Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2009 – Cape Town – Day 14 The Prophet

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and use of words in language, emphasizing the importance of understanding the meaning of "has" and "has" in the Bible and avoiding confusion. They stress the need for proper understanding of the language and accepting correction. The speakers also touch on personal and professional behavior, including the concept of "we" and the importance of being a person.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakato

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was happy he woman instead of a Buddha who above all praise is indeed due to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations upon the masterpiece Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless him and to bless every single one of us. We asked him to bless him for as long as those who are breathing or breathing before that and after that inshallah and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to grant us all blessings. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to protect us from every form of evil on Earth, llama beloved brothers and listeners, dear sisters as well. This evenings verses

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bring tears to the eyes where the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one of the most pure of all females to exist are isharo the Allahu anhu, the daughter of Abu Bakr, Siddiq, radi Allahu anhu, was accused of committing adultery, may Allah protect us, and she was as pure as anything purer than the purest on earth. And Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of this in the surah that we read tonight so that you know, in the closing verses that we recited tonight, and imagine, if they could have done that to the wife of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, the purest of the pure, it shows they will not stop anywhere. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us

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from false accusation, and may He protect us from being falsely accused.

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May He protect us from accusing others as well? We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala has forgiven us in every single way, and we asked him to grant us elevation. The topic I have chosen tonight is the discussion of the masterpiece of creation, the one who was created by Allah subhanho wa Taala as the best of creation

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of healthy wakamaru Surely, the most honored of all creation, the most virtuous of all creation and the most honored of all messengers Mohammed dibny Abdullah Al Hashimi al Rashid sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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we need to know what the Quran says about this masterpiece Subhana Allah, He is a messenger from the other messengers, who came with a message to complete the message of those messengers who came before him. And some of the messengers who came before him if I can say their names in the English language, Jesus May peace be upon him Moses May peace be upon him around May peace be upon him, Abraham May peace be upon him, Jacob May peace be upon him. Joseph May peace be upon him, Lord may peace be upon him Noah May peace be upon him, Adam May peace be upon him, may peace be upon them all of the Allahu anhu Jamia la musallam May Allah peace be upon them all and upon us as well?

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent right at the end, he was the seal of all prophets and every prophet reminded them there are people of a profit to come, including Jesus May peace be upon him, he reminded the people of a comforter that will be coming, he reminded them of a messenger that will be coming and very sadly, Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of how this was conveniently changed and twisted and misinterpreted and misunderstood. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect the soul. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, till Carlos oh no foul ball. Bah bah bah bah

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bah bah bah bah boom Dada Raja Allah says, He has given virtue to some of the messengers above others. That is Allah choice. Some of them he spoke to them directly whilst others he spoke to them through the angel jabril May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all a deeper understanding.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that in Surah, Baqarah and in Surah, he tells us look, I choose, I choose the best Allah Who else puffy mean and mela

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Inca to solo Amina.

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It is Allah whose choice it is to choose the messengers from the angels as well as the messengers from humankind. Now the messengers from angels, you know, and I know, we believe in all the angels, and we believe in some of them by name, those whose names we know, like jabril or Gabriel May peace be upon him. We believe in Mika el Seraphim, and all of those whom we are told their names. And Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned their names, those whose names we don't know, we don't know their names, but we believe them and we believe that they exist. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says we have decided which of those angels will have which task it's our decision, no one else's decision.

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It is not even the decision of the angels. It is only

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Allah choice and Allah chooses also whom he will have has as messengers of his and this applies to the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala and after the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala it also applies to those who will hold the knowledge of the deen Allah subhanho wa Taala will choose whom he wants to give them a deep understanding of the religion. And the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam explains this man you read the law hoobie hieron eufa COVID-19 when Allah once and Allah intends goodness for someone, he gives him or her a deep understanding of the religion, may Allah subhanho wa Taala intend goodness for all of us, I mean, so Allah subhanho wa Taala even tells

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us that look, this messenger is a bearer of good news, and he is also a warner. Amazing wherever the issue of bearing good news is mentioned in the Quran. Immediately after that Allah tells us but he is a warner as well. And the power of the Quran, the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala dictates that the bearer of good news is mentioned before the term Warner listen to what Allah Subhana Allah says, In Surah Al Baqarah, in

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gabin, healthy vashi

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we have indeed sent you with the truth as a bearer of good news and at the same time a warner so he bears good news of Paradise good news of goodness, good news for those who out of nature naturally they obey the commands of their Creator and they do not associate partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bears good news for them.

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Do you know that nature would lead a person to worshiping the one the creator alone, naturally a man or a woman or a child would understand that I have a creator supreme creator one supreme deity. So that is why if a person was to follow the uncontaminated nature, it would lead them to worshipping the one supreme deity. So they would need good news so Allah makes mention of good news, the bearer of good news before the Warner but if they were following unnatural instincts and desires and they were following what people around them told them and taught them, then that would be contaminated nature, which would then be as we all know, which would then be very dangerous and detrimental and

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therefore such a person would need a warning. When you have water that falls from the sky inshallah, if it is uncontaminated, it is pure for you to drink. But nowadays we have so much pollution, and we know that even whilst it is falling from the sky, before it falls from the sky, the clouds become contaminated May Allah protect us. So if we are to have contaminated water, it will result in us getting sick and Ill May Allah protect us the same applies to spirituality. If we have spirituality that is uncontaminated inshallah we will be drinking from it and we will be progressing and benefiting. But if our spirituality is contaminated by the rest of this world, then Allah subhanho

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wa Taala warns us and that is the Warner who was sent to us in Surah Tula EDA, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, addressing the People of the Book

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kita pico de

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como su Luna Yogi Nola Kumara, Fado Cimino manos

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de PUE magia

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de cada

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una de la la la Cooney nation.

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Adi, Allah says oh People of the Book, we have sent a messenger to you after a pause from the previous messenger so that you do not say that we were not sent anyone to give us good news or to warn us. We have sent you both the one who bears good news and the Warner for Indeed Allah he's all able and capable.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that do you know it is a gift of Allah upon the believers the fact that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been sent in their midst one from amongst them. Allah says in Surah Allah Imran law common law

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meaning is by him Rasulullah mean for

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him it was a key theme. While you are in limbo, Nikita when he was in

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Cabo Lola.

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Allah says Indeed Allah has favored the believers by sending to them a messenger from amongst them, who came to them recited the verses to them, explain to them the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala purified them in every single way and taught them the revelation as you

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Well as his own method, his own method meaning the son of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The term hikma is used in many places in the Quran to refer to the entire lifestyle of the most beloved sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So there are certain people who come nowadays and they say, look, this is the Quran.

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It's enough for us. We don't need anything besides the Quran. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us, he says Allah in the Quran, Allah mithila Houma behold we won't be alerted Be careful.

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I have been given the boron and something similar to it together with it, which is the sooner which is my entire lifestyle. That

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is a book and Allah subhanho wa Taala has explained his verses through the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in many places in the Quran, he uses the word al hikma in some places he uses the words as zeker to refer to the tsunami Hama sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam continues and he says Allah yusaku Ania tiara jhulan journalisten Allah IE aku

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kita boleh he Mahajan, Avi v Min halaal. In Atlanta, wha wha Jana v min Haram in Havana. Be very careful and be warned of a person who will come reclining on his sofa sets. That's what that's what the Hadith says. reclining on his comfortable chair with the Quran in his hand saying oh my people, this is the Quran. We believe in whatever it says and we reject whatever is not in it. The Prophet says Be careful of that person. They are deleting me from the whole equation Subhana Allah.

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So that is why Be careful. I was speaking about the internet yesterday and I'd like to repeat it today. One of the most dangerous methods of learning Islamic knowledge is via the internet yet it is also one of the most progressive means of education. If you know what you are doing, inshallah, you will be rightly guided. But if you think Wikipedia can help you and if you think Google can help you without knowing exactly what knowledge is, that precise website will lead you straight into the fire of Johanna May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. It is important that you ask, do you know what is Wikipedia just to spend a moment on that I can put on it and you can put on it. I can put my

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explanations and you can put yours. It is a bank of news and information fooled by everyone in anyone. So the enemies of Islam have also put interpretations of what they think of the Quranic verses. So when you try and Google a Quranic verse, you will get an interpretation that might seem to you from the Muslims because the man's name might be Abdullah, he really wants to lead you astray. and thereafter at the end you tell you look, there is no no way in the Quran does it say you have to eat halal slaughtered food Allahu Akbar, may Allah protect us.

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But if sudo su nam does not speak about halal slaughter then what does it speak about? So they will tell you no, it speaks about saying the name of Allah when you are putting the food in your mouth. Well, that means anyone who forgot saying the name of Allah was putting food in their mouth, they are cursed to such a degree. It can't be the case Allahu Akbar. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah protect us to say Bismillah when you are putting the food in your mouth is a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we should all be adopting it but to slaughter it correctly is a frog May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding and I've had people who have come to mention

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect the soul. We should not insult the most beloved we should not insult Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has taught us what to do. And Allah says it is a gift, the fact that he has come in your midst. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, that the messenger has been sent to you as a mercy and mercy to all the worlds to all mankind Jin kind and the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala listen to what Allah says in Surah, Colombia.

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In Latin Illa Allah me we have sent you for no other reason, but to be a point of mercy for all the world's mankind gene kind and all the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala from the miracles of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Once there was a camel that complained to him and spoke to him in a language that he understood, complaining about its boss and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then made mention of the fact to the owner of that camel that look you are pressing this camel, it has spoken to me also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a mercy to the rest of the creatures. He has one said he has one said Allah He in Nila for Hajj on Bhima katakana. You

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certainly know Allah. Allah He I know a stone and a rock in Mecca that used to greet me with a Salam aleikum. Subhana Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to understand the miracles of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Vin says, he has come to you with the truth. This messenger has come to you with the truth in Surah Nisa Allah says,

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como wa sunovion has become firmino Lancome

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in alila, Hema is Allah.

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Allah says, Oh people or people, indeed the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has come to you with the truth so believe it is better for you. But if you don't believe the dominion is Allah, Allah owns what is in the skies and on earth, He you will not decrease any of our last property. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that this book that he has revealed has verses that are clear cut easily understood by everyone. Allah says in Surah, Allah imraan, who Allah, Allah, Allah can kita but it is Allah who has revealed to you O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the book,

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who Allah

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Allah Allah in Calcutta by min

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Makita boo, boo Tasha.

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He says it is a law who has reviewed the book to you Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. in it. They are clear cut verses with rules and regulations. And they are other verses that only Allah knows the meaning of and I remember mentioning this last year or the previous year, we Allah subhanho wa Taala has kept the meaning of certain words in the Quran with himself. And he knows best what it means we don't even need to know they are called Macaca, which means letters that are separated completely. They were to draw a one of the reasons was to draw the attention of the Kufa

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to draw the attention of the kuffar those who were so eloquent, they were waiting for a message and eloquent message. And they did not want to sometimes listen to hearing what others who saw them listening would actually say. So what happened? They used to put their fingers into their ears. And then when they heard voices, or when they heard sentences that they've never dreamed of in the past, they quickly let go to say, what is this what is happening? When they heard palsy, creamy, they were silent. They never knew what it meant. These were separated letters. It is like someone tells you go and listen to a very eloquent lecture. And then suddenly you are sitting there and you hear the men

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and then there are others outside who don't want to really listen because they feel they will be cursed and so on. And then you hear the man saying A B C Subhana. Allah,

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you will be shocked. What's this? What language is this? What is he trying to say? I was told that he is the most eloquent of everybody here and now he's coming with separated letters Subhan Allah, so that only Allah knows its meaning and its function may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us protection and understanding. Similarly, there are verses where allas qualities are mentioned. Sometimes words using body parts are mentioned describing Allah subhanho wa Taala that is also included in this where we as Muslims are lasuna well jamara we say that Allah knows best what is meant by that according to what he deserves and his status. We really cannot make a detailed

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statement to say yes or no, we know the verse we believe in it and we leave its interpretation to Allah, Allah Azza wa Jalla, Kamali kuibyshev me that which is befitting his particular status, we don't want to go in it. So people start debating, we normally say the question of time, you cannot ask when it comes to Allah, he was before everything and he will remain after everything. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us protection then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the fact that the messenger himself has believed in the Quran. The messenger himself knows the message of the Quran. Listen to what Allah says in Surah Baqarah. And most of us know these verses by heart

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was uno Bhima

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de la isla de Mille Ravi Mino nakulan mana will.

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Indeed the messenger has believed in what Allah has revealed to him in terms of the book and everyone all the believers have also believed in Allah subhanho wa Taala. All of them have believed in Allah subhanho wa Taala makers from amongst them. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam declare your belief in all the previous messengers and the books that were revealed to them. declare your belief in the Bible in the Torah, meaning in the Gospel in the Torah, and in the books of Abraham Ibrahim alayhis salam and the books that were given to them.

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David and so on. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all complete belief. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Allah Imran Khan, which means say O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Allah Allah wa. ala Ibrahim Ibrahima is ma Isla is hot.

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Mama Odia Moosa is one ob Yun Amira beam la kobina hiding minimum one a hula hula Muslim moon say that indeed you believe in the books. You believe in Allah and what has been revealed upon you and what has been revealed to Ibrahim to Moosa to Isa to the other messengers and so on. We as Muslims do not distinguish between the messengers when it comes to believing in them, we believe that they will all messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. However, they are ranks very, like Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about in the Quran, and he has told us some of the messages he didn't even relate to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam who they will listen to what Allah Subhana Allah says.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says min

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from amongst the messengers are some who we have told you their stories, some who we haven't even mentioned, imagine if they were 1000s of messengers, if we had to hear about every messenger, writing their name only would cover a book which had already 1000 pages. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding. So Allah says, voila, Snuffy.

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Rasulullah, we have sent to every nation a messenger, every single nation and messenger we have sent May Allah Subhana, Allah grant us understanding. Then Allah tells us in Surah Brahim that every messenger was sent with the language of his people, no one had to have an interpreter. That's a very interesting point. Look what Allah Subhana Allah, Allah says, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In surah, Ibrahim, that he sent all the messengers on our cell

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phone in belissa comida in Allah home he, he has only sent messengers to nations in their own language, so that the message can be clear. This is why Allah says the Quran is Arabic. It was sent in Arabia to the Arabs that is why it is not in another language. Allah says, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah

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Jami you,

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we sent a Koran which was not in Arabic, they would have said, how can how come this Quran is not in Arabic? And it has it has been sent to Arabs? Can you have a message not in Arabic and the messenger who's an Arab, Allahu Akbar, and this is why for all those who want to preach the good word, let us realize and understand that you need to know the language of those you are speaking to or it is better to know the language you will be much more effective. And this is why when you have a translation that you are listening to, you have already reduced the meaning by half, if I am to speak now and there is someone at the back of the must be translating what I am saying into another

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language with whether it is Zulu or Shona on the delay or whatever it is, what would happen is the people would not

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they would not derive the same sweetness that everyone else is deriving. They would not derive the same message, they would get a toned down showered down rough gist of what is being said not necessarily accurate. This is why we say the translation of the Quran is not the Quran. That's the message everyone needs to know when you pick up Yusuf Ali or pick doll or this machine Han or any one of those translations you are reading the translation of the Quran is not the Quran, noise. The Quran is the Arabic that is on one side, we believe the Arabic must be on one side and the English What is it? It is man's attempt to try to explain what he thinks he has understood from the Word of

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God Subhana Allah. So let's not think that is the word of God. This is where people are going astray. And that is why if you look at the previous books, they are lost. Take a look at the Bible, the other books, there are so many versions of the Bible. The reason is the original script is not there. It does not exist. It's not there it is lost completely with a challenge. When it comes to the Quran, it is wrong for us to attempt to interpret it without saying this is my attempt, yet the original is on this side. That's why whenever you pick up a translated Quran, you will always notice the Arabic on one side to try and tell you clearly indemnity Look, this is my attempt, but the truth

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of the Word is this not not mine. Mine is just my trial. I might be right I might be wrong, and how many translations have discrepancies in them all

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Almost all of them.

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And this is why in order to get the proper meaning of of this, you need to know the reason of revelation of that verse. You need to know the context you need to know what the Sahaba said about the verse how they understood it, and then you need to speak about it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us protection. That's why we say it is dangerous to learn the knowledge of the field without a valid scholar of Deen, because you will then you may be led astray. It is correct to read the English translation no problem. The minute there is a question that comes and crops up in your mind it is prohibited for you to answer it yourself. It is prohibited for you to answer that question

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yourself. You need to ask those who know that revelation and Allah subhanho wa Taala says this, even in Surah, Colombia, Allo de

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la tala moon, ask those who know who have knowledge of the revelation. If you don't understand, don't arrive and derive your own answers. May Allah protect us all. Let's move further. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that this book is the deciding factor when it comes to the disputes between the minion and Allah has revealed his book, so that the messenger can be a judge using the justice in this book between what may have transpired in inform of dispute between the believers and this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Nisa in

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LA can kita by being in a coma Beynon, CV Ma,

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one nil for any Nepal sliema Indeed, We have revealed this book to you or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, for it to be the judge or for you to judge through the Justice within this book. When there is a dispute between the believers and you should judge with that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has shown you and do not ever take the side of the one who is a deceiver. This is an important message for all of us as well.

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The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was never ever going to take the side of a deceiver. But that verse is there telling him don't take the side of a deceiver for us to take heed that if he was instructed that then surely that instruction is of a far greater, greater importance for us and Allah subhanho wa Taala. Grant us justice. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells us that we have revealed to you in fact, he says to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we revealed to you in a similar manner that we reveal to all the other messengers. We sent the book down to you in the same way we sent it down to them.

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In our hyena, la cama, hyena Isla

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de Namu baddie, indeed we have sent the revelation to you in the same way that we have sent it to Noah and to the other messengers, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding of the level of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, indeed he was the highest ranking of all creatures, and at the same time of all the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala, being the last and final prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us now that we've reviewed the book to you do not hold back when it comes to teaching this book and revealing and when it comes to conveying the message of this book, do not hold back. When it comes to conveying the message of the

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book. Don't worry about what people are going to say as a result, they need the message. If any creature any human being has to ponder over the verses of the Quran, it will definitely result in their spirituality increasing and if they look at it with the correct eyes, they will realize that it is the truth from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah says kita boo

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boo la Cappella Jaco. You saw Derek I mean, Holy God he was a

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meanie. It is Allah it is us who have revealed his book to you, oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So do not let your heart have any form of holding back when it comes to wanting using this particular book, because it is indeed the truth. The same applies to all of us. Don't be shy to use a verse of the Quran to quote the Quran to follow the Quran to deliver the message of Allah He the people who will then be guided will really make dua for you and those who are misguided had you not spoken to them? They will then hold it against you on the day of the AMA May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who are not shy when it comes to the message of the Quran. It is the most

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powerful message. When have the kuffar heard the message of the Quran from us the Muslims, they have only heard about the Quran in their own gatherings from their own leaders who are not Muslim. When we would like to listen to the message of the Quran, we need to listen to it from the Muslims and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Never to make us from those who are astray. Allah subhanho wa Taala even says in the Quran

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that verse I read was in Surah Surah. The next verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala has spoken about how the Quran confirms the message of the Bible and the Torah and the books before. The Quran confirms that message. It does not negate the message in the Torah and the engine, which is the Bible. If there is what appears to be something which negates it, it is because people have changed the Bible or the Torah, not because the Quran is changed the Quran we all know is not changed, not tampered, not tampered with so many people would like to prove that the Quran is tampered with Allah He there is no chance for them to ever come up with any form of proof or evidence showing that the Quran is

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tampered with because I think in our crowd sitting here, we would pick up at least 10 to 20 people who know this poron cover to cover insha Allah

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us protection. And I'm sure every evening when we hear the Quran being recited in prayers in order it's amazing how we just listen to it flowing as though it is being revealed so Han Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala accepted from us. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who do not. When it comes to reciting the Quran, neither read nor in memory, wherever we have heard it is because we are weak we are insane. We are also human beings. Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to know that we are not perfect. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us the message is one. The message of all these books is one Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in

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Surah, Allah either

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la can kita barbil happy Mossad, the Panama

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Canal kita b1, Mo Haman and LA. He says we have revealed his book to you confirming what came before you what the messenger is brought before you that which is in front of you. And we have revealed it in order for it to overpower the rest of the books. And the Quran has indeed overpowered the rest of the books. You know, it reminds me so panela and I'd like to spend a few moments giving this example it's important. When a person is in grade one, they have a teacher who taught them a lot of goodness, then they go to grade two, they have another teacher but the Teacher of the Year is the grade two teacher though they will still respect the grade one teacher. And until they get to

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metric. When they get to metric they have a teacher who is an expert, but they will respect the teachers who taught them right up to that point but their teacher at that time is the teacher of matric until they get right up to varsity in university they will have a lecturer who will be their teacher and tutor they will respect that as the final teacher Subhana Allah, but they will know this is the final teacher whatever they say, will confirm what you learned in grade one. The lecturer is not going to say one plus one is now three they were lying to you all the time. No, the lecture is going to confirm one plus one is always two. Don't forget that. But at the same time who is your

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lecturer, your lecturer is now the final lecturer, your teacher, whereas you still believe in everything that others taught you and you still respected him. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us protection.

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And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala really to make us understand this. So this is how we say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the final messenger what he taught us does not negate what was there before. We believe in all the other prophets, but we accept Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as the final messenger who came to us and whom we adopt and accept and we are now known as muslimeen. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding. The same applies with the books. The same applies with the books of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from those who realize and appreciate the authenticity of this Quran. Do you know that what we

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have done as Muslims, each one of us needs to memorize some of the Quran, some of the Quran in the Arabic language whether we understand the Arabic or not that's a compulsory duty for every single one of us. Because if not, we would not be able to fulfill our Salah. So everyone who accepts Islam has to memorize at least one page of the Quran if not two or three bare minimum. Why? Sometimes they might tell you well, I don't understand it, let me inform you. One of the ways of looking at it is we as Muslims have adjusted ourselves to understand the word of God, the Word of Allah subhanho wa Taala, whereas others have adjusted the word of Allah to understand it themselves, so they lost it

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lo Akbar. And this is why we will not lose it. Because myself and every single one of you have contributed in one way or another to protect the score and to protect this book by memorizing at least a little bit of it. If I were to reach out to the Fatiha, and if I were to make a little blunder in it, the whole magic would scream out aloud to say no, this is wrong, they would correct it immediately. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding. So let's move on. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Surah na EDA to convey the message and he says you convey the message Don't worry if someone attacks you as a result, we will

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protect you. Yeah, I was uno

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de la la camisa Roma, Pico, de forma Bella Teresa La, La La similkameen

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Oh messenger convey the message if you do not convey the message then you will not be the correct messenger. So convey the message Don't worry about the people Allah will protect you from people who try and harm you. It is reported that before this verse was revealed there were two people who used to stand close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam always being concerned about the fact that no one was harmed him, No one must attack him. And when this verse was revealed, he looked at him and told him you can leave Allah has guaranteed here that he will protect me Subhana Allah. And after that day, no one was worried. No one was worried at all. No one even used to stand here Allah

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says Allah Who ya similkameen a nurse It is Allah who will protect you from the people. The same applies to all of us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us

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in Surah

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he tells us his instruction to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to get up and to warn the people to tell them I am warning you of a severe punishment that will come if you do not accept the oneness of the Creator. The fact that the Creator is one, the one you are going to return to is one

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of you who is enveloped in governments stand up and warn the people stand up and warn. And this is why it is a far more effective method of speaking when you are standing and speaking than when you are seated and speaking though they are both permissible. And this is why in Joomla we need to stand and deliver the talk and not sit and deliver the talk because to stand is known as a blood it is greater for the message to actually go across. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we have revealed to you to follow the Abrahamic monotheism.

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Listen to what Allah says in Surah tunnel from our hyena Elijah, then we reveal to you or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it Tabby Mila Ybarra, Hema honey,

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Amina Moo shrieky to follow the path of Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam he indeed was not from amongst those who associated partners with Allah. The pure path of Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. So we are all connected and linked to Abraham Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam a peace be upon him. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells us here

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that if you love Allah, there is a way to know that there is a way to prove that if you love Allah, O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell everybody, that if they claim to love Allah, then they must follow you. And then they will earn the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala listen to what Allah Subhana what Allah says in Surah Allah Imran

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to him to him buena la Tabby, Rooney, myba como la while fetullah come back home, say if you love Allah subhanho wa Taala then follow me, meaning follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Allah will love you in return and forgive all your sins for Indeed, he is most forgiving, Most Merciful. So every one of us who claims to love Allah, or who claims to love the messenger, the way we should test that is ask ourselves how close or far are we from the lifestyle of the same messenger? May Allah subhanho wa Taala free us from hypocrisy because Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us about certain categories of people who claim to love who claim to believe, but their actions are

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in another valuable together May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us and protect us. Look what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, regarding the people at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who found fault in the fact that Allah sent a messenger from amongst them, you must bear in mind, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was born in Makkah. They saw him being born. They knew the family. They knew the lineage. They knew he was an orphan. They knew his mother passed away when he was six years old. They knew exactly how he grew up. They knew he was very truthful. They knew he was honest. But there still came a time when he came with the message. There was a group from

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amongst them who just didn't want to believe they just did not want to accept the message. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us and I'm going to mention a few verses.

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In sort of unison, I can

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see I

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we're people surprised that we chose a man from

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Amongst them to hold the message and to warn them, we chose a messenger from amongst them were they surprised? Let them not surprise every time messengers are from the nation itself. La Cava. So that is what Allah subhanho wa Taala says in another verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, pull in.

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Miss lucam tell them oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I am a human, just like you. I am a human being just like you. If I instruct you to do something, you will find me doing it before you. If I tell you to read five Salah, I will probably be reading more than you. If I told you this is not allowed. I will never ever be found engaging in it. May Allah protect us I am a human being just like you.

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And this is where there were some people who began to ask a question that this messenger he should not have been the one who came to us rather Allah should have sent an angel to come down. And Allah subhanho wa Taala clarifies this, in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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had there been angels walking on the earth we would have sent an angel but because they are human beings walking on Earth, we sent a man we sent a human being so hon Allah What a beautiful explanation Allah explains. Allah says hello can have in our only mela.

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Shona martoma in Nina Lana's Jana

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Mina some

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email ad comm also if all those walking on earth were angels, we would have sent an angel from heaven. But Allah says no we sent a human because you people are all human beings. So we ask Allah to grant us the ability to accept the message of this human who was really the best of all creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah says, look, we have sent all the messages before you every single one of them was actually a human being.

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Every single one of them was actually a human being Allah says in Surah Yusuf Omar our cell Nam in Cabo Nika in Larry Jalan he him indeed before you Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all the messages all those we have sent were human beings just like you they were men just like you. So do not worry when they start accusing you because Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to tell his creator, Allah herbalist that you are gentle, that these people are now saying, why don't you send an angel? Allah says, Don't worry, we always seem to human. These people are saying Why didn't you have a huge amount of wealth? You could be one of the big people. In fact, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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says in Surah, ducru

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waka do Lola no Zilla ha

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Minato Kalia tiny lb y meaning the kuffaar of Makkah said, why didn't Allah sin the very powerful influential men from Morocco from five? Why did he have to send an orphan and Allah says, Allah, Allah Maha Isaiah gallery Salah, it is Allah who knows where he wants to put his message. It is Allah who decided, and this is a very powerful and interesting point of comfort for anyone who is orphaned. Anyone who is an orphan, remember, Allah has chosen the best of creation to also be an orphan. So your virtue and your value is not in any way decreased by the fact that you are an orphan. In fact, if anything, it is only increased Subhana Allah and we ask Allah Subhana which

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Allah to grant us the ability to look after the orphans and the widows and to look after those who are needy, those who need our help, and May Allah subhanho wa Taala in turn, help us all inshallah.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala then makes mention of how

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself was instructed by his creator, to say, Tell the people, I don't know the unseen, it's only Allah who knows the unseen, right and the unseen only Allah knows it no one else. If I know anything, if I have prophesized anything if I have told you something of the unseen, it is revelation that Allah revealed to me. There is a difference between the two things. One is for someone to say the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself knew the unseen. The Koran negates that in many places, that no, that's not the case. Allah says that, and Allah tells his messenger to tell the people that it is only revelation from Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. And this is for example, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made mention of the fact that highly the milliliter the Allahu anhu had taken had taken the reins in one of the battles. He was in Medina to manohara Taliban when he wrote the Allahu anhu was hundreds of kilometers away, but Allah subhanho wa Taala showed him

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Allah revealed to him what happened. That was the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala like we spoke about Jesus May peace be upon him a few days back, and we said he could give life to the dead by the power of the Creator, lo Akbar. The same applies the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam informed us and prophesized certain things by the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Subhana Allah grant us a deeper understanding.

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So Allah says in Surah Allah Nam CEO Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell them la kulu la comunidad de casa in LA he Walla

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Walla kulula come in the Malak in, in

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in IE Allah says, tell them oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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that I am not telling you that I have the treasures of the earth. No, am I telling you that I know the unseen? No, am I telling you that I'm an angel? I only follow what is revealed to me Subhan Allah. So whatever we have is a revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now there is another very interesting point regarding the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. The Quran says everything he uttered was revelation was from Allah.

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The revelation is divided into a few categories, two major categories. Revelation that was sacred regarded as the Quran that we read, we recite the rest of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as the sooner the hotter, the lifestyle, the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is also known as the sooner.

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Now let's take a look at what some of the enemies of Islam say. Firstly, let me read the verse of the Quran in surah, two najem which declares that whatever the Prophet said or did was revelation, one jameelah, however, we swear by the star when it falls

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malba law he will come.

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You're your friend, you're your companion, meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is neither a stray, nor has he heard

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the one in However, he does not utter anything out of his own desires. In war in LA, ue you have, every everything is revelation that has been revealed.

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Now in the Quran, Allah has admonished Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a few places.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has asked him why he did certain things.

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So someone, especially the enemies of Islam, or those who don't have knowledge, they start saying, Well, if that was a revelation, why did he do it? To Allah He there is a simple explanation for those who have sound intellect. One day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam ignored a certain blind companion known as Abdullah even though mimic Tomb of the Allahu anhu. And he was blind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was speaking to some others, and he ignored him. And Allah subhanho wa Taala immediately revealed versus telling him, why did you ignore that man, you should not ignore him go back. And you should really make sure that you never ignore him, Allahu Akbar.

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He probably is purer than those whom you were talking to. That's what Allah says.

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Now someone might say, well, if that was revelation, why did he ignore? Because we who think we are perfect, but we are not. When we are corrected, we don't want to take correction. Allah is saying, we made the Prophet do something so that you could see how even the most perfect would react when they are corrected. Did he get angry and arrogance to say, why are you correcting me? Who do you think I am? Me I'm perfect. Now who are you know, the most perfect was made to do that, in order for myself and yourself who are not perfect to learn the lesson. That when you are corrected, though, you are not perfect, you must acknowledge it, you must rectify your error. Because we made the most

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perfect do that so you could know how perfection requires you to accept correction Allahu Akbar. Part of perfection is to accept correction. Subhana Allah, look at that. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala tells that to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a few times when he arrived at one of the battles one of the companions told him Oh messenger of Allah, you have asked us to come here. Is it revelation from the heaven? Or is it your own view? He says, Look, it's my own view. Now what was meant here is is it instruction from Allah. It was not instruction at that moment. But Allah subhanho wa Taala inspired him to be there. So he was there. So this is how he says O

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Messenger of Allah. If it is your own view, then I want to change it. I'd like to come and camp on the other side. It's better for us it's better because the enemy won't have access to water and we will have a rocky land. So if it rains

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means that what might happen is, this Sandy land will make our horses slip. But if we go on to that side, our horses won't slip. And indeed, the messenger listened to someone else's opinion and the messenger went there that shows us that part of perfection is to listen to the opinions of others and where they deserve the credit you will obey them Allahu Akbar, how many of us we don't even want to listen to anyone's message. Then we want to say, look, the prophet made a mistake here now to be law, he did not make a mistake. He was made to do that for me and you to learn the lesson not out of the fact that he was not perfect. No.

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Other he was perfect sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is He Who is the best of creation imagine? And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells him after he forgave certain people who are captives of war, Allah says, You shouldn't have taken those people as captains of war. Subhana Allah did Allah say that to uh, to scold him to shout him to try and admonish him? No, the lesson is for me and you to say the most perfect, was made to do something in order to show us that when he was corrected, he actually engaged in seeking forgiveness and repenting to Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhanho wa Taala grande has a deeper understanding.

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I hope it's a point that has been clarified. Many people don't really understand this. And sometimes the non Muslims come to us and say, Look, you're missing you made a mistake. Yeah, V and D. It's actually in the Quran. How can that be revelation? While law he It was a revelation by Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then tells us

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after that Allah says, there are some people who laugh mock joke and jeer at the messengers. Don't worry, or messenger or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam those who laugh at you mock it, you make your life difficult harass you trouble you. They've done it to those messengers who came before you and all of them received the fair share of the punishment because of what they did. So don't worry, while Addis Ababa sunim rabbinic for having Latina Sufi roaming home McCann ob esta Zoo stanciu. In surah, Colombia, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, they have laughed, mocked, joked and jeered at the messengers before you harass them and trouble them in every way. So the punishment followed those

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who laughed and mocked and cheered and joked and it did not affect the messengers themselves. May Allah subhanho wa Taala never make us from those who harass the Allah from those who trouble mock joke or laugh at the Allah, because in our midst, we don't have prophets, but rather we have messengers of the messenger. As I explained yesterday, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us all protection, then what they did out of that they said, No, this man is a madman. In Soraka, he will call Lumia Johann Lavina Zilla is the CRO in kalama genome. They said, oh you whom the revelation has come upon, supposedly, you are a madman. You are mentally disturbed. Why did they say

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he is meant to try and distract people from going near him? Then when that didn't work? They say no, he's a magician. He is a magician. Listen to what Allah says and sort of sad for col caf. He

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said this man is a magician. He's a liar. In order to try and distract people when that didn't work. They said no, he is a fortune teller because some of the things he said came true. They said no. He's a fortune teller. When that didn't work. They said no, he's a poet. He's just a forward trying his luck Allahu Akbar. So they tried everything. Look what Allah subhanho wa Taala says in total haka in hola como rasuna Gary. Indeed these utterances are the statements of an honored messenger of Allah, wa who will become Alicia. They are not the statements of a poet

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kalila tumino nawala Beto Lika he hin very few would believe but it is not even a statement of a fortune teller. No, it is an honored honorable messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then when that didn't work, they started something else. They said look this messenger Why does he eat food? He shouldn't be eating food is really a messenger of the the Creator Himself. The Creator should not make him in need of food and drink. And why does he walk out to the market? You know, you see even the llama going to the mall sometimes May Allah grant us all understanding protection, may Allah subhanho wa Taala help us fulfill our needs in a manner that is permissible inshallah.

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So people say but why does this man go to the shops? Why does this person eat and drink Subhan Allah they told that to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah subhanho wa Taala clarifies that in the Quran, Allah says, If we wanted we could have sent all that to you. We could have given you everything but we wanted you to be as they are in terms of food and drink. Allah says on

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cabela kameena

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More or less Elina Illa.

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kulu una

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una feel as

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For indeed we have never ever sent a messenger before you except that he has been walking or they have been walking in the marketplaces they have been eating and drinking just like you. So don't worry, don't let it bother you. Allahu Akbar. Look at the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala is comforting Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. After that what happened is, whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told his people something, they even told him no, we don't want to listen to you. We followed our forefathers doing this and that's what we are going to stay on. So Allah subhanho wa Taala heard that when Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam complained to him and

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Don't worry, even before you every one we sent, not only as a messenger, but as in the Navy meaning a warner. Even sometimes a person who's not a messenger, but a warner. Whenever a warner came to warn people before you, oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about doing certain things. They always said, No, we found our forefathers doing this. We're going to stick to it.

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So Allah says, We have kept it as a test. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us listen to the vision Sudoku, waka Danny comma

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kabini Cafe Korea team in Nadine Illa. Paula motto

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in Ghana

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we're in

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need even before you whenever we sent a warning to any of the cities or the towns any of the towns then you find the hottie from amongst them always who didn't want to change they said no, we found our forefathers doing this. Allah says Don't worry. We have sent to them that which is even greater guidance than they ever had before. May Allah make us from those who can adopt the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now let's take a look at some of the instructions where Allah instructed the messenger. One instruction was oh messenger, Fear Allah be conscious of Allah. Imagine, Allah is telling the most conscious to be conscious love. Look at that. Imagine when you are doing everything perfect. And someone says, You know what, make sure you are cooking properly. Say for example, there is a wife who is cooking perfectly. And the husband says just cook nicely don't burn the food. Our wives would probably tell us well, I've never built the food before. SubhanAllah normal natural human inclination answer when Allah told the one who, who was most conscious of him, be conscious. He

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never said Well, I'm always conscious. He sought forgiveness Subhan Allah Subhana Allah look at the perfect example. So when we are doing something perfectly, someone corrects us or instructs us or reminds us It does not necessarily mean we were doing something wrong. We need to do it even more insha Allah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding Allah says

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maybe you tequila streetworks tequila, oh messenger onebyone Oh prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, be conscious of your Creator while two three caffine now one Muna 15 don't follow the hypocrites and don't follow the kuffaar the next message Allah says all messenger be steadfast in super good for stalking karma. AMITA be steadfast as you have been instructed, or lotto or wanna die by Morocco, Allah Tato and even those who have repented with you, and do not exceed the limits of messenger. Imagine Did he ever exceed any limits? Was he ever not steadfast sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, first bill Kemal sobre o nazmi mineros will be our

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patients in the same way that those other messengers who were sent before you had born. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us patients patient. Then Allah instructs him to perform extra Salah Yeah, hello Muslim millo Camila Illa Allah, oh, you enveloped in garments stand up at night in prayer.

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Besides just a little portion of it, which you leave free. So Allah instructed him to stand up in prayer, voluntary prayer. I think all of us also need to stand up in voluntary prayer. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala warns him and says,

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Don't ever engage in schilke you are messenger Be careful, don't engage in schilke if you engage in shield, we will destroy all your deeds. La kebab. Did he need that message? While I hear the message was for me and you

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all are here in Iowa Illinois vena cava Nicola in Ashok dalla Baba.

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mean al Hosni in Surah. Zuma, Allah says, and we have revealed to you that you should not as well as all the messengers before you will not to engage in schilke if you engage in all your deeds will have been wasted May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us every form of protection. After that Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that there are certain people who claim to believe in Allah but they don't believe they claim to love the messenger but they don't love when they are asked to come forth to make the Koran and the Shetty or the judge in their disputes they quickly run away. So part and parcel of being true believers is when we are when we have a dispute, we should let Allah and His

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messenger be the judge. Someone says the Sherry says this, then Subhana Allah the decision of the Sharia is final. Some people they use the courts of the land where it suits them, and then they quickly want to say Sherry, Sherry, when it suits them, no as muslimeen we should know we adopt what Allah and His Messenger have come with Subhana Allah what Allah has sent, and we should not be from amongst those who go away. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam look, you are the best of creation. If they turn away from the message, you should remember one thing, just say the following words and the words were revealed. Let's read the verse. Allah says

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low if they turn away, which means you will give them the message you will tell them if they turn away it's not going to decrease your value for cool has been Allah Allah in

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our country. Bulava Shinobi say Allah is sufficient for me. I have laid my full trust in Him and He is the great Subhan Allah, Allah Allah is the one he is the rub of the ash Subhana Allah Allah, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us goodness, really to make us from those who can appreciate the greatness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one recitation, which is known as a shadow recitation a very rare recitation. But it is there. The word and fesi come is used when Allah says la cumbre Suleman and fusi comm we definitely a messenger has come to you from amongst you. If you change the word and pussy come to unfussy come. It would mean that a messenger has come from the

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best of you the best of you Subhana Allah and indeed he was the best of all of us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us also better or sallallahu wasallam albaraka Allah Nabina Muhammad Subhan Allah Subhana Allah home or the Hambrick the Chateau La ilaha illa Anta Ernesto Furukawa to be unique

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