Mirza Yawar Baig – Ramadan 2024 Reminders #11

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of replacing " charity" with "investment" in order to achieve success in investment. They explain that while charity is a source of return, investment is a source of satisfaction. The speaker emphasizes that while charity is a source of return, investment provides a safe and rewarding life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are you hungry layerable Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa that he was I was salam just even considering casita for Morocco. We know from the hadith of even the ambassador of the Allah one OMA, that was Saddam was generous anyway, but in number one he became super generous like a nourishing wind as he said.

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Number one sisters the key to this is to remove the word charity from our mind and replace it with the word investment. The reason is very simple charity is to give out without getting any return, net loss or net outflow. This always has a has a gap or it always has a limit to this, there's only so much charity that one can do.

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Even if you are the most charitable person in the world, when you're when all your wealth is finished, you will be incapable of giving charity, but if you replace this word with the word investment and the whole perspective changes in investment, there is an outflow but with the outflow there is an inflow which is multiples of the outflow.

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If I give 10 rupee $10 or 10 rupees and charity is 10 rupees God, if I invest a 10 rupees or I get a double 100% return I get 20 rupees in return, if I invest $10 And I get a 10 times return that I get $100 In return, now, face this which is better, losing $10 or investing $10 and getting $100 700 times Allah subhanaw taala said, the charity which will give the one who spends one unit in the part of Allah subhanaw taala is like him planting a seed from which a corn plant grows which has seven

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years and each year has 100 grains. So one is to 700 and then Allah said well you will live on in my Isha and Allah will increase that as much as he wishes

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which is better.

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And that is why if we replace the word charity with the word investment, we would have the right perspective of what it means to give in the path of Allah and then give and give and give knowing that what you give and what we invest is safe with the one

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who has control over everything. And we will get it back from him when we meet him. In multiples of what we spent. We will get it here and we will get it in the X era insha Allah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi has been Brahma to go

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