Yasir Qadhi – Whats is the Difference Between Major & Minor Sins Q&A

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The distinction between the meaning of major and minor sins is based on the two words and their hierarchy. The importance of avoiding one's own Yo-yo or one's own is also emphasized. The speakers discuss the hierarchy within the century of Islam, including the need for forgiveness and avoiding major sins. They stress the importance of avoiding drinking alcohol and touching alcohol in public, as well as avoiding lust in relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh who Alhamdulillah Haitham Al Hamdulillah. All praise is due to Allah the one and the unique. He it is when we worship and it is his aid that we seek. He revealed the Quran to our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he taught them how to speak. He it is who answers the dua of the oppressed and He hears the plea of the week. So it follows Welcome to another q&a on Tuesday. Let us begin immediately. SR ora Tulane from Birmingham asks, what is the definition of a major sin and what are some of the differences between major and minor sins? So this is a very deep and very interesting and very necessary question. And it is very

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clear from the Quran and from the Sunnah, that Allah azza wa jal has categorized acts of disobedience into two large categories, major sins and minor sins, the Arabic term is Kabira and Solera. And the Quran mentions this distinction very explicitly in multiple verses. In fact, there are at least three verses in the Quran that are explicit in this regard. So for example, Surah tilaka have, Allah says when they see the book, those who rejected Allah will say mighty Haddad Kitabi. Now you all do Salia Ratan wala kabhi Ratan Illa saw her What is the matter with this book, where's this book coming from neither accellera or Kabira that I have done except that it has

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recorded it. And Allah says in the Quran, interest any book about Iran Mattoon, Helena and who if you avoid the kibbeh era of what we had forbidden Nuka for Iran, come say your article, we shall cause the other ones to be forgiven and allow you to enter Jannah so this is a promise from Allah, that if we maintain a level of religiosity, and we say the five prayers and we worship Allah subhanaw taala and we avoid the kava era, that that which is the saw era, Allah will not punish us in jahannam. The punishments might be otherwise but not in jahannam. The Salah will not be punished in Jahannam for those who turned to Allah and those who lived righteous lives, and our Prophet

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salallahu it he was setting them said that each prayer to the next prayer and Ramadan to the next Ramadan and the Omura to the next Romera shall be a Kufa for the Salah as long as the Cabal are avoided. So your five daily prayers and you're doing an emoticon every single year of fasting the month of Ramadan, that when you maintain this lifestyle of piety, the bare minimum piety, then the minor sins shall be forgiven by your generic good deeds. It's not an excuse to commit minor sins, but it is a Bushrod good news, that when you live a religious lifestyle, and you avoid the major sins, that that which is lesser than the major, they shall not be punished in the worst punishment

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which is the punishment of jahannam. So it is very clear therefore, that our religion differentiates between Salina and Kabira. But we have to understand before we get to the distinction between the two the technical distinction, there is a number there are a number of points we should be aware of first and foremost, that the Kabira and the Salina the Kabbalah and the Sahaba even though there are two binary categories, there are two categories still within the Kabbalah era and within the Sahaba there is a hierarchy. So just because it Kabira is a Kabira there is no question that within the Kabbalah there are far bigger than other Kabbalah and this is relative to the other Kabbalah. So for

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example, there is no question that drinking alcohol is a Kabira. But murder is also a Kabira. And the sin of murder is much, much much more than the sin of drinking, even though both are kava, so just because we categorize something as communal or Solera. It doesn't mean they're all exactly the same. No, within each there is a hierarchy and that which you transgress upon the rights of others and that which you hurt and harm other people after this initiative because that is the volume done to Allah after that the volume done to other people is a far greater category then that which you do between you and Allah subhanho wa taala. So the point is, even Kabbalah did have a hierarchy, and so

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he would also have a hierarchy. Also, before we get to the technical definition, we need to point out the psychological reality that there is no Kabira in the face of repentance and is still far and Toba. And no sin is a Solera if it is done by arrogance, in other words,

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rather than just get to the technical, we have to look at the spiritual and psychological and it is

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is very possible that a small sin becomes the largest of the large sins. When it is done with a sense of arrogance of pride of flouting the Sharia of Allah or with a biller, we seek Allah's refuge from that. And when a major sin is done, even when it is done and the person feels guilty, well, then that is infinitely better than the small sin that is done with arrogance, because the pride of arrogance is perhaps bigger than the sin of drinking or fashion of this nature. So even as we give the technical definitions do understand that there is a psychological and spiritual reality as well. And that is why some of our scholars used to say, there is no Kabira, if you have to open is still

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far, and there is no sadirah If you're adamant and repetitive, and you have no guilt at all. And they were trying to point out here that let's not get bogged down in the technical details. As the famous saying goes, there's the letter of the law, and there's the spirit of the law. Well, we can say the same thing over here as well, that indeed there is the letter definition, which we're going to talk about right now, and then there is a spiritual definition. So let us not Yanni conflate the two. As for the letter or the technical definition, the famous Shaeffer is called the ALMA what are the he says that Kabira is that which necessitates a worldly punishment, or which Allah has

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threatened with punishment in the hereafter. So that which brings about a head, a head punishment. When you go to the court of law, there is a list of head punishments, some say for some say five, some say six. But there's a small list of heads punishments. And there's also a list of punishments that are promised in the hereafter. The famous professor had been out a year says that after research and analysis, the position is that the Kabira is every sin that necessitates a penalty by the court of law in this world, or that Allah has linked with the fire of health in the Hereafter, or that Allah has cursed. So he mentioned three things head, which is the punishment that is given

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in this world learner of Allah, or being threatened with the fire of *. And this is the position of elitism in Abdus Salaam. And we've been Tamia and basically the majority of scholars have been hijacked also appreciates this view. And that is that de Kabira is a sin that brings about a worldly punishment by law, Islamic law, or it is linked to jahannam directly. Allah says, Whoever does this is going to go to jahannam unless they repent, or Allah Allah Allah is upon such a person. Now with this definition. In reality, the list is not that long. And there are just a few things on these lists. So for example, murder is no doubt the idea had done aligner breaking and entering to steal

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the annual when Allah says the the punishment for stealing is a head. The technical definition of sidecar is that you must break and enter into a place so for example, pickpocketing is not the same as sidecar, but that's the technical point. So sidecar is a major sin, accusing innocent women and men of Zina highway robbery you know mafia means stopping people on the road and and robbing them in this manner. This is the head punishments are basically very few number and if you look at learner once again, a relatively small list Allah's Lana is upon those who lie against Allah, they say that things are coming down to them why he is coming down to them. Allah's Nana is upon those who do have

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volume and in an unjust injustice to others Allah, Allah He Isla Verde mean and as for sins that are linked to jahannam as well you have a limited list for example, charging people riba by the way the Quran and the Sunnah does not link Allah's Lana or the punishment of Jahannam to those who are forced to take riba that is a sin and I have given more details about this, but we have to be technical here, the learner that comes in the Quran and the Sunnah, the harsh punishments that come in the Quran, it is for the one the rich person who take gives the loan of Riba and he says, I want to take more back and let you know Yeah, coluna Reba, okay, this is the one who is eating Reba

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eating orphans property is also threatened with the punishment of Jahannam murder is threatened with the punishment of Jahannam and so on and so forth. So, these are the primary. Listen, this is not exhaustive, there are others as well. But I need to point out here that with utmost respect to some of our greater Allama, some of them seem to have exaggerated the list of Kabaya. And perhaps of course, their Neo was good. And that is that they wanted to, to to to stop people from committing sins. So they kind of made a longer list of Kabbalah. But you see, I mean, you if you want to Yani, whenever you go beyond the bounds, you cause repercussions in this regard. And again, with utmost

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respect to Annie. There are great scholars who wrote treatises most famous the mamba Hubby, he wrote an entire book called Al Qaeda, and other scholars criticized him for saying that he included things in that list that should not have been included. Sometimes he even included things that might be a gray area of

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Do you know and maybe even not even a salon, such as not praying and Jamar he puts it in a Kabyle, or lowering the garments under your ankle, which is in reality, a minority opinion amongst the fuqaha. The point being, though, that we need to be a little bit careful that just because we find somebody saying it's a Kabira, we need to say, Why is it a communal? What is the issue

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that has made it a Kabira. And this is not I'm not saying this arugula or whether Billa to encourage people to fall into the salah. I'm saying this because there is a psychological reality of a person who feels that he's so sinful, that there's no point in returning to Allah, nobody should feel that way. But when you look at his lifestyle, he might actually just be doing some Solaia. But the the perception that he's gotten from so many Ultra harsh scholars around him is that hollows this person is doomed to jahannam. And in reality, they might just be struggling to be good Muslims. That's why we might say, and when that when this person has been presented a version or an image of Islam that

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is so strict, and so removed from his own reality, rather than aim for something better, he might just lose hope and say Ha, I'm never going to be that way. And this might be a cause for him, I would have a lot to even go worse. So the times that we live in, you know, we have to we have to go to the lowest common denominator and encourage people to come. So brothers and sisters Inshallah, if you're not murdering people, you're not eating orphans property you're not, you know, a drug addict or something and he avoided the major sins as much as you can. And even if you commit a major sin, there is no major sin that remains after Toba, the purpose of Toba and the purpose of his default is

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to forgive major sins and even the major sins as I said, they're not all the same. So a personal sin between you and Allah, even if it is major, for example, Yanni, habitually drinking and getting drunk or the Kabira. There is no doubt that the habitual drunkard or the habitual drug addict there's no doubt that the person who is addicted and all of you always spending money on these substances that this is a Kabira. But still to this person, I say that amongst the Cabal, this is much less than eating orphans property, there is no comparison to murder or with a biller. So even amongst this, do not lose hope of Allah's mercy. And know that all you need to do is turn to Allah

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for repentance, ask Allah for is to fall, feel guilty for what you have done, and try to overcome this addiction. Try. That's what you need to do put in some effort. And if you don't reach perfection, continue to put an effort never ever, you know, lose hope because that in and of itself is a Kabira to lose hope of Allah's Mercy is a Kabira is a major sin because you are having a bad thoughts about Allah subhanho wa taala. So my point being that it's a very important discussion to know what to salido which is Kabira. But at the same time, you know, we have to not get carried away. And you know, some of our scholars, they want to make everything into a computer such that

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they would think a person would think that, you know, there is no sin except that it is a Kabira. And, you know, I understand the goal is to prevent, but when you raise the bar too high, you lose touch of reality. And that's why when you look at the cellphone, you look at even Abbas and others when they're talking about this, there's so much more human, not that they're encouraging sin, but they understand that, you know, people are mortals, we're not angels, and we're going to commit sin. So for example, Allah says in the Quran, that Alladhina Yeji attorney wound Aqaba. ethnographer is a dilemma that Allah describes the people agenda. And he says, They are those who avoided the major

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sins and the major for wash. But as for the lemon, the lemon is that which comes close, the lamb is that which touches it's not like deep inside is just touching on the going close to the sin. Allah says As for the lamb, they will shall be overlooked it when Abbas said, I know of no better example of lemon of this category than a man's look at a woman that he shouldn't look at or that a man's flirting with a woman he shouldn't, you know, flirt. Now, is anybody going to say Ibn Abbas is encouraging this? No, it's been Abbas is getting practical and realistic. And you know, the men here understand and know in this environment that we live in, there is no justification. But May Allah

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forgive how 100% Pure can you be? How much can you always you know, lower the gaze. So even Abbas is saying in his society, in his environment, that I know of no better example of that which everybody is going to do when they ask Allah to forgive for except for the lemon. This is not a justification of the sin. It is a realization that men are human beings are mortal, and they're going to do certain things, and they're never going to reach absolute perfection. But as long as they strive and they try and they repent to Allah, and they live a righteous life that insha Allah to Allah, the minor sins will be forgiven. Again, not adjusted.

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occasion, but at least a hope that you know what, let me strive to do more good deeds. Let me strive to live a righteous life. And let me repent for the major sins specifically, and minor sins generically, by the way, one final point. And that is that when it comes to repentance, one of the differences between major and minor sins is the following. You must repent from a major sin specifically, and you may repent from minor sins generically. So if you have a drug addiction, if you have embezzled orphans money or with a biller, taking money from an orphan or something, if you have done something of this nature, you must specifically repent from that sin, feel guilty ask

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Allah's forgiveness, turn over the money back if it's good, if it's somebody else's property, you know, strive your best to overcome it. You must make specific Toba as for the minor sins, there are too many in our minds to list and count. So we say a stock for Allah allow them I ask Allah is still far for all since I've done okay, we say yeah, Rob, I have committed sins. So forgive me, this is generic. And I think of generically all the sins that I have done. So this is one of the main differences between major and minor sins when it comes to this too far. The bottom line is that these are the minor the major differences between a kabbah and and the sahaba. That the Kabira is

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that which there is a worldly punishment, or there's Allah's Lana or that there is the fire of *, that is threatened. And all of these sins are guaranteed forgiveness if you genuinely repent to Allah, and the minor sins are other than these and they are guaranteed forgiveness. If you are living an Islamic lifestyle, constantly praying constantly fasting constantly doing is still far and Toba. You live the bare minimal Islamic lifestyle. The minor sins are guaranteed to be forgiven from being punished in the fire of *. But they might be taken into account in other ways as I have given other talks in this regard. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.

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Our next question, I've decided to put a number of questions together, because they're generically dealing with the same thing. So we have sister Rashida from Birmingham, asks that she works in the healthcare industry, but in her hospital, it is mandatory to wear scrubs, which are times might be too tight. And also it is the policy of their hospital that the four arms be exposed so that the gloves can come to the forearms. So she is saying what can she do in this regard? Is it permissible? I want to add some more questions your brother Moon writes that when the Quran says to lower the gaze, what level of prohibition? Is this of the opposite gender? Is it a complete blanket

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unconditional prohibition? Or is it prohibited only with a desire because he writes, when one is in the corporate setting, it is not possible to always lower the gaze. And in the course of normal interactions, one looks and smiles and offers polite conversation. So does this verse apply to that? And brother Rosa asks about alcohol being present in corporate events and meetings and a number of other questions. So all of these questions I want to give a generic response to working let's let's call it the fifth of the workplace the flick of of corporate environments. Now I want to begin by stating that we need to distinguish between that which Allah has forbidden specifically because of

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itself. What we say haram li that T and that which the Shetty eye has forbidden because it leads to haram haram lady so generally speaking, we all understand that there's one thing that is haram lidda T and there are many things that haram lady, so classic example Xena that is haram liberty. But what leads to Zina, it is the lust for gays it is flirtation it is being alone with a woman. All of these are also haram. What is haram? lidda t drinking alcohol. But what leads to that selling alcohol and transporting alcohol and you know, being in the presence where alcohol is consumed, and not all of them are the same level. By the way, I'm just giving. I'm giving you some random lists here.

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Obviously each of these is a different category and sin but the point is that there are things that are forbidden in and of themselves. And then there are avenues that Allah azza wa jal wants to shut because when you open this door, you know, you're just going to go all the way until you get to this actual sin. And so we all know for example, that all fascia it starts with the lustful gaze and the lustful talk. So then obviously, we should stop it from the very beginning. Still, the means do not take the same rulings as the ends in terms of sins and therefore

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And this is well known especially when it comes to who you are transactions and I've spoken about this in other lectures that which is forbidden indirectly that which is forbidden not because of itself but because it leads to haram, it may become discouraged mcru or strongly disliked the depending on the circumstance. And so the sin will not be there, but the QA will remain. And so here we get to this reality, this awkward reality and I brought this up quite a few times. And I do I don't like to have to mention these types of things. But what can one do in this regard that the internet has made for to a shopping just like a buffet, you can find anything. And it is very common

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to find many groups of scholars, especially from lands far far away lands that are themselves, you know, going through their own issues. But anyway, that's besides the point that you will find websites you know, that answer q&a of Islam, that pretty much make everything blanket haram like literally there's hardly anything except that haram haram haram. And the fact of the matter is that many people love these fatawa. And when I or others come along and try to dig through and make some things macro and haram and whatnot, even though I quote other Omar doesn't matter, there is a huge, you know, backlash and liberalization, and you're a sellout and this and that. And generally

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speaking, the people who are of this ilk, generally speaking their particular demographics, and I'm sorry to say this, they're young males, that's generally the case. And they are ultra strict in their ideal utopia. But that's not the way the world works. And these fatawa, they might be popular in terms of YouTube links, or viewers. But they are simply ignored when it comes to actual Muslims living in and working in the workplace here in the corporate side of things. And they have no relevance to the lived lives of people who are working in

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the workplace in all western lands, dare I say, even in eastern lands, but let's not go over there. So the point is that when fatawa simply become non viable, and when a fatwa becomes utterly meaningless for all practical purposes, then firstly, those who love such fatawa should open their eyes and smell the coffee as as the saying goes. And secondly, it becomes obligatory on those people of knowledge or students of knowledge, like myself, to really then chime in and say, with utmost respect to our odema, 3000 miles away, 5000 miles away, you know, we have to ask them to mind their own societies, and we have to speak to our peoples, how many people come to me in the corporate

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office. And by the way, FYI, I have also dabbled, as I've said, multiple times in the corporate world, and I have worked in the corporate world for a while. And also when I was in academia, and I'm still in academia, you know, it's not as if academia is separate, we also have to do you know, things that people in the masjid communities or Chu who live separate may not fully understand or realize. So my point being that with humility and respect, I say that I am fairly familiar with that type of environment and those who have never lived or worked it, it is much easier for them to be idealistic, and to give these very nice sounding fatawa that resonate amongst college kids who have

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never worked and resonate amongst people who would like to see such a world but don't inhabit the real world. But it doesn't resonate with the people who are actually working in the office, themselves. So I'm going to bring up a number of issues here that we should be aware of, first and foremost, that perhaps the most important is that our fuqaha have discussed something that is called mammoth bee Hill, Valois, that, that which everybody in society is doing, even though they should not do it, and that when an evil or when something that is more cruel becomes the norm. The shadow a ruling has to be adjusted in light of the norm for people who interact with that. And this is a

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lived reality that nobody can deny, again, you know, may Allah protect all of us, I have to always point out that

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this this this reality of criticizing and refuting people of knowledge and people have, you know, training by people who haven't studied or trained, it has caused so much damage in the social media and people are so confused. But the fact of the matter is that this is a real issue of fix, a real issue of the scholars of Islam that they're well aware of, and that is, when an evil becomes commonplace. You cannot expect to apply the exact same ruling than when the evil was not commonplace, and there are specialized treatises and books

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Written, there's you know dissertations written about this issue of mammoth, or mammoth Bill Elba. And no doubt, when our scholars discuss these issues, they too need to fear Allah and not open up the floodgates. But still, let us be realistic here. We're living in a society at a time and a place where the rules of hijab do not exist in the Western world, frankly, even in the Eastern world, they do not exist the rules have. In the Western world, alcohol is rampant everywhere, in every gathering almost, or in every business meeting or whatnot, people are drinking, if you wish to live in these lands. And by the way, it's not as if going somewhere is going to solve all these problems, you're

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going to have another set of problems, there is no utopia anywhere in the world. If you wish to work in corporate lifestyles, you're going to be exposed to things that there is no running away from. And therefore, we need to keep in mind a number of things first and foremost that which is haram in and of itself versus that which is haram because it leads to out on Secondly, the issue of that which is when tissue that which is commonly practiced doesn't take the same ruling as that which is not practiced. And thirdly, the fact that somebody is forced to do something because of social pressure because of awkwardness is not the same as somebody who willingly goes out of his way and

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embraces something. And the last point of the Gen generic rule, which is the most important rule, Allah says in the Quran, Allah Mustafa tomb, fear Allah, as much as you can fear him as much as it's possible to fear him, we cannot reach perfection, we strive as much as we can. So for example, that which is haram li that he is drinking under no circumstances should you cave under pressure because it's awkward unless somebody says we were trying to kill you obviously then you're forgiven. Otherwise that which is how normally that to hear right Xena is how long did that to hit drinking is how long did it under no circumstance should you feel awkward and then fall into these things. On

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the other hand, that which you are pressured socially to do for some Jonnie masala, being in the environment where there's alcohol, it is not the same sin nowhere near the sin as of course drinking alcohol. So to answer these questions, again, generically, our sister is asking about wearing scrubs and you know, the the forearms exposed and whatnot. And again, the responses look, I need, what can I say there, you being in the healthcare system, I understand they have the rules. And frankly, the rules are put for a reason I understand that they want your hands to be constantly washed. So you cannot be wearing stuff here. You're going to put the gloves on all the way there. The scrubs are

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there because they wanted to be moving about so you only try your best to wear the loosest scrubs that you can try your best maybe to get an exception for yourself and by the way, talk to your bosses a lot of times the rules might be there but any on a one on case they might just let you wear a full you know sleeve or whatnot if it's not allowed to and they're making you no they say the rule is going to be applied then Yanni What can I say Don't live your lifestyle, you know, based upon that clothing and Yanni when you're finishing work and go back home then obviously go home more modest. But at that point in time, you only what else can I say I mean, if you're a lot as much as

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you can, I'm not going to tell you have to give up your career because your forearms are exposed. I'm not going to tell your whole money is haram. I will say that you should try within your job to try to find as much you know, halal as you can. And if it's not possible, then something like this does not take the same ruling as blatant haram. And by the way, even this issue of the forearms, I mean, you will find some of the self Qatada and others and this again shows the narrowmindedness so many of our Jonnie minor students of knowledge and they're not even aware that many of the earlier scholars literally said that the forearms is not even our because a woman is going to expose them

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when she's cleaning when she's you know, even in public buying and selling. There are opinions of this nature from the very past by the way, I'm just bringing that up that

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you will find any always some you know diversity of thought and when you find some difference of opinion then it shows you that it is not as clear cut Haram as other issues. The issue of for example, gazing upon the opposite gender once again any again with utmost respect you have your standard YouTube, always everything haram haram haram nothing is ever halal. You actually go read the books and listen to actual fuqaha not those who have changed you know trained with what is the DDL and what is the order Roger and whatnot, actual fuqaha if you read their books of fic you will see that there is a much more nuanced discussion. True some earlier Ma said all gays is

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unconditionally haram unless it is done out of need or necessity. For example, a medical doctor surgery obviously true some are Lama said that but the fact of the matter is from the very beginning of time, we find many scholars many fuqaha who said that what is forbidden is the lustful gaze

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And when the gaze is not lustful, and you're just looking for the sake of looking at the person you're talking to, then that is MOBA. It's not. And some said it's my crew but not haram, which is probably the safer opinion. And some said only when he or she is a fitna to look at ie it's a potential fitna when they become older than it's not. And some said, only one there Xiao Hua, when there's lust and when there is no less than it becomes permissible and they have their evidences of them is the Quran says to both men and women to lower their gaze, right? And yet our Prophet Sall, Allahu Allah sent him a loud Isha to look at the Aborigines were playing in the USA with spears,

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because everybody understood that, and she's looking at the spirit play. And there's no problem in that because it's understood there's no Shaohua involved whatsoever. So we have a number of famous rhythm of the past many, many, many clubs have allowed to look upon the opposite gender, as long as is not staring done out of lust done for a potential of fitna, if you're just having a conversation. In fact, the default position is that you may look at the face and hands when there is even the slightest need to do so our football have said, when a trader buys and sells, he needs to look at the buyer in case an argument happens. And the court of law is comes in, he needs to know who he

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sold it to, or she needs to know who she sold it to any thing of this nature, it's not the Rura it's not life and death when you sell something. But you know, as the interaction is going to happen, you need to be polite to your customer base, you need to know who your customer is. Everybody knows the difference between being polite. And between being flirtatious. Nobody needs to teach you being dignified, versus wanting something from the opposite gender, and many fuqaha have allowed the gaze that is non lustful, and the interaction that is decent and dignified, and they have said what is forbidden and what the Quran says to lower your gaze. That means the lustful gaze and we understand

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this by the context of the verse. And by the way, again, there are plenty of, you know, I thought of the self and that's what really sometimes I have to say it does kind of irritate me that those who claim to follow the self, frankly, many of them have never actually read the fatawa of the self. And, you know, we have to teach them what they say is their own school has settled basally and by the way, realize early in Islam, Muslims conquered you know, many lands that were non Muslim lands, and these ladies are not dressed the way that they would be in a, you know, fully Islamic society at the time. It has an basally in a Basa obviously, and has an basally was asked by merchants that they

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said in an imperial auto and we are selling cotton for 18 and he sells them fanaroff Shura Hoonah that we see the non Muslim ladies coming and they're not wearing the head scarves, and their hairs are flowing. So what can we do? And Hassan Al bacilli said, Lisa b He bats, there's no sin in that. What are you going to do? These are your non Muslim customers, you're not staring with lust, you're just interacting with them. This isn't Hassanal basally he is not just you know selfie, he is the self. So again with utmost respect to that strand and whatnot. But there is a pragmatic reality, what are you going to do when all the men and women in your office are not following the Sharia in

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the end their interactions in their dress code, you follow the Sharia as much as you can. And in your interactions with with others, and especially of the opposite gender, you maintain your dignity and you maintain your Islamic morals and whatnot, but in and of itself, to look and to interact and to smile and to make sure you avoid flirtation in sha Allah this is completely fine and permissible. Allah knows your intention, and therefore remain polite and remain dignified. And yes, you may interact in a appropriate manner. But and I have to be very, very clear here. If there is lust in your heart, if a particular person is causing doubts or shall want to come, then you need to fear

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Allah, Allah knows the difference. Allah knows what's in your heart. And if because, look, again, let's be honest here, where do all such affairs and fascia start from? It starts from the gaze, and then the heart starts feeling and then the flirtation, it all starts from there. So if you notice this in your own self with a particular person, well then that's on you. And you need to maintain and control and you need to lower with that particular person. But if you're interacting generically with your colleagues, with your office workers, with your bosses and secretaries and you're being polite and kind and dignified and smiling, and you are not being flirtatious, and in the course of

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your day, you will look at obviously your people, your clients, your bosses, and you will look at them directly in and of itself. This is a classical standard position of the full pa This isn't some modern fifth by yourself. How do you know it's classical fifth, agreed there is a difference and agreed. Some folk AHA said all gays is unconditionally not allowed. But I'm telling you from the very big

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Ending look at called the Abu Yusuf and look at other statements of the Shaffir and Hanafi. Scholars of the past, it is well known many of them said the gays that is haram is the lust for gays. As for the gays, that is not done out of lust, then it is MOBA, or some said the max you can say to my crew, it's best to avoid, and no doubt it is best to avoid. But is it sinful? Does it come under the verse? Many Forca has said no, it does not come under the verse And the same goes about being in the presence of alcohol and have given a longer fatwa, you can go back to that there is no question that it is best to avoid being in the same room where alcohol is. But again, how much can you avoid in

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the corporate lifestyles that many of us are working in? Try your best. And your colleagues should know that you don't like being around alcohol. And you should not attend any meeting where there's alcohol, where the purpose of the meeting is just to socialize. And there's nothing of benefit to your job. You know the difference? Sometimes your office workers just want to go and have fun, or just want to go and spend the office money for for budgeting and whatnot, and there's no benefit to you or your job. Why should you go when there's alcohol there. But sometimes there's a meeting the boss's boss's coming, the annual you know, yours event is being done. And your presence or lack

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thereof is a huge deal. In that case, show your presence. Try your best to avoid directly the areas of alcohol, try your best to you know not to be directly in the vicinity of the alcohol table, let's say right? But what are you going to do your boss comes up to you is drinking alcohol. What are you going to do, you're not going to run away, you will talk gently Joe, give what needs to be done, and give your show your presence and then leave whenever you are able to leave without causing any issues. There is nothing in sha Allah sinful, inherently in being in the same room where there are people that are non Muslims that are drinking, it's not good. There's no question and you should try

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your best to not make this the default and norm. But once again, we have to be, you know, realistic in the photographers we give and we save your close colleagues and your workers should know that you don't like the presence of alcohol. And they should know that. If there's no reason you'd rather not be there. But they should also recognize and realize that hey, you're not going to stop your career because somebody else is drinking alcohol you're not going to enforce the Shetty on your boss and your colleagues. It's not going to work that way. So first up hola Mustafa, to avoid that which is haram. In its essence haram because in and of itself, never ever justify the explicit haram unless

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your life is threatened. You should never feel awkward and have to drink alcohol. You should never go to a level of something that is haram in and of itself. But that which leads to the Haram and that which has been shut because it is leading to that. Well, if you're forced to, you know, do this gray area, don't like it in your heart. Do not like it in your heart. Do not embrace it as a lifestyle. Do the bare minimum ask Allah's forgiveness and do the best that you can to minimize these types of things. And in the end of the day, any factor Allah Hi Mr. Jim, may Allah subhana wa Taala forgive me and you for all the sins major and minor that we do. May Allah azza wa jal guide us

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all to that which he loves. And until next week, Giacomo Allah who played on set on y equal to La he got to catch one

00:38:23 --> 00:38:40

in LA Mussolini now, Lima D one meaning Mina team one quantity now I don't need that anymore saw the pain I was saw the bond the one saw Didi now was sloppy or odd Do you want to for sharing you know

00:38:43 --> 00:38:58

what unforeseen I want to call she I think one downside BP now one downside the party was slow on me now was all in.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:06

When have you Lena photo gentleman won half the award the was that good enough? Guess

00:39:07 --> 00:39:11

what's going on? I don't know who

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you want to.

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