Mohammed Mana – Jumuah Khutbah May 25, 2018

Mohammed Mana
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam is a valued partner and a source of pride for the people of the United States. It is important to recite the Prophet sallama alayhi wa sallam in a personalized way to reflect on the consequences of it. The importance of reading the Quran in a personalized way to improve one's character and manners is also emphasized. The speaker invites viewers to participate in a fasting program and a Christmas celebration.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhambra Rila Monastery no one is still futile who want to study when I wrote the villa Himanshu, Rory and fusina women say Dr. Medina

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Mayor de la huhtala Family Law

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woman your drill felon de la jolla murshida

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what a shadow Allah Allah Allah Allahu la sharika

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what a shadow Ana Mohammed abu allah Solo Solo long writing he was early he also should be here seldom at the Sleeman kathira

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Yeah, and you have Lavina Amano de la haka to RT y La Tomatina Illa to Muslim moon.

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Yeah, un sutopo Bakula de hora comin FC Merida wahida wahala caminhada Weber thermen humare jarang Kathy on manisa

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la la de tous. I don't wanna be here without him in a la cocina de como la Eber.

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Yeah, and you hear Latina man otaku long hair, wobbu Polin, sadita usili Sheila como como Villa coup de Kuma, nuclear en la hora, Sula, hufa was in Lima.

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We begin by thanking and praising Allah for he is most entitled of our praise and our gratitude.

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We think a lot

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for all of his blessings that he has bestowed upon us and his gifts. We ask Allah for forgiveness, from all of our many shortcomings and mistakes and moments of forgetfulness. We ask Allah for guidance to be guided to that which is true and to remain steadfast upon the truth.

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And we ask Allah for protection from the evil around us, and from the consequences of our poor choices.

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We bear witness that there is absolutely no one worthy to be worshipped except Allah exclusively alone and we bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his last and final prophet and messenger. We beg a lot to shower our beloved messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with compliments and salutations, peace, mercy and blessings and upon his family and his companions and all of those who follow His perfect tradition, his Sunnah until the end of time, in the Quran in dozens of places Allahu subhana wa tada commanded us and reminds us time and again, to have Taqwa of Allah, to protect ourselves from the punishment and from the anger and the displeasure of Allah. And

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we achieved that by fulfilling and doing what Allah has commanded and abstaining from that which he prohibited. Allah has blessed us to witness yet another amazing month of Ramadan, which is a month meant to train us and teach us to increase and develop taqwa. And if we can exit this month, having increased in our in our awareness and consciousness of Allah, then that would be a success. We ask Allah to make us available. In

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the past few months, I've been trying to focus on topics that revolve around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his life.

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Loving the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being loyal to his teachings obeying and following and trusting and believing the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam perhaps some of you may have noticed that

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it's been the tradition of scholars throughout the centuries that during the month of Ramadan, they would focus their talks and their lessons and their teachings

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to the

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since this is a month of the Quran, and it is a month when we are expected to recite the Quran more and it has always been a month closely tied with the words of Allah the Quran since the very beginning and first revelation of the Quran during the month of Ramadan.

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Is there a way that we can merge the two topics? Absolutely.

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Since the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is our role model and our messenger and our guide.

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And since one of the objectives of this month is to renew our connection with

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to

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have a covenant, almost like you have a contractual agreement with an be closely tied with the words of Allah. Since that is one of the objectives of this month, how about we observe

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and share how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself interacted with the Quran with the book of Allah subhana wa tada and when we survey the different

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narrations that describe the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam receiving the Quran or reciting the Quran or listening to the oral an or explaining the Quran. The common denominator that you find in all of these moments is a deep profound emotional connection that are sort of like use of Allah Harada he was seldom had with the words of Allah who subhana wa tada

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and also the law never repeated or parroted or recited these words, aimlessly or in vain or just in passing. He was always connected with what he was reciting.

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We look first and foremost at the recitation of the prophet SAW Selim, how did Rasul Allah recite the Quran?

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How beautiful would it be if we could hear the sort of law here Salalah alayhi wa sallam reciting the Quran and he is the one who received it. It was revealed upon Him.

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May Allah subhana wa tada unite us with the messenger in the highest levels of gentleness so we can experience such a joyous moment to hear the Quran from us little lights Allah, Allah.

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Allah the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describes that his reading of the Quran, there are a 25th seriya just by the way, rasulillah recited it was as if he was explaining the meanings of the Quran with his voice and with his intonation, and with his pitch. And he would elongate the vowels, she said kind of

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he would stretch these vowels. And we learned this in the science known as t g, the science that teaches us how to recite the Quran. But besides just a list of rules to hear and then follow, I want you to imagine Lester was stretching the vowels of these words, why? Because he enjoyed and he loved reciting the Quran.

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Those moments in those seconds and those syllables coming out of his mouth were moments of deep enjoyment. It was not a chore for him at his Salatu was salam, it was pure bliss and happiness to recite the book of Allah.

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I remember there was one scholar of God, and that I had the blessing of meeting a very elderly scholar of Oregon. And we went to go visit him in his Masjid in his school, and he had a habit and he was known for this amongst all the people that knew him as soon as he finished Salah, and he used to recite very long and lengthy and slowly in Salah, and when he would finish the solo, he would turn around and there would be a huge smile on his face.

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Even though May Allah preserve and protect him, he had lost his eyesight, but he would sit there and be smiling, and people would ask him every time he finished so now you turn around and smile. He said, I just enjoy the recitation of the Quran so much. And when you would listen to someone like that, you can feel that they are enjoying the recitation of the Quran.

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He said of the Allahu taala and he says that you could count the letters by hearing the recitation of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how carefully and passionately he used to recite the book of Allah.

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Not only that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recite regularly and by regularly I mean daily.

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Daily the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was reciting the poor an.

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A convoy approached to meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from a place known as the thief with worth do thief.

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And in this narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stationed them in a particular place close to the masjid and close to his house. He said camp here and we will meet regularly and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to meet with them every single night and teach them the matters of their religion because they came from afar. They would be there for a period of time, then they would leave.

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And one night the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was late to come out for this meeting with them. And so when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came out, they asked him, they said Yasuda La La that akademie ma Quinta talberth O Messenger of Allah tonight you came out later than the time when you usually you would come out and meet us. And the prophets of Allah Allah wa sallam said to them for God, and he said, Yes, indeed you have observed correctly, but either you be male or an alpha carrier to an STD to UCLA.

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He said I had my daily portion, my daily devotional reciting of the Quran that I had not yet completed, and I didn't want to leave the masjid until I made up that reading.

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What a connection he had with the book of Allah subhana wa tada on a daily basis. And here I'd like to pause

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For a moment,

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because many of us struggle to understand the Quran.

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And many of us even struggle to recite it or read it in the language that it was revealed properly.

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and due to that, because of that seeming barrier, we recite the endless. And a common claim that you hear nowadays is, well, I'm going to recite less, but I'm going to understand what I'm reciting. And I don't want to recite anything except that I understand it.

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And at the root of this reasoning, is something positive, which is the desire to understand the words of Allah subhanaw taala. But I am worried, as our teachers taught us, that this could actually be a doorway of Shetland that causes you to recite the or unless so what our scholars taught us is they said, struggle and put in the effort to learn the meanings of foreign but do not make that a means of diminishing and reducing, how much can you recite, even if I don't understand every word, even if you don't understand every word, recognize that, from every aspect and angle is a blessing. Allah described that by himself in the Quran as new

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ones in yreka, Nora, it was it's light. Your recitation of the Quran is bringing light into your mind and into your heart and into your psyche, even if you are not intellectually understanding every word that you recite. Allah said in the Quran about the Quran that it is she thought, it is a cure. It is a means of cleansing ourselves from spiritual and physical ailments. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do Rokia used to recite the Orion on people that were physically sick, had pain or ailment or fever because the Koran is Shiva.

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So realize that when you are reciting the Quran, you are infusing light into your mind and into your heart and into your time you are increasing in the Baraka and in the blessing of your time. One of the scholars was asked how much should I recite every day? He said you should recite proportional to how much goodness you want in that day. You want this day to be successful and

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promising and beneficial and prosperous? How much do you want it to be beneficial and prosperous? quantify that for yourself and recite the or an proportional to that amount.

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So recognize that the citation of an in and of itself is an act of Riba. And it is an act of worship that law sort of law used to do on a daily basis.

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And actually, it wasn't just one point of time in the day, his whole day and night was filled with the recitation of the Quran, Asia, his wife, our mother says, Can I take you fee hijiri euro, an hour and a half.

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Isha says, At nighttime, the prophet was leaning in my lap, he was sitting that close to me reciting Quran and she says I was in my monthly period.

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And from her fibula from her knowledge and her Scholastic Ability, she shared that detail with us to tell us that that is still permissible, as some people had gone to extremes in that period of time in the month, but we see it also the law is still close and intimate and comfortable in the privacy and the comfort and enjoyment of his home with his beloved wife. And he is reciting Quran in that situation.

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That tells us how much he loved to recite the Quran.

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Not only did or sort of law, his sort of long term love to recite the Quran, but secondly, he used to love to listen to it as well.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam approached the companion obey even a curb only Allahu Allah and who and he said to him, Allah has instructed me to listen to you recite surah to the beginner. This particular chapter in the Quran Surah kilbeggan, alemi akula vena cava Rahman Al Qaeda in Iraq

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and obey he was moved. He said, Allah mentioned me by name, that's the first thing that shook him.

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And how am I to recite the Quran to you when it was revealed upon you? This is what Allah instructed me to do. And obey recited that chapter of the Quran to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he loved to hear it from him. Not only obey but also ebru Masood Abdullah, even Mr. rude. The prophets that have long radio, send them love to hear him recite. And the Prophet said whoever wants to hear the sweet and pure and perfect as it was revealed, then listen to the recitation of ebony omya ABD which is one of the nickname of Abdullah venomous route. And the Prophet came to him and said recyclable

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To me, he came to him in the masjid of a particular tribe known as Benny of offer and he said to him respect him either for an even Mr. Rude said, or an eco alika aanzien you want me to recite to you and the Quran was revealed to you. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I love to hear it from others as well. He loved to recite it and he loved to listen to it, recite the Quran on a daily basis and listen to them on on a daily basis.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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also practiced what we call double or

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he pondered and reflected over the meanings of the Quran.

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Allah subhana wa tada commanded him in the Quran word

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And Allah said we reveal the Quran to you in that manner what till now who tell Tila. Allah commanded the Messenger of Allah to recite the Quran, one letter at a time in a methodical and composed manner.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to do this and he would pause.

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There are different ways of reciting the Quran. Sometimes we recite the Quran, to focus on quantity like what we do in Salatu tala, we, for example, we want to read as much as we can in this short amount of time. But also on a daily basis, there should be sittings and citations of the Quran that are focused on pondering. So pause, stop, recite one word or one phrase or one idea or one section and stop and go back and repeat it again. And repeat it over and over again. And ask questions and search for clues and look into the beauty of the word choice of Allah subhana wa tada

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and come up with understandings that apply to your experience. I am not advocating that we change the meanings of the Quran, I am advocating that we read it in a personalized manner, but also the law here so the longer it was someone was walking and he heard an old woman recite, attack a Heidi Silva Shia.

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Sunni. Shia begins with a lot asking the messenger of a lot a rhetorical question. Did you not receive information about Elijah

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and the prophets of Allah It was said that even though she wasn't talking to him, she was reciting he overheard her. But he paused and he said, No, I'm attorney, attorney. Attorney. Yes, I have received information about Russia and he repeated it several times.

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This is how much it moved him. But also Allah heard the Koran and recited it and felt as if he himself was being addressed, and that is something we are lacking.

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We often feel distance from the origin. It was revealed way back then, about stories and events that happened way back then know. The Quran is not meant to be a story book or a history book. The Origin contains information of history and contains truthful stories, but it was revealed for you to take heed and to be moved by

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was moved by the Orion, to use to pause in his night prayer. anytime he heard a verse in which Allah mentions mercy, he would pause and ask Allah Oh Allah bless me with your mercy. Whenever he would hear a verse describing the punishment of Allah, he would pause and he would ask Allah Oh Allah protecting me from your anger and your punishment. That's called active reading. That's called interacting with what you are hearing in what you are reading. And that is how we are expected to recite the Quran on a regular basis. We are often asked the question, why am I not moved by the Quran? Why does it affect me in any way? Perhaps it is because

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we are not reading it actively. We are not interacting we are not responding a lot in the Orion said is steady Malila become respond to your Lord. How do you respond? you respond with your app?

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That is your conversation with Allah. The Quran is Allah addressing you and your your prayer your supplication is your conversation your response to Allah so ask alarming fatherly ask Allah from his bounties and from his gifts in his goodness.

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I asked Allah subhana wa tada to make us of those who recite the Quran the way the Messenger of Allah did. ask Allah to make us of those who recite the Quran by day and by night in the manner that is most pleasing to Allah would have already had our stuff anywhere a commonly cited Muslim including the manifest of Pharaoh, in who who will follow him repent to Allah, for he is the most forgiving, Most Merciful

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wa salatu salam wa salam ala Nabi abeja Allahumma salli wa sallim

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wa barik ala Sayidina

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Have you been out and I've been at Mohammed, whether early he also should be he was a limiter, Sleeman kathira? Can I ask everyone to please move forward and fill up any spaces?

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Once we are able to develop a relationship with the words of a law that we'll assume law use a little longer, it was seldom had,

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we will then notice the effects of that light, and that she fought and that guidance, and there are so many positive effects and outcomes amongst them. Amongst them is that it will permeate our character and our manners.

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It will bring out the best within us from

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from good conduct and good manners and dealings with others. That is exactly what happened to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And that is why when the

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early pious predecessors didn't know he Sham, he asked, Isha, he said to the mother of the believers are Isha, can you describe to me the character of Rasulullah?

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And she responded to him with a question.

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She said, don't you recite the Quran?

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He said, Yes, I recite the Quran. She said, Can a hula hoop and then that was his character,

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his dealings and his mannerisms and his behavior, his interactions, his speech was directly infused with the origin.

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And that is why he was on a very high standing and moral standard in the Corolla, holyoake. And

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when we have that closeness with the book of Allah, when we are reciting it with passion and with care and with concern, with enjoyment with love, with a man with belief and conviction, and when we do that on a regular basis, we will notice it permeate into our character, and our behavior and our dealings. I will conclude with something I alluded to earlier, which was when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam asked Eben Masaru to recite the Quran to him. And just in this one Hadith is a beautiful summary of everything that we have discussed.

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Even though Mr. Rude narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him recite to me that what an investor would said to the Messenger of Allah or an Ico and Ico, you want me to recite it to you and it's been revealed to you and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said now I'm in a smarter human lady. Yes please I love to hear it being recited from other than me.

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Even Mr. Rude says forgot to salata Nisa.

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So I read I began reading from salata, Nisa, chapter number four. And he read and he read one verse after another one page after another, until he reached a particular verse in Surah Nisa, in which Allah subhana wa tada asks a question posed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forgave her either. genomen Cooley Ahmed MB Shaheed YG in Vika Allah, Allah shahida.

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Allah says, How will it be on that day on the Day of Judgment, when we bring a witness from every nation in every community, and we will bring you Oh Mohammed as a witness for these people, this community this honor, that we are blessed to be a part of.

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Upon hearing that verse Rasulullah, said to Evan Massoud has spoke, he said, Stop here, pause

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it when Mr. Rude looked up and he looked at the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for either a Nativity fan. He said his eyes, the tears were flowing from his eyes.

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In this we notice several things.

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We notice how the Prophet love the Quran, not only to recite it himself, but he loves to hear it from others. We notice how the prophets that are longer it was Selim was patient and spent long periods of time listening to the Quran. Surah Nisa is not a short chapter, he would have been listening to dozens of verses and pages by the time you reach this ayah.

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We also see from this that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was pondering and reflecting over what was recited. And he was being moved and he told him this rude pause, because he was so moved and he wanted to spend more time on that verse, and reflect. And we also see that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam cried,

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is crying when reciting the Quran positive? Yes, it is. And it's not meant to be a public spectacle. Some people cannot hold back their emotions. They may cry once in a while in front of others. And that's not a bad thing, but it should be controlled. But when you are in the privacy of your home, when you are in solitude,

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When you are alone, that is when you should allow your eyes to flow like a spring, which is what the I was named after. In Arabic the word for AI is the same word for a spring that water gushes forth. They said Why? They said because it is natural for the eyes to shed tears. It is positive to cry.

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It is healthy spiritually. And no one should ever think that it's a sign of weakness. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the strongest man of all men created and he cried and he cried, and he especially cried when reciting the Quran. And when one of the Sahaba saw him crying, he said, What is this oh messenger of Allah. Allah said, howdy, Ilana, this is a mercy of Allah.

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So recite the Quran, and cry and be moved by what you're reciting. Spend time and resources and energy to learn the words of Allah subhana wa, tada has an develop a relationship and a contract. This is not any average piece of literature. These are the words of your Creator. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make us from the people of the Quran, who are the special people of Allah and those that he loves, and protects We ask Allah to show us the truth clearly as truth and to help us to follow it and show us the falsehood clearly as falsehood and to protect us from it. Open it and I think dunia has an appeal it has an opinion, but not Allah bless us with the best of this life

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and grant us the best of the hereafter and protect us all from the torment of the hill fire. Before we close, there are a few remaining spots left to sponsor if bought here in the community, which takes place every Saturday. So please check in with the office. If you would like to generously contribute to feeding fasting people which carries a lot of reward. The current competition will take place next week and the deadline to register is may 28. And next Sunday, not this Sunday, but next Sunday, June 3, there is a very special event that is taking place and they are calling it fast with a Muslim. And that is a program designed and planned by the outreach and doctoral committee of

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this Masjid May Allah bless them and reward them as a means of inviting your family, your friends, your co workers, especially those that are non Muslim or new to Islam, to come and experience a day of Ramadan, a day of fasting a day of worship with us and then to come and break fast with us here in the masjid. It is a beautiful initiative and is a beautiful event and I encourage all of you to participate and bring your neighbors and bring your colleagues and bring any family or friends that you might have so that they can experience the beauty of our religion, the beauty of Ramadan and the beauty of our community. That is Sunday, June 3 and you can find more details at the table in the

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lobby with the data committee and you can RSVP and register yourself and your guests there. And finally after setup, please remain for a few moments we will be addressed by our Imam Sheikh Mohammed faqih, who will be calling us to rise to the occasion one of the effects of the poor and upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Ramadan is that he was the most generous out of all the year in Ramadan. The Prophet would review the whole Quran with Jubilee and Ramadan. And it is not a coincidence that andalan Oman kind of enjoyed them in relation to Manasa he was more genuine generous than a blowing wind that would bring a lot of goodness with it. So please remain after sola

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and listen and participate with our Imam along Masada Mohammed Mohammed Ibrahim Ibrahim inika, hamidah Majeed, Rebecca Mohammed Mohammed Ali Mohammed Kamara Ibrahim Ibrahim in nica, Jaime de Majeed

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