Mirza Yawar Baig – Lessons from the Anbiya #68

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The importance of trust and faith in learning from past experiences and taking risks is emphasized. The speaker also discusses the importance of faith in actions and the use of words to describe the beast. The success of Islam in helping people, including the use of tools and words, is highlighted, as it has impacted people in the face of the pandemic. The segment also touches on the struggles of Islam during the pandemic and its impact on people, particularly in the face.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa salatu wa salam ala sherfield MBA Wellman Cillian Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sahbihi wa barakaatuh seldom at the Sleeman Kathira and cathedra Mavado. My brothers and sisters, we come to a close of the story of Musa Ali salaam, and all the

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lessons which I hope we learnt from the story

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and the love look at the whole story of Musa Saranda

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and look at what lessons we learned. We learned lessons about the first and foremost

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lesson and the most important that we learned from the story of Sally Sarah is the lesson of Torkoal ananassa Hamilton, the lesson of daughter total and complete trust and faith in Allah subhanaw taala.

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The symbol of faith, the sign of faith is to take risk.

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If we have faith, we take risk if you do not have faith, we do not take risk no matter how else you might want to say no matter how many protestations you might want to make about having faith, if you are not taking risk, then you do not have faith. This is true for everything. I mean, it's whether it's the relationship with a lot of data, as in this case, or whether it is the relationship or anything else. If we trust the way we raise our children, then we take the risk of sending them out into the world without close supervision because we know and we trust what we have done. If we trust our employees, then we take the risk of allowing them to take decisions, because we are sure of,

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of what they will do. And that they will not do anything which is detrimental or harmful to us or to our organization. The same thing applies for every single

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relationship that we have in this life, which is that the sign of trust is that we take the risk that we risk that

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we take, we take the risk of trusting

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you where you would see

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animal handlers, for example, might people who work with work with very large and dangerous, dangerous animals, they their own animal which they have worked with, they will the figuratively and sometimes even literally speaking, the man will put his head into the lion's mouth, he knows that the lion will not, you know, close his jaws on his head.

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Now, obviously, I'm not comparing a ledger ledger to any of this, but I am saying that we need to ask ourselves this question and say, Do I really trust Allah? subhanaw taala? Do I really have our Quran smarter? Do I really have faith, true faith, we have paid by we proclaim to have faith and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept this proclamation and to not to test us in this but the real test of faith is you know, when the chips are down, when push comes to shove, where we are really literally at risk, at that point, do we show trust in Allah subhanaw taala or we run somewhere else?

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My serious desire to have to learn it

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began from the point where we thank Allah subhanaw taala and we know that everything we have is from Allah subhanaw taala. So, in although that is like saying nothing I have belongs to me.

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And there is a ship. There is a couple of notes though which says Mira Mooji Mukwege V nahi joke which has already arrived in May in me there is nothing that belongs to me. Whatever is in me, belongs to you.

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In another place, another child, said Huck,

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Huck O'Donoghue and I'm forgetting the first miseria hula for this. The second Mr. Is this. How are you? Hey, caca. Donna what? The truth is that I have not been able to fulfill your right and the word Huck is used in both its meanings, meaning truth as well as the right of somebody kacica Hakata or hakavod barracks battle back to somebody has a right on me

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And the truth versus default versus falsehood.

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This is the again refers to Allah subhanaw taala John John D, First John D. D, who will seek at John D. D. Hui, who seek et Huck to hack Adamawa he said that I have given my life for Allah subhanaw taala I have sacrificed my life

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I died in the struggle

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against somebody who was attacking Allah subhanaw taala

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struggle against the enemies of Allah. So, I sacrificed myself I gave my life, but then this life was not mine, it was something which had been given to me by him. So, if I say I gave my life for him,

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the life belongs to him anyway, the truth is, that I was not able to fulfill his right

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obviously, the

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translation mangles the poetry and you know, removes every

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every fragment of pleasure from it. So,

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to stick to our though, John Dee Dee who we will seek at Huck to hear her haka Donna who are the other share was Mira would you make would you be in a job which has already arrived? Monday, there's nothing in me, which belongs to me, whatever is in me, belongs to you. So, this is the,

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the, the essence of taco, which we learn from masala salams story is this and this talk will we see in all of the MBA Allah Himself

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and in all of them, I mean, even iwla Salaam, sitting in the trust up and tied up and, and completely helpless, sitting in the cup of the trebuchet. About to be flung into the fire. We know the story from Nicosia, that really Salam came to him and asked him, tell me what can I do? How can I help you? And if you're able, Islam says, There is nothing I don't have, I don't have anything to say to you. I can I can imagine whatever Islam, you know, maybe thinking that my whole life has been spent on on tearing myself and telling people to ask only Allah, because only Allah likes those who ask, ask only Allah, because only Allah likes those who ask. So every Salaam is perhaps saying to

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himself, this is what I have been saying to people all my life. And this is what I've been saying to myself all my life. And you want me to tell you why we're a team.

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Obviously, you didn't see all of this, but I'm saying this is what what I think I imagined that he would have said, and then as Erica co writes,

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Jimmy Sarang goes to Allah subhanaw taala and of course Allah subhanaw taala is well aware of what is happening.

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And he said, Yara, your Khalil is about to be burnt. And I asked him Can I help you and he refuses to answer me. Please do something and Allah says goodbye back to him and tell him I sent you and I want to know what does he want from me?

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And what is Grammarly? Salams response to that grammar is and I'm saying my rub does not need to ask.

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See the talk he says my dad knows Allah Subhana Allah knows what's in my heart

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He Allah bounty nigga labs push nega matassini Allah Allah is not.

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It's not necessary for my rock to ask.

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So the thing to remember here is that the, the, the sign of trust is to take risk. And this is something that we learned from Musella salaam story right from his birth onwards.

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From the time that his mother is told to put him in a basket and float him down the night, I mean, what can be a bigger and better example of trust and faith in Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this in the Quran, Allah smart Allah says that we strengthen the heart of his mother.

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Otherwise she would not have been able to bear this and this hunger, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us and to strengthen our hearts. The idea of reading these stories is, at least for me, one of the biggest things is that it puts our own life and our own difficulties in perspective. And the first thing which hits us that whatever you are facing or I am facing is not even a fraction of the kind of

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emotional turmoil the kind of fear the kind of worry and stress that Musa or the Alanna do.

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mother of Musa alayhis salam, what she wants to affect, right?

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newborn baby, putting him in the night.

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And then also, the lesson we learn is how this whole story developed in how Allah subhanho wa Taala took care and how when Allah subhanaw taala decides to take care Allah does not need to fool anybody or not, does not need to hide anything. Allah subhanaw taala shows his power and glory and majesty, where it is around himself was Holding, holding masala CERAM in his hands, fully and completely recognizing Him for the threat that he posed to Him and His Kingdom. Right?

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The very reason why if Iran gave the order for the children of bunnies, right to be slaughtered, this child was the one who they were searching for. And that child is now in the hands of logically what should happen.

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But what did happen?

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Allah subhanaw taala showing his color.

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Now another lesson we learn is moosari salaams nature,

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which was always to stand for whatever he believed to be the truth, and to have the courage of his convictions to not just pay lip service to something to to stop it with his hand and to speak out against it and to stand against it, whatever it was, and we see that in the story of the fight between the Egyptian and the man of Bani Israel. Where Musa is I'm intervened. Now again, the consequences of that intervention because of the way it was done and so on were were negative. But Musa Islam did that with the intention of,

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of standing up for the truth of helping somebody who was apparently oppressed, but it turned out that has many sides, man was,

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was really a culprit. And then that that we see later on in the story, and then we see the same tendency of standing up for the week of protecting those who are weak in his treatment of the daughters of Sally salaam, when he was in Medina, where he helped them to water their, their sheep, and their and their cattle or whatever it was their flocks. And, and then of course, he got married to one of them, and so on and so forth. So all of this, the tendency of Masada to stand for the truth. And then we see how was Ali Salam was awarded and chosen for prophethood where Allah subhanho wa taala, the first hokum that Allah subhanaw taala gave him as soon as Allah subhana Donna

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introduced introduce himself to Musa Ali Salam where he said in Nany and Allah hola Illa Illa Anna for our Bodine Joaquim is sala de la Zicree. First home that is given is

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that I am Allah and I am there is no one worthy of worship except me. And therefore establish Salah for my remembrance.

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And the lesson we learn here is that here is Allah subhanaw taala honoring Musala Salah by giving him a gift and that gift is the gift of coming into his or coming into His presence and worshipping Him and worshiping him a lot.

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The Salah is a Assad, the salah is a support the salah is a weapon, this is a resource, the Salah is wealth, the salah is the greatest strength that we can possibly have which is to be able to focus on Allah subhanaw taala to be able to come into the presence of Allah subhanho wa Taala to ask Allah subhanaw taala whatever we wish whenever we wish. This is the whole power of Salah and this is why Allah subhanaw taala gave us salah.

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And so we hear we hear this, we love this lesson from there, the importance of of Salah and then we see Musa al salaam standing in the court of Iran and we see this this manifestation of Tawakkol in his fearless attitude when he starting in the court of Iraq.

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We also learned lessons there. Now again before that we learn the in the lessons also after our call and very important lesson which is that it is Allah subhanho wa Taala who does and not anything other than Allah. When Allah subhanaw taala asked Musa alayhis salam this question in the same place were in the burning bush when Musa is Salah went there to the fire and he spoke to an Allah subhanaw taala spoke to him and gave him

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this number what the ad begin with fuck Lana lake in Naka we will waddle mocha does Utah you are in the valley of Iowa, which is which is a sacred which

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which is no hotness and therefore take off your shoes. So the lesson first lesson is other

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is how to approach knowledge how to approach the knowledge of Deen which starts with other take off your shoes

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and then make a stand there. Then Allah subhanaw taala introduced himself and then Allah smart Allah gave him salah. And then the next question that asks civis ma Tilikum Yemeni Kaya Musa almost a word is in your right hand.

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And he had his stick in his right hand. So he says yalla This is my yessuh This is my answer. This is my stick with the budget with which I support myself and I

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I bid down the leaves for my sheep and goats and I restaurant it when I'm when I lean on it if I need support, and so on and so on. So he's has this conversation and he wants, you know, to prolong this beautiful

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interaction and communion and meeting with Rob della DeLallo.

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And then another monitor as teaching in Nevada, the first

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other second Tawheed which is worshiping only Allah subhanaw taala third is the way to do that which is Salah, which is the connection, and fourth is Allah subhanho wa Taala is reinforcing this lesson La la la la la la la la la

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la Nafi one of Allah nothing helps and nothing benefits except Allah. And how's the lesson taught? very practical, very practical, he taught without any long lectures, what is in your right hand? This is my stick and so on. So on, throw it down.

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He throws it down, turn into a snake, turn into a fast moving poisonous snake. Allah smart Allah says that he's afraid.

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Allah said no, don't fear, pick it up, and it will return to its original state. He picks it up it becomes a stick back again.

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The snake doesn't bite you.

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So what is the lesson the lesson is learned if

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nothing can help, and nothing can harm except almost.

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Today in these COVID days we have this everybody suddenly become conscious of the idea of trying the camel right? hamdulillah by all means try the camel. But don't have Torquil and faith on the rope

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in Neath our call to Allah Allah.

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Not beneath our call to Allah habla German.

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I have my faith on the rope of the gavel. No, my faith is in Allah subhana wa that by all means wear masks and wash your hands and stand on your head or whatever it is you're supposed to do, do all of those things, no problem Alhamdulillah but continuously and constantly check your own thoughts. This is not for anybody else, it's for yourself. And this is between you and Allah.

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If there is a slightest fear in your mind, or heart that if I don't wear a mask, I will get COVID

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then you need to correct your Akita you need to correct your heart and you need to purify your heart

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please understand this don't don't need to get defensive about it. I'm not saying don't wear a mask please do wear a mask there's nothing there's no bravado and there's no sense in saying no I trust in Allah so I will not wear a mask that's other end of civility

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there too and the stupid one is this and the other one is the other end getting completely paranoid.

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Drinking Lysol, I don't know what you want to do. So, the point being that Tawakkol means to take risk

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consciously and taking risk does not mean jumping from the from the 20th floor and expecting to you know, walk home No, taking this means doing whatever is there in our material world which is the law which is good sense which is recommendations by experts in the case of COVID by doctors in the case of other things by whoever is the expert in that doing all of that but continuously checking your heart to see where is the where is my talk where is my belief

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that where it where it where does it is is it on the material or is it on Amazon and

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I always give this example because this thing's really you know struck me so much when Princess Diana

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died in that very tragic accident.

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Now people say the Mercedes Benz is the safest vehicle going right now and Lady Diana was not only in a Mercedes Benz she was in an armored Mercedes Benz

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and she was sitting in the backseat

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in the front seat was a driver and

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her bodyguard

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but when the car hit the side of the tunnel,

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who died,

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she died.

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And the bodyguard was sitting in the front. He was alive

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in an armored Mercedes

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life and death,

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sickness and health,

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wealth and poverty.

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Every single condition that we may face in this life

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is in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala geladeira alone.

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So by all means,

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please practice whatever safety measures you need to practice. But don't keep your faith on that. And believe me, I'm not asking you to convince me you have to convince yourself because when you stand before Allah subhanaw taala, you are going to stand alone, not with me.

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I need to look at my face, you need to look at your face

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and say what do I have to focus on?

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What was interesting, who was interesting.

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He always wanted to give us this connection, where we trust only him.

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We're not even the smell, not even the faintest.of Shark is in our throat.

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So this is what we learn from Musa alayhis salam.

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Complete and total faith in others matter a standing in the corner of Iran is not bothered. Nothing bothers him. Not the fact that he's alone, not the fact that all the might of the Pharaonic might and wealth and power and ruthlessness and brutality and of the ironic Empire is arrayed against him he doesn't care.

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Because he is conscious only a one thing and that is the glory and majesty of Allah subhanho wa Taala gem is the creator of the entire universe all that we know and what we don't know. And in this whole universe, there is one

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thing which is less than the less than the size or significance of a single grain of sand on a beach and that is called Planet Earth. And on this planet earth is a little piece called Egypt. And in that little piece is this little microbe called Pharaoh.

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The Pharaoh what is His glory? What is His Majesty?

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As the example I give if you look into 1000 watt halogen bulb and please don't look into that you will destroy your eyes. But if you look into a bulb like that

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and then look away, you will be blind to everything and all you will see is that light

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you don't have to look into 1000 watt bulb for that any light will do but anyway, you don't need to actually physically do this. And take my word for it. If you look into that, and you turn away

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you cannot see anything else for a while until the retina adjust.

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to it.

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Are the IDs are just sorry, ophthalmologists, please excuse me.

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You cannot see anything except that right.

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And that is the beauty of looking at the glory and majesty of Allah Subhana Allah, Allah may Allah grant us this that we see nothing except his mate.

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And this is what Musa Islam did. And that's a loser is Allah was not concerned and bothered about what was happening with Iran.

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Then under Samantha, in that we learned the lesson also of the of the way of giving Dawa, which is stick to your story. Don't get involved in arguments. Don't get involved in refuting this or that

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don't get involved in all stick to your story.

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He says O'Meara Bellamy Prabhu Zawadi, well are the Bama By now oh by enquanto McCain, who is this? Me he is the ram of the heavens and the earth and everything in between.

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And will you not be among those who are

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and then feed on just to the to the people around do listen to hear what you say. And Musa is again talks about the greatness and glory of Allah avanza This is a madman who says Iran talks again about the glory and magnificence of Allah subhanho wa Taala do not get distracted.

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Don't fall into the trap of getting distracted. Don't talk about this and that you are concerned only and only about Allah subhanho wa Taala stick to that that is your story.

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We learn that lesson.

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And then we learn the lesson that Allah subhanaw taala wants to help you Allah viatera Create the circumstances

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help you in a way where until the last moment until the help of Allah subhanaw taala comes it looks as if everything is arrayed against you. So what happens in this case

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feront invites all because we don't believe when he sees Musa is a miracle he thinks it is magic.

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And as far as I'm concerned that's fantastic because Iran had the biggest and the most powerful magicians and illusionists.

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Of all time, who were his magicians?

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So as far as we're always concerned, this is

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a done deal.

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So what does he do we call them he he announces on the day of festival when the whole place will be gathered the whole city country whatever.

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He invited all the day that's what his advisors told him he said, invite all the biggest musicians that we have and tell them to

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do to counter the within quartz magic of this man Musa La Silla.

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So until that moment, what are we seeing we're seeing

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a situation where possibly now this is it. There's no way that was or SLM can win. Now I always tell myself, let me put myself in that situation and say, what would I be feeling at that time? It's a it's a very salutary thing to do and we thank Allah subhanaw taala that Allah didn't test us with putting us in those situations. I don't know what we would have done.

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Would we have sided with Ferrara? Musa Salah

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Who did we really believe would be successful. So in this case, Musa is an array is there and this whole lot are arrayed against him.

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And then what happens?

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What happens is something which happened only twice

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in the history of mankind. One was in the case of Musa alayhis salam and the other one was in the case of Muhammad Rasul Allah is Allah Allah Allah was chosen, which is that people who were his sworn enemies who came there with the intention of destroying him, completely turned and became his. They became his followers. They've they believed in Him and they obeyed him and this and that all their strength and power and everything were turned in favor of Busan.

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And this is exactly what happened with Rasul allah sallallahu Sallam and he Saba, you have you see the story of the iconic story of that and there are many stories but the iconic story of that is that of our Catalano literally going with a naked sword in his hand and with the declared intention

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of killing Rasul Allah is Allah Allah, Allah knows the law and what happens at that at the heart of the story and it ends with America Tavella know becoming one of the greatest supporters and protectors, the protector of Assam is Allah subhanaw taala. But among the people,

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one of the greatest supporters of Rasulullah, Salah is one of them. And that is what we see happening in the case of Musa Islam which is that these magicians immediately they as soon as they saw what Musa is, did. They recognized that it is not magic and the reason they recognized it because is because they knew it was not meant because they knew what magic was.

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The reason people came, many people who came

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especially people like Simon Tabitha Milan, for example, who were linguists of the highest order, he was one of the greatest poets in the Arabic language.

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They came to Islam because they knew the Arabic language and when because they knew the Arabic language they recognize that this thing which Rasul Allah is otherwise Salam is residing is not the word of any human being.

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They recognize the Quran Al Karim as the column of Allah subhanaw taala they said no human can make this

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so also the magician the Musa, this is not this is not magic. This is not magic. We know magic. This is something else. And then they immediately accepted Islam

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and they became followers.

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So we see how when Allah subhanaw taala wants to help

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the help of Allah subhanaw taala comes at the right time, just in time inventory, right.

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Blood does not send armies of angels in advance. No.

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Do the gears again off but Emily Sullivan is thrown into the fire. What are the people seeing? They are seeing that they are successful? They are seeing that they have thrown

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The Navy of Allah into the fire and he that is the end of the story tell us

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that's what they're seeing. And they don't know the truth until he walks out of that fire after whatever period of time it was. It is only then that they recognize that Oh,

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something has happened here.

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The help of Allah subhanaw taala comes only at the end, when the Prime Minister is sacrificing or attempting to sacrifice his son he puts the knife on his throat and is cutting.

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Only then does the hug of Allah subhanaw taala come The name doesn't cut. And Allah subhanaw taala speaks to him and he says you have we have accepted your sacrifice and he sends us along with Iran. And the same knife which could not cut the tender skin of a of a young boy, the throat

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like through butter

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across the throat of the land of the of the ram

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held was run into the gums when it is needed at the right time. And Tawakkol is to stay in there until that last moment without losing faith.

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This is the one of the biggest lessons we learn from the story of Musa alayhis salam. We'll look at some more in the next

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episode. In the next class inshallah. Ask Allah subhanaw taala to fill our hearts with His glory and majesty because that is the Hashem Allah is the foundation of Quran law.

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You cannot you cannot have the awkward if you don't have passion. You ask Allah for Allah, we ask Allah for Sasha, we ask Allah to fill our hearts with our code, we ask Allah to make us among them with our Kilian because we have the beautiful hoodies are always a seller who said 70,000 Enter the Janna without reserve and they asked me Ursula who's that he said they are the Moto cologne. They are the ones who have talked with us for HANA data. They asked him What are the signs he said they don't use tabbies

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they don't use amulets, they don't use little charms.

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At the amygdala smelter, may Allah make us among them. Masala Alana will Karim Allah He was a bad neighborhood to God

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