this, but you find children sometimes are taken away from their parents, because of a small mistake,

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or a mistake that could be corrected and fixed.

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Kids are taken away from the family, then even teenage teenagers are are encouraged to challenge their parents and view them as outdated.

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Obviously, not everyone, but I'm saying there is a general trend about this. Right. And you are supposed to make your own decisions. And if parents exercise any pressure on you, you can actually you know, reach out to the authorities and defy the authority of your parents and you can actually seek to leave the house of your parents and live live in a hostel or somewhere else.

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Then this will change. It will change because humans cannot possibly put the complex dynamics of a family that humans cannot read.

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Get get good hold of it.

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Only Allah subhanaw taala, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the creator of humans, Allah Allah momen Haluk, who a lot of people have, yeah, doesn't the One who created Doesn't he know his creation? Doesn't he know how to fix their affairs? He knows. But the problem is when you when we humans have so much pride and arrogance in our intellect, and we think we know the reality of everything, then we start, you know, speaking bad about divine legislation. Why? Just because we are so short sighted, we can't see long term.

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And we assume, you know,

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we have the wisdom.

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Then Allah subhana, Allah concludes this verse, the first verse, which is the central verse in Allaha, Khanna Allah, you come out of the IBA, indeed, Allah is a watcher of your Allah watches over you. So Allah is basically saying, Look, Allah starts with a taco taco is proactive. So you are supposed to proactively, you know, fulfill the rights of Allah and fulfill the rights of your immediate family, your extended family, and your bigger family of humanity.

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proactively do this by choice by conviction.

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Now, not everyone will be so proactive, not everyone will be so positive about this right there will there will be people who still stuck in their own minds, there are people who still would not see the point. And they will try to play games, Allah is saying in this case, then remind yourself and remember that Allah is a watcher over you. So if you violate these rights, there is punishment. And there is a problem, by the way, generally speaking in how our Islamic education and Islamic I would say,

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preaching although preaching is not it's not the right word, but for lack of a better word for now, Islamic discourse as we educate. There's a lot of emphasis on the final answer, which is the bottom line.

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Everywhere you find Allah subhanaw taala threatening with a punishment or reminding

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his creation or people about the severity of his punishment.

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This is all for people who are not self motivated to do the right thing.

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When we start with this, there is a problem.

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today, or yesterday, I was watching this

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short video

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can you take the kids who are playing on?

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There was this person, I'm not going to name the country.

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Because this person,

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I would say, maybe in his 20s

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Muslim figure is speaking to kids in a Muslim school, and he's showing them videos

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of kids being bullied

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of other kids being bullied

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real videos.

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And he's watching the reactions. Then after they watch the videos, a few of them.

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He says what do you think? If you were in that situation? So we asked them about their feelings? Then he says, What would you do if you were there?

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Some of them said, I would try to separate these two together,

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these two away from each other.

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Which was a very good actually a very good start. It's actually very good answer from this child. But look at the preaching now. And this is where it gets problematic.

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He says

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Now he preaches to them He says if you see someone being bullied,

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you have to stand up for them.

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You have to stand up for them. And remember, Allah is watching you and he's going to ask you about it.

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That caught my attention. You know, the kids already have this spirit to want to help a person who is bullied.

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Hey, what happened? I'm still hearing some stuff

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okay, so the kids are already showing, you know, the interest and the intention to help those that are bullied. Why not build on this? It's a proactive approach. It's the football is the nature of human beings, that they wouldn't come to the rescue of someone who's being bullied. That's great build on this

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But the approach of this person wants to what? Although like the kids already have the spirit. He said Allah will ask you about this Allah will hold you accountable now he's he's trying to strike fear. He's trying to strike fear. You strike fear when the person is not motivated, they're already motivated by you activating fear by the way, you have dissipated their own natural instinct to help someone who's in need.

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That's the problem. But if you look in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala usually calls upon our human nature, which is our fitrah, the good stuff in us, that that wants to do good. But when does Allah Subhan Allah mentioned punishment, as a scaffolding structure.

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So when someone is not abiding by the rules, now you put punishments, because Allah provides for everyone. But punishments are there

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as a supplement,

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not as the main course, as the supplement, the main course is Allah calls upon your human nature, if this is motivated, I don't need to motivate you like someone is let's just break it down and make it more simple. If you have a child and the child is already studying, they're doing their own studies, they're getting ready for the exams, they love the material and they read it.

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Like they're not saving any effort, you know, they are actually interested in the material, they're reading it, they're learning it, and they are ready for the exam.

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If you approach this child and say, Hey, if you do not study for the exam, you will fail or I won't take you on it on a vacation.

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How do you think the child is going to feel

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Depleted because you are treating them as if they don't have the motivation. You're already cancelling out we already dismissing you know the kind of interest they have.

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When do you use pressure,

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when to use pressure, you use pressure when the person is not motivated.

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So Allah subhanaw taala, you find him in the Quran, Allah first appeals to our good human nature, which is our fifth law that we have naturally. But in case someone is disconnected to this, and they're not tapping into this, and they still want to do the wrong things. Now you say, Okay, if you don't abide by the rules, there's this, these are the consequences. Because some people

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as they say, in again, in the area of Hashem, maybe you've eliminated

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right, Vijay will happen, like, it is not follow the right course, with good preaching, you have to you have to force them, you have to force them. And again, by the way, this is something that is very well known in research on motivation. On motivation, we have in very simple terms, two levels of motivation, we humans, we have an intrinsic level of motivation. Intrinsic motivation means you are interested in something, you don't need anyone to tell you to do it. Why because you love this thing. You're passionate about it, you do it, and you don't expect any reward. Why? Because the reward is in the engagement, it is so enjoyable, that you don't need anyone to tell you to do it,

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you're motivated.

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But there is something called extrinsic motivation meaning external motivation and this is basically you either using the carrot or the stick you either promising reward temptation, hey, if you do this, I will give you like

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a chocolate bar.

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This is pressured by the way. Or if you don't do it, right.

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You don't we you're not gonna we're not going on vacation or our will smack you or whatever,

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carrot and stick this is extrinsic motivation. Interestingly, and this is very well known and now in motivation, research, that if someone is already self motivated, have intrinsic motivation. The moment

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you exercise external motivation, extrinsic motivation, either by

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waving the punishment stick, all by waving some dollar bills, right? Temptation.

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You know what happens? Intrinsic motivation goes down

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and people lose interest.

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People lose interest. And what happens let's say you have a team and they are working on something and they really enjoy it and they love it.

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You want to push that level of motivation a bit higher. So you offer them something, if they work harder,

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they will work harder.

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But the moment there is no temptation,

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the level of motivation will not go back to the first level it will go down below and almost they will lose. They will lose interest completely.

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So again, in the Quran, you find Allah subhanaw taala, the the the general approach to humans, Allah appeals to our human nature to fitrah, which is intrinsically good. We love these things that Allah calls us to, by the way, naturally we, we are drawn to them naturally we are. But with some people, there are obstacles, they're not in, they're not reaching this, they're not in touch with this nature.

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So still, you have to give them a solution. And the solution is by pressure,

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by pressure. And sometimes this pressure actually, you know, leads them to open up inside sometimes. Okay, so the, the point here is, again, we overemphasize the punishment side, when someone is motivated, you don't need to motivate them,

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you actually do them a great disservice. If you try to motivate them. They're motivated, build on this, connect to it. And, you know, pull that further, pull it further and you help them but you treat it as if it doesn't exist and say, Allah is watching you is going to hold you accountable. Again, it's just like, you see someone like a child who prays observes the five daily prayers, they look forward to the next prayer, they want to pray. And you should see this child and say, Hey, by the way, if you don't pray, Allah will punish you. How do you think the child is going to feel? Like I'm already praying, right? And I'm already doing it from like, I do it meaningfully. Like I'm doing

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it out of my own self. Why are you treating me like this as if I'm trying to avoid it?

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That's problematic. So in the Quran, again, Allah subhanaw taala. This is and this is important in how we approach the Quran because if you are self motivated, and then you read some of the threats that Allah or the warnings Allah puts in the Quran,

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sometimes you might shoot yourself in the foot

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really, by focusing more on the punishment rather, rather than on the intrinsic interest that you already have in doing something good

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in Allah, so this is basically in the lock and Alikum, Lochaber in case in case you are not planning to do this or observe this, okay? Now remember, Allah is watchful over you. And again, it's a very gentle warning, Allah doesn't say a lot doesn't make it explicit,

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is a very gentle way of expressing this. Okay? So the whole surah is supposed to revolve around this meaning the wholesaler actually will be an explanation of this. So let's just put it together the central points. First, ALLAH is talking to all of humanity, all of humanity. So all humanity, need to pay attention. And something else here most of the big points, the major points in Surah, Nisa, are suitable

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to address Muslims and non Muslims. And here, there's another thing as well, we humans,

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when we talk to non Muslims, about Islam

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we're supposed to be wise in the sense, not everything should be mentioned.

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Not everything should be brought to attention, because there are things that only makes sense if you believe in the foundation of them.

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unless people bind to the foundation are convinced

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they want, you know, the, the branches of that will make sense.

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That's logical thinking. So

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if you and this happens, a lot of people who get engaged in debate they're really fall to this is that

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someone asks about details in Islam, or the laws of inheritance, since they're going to come here, come up here in Salt, and these are the laws of inheritance. Why is this and why is that?

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Right? Why does like brothers and sisters male takes double the share of a female? Why this is unfair.

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You're gonna argue with him about that, oh, Allah has mentioned his wallet and he said, I'm Muslim man can marry up to four women. How is this why isn't a woman allowed to marry up to four husbands?

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Why is as a man allowed to marry more than one it should be only one etc. Right?

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Now, if someone does not believe that this is divine from Allah, someone does not agree with you that this life is a test. Someone doesn't agree with you that this life is all about making it to Allah subhanaw taala and that Allah is the Creator and He knows what's good for humans. And Allah, Allah gives rulings that can accommodate a human or human conditions at all times.

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Then you don't have any common grounds. You don't have any basis is not going to make sense to them. It's not going to make

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answer them. Why? Because they are going to see these rulings based on their worldview, based on their assumptions about the world what the world is some of their assumptions is that

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males and females

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are not only equal but should be treated it in an in an identical way.

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That's not only equality.

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This is an identical treatment, because for them, it's an assumption that since they are equal, they're supposed to be treated in an identical way.

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So this is how they're going to judge the, the the, the other rules that you tell them and I shallowly Allahu anha, spoke about this dynamic very clearly. She said, had the first things of the Quran. First verses revealed of the Quran had they been,

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do not engage in Zina do not drink alcohol.

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The Arabs would have said, we don't want this, we're not going to obey.

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But Allah subhanaw taala sent down the verses about belief in Allah, about belief in the Day of Judgment. And when people believed, when these rulings came, they said somewhere in our apana. So this is about realizing that knowledge is not all at the same level. There are there's always a hierarchy, there's always a sequence.

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And any any new science, by the way, if you study any new science and a new area, if you don't have the basics, you know, the applications will make sense to you. Sometimes

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they will make, they will make sense to you. Why? Because there is a gap between you and that conclusion. And based on the logic that you're functioning on,

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there is a gap, it doesn't make sense, there's a discrepancy.

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So in order for you to bridge the gap, you have to study down foundations, the basics, when you study the basics, then it will it will create a new logic and based on that logic, those other conclusions will make sense.

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Same thing, and that's why I thought it only Allahu Anhu.

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He said, had death on NASA, the microphone to the donor and you kept up Allahu Allah solo. He says, Hey, speak to people, or talk with people, or communicate to people what they could possibly comprehend.

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Do you want people to reject Allah and His messenger?

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Meaning if you give someone a piece of information that is true, but they're not ready for it? Why? Because they don't have the basics for the foundation. They will misconstrue it because they're going to understand it based on the framework that is inconsistent with it

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and it will make sense to them. So they will reject Allah and His messenger.

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So this is important.

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So, almost the major points here in Surah Nisa, the rulings, the principles in Surah Nisa, they make sense to humanity, but not all the details, why? Because they need the basics before they get to the details. But this shows these issues major issues in Surah Nisa are of great importance to all of humanity. And this shows the message in Surah Nisa, the main points and certain things that are suitable for communicating Islam to non Muslims

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just like Surah Al Baqarah as well. Now, just to talk about the relationship between Surah Surah Baqarah Salah in this sense, the central theme in Surah to the Bacala appears also with within the context Yeah, you have NAS or humanity, and Surah Nisa, the central verse also appears within the context of young uns How did how do they how do the two relate to one another Surah Al Baqarah addresses humans with regards to the belief and Arcada

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about the acleda the faith, the elements of faith, the tenets of Islam

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Surah Nisa

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takes these beliefs and Surah Al Baqarah puts them to application in the family life and social life

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still in a way that is generally speaking, suitable and relatable to other human to all of humans.

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So Allah subhanaw taala then starts

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by talking about the rights of the orphans, again, we're not doing a detail to see it we just go over the main topics but sometimes when some verses have a very rich content, we sometimes you know, go a little bit deeper into them. But here Allah subhanaw taala is speaking about

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How to take care of the orphans. And again, this is something

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that was common, previously more common than it is now, today in the modern world, the family ties have been cut off most of the time. So you would have either governmental bodies, or charitable organizations taking care of orphans, and the funds that belong to the orphans, or the inheritance,

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Less so in the Third World, you'll find actually family members, uncle, cousin, an aunt, etcetera, they actually take care of the orphans, let's say oh, if they're both their parents die, or say one of the parents die, etc. There's a lot of family influence there. So ALLAH SubhanA, Allah says, and this applies whether the guardian of an orphan as a family member, or even as a complete stranger, so it's an organization charity, a charity or a governmental body.

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That to

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take care and be very transparent when it comes to taking care of the funds of an orphan.

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Then within the same context, Allah subhanaw taala talks about here

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about marriage. And he mentions here that a Muslim male

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can marry up to 1234. Right, but it's within the context of taking care of orphans.

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Some people use this to say, or it only applies in specific situations when there are orphan girls who are at the age of marriage. And there is special conditions that are very rare, then this ruling applies.

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Take this as a general rule with with the Quran.

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If you approach to the Quran, with assumptions, you're going to read your assumptions into the Quran.

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The only way to read the Quran is what we refer to previously as your road to your road is complete impartiality. You approach the Quran as a blank slate as much as possible.

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And try to see what the Quran tells you. These are the words of Allah, Allah tells you, but if you already have some inclinations, you have some assumptions. You have some ideologies and you're so keen about them. You are going to read them into the Quran.

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And the Quran is actually

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does allow for this admirable Hatha, probably Allah who I know he was warning the Muslims and he said, either Jaya della calm Hello, Hawaii, Bill Quran fecha de Loup hombres sunnah for in Oran, ahem MaryLu ah

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very, very powerful statement. He says, if the people have how are people of desire, meaning the people who already have an ideology already have an affiliation to some things to some idea.

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If they argue with you using the Quran, they will use the Quran to substantiate their points.

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respond to them using the Sunnah.

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Why? Because the Sunnah puts the Quran in context.

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It contextualize it to the Quran, so you can't mess with it. And that's why the people who call themselves today the Quran een they say we only take the Quran we have no guarantee that Sanoma is preserved, right? This is what these people are doing. It's a mess. You can ruin Islam completely by saying it the Quran because the Quran and this is the last bit of a mobile hardtop statement. He says so respond to them reply argue back with them using the Sunnah because the similar contextualize is the Quran, for in the Quran, Allah will do the Quran is open to multiple interpretations if it's taken along without context.

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That's the Quran is the nature of the Quran.

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And if you guys recall at the beginning of Surah, Al Imran Allah Subhan. Allah says it's Allah who sent the verse of the Quran down some of the verses are the mother of the book. These are the solid verses. They are definitive. There is they don't carry they don't have double meaning they don't allow for more than one and these are the mother of the book. These are the foundational verses and others are open to more than one meaning.

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So the ones who have some agenda, they start fishing in the verses that could take more than one meeting. But the people have knowledge we said the J

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Most of their approach is they go first to the foundation or versus the mother of the book, then they understand the interpret the other ones who could have more than one way or could allow more than one meaning, they, they, they they anchor their meaning based on the foundational ones and thus, there is no inconsistency. There is complete harmony throughout the Quran.

01:00:22 --> 01:00:46

So again, if you approach the top is saying you contextualize the Quran with the Sunnah. If people have agenda, argue with you on the use verses from the Quran, then you can answer back by contextualizing the Quran within the framework of the Sunnah. That's the only way otherwise the Quran allows for multiple interpretations.

01:00:48 --> 01:00:50

Okay, so

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then Allah subhanaw taala talks about the obligation of giving a woman a woman her Mahal, or Dory, right? It's her gifts, it's her right. So you have to give a when a husband or when a man marries a woman, he has to give her a Mahal

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and a mohawk could be anything ideally money cash ideally

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or it could be gold or silver or if not it could be anything of value anything of value

01:01:27 --> 01:01:39

you're supposed to give it to her now if he if she says no you can keep it or you can give it to me later on that's up to her but you cannot force her into this and you cannot

01:01:41 --> 01:02:16

use shyness basically make her feel bad you know using pressure using manipulation to get her to to let go of this and the prophets also themselves in a hadith ma Okay, they'll be safe will hire a for Hawa, haram whatever you take from a person by using basically manipulation is haram. How is it manipulation? Like these you see someone is like they just bought bought this new watch and it's really beautiful and say, Wow, what a beautiful watch. I've always wanted to buy one like this.

01:02:18 --> 01:02:24

You might actually really embarrass the person to the point they say hey man, hey, you can you can have it. This is how long?

01:02:26 --> 01:02:27

This is how long

01:02:31 --> 01:02:36

so actually we have a reference about this in the Quran.

01:02:40 --> 01:03:08

story about double daddy syndrome. And the story about two angels coming to him when he was taking the nap or Hal attack and about hustling. Is this a woman Hala Hala fuzzy I mean whom pallulah took off his money Ba ba ba ba ba ba in fact Columbia and I will hopefully we'll have to stop we're heading Illa Silva is set up in the hands of a healer who Tucson what is Rona? That genuine Willie Anna son with his own in tune with the energy

01:03:09 --> 01:03:10

so its own a

01:03:11 --> 01:03:21

nine to 10 Not just one what do you not just one why that for God? I feel Nia, why Zenni Phil Hey, Bob. Okay, so that would be Sam was taking a nap.

01:03:23 --> 01:03:28

Two people come to him. So I'm basically he had his routine was three days.

01:03:30 --> 01:03:42

Like the the routine or the cycle he had three days. One day he would judge between people he would sit to help people take their questions, their issues and deal with them.

01:03:44 --> 01:03:46

And one day he would

01:03:47 --> 01:03:53

worship just pray and fast. And one day he would work and make a living.

01:03:54 --> 01:03:55


01:03:56 --> 01:04:18

so I think it was during one of the days of his worship, he was taking a nap. So two men come and they have a dispute. Most of the majority of the scholars of Tafseer they say it was two angels, basically because they came upon him and they surprise him they he was taking by surprise because he just woke up and he sort of freaked out as he saw them.

01:04:23 --> 01:04:45

And they just come in and they come down. But we just have a dispute and we want you to help us sort it out. So one of them says, This is my brother. He has 99 sheep, and I have one sheep for all act funny and funny. He said, you know, give it to me. I'll take care of it for you. Let me maintain it for you.

01:04:46 --> 01:04:51

Well as any fellowship of meaning ALLAH Benny like it means

01:04:52 --> 01:04:56

he sort of exercised some pressure on me to get me to say yes.

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

To get me to say yes and give it to him. So he takes

01:05:00 --> 01:05:04

care of it. But obviously it seems that he had some other agenda other plans.

01:05:06 --> 01:05:16

So this is referred to he put him under so much pressure, manipulation. He cornered him, he made him feel embarrassed to the point that it was very difficult for him to say no.

01:05:18 --> 01:05:29

That would he said, Allah Allah. Allah Maccabee. So early energetica Irani idea, he said, he wronged you by requesting you to hand him over your, your only sheep,

01:05:31 --> 01:05:51

etc, at the end of the story. So basically, this is referred to in the Quran that it's not it's not it's mentioned negatively, it's not a good thing, to use pressure and manipulation and use someone's sense of bashfulness someone's embarrassment to get them to do something they're not comfortable with. This happens a lot in the workplace.

01:05:52 --> 01:05:55

And it happens a lot between friends.

01:05:56 --> 01:06:03

And it happens a lot as well sometimes with families and sometimes people embarrass you, they sort of corner you. So a point.

01:06:06 --> 01:06:19

Like, like, you find yourself compelled why? Because it's, it would be very embarrassing to say no, is put you in a very tight spot, like socially or emotionally tight spot. Okay, so.

01:06:21 --> 01:07:04

So Allah Samantha is saying that her husband, when when you marry a woman, you're supposed to give her her Dory, unless she says, No, you can keep it or take it. Or maybe she says, Give it to me, later on, etc. By the way, this is called a more harm. It's very common now in the, in the Muslim world, where a wife doesn't take her full Maha. upfront, she says later on, and most of the time they keep it for divorce. Like if you divorce me, you give it to me, right? But there is something they forget, actually husband and wife live together. And then the husband dies, and then they distribute distribute the inheritance.

01:07:06 --> 01:07:12

Before you distribute the inheritance, you have to give the wife the rest of her bar that was not paid for her that was not given to her.

01:07:13 --> 01:07:23

This is something people forget. So it's extremely important to for the woman unless she implies that forget about it, or something else.

01:07:26 --> 01:07:28

Okay, and Allah here says, Do not give

01:07:30 --> 01:08:07

the foolish basically incapable immature orphans don't give them their money, like you are their guardian, don't give them the money like this, the 12 years old, you know, they're gonna waste the money, right? Let's say they've inherited 50,000 say, oh, it's their money, I'm gonna give it to them. Or they might be again, like a little bit arrogant children, they say, Oh, I'm 13 I want to have a can legally you can take my money, give me my money, I want to use it. When Islam know what is done, the judge here rules, what's in the best interest of the child if the child is not mature enough, and most likely, they're going to waste their money, they're not going to be given the

01:08:07 --> 01:08:07


01:08:09 --> 01:08:11

They're not going to be given the money, why for their own sake.

01:08:14 --> 01:08:18

But what you can do is you spend on them wisely from this money.

01:08:22 --> 01:08:26

Okay, then Allah talks about the time when you hand over the money to the orphans, etc.

01:08:27 --> 01:08:45

And also if you're the Guardian, you can take a fee for looking after this money and investing it. You can take a fee. This is an allowance it's there, but it has to be named has has to be specific, and it has to be reasonable.

01:08:48 --> 01:08:56

Then this is all about inheritance. Now Allah says, when men, this number of seven men have their share of the inheritance.

01:08:57 --> 01:09:05

And women have the share of the inheritance. And this is something prescribed by Allah. It's an obligation.

01:09:06 --> 01:09:07

Then other etiquettes

01:09:09 --> 01:09:31

that pertain to the whole issue of inheritance. Then Allah starts in verse number 11, naming the shares, naming the shares and this is what is called the L model for our Maori science of Alvarado memories, which is basically the shares how they are distributed these verses and sort of things out of the foundational ones. Then we have some others in

01:09:32 --> 01:09:33

in other sorrows.

01:09:34 --> 01:09:45

At the end of saltiness, there is a couple and then there are others. And then in the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim certain instances how the prophets of salaam distributed inheritance will find something to compliment

01:09:49 --> 01:09:50

so we're not going to go into the details.

01:09:52 --> 01:09:56

Verse number 1112 13.

01:09:59 --> 01:10:00

Then Allah

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

Allah says these are the

01:10:03 --> 01:10:35

limits of Allah subhanaw taala you have to observe them. Now again, sometimes as I said, if somebody does not have the foundation does not know the, what we call Macassar, the Sharia or the logic and the philosophy behind, you know, Islamic legislation. They will misconstrue these these rulings. But again, you cannot take these rule rulings out of context, they work function within a context, there are financial obligations on males that are different than financial obligations on females. So all of that is taken into account. An example, if a woman

01:10:36 --> 01:10:37

she has a brother,

01:10:40 --> 01:10:51

their parents are dead, have already died. So there's only so let's say, she has her brother, he's alive. She's married, she gets divorced.

01:10:53 --> 01:10:54

She doesn't have a job.

01:10:55 --> 01:10:57

She doesn't have a place to stay in.

01:10:58 --> 01:11:17

Here in today in the Western world, what happens to her who's supposed to pay you pay for her? She has to pay for herself, right? All she gets family support, social support, whatever it is, she lives in a hospital, she doesn't have in a hostel, etc. She's given this she's given that and the whole, you know, downward spiral.

01:11:19 --> 01:11:20

In Islam, what is the ruling

01:11:22 --> 01:11:24

her brother is responsible for her financially.

01:11:25 --> 01:11:28

He has to provide her with accommodation,

01:11:29 --> 01:11:37

clothing, and food. He has to it's his obligation like he's responsible for his own children.

01:11:39 --> 01:11:42

If her father is alive, her father is obligated.

01:11:44 --> 01:11:47

That's it. Of her she has a son, a grown son.

01:11:48 --> 01:11:49

It's his obligation.

01:11:51 --> 01:12:08

So this is taken into account when it comes to the shares of inheritances. Well, based on these obligations, a woman does not have to provide in her household. She is not responsible for making money Islamically she wants to that's up to her. She does that voluntarily. But there's no obligation upon her.

01:12:10 --> 01:12:21

It's the obligation of the husband, he has to provide. So all of this is taken into account. So it's the whole system so you want to criticize something but the whole system together before you say anything.

01:12:31 --> 01:12:51

Okay, so I think it's good of an introduction, enough of an introduction today for solid Denisa. So we're going to stop at verse number 14. We're done with verse number 14. We're going to stop here. And next Friday in sha Allah we will carry on we'll try to cover maybe the first half of salt and Nisa

01:12:52 --> 01:12:55

can take a couple of questions if there is any

01:12:57 --> 01:12:58

questions further.

01:13:05 --> 01:13:07

Welcome to Mala toxin affiliate. Am I Yes?

01:13:17 --> 01:13:23

Yeah, good, because the connection here is cultural. It's a lifestyle, it's a different lifestyle.

01:13:24 --> 01:13:26

So, what used to happen

01:13:29 --> 01:13:32

in the J Helia, and the Arab world, and in the Arabian Peninsula,

01:13:34 --> 01:13:43

obviously, and this is something we tend to forget today. And the, in the light of advancements in medicine, we don't realize how healthy we are.

01:13:44 --> 01:13:45

And even like 100 years ago,

01:13:47 --> 01:13:49

people used to die in bulk.

01:13:50 --> 01:13:57

And I remember like, my dad was telling me like, in his own family, and his own family

01:14:04 --> 01:14:07

so his two brothers, my father and his own brother, my uncle.

01:14:09 --> 01:14:12

They had three other brothers who died as children.

01:14:13 --> 01:14:19

It was very common for people to die much more common than today, especially of illness or any disease.

01:14:20 --> 01:14:21

On my mother's side,

01:14:23 --> 01:14:24

she had

01:14:27 --> 01:14:28

five sisters

01:14:30 --> 01:14:31

who all lived

01:14:32 --> 01:14:37

to an older age but three brothers died within the first two years of their life.

01:14:39 --> 01:14:52

So it was a common thing for for life was much more risky. There was a lot of much more reasons for people people to die. So we used to happen in the Arabian Peninsula for example, a father dies

01:14:53 --> 01:14:54

or a father and a mother died die.

01:14:56 --> 01:14:58

And the daughters are left

01:14:59 --> 01:14:59

the daughters on

01:15:00 --> 01:15:01

left with the inheritance.

01:15:02 --> 01:15:03

Who would look after them,

01:15:04 --> 01:15:18

their uncle, if the uncle is not there, their cousins would look after them. And this was very common that a father or or an uncle would not be there. And usually we end up the the guardianship would end up being with their cousin

01:15:19 --> 01:15:20

would end up being with their cousin.

01:15:21 --> 01:15:46

And in this case, cousins actually used to take advantage. So the girl would be young, six years old, 10 years old, still not therefore marry, she has not reached the age of marriage yet. So they would do that. It was in many areas, it was an obligation upon the cousin to marry his cousin, the, his cousin, or the orphan,

01:15:47 --> 01:15:52

his female cousin who was an orphan, it was an obligation upon them to marry them.

01:15:53 --> 01:15:55

And some of them use to marry them why,

01:15:57 --> 01:15:58

when they when they became,

01:15:59 --> 01:16:01

you know, when they reached the age of marriage,

01:16:03 --> 01:16:04

they would marry them.

01:16:05 --> 01:16:10

Not because they love them, or because they really want to marry them, but because of their inheritance.

01:16:11 --> 01:16:19

So they could use their money, invested in business, etc. So a lot of injustice, a lot of these orphan girls would

01:16:20 --> 01:16:29

get married to their cousins, and their cousins were older than them, who would just take advantage of them. So Allah here is saying,

01:16:30 --> 01:16:52

and if you suspect here, fear, basically, it's translated as fear. But if you suspect this kind of fear is suspect, you suspect that you would not give these cousins, the orphan cousins that you have, if you you suspect, you would not be able to give them the rights. Why, because you don't really like them, you just marry them for the money, or for the sense of obligation,

01:16:53 --> 01:16:55

okay, then don't do that.

01:16:57 --> 01:17:32

You want a wife, you marry, you can marry any other woman, it doesn't have to be your cousin. So the sense of obligation that was there, among many of the Arabs, it was canceled and abrogated. You don't have to marry them. And the sense of sometimes the greed that you marry them for your lust for their money, right, then, if you do that, for the money, most likely you won't give them the rights as your wives. So again, this is canceled. And then Allah says, then what you can do, you can go and marry other women, and you can marry 123.

01:17:33 --> 01:17:45

You see, this is where the first clause comes in, as well. And also, there's another scenario, where, in certain places where there was a sense of obligation to marry your cousin who was an orphan,

01:17:47 --> 01:17:54

it was an it was an obligation in certain areas. So a person would marry her out of obligation, but he could not treat her well.

01:17:55 --> 01:17:58

And he was stopped treat her as the cause of his misery.

01:18:00 --> 01:18:13

Like I, I'm, I'm with you, and I can't marry anyone else, because I had to marry you because of this social obligation, family obligation. So Allah says, if you suspect that you won't treat them fairly, you're gonna treat them nicely.

01:18:14 --> 01:18:24

Hey, you can go and marry another woman. You don't have to keep all of your anger and, and resent resentment on this poor, poor girl. You can go and marry other woman.

01:18:26 --> 01:18:27

So you can have more than one wife.

01:18:28 --> 01:18:36

Okay, so the issue is sometimes people use this scenario to say, Okay, it's only in these situations now, but there's a rule in Islam.

01:18:37 --> 01:18:40

That label ought to be

01:18:41 --> 01:19:18

a moment left V, la hustles. A suburb. Okay. So basically, there are rulings that might be when they are sent down, they're sent down in response to a specific situation or context. But these rulings apply across the board even beyond this situation. This is a rule in solid. So this is where it comes from. And there's a long story, by the way, by reading a book of Tafseer, like if we have the summary, if you have the translation of Ibn katheer, which is the translation translation of a summary, it actually gives a very good background on where this comes from. So I would recommend you read it Yeah.

01:19:20 --> 01:19:28

Hollis Hollis, you had originally gone read it he actually gives a very good explanation on the background of this another question.

01:19:49 --> 01:19:49


01:19:56 --> 01:19:59

so Why did Allah Why did Allah create Adam with his own hand?

01:20:00 --> 01:20:00


01:20:01 --> 01:20:09

the answer is lie, use alumni or fan or home use alone. Allah has not asked about why he does things.

01:20:11 --> 01:20:23

He definitely there is a wisdom. Can we improvise? Yes, the scholars have already done that. And they said this is an honor special honor for Adam Allison. But he's a special creature.

01:20:24 --> 01:21:03

Allah could create Adam yes be and he just comes into existence. But Allah created Adam with his own hands for a reason. Now we don't know exactly what it is Allah did not state it. But you can infer that from many verses in the Quran that Allah gave humans something special. There's something special about humans. So this most likely is one of them to honor Adam and his children that Allah created them with his own hands. That's it. Are there any, any wisdom? Definitely. Maybe some other scholars came up with some other wisdoms? It's likely but can we arrive at Allah's ultimate wisdom behind this? No.

01:21:04 --> 01:21:06

But the general rule is that

01:21:10 --> 01:21:21

we don't ask why Allah does things. But but that doesn't mean you don't inquire if you have it in your mind and you find this curiosity come you know,

01:21:22 --> 01:21:32

go ahead and ask no problem. But not a question of suspicion and disbelief, right? A question of inquiry. But again,

01:21:33 --> 01:21:39

we shouldn't be having much of if someone has much of those there is something at a deeper level that needs to be fixed.

01:21:41 --> 01:21:41


01:21:42 --> 01:21:44

one more question then we'll go

01:21:46 --> 01:21:47


01:21:48 --> 01:21:49


01:22:19 --> 01:22:23

Matthew Philip Quran well if you Hadith Hadith by

01:22:24 --> 01:22:27

the palace, how do you feel Hadith

01:22:28 --> 01:22:30

recoloured EULA Shatha about

01:22:31 --> 01:22:40

WOMAC Aloha mama, Michelle Mohammed, Mohammed Al haram yaku Yara and Nightster Jabra

01:22:41 --> 01:22:58

so the brothers asking when we make dry do we say yeah Rob, what do we say Allahumma any form of Onida calling upon Allah should be okay with DUA and if it because maybe in the Quran you don't have ya allah

01:23:00 --> 01:23:15

per se but you know we it's first it's in the Arabic language. It's okay. And the Hadith we have some you have some this is the one that jumps to mind which is the Hadith of the prophets of salaam that mentioned someone who says yeah, I'll be out up

01:23:20 --> 01:23:33

No, no this is a forced con again Allah Allah this is this is need that Allah is drawing to the attention of someone Hey like hey, you're right. You're You're so

01:23:37 --> 01:23:38

how can you that NIDA

01:23:39 --> 01:23:41

Health Canada Health neither

01:23:42 --> 01:23:43

shall muscular

01:23:47 --> 01:23:48


01:23:50 --> 01:23:57

sorry I'm gonna just say this in Arabic I'll summarize in English fee cathedral men and nursing and but oh you too fanciful Quran

01:23:58 --> 01:24:21

issue full Quran Asha from near Cluj be stint Agia to avoid like another volatile Hadith in Episode salam to Calif fell May May in but he had the bottlenecks you call Lukla jiu jitsu Quran 11 Quran, I will merge Matheran Dicker carry Metka ilimitado. Cada Farah, you just decree laka

01:24:22 --> 01:24:25

had had a couple of Zide had said

01:24:27 --> 01:24:34

che che if you look at Albion and bourbon NIDA, you know that we analyzed mafia, Allah, Allah, Ya Allah, yada, yada

01:24:37 --> 01:24:40

by how you have a record of rasuluh Yara be

01:24:41 --> 01:24:44

in Omega Doha the Quran Madura

01:24:45 --> 01:24:47

ha by yourself.

01:24:49 --> 01:24:52

Yeah, so we got to be in a phone call affair.

01:24:55 --> 01:24:56

So again,

01:24:57 --> 01:24:59

some people you know, just today very

01:25:00 --> 01:25:16

People are very get into sophistry today and like they they try to make up rules about the Quran because something did not occur in the Quran then it shouldn't be done or shouldn't be said etc but you will find that in the sooner you'll find it in the Arabic language. So again, this is

01:25:18 --> 01:25:23

this is an extreme an extreme approach to the Quran which is not right. Which is not right yeah.

01:25:24 --> 01:25:28

By one and dalla have to conclude sorry yes

01:25:34 --> 01:25:35


01:25:47 --> 01:25:47


01:25:48 --> 01:26:01

so the brothers saying that we don't know of a shape of Allah so how do we say Allah has hands? Now we don't say Allah has hands. But Allah refers to his hands in the Quran is a man of man man. Now, let us do Delima halacha to be.

01:26:02 --> 01:26:06

Allah says to shape on what prevented you from

01:26:07 --> 01:26:10

prostrating to what I created with my hands.

01:26:12 --> 01:26:22

Allah refers to that. So the rule with this whatever Allah describes himself in the Quran, and the prophets of salaam describes him in the authentic sunnah.

01:26:23 --> 01:26:41

We take it, general rule, we accept it without asking how? And without asking, What's the shape? We don't know. We don't know. Now Allah exists, right? You exist, right? Is your existence the same as Allah's existence?

01:26:43 --> 01:27:10

I said the same thing, anything that belongs to Allah, any attribute of Allah has cannot be compared to ours. But is it true if it's mentioned in the Quran? And mentioned in the authentic hadith and it's true, and the heart does not inquire about the shape or Hi, that's the nature of the heart. What inquires about the shape, it's the mind. And it only inquires about the shape when it gets into a state of obsessive thinking, which is wastewater.

01:27:12 --> 01:27:26

And the shaytaan instigates in this, and the Prophet Solomon says in the Hadith, you have to show on earlier how do you convert old man Holika shows Rama Calaca sama Shavon comes to one of you says who created the tree Who created the heavens who created the earth?

01:27:27 --> 01:27:35

Had your old man Haleakala then it will come shaytan will lead him with this trail of sequence of questions to say, Okay, who created Allah

01:27:36 --> 01:28:13

from unwanted Alec and his date? Billa folio music while he started Billa whoever finds this or chemical risottos whoever feels this or their mind, get them to this point. Let them stop and say I'll double lamina shaytani R rajim. Yeah, so we don't know how we don't attribute how to Allah. But if Allah describes himself in a way in the Quran, and the person describes him as authentics and in a way, we don't have the right to say no, or change the meaning. Simple, Monica Luffy played see inshallah next Friday. So last semester, Muhammad told us

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