Ramadan 2024 Reminders #09

Mirza Yawar Baig


Channel: Mirza Yawar Baig


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The transcript describes a theory that Islam's supposed mercy on the hellfire is true until the fruit of his mercy is seen. The theory suggests that Islam's supposed mercy on the hellfire is true until the fruit of his mercy is seen, and that being generous in crisis is a lesson for people to take action.

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00:00:02--> 00:00:15

Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala sugarfina Mia Muhammad Allah rasool Allah is Allah Allah Allah He was early he was he was alarmed as an even cathedra cathedra from avato. My brothers and sisters

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in a beautiful Hadees in soon until we the Rasul Allah is, Allah was reported to have said, on the first night of the month of Ramadan, the Shatin are chained and the jinn are restrained and the gates of hellfire are closed, and none of its gates is opened, the gates of the Jannah are opened and none of its gates are closed.

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And a heavenly color and answers or seeker of God come near or seeker of evil stop. Allah has those he saves from the hellfire and that is during every night of Ramadan. And this is a solid theory

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on the first night or Allah, devils are chained and the jinn that Gina restrain the gates of hellfire are shut and none of it none of the gates is open. And the gates of Jannah are open and none of its gates is shut. A heavenly color announces or seeker of God come near or seeker of evil stop. Allah has those he saves from the hellfire and that is during every night and this is until you see the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala one of the purposes of frodan and fasting is for us to reflect.

00:01:42--> 00:02:05

Let us reflect on the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala and let us thank Allah subhanaw taala for His mercy, because this is nothing there is nothing nothing in this which we could have demanded and asked for. There is nothing in this that we deserve. This is purely and purely the Grace of Allah subhanaw taala in another beautiful hand is my boss Ravi Allah Allah Allah and say masari That means Salah salem said

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the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam was the most generous of people, and he was even more generous in Ramadan. When Jubail es Salaam would meet him. He would meet him every night or Ramadan to study the Quran, thus, asanas salaam would become more generous than in nourishing wind. And this is disabled sorry, this is it, saying of having a boss report or numbers or the Alon Omar, who was the cousin of our sorrows of Salem and used to live with him.

00:02:38--> 00:03:02

Now, this is a lesson for us also, to be generous in Ramadan, be generous always, but in Ramadan to be even more generous and to give a lot in charity. And I always give until it hurts and when it hurts know that it's hurting only because that hurting is a sign of the weakness of it. So give until it hurts for someone like him when he was going to get on