Mirza Yawar Baig – Jumuah 101 Reflect On The Quran Part6

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including its importance in increasing blessings on humans and the use of mercy in actions. The importance of showing mercy to individuals and avoiding evil behavior is emphasized. The use of negative language in actions and the potential for negative consequences are also discussed. The importance of establishing connections with people with influence on one's behavior is emphasized, as well as the importance of reciting surah Isaiah and avoiding dangerous behavior. The segment emphasizes the need to show mercy and stay in laws to avoid mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala l mursaleen Hualalai. He was happy. I mean,

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my dear brothers and sisters and elders, we continue with our series of about on, reflect on the Quran. And as you know, we are doing sort of the Father, we ask Allah subhanaw taala, to put it in this and to enable us to understand his column, and to recite it with understanding to listen to it with understanding and to fill our hearts with Muhammad for Allah subhanho wa Taala. And for his mama sallallahu wasallam.

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I was talking about last week when we did the

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issue of the molecule with Dean, we talked about what that means we talked about Allah subhanaw taala as a

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rule on the Day of Judgment. And of course, the rule of Allah subhanaw taala extends before the day of judgment and on the day of judgment and after the judgment. There is no limit to the rule of Allah subhanho wa Taala and to his kingdom.

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To complete that part of it, before we begin the next ayah this Java.

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I talked about how Allah subhanho wa Taala introduced himself before he said Maliki Dean by talking about his attributes of mercy when he said, Rahim, and you mentioned the meaning of our ohana he mentioned why that is important and what is the meaning of introduction by that particular by those particular attributes? My brothers and sisters I want to

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remind myself and you to be thankful to Allah subhanaw taala everything good begins with sugar. The color of Allah begins with sugar al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. And everything in life begins with sugar and Allah subhanaw taala said if you are thankful to me, I will increase my blessings on humans in the sight of him.

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So what do you say about Europe and Myra?

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Who says oh my slave, you will face me on the Day of Judgment But do not worry because I am urahara him

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and there is nobody who is more compassionate and who's more merciful than I am.

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And that is why we need to reflect on these things so that we can build a connection with Allah subhanaw taala

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How can we disobey the one who gave us everything?

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Yeah, you will in Sonoma, arabic al Karim Allah subhanaw taala said, Oh, you insane how can you deny? And how can you go against your who is Kareem?

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personalise Allah Allah Allah Azza wa salamina Hades which is narrated Buhari,

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said Allah subhanho wa Taala has divided mercy into 100 parts. And he retained with him 99 parts, and he sent down to the earth one part. And through this one part, creatures deal with one another with compassion. So much so that an animal lifts its hoof over its young, lest it should hurt it.

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Even with the animals, the mother is careful about the young it doesn't trample its own. Yeah. And I said even to that extent, this mercy comes from that one part of Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy which Allah subhanaw taala sent down

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to the earth, the 99 parts of mercy Allah subhanaw taala reserved for himself, which Rasulullah sallallahu said Allah subhanho wa Taala will use them on the Day of Judgment.

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We ask Allah subhanaw taala to cover us with His mercy on a day when there will be no one who can cover us with mercy other than Allah subhanho wa Taala

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in another Hadees in a pyramid de Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam said, Those who will show mercy to their fellow beings will be shown mercy by the merciful rub. So show mercy to those on the earth.

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And so that the one in the heavens will show mercy to you.

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And Rasulullah sallallahu said Allah subhanaw taala ordered the appointed angels over you, that the good and the bad deeds be written, and he

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then showed how to write, if someone intends, listen carefully. You have not yet done the deed. If someone intends to do a good deed, but he does not do it. Then Allah subhanaw taala taught the angels to write for him a full good deed, even though he didn't even do it.

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And if he intends to do a good deed and actually did it, then Allah subhanaw taala will write for him. Its reward equal from 10 to 700 times and many more, without

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He intended to do one good deed, he did that good deed, the reward is 10 to 700. And then beyond that,

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without his app, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to give us without.

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And then

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if somebody intends to do a bad deed, actually decides, actually makes an intention, I will do this. Well forgive us. Most of us do whatever sin we do, we do it because of forgetfulness. We do it because of, you know, default settings are wrong. You see, we live, we live mechanical lives, we don't live thoughtful lives, and that's why I keep saying live thoughtfully. Don't live like a robot programmed to do something nonsense, you know, some nonsense, no, think.

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And here, I'm saying that if someone actually thinks and then decide, I will do this, and that is a sin.

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Even in that situation, even in that situation.

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He decided to do a bad deed. But he does not do it. He decided but he decided when he when the time came, he did not do this deed. Then Allah subhanaw taala instructed us to write a full good deed in his account. Even though he didn't do anything, he just decided I will do something bad and then he didn't do it. Allah subhanaw taala will write a full good deed for him. And if he intends to do a bad deed, and actually does it, then Allah subhanaw taala will write for him. One bad deed only, not 10 not 700 not be ready step one only

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said, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah says, Whosoever does a good deed will have a reward 10 times like it, and I add more.

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And whosoever doesn't evil will have the punishment like it or I will forgive him.

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And whosoever approaches me by one span, which is the, the width of your arm,

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I will approach him by one qubit. And whosoever approaches me by one qubit, I will approach him by one fathom, and whosoever comes to me walking, I will go to him running. And whosoever meets me with an Earth, Lord of sins, without associating anybody with me, I will meet him with forgiveness like that.

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does not mean we are not encouraging you to commit sins. We're just saying that if we happen to commit sins, then we must never lose hope in the Mahabharata, Allah subhanaw taala. This is one of the things that shaitaan does.

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Well, I have a we all of us, you know, we grew up in strange time, so we do things and so on. And then at some point in time, maybe some of you hear some something somewhere and you feel the I think I should change my life. I've been doing too much of evil. And I will say, what is the Buddha doing it now you are so old, Allah will not forgive you. There's no sense in doing all this work. You should have changed long back. What is the point in changing now, you know, to put this into never, never, never despair of the mercy of Allah. Allah subhanaw taala promised to forgive every single thing, provided we make our sincere Toba without associating any partners with Allah without

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committing sin. So there is absolutely no need to despair of the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala to despair of the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala as it is to this it is to deny an attribute of Allah subhanho wa Taala of Ravana Rahim.

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So we never despair of the mercy of Allah we make Toba as soon as we realized what does the person do? What does he do he immediately makes over

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as soon as you realize you met Tom and Tom is what it means that you stopped doing whatever wrong you were doing. And then you do not do it again. That's all.

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Allah subhanaw taala said to us in sarcoma bolia.

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a bad de

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Oh my slaves.

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I always keep on saying this again and again, reflect on the grammar of the Quran. Reflect on the way Allah subhanho wa Taala addressed.

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Us Obi Wan,

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Amano. All of these things have come in many places.

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yeah Eva de Oh my slaves

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see the see the association, my slaves. The tragedy today is Allah says my slave but the slave does not think Jesus love Allah

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Allah subhanaw taala saying you Maddie but we do not say rugby

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is not a matter of saying or B it's a question of if you say rugby and if you say rugby with that feeling in the heart with our understanding that Myra

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I have a personal Association one to one with Mayra. Nobody can come in in the middle of that.

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Do we have this feeling?

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That is the meaning of therapy. That is the meaning of Islam.

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That is the meaning of Islam.

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Allah says Yeah, do my slaves.

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Allah, Allahu Allah And for

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those who have transgressed against themselves?

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Well I when we, when we commit sin, we are not having a lot of animals that nobody can harmala nobody can benefit.

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Unless beyond anybody having a benefiting Allah does not need anybody.

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So when we do not obey Allah, Who are we having ourselves? So in other words, they're saying that Oh, you Oh, my slaves who have transgressed against yourselves.

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Do not despair of the mercy of Allah.

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In Allaha Yama Pharaoh's bonobo Jamia

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Verily Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive all sins roba jammy on every single sin Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive for the one who makes Toba and of course, Allah subhanaw taala forgives many things even without making the one that says mercy.

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In a world for him, Verily, Allah subhanaw taala is the one truly he is a whore and again, he is asked for giving and he is most merciful, merciful.

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My brothers and sisters are they say every pious person has a past and every sinner has a future.

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Somebody is quote, not mine.

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Well, that's true.

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And then as if this is was not enough,

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where Allah promised to forgive all sins, Allah subhanaw taala.

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He Lama

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him has

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Except for those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds for those Allah subhanho wa Taala will change their sins into good deeds and allies of forgiving, Most Merciful, in allow for him.

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Imagine this, not only is Allah subhanho wa Taala, forgiving Allah, Allah says, I will not only forgive but if you did 10 things wrong, I will give you the reward of 10 things,

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I will convert them into good deeds.

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There is a famous story about certain number of Nakata delana when desire it was revealed, as in our case, I am the best of you. So people said how can you make such a statement, not everybody is trying his best to do something good and so on and you're making this claim I'm the best of you what is the very, he said you do not see what Allah has revealed. Allah Subhana Allah said he will convert the evil into good deeds. And he says there is no one who did more evil than me.

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Among all of you, I did the most evil. So now I have the most Buddhists.

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Again, that is not encouragement to do evil and then wait for the No, no. The point is that for those who repent, this is bizarre for those who don't repent. It is a i a which is wanting for us to say why is it you don't repent? Because this is the encouragement that Allah subhanaw taala has given us

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my brothers and sisters,

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Allah subhanaw taala then told us in sort of a vibia er

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reflect on this I, first of all the grammar of it, he aka

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It is first person in front of you.

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It is not used for someone who is distinct. It's not used for someone in some other place. He is used for somebody who's standing or sitting right in front of you. So he

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abu allah you I worship

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you alone I was

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and what you say to

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Allah where is he in front of you?

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is the ayah which is totally true here without

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the story of Ava and the toys of the Roomba of Allah subhanaw taala. If somebody said to you describe for me Islam in one line,

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one line, I don't have time in one second describe for me, the whole of Islam in one line, what would you say he are gonna do, you're gonna say, this is a sum total of Islam in one line, he had an average we're gonna stay

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below here.

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And todorova though it is one, we separate it into parts in order to teach it. And we usually make three divisions tauheed Aviva total la vida or all or Ola here, Davi obeah and towhid are delighted

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is though he's only by the water heater movie.

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And my understanding of the heat is the thermal

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compression comprises of both of these things. There is no reason as massive as in Oh, here and there. And there is stories in Ruby Also, I'm not doing a lecture on the way if you those are those of you who are interested can listen to the lecture series on Akita, which I did last year, everything is explained that they're in great detail. But just now just to complete that statement.

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here and we're gonna stain is the sum total of tawheed, which is the soul of Islam.

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My brothers sisters,

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how many times do we remind ourselves of this? Every time we pray, in every locker, not only in every salon, in every regard of every Salah, we start the discussion with ER and

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we make this promise to Allah subhanaw taala.

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I want you to think about this.

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What do you do?

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If you go to somebody,

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and you need a favor from that person?

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Right, you go to this person, maybe this is great king or this great, powerful governor or president or whoever. Or maybe it's your boss, difficult to relate to examples of kings and so on. Because mercifully, we live in a cumulus world. At least we live in English, for those who are living in words of kings have something to say about it.

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But even in our we have people who have influenced, you're going to this person, your boss or whoever who has influence.

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And you need a favor from this person.

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What is the first thing you need to do?

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You need to establish your connection with that person.

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As we go and say to him, Salam Alaikum, I'm so and so do remember me. I am so and so son, or this is my wife.

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Remember you I met you in such a place? Remember, you promised me this thing?

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You will establish your connection with that person, you will not simply go and stand with a stranger and say Salaam Alaikum. I need this.

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Where'd you come from? Right? You need this? So what

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did I give you? I will give it to you?

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Why should I give you?

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So what do you do? What do you do? First you establish your connection.

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you ensure that you are recognized by that individual to whom you are speaking?

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Yes or no. You go and ensure that you are recognized that that person now is focusing on you. And focus by that person is focusing on you as somebody that he has a connection with.

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You go to the king, what do you do? The first thing you do when you go to the king?

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Is you talk about

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your subject. I am a citizen of your country.

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This is my passport.

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Why am I asking you because I am a citizen of this country.

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I am a citizen of India. And because of my Indian passport.

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If I walk into the Prime Minister's Office,

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then I have a standing in the Prime Minister's office to say I am a citizen of this country. And you are my prime minister. Therefore I can talk to you and I can ask you for something and you have to respond to me.

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But if I walk into the White House if I walk into the president of America's office,

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I mean out of courtesy the man might receive me and so on and so forth. But do I have any right on the president of America

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No, I'm not an American citizen. I have no right on the president of America, the president America, you know offers me triple chocolate sundae good for him.

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I will happily accept it. And he did. But if he doesn't offer to me, I can't demand it because I have no right on the president over it.

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But if I go to my one prime minister, my own President, I got a right on them.

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In this world, even though you might have a right on them, they don't honor that. Right. I agree with you. That's a different matter. We're not talking about what they do and what they don't do.

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I'm saying Do we have this right or not?

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When people went to work,

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as citizens of this state, the Muslim states, they went as a matter of Huck.

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They went to a ruler who ruled over territory, which was much bigger than most countries that we live in today.

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But we but they went before a ruler wanted to disrupt. He was they went before a ruler who understood his responsibility before Israel. So when they went to ask him, he recognized their rights.

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Even when they did not ask him, you recognize their right

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was walking in the street and he saw a very old man,

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a very old Jewish man.

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And he was obviously in dire straits, he was, you know, destitute, he looked as if he was he had no money and so on, and he was not well, so why would you state? The answer, what do I do? What do we Why am I in this state? What can I do? I am poor I want I want nothing to have no, I have no support. I have no money. I am not doing well. what are called his people and he said how can we treat somebody when he was healthy? we benefited from his effort. Now when he is old, we discard him and we disregard Him. So how can we do this? He says that man has a right on me. He has a right on the Muslim and he has the right on the Muslim states. He's a Jewish man. He's not even Muslim, but

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he has a right on the state. He immediately said give him a pension from the metal man. He will be given money a pension from the government until he dies take care of the man because this man is our citizen.

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Yeah, this is this is Islam. Australia forgotten completely zero.

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Even in our Muslim countries, we think Islam means to chop people's hands. That's it. And Islam, same country, which has the law to chop people's hands also has interest bearing bands which are doing great business.

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Which Haram in which halala willfully, willfully not Allah subhanaw taala

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if you have Sharia as your as your ruling law, how do you permit interest based interest based banks?

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So how do you pick and choose? You know, Algol Hara?

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Hara somebody still to chop his head but interest based based banks halaal cigarette smoking halaal surely we're not saying cigarette smoking is haram but you know what, you know what stop the sale of cigarettes you do not start you do not stop the import of cigarettes. So what

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we need to stop fooling ourselves

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and remember what we said when we stand in Salah era cannabis was kana Stein what is a Baba Baba is obedience.

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He is not merely saying Salah

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is obedience, that is a baba

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baba would have been happy to know before he became Muslim, he came to me

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and he was wearing a big cross in his around his neck.

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And as soon as a Muslim decided the eyes of the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala said that they make their Ramadan and that and they made their the Christians they make their monks and they make their priests and they worship them instead of worshipping Allah.

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Allah we do not worship our bunks and our priests.

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He said, we do not worship our monks, our priests do the idols. Yes, but we don't worship them diet says they worship mindu illa Allah Allah said they worship them instead of worshipping Allah and

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our Christian, we do not worship our monks and priests.

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Is it not true? Is it not true that Allah subhanho wa Taala made some things haram and your priests and monks made them halal, and you obey them

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and live in other cities?

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And as soon as that is not true, that Allah subhanaw taala made certain things halal, but your priests and monks they privated them and you obey them. Is it not true? He said yes.

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So he said that is a Baba.

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He said that is to worship them because you are obeying them instead of obeying Allah subhanaw taala. So is that a bad

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Is it at

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a bar or is it that

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for example, is Allah Salam never drank alcohol, he did not eat pork.

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But the but in Christianity both are hella.

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This is one of the many things that they have done in the ways in which they have changed the religion.

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And that is a bother to do that a shake because you brought your personal desire and introduced the personal desire into the law of Islam. schilke is not merely to worship idols, shirk is also to introduce your own desire and to worship the desire for God. Allah subhanaw taala specifically called it chick.

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Allah specifically called it shift.

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Arise Amanita Cava, Allahu.

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Allah said, Have you not seen those people who have taken their house or their desire, as ILA as objects of worship? What is the meaning of taking something else as the object of worship it is.

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So when we stand before Allah subhanaw taala vsae, aka navodaya Anastasia, the first thing I want you to reflect on is, what is it you're saying? And then I want you and I remind myself to reflect in our own life and say, am I lying? standing before Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Because I said, Oh Allah, I worship only you. Or Allah, I asked for help only from you, is Tiana.

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And then, after Isola, I asked help from other than Allah.

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I obey others than align.

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obeying other than Allah means what means in matters where that obedience clashes with the obedience of Allah subhanaw taala. So don't get yourself, you know, into confusion. If you obey the law of the country does not mean that you are committing sin. No.

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Because the law of the country as long as it is not against the law of Islam, we must obey it is to obey it is far gone the Muslim to obey the law of the land, even if it is a non Muslim country, it is far gone, the Muslim it is obligated on the Muslim to obey the law of the land, as long as that law is for the general good of the public. And it does not go against Islam, for example, to stop at a red light,

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this is fun.

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islamically it is for

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because if you jump a red light, you are causing danger of others. And that is a general benefit for everybody. Similarly, obeying the laws of the land with regard to environmental protection with regard to crime and law and order with regard to for example, the preservation of wildlife. Muslims in this country were shooting and hunting a wildlife is prohibited. Muslims today in this country think it's a matter of honor to break that law, to subvert the government, to corrupt people, to get forest department officials to go with them because they pay them bribes. And they go and hunt animals, they are committing not one, they're committing several major sins, which is shipped.

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That animal with a shoot is haram. The meat of that animal is haram

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because you're broken the law of the land, which did not go against the law of Islam. And the law was made for the benefit of everybody. And you went and broke the law of the land. That's why I tell people you're so fond of shooting, go to a country where it is permitted and go shoot.

00:28:38 --> 00:28:57

I think it is * to go and kill animals for nothing. But that's my personal opinion. That's not high. That's not the law. The law is go to a country where it is permitted and shoot. But if you shoot in this country while I eat is haram you are eating Haram. You are committing haram you will answer to Allah subhanaw taala

00:29:01 --> 00:29:07

you just lied before Allah because you stood here and said he aka Naboo you're gonna stay in and you go and you went and broke a lot.

00:29:08 --> 00:29:11

People ask should I pay income tax? Yes.

00:29:13 --> 00:29:16

Absolutely. It is haram to fudge taxes.

00:29:19 --> 00:29:21

Use tax saving methods, legal methods

00:29:22 --> 00:29:25

to falsify accounts is haram because you are stealing.

00:29:26 --> 00:29:34

You are stealing. People talk about copyright. They take this from this display. Take that from that place and the court it as if it is their own.

00:29:35 --> 00:29:38

Make no mistake. make absolutely no mistake.

00:29:39 --> 00:29:41

It is haram it is stealing.

00:29:43 --> 00:29:46

have the decency to acknowledge the source.

00:29:48 --> 00:29:51

Rather than sisters, make no mistake. He

00:29:53 --> 00:29:58

is a covenant with Allah. It's a promise with Allah directly face to face one on one

00:29:59 --> 00:29:59


00:30:00 --> 00:30:02

I make it in every rocket of every Salah.

00:30:04 --> 00:30:08

Fear Allah and fear the Wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala in breaking the covenant,

00:30:10 --> 00:30:22

in going against the covenant in trying to find loopholes in trying to hunt, holes to to, to to hide under and places to hide under because you don't want to obey the orders of Allah subhanaw taala

00:30:24 --> 00:30:26

sisters, as I said,

00:30:28 --> 00:30:30

the issue of we're gonna we're gonna stay in.

00:30:31 --> 00:30:34

Also think about the great mercy of this thing.

00:30:35 --> 00:30:39

Imagine the Salah, what a beautiful thing it is. And that's the reason why I

00:30:42 --> 00:30:43

said in the famous word

00:30:44 --> 00:30:49

when when you asked him about la San rasulillah salam gave the example of salah

00:30:50 --> 00:30:53

and he said and that was aloha Kanaka Tara,

00:30:54 --> 00:30:55


00:30:56 --> 00:30:59

is there to worship Allah subhanaw taala as if you can see him

00:31:00 --> 00:31:02

and if you cannot see him to know that he sees you

00:31:05 --> 00:31:09

direct face to face. Imagine you are standing there and you are saying he

00:31:10 --> 00:31:24

you are saying Allah This is me. I worship only you. I don't ask for help from anybody other than you y'all I obey you. I do not obey others. Yala is me is me. You are my Rob y'all I'm your slave or Let's be

00:31:25 --> 00:31:30

you are establishing your right before Allah subhana wa Taala to ask him

00:31:32 --> 00:31:37

he and I are gonna stay in is the pre preamble for the DA

00:31:38 --> 00:31:45

which is the next day which will come inshallah it's a preamble for the DA it establishes your right to ask Allah

00:31:47 --> 00:31:48

and therefore Don't play with that right?

00:31:49 --> 00:31:56

Don't play with that. I don't have a situation where you are saying well I only you and me like our listing is a lie. He's a liar.

00:31:58 --> 00:32:13

He's a liar he is he's just saying all these years he doesn't obey you. And also I'm gonna knows what you and I do long before the Malacca tell him but I'm saying don't ask don't have the Malaika as witnesses against you and me because we say that this is

00:32:14 --> 00:32:17

that we are saying something which we don't do. And that is the reason why

00:32:18 --> 00:32:30

in the heavies where I narrated the response of Allah subhanho wa Taala subhanaw taala responds to Slovakia in the first of these foodbuzz

00:32:31 --> 00:32:38

if you recall and remember, when it comes to Iraq and Afghanistan, what is Allah subhanaw taala response Allah

00:32:40 --> 00:32:42

by any verbena,

00:32:44 --> 00:32:46

Leon de Massa,

00:32:47 --> 00:32:53

this is between me and my slave. And for my slave is whatever Yes.

00:32:55 --> 00:32:57

This is the beauty of we're gonna we're gonna say,

00:32:58 --> 00:33:00

you established your right

00:33:01 --> 00:33:05

to ask Allah and Allah subhanaw taala recognize that right?

00:33:07 --> 00:33:20

And that's why reflect on this. Allah subhanaw taala is speaking to us, unless Veronica is responding to us. And that's the reason why as I said, lm used to recite Surah Fatiha II I not.

00:33:22 --> 00:33:23

It's not

00:33:25 --> 00:33:30

that the beauty of reciting the surah Isaiah is because of this, that this surah

00:33:31 --> 00:33:32

is a conversation.

00:33:34 --> 00:33:40

It's a conversation between you and Europe. You say something, and you're a response.

00:33:42 --> 00:33:44

I agree. We do not hear the voice of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

00:33:46 --> 00:33:56

But we know he responds. So let us try to put ourselves in that position and say, Well, I said he gonna stay and use it. This is between me and you.

00:33:57 --> 00:34:01

And for you is whatever you ask someone Allah.

00:34:02 --> 00:34:08

How can I thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for recognizing me for recognizing my rights.

00:34:10 --> 00:34:11

Who are you? Who am I?

00:34:13 --> 00:34:14

This whole earth

00:34:16 --> 00:34:29

is whole earth but I'm not talking theology. Now I'm talking astronomy, this whole earth in terms of its size and significance is less than a grain of sand on a beach. Because it is part of a galaxy,

00:34:30 --> 00:34:44

which has billions of planets, which is billions of stars, the size of our sun and more. And that is part of a larger set of galaxies, in which there are billions of galaxies like our own Milky Way

00:34:45 --> 00:34:48

in the observable universe, billions not millions.

00:34:49 --> 00:34:59

The billions of galaxies like our own Milky Way, and in that Milky Way, this earth planet has as much significance as a grain of sand on a beach.

00:35:01 --> 00:35:03

data for reasons best known to observe

00:35:04 --> 00:35:11

chooses to elevate us chooses to recognize us. He will ask this question Why is God bothered about us?

00:35:12 --> 00:35:14

What is the answer to that question?

00:35:15 --> 00:35:16

The answer is ask him when you meet him

00:35:19 --> 00:35:27

bother I don't know of as fully as you are, but I'm really glad that he is bothered that's why he sent his column and he said if

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you want to know why he's bothered go ask him when you meet him because you will meet him of this there is no doubt

00:35:36 --> 00:35:38

he can gonna say

00:35:39 --> 00:35:47

my brothers and sisters I want to end with this inshallah we continue in the next year or next year, my one job I'm not here after that I'm here

00:35:49 --> 00:35:50

and inshallah then we will,

00:35:51 --> 00:36:05

we will continue with the rest of the of the surah until we finish. We ask Allah Subhana Allah be pleased with us. We ask Allah to be to be pleased with all of you gathering here We ask Allah subhana wa acceptio gathering here We ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept all others.

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