Kamal El-Mekki – Virtues & Blessings – The Three Sacred Mosques- Al Masjid Al Nabawi

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the history and accomplishments of the city ofrows, including its use of the "hasith" meaning it is superior to all other cities except for the city of Afghanistan. It describes various historical events and legends, including discoveries, expansions, regulations, and legends such as the discovery of a grave, the Red Sea's expansion, and the burning of a ceiling in the hospital. The holy month of May is also mentioned as a holy month for the religion of the Roman Empire, with the title given after the Roman Empire declared it to be. The speaker also describes a common holiday in May.
AI: Transcript ©
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was signal my waiting

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Yes sir

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I am

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got it okay

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alright said I'm autocraft Allah workout

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Bismillah r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah I mean what early he was to be here at 9am about So, last week Khalid spoke about

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the Harmon McKee and its virtues and some of its history today inshallah we're doing the virtues in some of the history of Haram al Madani. And of course

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there was a lot of information about the city of Medina the first inhabitants and where they came from, where they went their origins all kinds of things a breakdown of all the tribes there there's a lot of the history of the city itself but we wanted to focus on the history of the masjid and mercy the no neighbor we specifically and even then it goes into there's a lot of history there also so we have to choose what we're going to do within this hour

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and I made some decisions maybe in surely will agree with some of them. One of them is I skip the later expansions they just get boring. He put this much granite and this much marble and and a conditioning and I think it gets boring at this point who agrees Yeah, okay. There's like the stuff that we could just you know, not just look up with some of us have seen physically been and seen with the last expansion and the one before and it's not as exciting. So,

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a little bit first about the founding of Medina and its first inhabitants. As you know, before the process, I'm renamed it to Medina, it used to be known as yesterday. And the scholars say that yes, trib was the name of a man who is from the descendants of know how they set up. And he founded the city and therefore they named it after him yesterday. The first inhabitants there say the earliest three inhabitants the first were the AMA Dhaka and in English it's they're known as the Amalekites. So same word in Arabic been anglicized a little bit the Amalekites the Amanda am locked in Arabic means giant. So there were people that were huge that were large in size. And they were Arabs and

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the scholars have no doubt about the fact that they were Arabs the spoke Arabic Imam on top of him Allah actually says that the ancestor of a llama Luca, his name was Emilich. He claims that he was the first person to speak the Arabic language. Now, sometimes when he say something like that people are like, what What about Adam and what didn't they speak Arabic and Jana and is an Arabic going to be the final language and agenda as much as people try to say that there is no evidence that people spoke Arabic, Adam Ali Salaam and Howard spoke Arabic and a Jana. When people say what Allah azza wa jal does the length the back and forth, right in the Quran. Allah tells you what Adam said to his

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Lord Allah said to Adam, and it's all in Arabic. No, it's all in Arabic because Allah is explaining it in Arabic. Anyone Allah Subhana Allah says, Musa said this too for our own for our own set this back to him. We have it in the Quran and Arabic, but does that mean the spoken Arabic to each other? No, but it's just that sometimes and especially the Arabs, they take Arabic a little bit too far like it

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It was the language of agenda, and it will be the language of gender in the future. I personally don't care what language you speak in agenda, as long as we get in there, right? I don't care. We speak Tagalog, we speak Cantonese, Vietnamese, just we get there. I'll be like me how and it's fine with me. Right?

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But the point really isn't that we can't be curious. The point is that we don't have a firm evidence to say that people spoke Arabic before or will speak Arabic later on after the day of judgment. And so you know, I'm a tabula rasa. Mala thinks that I'm Luke was the first person to speak the Arabic language, then, so we've got the AMA loca, then we've got the Jews, the Jews came to Medina, a very long time ago, also, and the scholars believed that they were descendants of immigrants from Palestine. So they would leave Philistine. And there were a number of times when they left Philistine and primarily in the end, it's due to persecution. And this is a known very known issue.

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Historically, anytime the Jews were persecuted in Europe persecuted in Christian lands, they immediately went to the Muslim lands, because they know they're not going to be stopped and not going to they can build their synagogues and worship and nobody would bother them.

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The earliest of the Jewish tribes that came to the city of Medina were bunu, Karela, the scholars say And Bernal, Nadia, these two are of the earliest Jewish tribes. Then the third group of the early inhabitants of the city were the hosts and the Hazaragi. The famous tribes will also know has Raj and there are two tribes from kufan that were originally from Yemen. And, of course, until the time of the Prophet Salam, these two tribes were still there. So these are some of the earliest inhabitants the person that was named after. Now, we've got the names of the city. And the process changed its name from Yathrib. We said, the founder, perhaps from the descendants of Noah Ali Salam,

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the problem changed the name from year three to Medina. And he's not just going to do that, or salam for no reason whatsoever. And the scholars speculate as to why they give some explanations, they say because in Arabic, so yes, rip, the three in Arabic means to blame. And we see this in the Quran in surah, Yusuf kala letter three but on a chameleon, there is no blame upon you today that the three was blamed and also linguistically means to corrupt or to adulterate something. So you can see doesn't have a very good connotation if it's blame. It's not a good name for a city. I mean, if that's the route and if it's

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too corrupt, it's not the good name for the city of the Prophet Talal said I'm true. So the problem then change his name to Medina. This also has other names there is Baba in the Hadith in Sahih. Al Bukhari for Salam said Indeed, Allah the Almighty, the old powerful named it, Baba. And the scholars say that Baba Baba, also named playbar are all from the Ube. And why this name because it has been purified from schicke. And anything that's pure and impure thing is known as slave anyways, so by Eva Baba, because it was purified from Shrek. And so that's one of the names of the city. Now, with regards to some of the virtues to some of the virtues, first of all, it's the location of the hero

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of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and then

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the process of setting aside Buhari and also as a Muslim, that the problem said that I've been enjoined to go to a city that supersedes all other cities, superior to all other cities. They say yes, strip but it is Medina. And then the problem described something about it that it purifies people as the bellows eliminates the impurities of iron any, you know, the bellow. Is this what you use to, to push a lot of air towards iron, so you're melting iron, and to get the impurities off. So it says the same way that the city of Medina purifies people. And another Hadith describes how that every time that whatever wicked type of person comes to the city, they leave it and Allah replaces

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them with a better person. This is towards the end of time until the best of people are living in Medina.

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Just a side story. There was someone studying in Medina, and he said one of theirs, one of the students, their mother came to visit them in the city. And she was really uncomfortable and she couldn't wait to get back. And the other students used to say it's just like the Hadith. Yeah, I need that. But I don't think the Hadith applies in that way. I just, I think they're being harsh on the guy's mother. All right. So

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another one of its amazing things is that the dojo cannot enter the city of Medina. So he will just come camp outside of an Medina Medina, and then he will stand on like a small hill, and he will point to it and he will say that, do you see that white

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heartless over there. The hadith says he will say to his companions, the Antichrist to the judge. Do you see that white Palace over there, and he will tell them that is the masjid of mud. That is the masjid of Muhammad. And it's such a beautiful Hadith because this hadith at this time, the mercy of the Prophet lamb was brown earth tone and color, and only a genuine Prophet would know the color of his Masjid in the distant future. And today we look at an image of the nebo we just physically or an aerial shot or even a satellite shot and what's the color, white, bright white, white marble everywhere, even the roof white, so that the gel tells them Do you see that white palace that is the

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masjid of Muhammad, he's not able to enter the city of Medina every time. At every gate, there's an angel with a sword drawn out, and so that the gel will not be able to enter it, but he needs to get the evil people out of it. So he was the earth and the earth will be meaning the land the ground will shake three times violently, and every hypocrite male or female would leave out and join the jar. But him entering physically he will not be able to McCain, Medina he cannot

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bathe and McAleese he cannot enter but he can enter the city but he can't intubate telemarketers, they can enter the city itself he can't. So that's one of the other virtues and that's why anyone that the gel comes out, property value will go up in

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the real estate agent will show you around. So the gel proof also another perk.

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And of course, there's some other things that only the apostle have said also say Bukhari and Muslim that no one plots against the people of Medina, except that ALLAH will cause him to dissolve a salt dissolves in water and that Allah is protecting the people of the city from whoever tries to plot against them. Now, sorry, I want to go back to the hadith of Medina superseding all the cities being better than all the cities. So immediately you think what about Mecca? Right? So if Medina is best of all the cities, what about Mecca? We know Mecca is better. Number one, so remember no you and other scholars explained that they said that it can supersede them in another way. Can we agree that

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for example, the conquering of Mecca the army that left and the people that left to conquer Mecca where did they leave from?

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Medina in that sense, isn't it superior that it's the city from which all other cities will be conquered? So they said in that sense, not in the sense of its its actual virtues and and place in front of Allah azza wa jal, but we do know the problem said in the Hadith that the prayer in in this masjid or in my Masjid prayer in the masjid Nabawi is better than 1000 prayers in any other Masjid except for Al Masjid Al haram. So, a prayer in the midst of the nebo is better than 1000 prayers in any other Masjid except for Al Masjid Al haram in Mecca. So this just a little bit of the virtues of an Masjid the nebo we are in Harlem and nebo itself and its sanctuary. So, a masjid in Abu manava we

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was the second Masjid that was built in the first year of the Hijra. The first one was the masjid of Koba, and it was the first masjid and it was on the way to Medina. So the Prophet Salam stopped at Koba built this message and then continued on his way to the city of Medina. And when he entered Medina, the unsavoury started to take the reins of the she camel of the NACA of the Prophet of Salem. So he would be their guests. So one person would grab the reins your mind gets you out of Salah you stay at my home, the other person would grab the reins of the camel, and then the prostate alum, told them hello sebelah in Hama Mora basically leave the camel alone, it is commanded meaning

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it's commanded by Allah to go to a specific place. So everybody let go of the camel. And it kept walking until it's settled. It kneeled down near the home of Ebola Yuval Ansari, it kneeled in that place. And the Prophet Lam said had elmen Zulu Insha Allah, so this is the place in sha Allah.

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So the second day, so the camel chose this place, the second day the person comes and he asked, Who does this long belong to? Who does this land belong to? And what they described is that it was a flat land, where they had where they used to dry dates. So, after the harvest of days, they put them out there in this land to dry and there were a few neglected palm trees, some of them dead and very neglected and a few old graves of some pagans, just a few graves and just piles rubbles of sand here and there. So the prostate alum asked who To whom does this land belong and they said it belongs to two orphans from Benin Naja and

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in the Hadith bro Salam says, Yeah, but in a jar than we normally open in a jar, give me a price and I want to buy the land. So the two or

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orphan boys actually offered to give the land for free. And they they set out to Sula, we give it as a gift to you, we donate it, especially the masjid is going to be built here. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam refused, he refused to take it as a gift. And he insisted on giving them a price. It's some of the clear lessons. One, they're orphans, they don't have any other source of income. And the problem was orphaned himself. So he always knows about the orphan and fields for the orphan. So he refused to take it because they have no other source of income. They're young boys, that and then the second thing also it doesn't allow anyone any room to say look, he took it from the orphans

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or took advantage of their situation. No, it's bought and paid for no one has any nothing to say about it. So

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the the book could have paid the amount so 10 Gold dinar is what they bought the land for. And a worker the Allahu Anhu paid it and it's bought. So the problem asked the Companions now to prep this area for construction of a masjid. And

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east of the masjid, there was a place known as bulkier al Hubba, hubba hubba. And it was a place where they decided they decided to basically this is where they're going to build all the bricks for the construction of the Masjid. So it's almost like a brick factory now to the east of the Masjid. They'll build all the bricks there and lay them out to dry. Then when they're ready, they bring them to the masjid. And it's close enough. They don't have to like travel a far distance. Something about the word booklet here. And many people when we hear Albuquerque, we think of the cemetery where the companions and the Mothers of the Believers are buried. So that's what they understand is booklet

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but book Yeah, actually, link, it refers to any flat land that has no rocks, so it's not Rocky. And so there were many in in Medina, there was the clear al Hale, there was booklet Zubayr different names of areas that had the same description, flatland, not many rocks.

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And it was typically used to as a cemetery. And there's some good explanation. What's a good explanation? Why use this land for cemeteries?

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Not because it's flat, but because

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no rocks. Yeah. Like you don't want to be digging hundreds of graves in in an area just full of boulders and rocks always coming in your way. So any booklet would have been a good, good place for a cemetery. But today, we're just It's famous for the book to the cemetery. And that's why we're hosting a book there is that book there. But there's any flatland with no rocks in it. And they had different names. But today it's popular as as that cemetery.

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so they started then to prep this area. And we're going to look at some of the numbers and some of the procedures for building the Masjid.

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One of the things the porcelain marked on the ground, the size of this masjid, so it's going to be 35 meters by 35 meters. Does everyone understand meters here? Yeah. So you either a scientist or someone who studied overseas. Yeah. Okay, good. Because meters are smart metric system is smart. The other what they call standard, it's not very smart. Right? So 35 meters by 35 meters. And the Qibla is towards Bethel muchness, at this point, the clipless towards the north, because at this point, still, they were praying north, not towards Mecca, not yet. That's 16 months later, they started to pray towards Mecca. So the porcelain built it, we said 35 meters by 35 meters marked it down the

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there were three doors, one door on the south wonder in the West, is known as Baba Rama, and then one door in the East. And this is the one that person would use frequently. And we said, because the Qibla was in the north, there was no door there. And they would they would build it with bricks in the process him himself would be taking part in the building. So he didn't just sit and tell people you do this, you move faster. But he himself and he would put the bricks on his garment. And one of the companions saw that they start to do the same, they will pick they were big bricks, they will put them on their garment and bring them to the place of or the location of the building. What they

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did was

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the they made first a foundation of only rocks, one and a half meters deep, so just rocks. And then they went up a little bit. And then on top of this foundation of rocks, so this is all around like this square foundation of rocks going deep in the ground. And then on top of the rocks, they put the bricks and the bricks were like three fourths of a meter thick. So they're quite thick, big these and we're calling them bricks. We don't imagine this little brick that we have now in our houses. That's why when they were talking about how a model in the US was doing the building of the masjid, or the porcelain holding their huge like this, and a model would have to that's no joke and that's

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why the porcelain commented how everyone's carrying one and you can

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carrying too, there were big ones not like little ones like that.

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Then they, they put the Pitney the pillars inside the masjid, like these pillars here, they were made from trunks of palm trees, standing them, you know, clean them up, so they're not too rough. And that would be standing inside, and the roof they made from. So the, they've got like long wooden pieces for the roof. Then they put the

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it was made from Jared and holes, Jared, or the palm stock. So if you look at a palm tree, you've got the long part that has the leaves at the end, the green part, this long part, that's the jetty remove the leaves from that you've got these almost like long stick like pieces. So they set those up top like that. And then the holes are the leafy parts of the leaves of the palm tree, they put that on top, and then they put a layer of mud on top. And the mud was to stop the rain from seeping through. But it wasn't all covered. And I have to say, you will find if you go on YouTube, you will find a number of let's say, the kind of 3d images, some of them, you will not find a lot of pictures

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but you'll find some videos with 3d explaining what it looked like. And some of them pretty good and

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but no pictures that's it's kind of like really sad what's out there, like not enough good material. There's some very good models that show all the different expansions and everything. But there are only videos of these models. And they're no like interactive models where you can go in and flip it 360 Just we're, it's kind of poor, like you'll be kind of disappointed when you look up what what we have as far as fare very nice models, but you only find videos taken by cell phones of those models. Just we need to work on that anyways.

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So the feeling they described was comet in sun comet in sun is like almost like almost the height of a human being. So they say it was about two meters tall, two meters high, the ceiling itself and the ceiling was a meter shorter than the walls, the walls were three meters tall. And the ceiling was bring down one meter, and that's the ceiling. So

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and it wasn't all covered, front part was covered. And then the majority of it was open and then the back part was covered again. So there's a covering in the back part. And that was the that area was where the people have a sofa the poor and would say Abu Huraira or gala and one of the famous ones, the poor people would stay in that area of this Masjid.

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It took some narration say one month to build the Masjid. Others say seven months. And the longest narration says it took a year to fully complete building the Masjid. Wala Hatha Allah, which one which one it was. So this was now at the mercy of the porcelain completed that's its size, that's what it looks like roughly.

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So one more time 35 meters by 35. We've got the base made of stone. And then we've got mud bricks, dried mud bricks going up top to two meters up and that's the ceiling so for tall people are very close to the ceiling, but it's not all covered like we imagine it to be like our massage. So if it was in this room, up to that fan would be covered. You would have pillows in this area up to this fan. And to this area is covered and the rest of the room was all open all open areas. And then the end of the masjid there's another covered area as well that's where the people of sofa would stay.

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This was what it looked like in the beginning when the bustle and built the masjid then we come to the first expansion in the first expansion was during the time of the Prophet SAW Salem, in the seventh year after the hedgerow after the conquering of Haber. And now there were more and more people coming to Islam and the population was getting bigger and the masjid was getting too small and too tight. So the people asked the Prophet Lim to expand the masjid and Ibiza salaam complied and agreed next to the masjid was this empty space of land. And so the Prophet Allah wanted the astor's companions to purchase it with not enough fun, it'll be alone until he went and he bought it

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all of the land and he donated it to the masjid so he expanded the first expansion with Mara Delano completely paid for the land, give it to the masjid

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and in this expansion they expanded actually, let me let me switch the Qibla first. So after 16 months, after the problem built the masjid after 16 months, the Qibla was changed. And when the Qibla was changed, the following changes happen to the masjid. So first the Qibla was towards the north, right? And Medina is or Mecca is south of Medina. So now the Qibla is changing from towards the north, to the south. And they didn't have to like change the angle of the walls or anything. Everything is just straight from up here, back this way. Now, one of the things used to bother the Muslims, the Jews used to talk the Muslims and they used to tell them that

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If we were not upon the truth, you wouldn't be facing our Qibla. They used to bother them, but were they going to do change the temple, they can't do that. And the person I'm also wanted, and in his heart, he wanted the Qibla to change, and then the verses came down. And the Qibla changed. So exactly the opposite. So the changes that were made, was that the door in the south, there was a door in the south, remember, that door was closed off, because now we're praying that way. And they open another door in the north, where the where the Qibla used to be the back of the masjid now. And then they moved a handle sofa, their area from the front to the back, this is the front now. And

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when everything is reversed, does that make it easier? Alright, everything was reversed. And

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but that was that was those were just the changes that were made, just the doors opening and everything being reversed, people have a slip for moving. And that's about it. So now we're going back to the first expansion when North man bought the land. And the process, then expanded it. So to the north and south, from the north to the south southern tip of the masjid is 50 meters now. So the increased 15 meters extra. And remember, it was 35 meters wide is now 45 meters wide. So 10 meters wider. So not a huge combat.

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Expansion, right. But again, if things were simple, like you would imagine I will since we're expanding it, let's make a double. And it wasn't like that. And it wasn't like there was the you know, the resources and wealth. It wasn't like that, where we just think let's make the 10 times bigger, like urban planning and all the the way we think of things now.

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Skyscrapers all that fancy. Yeah.

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So then they had

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three covered areas and number of covered areas like that. So not the whole thing was over, that was a covered message, not the whole thing was covered, just parts of it were covered. And each covered area had about nine pillars, and we said they're made of the palm trunks. And at night, they would like the masjid with with branches of palm trees. So they were like torches, just like a torch. So a dried part of this palm tree. And they would put it into the wall or hang it and insert it into a wall or into a pillar, and it will be burning at the end like that. And that's how the light would be in the masjid. But then the companion to me with daddy, and if you remember to me, is very famous

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for something to him and daddy. Yeah, the famous Hadith of the Germans and Muslim. He's the one from who came from Philistine and then he got lost on the boat. And then he met the JAL face to face spoke to him to the gel asked him what the Prophet SAW Salem. So after that, you have only one option. And if you meet something like that, the judge and the daba The Hairy Beast, then they speak to you about the process Allah where's your next journey?

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Straight to the process of take shahada right you're not gonna need more proof after that. So he came in took shahada and the Prophet Solomon along Hadith explain what he saw and what he went through. So to me Medardo below and hope he brings a condition which is like a kind of lamp lantern, he brings these lanterns and ropes and oil and he hung up these lanterns in the masjid and lit up lit them up with with the oil now. So now the machine was illuminated in a much better way. And it was much brighter than than before. And the processing was so pleased with that and he tells him know what that must Gitana and you illuminated our Masjid. Now what Allahu Allah, may Allah bring

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light for you, and in your days in your affairs in your in your life. Some historians said it was Omar Abdullah and who is the first to illuminate the Masjid. But others reconciled they say it could be that Amara Dylon was the first one to to use like proper lanterns and increase the number and really illuminate the mystery. So even at this point is not that bright but Omar, it was very noticeable at the time of Omar and that's why some say he was the first to illuminate the masjid but it was to me Medina Allah Allah Allah

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some some of the other interesting things the Prosser lamb used to so now we know that the covered area and the Qibla area were was was covered. And they had these pillars. The pillars we said were made of

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palm trunks right.

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So the Prosser lamb didn't have a member back then. So he would stand next to one of these palm trunks. And he would lean on it and he would speak to the Companions from there. And then the standing was given give him a hard time. So he asked different narrations when he asked the companions to build some kind of member for him. Another explanation is that he wanted the unsought a woman her son was a carpenter. So he told her to have her son, build something for him. And there's another that says one of the freed slaves of one of the companies

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NIAMS built, and he was a carpenter as well. And he built this member and it was three steps. So, so one, two, the third step was the seat where the problem could sit as well. And the process and then started to give the everyone knows his famous story, he started to give the, the speech from the member and the palm tree he used to lead lien upon. And it's not a living palm tree, but the the trunk of it, the pillar started to to make a sound like the crying of of a camera, like a small camera when it loses its mother. So I'm like this event, and many companions were in the masjid. And everyone knew where the sound was coming from. It's not like someone was, where's that from some

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people next to it knew it was this thing. Everybody knew it was that palm trunk.

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But what is beautiful is that one of the narration says that it was so sad that the Companions became sad.

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That's beautiful. Yeah, it was so sad that they became sad for this palm tree, they just felt bad for it the way it was crying, because then they bucilla Santa wasn't leaning on it anymore with his blessing body. So the problem, then, if you could just see him, he gets off the member. And he goes to console, this inanimate object that you think is this dead palm trunk. And he talks to it. And he tells it that if you wish, I can make dua for you. And greenery will return you will become green again. Because it's a dead trunk at this point. But I'll make dua for you and you will become green and you can live again. Or if you wish, you and you if you stay quiet, I will make the offer you to

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become one of the trees of agenda. And the trunk became quiet didn't make any more noise after that. And there are some that say that nourish Anjani that when later on, it became too old, they actually buried it. In the after the members of the member were here behind it in the direction of the Qibla that way, deep in the ground, they buried it there. But the person hugged it and spoke to it. If you you know and that's why companion seeing these things and what does that do to you seeing the process of them speaking to this inanimate object that was making such a loud sound that people even became saddened that how sad it was, then the person I'm hugs it speaks to it and gets back on

00:32:24 --> 00:32:28

remember continues to hotbar just like nothing happened, right? Yeah, imagine Sure. Holy.

00:32:31 --> 00:32:32

Okay, forget, you get the idea.

00:32:34 --> 00:32:42

You can't just casually come back on the member. Yeah. What was I saying? No, no, wait a minute. What do you just do? This is not possible. Right.

00:32:43 --> 00:32:43


00:32:45 --> 00:32:45

Are we on time?

00:32:49 --> 00:32:53

Okay, no. Yeah. That is 917. Okay.

00:32:54 --> 00:33:38

All right. That was the second expansion. That at the time of the process, no expansion at mo burger at the time of Amarillo and who numbers increased also, they asked Omar to enlarge and to rebuild the Masjid. There was land nearby belong to some of the unsought. So it was bought from some of them, some of them donated it for the masjid and some of them and it basically, ownership was taken from them because this was something or just kind of like eminent domain, right. And this time, it's 70 meters long. And, and, and made wider as well. And now the Meet the ceiling was made much higher. It was five meters. So this is quite high now almost any more than double what it used to be at the

00:33:38 --> 00:34:16

time to proselyte very tight, very, like I said, told people were having a rough time. And now it's more than doubled five meters to the ceiling. And then they put soft pebbles, or like small pebbles all over this was the carpeting that they had back then. And this was any there was a place called the worthy and the Arctic. So it's a valley nearby they had this, this fine pebbles and they put them all over the masjid. And that's why also, I mean these to enter the masjid in with their sandals with their shoes. And growing up we used to always see young men who would enter the masjid with their shoes like this kind of mixture into their shoes and you tell me how you take your shoes

00:34:16 --> 00:34:27

off in the machine the porcelain did they come in with the shoes or not? Yes, they did. Okay, then don't talk to me. Okay, but they walked on pebble jetty. And this is expensive carpeting that came from I don't know where and

00:34:28 --> 00:34:35

has designs on it. So this is what we're saying. Anyways, so

00:34:37 --> 00:34:59

yeah, and they added doors, they added more doors to it. This was during the reign of armor then during the reign of Earth man. The the fourth expansion Now, the third slot, first, second, and then third year. There's a ton of money in the fourth year, so four years he's the Khalifa. Then the people started asking him again the machine is too tight. Please make it bigger. So 80 meters long.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:13

50 meters wide, but so it's so not really much. And he only added 10 meters to the length, and 10 meters to or so to the width. But what was really unique about this expansion is that

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with moderate alone, we had the walls built out of rock. So all the walls now were rock, solid rock. And the pillars were made of rock as well. And some of them had iron as reinforcement. And the interesting thing now, the wolves became white. They made the wolves white, they didn't have paint, but they use plaster. And some of you who've traveled overseas, you've seen in our day and age, they use plaster to make walls white. Who's seen that?

00:35:45 --> 00:35:46

Yeah, just me.

00:35:47 --> 00:36:05

Okay, I've seen places where instead of past white paint, they just use plaster, which is very white and bright in color. And they just put that over the walls and you've got a white wall. And of course, the downside there. And if you if you're wearing let's say a dark garment, you rub against that plastic, it's on you. So some of you know what I'm talking about. But you didn't want to put your hands up that's fine.

00:36:12 --> 00:36:21

So what is this I just find it interesting that at that point is when it started to become white, had white walls. Now, then other expansions.

00:36:22 --> 00:37:02

And these are the interesting ones. Like I said, Well, aha, but during actually the time of virtually the underworld and Melek This is the 88th year after the hijra, and this expansion will continue until it will finish on the year 91 After the hedger so the year 88 After the Hijrah, that will lead it not in Malik. He asked his governor in charge in Medina, and that governor was Omar Abdul Aziz, who will later on become the Khalifa himself. He asked, he actually sent him a letter, he tells him expand the masjid of the prophets asada and incorporate the rooms of the wives of the Prophet to Salem into the Masjid. So, so this is the mystery of the prostate Lamb, the house of

00:37:02 --> 00:37:39

Isha, the first two homes were built for the porcelain house of Aisha, right against the wall right against the masjid. And then the house or, and when we say house here, we're talking literally six feet by six feet. That's it. Really, really small, six feet by six feet. It's a room basically some of us have walk in closets bigger than this. And it was against an X next next to the masjid so that they had two doors. One door leading you outside to the street one door leading you straight into the Masjid. Right next to it was the wall of the room of we can call the house but it's the room of soda Adventism at that point, and as the prophet Allah married, more and more

00:37:40 --> 00:37:42

the went in a straight line like this.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:48

And others now there's a little bit of a difference here at some said they weren't so this is the Masjid.

00:37:49 --> 00:38:02

Okay, this is the masjid and the house of Aisha is here. House of soda is here. And they keep going in a line like this. Others argued that it went like this The lines were the homes were alongside the masjid like that.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:36

The letter says so worried about the Malik he sends dollar to honorable Abdul Aziz, he said include the rooms of the wives of the Prophet Salam into the masjid so we're going to expand it a lot. And that is also now when you include the room of Ayesha into the Masjid. The grave of the porcelain because he's buried in the room of Ayesha is going to be inside the masjid as well. So we've got these issues, one, incorporating the grave of the problem into the masjid two, we're going to destroy all the homes of the of the Mothers of the Believers. And

00:38:38 --> 00:39:07

that's the first issue. When that the letter came to Omar Abdulaziz, he gathered all the nobles and he gathered all the scholars, and he read it to them. And everyone was displeased. No. Say he didn't say one of the great scholars from the tambourine. He said no, and he was against it, he was afraid that the grave of the Prophet lamb would eventually be worshipped by people. That's why he was against it. And others were against the destruction of the homes of the Mothers of the Believers.

00:39:09 --> 00:39:27

Six feet by six feet, and there's just nothing in them. And Isha did her whole life was inside that room, this tiny little space, her whole life and all the knowledge that she disseminated to the from this little room. So that's okay, let me get before I get to the exciting part. So

00:39:29 --> 00:39:42

I'm going to just write back to him saying, I consulted with people and everything and everybody's against it and we don't like this idea. So what ended up doing Malik writes him back. Just do what you're commanded. Carla. So now he's got no choice, do it.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:48

So they tear down the the rooms of the wives of the process.

00:39:49 --> 00:40:00

It's very, very emotional day. They said people who were alive at that time they said that people cried in Medina, as loud as the one the day when the problem died. That how sad

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It was for them. People were sitting crying in the masjid, saying we wish we could leave it. So people and visitors, and they're not talking about our generation and talking from their times. So visitors from different parts of the world any the judge and everything could come and see what sufficed the process him and his wives, what simple left they had, how small it was how there was nothing of value or of substance inside, they wanted to leave it so that you can encourage people to have Zoid and to not want so much of the materialism and of this dunya. So they were saddened and crying as these homes were being destroyed.

00:40:35 --> 00:40:49

So we're going to the new expansion now is going to include the homes and the wives of the Salem. They're going to build walls around a lot of a lot of fires, the house of Aisha the room of Aisha where the porcelain was buried, they're going to build

00:40:50 --> 00:41:35

walls around it with rocks, and there'll be no doors going into this room. So it's solid walls, no doors, no openings, and then they're going to buy the land next to it and for this expansion, and then over Abdulaziz built minarets in every corner. So the four corners, four minarets, and they were square shaped, not rounded, like we have today. square shaped merits, four of them on all four corners. And then the the member was already raised. So the member was raised at the time of mowing the lawn and who by His governor at the time, marijuana bill hakam. He actually remember that was three steps. He added six more, so the member now became longer, and you would see you'd be seated

00:41:35 --> 00:41:38

at the ninth step. So this is when members start to get long.

00:41:40 --> 00:41:45

What's what's probably a good guess as to why members got taller or longer.

00:41:46 --> 00:41:54

Yeah, more people now it's a bigger, more people now can see that the masjid is bigger, the audience is bigger. So the higher you are, the more they can see you.

00:41:57 --> 00:41:58


00:41:59 --> 00:42:29

now, but the whole further, the room with the Muslim was buried the room of of Aisha. So it's just a regular room of four walls, right. But the baton of knob as he's built another wall around it. There's some very nice models of this, he built another wall with a very obscure shape around it like a hexagon. Well, if you want to be very precise, it's six sides. But it looks like five sides. One side is very, very short, and has a very obscure shape to it. And for a number of reasons. One,

00:42:30 --> 00:42:49

the area near the Qibla he wanted to have these two diagonally pointed out walls, so nobody could face it and you couldn't face the Qibla now face the grave and the temblor you'd have to turn his angle and you will be missing the ability to worship the grave to prevent the worship of the grave. The second thing is that

00:42:51 --> 00:43:30

he didn't want it to look like the Kaaba. He didn't want another box room that's completely closed. And people have there's something special in it and eventually people you know, you live an opening and there'll be power for mashallah and right. People will be creative did the Nana maybe some of you have seen that video? There is in jiddah, one of the big circles what they call the British called the roundabouts you know on the streets intersegment is a big circle in the middle is an art piece there's a huge bicycle they're a very big bicycle and there's a cab driver who brings poor people there and they pay him like 50 rails or something and he tells them this is the bicycle of

00:43:30 --> 00:43:31

Adam Alice Santa

00:43:32 --> 00:43:41

because it's a very very big bicycle and people pray to rock and he takes videos of them now he's just praying to God and then making dua under the bicycle of Adam Allison

00:43:42 --> 00:43:44

who will start with the advantage

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00:43:49 --> 00:43:53

Michael Mann along Michael Mann

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00:44:11 --> 00:44:13

shadow I love

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shadow one

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my daughter wrestle

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I on a sauna bla

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I on on vanilla

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Michael Madden

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00:45:49 --> 00:46:06

in 10 minutes let's, let's cover the some of the more. So the interesting things okay. So anyways it's very important to mention because sometimes people try to say oh the mystery the number has a grave inside it so we can have graves also inside massage

00:46:07 --> 00:46:48

and porcelain constructed if there is that misogyny and graves don't mix and even Janaza prayer we don't bow we don't prostrate. Why? Because it's typically held at the cemetery and they're dead people down there so we don't bow we don't do anything because of what's down there. So it doesn't mix. And if there is a grave in a masjid, we see which was first if the grave was first then the masjid is destroyed. And if the the masjid was first and the grave entered later than the gravest exhumed, we don't mix the two. But some people now try to use a messy the Neverwet as a as an excuse or a reason to, to basically put graves and misogyny The Scholars say a number of things. Number

00:46:48 --> 00:46:53

one, the Sahaba did not bury the porcelain minimum in his masjid, they buried him in his home.

00:46:54 --> 00:46:57

Then, during the time of the American, Marwan he,

00:46:58 --> 00:47:37

he ordered that the expansion of the masjid includes the the master degree of the process. The scholars of the time objected to it. And they didn't agree and until today, they say, well is wrong to do that. But it happened. That's one, then the other thing is that it is not directly in front of the Qibla or it's not in front of the of the mousseline. And then the other thing is that the truth is it is not being worshipped, even though some people now and then try to worship but in general, if you look at Muhammad, Salah Salem and you look at all the things that are worshipped and all the graves that are worshipped in one study said in one Muslim country alone, we don't want to mention

00:47:37 --> 00:47:37

it Egypt

00:47:39 --> 00:48:01

5000 5000 graves are worshipped 5000 graves worship just one country. So you look at all the kinds of things that are worshipped, if you consider any that what's really happening with the mercy of the porcelain is really not being worshipped by people and that was the death of the porcelain on his deathbed that his grave would not be something that would be worship. So

00:48:03 --> 00:48:48

some of the interesting things in the year 160 After the Hijrah alma de not that Maddie and Maddie the Khalifa. He visited Medina and ordered another expansion but only from the north. So they bought some land around it. And the expansion started in the year 161 After the hedgehog continued for five years they added they have a total now of 24 doors, eight over here four over here four over here eight over here. And then we got to two burnings in this year 654 After the Hijrah in the first of Ramadan this is during the time with the Mamelukes. The the masjid burnt and the ceiling of the masjid many parts of the ceilings collapsed. And even inside this the room of the Prophet of Salem,

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but just repairs were done at this point, not rebuilding, but the second burning was in the year 886 After the Hijrah. So this is a long time later, but at this point it burned completely.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:15

Some lightning struck one of the minarets and it burnt and the rest of the masjid caught on fire. They said everything any the pillars the member, the dome, and

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everything except the only thing that survived is the dome inside the Hydra. So this room where the prophet Prophet SAW Selim and obika and Ahmad are buried, there is actually a small dome on top of him like inside this room and on top of so now keep going up to the ceiling to the roof. Now the green dome is actually the thing about the green dome and the mystery Naboo is that it's the dome right above the small white dome that's inside the Agera where the problem is is buried. So if you ever look at an masjid and you want to know where which part the porcelain was in, look for the green dome right underneath it. There's the Hijra. Inside it. There's another white dome, everything

00:49:54 --> 00:50:00

burned except for that white white dome basically. And so at this point completely we

00:50:00 --> 00:50:42

be built. Now some of the interesting stories before we pray. Nora Dean's inky. So one of the leaders of of the Muslims during the Crusades, he had a dream. And his dream the porcelain came to him and he said, and believe me, Manhattan, saved me from these two people. And then he showed him to blonde people in his dream. So he got up he made will do he prayed that night he fell back asleep. So the exact same dream problem comes James has saved me from these two people, these two and he sees them. Exactly two blonde men knows exactly what they look like. He consults someone and the person says what are you waiting for? Go to Medina right now. He gets on his ride and he goes to

00:50:42 --> 00:51:19

Medina and he arrives in Medina, the governor tells people know the Dean Zinke is coming to visit and Medina. And he's bringing gifts for everyone. So everybody get gathered gather to come to the gathering. So they gathered, and this is the majority of the inhabitants of the city gave everyone gifts, says Did anyone not show up to receive gifts? Yes. There are two people who didn't show up. Now he's interested in them. So it's one of these two people, they said there are two people who are very generous, they recently moved to the city for my mother biani, the western part of the empire. And they're very generous. They visit Albert here every single day. They're always giving, and they

00:51:19 --> 00:51:38

and so he says, Okay, I want to meet those two people. He sees them and they're the exact two people from the dream, the exact same people. Okay, so he starts to ask them, what's your story? Well, we just came from an mothership. And we want to live near the hijra, the room of the Prophet SAW Salem. And

00:51:39 --> 00:51:41

he goes into their home.

00:51:42 --> 00:52:20

And, and then everyone thinks they're righteous because they show show signs of righteousness and generosity, and they're very wealthy. So there's nothing in the room of except like Ischl versioni, like, what do you call a thing made of palm leaves, they're all intertwined like that. And it's like a map, like a map, right? I will look at Strama took Ron, he moves it, and there's a tunnel. And they're right next to the hood of their house is right next to the JIRA, they have been tunneling underground to steal the body of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And that's why I kept coming to him in the dream saying save me from these two. So and, and the the people from an Maga back then dished

00:52:20 --> 00:52:57

out these huge leather pouches. So nobody thought of the Mr. Suspicious, they would put the sand from the digging in these pouches, and then go dump it in a bucket. That's why they're visiting a bucket every day, but dumping the sand from the digging the excavation. And they actually got very close to entering any and got near to the to the basically to the grave of the problem. That night when they got close, there was like thunder, you know, striking the city. And that's the same night that Notre Dean arrived. And so he actually he beat them, he had them beat. And until they admit, he said, we're Christians, because remember, this is crusades time. So we're Christians that were sent

00:52:57 --> 00:53:32

by the Christians of Al Maghrib. And we were basically to steal the body of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he basically had them executed. But then Nuruddin began to cry a lot. He cried so much, why? Because the porcelain chose him from all the people in the Ummah, and there were other leaders and Salatin and governors, but he chose him, he said, saved me and helped me from protecting me from these two people. And that's why he cried so much, because what an honor the person chose him. And so that was one of those incidents. That was

00:53:34 --> 00:53:38

a big deal. They were, let's see which one because we have little time.

00:53:39 --> 00:54:17

Three minutes. Okay, here's another interesting one. They see that? Well, first of all, the Hijra. Now the people who go and clean that area, they're not janitors today, they're not janitors, they're actually, like high ranking individuals in big shots and officials and they go and clean it. Why? Because they want it to contain the nonsense. So in the old days, when janitors would be in charge of those areas, they would sell dust to people. Then look, I'm a janitor, I workout Harmon Madani and I cleaned the hedgerow This is dust from the hygiene of the profit center. I'll sell it to those people pay hundreds of rails for dusts the guy picked up from his shoes somewhere, just tricking

00:54:17 --> 00:54:59

them. So they closed the door to this now. So I have a series of old Islamic magazines from the night from 1994 93 and they were doing an in depth series on the Hijra. And but what is interesting is that the they were discussing, discussing all the different theories on the grave of the problem in the in the relation to the grave of Al Bakr and Omar some had them like this 123 Some had them like pyramids to Brazil on top others had porcelain like this to hear all these theories, but not long ago. And he basically the Saudi government, there was so many nonsensical stories that they said look, they started doing models and to end videos and pictures and

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explaining. So that to kill all the nonsense and all the stories in the in the 80s, there was a story of that a pigeon went in and died inside the house, this pigeon going through this wall, I don't know. But a pigeon died in the smell came and he wanted someone very pure to go get it. The choosers very righteous young boy, he went in there, he brought out the pigeon, but he could never speak a word until there for the rest of his life, all of these stories and nonsense and

00:55:27 --> 00:55:27


00:55:29 --> 00:55:31

maybe maybe have blonde hair. The point is that

00:55:33 --> 00:55:44

so basically, they kind of opened it up. And so now we know like it's the grave of the person. I'm like this the good old book or a little bit slanting over this way. And I don't like that. And yes, there is space for one,

00:55:46 --> 00:55:54

one person to be buried there or even two. And many speculate that ASA is Salam, when he returns will be buried there. But you can't say for sure, you can say for sure.

00:55:57 --> 00:56:39

The last thing I want to see very quickly, and then we pray that the last person to enter that HYDRA is actually this was during, in 1881. So remember, I'm going up now because he's built a hexagonal or Pentagon shaped wall outside, one of those walls fell, collapsed. Because this is hundreds of years later it collapsed. And when they looked, they saw one of the Hydra walls leaning over like this also. So now we've got to rebuild both. And they had a committee put together and they reconstructed both worlds. So now when of course they're going to enter the Hydra or at least be able to see it. One of the people who saw it wasn't a nobody. This was a scholar, Willa historian,

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00:56:43 --> 00:56:45

Danny, what is it?

00:56:47 --> 00:57:31

None. He wrote a book called alpha alpha. He is nurudeen ibn Ali as some hoodie. And that's what anytime you look at the history of a Medina or the Hydra, you will always see the name of some hoodie. So he was part of the committee for repairing the inside wall of the Hydra. So he entered and he saw it and he described it and measure that. So he measured it. And it's basically somewhere like three and a half feet by like four and a half feet. That was how big it was, which was originally or the smaller part of the room of Ayesha later on. And he said it was put in covered with red sand, like a very like red fine red sand. And the ground level inside the hedgerow was like

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60 centimeters lower than outside of it. So it's even lower than the rest of the Masjid. Probably over the years. It's piled up on what have you, but it's even lower. And he says that the three graves you can barely see them above the ground, the almost level with the ground 1000 For a long time, 800 years now. And the highest one a little bit was what he perceived to be the grave of Mr. Ravi Allah on home. And

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so this was the last person to enter and given eyewitness account and it also happens to be a historian who wrote a book and basically with fucka Annie basically preserved all this information for us. The last story I'll tell you, is like questionable but they say perhaps during the the Ottoman time, this slave he said he's going to go and look at the Hydra look at the grave of the prophets of Salaam. So the green dome has a window in it. He went in from that window when no one could see him and then went in from the other window of the smaller minaret inside the smaller dome inside. And they say that he looked in and saw the guy with the prostate limb and that one week

00:58:41 --> 00:58:43

later, he

00:58:44 --> 00:59:23

he became blind. Well, ah no, but then that narration but there are other more authentic ones of armed groups coming to try to steal the body of the prophet or Salam. And they got destroyed, not by natural disaster on the way to the on the way to getting to Medina. So Allah subhanaw taala, the scholars site how Allah Allah says Allah who yell Similkameen, a nurse, and Allah will protect you from people, this verse during life and during death. Obviously you can gather that there's tons and tons more especially the boring expansions also the granite and the marble and air conditioning. But this is just a little bit a little bit of the history of

00:59:25 --> 00:59:31

and mystery the nebo is up in your head for coming and Xochimilco for attentive listening. Salah hornbach on Hamad was salam aleikum, Abdullah Baraka

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