Kamil Ahmad – What is Christmas to a Muslim?

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the origin of Christmas celebrations in Christian countries, the acceptance of non- Islam celebrations, and the importance of measurements during Easter celebrations. The speakers emphasize the need for a balance between individual Christian faith and Western culture, as well as the importance of individuals's beliefs in their actions and actions. They also reference a Bible statement that states that the culture of the people is not a culture of fear or fearless behavior, but rather a culture of love. The conversation concludes with a request for help in understanding the meaning behind certain statements.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah

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medigoo Monastery we want to start with zero whenever we do Shuri and fusina, one in San

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Miguel de la rue de la when I

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salon sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa

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sallim ala Yomi Deen

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Takuma hopko tokachi

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yeah you holla Deena

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Colin sadita

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you sleep.

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Way of

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weather up rasuluh circa 1000 hobbema. Another

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My dear brothers and sisters.

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Today is the 25th of December

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on this day

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the questions they celebrate the birth of the ISA Isley, Sara.

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as Muslims we have no problem with the birth of the visa and his salon.

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He was born

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he existed,

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but as a prophet and a messenger of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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The problem is not with his birth, because Allah subhana wa tada spoke of his birth in the Quran.

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A detailed version of what his mother went through Miriam

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as she gave him birth.

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But the problem is

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not his birth, but rather

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attributing to him a father

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and attributing him as a son to a loss of Hannah what.

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And so speaking about this, in that same Surah Surah Maryam

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, we'll call tahajjud watchman wa refer the G to G and

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they say, The Rock man,

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the most compassionate that he has taken us on.

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What an outrageous claim you have need

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to come to San Juan.

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Watching Shaco Oh, what's our G bar

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the heavens are about to burst.

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The earth is about to split.

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The mountain is about to crumble to pieces.

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Why, in protest of this claim, the obverse of her daughter Hannah, and her son, why because these

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creations of Allah subhanho wa Taala recognized the oneness of Allah Subhana.

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it is not befitting

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to the majesty of Allah subhana wa tada

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to take a son.

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And so my dear brothers and sisters,

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Allah Subhana Allah Allah says,

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in hurry Quincy

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mentioned in Bukhari, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Allah,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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kibali ibnu Adam Windermere Kula medallic

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Washington any blue Adam was

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the son of Adam,

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disbelieved in me, lied about me,

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and he had no right to do so.

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And the son of Adam

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insulted me

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as he had no right to do so.

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For Chuck D boo Ei Farzana Nila aku and kumbhakarna

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As for him lying about me,

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then it was his clean, that I am not able to bring him back to life as he was,

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what unmeasured who Egi for call me Who in the world for super handy.

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So he better known

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as for him insulting me,

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then it was his seeing that I have a son.

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So glorify be me, may Allah be glorified from taking away a partner

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or from taking a son.

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And so my dear brothers and sisters,

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today is a day

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in which Christians remind one another

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of a loss of Hannah who Adana

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having taken a son,

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even though

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even though the actual date of his birth is unknown,

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to this day, the various Christian sects dispute whether it was a 25th or another day.

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And so what we see today in this part of the world is because they have adopted the day has been the 25th. But if you go to other Christian countries, they celebrate Christmas in the beginning of January.

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All Christian theologians and historians agree

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that the date of the birth of Isa having his Salaam was only decided upon after the third century,

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after the third century.

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And so if they were unable to preserve to preserve their own scripture from becoming altered,

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then would you expect both the birth of Isa Holly salary Center and the date in which he was born?

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In fact,

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if we were to research, the history of the origins

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of this celebration of Christmas, we see

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that it was something that was adopted by the Christians, when Christianity spread into Europe, and especially into the northern parts of Europe.

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And so if we were to research and study, the origins of history, we would find that could be traced back to ritual paganistic celebrations

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that are related to the winter season in the northern parts of Europe. And so the pagans had certain ritualistic beliefs about winter, and about how will become so dark. And they would attach themselves to spirits, and to other objects, like the pine tree,

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and other objects that they would become attached to, and they would have beliefs in. And then when the Christians came, they adopted these practices, practices and rituals

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until they became a part of Christianity.

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And this is the case with many other

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traditions, traditions and customs and rituals that we find in Christianity today. Its origins can be traced back to what

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can be traced back

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to paganistic rituals and beliefs that were predominant in Europe. My dear brothers and sisters, once we understand this, we understand that Christmas

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is a non Muslim, Christian,

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paganistic celebration

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that has nothing to do with Islam.

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And so a Muslim who knows

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what his he learned in a wasp hello what Allah means

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or Muslim who recognizes the meaning of what he attests to, when he says,

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The Muslim

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who has a strong Muslim identity, the Muslim who has certain principles that he abides by, that he understands that these are my principles, and there are red lines that I will not cross

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that he recognizes everything that we do.

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about Christmas.

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But the unfortunate reality is that most Muslims today

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are not of that category. And so many necessity

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who Islam is not something that they value much.

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They don't have a strong sense of their Islamic identity.

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They identify themselves as being Canadian before being Muslim.

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They're still searching for an identity that can conform between Islam and their Western culture.

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Such Muslims My dear brothers and sisters are those who want to try to fit in

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who claimed that they want

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to strike a balance

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they want to be accepted by those around them.

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They want to have fun

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with their non Muslim friends.

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So they are the ones who are confused and they are the ones who find no problem

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in greeting non Muslims on their days of celebration in wishing them Merry Christmas, or participating with them in their celebration, whether it be directly or indirectly.

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Apollo COVID he had a one star fellow How do you want to come when he said he didn't see me?

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First of you who know who who.

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And hamdulillah Yara

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shockula who tofi up here T one t nanny wash.

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de Hu luxury telo chairwomen dish

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wash Mohammedan Abdu hora soooooo a dirty one sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa is when he was a

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woman Sara Allen he walked up

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to me Dean another festival wha

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wha wha musisi one najwa Yeah, you

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definitely heard what top law her in the room been?

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My dear brothers and sisters

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years ago

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the Muslim community

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used to recognize

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that partaking

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in non Muslim celebrations was a red line

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that participating in non Muslim celebrations whether they are religious or non religious,

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that it is harm clear cut.

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But what happened over the last few years

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as Muslims started to integrate more and more

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with non Muslims,

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they started to adopt

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many teachings and practices that go against the very foundations of our Deen.

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So that is why you find many Muslims

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asking what is the big deal

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with wishing non Muslims Merry Christmas or gifting them

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something on this day, whether it be food or otherwise many of them are wondering, Why can we not greet them when they greet us on field? Why can we not let our kids to have fun?

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Why do we have to be so strict?

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Isn't it intolerance

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and hatred?

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To see that we can participate in such events.

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So my dear brothers and sisters to answer these questions we say first and foremost

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regarding Christmas specifically

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out of all of the other

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Other non Muslim holidays.

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We say specifically that wishing

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them happiness on this day

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is basically you as a Muslim,

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wishing them happiness,

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that Allah subhana wa tada had a son, when you have a bit.

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And so my dear brothers and sisters,

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instead of being concerned

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about the shift that they are involved in, what you are basically saying is that,

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Oh Allah, I believe that you are born.

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And I believe when you said

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that you are one

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of our solid, loving God, what have you learned? What are we akula, who Khufu and I had, I believe all of that.

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But let me on this one day of the year, to disbelieve in that

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and to recognize that you have a son. This is the essence of what we are seeing when we wish them a merry Christmas on this day. Secondly,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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If we were to study his Syrah,

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we would find

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that he made it a point.

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He made it a point

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to oppose

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the non Muslims

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in all of their practices, and traditions, but especially on their holidays, and their celebrations.

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So we have example, after example, of how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will make it a point to teach the companions that we don't take part in their celebrations. Rather we have our own celebrations.

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What was he teaching them?

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He was teaching them that the Muslim is unique and different. We have our beliefs, we have our customs, we have our ways, and they have theirs.

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And by doing so, he was implementing what Allah subhanho wa Taala taught in

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Korea, you can have your own law Abu Abu Dune disbelievers. I do worship what you worship, what I add to it do good and you don't worship what I worship.

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A clear line was made and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam put it into practice. And so what he taught the companions is that the Muslims are unique and different.

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And we don't take part in their holidays and their celebrations to send a clear message across

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that whoever does so then he becomes one of them. Mentor shall be comin for who I mean whom, whoever imitates a bit of people that he is one of them. Surgery.

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Wishing the kuffaar

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on their religious holidays

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is haraam by unanimous consensus of the scholars of Islam.

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There is an edge now on this

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there is a unanimous consensus open the books and you find

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from the very beginning of Islam

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perhaps only a century ago.

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There is not one disagreement among the scholars of Assam regarding this and it was only in modern times that we find fatawa appearing where we have so called scholars permitting this. It looks like him he says

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it Luca Yun Rahim Allah says,

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greeting the disbelievers on religious celebrations of Cofer that are specific to them is haraam by unanimous consensus of the scholars as his greeting them on their festivals and their days of fast, such as saying have a Blissett festival or greeting to

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You on your festival, no different to say Merry Christmas and so on. He says, if the one who says this has been saved from Kosovo,

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if the one who says this is safe from Kufa,

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then it is still one of them hermit, it is still one of the forbidding things to do.

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And it is no different than congratulating someone when he makes sujood to the cross. Rather, it is even a greater sin with Ola, and more despised than congratulating someone for drinking alcohol or for murdering someone or for committing Zina. He says many of those who have no value for the deen they fall into this and they do not realize the offensiveness of their action. Whoever congratulate someone for his sin, for his visa, for his Cofer. He exposes himself

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to the anger and the Wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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by wishing

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Merry Christmas on this day, or participating

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in any way,

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the Muslim is sending a message across to them.

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That I have no problem with your religion.

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I have no problem with your beliefs. I have no problem with you associating a partner or a son with Allah.

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to you is your religion to me is mine. Isn't that what Islam teaches?

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And so instead

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of giving them Dawa, instead of taking the opportunity to give them Dawa on this day, we Muslims are congratulating them, or wishing our happy sentiments to them, or participating with them. By doing so we're sending a message across, that there is nothing wrong with your beliefs. Stay up on your religion.

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You don't have to. You don't have to accept Islam.

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That's why

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Atma de.me Allah have mercy upon him.

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He used to say

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that, on the occasion of Christmas, I used to make it a point. And I would take the advantage on this day, to give Dawa to the Christians. Why, because it was an opportunity to show them the reality of who he was.

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And the reality of the corrupt nature of this religion.

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That became what it became from the original teachings of Sally Hansen. And finally, my dear brothers and sisters.

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A Muslim

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is one who submits.

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He is one who submit wholeheartedly to Allah subhanho wa tada and that is the very meaning of all Muslims.

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Islam does not translate to peace. Yes, peace is a part of Islam. But the true translation of Islam is submissiveness and so on Muslim is one who submits, he is one who has principles that he stands by, he is one who has read lines, that he recognizes that he cannot cross and his standard of knowing

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what is permissible and what is not.

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Should I do this, should I not do this? Should I celebrate this? Should I not celebrate this? Should I participate with them? Should I not his standard of measuring that is not the people around him.

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Many Muslims, we look at followers of other religions, non Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, atheists, people who don't ascribe themselves to any religions, and they say, Look, they are participating in Christmas. They are wishing Merry Christmas. So this shows that it's not something specific to Christians. So why can't we? The answer is that our standard of measuring these things is not the people around us

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But rather, it is what Allah subhana wa Taala has taught us, and what His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us.

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And so my dear brothers and sisters, yes.

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When we see all of this,

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on the one hand,

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we are disassociating ourselves from the Khufu and the shift of people. But on the other hand, he does not mean

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that we show intolerance and we show hatred and animosity, and we transgress against others. This is not what we are calling to.

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So Allah subhana wa tada says, Langan How come Allahu, I mean levena Lemieux? kothi rO confy Dini, welcome you hurry, do come, Mindy recoome unterberg Whoo hoo moto si por la.

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In the La Habra Moxie pin. Allah subhanho wa Taala does not forbid you

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from being unkind

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from acting fairly and with justice with those of the disbelievers who do not fight you because of your deen and who do not drive you out from your homes. In the law, you have been paying our loans, those who act justly unfairly.

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But what this surah what it teaches us and this shows us the importance of always going back to the context of that ayat of the Quran. Sometimes we find Muslims cutting and pasting AI and saying, Look what Islam teaches. Let us go back to Surah to remove tacky Now, look at what the Torah teaches us from the very first area until the very last.

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What it teaches us is a lesson in underbara from Cusco and ship

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to decide that the Muslim must disassociate himself from Kufa and from ship

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from all ideologies that are good that go against Islam and the teachings of Islam. And Allah mentions in the surah

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the example of Ibrahim alayhi salam, and how he disassociated himself

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from the cooker and the shock of his people.

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But then,

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when a Muslim reads these ads,

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he wonders, does this then mean that

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I should show animosity and aggression against the kuffaar so then this is why Allah subhana wa Taala revealed this ayah in Nevada, the Allah subhanho wa Taala Nagar Hakeem Allahu la de la la la casa de Luca de wherever you hurry to come in via recon unterberg Rahu methoxy to LA him in the LA Hepburn.

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And so we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala

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to show us the truth as being the truth and to make us to follow it. We ask Allah subhana wa tada

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to make us from among those who understand their Deen well and to make us from among those who put into practice what Allah subhanho wa Taala is pleased with and he satisfied with not what the people are pleased with and what they are satisfied with.

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00:29:27 --> 00:29:51

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00:29:54 --> 00:29:59

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00:30:33 --> 00:30:34

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