Mohammed Hijab – Firas Zahabi Talks Religion, Consciousness and Meaning of Life

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of emotions and theology in their experiences with theology, including the negative impact of seeing people as monsters and the negative impact of avoiding monsters. They also touch on the concept of consciousness and how it is impossible to know how much it is impossible to know. The trend of culturalism and pop culture is also discussed, with a focus on building one's life based on a foundation and healthy eating and physical activity. The importance of learning to be a strong person is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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guys, I'm here joined with someone who's very well known frankly in the MMA community. He's been described as one of the if not the best MMA coaches in the world actually a

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good friend Joe Rogan who have made a video about recently as one of the people actually described it was such a description

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we should maybe get a video we'll get a kind of Joe Rogan saying this just to see exactly what he said. Jordan said

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you've got Ross the hobby who's probably my first choice or one of them he'd be my number one him or him or Lisa bowling as a striking coach me everything goes

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a mad human for us a hobby to me are commensurate. I think they're exactly the same level. They're both wizards. Those guys their masters, Matt Hume had more MMA fights I think for us at some a lot of kickboxing fights, but for us is like nasty on the ground and he's a super genius when it comes to like his analytical mind way breaks down fights, he breaks down street fights because YouTube videos where he breaks down yeah, breaks down how this guy came out a guy and got cracked, discovered a left hook and explains the footwork draws it in a diagram. He's also young. Yeah, you know what he

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what he's testing guard working ground and pound on guards what guard works best for ground and he did this shit. He put it on YouTube, he put it up. So he had him him. Gary tonin. And I think Gordon Ryan, they had like some dude jumped with with boxing gloves, jumping their guard, and start pounding them. And, and in the video, you guys.

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Just anybody.

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The anime community, what people don't know about him

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is that he's actually very well grounded in philosophy, as becoming even more grounded now in theology as well.

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Just get aside for us. What is your kind of experience of theology? You were telling me something about your dad when you were when I was young, you know, my father, he came

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from Lebanon with

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not much of an education. He was a mechanic, he really grew up in the garages learning a trade, you know, and that time you didn't really go to school for long, of course, there was a civil war in Lebanon, so they were refugees to Canada, etc. Yeah. Well, my introduction is not the first time I heard about Islam was my father, a preacher to come to preach to his kids to teach them that didn't teach them that religion. Yeah. And I remember those lessons really well, quite well. And they certainly my entire life, and I would say, gave me even an edge in life.

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Because all my peers were not Muslim, 99% Christian or Jewish. And, and a lot of secular, secular families and kids, etc. And there was one, there was some lessons that really felt helped me out through life, and gave me a strong edge. Because I found that especially in the West, people struggle very emotionally. They're very emotionally involved.

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And they have their ups and downs emotionally, but my emotions were always very in check. And was one the one thing that he that he told me that I think if he'll come as a regular person were to hear it, they would pick it at heart, they would be shocked. And he was like, he told me, he asked me, What do you love more your mother or your God? How old we are? This was maybe eight or nine, maybe you're 10 years old. He asked me what's more dear to you, your mother or not? I was a young kids and my mother. Yeah. Well, I didn't think much about God or whatnot. And he said to me, No, I said, think about it. Question me very gently, very nicely said, Who gave you your mother gave you

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everything you have, you have to trace back everything.

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And he told me that maybe one day your mother, she gets sick and dies, and you're alone. You can't base your life on one person.

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You can't base your life on money or fame or fortune. Because all these things can be gone. It can be taken out from underneath. And told me you always have to depend on God, first and foremost, above all.

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And this gave me a very, very strong mental

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grounding, because anything that happened to me in life, anything bad happened to me in life, and he also used to tell me, there's nothing that's going to come your way in life that you can have. God never sent you an obstacle address. You cannot have that. So when something would come my way, I'd be nervous. I'd be scared I remember. And it gives us strong courage. And it made me very, very

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I don't know how to say but it made me very good with relationships because I would never try to

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behave in a way to make you like me, because I wasn't ever on my I was never like a suck up to people. Yeah, because I would never see somebody as everybody was. There was God and then there was everybody else. So you know

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Never, never put people up on a pedestal, so to speak.

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I think that helped me tremendously. Because when I would see my competitors or I would see somebody intimidating obstacle, I was always remind myself, you know, don't look at them. So I,

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you know, I've been so many big moments in sports. And I always tell myself, This is nothing. No, this is not that big of a deal. And always lower things that I took away from commendations. And it was a very, very, very powerful lesson for

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a lot of people will listen to that I think a lot of people will, obviously that resonate for a lot of people in the West, and obviously, a lot of people in the West don't believe in the existence of God.

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How would you reason to say an atheist or someone who doesn't believe in God? The existence of God, what would you say? Well, you see, there, there are three ways of knowing something. Primarily, let's you keep it really basic, okay? Because philosophy is a it's an ocean.

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The primary way you can know something through your senses, touch, smell, taste, hear empiricism, then we have the duction mathematics 1234 things are an order one plus one equals two. And then we have a third, a third way of knowing something is called intuition.

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Now intuition, nobody can debate your intuition.

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you can tell me the temperature of that tea, we can measure its objective,

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we can tell you the number of people in this room, you can count it is deducted. However the tastes of the teeth are what it's like to be used. So all intuitive,

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and you have something to us we call consciousness, we are self aware. This self awareness is something metaphysical is beyond physics, you cannot put it in a test, there's a part of us we cannot put in a test. So it reminds me of a little example, I like to give a little question I'd like to ask people because, you know, I often often try to teach people about self reflection and consciousness. And today, the West so dominated by materialism. Yeah. It seems to be that for those who don't know, what is, what is materialism? That's such a great question. That's why this little anecdote is something that I think really helps people learn the difference between the great

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questions on substance philosophy so basic, basic, basic thought experiment. I'm building a robot. Yeah. Okay. And we talked about this. For the audience. I'm building a robot. I'm building up my 2.0 By the way, I think so. Ross, took some time.

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And I use the speaker's corner All right. Now you know, some of the corresponding I think some of his lines plenty, believe me.

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Anyway, so people would have heard me say we're gonna say

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someone special. Remember? The robot one? Oh, yeah.

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So like, tell people Okay, let's say we're building a robot, trying to learn a deep philosophical question and tried to learn it through a thought experiment is more easy than the long winded explanation. Yeah, we're building a robot. Okay. So the robot instead of skinny has sheet metal. Instead of bones, yes, steel, steel, steel balls. Instead of blood, he has oil instead of a heart. He has a pump. Instead of an eye, he has a cabinet.

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Instead of this, he has everything is machines. He talks like you asked for IQ. He has a program. We program him to talk like you. We programmed him to think like you to learn like you. He has your IQ if I pinch him, he says, I'll if I tell them a joke, he laughs when I programmed him to do this.

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Then what he's exactly like, the only thing we know the difference between you and him is he's made of steel, and we touch him. your flesh and bone. He's still.

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And then when they come in, I destroy this Muhammad he's asked to follow.

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Now the question I have, there's no wrong answer right now. It's not to say we're not trying to see a right or wrong answer. I'm asking you, then I commit murder, or that I destroy a property.

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I destroyed a property. So somebody who says I committed a murder, he would say, Look, I'm a materialist, meaning the only thing that exists and there are people, many people out there who are materialists, they believe that the only thing that exists is the material substance. They would say Look, that's how much you Jeff 2.0 is exactly like you he should have his rights like you. He is 100% human, because there's nothing more to you

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than substance material. Yeah, material substance. Now the people who say no, no, you're just damaged property. We got to ask them. Okay, what was missing? What was the difference?

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What's the difference?

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What is the answer to the question

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of consciousness? This a problem of consciousness. How do you know consciousness? Do you know what deductively mathematics or do you know empiricism empirically

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From our senses,

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either. We know it intuitively now, because we know something intuitively,

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that shows us that science is not absolute. I love science. I could sit here and play science for one hour if you like. But I'm going to save you one hour. Okay, take my word for it. I'm intrigued by science. I read up on science. I believe in science. I think it's one way to know something. Yeah. However, does it tell me the truth? with a capital T? As I like to say, not true, everyday truth comfortable to? We're not gonna have to be here? Yeah, no, I'm talking about the truth. philosophers are interested in the truth. Like capital P. Yeah. This site, can science Give me the capital T truth? The answer is no.

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Because it couldn't tell me even about my own consciousness. So lightness, one of the great thinkers that I'm very fascinated with, he said, Look, think about it this way. If I were really tiny thought experiment, and I was walking around in your brain, I would see neurons firing, I would see blood flowing, I would see a brain a physical brain, I would see all sorts of things. But I wouldn't see life, I wouldn't see your thoughts, I wouldn't hear the song you're playing in your head that you're saying that you hear in your mind, I want to hear it. All I would see was the information. Now this information is being transformed somewhere, somehow into an experience. But this experience is

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outside the test tube. I can't put it in a test. It's what we call it the philosophy metaphysical, it is not physical.

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So if I'm going to adopt a dogmatic scientific method, meaning science, for nothing,

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I'm denying the thing that makes me most human.

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The thing that's in my face 24 hours a day that cannot divide.

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And, you know, this is a lot of philosophy in a few minutes, you know, we have the cognito. I think, therefore I am, which proves intuition is above all, first, the first thing that you know, it's actually the only thing that we know, now, we were talking earlier today, what is the difference between believing something and knowing something for those who don't know?

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cognito is something that Descartes said that many people misunderstand. He said, look, I think therefore I am. People. That's why he got finally figured out he exists. Hahaha.

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It's not that he figured out he exists. He knew that

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when he figured out is that I now know something. I don't believe something because everything is believed, save the budget up.

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To that point, he said, Look, let me cross examine everything I believe. And he found out that everything you believe you could doubt it.

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His thought was so extreme. We call it Cartesian doubt, modern philosophy. Most philosophers will agree and most scholars will agree. It started with Descartes, because he did something so different that the Greeks didn't do

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He's quite a copy of the manual.

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Again, I just started to touch on Sally's work. And when I read it, I was so amazed how similar it is to the de cartes work and it comes with over 100 years before

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It's incredible how the Islamic force was so fascinating.

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And you know, I'm a senior touches on a very interesting thought experiment. He calls it the floating man experiment and Muslim FOSS was calling said, Look, imagine you are floating man. excommunicated.

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I'm still looking into

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the story. But the following man experiment says okay, imagine we take away your eyesight. Take away your hearing. Take away your case. You're floating in the air. Okay, we take away the duty everything's gone gone. We take away one thing at a time. You're just floating.

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Even we take away your seat, your spatial orientation.

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Is there still something? And the answer if you think of it is yes, there's a consciousness. What are you conscious of?

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Nothing really. But you're still there's a consciousness. And he says, You see, he took it a different trajectory, but he found something that you cannot put in a test tube.

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Beyond yet it's beyond

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physical properties. Now. We'll see Descartes as Aristotle.

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He made a lot of Socrates his lessons very easy to understand.

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So Socrates would tell you, okay, look at this knife. See this knife.

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If I show you a knife in metal, and I show you a knife in plastic, and I show you a knife, made of wood, and then I show you a drawing of a knife, you're gonna tell me that

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they're all knives.

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And you're gonna tell me they're all knives because they all have something in common.

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This thing they have in common.

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We call it the essence.

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So this table has the same property as all of the peoples in the history of the world. Everyone

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We all shared in something we call people miss the essence. If you change the essence you change the thing.

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So if I think the stable and I'm make make a toothpick out of it, it's no longer a table. It's not too thick. I changed the essence. Yeah.

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So how many job after the age of seven, every single cell in his body has been changed? According to modern science?

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Every single cell in your body has gone.

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replaced, it's been replaced by a new material.

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How can we say? You're the same? How many Shall we?

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This is known as the problem of Ship of Theseus. So thesis was a Greek word ship.

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The ship had 99 parts.

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Every month, one part was changed. Put in the garage somewhere,

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the part will get old.

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So after 99 months, paraphrase.

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The ship was brand new parts.

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Still the Ship of Theseus, we're still riding on it on the same license. People see it that's pieces to ship. Oh, what we're going to do is on this ship, we refrigerant pieces of ship.

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But then we take all the old parts we've been putting in the garage and we reassemble them.

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Which one is thesis is shipping.

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This is a ship. It's not out there in the world in here.

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So we're getting into deep thoughts when we're talking about idealism, maybe it's too much of a topic for today. But the idea is, there are things that are known by the mind. So soccer is classified in two categories. You have things that are known by the census, the dunya, the world, that's all this all, this glass 1000 years from now, it's not going to be

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I know via the census that belongs to a category of things and is also very, the Buddhist religion, Islamic religion. In Socratic thought, Greek philosophers say, look, this thing is going to dissolve. It's a category of things that dissolve the things known by the mind

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never dissolved. is the number one ever getting results?

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How do we know?

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By the mind his body will dissolve? His body has already been changed several times in his life. However, how do we know how much Asia is through the mind? And this is what we call the soul.

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This is one way we know the soul the soul is known via the mind. So Socrates said, a soul is class of things like how do we know God, we know God via the mind know God via intuition, not mathematics, or empiricism.

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Which is what we call that's why I was telling him today earlier. I studied philosophy for so many years before I really delved into Islam only been really studying Islam for seven years, which is not a long time, people know Islam, it's not even close to 1%, how much there is to know. But I realized that all the lessons I learned about Western philosophy, and Buddhist and all all the great thinkers are very fascinated with ideas.

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It's all in Islam, in a very deep and profound level

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that I think would be too long and drawn out for one video.

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But one thing we know, is the soul. But we know it directly is actually

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you know, the soul more than you know, this table or physical world around the soul is more immediate, it's not intuitive. And are you saying that now we have a first person subjective experience, and as much as that first person subjective experience, direct substitution, our own existence, the reality of ours is also the existence of a higher metaphysical force, which brought rise to tell me the story of Adam,

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tell me the story of

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what happened. In a nutshell, your tradition goes back.

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Okay, and he created that from

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when he did some material substance and material substance when he did so he.

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So, what he did so

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doing the source, where's the soap? How's it

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so they asked you about the soul, saying that the soul is the month

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that you don't know much about. So in other words, frankly, from, from our perspective, not much to be given tons of information. We know from design perspective, once again is that number one, the soul is something which Allah subhanaw taala

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implanted or insult Adam with making viable through it. And afterwards,

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all of our beings have the same feature. Because that is at least in our tradition, of very well known, it's like it

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says that the human being is created for days and days.

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In one form, or four days or twice, and they said at the end of it,

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then the angels breathes into the soul. So the soul is a feature of everything that can ask you a question, are we made of one soul?

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We every human being has one soul. But are we made of one soul?

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Is there is it doesn't make any comment on if we're made by one soul original soul?

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What that each human being has? No, we're sharing the same soul, or is it? individual soul? Every individual has a specific soul. But this is the metaphysical property. So we have a story in the Quran that says, Look, there's this material substance, okay, we can test it scientifically. But then there's an ingredient we don't know much about.

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But this ingredient, you're experiencing it directly. Yes. As a matter of fact, it flies in the face of science.

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When you ask a materialist philosopher, because science has metric presuppositions. So what about when we ask a scientist? Yeah, how come? I'm conscious? That's what we don't know. Mystery? We don't know. They'll never know. Yeah, they will never know. We have a philosophy we have a paradox called a Chinese rule. Sorry, thought experiment. It's called the Chinese rule. Okay, so the Chinese room is, you're in a room. And I'm outside the room and I slide in a Chinese character, the Chinese character says, Hello.

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And I slide it in the room and you slide back to me. Hello to you, too.

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And I slide you a little thing. How are you? When you were slightly back very good. And you and we're having this Chinese conversation.

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Then I opened the door.

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And I see, you say you speak Chinese. I don't speak Chinese. But we're having conversation, said every time you slide me a character, I look in the book, this character, when you get it to send out this response.

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This is how a robot works.

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The robot doesn't understand the essence of words.

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He's just following an algorithm.

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They can get so sophisticated that they give you the impression that they're human. Yeah.

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Like, one time, the

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sites were trying to mock Descartes, and they made a computer type.

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I think therefore, I would print that out every so often. To say, look, even a computer thinks it's conscious. But it's not that they were putting

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at daycare. But really what they were doing was their product, they have consciousness, because that is just an extension of you. If you really think about it. Somebody has to have consciousness to say, I think therefore app. Long story short,

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is people when you see a robot, a very sophisticated robot, people think I'll one day they'll have consciousness. No.

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They'll give their parents the appearance of consciousness. There'll be very sophisticated and talking AI but we saw that the mahamuni job robot that we're building, it's a destruction of property.

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Have you ever seen the movie

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Tom Hanks is

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football Wilson Wilson.

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Wilson have a mind

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when he projected his own mind. Onto Wilson one day we're gonna have robots and we're gonna project our own mind, man. You can project your mind some people talk to their imaginary friend.

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The mind can be projected, it could do something. And that's and that's basically the input for a robot. Right? People are going to be like, Oh, no robots can have consciousness when they know they cannot think about the Pinocchio story. I want to be a real boy. I wonder what how did they make him a real boy? You have to bring in some kind of metaphysical

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We're living proof of metaphysics, we're living proof of me I don't need Richard Dawkins to tell me if I'm going to live again or what

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I know the part of me belongs to the class of the mind. totally unknown by the mind. Mathematics will never get old and rust and die.

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The things known by the mind are never are not subject to corrosion, so to speak. And I will always love the profound question that asks, you know, I got my Quran is very weakly, I know that there's a part where they ask,

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you know what will be resurrected? What brought you here the first time?

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See, Socrates has a very interesting dialogue. He has the fatal says look.

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If you grew taller, you were first shorter. You can grow taller, if you were not for sure impossible, degenerate one another. So if I fell asleep first I was awake. And if I wake up first, I was asleep.

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And you can do this with all the opposite. If I was cold first, I was warming. If I became an

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warmer offers.

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There's no escaping. They're tied together? Well, you can examine it for 1000s of years, then they have the greatest minds have examples. And we cannot say that one doesn't generate the other.

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One was your birthday.

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Okay, where were you? A year before the fifth of October? You were not living?

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You were not alive. You came to life? Yeah. What was the time and moment? space? Whatever the date was exactly. You came to life? What were you before you came to life?

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Socrates will tell you and I would tell, I would agree that some people have an emotional attachment to answer this question. The truth is, you are not living, you are dead. But you came to life already happened.

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And if you were to go with the scientific method today, science will tell you, you're never going to come to life. If I if I knew science, before I came to life, they would tell me Look, it's impossible. The world you're talking about is impossible. If this world as possible. If this was a contingent member, we're talking about lightness. This world is a contingent meaning it could have been another way. If this world exists. It's very possible there are other worlds that exist, why not?

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What's what is, if you understand cause and effect, you would know that if this world is possible, and the world is possible, as a matter of fact, if you follow regeneration, but suffering says it says Look, if everything went from life to death and never reciprocated, again, everything would be dead by nothing.

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Everything would be dead.

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If time is infinite, the second would have been if it was a one time thing. This is complicated. Thinking it is it's very advanced production very fast. But the truth of the matter is like upon learning these things, I refund them as often the current and abundance. And it's fascinating.

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That's really interesting information. And I think it's one of the things that we don't stress enough with the consciousness that the hard problem of consciousness is a very unique argument. It does require a bit of brain juice

00:27:04 --> 00:27:04


00:27:05 --> 00:27:28

But it's definitely something that's good to put out there. Moving on to another issue. Now I just want to kind of put out some kind of things, social things. Obviously, we live in the West, where Muslims and all these things, and we're oftentimes confused. Okay, well, Muslims are accused, generally speaking, why the right way? I'm not sure how it is in Canada, keep an eye on the use of the red dot. Yes, that goes off. That means 15

00:27:31 --> 00:27:31

minutes, stop.

00:27:33 --> 00:27:37

I don't know how it is in Canada, but here in the UK, and

00:27:38 --> 00:27:42

the US as well. There is this kind of now a growing right.

00:27:43 --> 00:27:45

Attack on Islamic these kind of things and

00:27:48 --> 00:27:56

accusations of extremism and these kind of things. So have you found that yourself? And how would How would you advise Muslims to respond to that?

00:27:57 --> 00:28:21

Well, I think the best thing is behave well via JustPerson. Via JustPerson. If you have information, share it if you don't know research it and learn it. The worst thing you can do is talk out of ignorance or anger, frustration. But really, at the show a good other at what's Islam about Islam is about many central themes. But one central theme is justice. Yes, fairness.

00:28:23 --> 00:28:30

Me I rather suffer the consequence and be understanding something I rather lose $100 it'd be unfair to keep my $100

00:28:31 --> 00:28:44

because I find justice to be beautiful. And I find that one of the central themes of Islam is justice. That's why I find Islam beautiful. Even the Arabs at the time of the prophet SAW that the camel having rights was absurd.

00:28:45 --> 00:29:21

He was still progressive with no Islam. For me, I see it as a direction. The prophet SAW the Arabs in one step at a time towards the direction, more and more lenient, more and more forgiving, more and more tolerant, more and more loving more and more caring. And we have to continue this trend today. If the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was alive today, he would be the most Merciful, the most friendly, the most kind, the most generous. I believe that because George Bernard Shaw after reading the CETA He said, If this man was alive today, he would solve many of the world's problems. Because we're talking earlier today about William Delta. Definitely in German philosophy says look, we're

00:29:21 --> 00:29:34

all made of the same internal stuff. This thing we have inside you we just been talking about your consciousness the stuff you share with every human being so you can transport yourself in their shoes if you really put your mind in their place.

00:29:35 --> 00:29:43

And their time and their if you don't look at it from your perspective, if you're a really open minded human being put yourself in their shoes, literally, mentally speaking,

00:29:45 --> 00:29:46

and see the world the way they see it.

00:29:48 --> 00:29:52

They were the most lenient and progressive forgiving honestly with us. That's how I see it.

00:29:53 --> 00:29:57

And we have to continue this trip. We have to continue this journey because

00:29:58 --> 00:29:59

the truth of the matter is

00:30:00 --> 00:30:03

This what was Islam was seen as slaves were Muslim,

00:30:04 --> 00:30:10

the first Muslim was a woman, and so on, and so on and so on. These were seen as crazy ideas.

00:30:12 --> 00:30:19

Like, we started to show to them like Joe Rogan, having a high regard for you. I mean, he mentioned you as well,

00:30:20 --> 00:30:34

over 100, hundreds of years. And so the civilizations they went through different cycles, the last cycle is when they become corrupt decades, they start cheating and fighting, killing one another. In fighting, a lot of infighting. And these infighting causes the suicide of the nation.

00:30:35 --> 00:31:01

So nations are not murdered, they commit suicide, why they become corrupt, the more corruption the more chance of them being overtaken by competing nation, Islam and Christianity kept corruption at bay. Now, of course, there was corruption equipped in every single type of, you know, we know that Okay, we have ISIS, the Christians, they have the KKK, among other problems in the Catholicism, the priests, yes, but these are

00:31:02 --> 00:31:16

people who did bad things. But this is not a religion, it's not the cream of the crop. So for instance, if a secular American does something wrong, I don't say, hey, that's the Constitution. That's what you get someone to say. I said that individual, he decided to do something bad.

00:31:18 --> 00:31:24

And there's so much to weed out because the media loves to blame.

00:31:25 --> 00:31:26

groups that

00:31:28 --> 00:31:31

later asked a very interesting question later,

00:31:32 --> 00:31:32


00:31:34 --> 00:31:39

does God say something is good or bad? Because its nature is good or bad? Or

00:31:40 --> 00:31:45

is it good or bad? Because Allah says, because God said, therefore whatever he says about is bad.

00:31:48 --> 00:31:51

Or is it nature, but it's not by nature?

00:31:52 --> 00:31:54

He said, Look, if you believe in God,

00:31:56 --> 00:32:01

something's bad is bad. You don't need to ask more, because God is not questionable.

00:32:02 --> 00:32:04

If you don't believe in God,

00:32:06 --> 00:32:07

it's all aesthetics.

00:32:08 --> 00:32:19

You find it to be Halloween, or Halloween? Or is it ugly, if you find it ugly, you think it's bad. If you find it to be beautiful, you find it to be good. So if there if you don't believe in a God,

00:32:22 --> 00:32:46

good and bad becomes beautiful. Whatever you find beautiful is good. Whatever you find ugly is bad. If you think about it, if you think about it, this is really what it is. And that's why when I was reading in the maze, and they say, follow your lessons. Yeah, well, like this is the ethics if you don't believe in the law, you follow your lesson. That's it. That's what ethics was. Now, when somebody tells me I hate Islam, what I think I hear, he doesn't want, he finds Islam to be

00:32:48 --> 00:32:52

white, because he wasn't raised this way. Now, there's a lot of beauty that

00:32:53 --> 00:32:55

you have to study it to know. But

00:32:56 --> 00:32:58

there's a lot of beauty in Christianity, Islam,

00:32:59 --> 00:33:08

Judaism as well. But you have to go beyond the rumors that you hear. Because there are deep and profound lessons and all the traditional.

00:33:09 --> 00:33:10


00:33:12 --> 00:33:20

people just live a superficial life in the West, generally speaking, not everybody I don't want to generalize, you know that the recent trend seems to be superficial

00:33:21 --> 00:33:35

capitalism, it'll go by more, yes, there's more people or whatnot, but go buy more, consume more, buy more, you'll be more happy. The truth of the matter is you won't be you can have plenty of material goods. proof of that, because where is the most depression of the world?

00:33:39 --> 00:33:53

Because there was a study that was done, I was quite interested in seeing that. Were Forbes magazine, I think in who they just they looked at professional in countries and and they said that their top 20 was basically Western countries with the exception of I think Nigeria.

00:33:55 --> 00:33:55

Number one would be

00:33:57 --> 00:33:58

and they take the most depressing

00:33:59 --> 00:34:03

the most pills for psycho psychological ailments.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:13

But the number of psychological ailments is on the rise. How come the pills the cures are on the rise and the elements on the right. It's become an epidemic. And that's why I felt like I had an edge growing up.

00:34:14 --> 00:34:15

Because me,

00:34:16 --> 00:34:17

I just believed that God

00:34:18 --> 00:34:21

was gonna take something from you

00:34:23 --> 00:34:23


00:34:27 --> 00:34:29

So I just had a strong mental

00:34:32 --> 00:34:33

mine growing up and

00:34:35 --> 00:34:45

I go through bad times like everybody else. Yeah. But I love what Hamza Yusuf said said, hopelessness is a bit. You want to be dissected. Muslims, they argue about Buddha

00:34:46 --> 00:34:57

said, you want a bit of hopelessness, that's a bit could never have hopelessness. And of course, if anybody was familiar with the series, you know, there's never hopelessness doesn't exist.

00:34:58 --> 00:35:00

And again, these are these are like

00:35:00 --> 00:35:08

One one famous writer, Stephen R. Covey. I read a lot of books, every from every corner of a seven Step Seven Habits of Highly Effective.

00:35:09 --> 00:35:20

He says, Look, if you believe he says, look, you got to build your very similar to Islamic thinking. He said, You have to build your life on a foundation, something unshakable. Because you build your life, if that was a moment,

00:35:22 --> 00:35:27

you build your life on your spouse, maybe your spouse, your whole life will come crumbling.

00:35:29 --> 00:35:54

If your fist your building is built on a stone, that shaky, you'll always be insecure. So maybe you build it on your wealth, your luck, can you take it from maybe you build it on your health, your your youth, that's going to be taken for you Everything is a dummy, everything in the world can be taken for you. So even if you have a firm grasp, you always have a deep sense of insecurity. So he says, Look, if you believe in God, but God obviously first

00:35:56 --> 00:36:06

if you believe you don't believe in God says at least put your principles meaning I'm gonna be honest, respectful. Who are you really and never compromise.

00:36:08 --> 00:36:10

But the problem I found the principal argument to get second best.

00:36:12 --> 00:36:28

Because even yourself, you could be tempted, I'm always gonna be weak. I could maybe be tempted or have a have a have a look through a phase in my life that I might betray my own principles. It's not sure I'm not sure you still have a fundamental

00:36:30 --> 00:36:31


00:36:33 --> 00:36:43

I think the healthiest most ecological mind, he believes. He accepts nature, I have this part of me that's unique, that science cannot even comment on. So I will need the permission.

00:36:44 --> 00:36:51

I will need to bow down to them. And we all struggle. You know, I was asking you earlier one of your favorite techniques and he what

00:36:52 --> 00:36:53

he did?

00:36:54 --> 00:36:57

It's a very advanced advice.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:05

But what have you you told me it's authenticity is supposedly was what I was told, he, the Prophet told

00:37:06 --> 00:37:07

chase the shadow.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:11

Shadow shadow

00:37:14 --> 00:37:17

shadow side I was told when I was younger, so I really

00:37:20 --> 00:37:21

there was a player

00:37:25 --> 00:37:29

chasing the dunya chasing shadows, similar videos paraphrasing

00:37:32 --> 00:37:34

chaser shadow when they couldn't catch it couldn't catch

00:37:35 --> 00:37:39

the sun. And when they came back, so what was that lesson?

00:37:40 --> 00:37:42

Thank you chasing your shadow. You never catch it.

00:37:46 --> 00:38:01

It was a very profound. Yes, I never, I never grew up growing up. And I felt I got a respect from my peers. I had a strong I don't know how to say but how strong backbone English. And I never believed something was impossible. When I started learning to

00:38:03 --> 00:38:05

laugh, love happy that you brought this up

00:38:06 --> 00:38:16

in the time that we want to do the next episode, even if it's gonna be a short episode, we want to talk about because this is your area especially now there is

00:38:18 --> 00:38:18


00:38:20 --> 00:38:36

basically like keeping healthy keeping fit, keeping strong, because it's like, you know, plays a huge role, right. And this is quite a simplistic model, but I think it's quite an effective one. Having a mind body and soul connection. Like all those three things have to be to some extent, you know,

00:38:37 --> 00:38:39

I have to be stimulated

00:38:42 --> 00:38:47

about that in the next episode. But if you did like this episode, the other side of

00:38:48 --> 00:38:57

Zapier, which is a very deeply critical side, as well read side by side we don't get to see or hear of

00:38:58 --> 00:38:59

you are

00:39:00 --> 00:39:16

more willing to say visually exciting things. By the next episode, we are going to be talking about those visually exciting things, and how to take care of yourself maybe on a physical level. Make sure you subscribe to the page, and you subscribe to our service

00:39:17 --> 00:39:30

page as well. He's got a really good YouTube channel instructionals on different fight techniques, and he is the economist Joe Rogan even you know what, one of the best if not the best in the world. So you're going to check that out

00:39:31 --> 00:39:35

in the description box, and I'll see you in the next video.

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