Nadim Bashir – Kaleemullah #02 – The Intelligence of the Sister of Musa (AS)

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of learning from experiences and lessons in learning, being aware of the consequences of following instructions given by parents, and being respectful when calling children. They stress the need for parents to teach children what social skills they have and give them opportunities to interact with other people. The speakers also emphasize the importance of educating children on what they need to do and giving them opportunities to learn. They provide lessons on the importance of delegateing responsibility and assigning responsibilities to children to prevent failures and avoid disrespect.
AI: Transcript ©
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said I'm on a call Muhammad Allah here but okay to be Salam or Haman hamdulillah Habib Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Jemaine and my bad. Welcome to another segment of Kali Mala, where we take lessons and reflections from the story of Musa alayhis salam. So last week we talked about Mousavi, Islam being put into the basket. And we talked about the mother of Musala Islam, her determination, her faith and so forth. And you know, subhanAllah one thing that we learned about Musa Hassan's mother is that her name is not mentioned in the Quran. In fact, we don't find any woman's name mentioned in the Quran, besides Maria Mata has set up. And you

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know, subhanAllah one of the names that is mentioned of the mother Musala, his son in the Torah, or the name that is given to her in the Torah is Joka bed and joke about actually means strong hearted person. And subhanAllah we find that the Quran mentions that how strong of a Iman and how strong of a heart, the the mother musalla Islam have. And the point in this is that the Quran does not get into information that is irrelevant to the reader. The Quran only has that information that is relevant to the reader. So ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala knew that mentioning her name is not as important then mentioning her Iman and her strong resolve and her strong heart. And somehow this is something

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that we find many times in the Quran. In fact, you know, during my interfaith interactions I've had with many faith leaders and so forth, you know, subhanAllah one time I was invited to a church, and we were talking about the story of Yunus, Adi he's, and I remember, like, there was so many, many there are so many names mentioned in the Bible, of the people who, you know, who had a role in the, in the story of yunusov at Salaam. So there was a name of a person who had the shape and, you know, who should we belong to and so forth. And, and that's one thing is that one of the things about the Quran is that it does not mention all this information, why because names are irrelevant. Lessons

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and reflections are the most important thing. So I want to Inshallah, once again, as I mentioned earlier, we're not going to go through the story of Musa Lisa, as much as we're going to go through the lessons and reflections from his story. Now Subhanallah when we talked about the sister of Musashi salaam, you know, it's interesting that from Musa your son's mother Musa says mother is telling her telling her daughter, the sister of Musa that we're calling to heal could see that remember the time when the mother of Musa told her daughter will see go and follow your brother Musa alayhis salam. Now Subhan Allah from this, we find that there are many lessons that for parents and

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there are many lessons for children to in this and I want to share both of them with you today. So in short, this is not only for parents, this is for children and you know, subhanAllah our deen teaches us that there's always lessons for both is not only for the children, because a lot of times what happens is that if there are lessons given only for the children, or the children have to do something that the parents always are telling their children see you got to listen, and you got to do such and such. But the Quran in our deen is very balanced when ALLAH SubhanA talks about responsibilities of the children. The Quran talks about responsibility to the parents too. So let's

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go through them in sha Allah. The very first thing is that what are the responsibilities of the children? First of all is that from this is when when Musa as mother says to her daughter will call them they ought to hear or see. That's all that she had to mention. Now the sister of Musa Assam is not saying that. Oh, Mom, don't you understand that is dangerous outside. Okay, you know, what, how should I go? What should I do? She's not asking any kind of questions like, you know, like, where should I go? Who should I talk to? Who shall not talk to and so forth. She's not asking a lot of questions. This girl is teaching that when her mother is being told something, then She obeys. Now,

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when it comes to our children, this is actually first of all a lesson for our children, that when it comes to the children, you should not be asking your parents too many questions. Why? Why? Why today? Subhanallah we live in a time that when your parents tell you to do something, then you shouldn't be asking why, but rather you should do. We see the story of once again, the sister of Musa Islam. She's being told go and follow and now she's not asking any questions that you know, how should I do and so forth. But she is a bang as she's being told. And she's not asking why that why don't you go

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wouldn't do it, some of you SubhanAllah. Today we have kids today who are saying that, you know, why do you want me to do it, you go do it, and so forth. And they're being disrespectful to their parents in this way. So this is why it's very important, especially for our children, that they should always have this, this nature of following instructions of their parents, and you and to the all the children, when your parents telling you to do something, they did not need to tell you so many times today, subhanAllah, we live, like, it just happened to so many children also, you know, actually on my own too, and, you know, so many parents did come to me with the same complaints that

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we got to keep on telling our children time to time. And what happens is that, you know, you know, the parents will keep on telling their children, and after a while, they will say, like, oh, I don't remember that you told me this. So that's why my advice to all the children is that number one, you have to follow the instructions of your parents, you don't ask too many, why questions. And when you respond, when you respond to your parents, you have to respond with the highest level of respect. So when that means that when your parents call you, and they call you once, first of all, you should answer them. And number two, is that when they call you, you respond with a very respect in a very

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respectful tone. So a lot of times, it's about the tone, and it's about what we say. So when the parents call you, so first of all, you respond in a very respectful tone, you keep your voice low, you keep your tone, correct. And then not only that, but you say, you know, give a respectful gesture to your parents, you know, okay, yes, me, John, or a boo John, or whatever it is, whatever you say, in your house, in your household, but use a respectful tone. And, and do not say what, or what do you want, you know, a lot of times Subhanallah today, our kids a lot of times, you know, kids in general, when they're being called, they get so frustrated, their parents are calling them.

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And so when they come, they will come and say, you know, they'll have a very disrespectful tone. So we find once again from the sister of Musa alayhis salam, when her mother gave her very specific instructions to do something, she did it and without even asking too many questions. You know, subhanAllah we also find that this is an advice for the parents now to that when we find the story when we find the mother of Musa giving her daughter instructions. Now she never had to say okay, you know what, when she said go and follow Musa now she was smart enough to understand that when my mother says to me follow Musa that means that everything associated with that instruction shall be

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understood to today, you know, many of our kids have become very literal, you give them one instruction, they will do only that. The sister of Musa is not like that. And we see that the reason why Allah subhanaw taala mentioned her in the Quran to is to give a lesson to all of us, it's a it's a time to reflect on this, that the mother Musa did not have to say, okay, you know what, this is the way you're gonna dress up, this is what you should wear, you know, don't tell anyone about your brother, she never, you know, she never had to tell her her daughter that do not talk to strangers do not talk to people. She never tried to tell her daughter that just be smart. But the Quran

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mentioned that she did all these things under one instruction known as follow your brother. Now for our parents, what do we need to learn from this, we have to make our kids enough smart. Okay, we have to make our kids so confident that they can have social skill sets, that they know how to go, and they can interact with other people. I talked about this last week too. But Subhanallah The reason I'm sharing this is because today most of our kids are living in a virtual world. Our kids are living in a social media world. You know, subhanAllah I remember I had a session one time here at the masjid. And these are like small kids. And I asked him one time and we had this discussion

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about social media. And you won't believe it that you have like small small kids like these are like kids who are like 678, probably at the most like 910 years old. And if there's one dream that they have, where they want to do so much, is to have their own YouTube channel. Now, if you want to have a YouTube channel, that I understand that if you have something good to share, that's fine. But today, we find so much foolishness online and on YouTube, and SubhanAllah. Many of our kids this is their aspiration that they have, they live in that kind of world all the time. Now what we need to do as parents is that we have to find a way to disconnect them from that virtual world, that social

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media world and we have to bring them to a real life reality and bring them to real life and the skills that are related to real life. This is something very important that we have to do. We have to teach our kids what our social skill sets we have to teach our kids what our day to day life skill sets. We have to give our kids responsibilities. I outside the house we need to give our kids responsibilities inside the house. Whenever you

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Do Anything you're taking out the garbage, get your kids involved, if you're doing anything small, like he might be even like cutting, you know, cutting like fruit or cutting, you know, these kinds of things, of course, you want to be careful too at the same time, but we teach them this is how you do things, this is how you cut things. I mean, subhanAllah, we find that many of our, you know, parents, you know, our immigrant, the immigrant community, when they came here, there were probably like, you know, they were very young at that time, but they knew so many life skill sets. But today, subhanAllah, you have a person, you have a child in our community, or you have even a teenager, and

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they know, they don't know how to do the basic things of life. So this is why it is so important that we need to get them involved, disconnect them. Now when I say disconnect, please not take me literally what that means is that try to limit their, you know, their social media connection, if they want to watch you too. First of all, we must monitor what they're watching on YouTube. And number two is, I would never recommend and this happens in many families, try not to give your kids the phone in their hand, if you need to put up something on the the regular TV that even parents can see at the same time, what their kids are watching, but everything should be visible. At the same

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time. You know, disconnecting from disconnecting from that, and from from virtual reality, and you know, especially when it comes to our boys, there's so much hung up on video games. Now understanding if you're playing video games as a young child, but you have people like and, you know, youngsters, you know, wasting hours and hours on end on just playing like, you know, games are not going to really benefit. Like, you know, there was a time when fortnight was so much, you know, popular that you know, some time ago is still popular to a certain extent. But Subhanallah, you find kids sitting on there for like three, four hours on end, I understand if you want to play video

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games for a short while to give your mind a break from whatever you're doing, that's fine. But for hours on end, YouTube on hours on end, now, if you're watching lectures, and so forth, I can understand, but just you know, just watching foolishness, and just being disconnected from reality. Parents, you have a moral obligation to disconnect your children from that. As I said, social interaction social skill sells a skill sets, teaching our kids what our street smarts, we haven't teach our kids exactly that to another thing that we also learn along with, as I said earlier, engaging them with into your household responsibilities is to delegate responsibilities to them. Now

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Subhanallah today, you tell your own child, go and do this for me, or go and learn how to do this. And the first thing they will say is like Mom, Dad, I don't know how to do that, you know, tell me how to do that. Now, this is where you have to, of course, teach your child. This is where you have to educate your child. And you teach them enough that later on when you give them a responsibility, then they know how to exactly solve that problem in life. This is part of parenting too. And so what I said earlier is delegating, delegating responsibilities to our children. And as parents, we observe them after delegating, where they falter. And where they fail. We encourage them provide

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more confidence. And we tell them that next time, this is the way you do it. This is something very important. As parents, we should not feel that you know what I need to keep them into a bubble today. Subhanallah so many parents are keeping their kids in a bubble. We don't want to teach anything to our kids. Even we don't want to take our kids outside interact with other people why? I mean, subhanAllah you find parents even saying today that we live in a world of kufr. I mean, Cofer is there out there we live, where we live in, in a society and environment where we're gonna have more non Islamic inclination, that Islamic inclination, but that's how you teach. This is how you

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teach our children and our future leaders in sha Allah and the youth, that this is how you function Islamically in a non Islamic world, this is how you need to do things. Now, if we keep you in a bubble all the time and I say, You know what, I'm not gonna let my child go outside. Because it's a world full of Cofer. Things are not going to get easier. Okay, as we get closer to the day of judgment as time elapses, things are gonna get worse eventually. So it's better to teach our children and as I said, delegate, give your children a responsibility. Let them do it, let them take care of it. You know, subhanAllah when we talk about delegation, I want to mention something very

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important. You know, first of all, is that, you know, I'm sure all of you have seen, there's something called Ford, you know, Ford cars, you when you're on the road, you always see Ford, you know, if you actually studied the history of Ford, Henry Ford, and so forth. You know, one thing that we find is that Ford Company was at one time on the brink of filing for bankruptcy, like they're about to shut down. And I remember I was reading this in a book of leadership, that part of leadership and

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Be patient as a leader in some capacity, part of leadership is to delegate responsibilities. Now, it's mentioned that I don't remember whether it was a son of Henry Ford, I believe it was the grandson, Henry Ford, that he came into the position of leadership. You know, it was the very first thing that he did, he began to delegate responsibilities. Henry Ford, on the other hand, never used to delegate responsibilities. He always wanted to do everything by himself. And that's why many people they say is that because of the fact that he was so burnt out, and he had to do everything. This is why there are many things that were getting neglected. This is why when his grandson walked

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in, and he stepped through the door, the very first thing that he changed was he began to delegate. When you delegate, you're able to take care of everything. Rasulullah sallallahu? It was set it up. Do you think that he was there in every single expedition? No, there was some expeditions that he delegated responsibility. There was so many affairs of the city that he delegated responsibilities to others that the whole of Arashi don't they delegated responsibilities to other people. So delegation, delegation, delegate to others is very, very important. And we find even in the seat of the prophets of Salaam, that even when he you know, Subhan Allah we find that he made close to his

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close to him, him passing away his own adopted son. So Zaid was his adopted son, and then his son who some evenings, it was summer evenings at one time, he took the life of a person in a battlefield, and the problem was really upset about it. But even after that the prophets of salaam he delegated the responsibility of being a leader of an entire army before he passed away. The point is, also is that while we delegate responsibilities to our youth, and our children and so forth, if they falter, if they fail, it doesn't mean that we cannot give them another responsibility. So as parents look, once again, the mother of Musa alayhis salam is delegating a very important task to

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her own daughter. And so this is why and as mentioned that her daughter, and in some books has mentioned the How old was this girl, she was probably like 1012 years old at the most, but she has enough street smarts that the Quran says for bas will not be here on June Aubyn. The Quran says in the story of Musa Lisa, that as she was following, because the mother says Follow the basket and she's following the basket. Now she's so smart that she's making her way through the city. She's not making the the case too obvious that she keeps on looking at the basket, okay, that people are gonna get suspicious about it, neither. And she's being too like, you know, too casual about it either.

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But she's so smart, that she knows who to talk to, who not to talk to how to get through the city. And then not only that, but she had enough confidence that she was able to go and speak in front of her own, and His entire ministry and the wife of fit own.

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Seattle the alotta on her. So this is why it's so important that we teach our children about world world or real life reality. So once again, there was an advice for the children there that advice for the parents. Now, two more important things that we learned from the story of Musa Islam. Musa son grew up where he grew up in the palace of Iran, for the owner was the one who was after that Musa who is that Musa, who is a child who is going to destroy my kingdom who's going to bring me down. It was that same child as growing up in the palace in his own palace, while he's out there trying to take the life of so many children in so many babies, that one baby who's going to be the

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cause of that is going to be the cause of his downfall is growing up in his palace. What do we learn from this? Allah subhanho wa Taala is the all protector. When I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for protection, that means that Allah subhanaw taala will inshallah take care of me and He will protect me. And once again, we've talked about this before when it comes to Allah subhanho wa Taala you don't have to try to make sense how Allah does things, you ask Allah subhanaw taala for protection, you do what you we do what we have to do on our end, and then we leave the rest in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala finally, the last lesson that we can take from this story and and so far is

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that Musa alayhis salam, once again he became who a prophet eventually and you have the wife of fear to own that eventually she became a believer and she will inshallah be one of the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hereafter in sha Allah. But what we learned from this is that the household was What is it a noble household or is it corrupt household is a corrupt household, but from this corrupt household, you have the likes of the wider fan own.

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And you have people like Musa Islam emerging from that household there

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point is this, there are some situations where family has a very big effect, and how a child grows up, it all depends on the family to at the same time, there are some situations that you could be in the worst situation. But a person emerging from that household can be someone who's very close to Allah subhanaw taala. And on the flip side, you can have a household that is very noble, and you have a person emerging from that household, who is a complete disobedient person to Allah subhanho wa taala, such as in the case of Nuada, he's Suriname, we're not going to of course, question no other Islam and his parenting skills and so forth. That was Allah subhanaw taala and his doing and

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his wishes. The point is this is that when we see a person, and we see a, you know, we see a family that's very far from Allah subhanho wa Taala Never underestimate anyone, you know, subhanAllah a lot of times when it comes to the religious community,

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people have a lot of religiosity in their life. When they see someone who is far from Islam, they're like, You know what, this person Allah is never gonna give them hidayah I'm much better than them and so forth. And I am more beloved to Allah than them and they are so far from being and a lot of times what happens is that we become disrespectful towards them, we begin to look at them in a lower manner. Remember that he Daya is all in the hands of Allah subhanho wa taala. You cannot judge anyone just because they might be doing something wrong, a person, a woman who is not wearing hijab, you cannot be judgmental towards her. Yes, the fact that she may not be wearing your hijab, that is,

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you know, she's doing something wrong. And she shouldn't be wearing the hijab. But if I'm going to sit there and demean her, if I'm going to sit there and say I am better than her, because she's not wearing the hijab, and the Allah subhanaw taala. I'm much better than her and I'm gonna go and go to Jana, and she's gonna go to jahannam no person has a right to say anything like that. Same thing for the brothers. If you see a person who's not coming to the masjid, or a lot of times we judge people based on the fact that do they have a beard? Do they not have a beard, what kind of clothes they wear and so forth. Remember that that's not our position, position to judge other people. Allah is

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the judge, let Allah Subhana Allah judge other people the way he desires, but that's not our position. And if we see someone who's far from the end, there's a very big chance that if I look down on them, there's a very big chance that I before I pass away, I could be far from the and they could be much closer to Dean. This has happened so many times. So remember the story of Omar hottub? Oh my God, look how far before he became a Muslim before he became a Muslim. He passed by a woman who was from the Muslim community. They were about to travel and about to travel to and move to Abyssinia, we know the seat of the Prophet. At that day. That same evening, the husband came by, and

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he asked his wife, is there anything that happened? She said that Subhanallah Omar came today by us, and he asked us where it was happening. And I told him that we're moving to Abyssinia and he said that May Allah be with you actually did say this. He was on a Muslim at that time. But he said that May Allah be with you. And he said and she says that perhaps do you think that Omar, you know, almost, there's Iman coming to Omar's heart. And the husband said that Omar and Islam I believe that the donkey's of the house of Omar will accept Islam before he accepts Islam. The husband said this Subhanallah and today we find who was on top you cannot judge anyone we find even from the house a

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corrupt household. You have you have a person like asilo the Ultron you have

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you have Musashi some emerging from that house and it's a corrupt household. So never underestimate anyone always make dua for people if you see a person far from Assam, make dua for he there he Daya make dua that Allah subhanaw taala keeps us steadfast on the deen. This is what a true believer does. So these are the three things or four things that we have learned today from today's session. There was lessons for the children, lessons for the parents. The third thing is always ask for ALLAH SubhanA wa is protection and do what you have to do. And Allah subhanaw taala will protect if Allah chooses to protect no one can harm you. And the last thing is do not ever underestimate or look down

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on anyone who does not have been in their life. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give all of us ability to learn from these lessons and reflections from the Quran and Middleboro Alameen zakat Malachite salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Barakatuh.

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What's going on? I don't law hula

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