Mirza Yawar Baig – Earn halal

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The importance of trading in shares in Islam is discussed, with the speaker emphasizing the need to determine if trading in shares is definitive and respecting the "has been written" concept. The speaker also warns of the danger of losing money when trading in shares, and warns of the importance of being careful with regard to one's earnings and hstery eating. A man named Hamdi is also mentioned as being interviewed by a woman trying to convince him to give him money, but he refuses to give it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being careful with regard to one's earnings and hstery eating.
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and sisters,

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somebody asked me a question today

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about trading in shares on the stock market.

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So let me answer the question, and then

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after that, I will tell you the basis

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for it.

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And the second question was 2 question, 1

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trading in shares, and second question was Bitcoin.

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Our Olamas

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have said

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that bitcoin trading is not providable,

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not allowed because it has no material

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It's like,

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some form of gambling,

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and therefore, it is not possible.

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Trading in the share market is permissible

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for shares of companies

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which are in businesses which are halal.

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So for example, technology companies, infrastructure companies, transportation

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and so on and so on. Whatever. So

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it's not I'm not giving you a total

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list but

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companies which

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are engaged in business, which is halal,

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trading in the shares of those companies is

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Trading in the shares of companies which are

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not halal,

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which is, for example, obviously liquor and so

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mortgage companies,

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ammunition companies, amendments companies,

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any gambling companies,

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all of that. Right? MGM, for example, share.

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So all this is haram.

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Can't hear you.

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Haram. Haram. I mean, just you can't. I

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mean, insurance is because insurance is also if

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if there is interest involved in it, it's

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not a life insurance is not possible. Health

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automobile, so on is is provisable, so

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different. So the point being that

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trading in companies

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where the where the business is halal is

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not provisable.

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It is our responsibility

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to find out before you buy a share

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whether it is

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halal or not.

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Somebody else asked me a question. They said,

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what about a company

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where the business itself may be halal, for

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example, a technology company,

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but the way they do business

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is through

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bank loans, for example.

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So is it permissible to take a share

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in that company?

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Now my answer to that is, of course,

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I'm not a. I don't give for that,

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but my answer to that is

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whatever you have a doubt in,

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don't touch it.

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Very simple.

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And I'm basing this on 2 fundamental principles

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of our gain. The first fundamental principle, which

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is the principle of our aqeedah, of our

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is that Allah

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is the one who has written what is

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for us

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and this will not increase or decrease because

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of anything we do.

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What Allah has written is what you will

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get whether you like it, you don't like

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it, you want it, you don't want it

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makes no difference. What Allah has written is

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what you will get.

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What is the evidence of the proof of

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that? Proof of that is that the questions

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of the

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day of judgment,

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the question on risk, the question on

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Allah will not ask how much did you

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make, how much did you earn. There's no

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question on the quantity.

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The question is, where did you earn from?

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Where did you spend?

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Right? Question is on the methodology.

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Did you is your method of

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earning? Where you spend, is

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it? Allah will not ask you how much

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did you

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make. Did you make a $1,000,000? Did you

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make 10,000,000? You you could have made more,

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you made less. No. That's not a question.

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What has been written has been written. And

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say my rub is the one who decides

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how much he will give you more or

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and most people do not know. So, therefore,

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the question is on

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the source and on the expenditure.

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2nd fundamental principle in Islam is leave that

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which is doubtful for that

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which has no doubt.

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And this is the Sahih Hadith narrated by

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Hazar ibn Ali radiAllahu anhu from Rasool Allah

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Hisahu Alaihi Salam where he said, my grandfather

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leave that which

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is doubtful or that in which there is

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no doubt.

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Simple. So if you are getting this doubt

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about a particular business

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to say, is it halal or not halal?

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Then respect that doubt because this doubt indicates

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you have in your

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heart, and therefore,

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respect that. Don't touch it. Makes no difference

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because what you are supposed to get, Allah

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will give you.

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If I don't take it from this place,

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Allah will give you give me from some

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other place.

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I don't lose anything. What I am safeguarding

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myself from is a question

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about the source of my income.

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Yes. All the chefs go through vets.

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It is not because they Sure. No. Yeah.

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I to Yeah.

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I I don't want to go into the

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details. I'm not saying the basic principle. Right?

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Yeah. Okay.

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3rd thing is

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the hadith of.

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Now one of the things about him is

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that he had narrated very few hadith. The

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UN asked him. They said, how is it

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that, you know, Abu, for example,

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was with the for 3 years from to

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the to to the end. He narrated so

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many hadiths. You were with him from day

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How did you not narrate more hadiths? And

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he he was afraid. He said, I don't

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want to say anything from the prophet

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which if it is wrong then Allah will

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hope it is possible.

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He had a book in which he had

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a hadith, which he asked

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to destroy when he died.

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But one of the hadith which he has

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and the story behind it is very interesting.

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Returned home from somewhere one day. He was

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tired. He was thirsty.

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His servant was there. He asked him, is

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there anything to eat? The man gave him

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a bowl of milk.

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So drank the milk.

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The servant said,

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every time I give you something to eat

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or drink, you ask me where did you

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get this from? What is the source?

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Today, you did not ask

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So I mean, you know, I ask you

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every time, so I expect you to be

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careful what what was his milk?

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The man said this milk

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was payment to me

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for a

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job that I did as a fortune teller

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before I became Muslim.

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So he said I did this job as

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a fortune teller for some people before I

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became Muslim. They did not pay me at

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that time. After that, I became

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Muslim. Now today, I was going past there.

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They gave me this bowl of milk as

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a payment for that job.

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I brought it

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put his finger into his throat and he's

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vomited and vomited and vomited until he brought

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out blood. So people gathered, they grabbed it.

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They said, what are you doing? You'll kill

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He said,

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by the by the one in whose hand

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is my soul,

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I have heard from my friend. Who's his

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He said, I have heard from my friend

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that if a morsel,

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one piece, if a morsel of haram goes

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into the body and is digested,

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then the fire of

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on this body.

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Now think about

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this. Everyone knows enough for this.

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A gift of something which is halal

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from a Muslim.

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Is it halal for you to consume it

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or not?

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Yes or no?

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Yes. Of course. Right? I don't have to

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ask you. I mean, if you are giving

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me something to my mother, is is this

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halal? Is it this this? I don't have

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to ask. Hamdi, you're a Muslim? You're giving

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me? I get it. I have to check.

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Are you giving me something if you give

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me some beer, I will not. But if

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you give me milk, if you give me

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if you call me and give me, you

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know, chicken, for example,

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I will eat I will eat chicken in

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your house. I will not ask the question.

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In a restaurant, I will ask. Is it

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not the in your house, I I honor

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you as my brother. Right? Now supposing, for

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example, you stole the chicken from him.

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You cooked the chicken for me. Now that

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is a stolen chicken. So stolen chicken halal

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for you or no halal? No halal. No

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halal. But for me, halal. Because I am

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taking it from you as a gift, but

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you stole it. So for you, it.

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Right? So now this man

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is a Muslim.

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He is giving

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a gift of this milk. Says

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that drank this milk. What is the fault?

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There's no fault.

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Why does he do this?

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This is the level of taqwa.

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Right? I'm not telling you if you do

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it, you have to no. But this is

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the level of this is the level of

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being careful

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with regard to halal and haram because the

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basic fundamental principle is if you or I,

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if we earn haram

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or if we eat haram,

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then our is not accepted. Our

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is not accepted.

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We have the Hadith of Islam. He said

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a man comes, and he raises his hand

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to the heavens and he says,

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Now mister Salam says, how will Allah

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hear and listen to his dua

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when his clothing is haram, his food is

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haram, his actions are haram.

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What does it mean in clothing haram? Means

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he's earning his haram.

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From his earning, he's buying the clothing. He's

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Nabi Shahram says Allah will not accept it.

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Allah will not accept it. This is why

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it is so important

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to be very careful what are you earning.

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time I I go in here, I tell

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you I tell you my brother,

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I don't like to go in,

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but we have to go. This is our

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this is our job, and this is,

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for the and he must do it even

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if it's difficult. But you go to Muslim

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They are selling lottery.

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They are selling alcohol.

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They are selling all kinds of harab in

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Muslim shops owned by Muslim. The one selling

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it is a Muslim.

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How do you how do you how do

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justify that to your conscience? Tell me.

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So I mean, you you no fear of

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Allah. No fear of the. No fear that

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one day you are going to die. You

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will go into your grave, and then you

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have to answer for all of this stuff.

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What is this?

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And you come to the mother. You pray

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5 times a day, you got a beard

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big beard like this and so on so

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on toping the on the on the head.

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You're giving donation to the budget. Believe me,

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none of that matters.

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If your earning is haram,

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charity not accepted by Allah's

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not accept by Allah's

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not accept by Allah.

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Do I not accept by Allah. You can

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give as much charity as you want. Nothing

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nothing will happen.

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It will not be counted.

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Please, my brothers and sisters, please

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take care of your earnings.

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Be very very careful of your earnings. Allah

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is our

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Allah give me my power.

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must I do a haram thing

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to feed this love

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who who is feeding and he's taking care

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of the entire kind of the entire universe,

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all that we know and all that we

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don't know, he cannot give you a piece

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of bread?

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What is this?

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Who are you making?

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Why are we worshiping Allah? If if this

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is Allah,

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that he cannot even give you a piece

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of bread without you going to haram, Why

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are you making? For what?

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This is all the game of Shaitan. Shaitan

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has put it into our heads.

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This is okay. That is okay. This is

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There is only one rub.

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He's the rub of America. He's the love

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of Sudan. He's the love of Pakistan. He's

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the love of India. He is the love

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of this entire universe.

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There's no there's no different rub for America.

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There's no different Sharia for America. There's no

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different rule for America.

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Please, guard

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your what goes into your mouth and what

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goes into your pocket.

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Both. Earning halal,

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eating halal.

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Don't earn halal.

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Do not eat halal. No matter what.

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Then inshallah,

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you will see in your own life, you

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will raise your hand and you will see

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your dua being accepted. Wallahi, I

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I swear with Allah in the name of

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Allah, sitting here in the masjid,

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you will see your dua being accepted. You

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raise your hand and you can say this

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will happen because I said so. My rabbi

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asking you

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give me.

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But if the earning is haram, if the

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food is haram,

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We ask Allah

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to enable

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us to earn halal, to eat halal,

00:14:07 --> 00:14:10

to have his in our hearts, to remember

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our akhira always

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that one day we will meet him

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We ask Allah to make our hisaab

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