Mirza Yawar Baig – Small deeds big rewards Adhaan

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The transcript discusses the benefits of Islam, including a large reward for small things and a demand for small practices. It also highlights the importance of valuing the machine and practicing small practices in the culture. A woman named Mohamed talks about finding a way to avoid being harassed and achieve success in Islam, emphasizing the importance of finding a way to avoid being harassed and finding a way to avoid being harassed.
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Shafi lambier Evil mousseline, Muhammad Rasool Allah in some Allah highly highly he was able to sell him the Sliven cathedral cathedra from Abbado, my brothers and sisters, one of the beauties and one of the tremendous benefits of this religion is that Allah subhanaw taala
gives us enormous rewards for doing small things.
the thing itself is very small, doesn't take much time doesn't take much effort, but the reward is enormous huge reward. For example, the reward of smiling at a brother or sister
is Solokha. Right? It is a has an A it is a good deed just fine.
borrower is by that we have the labasa was going to meet somebody only for the sake of Allah Salam alikoum, my brother, we shake hands. So as a result of Zen, Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives the
sins of both of them. All I did was shake hands. I mean, I would have shaken hands anyway. But I am doing that with the intention that Allah should be pleased with me, just the shaking of hands, just the smiling, right? Many, many things a small thing, big reward. Now one of those enormous ones which we sometimes we don't know sometimes we neglect is the issue of
now, of course, the person who gives the other hamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala praise the one who gives the other one Baba Asada kolam MONDAI the Allah Whose call is better than the one who calls towards Allah subhanho wa taala. So actually in Islam in a masjid, the position of the mosque in the position of the person who gives the Ummah is the other is even higher than the position of demand.
And as many people say the one person about who you are absolutely sure that he prayed is the Moses. Even the mermaid on her cover, and you will be you might be sick or something but but the more he called the other day, he is not going he called him and he's going to pray he can't very well. The position of the ASEAN is so important that once the ASEAN is called and if you are in the masjid, it is not permissible for you to leave the masjid until you do the salah. The only exception is if you are the imam in some other modules and you have to go there delete salah the only other than that if you are in the masjid and Dan is called you cannot go without praying Gemma in the land is so
important and when the other one is called when it starts.
Anyone who's in the masjid must stop doing whatever they are doing and pay attention to the other one and listen to the other one and respond to the other. This is the hawk of the oven and this is fourth including if you are engaged in digger or if you are reading Quran, you are supposed to stop reading Quran and listen to the other and respond to that.
The only exception is if you're praying then you continue to pray. But other than that, anything else you're doing must be after the other one is over.
Definitely this means that you don't talk to each other you don't talk to people don't say make any noise, listen to the Amazon and respond to each other.
Now what must you do if you're of course the modern calling the law he called him deliver what must we do when we listen to the other there are five benefits of listening to the other. The first one
said repeat the words of the margin after the model. So he says Allahu Akbar Allahu Bucha Allah Akbar Allahu Akbar. And that is why when you get there then you will see that it is done in a relaxed way if you don't do it fast, because you will give people time. So repeat the words after the more than when the mother says here are salah. And here are Farah you say Hola. Hola what I love it you say Hazara and then you repeat the word and then in Harris, you add La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah you finish that's the first one which is repeat the words after the module and say hallo Salah and Hallo vara after c'est la hora Hotel La Villa after Hara Sara helpful number number two
after the exam is over, you send salatu salam ala Rasulillah salah, you say alarmist, Muhammad did wrote the Salah, Salah, which we say in which is going to do to do the Bohemian or any other but literally what I have done, which we do in Salah when we do the shall we say Allah masala is either Muhammad
Ali Rahim Allah liver damage and Majid Allahumma barik ala Muhammad, Muhammad Kamal Baraka Abraham while
you do this number two, number three, you do the other after I do do after that Allama Rama * delta time I was allowed to look at Muhammad and it was suitable for Lila Vasco da Gama Muhammad Ali what? So that is the dua
number three, number four, you say the shahada, Allah ilaha illallah wa Chateau number model number five. You say a little bit like a robber obviously love Idina are we Mohamed in Salalah honey Osama rasool Allah, or Nebia and you do that three times. So after it during the exam, repeat the words of the magazine for hire Salah and * for now Usaha hotel will also second one sends a lot and Zara also seller number three, the doer of the other number four,
the shahada and number five are the Isabella roba, obviously Islam Medina, Salama
and then the Surah Surah Salam said after that any dua you make Allah will accept. So, this is a beautiful opportunity something you need to happen all you need to do is as an after that, then you do this and you make dua Allah will accept your God will accept your supplication
now imagine what kind of reward is that for nothing you are sitting the mother is doing the work you're sitting and doing that now one important thing
we live in a world where we have machines to do things for us. So you we have these other apps and the other than machines right? So that thing will call them and people say oh Gabon is over and that is not our only the machine is on the machine we go to a human origin right
just like for example as bad as that is worship so for example, you might say well you know what, since the other the machine can do it I'm going to put on the recording of the of the Surah
So my salah is over because there is finished on on the on the TV or on the no sorry, this is rabada This is a hamdulillah now I'm in a lighter, this is the blessing of Allah subhanho data from Allah. So let us value that machine as the purpose of the machine is it's anybody's insurance where you have 100 law no problem, but that does not substitute for that. As soon as they ask the reason even if you are alone on the side of a mountain and you have to pray he said call the other day called the other one called the hominin play. It is part of Salah unfortunately we have you know um like among many other things which we forget to we don't know we have lost this anything other than
somebody's job somebody comes and does it that's the Moses job nothing to do with me. I just do it. No, no, it's part of Salah so even if you are alone even if you're alone you are at home you're bringing God it doesn't have to be loud and so on so you know don't create a problem for yourself but
do it in the middle of an
event stage Allah Akbar Allah
don't do that but at the same time at this please understand other a farmer than Salah take your time Hamdulillah I sometimes find myself if we don't have SOCO and if we don't have tranquility, even in Salah then where will we have tranquility
where is it where the President will be I mean, Salah is the thing that resource wrestler used to say to set an alarm bell and who was his was it is a call the man
tranquility for peace.
Today inshallah also we're in a hurry. I mean, what is this hurry?
No, don't do that. Let us relax hamdulillah peacefully call the other call this our viewers Allah do your Oscar after the Salah. Right? Every word Subhanallah is a tree in Jana Alhamdulillah is a tree in Jannah Allahu Akbar is a tree in Jannah
have this understanding when you doing that? What is what is was was not on
Subhan Allah Subhana Allah Subhanallah and think about this is the greatness and glory and majesty of all Muslims Alhamdulillah think about the blessings of Allah subhanho hamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala like sitting here imagine all of us sitting here Muslim in Alhamdulillah in peace and tranquility, there is no danger for us there is nobody is harassing us. Nobody's visiting the beautiful Masjid beautiful environment right?
Think about that tutor it doesn't even require imagination dream Allah may Allah protect all our brothers and sisters who are in trouble. There are places where people cannot sit like this.
There are places where you cannot do a heart there are there are places where you can you can do even in Muslim countries may Allah have mercy already Muslim could come and pray to rock and was up go
no meetings no talking no hotter no where no nothing
Hamdulillah you don't have any other hands you go and sit here peacefully and relax and worship Allah subhanho wa Taala enjoy yourself enjoy the company of each other.
This is the beauty Hamdulillah we ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us to appreciate this beautiful Deen which he gave us. And as I said the beauty of this DNA is small
All actions, big rewards
but there's no reward for no action let us understand that also some small actions required. So, let us do this inshallah and as I said my share has mentioned specifically what is that so please make sure that from now on when you hear the other, you go to do these five things inshallah and then make dua, and we ask Allah to accept your DUA
masala, Allah Allah, Allah Allah He also be named rom together Muhammad