Sajid Ahmed Umar – Qur’an In Ramadan #1A

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speaker covers the month of Beatles and the month of the year, highlighting the importance of adopting the book of Allah subhanho wa taala and being a great person for one's life and others. They stress the importance of learning the proper manners with the book and being proficient with it, as well as being a great person for one's life and others. The speaker emphasizes the need to be aware of one's actions to avoid causing harm to others and build a strong relationship.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen aubenas Staring on Salli ala Sallim ala Hartman between the beginner Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman Kathira and Elijah Medina, bad. Dia all Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh I am extremely honored at this opportunity to be speaking to you all this Ramadan in what will be a series covering pertinent lessons B morals, manners and etiquettes with the book of Allah Rob bellezza tivol JLL alojado kaha de all Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed the amount of Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with countless blessings from these many blessings is the month of Ramadan. And if we only

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concentrated on the month of Ramadan, it will be enough for us to understand how merciful Allah subhanho wa Taala was and is upon us. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in his book we're in terror do later mattala He learned that if you were to try and take account of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you meaning upon us all, we would never, ever be able to do so. So why is Ramadan so special? Well, there are several components and factors that teach us why Ramadan is so special. For example, there's the element of the development of a Dakwah which I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us all with the passing of this month also this month gives one an oil an ability to revise

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themselves why because we stay away from Halal sustenance as well as Halal relationships for a specific period. And when one does this, they are able to concentrate on spiritual development, self development, their bodies, as well. Tend to rejuvenate themselves Subhan Allah, Allah Allah this is these are wisdoms from Allah subhanahu wata Allah may Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us the abilities to understand these vast wisdoms and grant us the abilities to make full use of this particular month. Amin also dia servants of Allah. We need to understand that this month as well is very special in that when we understand and have confidence in our own abilities to stay away from

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halal food, halal drink, as well as Halal relationships, then we become confident that we are able in sha Allah to stay away from haram food and drink and relationships throughout the course of the year Subhan Allah so this is an opportunity from Allah subhanho wa Taala to train ourselves. Also what makes this specific month extremely special. And this insha Allah it will be the criteria of our series together is that Allah subhanho wa Taala has associated the month of Ramadan with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala with Al Quran for Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed his book on a very special night, during the month of Ramadan. And Allah subhanho wa Taala makes manifest this

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very important point in several places in his book, oh servants of Allah, and dear children of Adam, in sha Allah in this particular series, a very short series, but he shall light will be extremely important, I hope to share with you all certain lessons, certain manners, certain morals of certain etiquettes that each and every one of us must adopt with the book of Allah Arambula is it well JLL or Wahaca? Ha. Now indeed, good deeds will be heavy on the scales of deeds on the day of Tiama but also what will be heavy on the on the scales of deeds on the day of Yama is good manners for Allah subhanahu wa taala rewards us when we adopt superior conduct May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us

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with this ability. Dear viewers, the Sharia has taught us in detail the correct manner that one should adopt with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala said regarding his book, verily We, meaning it is We Who have sent down the vicar meaning the Quran, and Allah subhanho wa Taala said, and surely we are

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We got it from corruption from being lost from being edited La Ilaha illa Allah, this is a very powerful verse, explaining the reality of the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. So we learn from this verse, the eminence of the Quran, and how important it is to protect it, and that Allah subhanho wa Taala has promised its protection, that we learn first and foremost, oh servants of Allah, that from the etiquettes the good manners with Allah subhanahu medinas book is the protection of it, protecting it in every manner possible in handling it correctly in memorizing it La Ilaha illa Allah and what great rewards does Allah subhanho wa Taala have in store for the one that memorizes his

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book, also servants of Allah, we need to have good manners with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala in that we contemplate and deliberate over the manifest and bountiful lessons that exist within this book, La ilaha illa Allah indeed they are manifest lessons, bountiful lessons, if only we took time to ponder and contemplate and deliberate May Allah subhanho wa taala. Grant us this ability and insha Allah throughout our short series, I hope to share with you some more information regarding this. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said regarding a person and the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala several lessons and several statements from them. I will share with you two of them. The

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first thing is that he said how you can hire the best of you mentality Mr. Khurana Allah, the best of you are those that learn the Quran and teach it Subhana Allah Allah. So what a great manner and service it is to the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala to learn the Quran, and teach it to others. In other Hadith that teaches us the importance of being prolific with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he said that the person who is proficient in the Quran is with the Sephora is with the Sephora meaning the messengers and the angels. And then he said, they are also with the Quran. And the Quran refers to those that are close

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to Allah subhanho wa Taala and he said, Al Bharara meaning that a person who is prolific with the Quran and provisioned will also be with those that are obedient to Allah subhanho wa taala. And do we not aspire to be with these people for indeed, these people are from those that will inhabit the highest ranks in Janome Allah subhanho wa Taala makers from amongst the inhabitants of Jannah Ameen. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that as for the person who reads the Quran whilst it is difficult for him, even though he stutters Allah subhanho wa Taala will reward him to rewards and this habit is in Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim so this hadith, dear servants of Allah

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teaches us the importance of being proficient with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala striving in ensuring that we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala through reciting this book, and this is the month of our Quran, a man that insha Allah will allow us to inculcate and adopt within ourselves this ability to have a strong relationship with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala a relationship that will last in sha Allah throughout the course of the year, till the following Ramadan will Insha Allah, we will have an ability to train ourselves to train ourselves again, to remain upon obedience to remain upon a strong standing with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala till the following Ramadan

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us a life in His obedience and a life that witnesses many more Ramadan's. I mean,

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our Sharia has gone to great lengths

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in informing us how to live our life with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. And in doing so, our Sharia has taught us the important manners that one should adopt with the book of Allah rumpler is called JLL and as I said earlier, this insha Allah will be the criteria of this particular series. So after this introduction, let us delve into the first lesson Insha Allah, the first lesson taught to us by our Sharia, a great etiquette, a great aspect, in fact, the most important aspect that one should adopt and ensure that they are perfect in when dealing with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala all servants of Allah. This is the quality of Laos of being sincere. So once again, the first

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lesson, the first

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Moral and manner and etiquette that we are going to discuss in this particular series, after our brief introduction is the importance of Islam as the importance of being sincere for know and understand that when we

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read the Quran, we actually worshipping Allah subhanho wa taala. Were actually building our agenda. And for any act of worship to be accepted, there are two pillars that have to be met. There are two pillars that have to stand for the act of worship as a whole to be accepted. The first pillar is a class that our reading our recitation, our study, with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala is solely for the sake of Allah Akbar is that he will JLL or, aha, this is manifest. This is criteria. If we don't, our worship will be null and void, free of rewards La Ilaha illa Allah may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us for we never want to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala on the day of am I thinking we

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have amassed deeds only to find that we have done nothing May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. Why? Because we might have done certain acts for the sake of the people may Allah protect us all. I mean, we might have done it for the sake of name and fame and having a public profile. La ilaha illa Allah, if we do so, Allah subhanho wa Taala will not reward us even a reward. And we and only we stand to lose on the day of Gala. So ensure all servants of Allah, that during this month as you open the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala whether it is at dawn, whether it's throughout the day, whether it's during the evening, ensure that your association with it first and foremost is to seek

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the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the 30th Jews in a famous Surah that we may have memorized wema O'Meara Illa Leah Abu Lucha metallocene Allahu Dena Hoonah

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says that they were not commanded except to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala with sincerity with sincerity. And we all know the famous hadith of Omar hubub Ravi Allah who, when he reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in middle America will be neat yet that there is nothing about your ACT about your action, except by the intention that an act of worship is done by if you intend by it, Allah subhanho wa Taala then it will be considered worship if you intend right other than Allah subhanho wa Taala then Well, I'm sure we know the answer to that and may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all with that. We will go for a short break and

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inshallah I will see you on the other side.

The Eminence Of The Qur’an

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