Ismail Kamdar – Jesus & Mary – Lessons from their lives

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Isa Alayhi wa Shallam in Islam is discussed, along with his bravery, bravery in speaking the truth, and physical appearance. The importance of love for the heart and not wanting to admit people's weaknesses and spiritual state is also emphasized. The use of negative affirmations and negative words in Islam is also discussed, along with the importance of not wanting to admit people's weaknesses and not wanting to admit their spiritual state. The need for people to be true to oneself and not just be perfect is emphasized, along with the importance of improving qualities for men and women to be more liked by Allah.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let me see yeah Dr. Molina Miyagi hola hola mo de la la mejor de la de la vie for call Allahu Allah Allah Quran in Madrid altavilla hamina shaytani r Rajim is called a sub new Maria Maria Bonnie Sawyer in euro sudo la la casa de Colima, bagnaia de Minato Roth

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many other people from other religions, celebrating the birth of someone who is actually very important to us as Muslims. And that is the figure of a sub memoriam as he's popularly known in English, Jesus, the son of Mary or Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.

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even though Isa alayhis salam plays a very important role in Islam. One of the problems we have today is that we only bring about his name, or we only mentioned his story when we want to do Dawa, or we want to get involved in comparative religion.

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And we reduce his story to simply a issue of who's right and who's wrong in terms of Akita, which is, of course, the most important part of the story. But it's not the only aspect to it. It's not just a matter of our Akita about easily he salam, but just like the other prophets in the Quran, there are many lessons that we can take from his life and the life of his mother.

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But because we don't often discuss the life stories from this perspective, it tends to get lost. We tend to forget that the story of Isa alayhis salam, as it is narrated in the Quran, and the Sunnah is not just a story with theological implications. But it is also a story with a lot of moral and spiritual implications. And that's what I want to look at today. Some of the lessons, the spiritual, more moral lessons that we can extract from the life of Isa alayhis salam, Jesus peace be upon him and his mother, Mary alayhis salam. So, let's begin with Isa alayhi salam, he is in Islam, not just a prophet and a messenger, but for amongst the five greatest messengers. So in Islam, we have

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different ranks of piety, and even amongst the Gambia, they are different ranks of piety, and the highest rank of the Gambia is of course, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and after him, there are four other prophets that ranking at the close second, those four are Ibrahim alayhis, salam, new ra salam, musala, Salam and Isa Islam, right. So in English that will be Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, that these are the five greatest prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So essentially Salam is not just a minor figure in our history is one of the five most important prophets that Allah had sent to this world, from amongst the most influential people in the history

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of this world. So influential that everybody knows his name. Everybody knows who you are talking about, regardless of what religion they follow, even if they don't follow any religion at all. If you mentioned the name Jesus, people know who you are talking about. Now, we know that in Islam, our Akita about Isa Alayhi Salam is that he is a prophet of Allah, and that he was the second last of the great prophets of Allah, the last one to come before prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was the one to whom the Injeel the gospel was sent. But what we tend to not get to focus on is what are his qualities that Allah praised him for? What are his qualities that we are

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supposed to, to model to put suppose to be like? So let's go through some of the great virtues and qualities of Isa alehissalaam. Number one quality of Isa la Salam of Jesus peace be upon him that stands out to me, is his courage, his bravery.

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How was he brave? Well, if you look at the concept of jihad in Islam, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, said, Abdullah, jihad in Kali Mata, industrial town enjoy. The best type of jihad is to speak a word of truth in the face of a tyrant. And this was the life of Isa Ali salam, this was the life of Jesus peace be upon him, speaking truth to tyrants, whether it was the people who are taking advantage to others to interspaced loans, whether it was the Roman rulers of his time, whether it was the corrupt rabbis of his time, Jesus peace be upon him, spoke the truth to each of these groups, and he got in trouble for it, and they wanted to kill him wait. And we know

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another point of difference between Muslims and Christians is that we believe Allah saved the man

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He believed that he was crucified. But what led up to that what led up to people wanting to crucify him? It was that he was a man of truth. He was a man who spoke the truth, no matter what happens to him what the consequences of speaking the truth is, and this is from amongst the greatest types of jihad in Islam. But Isa la salaams, jihad is not limited to the Jihad of the tongue, because we believe in a second coming of Jesus peace be upon him, his first time on Earth, was a Jihad of the tongue, his second time on Earth, will be a physical jihad, against that job, against the Antichrist. And so he is a role model of both types of jihad, to be brave in what you say, and to be

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brave and physically facing the enemies of Islam as well. And so we learn from the life of Isa Ali salam, courage, courage when speaking the truth, and courage even when facing your enemies in the battlefield. And so he Sally Sam is a role model of courage. A second aspect in which he is a great role model to us is that of Zohar. So Jesus peace be upon him, is one of the greatest role models of being spiritually detached from this world. And this is his legacy in both Islam and Christianity. That's why even amongst the Christians, when they want to be righteous, they go to a part of, you know, their version of Zuma, where they cut themselves off from this world. Why? Because they look

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at this as the legacy of Jesus peace be upon him, that he was a man who was cut off from this world who didn't have his heart attached to this world. So we see in, in the Israel era, to the Israeli

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statements from Jewish and Christian sources, they have reached us through the Islamic books. So in early Islamic history, many rabbis and priests converted to Islam. And they brought some of the stories with them, and they passed along. And these have been preserved in the books of Islamic history. So these are a few of these statements taken from Dahlia when the higher but even Cassia, where he required, some of these is throw in the earth. So it is narrated. And by the way, when it comes to destroying the earth, we don't have to believe it, or we don't have to reject it. But when it agrees with our religion, we can take lessons from it, right. So from this area, it is narrated,

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that Jesus peace be upon him may have said, keep your treasures in the afterlife, because a man's heart is with these treasures, right? Meaning, keep your heart attached to the afterlife, right, because whatever you Your heart is attached to, that's what you're going to chase after. So if your heart is attached to money, you're going to forget about the ocular. If your heart is attached to status and fame, you're going to forget about the ocular. But when your heart is attached to gender, the Akira will always be your number one focus. In another statement that is reported from Jesus peace be upon him, that he may have said is that love of this world and love of the afterlife cannot

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gather together in the heart of a single believer, like how water and fire cannot gather in the same place. So we know that water esting extinguishes fire, and water and fire cannot be in the same place in the same existence in the same time. Right, you can have something that's both water and fire. And so he Salli Salaam using this parable, he says that love of this world and love of the art can be in the same heart at the same time. Meaning you've got to make a choice as to what is your priority is your priority this world or the next world. So from these statements, we see that Isa or a Salam was a man of jihad. He was a man whose life was attached to the archaea. And Allah blessed

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him by taking him to the archaea, and keeping him there until his time of returning when he will have to fight that joke. And so we can learn from him. You know, in this age of materialism, in this age of consumerism, in this age, it's all about getting more and more and more, we can learn from him that our heart should not be here. There's nothing wrong with halaal wealth. There's nothing wrong with owning a lot of wealth, but the heart should be with the camera, and the heart should be focused on gender. And that is a lesson we learn from the life of Isa alehissalaam. A final beautiful quality we can look at, from Isa alayhis salam Jesus peace be upon him is his non

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judgmental attitude to what sinners that he was a man who didn't want to say anything bad about others, and wanted to look for the good in others. And there's the famous story in the Bible, which is also recorded in many of the Muslim books that has reached us again to the Christian sources that when there was a woman who was going to be stoned for adultery, Jesus peace be upon him said let the one without sin be the first one to throw a stone and nobody picked up the hands now. One of the Israel areas one of the Muslim narrations

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They have reached us with the story. Allah knows best, how authentic it is states that the people who wanted to stone this woman, they were themselves people who are constantly involved in their lifestyles Western, but they were men, and they were in charge of the community and they could get away with essence. And they wanted to make an example of this woman so that they can say, Oh, she we are applying the punishment. You are they want to so show the people we are applying the punishment, not on themselves, but in someone weaker who can't defend themselves. So the reason why he Sally slump stands up for this woman is because this is a matter of injustice. You see justice in Islam,

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is that the law is applied equally to everyone, not just to the weak people in society, that is injustice. And this is a good example of that.

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But we also have a couple of authentic narrations about East LA Salaam related to this topic of not wanting to say bad about others. And these narrations are found in the Mahatma Malik. So it is reporting the Mata Malik that he relates that Isa Ali Salam once saw a pig walking on the road. And he said Go in peace to the pig. So his disciples asked him, Why are you wishing peace upon a pig? And Esau Islam said so no evil words should ever come off my tongue. I don't want to get accustomed to saying bad words. So from this narration, we learned that it was the nature and the habit of Jesus peace be upon him that he wouldn't want to utter a single vile word, even to an animal that

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even when speaking to an animal, an animal that in our religion is considered nudges that is considered haram that is considered impure even to such an animal. Nothing but kindness comes with our tongues. That is the model of a Sally Salaam. And another very beautiful narration also found in the multifamily keema Malik narrates that he heard someone say that Isa Ali Salam said to these people, do not look at the faults of others as if you are gods. Look at your own faults as if you are slaves. This is one of the most beautiful narrations in the Mothma Malik that Jesus peace be upon him said, Do not look at the faults of others as if you are God's look at your own faults as if

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you are slaves. This is one of the biggest problems of our time. There. Many people want to put themselves on a pedestal. Many people, you know, they'll go around and say, Oh, this person is committing that sin and that person's committing that sin. And this person is a deviant and that person is a kafir and this person's ability and this person's outside the fold of Islam. And they're completely blind to their own spiritual state. They are completely blind to their own sense. They are completely blind to their own weaknesses. The Islamic position that we learn from Isa Ali Salam is to focus primarily on our own hearts. You see someone else do something wrong, Oh ALLAH forgive

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I this would be our attitude towards other people. You see somebody else committing a sin, Oh Allah, forgive him. If you can advise them, advise them. If you know that advice is going to work. If you can't advise them make do offer the Oh Allah guiding ALLAH forgive him.

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For our own selves, we should be a bit harsher. For our own selves, we should look in the mirror and say, What are my faults? How can I improve my faults? How can I overcome my weaknesses? How can I give up my sense, if we are focused on ourselves, we don't have time to look for faults in others. And so this is another beautiful lesson we learn from the life of Jesus, peace be upon him. May Allah Subhana Allah grant all of us clean hearts, and pure tongues, and make us from those who are able to follow in the footsteps of Jesus peace be upon him, and all of the MBR and all of the cdkn and all of the Shahada and all of the Salim waka Davina and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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hamdu lillahi Wa Wa Salatu was salam, O Allah mandanna ba ba ba.

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So we spoke about Jesus peace be upon him and his status in Islam. And it is also important at the same time that we discuss the status of his mother, Maria binter, imraan alayhis salam, marry the daughter of Iranian Hannah, may Allah be pleased to all of them. Because this is a great woman in Islam. Right Mary is not just a great woman in Christianity, but she is a great woman in Islam as well. And from the greatness of Maria Molly has Salam is that in the Quran, she is the only woman mentioned by name with an entire surah named after her. And some of the scholars discussed that why aren't other woman mentioned by name in the Quran? Because the Quran speaks about the wives of

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Ibrahim alayhi salam, the mother of Mousavi Salaam, the wives of Musa Elisa, the wives of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but none of them are mentioned by name. And one of the opinions and this is your opinion, I believe the strongest is that the only reason they are not mentioned by name is to give

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merely a special status. Allah wanted this to be her special thing, that she's the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran. And so therefore the other woman I mentioned, but the names are not mentioned, because we know the names through the Hadees and through the books of history, but this is her special thing, that she is the only one whose name is mentioned in the Quran. And we have an entire surah one of the most beautiful and poetic students in the Quran, named after Mary peace, peace be upon her. Another great virtue of Maria Malik Salam in the Quran. We have the story in Surah, Allah imraan where the angel Gabriel comes to Mary and says, Oh Mary, Allah has chosen you

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over all of the woman in this universe. Over all woman of all time you have been chosen to be amongst the greatest of all woman from amongst the virtues of money Molly has Salam is that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said only four women have ever attained perfection. And by perfection, we mean the status just under the MBR. Right? So in Islam, we believe that the greatest people were the prophets of Allah. After the prophets of Allah, the greatest people were those who attain perfection. But very few people attain perfection, even amongst men. You can't really name that many men who attained perfection who are not prophets, perhaps Abu Bakar rajala on

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who who else change that position? For monks, the woman we know at least for right we know for this in this Heidi's who are the four woman who attained perfection that is, after the prophets, these are the greatest of people. These four women are Maryam, Mary, the mother of Jesus, that's number one. Number two, the wife of the pharaoh because she was married to the worst of men and she was still amongst the most righteous of believers. Number three Khadija, the first Muslim, the first follower of Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, Khadija, number four Fatima, the beloved daughter of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then in the same narration, he mentioned

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that the virtue of Isaiah overall woman is like the virtue of the best of food over all other food. So some scholars interpret that to mean that although Ayesha did not attain perfection, she's next in rank See that? Siddiqa? Right so after those are perfection comes the CD x in the CD console, she's at that rank. Third, the third level of piety, still amongst the most amazing ranks that we should aspire towards. So the point here is, Maria Ali Salaam is listed amongst the greatest woman to ever have, why, what are her qualities, and again, the qualities of mere the peace be upon and not just quality qualities that women should emulate? They are qualities that every believer should

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emulate, these are qualities all of us should have. So from amongst the four greatest call qualities of Mary peace be upon her, number one, and number two go together. And that is her chastity, and her modesty. And these are qualities every believer is supposed to have, not just women, men as well. But nowadays, we talk a lot about chastity and modesty of women in our religion, this is for men and for women. And for one because we know that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was a modest man. And we know that you're smarter than who was amongst the most modest of people. And so these are qualities we are all supposed to have. So nearly PSP uponor, used to live in a small room when

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nobody would see her besides the man in charge of her, her uncle, the prophet, Zachary alehissalaam, nobody else you would not interact with non Muslims at all. And she will dedicate all of your time to the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And she was someone who would not want to have any kind of relationship with the opposite gender in any way. Now, we are not expected to be at that level, of course, for us marriages a sooner and this is something that we should strive towards, but she was of a different level of piety. So at least from her life, we learn that in our interactions with people, especially with members of the opposite gender, it should be interactions of modesty and

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interactions of chastity, that we should be people who are chaste. And more than that we live in an era where these things are dying, these qualities are dying out, they are frowned upon and looked down upon by modern society, we have to revive them again. Because these are the legacies of the great people who are beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala, from the amazing qualities of Madame alayhis salam is her tawakkol in Allah, He tawakkol of Mary peace be upon her. And we see this tawakkol in the story of the birth of Jesus peace be upon him, because this is a great test from Allah upon Mary, that she was blessed and tested, with being pregnant without ever getting married

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to a miraculous pregnancy. Now, of course,

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you know, if a woman shows up in society, who is supposed to be pious, and she's pregnant, and she got married, everybody, and I mean, everybody is going to assume the worst is just human nature. Right? That's what we all will do. So this is a test for her. And how did she handle this test? with tawakkol in Allah would do with asking a lot for help with doing

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Whatever Allah allows you to do, and Allah guides it through this test, Allah helps it through this test. And Allah uses this test, to raise his status and to take care of her and to make sure that nobody ever accused him of evil again, as he helps me with miracle upon miracle upon vertical. And final grade quality of mudumalai has Salam is that her do as we answered, and hurt the worker, let her do ads inspired a profit of a lot to make. So we have this beautiful story in Surah, Allah imraan that once when zecharia alaihe salam went to check up on Mary, he found fruit in her chamber the out of season. So we asked her, how did you get this? And she is from Allah, He gives whomever

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he wants, whatever he wants, whenever he wants, right, that He gives wherever you want without any accounting.

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The Quran says right then and there, Zakaria may do or he may do an old crappy accent. And so Allah blessed him with the sun. Yeah, he Ali salam, even though he and his wife we both way past the age of having children. But Allah grabbed him a miracle. From yo we learned multiple lessons number one tawakkol. Number two miracles can happen. Number three, we see that they do as a Muslim Ali Salaam, we answered number four, that she was so pious and so righteous, that her actions in her words inspire a prophet, in inspire a prophet to take action, that when he saw that this woman who is not a prophet, Allah can give her fruit out of seasons. That means a lot to give me a child, past old

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age as well. And so we see in this the great model that Mary alayhis salam is to us. So we end this with a reminder to all of us that when it comes to these great figures in our history, don't just look at them as something that we study for comparative religion. Don't just look at them as something we bring up when it's time for Dawa. No, learn the lives be inspired by the lives, make them our role models and let us try to be like them in whatever way we can make Allah grant us or righteousness and piety may make us from amongst the men and women of chastity and modesty and tawakkol and from those who are closest to him in this world at the next will after the webinar and

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your hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen akima Sala

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