Mirza Yawar Baig – Live in the present

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of remembering and avoiding the "has been forgotten" label in life. They use a scene from the forest to explain the behavior of animals and how humans deal with catastrophic events. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning from past experiences and staying in the present to make the future secure. They also mention the development of animals' senses to detect predators and emphasize the need to stay in the present to make the future secure.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Muhammad Allah or Buddha at aminos Salatu was Salam ala they should have freedom be able to move city, Mohamed Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi. Right earlier, he was having to sell on the city, one cathedral cathedral.

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My brothers and sisters, I'm in this beautiful place called, I hope I'm pronouncing it correctly.

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Meeting a park or met in new park. I'm sure I'm massacring the name. But anyway,

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it's in West Springfield. And as you can see, I'm standing on top of the on a bridge in a stone bridge.

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And that's what the stone bridge wire looks like. And which is across this wonderful stream,

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there is something very peaceful about the sound of flowing water.

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So let me leave that for a couple of seconds to do. I don't know the phone recording, but let's see.

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So the sound of

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flowing water, this road that goes off into the forest, which I'm going to go down just now in a little way. And

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that's for the record. This is the other side of the bridge, and this is a watch.

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This one looks like

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this plant that you see here is usually it is just now they have finished flowering. So normally it has

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green and white flowers.

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This is the part of meeting the park which has picnic grounds. And

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so they have picnic tables and barbecue places for my South African friends by stations.

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what is it about a river?

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And why is that important?

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As far as we are concerned in life,

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rivers are a reminder of

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the constant renewal of something,

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we have the saying in English of water under the bridge, I always say don't worry about water under the bridge, meaning that's gone,

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which is a link to a very good

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understanding of life itself. Which is not to get rooted in the past, not to get stuck in the past.

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And not to worry about the future. But to worry about the only thing which matters, which is the present.

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And reverse due to that. So if you sit on the back of a stream, and you watch the water flowing,

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you can do that as a little experiment. And pick one point directly in front of you. Maybe it's a rock or something or a fallen tree. And

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focus on that. And see and remind yourself that every drop of water

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that's gone past that will never come back again.

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And every drop of water that's passing that is a new drop of water.

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And that's exactly what happens in our lives.

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Whatever we allow to pass

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will never come back.

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Whether it's something good or something bad,

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whether it is a relationship that we

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cherished and enjoyed and learned from and

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valued, or the opposite, whether it was a relationship that became toxic

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relationship usually starts as toxic. Almost all of them start as something good. But

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things happen and they become toxic.

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we don't way it goes.

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We remind ourselves and say well,

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that's not going back.

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What is with me today?

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And why is that important?

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It's important for two reasons. One is that while I did say don't get stuck in the past, I will also remind myself when you don't ignore the past

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don't forget the past.

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Don't let the past elude you. Because the past is what you spent time, energy emotion on

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it should have taught you and me something.

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For many of us it doesn't and that is why this

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Hear that history repeats itself. And

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one of my top two of my favorite sayings.

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One is that nations and this applies also to individuals. nations that do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it and see the words, nations that do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. And this applies to people, people who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

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So living the present, learning from the past, and making sure that

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in the present, we do the best that we can do. This is the policy that I

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want to talk about here today using the metaphor of the stream. Here is a

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scene from the forest here and mentioning you park and

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the deer here which are sitting in the in the dappled shade. Of course, this phone is not capable of picture of getting those pictures. But

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the reason I'm focusing on that

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is again, for the same thing to say that this is how animals live. And the grid wisdom.

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This is also about how they live this also how they deal with

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with all kinds of catastrophic events in their lives. This is how they deal with the tragedy. This is how they deal with bereavement. This is how they deal with loss,

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not by going into depression, not by taking drugs,

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not by committing suicide. But by getting on

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by having enormous enormous resilience. Now, not all of that may be the result of

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reasoned thought, but and since Allah subhana has given us the ability for reason thought there's no reason why we cannot do the same with reason such. Now what animals do a deer for example.

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Deer are on everyone's menu cards. They are

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the preferred dish for all predators. And that applies to them at practically every age any age. Little fawns, adult deer, even the biggest elk or moose is

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grizzly bear fruit. So there is nothing that a deer can do, which can change that. So what do they do? They don't spend their life in depression, they do two things. One is that they learn from their experience. So they have developed their senses to such an enormous peak that for

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even I'm going away from America. One of the most successful predators in the world,

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if not the most successful brand is a leopard. And a leopard has a kill rate of one in seven.

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So out of every seven attempts it makes only one is successful. And the reason is not because the labor is not trying hard enough, but the reason is because the prey species the Impala the deer.

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So the antelopes and the deer

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they have developed their sense of awareness, their speed of response,

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the plan, the getaway plans, all of that to such an enormous extent that it makes life very difficult for the

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for the for the lovers. And then of course think about that, that every

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gear that the leopard kills every, you know, prey species that the predator kills

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that against Anthro, anthropomorphize and through and through promo, morphing. That's one of these words.

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So anthropomorphic, meaning, giving human characteristics to animals. This is a very, very wrong thing to do. But we do that all the time. So anthropomorphic, thinking is incorrect. Now, however, in this case, I'm just saying that

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whichever deer skill is somebody's mother, father, daughter, son, and Uncle whatnot, right? So for the dear family they've lost, someone they loved and someone they trusted and someone they relied on.

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but they don't just sit down and die.

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They don't go to the, to the doctor for to the

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ECB for, you know, and say, Please prescribe for me, marijuana or something

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morphine, they don't they carry on with life. So they learn from the experience, the one who dies, dies, but doesn't die and when because the others learn from that experience, and they carry on with their life. This is such a beautiful example for us to learn from. Because life is life.

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Every single person out there in the world who you see as fabulous and say, You know what, I wish I had that life. And as I say, Be careful what you wish for because you have no idea what isn't that life, all you are seeing is what comes in front of you. You do not know what is behind that. You do not know all that has happened to that person in their life.

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So, yes, what we see in front of us, oh, I wish I had. But that's not true. So everyone, no matter how, you know, we didn't go It's beautiful, whatever the

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description of beautiful is,

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how beautiful is using their life is

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tragedy in it has very mature it has spottings in it.

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It has love, it has hatred, it has enemies, it has friends, it's just the work. It's the work of life. And the same thing applies to us, it interests me.

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So we can't allow that drag us down, to drag us down and to,

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you know, to spoil the rest of the beautiful life that I was wondering it was. So from the stream, and from these animals. The message I want to

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keep for myself, and you have to do is learn from the past, stay in the present. And don't worry about the future plan for it. But don't worry about the future. I mentioned you two

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sayings about history which I love. And I one of them I mentioned that was

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nations that do not learn from the history are condemned to repeat it. And I said the same thing applies for people. And the other one is a bit cynical. But that is also true. And that is the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing. The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing. Now this is also very true. But my reason for saying it here is not to be cynical, but to remind myself I knew that this does not have to be your and my case. This may be the case with people and maybe the case with nations with countries

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with individuals. But it does not need to be the case with you and me. We can learn from history, our own history and that's the best teacher provided we are willing to learn and then we take that forward to make our present the best possible present that it can be. I ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us to live our lives in the present in a way which pleases Him which make which means that our future will be assured. In his

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short that we will have is His pleasure and his forgiveness when we meet him or sorrow LaLana will get him while he was named how to get online

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