Ali Albarghouthi – Manners of Seeking Knowledge – Part 7

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers stress the importance of pursuing knowledge and avoiding the end time, as well as learning and practicing to achieve success in pursuing knowledge. They also emphasize the importance of avoiding bad behavior and avoiding envy, educating oneself on what one wants to learn, and avoiding negative emotions. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to be present for the future, acknowledging the negative impacts of uncertainty and fear on society, and embracing the challenges of the pandemic. They stress the importance of acknowledging and embracing the challenges of the pandemic and the need for everyone to be aware of the negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's a physical journey that you're gonna take. Let's consider, for instance, you drive to a particular Masjid or a particular city because there's a halaqa, there's a conference, there is a visiting scholar. So that journey is a journey to seek knowledge. So that journey counts for you as a virtuous act, and the actual journey, meaning metaphoric journey, that on, you know, life's journey, in seeking knowledge that also, as long as you have that intention, that also is a virtuous act. But it requires a lot of patience. And it requires also that you always ask Allah azzawajal for steadfastness, right? Because on your own, you may quit along the journey, right? You may quit

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because it's difficult. But if you ask Allah for support a lot, as Odin then will assist you, and ask Allah xojo to keep reminding you of the value of what you're doing, and the value of what you will be able to do with it once you've able to get it. Right. And the benefit of it in the hereafter and the benefit of this dunya. And this is how you stay motivated. Otherwise, if you're doing it by yourself, otherwise, if you're alone, otherwise, you know, if no one is inspiring you you're gonna quit because it is difficult. It is not easy. And is it easy, for instance, to pick up a book and it's a serious book, Islamic book and start reading beginning to end? Especially today? Is it easy?

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No, there are a million other things that you would actually rather be doing what the JSON will tell you, you'd rather be doing just like when you start you're solid, the shaitaan is gonna whisper into your heart things outside of the Salah to distract you. Once you start with your with reading, you're going to have a million thoughts right before you develop that discipline a million thoughts about will have me that let me do this. And then I'll come back. Let me just write this let me just text so on. So let me just I remembered something. So all these thoughts are going to come into your mind. So you need to, as you in the salon, ask Allah for protection from the sheath on when you want

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to begin, ask Allah for protection from the shaitaan and know and try to realize the shaytans intervention sometimes to try to distract you and really, so it does require a serious person to be able to worship Allah azza wa jal through this. And

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he says from en sobre la danika de bajo de la de telemeter, Fukuda debted dunia, he says, the one who is patient with with that effort with toiling

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in pursuit of knowledge will find that the sweetness of knowledge surpasses the sweetness of worldly matters.

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And that is, you know,

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to a lot of us simply theory, or says sort of kind of seemed like fiction. How is it that actually the sweetness of knowledge and gaining knowledge, specifically Islamic knowledge, but you could say subpanel, also, to an extent, it's all types of knowledge, when you know, when you learn something new, especially something that solves a problem that you have, or opens up a new field of inquiry, or you say, wow, this is interesting. So he says that, that sweetness is greater than the sweetness of worldly matters when you attain them, meaning greater than the sweetness of food greater than the sweetness of sleep greater than the sweetness of going out and shopping of texting or buying

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something new, is the sweetness of knowledge surpasses all of this. Now, when you begin, you're not going to find that sweetness.

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Why? Because you're used to what the dunia this world, right. So we're still addicted to that sweetness. So you know, have you tried to not that I have, but have you tried to switch from eating sugar to eating less sugar? Right? You try?

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Not a lot, right? But anyway, right? When you when you start doing it, is it easy? No, it's not easy. The food doesn't have a good taste, right? That coffee, the tea, whatever is reduced sugar you eat it is what is the taste, you still crave what

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the sugar is. But once you get used to it, that's the that's the persevering. That's the patience. Once you actually keep doing it for a week for a month for few months now. And your tongue gets used to it. If you want to go back to that sugary sweetness that you used to drink and eat. What do you would you find it? Disgusting, is it How did I ever eat this? How did I ever eat this? So you transitioned. And so now you will like this new food that you're eating more than that previous one. So that is an experience and this is a new experience that has surpassed the other one. This is why because you were patient. So in the beginning, the journey will have led me so you bring especially

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if you're young, especially if you have friends, you tell them come and sit in the masjid and record on just like that, right? It's gonna be one of the most difficult things to do. Said open a book and read as one of the most difficult things

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to do, so you have to create an end and internal incentive for the person to do this. But if we were suppose that you're an adult, you recognize what's good for you what is bad for you, and you try it. And it's difficult in the beginning, if you stay with it, if you stay with it, if you stay with it, you start sweet tasting the sweetness of learning, the sweetness of understanding what you couldn't understand before, and you will look at other activities that used to consume your time as frivolous and dumb. How did I spend my time watching this? or talking about these things, I didn't gain anything from it by now, I spent five minutes or 10 minutes or half an hour reading a book, look how

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much I'm getting. Look how smarter I am. Now, the things that used to perplexed me before confused me before about my life, about what I'm supposed to do with it about how to solve a problem. Now I understand. Now I have a solution. Now I feel better. And especially so he says it will surpass the sweetness of worldly matters. So he quotes here, Mohammed Ahmed Hassan, he says he when he used to stay up for nights, the scholar, you say is used to stay up for nights and solve some problems? You know, religious problems, right through study, intellectual religious problems. He used to say ain't no leukemia he led that he says, Where are the sons of kings, the progeny of kings, from fighting

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over these pleasures? So is what is what is he mean here? Is that, that SONS OF KINGS or the progeny of kings, what pleasures do they fight over?

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dunia? That's what they're looking for. Because that's how they grew up. What do they see? They see their father who's a king, he has this power, he has this wealth. So that's why they fight with each other though they are brothers. But they fight with each other over these types of pleasures. He says to himself, when he experiences that will tell him that sweetness of understanding the sweetness of knowledge, he says, How come the children of kings have not figured out the sweetness of these things?

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How come they did not find because if they would actually to find out about it, they would fight us over it because of how sweet it is. Because it's sweeter than this is what he's saying it is sweeter than and he's especially when you resolve a problem. Like in your head. You can't reconcile two things. In your head, you're wondering, right? Especially things that really affect you or affect people that are around you. How is it that a lot as odle commanded this? How is it that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did that not that you're doubting what you're trying to understand? And you want to explain it to others? And you think and you think and you think and you can't find an answer. And

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then Subhan Allah, Allah grants you that answer from reading, from thinking, sometimes it comes to you by thinking about it. And Allah opens the gates of guidance, and you figure it out. It says, Now that now once you grasp that thing, it's as if subpanel live eating, you know, a very wholesome, you know, full meal is this is it, this is beautiful. This is wonderful, because now I understand something about myself, something about my family, something about my spouse, my child, something about Islam, something about the hereafter. This, of course requires that you spend time with it, and you also see the value of it, see the value of what you're learning, because any worldly things

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right that you learn, as valuable as they are, they stop here.

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But religious things that you learn, they benefit you here. And they continue with you. They continue with you till the Day of debt. And so as they say about so and so that he saw his shift in a dream. He said the federal law that you've given on that particular day, that reward of that fat word reached me.

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Well, what does that mean? It means that it's the shift taught him something.

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And that his shift passed away.

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So that that shift, this new shift was still alive. The student who became a shift was giving the federal CIO his late share, keep them in the dream. And he says that reward of that fatwa reached me.

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Because you taught it. So that could be you. You don't need to be necessarily a shave, but you can have some knowledge, some, and you share it with someone and you forget about it. Right?

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And you die, and then that person continues to apply it or teaches it to another person, and you're getting that reward. So that's that's the though, because it stays with you and you know that you really have done something lasting, meaningful, magnificent, right? Rather than wasting your life. So this is the letter there. You do it and you say subpanel live ruin something here. That is really a value. So he says

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He's a rookie says wemberly $2 bill. He says the secret of knowledge should really concentrate on seeking knowledge and not be distracted by something else. Meaning like, stay focused. So the more serious you are, the more focused you are, the more that you're going to get. And he quotes Mohammed Abu Hassan, he says, Sina Altoona had the human and Maddy it allottee says, this work of ours, this pursuit of ours is from the cradle to the grave, from an era and yet through careful manner, hobbies, our habits, affiliate verrucosa, if you want to leave this pursuit of knowledge for an hour, okay, there's a play on words here, you want to leave it for an hour, let's let him leave it

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this hour.

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Meaning that stop immediately that if in your intention, I'm going to be doing doing some and then pausing doing some and pausing doing some I'm pausing. He's saying to himself, no, just stop already. Stop already, because you really are not serious about it. No, he says what he says he need to keep on it, you need to keep doing it. Now, of course, I don't want this you to take this to despair and say, Well, I'm sometimes I'm intermittent in my universe, seeking knowledge. Sometimes I do it sometimes and stop. Sometimes I have energy, sometimes I don't have energy, it means I should leave it all together. No, he's not saying this, for you to despair and save just That's it, I'm

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just going to leave everything he's saying it to motivate. And to stress, the stress the fact that it should be continuous. Because if it's not continuous, you're not going to be able to get the most out of it, you'll get some and then you'll, you'll pause, and you'll forget and you will come back. So you'll continue to what be in the same place. So he says no, be serious about it. Because it's supposed to be a lifelong pursuit. So not gonna stop. But if you happen to be that type of person who either does not have a lot of time, that's fine. Seek it whenever you can. Never give up, seek it whenever you can, and ask Allah azzawajal if you find yourself that sometimes you lack

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motivation, as a lover, that motivation simply simply is it said, I got this hour today, I just don't have the energy to do this. Fine. Consider it a day of rest, but as a law as the origin for motivation, asking for support, so that you can come back to it. And maybe also investigate why is it that when you were in a better mood, why is it that today, you weren't really able to read, weren't able to do something productive, what happened. And sometimes upon investigation, you will find out something, you know, maybe I've done something wrong, if you can trace it, I've done something wrong, I committed a sin, I suspected that sin, and that's influenced my mood, and

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influence my pursuit of knowledge. So go back and ask Allah for forgiveness for it. So if you're able to track it back to a particular bad thing that you have done, and sometimes a bad thought that you may have had, you'll be able to cleanse yourself quicker, and come back

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to pursuing knowledge. So he says this is from

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the cradle to the grave. So it doesn't matter. And we're going to come to insha Allah, the next chapter, we're going to be talking about, oh, yeah, the next chapter is talking about that there is no end time, except death for

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pursuit of knowledge. So he gives you he gives you an example. He says somebody came to visit Abu Yusuf. And all of them all of these are no Hanafi scholars, you know, said that before. And he used to so he came to visit about use of use of Abu Yusuf was on his deathbed. And he was just his soul is it's on in the process of leaving his body not yet. He's not dying yet, he can still talk but And along the way, or on the way of dying. So I will use if he told him as that person or MUJI Mario, Rocky Buffalo and Mirage Isla, so used to ask them he says throwing the pebbles in head, so throwing the pebbles, is it better to do it on foot? Or on an animal? Right? So is it better to do it like

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this? Or is it better to do with that? So that person did not know the answer. So I will use have gave this answer himself. But of course, that question to us today is not relevant, right. But at one point, you could do that you can either write an animal or you can, you know, be on foot. But the benefit of that story is what is that still till the end? Till the end? He was what learning or teaching till the very end is learning and teaching. So you think to yourself, what's the benefit of this? Because till the last breath, either I can learn something which will help me or teach something which will also help me. So as long as there is an opportunity for a person to do

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something that's good, you seize it. Right you seize it, and they become most precious Of course, when you know that you're leaving.

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Yeah, when you know that you're leaving. That's when they become the most precious

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But now that you have so many of them, Suppan, a lot of those moments, try to take advantage of so many of them right? So not to waste so many but advantage of as many of them as possible. And the he's not the only person he's not the only person there are other scholars on their deathbed, somebody comes and they will ask him Did you hear about this hadith meaning that you can you narrate this hadith to me or narrate that tradition to me, and they'll ask him till when you mean on your deathbed and you still you know, are seeking and eager to learn? And he says yes, it was still the end because this may be the lol Kereama Allah t estephe. Do minha lammertsma aka maka maybe the

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sentence that is going to benefit me I did not hear yet.

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Understand. And maybe the sentence that will help me that will benefit me. I did not hear you. And maybe it's Same thing with sadaqa with charity with a good word maybe the sadaqa that is going to save me from hellfire. I did not pay it. Maybe the good word that I'm going to say to save me from hellfire. I didn't say it. So you do not belittle any small thing. You say what what what what is the dollar gonna do was an extra Heidi's gonna do what is you know, an extra good word is going to do what is it going to do, but maybe it is this thing that is going to be on top of all your other good deeds that are going to take you to China. So you don't know. So if it's not gonna harm you,

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and it's not it will benefit you in sha Allah. So try to seize it as his haka the embedded felt he says so, so the 14 the scholar has to occupy all of his times with with that type of pursuit, noble pursuit, and he will find a lot of pleasure in doing so. Well, hopefully that no qualifier hydromorphone is It is said that he had said towards the end of his time, shallot nimasa it will MacArthur be on his deathbed. He had a young, he says, I was distracted by the

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matters or questions about Elmo cat. And mocap is the slave who goes to his owner and he says, I want to be free, I'm gonna pay you back for it. So his owner tells him go ahead and earn money and pay me back and you're free. Right? So he pays him back whatever he had paid. So this is a look at that. So it's like it's an issue. And so he says, I was distracted by that from getting ready for this day, meaning for the lat for visiting and coming back to Allah xojo, or the day of death. And he says, What in the macula delicata Waldo, he says, maybe he said that out of humility,

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out of humility. So it's a possibility that I will use it for him a lie, he had that he had said this out of humility, that, while I, you know, I should have If I had known, I would not have spent so much time on this. But he says, of course, he benefited a lot of people with whatever he taught, whatever he had learned. So of course, he was saying this out of humility. So that's a possibility. Or the other possibility is Abu Yusuf Rahim, Allah has realized is as I spend too much time on these matters, on too many details related to that matters. Whereas if I spent my time on something else more significant that would have been even better for my today. So this if you can take from it, the

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lesson would be that whatever you are learning, you want to ask yourself, why

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am I learning it? is sometimes there is this shower, there is this desire, when you want to learn of learning something new? Just I want to learn, right? I want to just learn something new, especially if it is as we said before, if it is odd, strange, controversial, you know, nobody had heard about it before. So there is this this shower that you have, I want to just learn this, and I want to learn that and that is you know, at least you have a desire to learn that is good. But then you ask yourself, What am I applying this for? What is this for? So it is of little benefit Yanni it's so it's such a minute irrelevant matter of little benefit in the era and also little benefit in the

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dunya Why are you learning it and spending time on it? So occupy yourself with what is most beneficial, most helpful, and that was a smart seeker of knowledge would do. Because the the paths The roads are plenty and all of them are open, you can study so many different things. And within each discipline, you can study even you know more and more more things within each discipline. There are roads within the roads paths within the paths. So which one should I study is is the one that you need?

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What is it that you need?

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And that's what you need to find out at this moment. I need to learn about sada that's a ministry about Salah, not about the sons of the Day of Judgment.

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You may or may not never see that. Right. I know the interesting and there's a lot of benefits in them but Salah or

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Signs of de judgment. So now we're at the Jet.

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So now first, then learn about the jet. Make the detail the reward right after you learn about Salah. I'm going to reward myself by learning about the jelly because it's interesting, but at least learn about what you're going to apply today. Learn about what your spouse needs, learn about what your kids need, learn about your Zika the things that you need to do to know at this moment, learn about how to fix your heart. Learn about Okay, I have a disease, you know what diseases you have.

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I skipped the Salah, I'm not regular with it. I suspect people I'm envious, I'm arrogant, learn about those things and how to fix them. That is your priority. That's what's going to help you and then later on, learn about everything else, if it's interesting, but at least you've taken care of the basics. And keep in mind, keep in mind that

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ask yourself always what's the benefit of what I'm learning?

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No. And then we move on to the next chapter. And he says this is you know, what is the time for acquiring knowledge? When do the acquisition of knowledge? When does it begin? When does it end? Okay, and as we said, it has no beginning. There's no beginning time as soon as you can start to start. And it goes all the way till death till the moment of death. That is it. That's what we say from the cradle to the grave. Okay, so you keep learning, and you never stop learning. And you'll never stop learning until you die. So you're always learning something and you never say to yourself, I know enough about this. Never say that. I know enough about this. Because as we said

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before Hochuli, the element alim there is always one more knowledgeable than you. And a lot as odd is above everybody else. So you can always learn something about that topic. Even if you consider yourself to be an expert in it, you'll always find something to learn. So you never say I learned enough about this, you've never learned enough, if you think that you know enough. And that is a sign that you

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don't know, know much or don't know anything, right? So when you say to yourself, there's a lot more to get to learn. And I don't know enough, that is a sign of maturity, a sign of knowledge. So he says, from the cradle to the grave, and he says he was talking about hazard and nausea. The following sentence is something kind of seems inaccurate in it or doesn't add up, started to buckle or he started learning when he was 80. And then he did not

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sleep at night for 40 years. And then he gave photo for 40 years. So if you're just going to add it up like this is going to be that he lived till 160

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or that is something I need not write about that statement. But what we can take from it is what even if you are at play if even if you're at you don't say it's too late for me. Right? Why isn't it late if you're at to seek knowledge?

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you're still alive? Huh?

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Uh, yeah, you can do something you can do, you can meet a lot as I suppose that you're going to meet a lot as you're at at this moment, you're going to meet a lot when you're 85 or maybe 90, let's say

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and you can spend those five years right, let's say that you're able to memorize the Quran. Isn't it better to meet Allah while have memorized the Quran than not?

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Yeah, absolutely. Maybe not memorization, maybe memorization, you know, for me at that age is going to be difficult, but that's fine. But I've I'm reading the Tafseer of the Quran and I'm understanding what Allah is saying. And that is helping secure and increase my email. Isn't it better that I meet Allah like that? Rather than meet him ignorant? Right? Does that not increase my chances of my sins been forgiven and entering gender and maybe perhaps a lot as though gender it's a possibility, allow facilitate that I can teach somebody those things. A family member or a neighbor or somebody I see in the masjid, they're doing something wrong, I corrected, I now have taught

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somebody something. And that becomes something that they keep applying and teaching it to other people. So there is a lot of barakah in continuing to learn.

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So even if you're 80, it doesn't really matter. Because you don't you don't know as we said, if you if the thing that is going to help you. It's the thing that's going to benefit you have been learned or not. So a person never gives up on learning. And he says here, the best times to learn.

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The best time to learn are early adulthood meaning when you're young, or walk to the last part of the night before dawn will not be in Asia Eenie between Maverick and Asia. Hello, Emily and yesterday he called me out party says it should you know seeking knowledge should take up most of your time. Okay, I understand. We're not full

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Time, seekers of knowledge, but a significant amount of your time or be dedicated enough that you're giving it a good portion of your day. If it's half an hour be dedicated and say half an hour, but at least it's half an hour. If it's an hour, say, an hour of reading an hour of studying, and it will add up. But he's talking here about the full timers. So he said it should occupy most of his time. And he has really a very good advice here for either mela min l min. Yesterday, Lu, the element is if you get tired, with one tap on one discipline, with one branch of knowledge, you move on to another discipline and to another branch. He says, can I best examine nominal coulomb bass, if he

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gets tired of talking bored with it, right? Like sitting, let's say teaching and teaching and teaching. He see what see what happened to the one assura bring the poetry of the poets bring poetry and let's read poetry. So here what? Here you begin to understand that you are a human being who is going to get tired. So I'm, I'm reading Hadith, let's say I'm studying.

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And my capacity is some people can do it for hours, let's say. But my capacity is an hour. After an hour, I get tired and bored. I can't continue. I'm not absorbing anything anymore. I need a rest. So what am I going to rest doing?

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So he says if you don't plan, then your self is going to take you where

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you wander and you wander into where at least distracting at least other distractions or the hot on maybe because you don't have a plan. Okay, you know that you're going to get bored, right? You know yourself. I know myself. I know. I'm gonna get bored. You know, you're gonna get bored after an hour after half an hour. Okay, what's your plan?

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No, you know, you know that you're gonna get hungry in an hour. You don't have a plan.

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You have a plan, right? I bought I went to the grocery store. I bought stuff, right? I stocked up the fridge. I know why. Why did why do you stock up the fridge? I know I'm going to work need. I'm going to eat breakfast lunch or dinner? Maybe not lunch? Breakfast, at least dinner. So something right? So okay, so what is your plan? Because this is your nourishment? intellectually and spiritually This is it. Okay, so what? So I'm going to get bored with this, I need something else. What is the other book, the other discipline that is gonna refresh you is going to energize you something that is not as serious.

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Something that is not as serious. So this is what I said, After studying Hadith or teaching or on or doing this after some time, you just that's it the neffs is gets tired. Okay, then now what he says he likes poetry. He says, Bring poetry and let's read poetry. And there's benefit in it. There's benefit in it. What's the benefits in poetry, but through understanding Arabic poetry, you'll be able to understand the Koran better, you'll be understand, understand, the sooner better. You'll reform your tongue. You learn wisdom, a lot of benefits in it. But then just find for yourself, what is the thing that interests you even even read Subhana ly and halaal fiction. So that's, that's

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fine. I wrote finished this. I'm going to read something, you know, fiction, but there's some benefit in that, but at least it's not hard on. And at least I'm learning something and at least you know, I'm, you know, getting more energy so that in an hour or so I can go back and do something else. Just find out what is the thing that you need to do and plan ahead right

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now and he says he quotes a Mohammed bin Hassan again, he says he did not use to sleep the nights.

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You don't have to do that. But

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some people used to do this, if they did not use to sleep at night, and he would have put you know the books right next to him. So if he would get bored with one discipline, he would consider another discipline. So if you could board with fick, you can move on to Heidi, if you get bored with headache, you could move on to history, right? If you get bored with history, move on to something else and so on. So that Yeah, the self remains interested. And he says what can I add on the whole map he says he used to store some water right next to him. And if he gets sleepy he would just wash his face with water and he says you know This removes sleep meaning it helps him to stay up. So

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again, I mean, you don't have to necessarily

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believe that this is a must use the need to stay up all night and never sleep. That may not be

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possible or advisable for a lot of us know if you need to sleep sleep, but at least that we were saying out of the gate as as the you know as a beginning.

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Give yourself the opportunity to study every single day and commit

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Do it and commit to it.

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No. So

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moving on to the next chapter.

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This is for chef hottie one mercy had this is

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caring for others, and giving advice, being advice. He says, that knowledgeable person, this is part of the law of the knowledgeable person. So we talked before about the fact that when you have knowledge is not simply information, we're not storing information, right? It's not it's not it's like studying to get a job studying Islam. It's not like studying to get a job. It's like studying to do what to improve, to be better. And to go to gender, you're not going to go to gender by just simply memorizing and you meet allies. It's not like the person who had memorized the Quran. It's not the person who had you know, memorize the entire Koran, just like a computer and then Allah is

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the gel on the day of judgment will come and say, if the meaning read, recite and be elevated, simply for the act of memorization. Right? Is it just memorization?

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No, right? Because that doesn't help. It's when you memorize it and you apply it. Because if you what happens if you memorize and you contradicted

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hmm that's very bad, because now you know, but that thing that you know condemns you, that thing you recite it, but it's condemning you. And you can't say I didn't know you memorized it.

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have absolutely you have to take it in you have to implement it. So this is called the old Quran. hoary old Quran is the one who memorized it and he applies it. So the same thing with the Sooners, not just I'm learning Heidi memorizing headings, then what? What are you going to do with it or this book? I'm just reading this book, and then what it's telling you this book is telling you you need to avoid this bad habit and avoid this bad character. And you memorize it and you read it and you say yes, yes, yes. And it's anyone? Yes, yes. And it's in you. That doesn't work? No, you need to take it and you need to change it. apply yourself. So apply it. So here when he says you know, MB is

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any akuna mushfiqur, nausea and fire hazard you have to care for people. nasi has given them advice. I have a hazard not envious fell hazard, Rola. In fact, envy hurts you? And does it benefit you. So if you have envy in us, and by the way, this is any human, human to be what? envious,

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envious, it's impossible to point to a human being right. And then you stood the prophets of Allah azza wa jal, but it's, you know, not possible to point to a human being and say, he doesn't know what envy is. How possible, you always going to envy someone, because you're always going to look at somebody else who had done something said something. And by the way, envy is something you know, interesting, because it just depends on what matters to you.

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What matters to you? So what if it matters to you is cars let's see. All right, and not academic achievement? Let's see, as an example. So yeah, Eonni, I don't know a triple PhD could be sitting right next to you. And he says, I have triple PhDs.

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Because you don't care about academic achievement. But somebody who's anorexic you say I bought a new car, is it? What is it? I need to go out and see it because that's what matters. And you're going to envy him for that. Not for the other thing. So that's what what's interesting about envy, it's not, it's not the same for everybody, you're going to envy for what matters for you. And somebody in your own field somebody in your own discipline. So if you hear about somebody else in a different type of discipline, who achieved something you may not care, but a colleague of yours who had achieved something you couldn't or did not yet. You're going to envy him. Right? Somebody older

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than you did something or younger man, not younger, older than you did something great. That's okay.

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Somebody, same age, or younger, did something that you couldn't do. What? That's envy. So he says, this also is in alien, by the way. In Elm, you're going to be envious. You're starting a book, you're starting a surah. having such a hard time memorizing it, somebody else comes in, you know, in a day finishes the whole thing. Oh, let's see.

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Absolutely. I mean, because if Why does he say that? envy hurts and does not benefit? Because what are you doing is you're hurting yourself. You're not hurting the other person. It's sinful to envy. And now you're looking at them and you're questioning why they have what you do not have and it has not helped you in any way. But rather if you say, well wait a second is that I'm being envious. He knows more than I am

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And he's younger and this and that, but he knows more than I am. Rather than, you know being envious make do out for them be happy for them that allows them to had enabled them to do something, and that your objective and their objective should be the same, which is what helping, though Mohammed sallallahu Sallam because why are you learning this? After you saving yourself? Right, we said is relative Jerry and Neff say that you save yourself from ignorance, but also why are we learning it? You want to help the omo Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam the people around so this person who is knowledgeable who had knows more than you? Isn't he also doing the same thing. So if your objective

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is the same, you shouldn't envy him. But if my objective is my own glory, then as different, okay. And it's it's, it's easy to say no, no, no, I don't want any glory. I don't want any praise. No. All of us want glory, all of us want praise all of us, and we enjoy it. We feed off it. So you have now to say what No, I shouldn't care about it. I shouldn't This is how you treat yourself. I shouldn't care about it. I shouldn't care. I seek Allah's protection from it. I seek Allah's protection from it, it's not good for me, it is bad for me. And to keep saying this to yourself and educating yourself on what constitutes envy and how you can rid yourself of it, then, then you'll get rid of

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it. So he is saying here that this is how you're supposed to be caring for others, giving them advice, taking care of them, not envious of them. This is how are you supposed to elevate you not demean you. Right. So some people Subhanallah and this is why it's important. They learn meaning information, but no added with it. No edit. So there are a lot are terrible. And when they discuss a matter with you, they're terrible. And you want to run away.

00:36:51 --> 00:37:30

Yeah, yeah, of course. Right. I mean, we start hurting as he said, you start hurting when you when you talk to them, you want to run away, even though they're talking about religious matters. But there are terrible, who say, Well, I don't want this, you just want to run away, because that's not the type of person I want to be and that you're not the type of person I want to talk to. So there's this this divorce between adults and learning. No, they need to be together. And as we said before, if you find that your information or your knowledge that you are acquiring is not helping your UCLA Is something wrong. There's something wrong and what you are learning and how you're learning it

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seen it is take a step back and reconsider. Maybe you shouldn't be focused on this focus on something else, or whatever you are learning you're really not learning and try it and not applying it to yourself. So it brings here the example of someone as a teacher, he says Giada Waka subclade evening, he walked out the hotel Cobra, meaning that he used to teach kids and he had children. So he used to teach the children of you know other people, and delay teaching his kids, you know, till close to the whole time. So they would start teaching from after fidget.

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And he'll delay his children till about close to the whole time, the whole Cobra. So they came to their father and they said, you so our nature, you know, can't wait like our energy, we don't have energy to wait till that time in Fabiana killua Thermal luvabella kilowatts, we get tired and bored when you want to teach us close to the heart time that's close to the end. So we have energy in the beginning, waiting all the way to the end. We don't have energy for it. Why don't you give us the earlier times. So his father said he says strangers and people coming from distant lands, and Sons of dignitaries meaning other people, not my children, other people are coming to learn from me from

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distant areas. So I must honor them. And I must honor their journey. So I will teach them first out and then I'll teach you so he comments and he says, because he cared so much about the children of other people without neglecting his children, but because he cared so much about others people, children, he gave them their favorite time, Allah blessed the education of his children. And they also became scholars. They also became scholars. So he brought this example. Why? So that he says chef, aka heroes, that you are that you care for other people, you care about them, you care that enough that you want to teach them and you want to rescue them from ignorance and teach in the book

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of Allah xojo. So that type of care is what is supposed to characterize the teacher, especially the Islamic teacher, okay, so the image of the Islamic teacher being a disciplinarian and very rough and you know, with a stick, that's, that's not how it's supposed to be, right? That's just a traditional or a cultural thing. There has to be shafa in care for the students.

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And he says here, right

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empathy. And these, by the way, we mentioned before, these manners that we're talking about are not exclusive to seeking knowledge. And even a person is not a seeker of knowledge will find benefit in them. So like the following here wemberly Allah university, I hadn't what I call Sima who Leanna, who, you know, you all heard, he says, and he is supposed not to quarrel with people and fight with them, because this wastes your time.

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So he's saying what, and this applies to everybody, but especially for seekers of knowledge, thought about it, and it says Your time is precious. So don't waste it, fighting with people

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don't wasted fighting with people. And sometimes, you know, these types of fights.

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Not necessarily physical fights, but quarrels and arguments. They could be I mean, between people who are learning, they start arguing with each other and then arguing and arguing and the

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jekt or that, you know, the what they want to achieve from it is not the pleasure of Allah is not something useful, but I want to win. And I don't want him to win, I want to defeat him. So they keep arguing and arguing and arguing. And these arguments escalate, they start small, and they escalate and escalate and escalate until the person's the two people are cursing each other. And although it started as a religious discussion or argument, they start cursing each other. Okay. And that is a characteristic of people who are arguing not for the sake of learning, not for the sake of teaching, but for the sake of winning and also without a flock without adapt. But they let their own desire

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their own knifes. control them so I want to win I can't let him win. Rather the person is supposed to engage in a discussion whatever that discussion is. useful if it's not he moves on. As Lila Alma synesthesia v. San he was he was attacked v masa, we, he says, The The one who does good, he will be rewarded for the good that he has done. And the one who has done evil, that evil will be his recompense and his reward. Right. This clarifies it. The next verse of poetry. He says, that is insanity Allah. So if you're at the hiseq fee, Hema fee is a fee, my fee, well, mahoba Allah, He says, Don't punish someone for an evil that he has done. It's enough for him what he has done, and

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what he is doing. And then don't occupy yourself with trying to punish people for the wrong that they have done.

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Right? Because this is gonna just what wastes a lot of your time and a lot of your energy. Even as a lay person, you don't even consider yourself a seeker of knowledge. I'm just listening to this. That's fine. Is this also valuable for everybody says if you just occupy your time, and it's dominated by I want to punish so and so and this person, and that person is like, the end of your day says, this person did this bad, bad thing to me and this person said this bad thing to me. Next day, I'm planning how to punish them and avenge myself. Right. Right. He says, Don't worry about all of these things. That is in Cernan.

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And so if you really don't worry about it, because the evil that he has done, that's enough of a punishment for him. And anyway, whatever he has done is going to come back to bite him, gonna come back to hurt him. So you don't need really to spend energy on him. You don't really need to spend energy on it. He and he, as they say, he's digging his own hole with his hand, digging his grave with his hand. Let him let him make do out for him. If you want to let to save him, right? Don't worry about it. Because Don't worry about punishing him. Don't worry about getting your rights back, forget about it, because Allah is gonna send something or someone that will take care of him but you

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focus on what is beneficial. And that's why he says here in

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two verses of poetry that follow either sheet and telco I do work around EMA with Dr. O Doctor Who is a man with the headache ohama. Formula dilla was the admin in the home and his data elements are the hassle to him. He says if you want to punish your enemy, you really want to punish your enemy and make him regretful and make him you know, you know and you know like burn him burn him alive and as a saying out of with distress Burnham with distress, he says Excel,

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Excel, do your best to excel and increase your self of knowledge because when he sees that you have excelled. He's going to be distressed because of it. Nothing certain is in a sense, he's saying what if you have an enemy and if you really want to make your enemy sad, be better. be a better person. Okay, achieve better. Okay. Okay, no, of course. I mean, don't say to yourself, either.

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Want to achieve better just so that I could show everybody else, you know, how they are better? How better I am, right? I want them to look at me with envy. I want to like you know, you know, put their noses drag their noses in the mud. Whenever they see I have this degree and I talked to so and so on. That's not a good intention to write. That's not because what do you want? What's the What's your goal here? I want them to see and be disappointed, because would themselves see me and envy me. That's not that's not a good intention. You're still in rivalry with other people. But rather what you take from it is that don't really bother with them. Don't bother. If you still have that in you

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write that desire to, I want to punish them. He said, okay, you want to punish, okay? The best way to punish someone is what? An enemy of yours who wants to bring you down? That's what their attention is, right? Somebody who insults you or somebody who attacks you? What did they want to do destroy you bring you down. Okay, raise yourself up. You're doing the opposite of what your enemy wants. And throughout the way you're going to learn not to look at your enemies anymore. is not really healthy, right to always keep looking.

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Are they? Are they watching? Do they know what I've done? Do they know how great I am? And that's really not healthy. But rather you start doing for the sake of the thing that you want to doing it right? Yeah.

00:46:30 --> 00:46:35

Right, right. You don't don't repay evil with evil. don't repay but rather suppress evil.

00:46:38 --> 00:47:09

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So don't repay evil with evil, but rather neglect that evil, right? And do what benefits you because when you keep rising, you're going to rise above that foolishness, right? So he says, that's what he says. Alexander study, levy Masada, heinous. Ziggler. Before Hardwick, he says you have to occupy yourself, concentrate on what benefits you not about how to defeat your enemy. Because if you benefit yourself, you really have defeated your enemy. So that's what it is.

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So that that idea of revenge, that would be about revenge about, I want to see something bad happening to my enemy. Okay, that's really not healthy. And that's really not something that you should concentrate on. But rather, somebody did something bad to you try to go beyond it, move beyond it. And if they still had you have these feelings inside of you say I'm going to better myself. And when you better yourself, you've definitely have moved beyond whatever that person was trying to do. So just move beyond it. And he says here also something's been very beneficial. He says he yakka Wilmore either. Beware of hostilities,

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instigate Niantic, I mean, feeling hostilities, you're not going to start quarrels and arguments and fights with people you're not. But you may respond.

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So he says, beware of hostility for in the heart of the hookah. I'll explain it, it's going to disgrace you and waste your time. Well, I like a bit too humble, but be tolerant, especially with the foolish. So he says why you're going to meet someone. Okay, me going to meet plenty of different types of people, some of them are going to be foolish. So don't

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nurture any hostility don't allow hostilities. with them. Why? He says for in the heart of the hook, it's going to disgrace you and waste your time wasting your time is easy. We understand how it's going to waste your time. What does he mean that is going to disgrace you that if you are talking with someone who's foolish, okay, and out of anger, you give him an insult? What is he going to do?

00:48:48 --> 00:48:50

Oh, he's gonna give you 10 insults.

00:48:51 --> 00:49:24

Exactly. Yeah, you're feeding a monster. So one insult is going to give you 10 insults. You give them 10 insults. That's it, it takes you outside the masjid outside the home and just you know, starts slapping competition, right? So, he says, if he's foolish, don't stoop to his level. Because it's gonna only aggravate the situation, it's going to disgrace you. So if you want to maintain your dignity, right, so this is the same thing as they say, for instance, if there's a dog was barking at you, what do you do?

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Okay, you don't bark, right? Nobody barks back at a dog, right? And then you just end it's a barking competition between you and the dog and who can go faster and louder and you know, until he's gonna win, right? The dog is gonna win, right? Both barking. So hey, why? Because we're not designed to do that we can imitate, but that's not what we do. So if you happen not to be foolish, but there's another person who's foolish and expert at foolishness. don't compete in foolishness with them, right? Just let them be. So don't be aware of hostilities. So in your mind, in the

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Your heart always your intent is I want to whenever I am suppress evil.

00:50:06 --> 00:50:49

Yeah, in the grocery store you're going to meet a foolish person while parking you've heard of people fighting over parking spots. Okay? If somebody wants to park in this park, for God's sake, just park and go on and find another parking. Why are you fighting over this? That's what feeding that hostility? You're at that moment. Maybe otherwise those people are smart and intelligent and wise, but that moment, they're foolish. So you don't want to encounter counter foolishness with foolishness So no, it is my spot. I'm making a statement right now. All right, that this is mine. I'm moving here building into something here. I'm just not I mean, just move on. So if you're going

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to engage in a quarrel with a foolish person is just going to be your own downfall and let me just finish inshallah, then we can have time for questions. So it's just going to be your downfall for that this especially with the foolish and it's gonna so tolerate, you gotta be tolerant, be tolerant. So if someone is having a very bad day, or somebody is foolish, and he says something bad or does something that tolerate

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exactly he mean, I mean, it's just it's a bad time for him, right? Okay, just tolerate it and suppress evil and move on. And then you've won. And he won, because you've saved him too. And he says, won't cheat to live out the hymn sheet at all. He said. He says, I've heard poetry for some people are saying, it says below to NASA carbon, and by the hordenine. Almada. hirakata. In Mohali, he says I've experienced people, one generation after another. And I've only seen a trickster and a hater, meaning that he's saying that I've experienced a lot of people. And a lot of people that have experienced are either hotel, somebody whose choice tries to cheat you and trick you, or party who's

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going to hate you. And he says, What am I going to be Ayesha Khan was saddam in war it originally. And he says in among all difficulties that I've seen and encountered, I haven't seen anything more difficult than the hostilities of men would have to Marotta share your Torah. And he says, I've tasted the bitterness of many things or all things. While my look to Mr. Rahman so early, and I did not taste something more bitter than asking for a favor. Right? So here are the benefits. And of course, verses of poetry have some wisdom in them. But not everything that they say is necessarily true. But what he's saying is that, you know, I experienced all people, and in his experience, what

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people I've seen was either someone who was trying to trick you, or somebody who hates you. So is he saying that is common, you're going to find that.

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But the more important verses are the ones who follow that one wider region, he says that one of the most difficult things to experience is the hostilities of men, somebody who hates you, somebody who wants to harm you. He says that is very hard, especially when that person is an enemy of yours, that is very hard. So don't let it reach that level where that person really wants to harm you. physical harm, or even reputation wise, right? They really wants to harm you. So sometimes, if there is that type of foolishness of you know him, you know, capable of doing something like this try to suppress evil, as much as you can. Right? And he says, I knew there was nothing more bitter than the

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bitterness of asking for a favor. Because there in a sense, you're begging someone for help. Please help me with this. Please help me with that. So he's saying and

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as much as you can, write as much as you can try to avoid asking for favors. This is what he's saying. Sometimes you have to sometimes you have to, but he's saying avoid asking for favors. And he says what ya can toluna Mini Sua and never suspect a believer.

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And without any reason, suspect or think the worst of a believer for in the home. Insha Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, He says, because this is the seed of hostilities. And how does

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hostile How do hostilities begin? Is with bad thoughts and bad suspicion? I'm thinking, thinking the worst of them, you know, has done this or said that because of bad reasons. This is how hostilities start. We're in the main show that he came and hope funny, it was who is surreal. It says and this is the origin of it. Where does it come from when you have these bad thoughts? Hopefully you're having a bad intention was to study them and a bad interior. So a bad interior here that the heart okay is moving with hatred is moving with hostility is moving with the evil, any type of evil says because there's something bad on the inside. You suspect others on the outside. So he's saying and

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there's a piece of poetry here that really is important, because it tells you something but before I go to it, he says

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You cannot suspect a believer and without any justification, okay.

00:55:07 --> 00:55:32

Well actually let me let me read that verse of poetry and then go back and explain it. It says in within a B says either said, he said a Luna who also de matar to whom into homie? Well, Adam will have behavioral theory that he was baffled at minute shigemoto He says, when a person's actions are evil, then his thoughts are evil or his suspicions are evil. And he believes what he

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is used to have suspicion. So what does he mean by this? He says that, if what you do is bad, okay, your suspicions also are going to be bad.

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Your suspicions reflect your actions, right? And you will believe whatever say whatever imaginations, whatever, you know, whatever you suspect or imagine about somebody else, you will start believing it as well. Like what, for instance, if a person is a thief, okay? He believes that everybody is what?

00:56:07 --> 00:56:37

Thieves, okay, that's like that's proven like if you're, if you're a person who steals because that's the thing that you do. And you understand that motivation. If you see somebody taking money out somewhere, they'll say, Oh, he must be stealing it too. Because this is what you do. The first thing that comes to your mind is what what you do. Okay? If talking to you know, a lady, let's say right. And you are used to talking to lead is haram. haram way, right?

00:56:38 --> 00:56:41

If you see that he says what he must be,

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he must be doing something bad. Why? Because that's what you do. That's the natural naturally, that's what comes. That's what I would be doing.

00:56:52 --> 00:57:33

Right? So that's what you that's what comes to your mind. So it is a little more of a set of No, no, no. It says when your actions are evil, your suspicions will follow because this is exactly what you are doing. That's the first thing that is going to come to your mind. Plus the person who does that evil, he wants everybody to do it. He believes everybody do it. Does it success. why sometimes sometimes not all the time, when you hear somebody says, Well, everybody steals? Why? This is what you believe? Because this is what you do. And this is what you want it to be. Because what you don't want to say I'm the only person who seems right. It's not a thing. You're the only guilty one. No,

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everybody steals one way or another. Right. So if that way that you remove guilt,

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and you become at least you know, not as bad as you think you are. So he says, if you're if you your actions are bad, your your suspicions are bad, and you believe whatever you imagine, why then will he be and he'll turn against his loved ones, because of what his enemies are telling him. So if there's any gossip, he'll believe that gossip immediately. And he'll break relations with his friends with his family members with loved ones just simply based on suspicion, I heard so and so he may have said this about you, he will believe all of that. And he will be in a dark night of suspicion, and he doesn't know what to believe anymore. So

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a person is not supposed to think the worst of a believer. Okay, whether these suspicions arise within you.

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Or somebody comes and shares these things with you. If they arise within you, you have to suppress them and say this is from the shadeland. This is haraam. I'm not allowed to believe these things, especially when there is no evidence, or whatever you see, can be interpreted in more than one way, why are you choosing the worst way to interpret and then condemn your brother and sister? As long as there's another way to interpret it? Right. So as long as there was a way to save the reputation of your brother within you, that's the path that you take. Because after all, this is what you want them to think with you. So hey,

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exactly. You don't want anybody to if you're in that situation, would you want them to treat you the way that you're treating them? Just think about it. Is it fair? Like I think that someone for instance, someone is praying, and I think he's showing off? Someone is giving zeca showing off? I don't have no evidence but just comes within me. Sometimes it happens. He's showing off.

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But say, Okay, do I want them to think that when I'm praying

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when I'm giving Zakah when I'm doing do I want them to think that they have no evidence you will say to yourself, they have no evidence What right do they have to think that about me and I don't have

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it's the same thing with them. What try do you have to think that about them? Oh, there's something bad about them. This must be from her on money. How do you know? Do you want them to say the same thing about you?

01:00:00 --> 01:00:00

So it's hot.

01:00:02 --> 01:00:13

It's hot. Um, and so this is also a type of knowledge that we are supposed to learn, which is what not to have evil thoughts about my brother and about my sister.

01:00:14 --> 01:00:22

Okay? Or if I see them, you know, for instance, you know, have bought something or all must be from harmony must be what? How?

01:00:24 --> 01:00:27

Always think the best if you want Allah azzawajal to

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gather around you people who will think the best of you.

01:00:33 --> 01:00:48

And if you hear unsubstantiated information coming from people, about other people shut that door immediately. Or you know what happened? You know what he did? You know, to shut that door completely? If I don't need to know about it? Why am I listening to it?

01:00:49 --> 01:01:14

Right? Like, what am I going to? What am I going to do with all of this information? Nothing, shut that door completely. Say what you say why you say because you want that other person to learn that they can share that information with anybody. You want to teach them that they shouldn't be doing it. Because you know what? If they are doing that with someone else with you, they're going to be doing that with that person about you.

01:01:15 --> 01:01:25

Guaranteed. And you're feeding that that pathology, pathology of Oh, I'm interested in listening to the trouble that is between him and his wife.

01:01:26 --> 01:01:27

Well, you're gonna help them.

01:01:28 --> 01:02:07

No, I just want to know, this, there's no need for that door. I don't need to know this shut that door. Or you know what happened to their kids. I don't need to know just shut that. And that's what a what a seeker of knowledge is supposed to be even if you're a part time seeker of knowledge, you elevate yourself about above that that garbage. And he says I'm not listening to this. Because the Baraka, whatever I'm learning is going to go away if I'm listening to this type of gossip, the programs on TV, there's just about gossip. Right? That, you know, publications that are just about gossip. I mean, I mean, nobody, I don't know if anybody buys them, but whenever you're passing by, I

01:02:07 --> 01:02:36

don't know how many aliens were spotted on Earth, right? With every publication an alien was spotted here. The son of this person is an alien. I don't know, people buy these things. Right? Because it's interesting. But But I mean, it's so outrageous. I don't know who believes it anyway, right? How many people got divorced and back together, right? Just because you're like, so and so got divorced, so and so got divorced. So that's interesting. Some people so we live on Gaza, but you need to shut that door completely. Especially where in the masjid.

01:02:37 --> 01:02:48

Right, if you really, really, really want to do it now that is highlighted, but at least remove yourself outside of the message God's sake, not in the house of Allah as a surgeon, you coming to the masjid house of Allah, and you're gossiping.

01:02:51 --> 01:03:25

So your sin should increase, because it's happening in what a sacred place, right? This is the house of Allah and the sacred place. So your sin will increase when you do this. So you need to remove it out. And this should be a place where it is safe for the believers to come and they worship Allah and there will be Baraka and serenity in it not the other way around, not a place where exchange gossip with people. So it's he says, it's not allowed. It's it's hard for a person to suspect another Muslim, another believer and it's also to spread these, it's hard.

01:03:31 --> 01:04:18

To more a couple of like about four verses of poetry. To conclude this chapter is just an idea what a 32 woman old lady who has an unfit who he says remove yourself from any evil, okay, and the evil act, and don't seek it. And if you've done something good to someone, double that and keep increasing it. Okay? So look for I mean, I do, we are co located, and he says you're going to be protected from the plots of your enemy. So if your enemy plots against you don't plot against him. So he's saying again, rise above foolishness. So what is he saying is that stay away from evil? Stay away from evil. And if you've done them something good, keep doing it. Keep doing it. As some

01:04:18 --> 01:04:21

people, you know, Subhanallah No, I mean, we're human.

01:04:22 --> 01:04:33

They keep giving, they keep giving, they keep giving. And after some time they complain, he says, I'm not seeing anything back. I'm not seeing anything. I'm not seeing any Thank you. I'm not seeing any return on it.

01:04:34 --> 01:04:40

In time insha Allah you need to ask Allah as a surgeon for it. You want to reach a stage where you're giving for the sake of giving.

01:04:41 --> 01:04:46

Right not giving for the sake of anything else that you're going to get from that person? Not even a thank you.

01:04:49 --> 01:04:59

So there are levels of giving levels of teaching level of companionship, where I'm giving, but I'm expecting something bad. And yes, we're humans.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:11

With some humans, you gonna have to expect something back, I understand your spouse, your child expecting something back. But they're also with other human beings outside, right? That that intimate circle

01:05:13 --> 01:05:18

friends or people in the masjid or whatever, right? acquaintances, family members,

01:05:19 --> 01:06:00

do it for the sake of doing that what what is good doing for Allah xojo whether you receive something good from them or not, as a lot to make it irrelevant. ask Allah to make it irrelevant. Because when it is irrelevant, you'll be able to keep giving them good and good and good. The law for the sake of Allah is just not gonna end, even if they're not repaying you, even if they're not returning the favor. And what he says here, he says to firm, in other words are co located. And he says, When you do this, and when you live like that, you're going to be saved from the plots of your enemy. So you don't need to worry about your enemy, if they plot against you, you don't need to plot

01:06:00 --> 01:06:42

against them, a lower plot for you, as a law student says with that you can get an early use of so we have plotted for use of right, so use if you understand what happened to us, if Allah is cinema, he went through so much with a plus of his brothers, but he did not plot against them. And he did not want to harm them. That's that's the ideal story of people harming you, but you don't really want to harm them. You just want them to find out what they've done that was wrong and repent from it. So that's once they repented from it. He invited them and their families to Egypt and he welcomed them with open arms and you know, gave them whatever they needed. So they actually

01:06:42 --> 01:07:24

benefited from us if he never harmed them, but who plotted for use of Allah could that he could kidnap us. So he didn't have to sit up. How am I going to trick this person and punish this person? And they're like, 11 of them. 123 You didn't have to do this. It says, this is how we're going to plot for use. So Allah will plot for you, Allah will save you from your enemies plot. If you are good, you don't have to worry about it. Somebody hurt me. How do I hurt him? No, no, no, don't hurt. Somebody hurt me. How What do I do to revenge? No, no, don't worry about that. Be good, be good and rise above those petty feelings. Those those hurt feelings. A lot is the devil take care of you.

01:07:26 --> 01:08:11

And the last one, he says good luck. Lina is the woman jarhead and he says the wise person should never be saved from an ignorant person. You assume a whole man will annata he'll burden him with injustice and difficulties is you'll never and you will always have someone foolish. Maybe May Allah save us from that but you always have somebody foolish, who will burden you he says with injustice and with difficulty. He says fully after his Selma Allah hubiera let them choose peace instead of conflict with them. Well the ultimate insight okay and let him be quiet inside in if SATA if he child shouts so if that foolish person starts shouting, it says don't shout back as we said Don't

01:08:11 --> 01:08:20

shout back, but it really is an insult meaning start just be quiet. So that you would you know choose peace rather than conflict.

01:08:21 --> 01:08:57

So like a person knows when to choose in the you know when to choose your battles and what battles to choose. Right? So not every argument is worth it. Not every discussion is worth it. Not every person is necessarily worth having a discussion with sometimes is just enough to listen and then move on. But save your energy for what matters, right. So, inshallah so let's not get into the next chapter, so I'm thinking long term let's see. Maybe we'll have one one session or two more sessions inshallah we'll see what this so let's see inshallah, if you have questions

01:08:59 --> 01:09:01

or if no, you can get ready for Asia.

01:09:02 --> 01:09:03


01:09:06 --> 01:09:09

either Nam will hold or they disagree about him.

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