Mirza Yawar Baig – Iman Mufassal #05 Tawheed

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The concept of Islam is a Christian process, with the creator Sustainer being the maintainer and protective attributes. forgiveness is a matter of history and culture, and the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying on a Islam based system. The use of words like "has" and "so called" in English is discussed, along with the deductive reasoning behind the statement of Islam. The importance of forgiveness is discussed, and staying on a Islam based system is emphasized.
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To lie Raha Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashrafi lambier Evil mursaleen

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Muhammad Rasool Allah is Allah Allah Allah He write it he was so happy he was sending them this leave on the theorem cathedra from Abba.

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My brothers and sisters Salam alikoum Curatola when

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we come to the

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second one, which is the belief in the

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in the melodica. Before I go to the three parts to the heat, which I want to talk to you about, one is we call this low heat or low heat, or heat or Robo Viet and low heat as well as the fat.

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The dough heat which is the unity of worship of Allah,

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which is Lila Hello, there's no one worthy of worship except Allah subhanaw taala.

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The way to remove yet is the unity of Allah subhanho wa Taala as the Creator, the Sustainer the maintainer, the protector, Allah as the rub.

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So everything which we get is from Allah. So in certain Fatiha when you say Yeah, can I Budo what year Can I stay in? So now abode is to do with the head of Aloha get a bad result about already don't, will do or don't really bother. And this stain which is help is the widow remove yet

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the unity of the one who controls and sustains and provides everything and Dory as far as that is to believe that Allah subhanaw taala is unique in all His attributes in that way

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and does not resemble anything in creation and nothing in creation resembles him. For example, Allah subhanaw taala, who was some a while bazille He is the one who hears and he is the one who sees but his hearing and seeing is very different from our hearing, we also hear and see, but I cannot see what behind my back.

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I cannot hear certain pitches of sound

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high and low. Right elephant for example, here very low pitched sound and the hear it over a very, very long distances. elephant herds communicate over distances like 200 miles apart.

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We can do that not without a gadget

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And we cannot even hear the elephants communicating with that sound is at such a low pitch that we can't hear but but airports hear it.

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So Allah has created many things in different ways.

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Trees communicate

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acacia trees in the African savanna.

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When say for example, the herder Kudo comes and they start eating, the trees communicate and the trees further away, they extremely excrete it not toxic but but something like a toxin in the leaves, which the Kuru find very bitter so they don't they stop eating them.

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So it's very important understand this. So the whole thing therefore we say as far as Allah subhanaw taala is unique. It is even though some of the to understand we use the same words, but there's nothing like us. And that's the reason why in Islam, all forms of fortune telling and Feng Shui and you know, tarot cards and all of that stuff, divining arrows, belief This is, takes you out of Islam.

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Which brings us to the issue of shake, which is to join partners. Therefore, shake fi oh here shake fear will be at shelfie as well as if all three are shake, all three are going to shake. So joining anyone, as a partner with Allah in His worship, joining anyone as a partner with Allah in His action in his power, glory, majesty, whatever he can give us Rovia and joining Allah as a partner in his asthma was Yvette, in his names and attributes is major shook and it takes you out of Islam. So also

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so therefore, for example, in Islam, all forms of atheism, obviously is not Islam but also agnosticism.

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And any of these images, some of them were you not actually believing in Allah as the only one worthy of worship as the creator Sustainer material is not Islam, right?

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To joke

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or mock Allah or his promises also takes you out of Islam

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to joke about and mock, you know, speaking things like this takes you

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out of Islam to joke about and mock Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon you, also takes you out of Islam.

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Which brings me to the issue of repentance. What do I do if I have done something like this? What do I do if I'm not a Muslim? I won't read Islam. What do you do repentance. The key thing Islam to understand is in Islam, the the connection is directly between the creator and the person.

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You are connected to Allah directly. I'm connected to Allah directly. You don't need me I don't need you to connect to Allah's Verter. So in Islam, there is no priesthood. There is no clergy. We don't have any form of structured religious hierarchy, right. Each person is connected directly to Allah. So if you make a mistake, what must you do? There are two kinds of things. One is mistakes in what we call Hueco Cola, the rights of Allah basically which means in his worship, and so forth, if I made a mistake, I was supposed to pray I did not pray or whatever I did, this you directly you repent, you seek Allah's forgiveness and inshallah Allah will forgive us. We have this complete

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again because Allah told us this, he said, he will for you. In the LA area 00 by Jami, Allah says Allah will forgive all sins. So therefore we seek forgiveness. If the action which I did involve somebody else,

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for example, if I harmed you

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and then I realized there is something wrong.

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I can just go to Allah and say, I'm sorry, no, no, no, no, you go to the divers.

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Seek His forgiveness. Once he forgives, then ask Allah forgiveness Allah will forgive so seldom said, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said the Allah will not forgive you until the person you wronged forgives you first.

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So if you wronged somebody, whatever that's nature of the wrong was, compensate the person return that promise and property, whatever it was, make sure you seek forgiveness of this person.

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They asked him, they asked they said jasola What about if this person refuses to forgive me?

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Some people some people, I really like Barry grudges No, I will for you. The reason I'm saying if you have made the effort, then leave it to Allah.

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Not your fault after that, but make the effort.

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They asked him for example, they said, Well, you know, there are people whose property I may have taken.

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And now this person is dead.

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I got this realization after 20 years that this person is dead now what is it, give it to

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their heirs, whoever their descendants are? What if I don't know who they are?

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What if I did something somewhere I went away and now I don't know where this person is. Now, then give that money away, or give that stuff away to charity and make dua pray to Allah subhanaw taala for this person and to Allah to forgive you.

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Islam is very clear with regard to rights, people's rights very vaguely, and remember, very important thing in Islam, as far as all of these rights are concerned, there's no differentiation between a Muslim or non Muslim.

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Right. So this is very, very important to understand is not just as Justice

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a Muslim does not have the right to violate the rights of another person who is not a Muslim, the other person maybe even if the other person is somebody who's an atheist, and maybe you know that this person sits and curses Allah every day.

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You've heard him cursing Allah, still you have no right

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to do any injustice to that person.

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The fact that he or she is cursing Allah is between them and Allah. Let Allah deal with that. That's not your problem. As far as you're concerned, how was I treated that person with justice?

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Right, very important principle to understand is that there is no differentiation there is no Muslim one law and non Muslim another law No.

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Law is the same. Justice means the same, right?

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What about vasila or tawassul? People ask, for example, this thing of going into the grave of somebody and asking that person for a favor, somebody was degree, right? They go to that thing and you ask that person for a favor or you

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You ask that person to make dua for you, people do all this.

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None of this is permissible in Islam.

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If you are asking that person, whoever passed away for a favor, then you have with the belief that this person can do that, then you have literally exited Islam.

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Because you are doing what is called major shock.

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If you go there to the grave of this person, including the grave of Ross, Ross and Salem, for example, you might say, Well, what about the Prophet there's no change, there's no difference. If you go to the Prophet waves on Osama and you say jasola, please make dua for me for this, this this.

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OpenShift major sugar

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Why is it magic? Why they measure?

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Two reasons. Firstly, you are giving to that person who died whoever it is including the Prophet, resources himself. You're giving to them

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the power which belongs only to Allah, which is to do anything in your life. Number two, if you say no, no, I'm not asking the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. I'm asking him only to make dua.

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Right, okay.

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Let's take that.

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So now since the dance goes.

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And she is there. And you are asking resources

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for a favor, or asking him to make dua for you. Right? Which language will use

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your language? Do you speak Arabic? No. Did the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him? Did he speak anything other other than Arabic? No.

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So she's going to go there, and she's going to speak to him in English or in Bengali, or news or something.

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And we believe that he understand all languages.

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And also, she's gonna go there and say, Yeah, rasool Allah Fernando.

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Hola, excuse me. Who are you?

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Do I know you?

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I mean, I was born and I died in the seventh century. This is the 21st century. I mean.

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So if I'm doing that, I'm saying by my action, that the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam knows every human being ever created, speaks, every language ever created, recognizes every person who's ever created, anybody can go to his grave and he speaks and he knows who this person is. And he's understanding his personal language.

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Who do these qualities actually belong to?

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Unless there is no one else in the world who knows you personally except God who created new

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languages, he is the creator of languages.

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To talk to Allah do I need to know Arabic? No, you don't need to Arabic Can I speak to Allah in English? Yes, guys need to learn Mandarin. Yes.

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This is the meaning of shift fi as well as the birth. So we are giving the qualities that belong only to Allah to a human being, no matter who the human being is. Or maybe do we revere? Rasulullah? Salah? Yes.

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Do we respect him? Of course.

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But does that mean I give him the qualities we belong only to God? No way. No way. If I do that, I have exited Islam. I run away.

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Please understand one thing very clearly don't get carried away by this. Eileen said that that Sheikh said that the SO and SO scholars said that. In Islam there are only two

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sources of evidence that are accepted. What are they?

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The Quran and the Sunnah. The Word of Allah and the word of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Salah isn't

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there you might say what about his Marquez? What about the

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Egi is the consensual agreed upon opinion of scholars and chaos is the is the educated opinion. A deductive reasoning of a particular scholar? We might say what about these two because we accept these also in the Sharia right? These two is Ma well ks are subject to the Quran and Sunnah.

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To give you an example. What is the position of the Quran and Sunnah with regard to interest based banking? Is it permissible or not permissible?

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Yes or no?

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So I say to you, Brother, listen

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I'm living in America in the 21st century, right?

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The whole system is based on banking.

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I need to get a house I need to buy a car

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I need to go to university. So I have to take a loan based on interest and pay interest. So is it acceptable? Yes or no?

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Yes or No?

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Sit can you? No, no. That I said on the horizontal, I've got these great scholars got orange Victorian and so on.

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And he says it's okay

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and maybe this color also has another 20 People grittier than scholars with the collectively say in America, it is okay. In France it is okay.

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What is it?

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Yes, no.

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It's not okay. If all the scholars in the world every single living breathing scholar gets together and says interest based banking is halal from today onwards, it will still remain haram it will still remain prohibited

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right in Islam is it is it permissible to have a relationship with

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a man or woman outside of marriage?

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If somebody says well you see after all this is America

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what is haram is haram what is halal? Eating a pork is a jazz are not just

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permissible or not permissible.

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Eating machines slaughtered chickens halal or haram

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Can you haram why?

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Because not halal right machines rather what's which is not the roadkill?

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roadkill which is not right, run over our chicken and after they eat it

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you want to do that but just because the machine is a factory you said hello yes

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I've heard that like

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extreme necessity

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necessity like life or death situations like the car is flexible. Absolutely. Yeah. In times of extreme necessity. Divine extreme necessity

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Yeah, like

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there's not Kentucky Fried Chicken

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Yeah, not Kft.

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Extreme life Yep. Through the extreme. I'm freezing to death I'm practically frozen up there.

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St Bernard dog finds me rescue guy he leaves me about half dead he says here have this you give me a ramp right during the run break it no problem hamdulillah

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but once you've got some you know some some what is the body now he goes you know what that 70 Give me Give me some give me some more

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extreme necessity meaning Life and Death why? Because in Islam to take a life is the worst possible sin

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to take a life who anyone's life

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suicide haram prohibited no reason

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doesn't become doesn't become permitted permissible in any way for any reason. No.

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killing somebody prohibited not permissible. No reason.

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Right. So therefore to save a life yes, you can even do something which is gobbly privated if it is for a life saving reason, but it has we arrived the reason why you can't just say well you know what? This chicken well I don't need this. I will die I'm dying to the chicken please. Excuse me. Let me it

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doesn't work like that right.

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Extreme necessity. Alright.

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Go for it. welcome Melissa Buscemi, first of all in our for him.

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