Mirza Yawar Baig – Rasoolullah’s advice about Ramadan

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The importance of fasting during the month of Shavon is discussed, emphasizing the benefits of achieving good deeds and avoiding waste of time. The speaker also reminds listeners to be mindful of their behavior and to treat everyone with a positive mind. A powerful message from Allah Sub admit is also mentioned, stating that everything is possible and everyone can achieve success in life.
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fill out on another he'll hungry learn how to build Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Shafi MBA when will Celine Mohamed also have a nice Alana Honey you Ali he was have you sell them to Steven cathedra cathedra. I'm about who my brothers and sisters all praise and thanks to Allah subhanho data that He granted us another hour.
This is a gift, the value of which depends on what we choose to do with it.
It is up to us to make it as valuable as we wish.
Rasulillah Salam gave a fatwa on a Friday, which was the last day of Shavon in that year
on the authority of Salman al Farsi or the Allahu in Bharati.
It is recorded that also Allah is the reason I'm saying to people, the month of Allah, Ramadan has come with his mercies blessings and forgiveness. Allah subhanho della della Diletta, who has decreed this month the best of all months. The days of this month are the best among the days and the nights are the best on the nights and the hours during Ramadan are the best among the hours.
This is a month in which you have been invited by him to fast and pray.
Allah subhanho wa Taala has honored you in it. In every breath you take is a reward from Allah subhanahu wata.
Your sleep is worship, your good deeds are accepted and your doors are answered. Therefore, you must call upon your rub in all earnestness with hearts free from sin and evil and pray that Allah subhanaw taala may help you to keep fast and to recite the Quran.
Indeed, miserable is the one who is deprived of Allah subhanaw taala as forgiveness in this great month.
While fasting, remember the hunger and thirst on the Day of Judgment, give charity to the poor and needy. Respect your elders, have sympathy for your youngsters, and be kind towards your relatives and kinsmen. God your tongue against unworthy words, and your eyes from scenes that are not worth seeing meaning they're forbidden
and your ears from sounds that that should not be hurt. Be kind to orphans, so that if your children may become orphans, they will also be treated with kindness. do repent to Allah subhanaw taala for your sins, and make dua with raised hands at the times of Salah, as these are the best times during which Allah subhanaw taala looks at his slaves with mercy. Allah subhanaw taala answers, if they're supplicate your response, if they call He grants, if he's asked, and accepts you the entreat
or people you have made your conscience, the slave of your desires. Free it, make it free by invoking Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness, your back may break from the heavy load of your sins. So prostrate yourself
before Allah subhanho wa Taala for long periods and make this
load lighter.
understand fully that Allah Jalla Jalla who has promised by his honor and majesty, that people who establish Salah and such that will be guarded from Jahannam on the day of judgment or people if anyone amongst you arranges for Iftar for any believer, Allah subhanaw taala will reward him as if he had freed a slave. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive his sins. So he said he asked Jarocin allah sallallahu sallam, but not all of us have the means to do this. Because some of very poor
wrestlers ourselves said keep yourself away from Jahannam even if it is by half a date, or even some water if you have nothing else.
Or people anyone who during this month cultivates good manners. We'll walk over the Surat the bridge over Johanna, the bridge to Jana on the day when feet will tend to slip.
For anyone who during this month eases the workload of His servants. Allah subhanaw taala will make easy his accounting and for anyone who doesn't hurt others during this month. Allah
Hello Danna will safeguard him from his wrath on the Day of Judgment. Anyone who respects and treats and often with kindness during this month, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada shall look at him with kindness on that day, anyone who treats his kinsmen. Well during this month, Allah subhanaw taala will bestow his mercy on him on that day, while anyone who mistreats his kinsmen during this month, Allah subhanaw taala will keep away from his mercy
will keep the person away from the from his mercy.
Then, he continued, who ever prays the fourth prayers during this month, Allah subhanaw taala will save him from Johanna and whoever observes his obligations during this month, his reward will be 70 times the reward during other months, so there is seven reward or 74 for every fourth.
Whoever repeatedly invokes Allah subhanaw taala as blessings on me, which means sending Salatin Salah vondrousova The road,
Allah subhanho wa Taala will keep his scale of good deeds heavy, while the scales of others will be tending to lightness. Whosoever resides during this month. One idea one idea of the Quran will get the reward of reciting the whole Quran in other months.
Or people the gates of Jannah remain open during this month. Pray to your rub that they may not be close for you. While the gates of Johanna are closed I pray to your rub that they never open for you.
Shaytan has been chained invoke your rub may god you're not to let him dominate you. I live in Italia Radi Allahu Anhu asked, he said I asked Ya Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, what are the best deeds during this month? And he salAllahu alayhi salam replied, or our lesson. The best of deeds during this month is to be far from what Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden.
And as I mentioned this is in by hockey.
My brother and sisters
since Allah subhanaw taala has chosen to bless us in this beautiful month with Ramadan. Let us remind ourselves as follows. There are seven things that we should be focused on.
Number one, make goals for Ramadan. Goals for reading Quran, giving charity and changing our Habits, goals to change our life going forward. Ramadan is a special month when Allah subhanaw taala skews the field in our favor Shayateen our change, the rewards of deeds are multiplied. Allah subhanaw taala forgives our sins, the gates of Jannah are opened and the gates of Jahannam are shut. Unless Mandela makes it easy for us to earn the maximum reward that we can let us ensure that we don't waste a single second of our time in this month. Number two, I remind myself I knew that the most fundamental belief in Islam is the belief in resurrection after death on the day of judgment and the
meeting with Allah. Take any of the other parts of our creed including our heat and resolve it and so on and ask so what the answer is because we will meet Allah. Islam makes sense only if we believe in the meeting with Allah subhanaw taala. The criterion of success in this meeting is submission and obedience. That is the meaning of Islam and that is what Taqwa is. Ramadan comes to teach us to submit not because we want to or it makes sense or it is good for health or anything else. But because Allah subhanaw taala ordered it all the promise number three all the promises of Allah subhanaw taala in this life and the akhira are for Alberta who
will get him comes to help us to join that group. The beginning of all goodness is repentance and returning to Allah is still far with Watauga and also Alexa Cellar Door less than the one who is the most intelligent is the one who remembers his death most often. To remember death is to remember the meeting with Allah intelligence is to prepare for it. Allah subhanho Dallas air balloon Millia ka erupt him got through.
He did not say that did I Allah's existence or his uniqueness? But they deny meeting him? Balloon Millia Kira be capital
May Allah subhanaw taala make our meeting with him the best meeting of our existence. Number four, we must remind ourselves that Allah subhanaw taala asked the question Allah we are Ambien, Allah Allah, does he not know that Allah is watching? Why is that important? Because he's going to eat Allah, what will you say to Allah, then, if he continues to behave in this way in this life, who is that he, me, you, my brothers and sisters, the time to change is now that is because the present is all that we have. The past is over. The future may never come to us, but we have the present and what we choose to do or not to do, will affect our everlasting future. Allah subhanaw taala made it
easy for us. Let us ensure that we use this great month to return to Allah subhanaw taala and never leave that path. In Ramadan, we stay away even from Halal things only because Allah subhanaw taala ordered us to do that. That is so pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala that in a hadith I could see, he said Gela de la Lu, the fast is for me, and I will reward it a solely what? Zb
the fastest for me, and I will reward it. Allah didn't stay didn't stay the reward. He said as Zb, I will reward it. What is that reward? It will be in keeping with the majesty and grace of our geladeira This is the reward of obedience. Just think what the lesson is that we must learn from this. If we stay away, even from Halal in Ramadan, how much more important it is to stay away from haram in the rest of our lives, not only in Ramadan, but all through life, rather comes to teach this lesson are we learning number six, when the slave changes his life and opens his eyes to his connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala is close to him and listens to him.
When Allah subhanaw taala is close to him. The slave wants to talk to Allah subhanaw taala to beg Him for His forgiveness and His mercy and to ask him for whatever he needs. So let's monitor answers him unless there is in the middle of the ayat about fasting. What either so I like I bought the Omni for anybody Wuji without a dairy that fall yesterday Bulli well you mean OB la Lomita Sharon, Allah, that is it. And when my slaves asked you Omaha Amazon arrived in Salem concerning me that answer them I am indeed near.
I respond to the dua of the of the supplicant when he calls on me, so let him obey Me and believe in me, so that they may be guided.
The answer comes to the rider, obey me and have faith in me and you will be rightly guided, I remind myself I knew that all promises of Allah subhanaw taala are conditional upon action. If we want something, we must do something. Allah Subhana Allah rewards hugely an out of proportion to the deed, but he does not reward the one who does nothing. So let us learn to act to please Allah subhanaw taala alone. For that is the only thing which matters.
Seven and last comes the final gift Laila to cover. The worship during which is better than worshiping Allah subhanaw taala can't continuously during the
continuously during
for 1000 years more than
it is it is it is the
better than Hi Roman officials wanted to say between better than worshiping Allah subhanaw taala continuously for 1000 month which is equivalent to 83 years, as Allah told us to search for this
to search for a little cover in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. The best way to do that is to make anti guff in the last third of Ramadan, then we will be assured of finding letter to cover inshallah. Our mother says I just did this.
She asked us as a seller, she said Yasser Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam, if I find later to cover if I find that it's a cousin, what do I should I make a solar solar system taught her the DA Allah homemade * for one to humble Apple for honey. Oh Allah, you are the forgiver and you love to forgive. So forgive me. I make this out for myself and for all of you. In conclusion, I remind myself and you to remember all those who were with us last time, but they are not here today. Did they know that
Last, oh, that would be their last last of their life. had they known that? What do you think they would have done differently from whatever they did? As I've said before, this is not about them, this is about us, it is for us to remind ourselves that this may be my last. And even if it is not, there will be one Ramadan, which will be minus. We don't know which one that will be. The best thing to do therefore, is to treat everyone with that as if it is the last one, because one will be the last. Therefore, anytime there is any thought about doing less about laziness, about giving less about not giving up bad habits and so on, remind yourself that we will never have this opportunity
to make critical changes which may spell the difference between Jana and Jana. Let us take advantage of this opportunity which we have now, which Allah subhanaw taala give us and maximize our benefit, because at the end of the day, it is not about others, it is about us. Ask Allah Subhana Allah Jalla did Allah Who to be pleased with all of us and never to be displeased and to help us and to enable us to do that which pleases Him and which is beneficial for us are SallAllahu ala Nabil Karim while Ali he was able to go