Mohammed Hijab – The Quran and the Secrets of Babylon

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the myths and legends of the Bible, including the worship of the sun, moon, and Venus, as well as the worship of the goddess Isiter. It also mentions the worship of images of warlords and the goddess Isiter's changing appearance. The transcript suggests that the Bible is filled with myths and legends that
AI: Transcript ©
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Prophet Abraham is a pivotal figure in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There's a lot of overlap in the stories about Abraham in the Quran and Bible that it is only the Quran that reveals knowledge about ancient Babylonia, that until recently has remained hidden from mankind lost in time.

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Jewish, Christian and Islamic sources all place Abraham's birthplace. In ancient Babylonia, the region where we find modern day Iraq in

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this region worshiped a multitude of gods and goddesses of particular prominence in the Pantheon, where celestial bodies such as the stars and planets, each city had a patron God, which they worshiped as their main benefactor and protector of

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the moon God Nana, symbolized by the crescent was worshipped at all and Harun Shamash, God of the sun, represented by the solar disk was worshiped at Larissa and set par. Venus personified as the goddess Ishtar was symbolized by an eight pointed star and worshiped at a rock. According to Mesopotamian mythology, these three celestial bodies, the sun, the moon, and Venus formed an astral triad.

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Recent archaeological discoveries depict the special relationship between these deities the stellar of aura nammo shows the sun and moon joined together. The kuduro of Qing militia pack depicts the astral triad in the Kuru of Nebuchadnezzar shows the astral triad, the stelly of nabonidus also depicts the astral triad. The wide geographic distribution of these artifacts indicates that this astral triad was a prominent cult throughout the region.

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Quran informs us about some very specific details with regards to the idols that Abraham's people worshiped

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we can see the Quran draws our attention to their worship of the sun, moon and their third idol. Not the details provided about the third idol. So when the night covered him, he saw a star, but when it said he said, I like not those that disappear. The word translated here a star is the Arabic word co cub, which carries the meaning of celestial object and can be used to refer to a star or planet. The Quran tells us that at the onset of nightfall, this celestial object appeared for only a brief amount of time. This description of the third idol matches the characteristics of the goddess Ishtar, one of her names was the evening star because he personified Venus, a planet that appears

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for only a brief amount of time in the evening, we can see that the Quran is claims about the idolatry of Abraham's people is accurate in light of what we know historically about the cult of the astral triad.

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Amazingly, such knowledge of ancient Mesopotamian religion was lost for 1000s of years, it was recorded at Temple sites such as the famous ziggurat of or which was buried deep beneath the desert sands. The temple was only rediscovered in the early 20th century, thanks to the excavation efforts of archaeologists such as Leonard Woolley. Even the Sumerian language that these ancient artifacts were written in was unknown. It became a dead language around the first century forgotten until the mid 19th century. In light of these facts, how could Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him have access

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Such knowledge. Given that he lived in the seventh century, the only source of knowledge about Abraham that would have been readily available would have been the Bible based stories and Jewish legends in circulation. If we examine the Bible, we find that it's silence on such details. Long ago, your ancestors, including Tara, the father of Abraham, and the whore, lived beyond the Euphrates River and worship other gods, we can see that it makes no mention of specific idols that were worshipped, they are simply referred to as other gods. Regarding the Jewish legends that predate the Quran, one of the stories found is as follows. And a voice came into his heart saying,

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all the signs of the stars and the signs of the Sun and Moon, all under the Lord's control. While this account does reference the sun and moon notes how it mentioned stars in the plural,

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we can see that Jewish legend has a general awareness of their worship of celestial objects, but it lacks the specifics of the astral triad in the Quran. In another Jewish legend about Abraham, we find mention of the worship of elemental gods, behold, the fire is more worthy of honor than all things formed. But even more worthy of honor is the water because it conquered the fire, but even it I do not call God because it is subjected to the earth. Nowhere does the Quran mentioned that Abraham's people worship the elements of fire, water or Earth. Now if the Quran did copy from such an account, then it would have included the mention of these elements, but it never does. These

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examples make it apparent that Jewish legends were also not used as sources by the Quran. Now it's important to point out that some of the deities did spread outside the region. For example, Ishtar was also worshipped in Arabia. However, she took on very different characteristics. She became the male deity after representing the God of thunderstorms symbolized as an antelope. In Egypt, she was a star at the goddess of war, symbolized by a horse and chariot. These incarnations are radically different to their counterpart Ishtar, the evening star.

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We can see that Ishtar had a chameleon light quality, her identity was constantly evolving with her attributes symbolism and even gender differing from region to region.

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This would have made it difficult for Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him to accurately pinpoint her identity in the context of Abraham. In conclusion, the Quran is filled with stories about past nations, with its author consistently demonstrating accurate knowledge of the unseen at different times and places in history. This is not a quality of human beings, but rather the divine. The Quran proclaims that God Almighty himself revealed such knowledge.

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To learn more about the miracles of the Quran, please download your free copy of the book The eternal challenge at the link below.

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