Mirza Yawar Baig – Seerah is the Answer #6

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the groom's policy of giving money to married women and the dowry's policy of not being married. The importance of learning and practicing is emphasized, as it is necessary to apply the law. The speaker emphasizes the need to change behavior before time expires and to be aware of progress. Procrastination and listening to others' opinions are also discussed, along with the importance of being a good listener and not just trying to be a king.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Islam, there is the groom, the man goes and gives money. He pays them ahead.

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But I say no, no, no. You see, in my culture in my country, I don't pay anything. The bride pays me. The bride's father pays me to get me married. So I take a dowry,

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which was the original

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medieval Christian system.

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Read the history of England, for example. They married girls with a lot of property because the dowry then she brought and this became the property of the groom of the man.

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This is not true Islam. In Islam, the woman has a complete and total right to own her property. Whether she gets married or not, the property does not go to the Husband, husband has nothing to do with a property.

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He has no authority on her property. He can take it he can use it, he can give it to anybody, he can't inherit it nothing.

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She has complete freedom. It's her property, if you want to give it away, she can give it away she wants to do what she wants he can do

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with it. Sorry, sorry. All this is fine, but you know, my wish.

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So what is happening here?

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An Arab Bukoba Allah

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be so no, you are not a king, you are not around you are not fair. You are behaving like the federal. So it is what we call the frown yet inside you.

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You're not the Pharaoh, your behavior, the attitude of the Pharaonic attitude inside yourself.

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Where you are saying I am the King, the Hawala hotel Avila in Allah when we are not thinking

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the reality does not change because of belief. If I sit here and I say I am an elephant,

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whatever, nothing will happen, we're gonna not an elephant.

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I will never become an elephant. I would like to become heavy with this one animal that I would like to become. It is Beloved's. I love elephants. But it won't happen. I can become fat as a different issue, but I won't become an elephant.

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Then how can you say I began I'm a kid. You're not a king. Allah never created kings. Allah subhanaw taala created everybody as his Khalifa. The biggest King is a believer of Allah subhanho wa Taala is he is bound. Now what is the difference? The king need not answer anybody. The word of the king is the law. The king calls everyone to account. But the Khalifa number one, the Khalifa is word is not the law, the Khalifa is meant to implement the law. He is not the lawmaker. He is the law implemented. Second one, the Khalifa is subject to the law. He is under the law. Number three, the Khalifa is accountable to the king. Now see what

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the Sahaba did when they understood this message. They completely changed their lifestyle. Totally.

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How did they do that?

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They change their circle of friends.

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And they change their leisure time activities. They still did their formal activity if they were trading they were traders and so on. But they changed the way they traded.

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They change the nature of their business. They change their circle of friends

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and that's my question to say what is it that you and I are prepared to do?

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Now when

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they came to

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when in Makkah we let's let's look at monka

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they used to gather in beitler come

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there they would pray together they will listen to as well as our asylum teaching.

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They would practice

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they would remind each other about Allah subhanaw taala

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they will teach the Sierra to each other

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the Son of

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God who says that our father used to gather us together and he would talk about the life and about the crosswalk of Rasul Allah is Allah salah.

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This was a behavioral Saba

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they will take from Azura Salah Salem, I have the Quran

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they would memorize them, they will discuss them they will understand them

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if they had any doubts, they want to sell them to clarify to clarify the doubts, then they would apply them in their lives. And then they would take some more iron from the Quran.

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This was the way in which the Sahaba learned Islam. And this was the way in which they applied Islam. What is the focus on all this?

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The focus the single point of reference, which I want you to remember is this, that Windows Sahaba there was no difference. There was no fracture, there was no dichotomy between learning and doing.

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I want to repeat that with the Sahaba there was no dichotomy between learning and doing.

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For example, how many of you know that too much of carbohydrate in your food, eating too many carbs?

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I have to do this because I'm on a keto diet and all of you are sitting there eating all this delicious stuff. So I cannot allow you to enjoy that in peace. I have to give you some.

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So all of you know that eating too much carbs is bad for you because carbs convert to sugar, sugar converts to FAT, FAT gets deposited somewhere you can't burn it off, no matter how much you wish you we all know this right? So how can we still eat carbs?

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This is a this is a this is a difference? How many of you have heard this hadith and if you have not heard it, then the first time you're hearing from me, where Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said How does your code see Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says that when my slave performs and establishes and does

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the five for the Salawat on time,

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who said this? Allah subhanaw taala.

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Allah says, When my slave does the five compulsory prayers, the five first Salawat on time, it is my responsibility. I take and own and accept the responsibility to forgive him and enter him into John

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who is the one who forgives lie of Varun Oba ill and there is no one who forgives except to Yara

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and Allah is saying Allah is not saying I might forgive him I might not forgive him you know Salah has to be perfect

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he must have Cousteau and hold on the salah his booty should be perfect he should pray only namaste you know none of this as long as he or she is praying there five Salah whatever the condition of that Salah I'm a weak person I try my best but I know I forget and all kinds of things APA. Allah says no problem just do it.

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Just do it on time.

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And then you die. What happens? Allah says it is my responsibility to forgive you and enter you into Genda

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we got the information now tell me how many of us pray the five Salah on time every day.

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So now you got information from today onwards What will you do?

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Pray five Salah contact yes everyone inshallah This is what has happened it the Saba there was no dichotomy between learning something and doing it

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this is the beauty of the levels however, whatever they learned they did

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didn't say well, you know, I learned this but now okay, that is nice information. Good to know. No, no, no, no. We learn in order to apply. That's why I always give the example of martial arts if you are learning judo, for example.

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How do you learn judo? judo, karate Aikido? What how do you do that? You sit there reading a book on Judo Oh, this is the you know, when you hold the right hand you must do this. No, you do it. How do you learn Judo by falling down 10,000 times by throwing 10,000 times

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how do you learn to fall without hurting yourself? By falling?

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Not by watching video on falling. Have you ever gone to a weekend course a lecture course on how to follow?

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No, no such thing. No such thing. But this is unfortunately what we have made Islam.

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We will attend to we can go we listen to a lecture we read a book and then is yoga hamdulillah mashallah, you did this treaty now what?

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Now next weekend, I go to another course. I read one more book. Then I will sit and I will argue with people.

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And I will give this fatwa and that fatwa

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have a lot of water level. That is why there is no Baraka in our lives. Islam is the name of a practice, it is not the name of theology. It's not the name of philosophy. Islam is the name of a practice.

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And who does a practice benefit? The one who practices that practice, nobody else. No matter how thirsty I am, no matter how well I know that if I'm thirsty, if I drink water, my thirst will go away. This is absolutely true. I know this. But Will my thirst go away? Because I know this?

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No, will my tears go away? If I keep this glass of water, this bottle of water in front of me and look at it all day? My thoughts will actually become more.

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My tests will go away only by one way. What what is that way? Open the bottle in the water?

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Where is it simple. That is what the Sahaba did. They open the bottle and they drank the water.

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They practice Islam. And when they practice Islam, the barako of Islam came into their lives, and the baraka of Islam spread all over them all around them. Alright, so now I'm going to ask you to do this exercise, which is

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please identify

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attitudes in your life to show whether you see yourself as a king, or as a wise gerund. And out of that, what attitudes do you think you need to change? What behavior should you change? And what behavior will show that you have changed?

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What must you change? And what will show that you have actually changed? Is it clear? And at the end of all that, I want you to write this thing which is going forward. Now, what will you start doing? What will you stop doing? And what will you continue to do?

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Is it clear, I'm going to give you 20 minutes. So now it's 1122. At 1142, we'll come back to you each row work in the group. And I'm then going to ask each group to share what you have written maybe one or two things from each group. So it becomes a shared knowledge for all of us, all right.

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We are going to go over

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the initial most of the time trends you do not understand what does it mean to be advised, as opposed to trying to act more like a king? Because we needed to get on the same page with regards to that. And then we started on the point of what attitude needs to change just before time.

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expired. Someone mentioned mentioned being more patient. Another person mentioned procrastination working on procrastination. Okay, so people mentioned what procrastination a third person mentioned, trying to consider people more when doing positive work. I'm not thinking about one's fears or weaknesses. Someone else mentioned consideration accepting correction. So we didn't get onto what what would show that you change before the time expires.

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Can I ask you to rephrase that? You didn't get there not because time expired. You didn't get there because you didn't plan your activity.

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So let the ownership remain where it is. That time we knew from the beginning it is 20 minutes. Not a surprise. Good luck. Good luck. Next one.

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What we did was we picked we picked one and

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we're not talking after one it starts recording what will you do going forward? But don't discount the process. We don't have time for that. What?

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Well, going forward, what we'll start doing is to start listening more and to also

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let people voice their opinions allow people to voice their opinions instead of

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imposing your decision on one.

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What you start doing is to take decisions for people without getting their body and watch what they get to watch you continue doing.

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Yes, it didn't get to that part.

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What I think what we're gonna continue doing is

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Listen more, listen more, listen more, be quiet and listen, instead of trying to listen to reply, listen to us relate and understand.

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Now I need everyone to listen when people are speaking. Because the whole point of this is to share the learning. You can't do that if you are doing something else.

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Go and start wiggling quickly we

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we have an interest tax, my health

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my health my route. That's what's it that's the attitude, my health my wrist, to as I say not as it then would start

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be at with being able to model the client, treating others as one of the three then we're going to continue the things to continue.

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I haven't thought fit, being a good listener, being non judgmental, and appreciating others in our group, all believed what were we wrong and that needs to be changed is attitude. We have been kings not vice Gerrans of Allah subhanaw taala and we need to change this so we have to stop being other than being by students of Allah subhanaw taala right. And therefore in particular in the issues that we identified in our lives that is indicating this number one, some of us are delaying their salad from the right time procrastinating accepting anything that comes up or not being able to achieve their goals disobeying Allah Tala relaxing agenda, it's okay and most importantly not putting the

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Quran and Sunnah first before we act mostly it's after we had to look at the Quran.

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And therefore, the behavior we need to adapt to change the situation is the book at night researching the Quran and crying to Allah and seeking for his intervention and striving harder and the factor that we need to change especially that will give us success is

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having the right kind of environment and putting our trust in Allah. Very nice job everyone low fat, alright. Allah he'll beautiful yo beauty show.

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And now you're weighing things up yay me so beautiful on you.

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And we show

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it now your way thinks you create some

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king of kings one so praying. Your beauty is more than just what we see. Designer of the world and beyond.

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Almighty Allah holy and pure

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monocle Molokhia la si as Samir al de ser Valhalla

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zu Jelani well Erica

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you saw beautiful I like what

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you love beautiful

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me and

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you are beautiful.

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are mad

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and now you agree

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Do you agree and

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