Nadim Bashir – The Best and the Worst #13 – Showing Respect to the Dead

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of showing respect when individuals are supposed to be at grave sites, and the need to balance the views of different individuals. They also emphasize the importance of showing respect when individuals are supposed to be at grave sites and that individuals may not be allowed to do so. The speakers stress the importance of showing respect when individuals are supposed to be at grave sites and that individuals may not be allowed to do so. They also mention the importance of showing respect when individuals are supposed to be at grave sites and that individuals may not be allowed to do so.
AI: Transcript ©
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He saw the house

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Nina Mussolini maybe

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I said I'm on a call Muhammad Allah here but I'll get to it soon. Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Zoomarine a Maha.

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Welcome to another segment of the best and the worst will recover a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu is I'm talking about the best of the people, or the best actions, or the worst of the people or the worst actions. Today I want to share with you a hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam. There's a hadith narrated by Aisha YOLO Tanana that she says that an OMA Habiba will almost sedima The Kurata can eat certain Rowena had been habitat if he had the saw. We'll she mentioned that OMA Habiba are the allotted on hat and on the southern model the yellow Tron had these are two wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So they were discussing about a church and a place of

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worship that they had seen and come across in Habesha in Abyssinia. Fie, had a saw we had and in this place, there were many pictures or there are many, you know, sculptures and many idols and so forth. For the karate Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they had mentioned this to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Allah, you can either kind of fee him or Raju Salah for murder by now Allah acaba de must G then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, that, if you know long time ago, there were there were righteous men, men that were revered. And when they would die, people would create monuments and structures on their on their

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graves, and they will make their graves their grave sites, a place of worship, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, Well, so what we'll see here teleca sewer, and in this, they would hang these pictures now long time ago. Many of the alumni they say that they never had actual pictures at that time. And here pictures or sewer or the saw we had is in reference to sculptures and idols that people would create in current from stone. And they would then place these idols in these stones in the places of worship. And then the Prophet sallallahu, I assume says for Hola, Erica Shira rule Hulk, in the law, he Yama, Yama, these are the worst and the worst of the creation

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of Allah subhana with the honor and the worst of the people in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment. Now, this is a Hadith that is found in Behati. And the reason why this hadith has been mentioned. And the reason why the Prophet mentioned this is because one of the things that we find the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doing is that he would take first of all, he would provide, you know the teachings of Islam. But at the same time, he would take previous practices that were adopted by new Muslims in the community. And because once again, keeping in mind that this there was a very similar statement made by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right

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before he passed away. And the reason he did that is because he understands that while you have some Sahaba, that they are very solid, and they're very strong in their Iman, there are a lot of people who have newly come into the state of Islam into the fold of Islam. And their Iman may not be as strong as the others. And it is a very big possibility that they have brought luggage, you know, they have brought practices with them from their paganistic lifestyles, and their pre Islamic days. So the Prophet SAW someone's making this very, very clear, that do not make a grave when he before he passed away, he says that this is what led the yahood and then Asara and other religions astray.

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And they it took them to deviance and misguidance that they took their revered people and they created, you know, from their graves, your monuments and structures, and they built workplaces of worship around that grave, and they would worship at those places. And he says that do not make my grave and that way Do not you know, make a monument around my grave and so forth. So the one thing that we understand from this is that when it comes to, you know, worshipping, of course we worship only in only Allah subhanho wa Taala but there are a lot of misunderstandings also when it comes to, you know, the graves and people worshipping the graves and so forth. So I want to clarify some of

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those things. Of course, I cannot get into all the academic academic discussions related to these topics, but just few things I can share with you. The very first thing is that showing up to the grave site of some

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am righteous person and making dua for him, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, to show up as someone else's grave, a revered figure, and to, you know, just out of pure respect for that person, you know that person or it could be the grave of a newbie, or even when we go to Medina and we visit the grave site of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and we, you know, we pass by we always make Salam to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and so forth. Or we go to the grave site of any righteous person, to simply go there and show our respect, there is nothing wrong in our deen about that. If a person passes away, if a person passes away, and sometimes you know, people

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they gather after a very righteous person has passed away, they do a gathering. And they just simply talk about this person who has passed away, they talk about his lessons, his reflections, they talk about his quotes, you know, his quotes about coming close to Allah subhanho wa taala, about the importance of spirituality and so forth. There is nothing wrong in having those kinds of gatherings either. Now, where it does become wrong is that when people do show up at grave sites, and they're making sujood, this is absolutely haram it is shipped to make sujood to a grave, to a grave, it can be the grave, it can be the grave of anyone a grave of a of a righteous saint, or the grave of an OB

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or any other person, but to go to a grave site and to make sujood or to bow down, you know, showing that kind of level of reverence to that grave. It is absolutely wrong. It is completely forbidden in our deen, also, when you know when people think and you know, people go to the grave sites, and they're almost like talking to the grave. And they're talking to the deceased person thinking that, you know, they can hear me and so forth. Now, this is of course, another big laugh and so forth. You know, that can the dead here or not, there's a very big if the laugh on this, but I will say that if we go there, we go to a grave site, grave site, and we're talking to this person and then you know,

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sometimes we go beyond and you know, we're we're we're asking this person to help us and we're not asking Allah subhanho wa taala. This is absolutely also wrong. People also go to some of these grave sites, and they think that it is, you know, full of Baraka if I sacrifice my animal next to the grave site, because I want the baraka of this person. Now, once again, there's also we don't find this in our deen we don't find this from any of the practices of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Sahaba of the Allah that I'm home. And so therefore, I will say that there is no proof that there is necessarily a Baraka, yes, this person when he was alive, he was there was a lot

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of Baraka in his life, probably. And he was teaching so many people and his teachings they live on today till today, we quote, so many of our Lama, we quote, like, for example, even a yam and, you know, shakily, some Imitate me, or Imam Azhar Yamato, la La, these are great scholars of the past, and until today, we quote them, we show them extreme amount of reverence and respect. And there's nothing wrong with that. That's how you show respect that you continue their legacy, you continue to teach their teachings and spread their teachings to others, and you bring people close to Allah subhanho wa taala. But there is no proof that if you necessarily take a sacrifice, take an animal

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next to the grave site ain't necessarily sacrifice it. And today Subhanallah we find within the Muslim world, there's so much of these kinds of big the art and innovations where a person has been buried in the Create a big monument and that becomes the central focus the central point of the entire budget, that is not of course, that is not allowed. In fact, you can have there are many massages, where you have the gravesite right outside the masjid, that's absolutely fine, you can have that, you know, we find that many times in many different places, you know, so there is nothing wrong in doing that. So we have to understand there is a balanced approach when it comes to this

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matter. Also, there's, you know, there is the, the whole subject of the West soul and is the author and you know, subhanAllah we have people today in the Muslim ummah, who completely will, you know, they will criticize and label each other as kuffar, you know, or Cofer or deviant and so forth. And there are always two different opinions about each matter. And there's always rely on E on both sides. And you may follow one particular opinion and that's absolutely fine. But to label someone else as deviant, and you know, they are volatile, or you know, and they are misguided and so forth, is not the correct way, you know, subhanAllah today I've come across many people who simply they

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look at the other opinion and they say it is not permissible. Now, of course, for example, when it comes to Watson, you know, seeking the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala through something we find this

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You know, you know there's extra for this matter to, you know, we find that, for example, the story of the three men who were, who were, who were, you know, trapped in the cave, they were seeking we'll see that through their actions and that's absolutely permissible. But then the question comes to the Can you do it through the prophet Sallallahu, wasallam and so forth. And there are two different opinions about the matter. But what's important to understand is that whatever opinion you follow, that's absolutely fine. You can follow one opinion and there are two there are different opinions are one says that it is allowed and one says it is not allowed. And so once again, we you

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know, if you follow the opinion that is not allowed, hey, that's your, that's your, that's your position and if you feel like that it is you you are allowed to do so you have to remember that at the end of the day, it is not any mob look that can bring you help the help ultimately comes from Allah subhanho wa taala. So we have to understand that there are going to be always do different opinions about the matter. But the most important thing is that always try to ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada for help. There are so many doors that we find in the Quran, so many doors in the Sunnah in the seat of the Prophet sallallahu is and that we find, and you know, try to make dua to Allah subhanho

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wa Taala using those dual eyes, those are the best to us. Those are the doers of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I ask Allah subhana wa Tala to always keep a steadfast upon what is right. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to create within us tolerance for other opinions. Once again, I'm not saying it could be I'm not talking about deviant opinions or opinions that have no basis in our study. I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about the when there are two opinions come from orlimar and scholars and they are valid the law is on both sides. We need to respect that I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us an understanding to be respectful towards each other um, you

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know, Will Allah mean and ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala finally, to keep us on the table to keep us on the teaching of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam amicable Allah mean is that Kamala Harris salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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in metal Mussolini now mostly man do you want meaning I mean it will quantity now look on it that he was slaughtered in pain I was slaughtered in Poland he was saw the Rena was saw the raw before she you know

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what unfortunately no one was polishing I think one downside BP now one downside the party was slow on me now was all in

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wouldn't have you Lena photo gentlemen one Hatfield was it was that good enough long I guess.

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What's going on? I don't know hula hoop

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now nauseam

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