Mirza Yawar Baig – The position of Rasoolullah #03

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The importance of learning and following the Quran and Sunitz in preparing for disaster comes from the speaker, who stresses the need to be careful with language and be careful with the statement. The speaker warns against using negative language and offers advice on how to be careful with language. The importance of following the Bible and following the Sunitz is discussed, as it explains the importance of effective relationships and provides guidance on how to approach others.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is the 3rd lecture

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on the topic, the place of Rasulullah

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in Islam.

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I ask Allah

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to help us to understand

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the exalted position of the Rasulullah, alayhis salam,

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in Islam and in our lives

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and to benefit from that and

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enable our lives to be filled

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with and

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All knowledge begins with Adam,

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an attitude of respect for knowledge and everything

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and everyone related to it.

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Adam is like the preparation of the soil

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for planting.

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Without preparation, the best seed will perish.

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So also with knowledge,

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especially in the knowledge of Islam.

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Without other, we may get the words, but

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never the noor, the light, the meaning, the

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leading to the possibility of transformation

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of our lives.

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Do not proceed in any matter

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a decree from Allah and his messenger Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam. Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la a little

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translation and I said, Do not put yourself

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ahead of.

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So don't take a step. Don't walk in

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front of.

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So do not proceed in any matter before

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a decree

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from Allah and his messenger

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and fear Allah, and surely Allah is all

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hearing, all knowing, oh believers.

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Do not raise your voices above the voice

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of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam

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nor speak loudly to him as you do

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to one another

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or your deeds will become

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null and void

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while you are unaware.

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Your deeds will be wiped out.

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In our context,

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since Rasool Allah

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is not with us, this means that in

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any matter,

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we refer to the Quran and Surah for

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a ruling,

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and when we come across a text, we

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don't contradict it with our opinions,

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but accept the text with full submission.

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It means that we don't disregard or ignore

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what Rasulullah,

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alaihi salam, may have decreed

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and don't use our selfish desires

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to contradict that.

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That is the meaning

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of raising your voice over the voice

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of the Rasul, alayhis salam, and putting yourself

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ahead of Allah and his Rasul.

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The punishment for that is complete wiping out

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of all deeds.

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Imagine how terrible it would be

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that we spend our whole life

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doing all kinds of good deeds and acts

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of worship

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and charity,

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but because of loose talk and disrespect

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towards Rasulullah,

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it is all wiped out, and we have

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nothing when we meet Allah

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That is the reason why the Persian

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poet, he said,

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He said, be careful. He said, with Allah,

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, you can be,

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you can say whatever you like, but with

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Allah, he said, be very careful.

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In our so called worldly matters where we

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feel free to decide any way we want,

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whichever way it suits us,

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us to obey the Quran and the

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Allah and obey

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the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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and those in authority among

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you, but if you disagree on anything,

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then refer it back to Allah

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and His Messenger. If you truly believe in

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Allah in the last day,

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this is the best

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and fairest

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This is one of the many ayats, one

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of the many ayats which remind us

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that this life

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is really the preparation

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for the Akhirah.

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It shows us that no aspect of our

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lives is outside the purview of Islam

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and that everything we say

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and and or do

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has the potential to take us to Jannah

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provided we do it

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as Rasulullah

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did it. And that is why it is

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so important

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to study

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and follow the sera.

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The big danger is when we are tempted

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to say, in my opinion, when we are

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faced with an ayah of the

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or a Sahih Hadith of Rasulullah

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make a stefar and seek Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala's protection

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from shaitan when such a thought comes

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and never say that, because in my opinion

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is the door to disaster. It is a

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door to Jahannam.

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There is no place for any contradictory

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personal opinion when we have a text, the

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Quran or the Sunnah.

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This is the fundamental rule in Islam. I

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advised myself and you to be very careful

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with our language.

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We enter this deen by saying some words.

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It is equally easy to leave the religion

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if we say the wrong words.

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So let's think and weigh our words before

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we speak.

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Ask yourself, why Allah

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the messengership of Rasulullah

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so much and so many times?

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If he was merely a

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postman, as some people like to say. Let

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me assure you that to show the slightest

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to Rasulullah

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by using terms with that are not suitable

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to his exalted rank

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or to make fun of him or criticize

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him or denigrate his importance

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is not only a sign of gross ignorance,

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but kufr and takes one out of Islam.

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we were only joking. We were talking idly.

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Say to them, was it Allah

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and his revelations

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and his messenger

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that you ridiculed, that you were making fun

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of? Make no excuse.

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You have committed kufur. You have lost faith.

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You have gone out of Islam after your

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If we pardon a group of you, we

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will certainly punish others for their wickedness,

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meaning that those who seek pardon will be

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pardoned, but it is possible that some of

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even after seeking pardon, will not be pardoned

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as we know from the Ayat of Suratul

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Tawba with respect to the. Allah

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warned us about people who make fun of

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who ridicule Allah

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and his promises and his messenger. Allah said

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warned us about people like this, and he

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told us what to do. He said, he,

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has already revealed to you in the book

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that when you hear Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's

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being denied or ridiculed,

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then do not sit in that company unless

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they engage in a different topic or else

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you will be counted with them. You will

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be like them.

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Surely, our most

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will gather the hypocrites and disbelievers altogether

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in Jahannam, in the hellfire.

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For those who want to separate the messenger

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of Allah from

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and say that they accept the Quran, but

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don't accept aayat in the Quran itself, which

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emphasize the importance of following the sunnah

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and obeying Rasool Allah, he

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and his messengers

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and wish to make a distinction

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between Allah

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and his messengers saying, we believe in some

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and we disbelieve in others

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desiring to forge a compromise.

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They are indeed the true disbelievers,

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and we have prepared for disbelievers

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a humiliating

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Rasulullah to be the last and final messenger

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and the seal of the prophets.

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For those who love and respect Rasulullah

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are keen to obey and follow him, Allah

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great goodness.

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which means

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they are the ones who follow the Messenger

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the unlettered Prophet

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whose description they find in

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the Torah and the Gospel.

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He commands them to do and forbids them.

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He commands them to do good and forbids

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evil, and permits them what is lawful, and

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forbids them

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what is impure,

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and relieves them from their burdens

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and the shackles that bind them.

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Only those who believe in him honor him

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and support him. Only those who believe in

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the prophet Muhammad,

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and honor him and support him and follow

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the light sent down to him will be

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Say, O Prophet,

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O humanity,

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I am Allah's Messenger to you all. To

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him alone belongs the kingdom of the heavens

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and the earth. There is no God worthy

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of worship except Him. He gives life and

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causes death, so believe in Allah and His

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messenger, the unlettered prophet who believes in Allah

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and His revelations,

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and follow him so that you may be

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My brothers and sisters,

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in conclusion, I want to say to you

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that today the root of our problems

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lies in not following the Quran and Sunnah.

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Quran orders us to follow the Sunnah because

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the Sunnah explains the Quran.

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When we don't do this, we lose confidence

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in our deen and run around fearfully apologetic

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trying to be what we are not. Those

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who lose their identity

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are left with nothing

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because they lost what they had, and what

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others have can never be theirs no matter

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how much they pretend.

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To be confident in your own identity

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and to meet others in their own identities

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respectfully and with understanding

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is the secret of effective relationships.

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Allah honored us by connecting our identity to

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the blessed and exalted identity of Rasool

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Musa. May

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Allah help us to understand this and uphold

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it and be called by it when we

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meet him.

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