Kamil Ahmad – Parables of the Quran – Parable #20 – The Deeds of the Disbelievers 1

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the parable of the believer and how his deeds are not based on a foundation. The good deeds of the believer benefit him, but the negative deeds will be reduced to nothing. The speaker also discusses the lessons learned from the parable of the Prophet sallavi, including that the Prophet's cover is not a matter of whether he did it sincerely or not. The speaker suggests that individuals should not be confused by the deeds of others, as they are not the ones who created them. The speaker also discusses the deeds of different people and how they affect their acceptance of good deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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We move on

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to the next parable

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and this is in Surah Ibrahim.

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In this parable Allah subhanho wa Taala

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gives us the example of the end results or the end result of the deeds of the kofod what is the end result of the deeds of the awasum Hanna who metathesis

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says here in Surah Ibrahim, verse number 18

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the parable of the deeds

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of those who disbelieve in their Lord

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is that of ashes

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that are fiercely blown away by a wind on a stormy day

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they will gain nothing from what they have earned.

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And that is truly that is truly the furthest that a person can stray that is truly the furthest that a person can stray that you can have a bilateral.

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And so

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the verses that preceded this verse here in Torah, Ibrahim, if we were to go back to the verses that preceded verse number 18, we find that Allah subhanahu wa tada talks about the punishment

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of the kuffar in the Hellfire

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a very fierce description or a very, very, very

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intense description.

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A very painful description Allah subhanho wa Taala gives of the punishment of the kuffar in the hellfire.

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And so

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perhaps some people hearing this description, some kuffaar who may hear this description, they may be thinking, okay, but I have good deeds that I have done. So, maybe those good deeds will save me from such a painful punishment.

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And so,

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in order to answer such

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a deception, Allah subhanahu wa tada mentions this verse.

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And so here Allah subhanho wa Taala compares the deeds of the kafar to ashes,

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their deeds are like ashes.

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And so just like ashes,

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that are scattered on the ground.

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When even a light wind comes, not even a wind, if you were to just blow with your mouth, these ashes, what would happen?

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A very slight greens or a blow will cause these ashes to become scattered.

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And so how about if it was a strong wind on a stormy day?

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That is what Allah mentions here.

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Caught on that, like ashes is dead that merely houfy Yeoman house

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ashes that are fiercely blown away by a wind on a stormy day.

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And so

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just like

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these ashes are blown away on the stormy day, likewise, likewise, are the good deeds

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of those who disbelieve the fire. Why?

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What is the secret behind a lot comparing their good deeds to ashes?

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Because ashes are liked. They're very lightweight,

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and they have no foundation for themselves.

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Whereas something else that has a strong foundation, it will stand firm

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A very fierce storm as we will see in the next parables.

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inshallah Ibrahim Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the believer and how his

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parable, the parable of the believer is like that of a strong fruit tree.

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And so

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the kuffar there good deeds are not based on a foundation.

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And so that is why they weigh nothing. They're like ashes that don't leave anything, and they have no support.

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Whereas the good deeds of the believer

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will benefit him because

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they stand on the foundation of a man and across sincerity. The believer did his good deeds sincerely for the sake of Allah. So that foundation is strong and firm.

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And so,

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just like you cannot collect the ashes, that are blown away. Likewise,

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these kofod will come on the Day of Judgment,

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trying to earn the reward of their good deeds,

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but they will be unable to.

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And that's because it was as if, and perhaps this is a secret, Allah knows best. But perhaps this is the secret behind a lot comparing their deeds to ashes. It's as if

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their deeds were taken

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and thrown into a fire.

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What is the result?

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after the fire is finished,

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their deeds are reduced to ashes.

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And so Allah knows best perhaps, that is why a lot compared their good deeds to ashes.

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And it is like Allah has mentioned elsewhere in the corner concerning the deeds of the kofod.

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We mentioned a previous parable

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earlier on, where Allah talks about the expenditure of the kuffar what they spend,

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how it is worthless, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, meta Luma yakun Have you heard the hill hierarchy dunya Kemet le re him fie houserule or Sahaba, Coleman vollum and fusa home. Look at

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that the example of what they spend in this worldly life is like that of a wind that contains frost

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which strikes the harvest of people who have wronged themselves and destroys their harvest, it destroys their crops,

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reducing it to nothing. So basically, what do you suspend?

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Whatever they suspend perhaps in charity,

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it becomes destroyed meaning on the Day of Judgment, they won't see

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any trace of their charity, no rewards. And that is a reality of the deeds of the kuffar

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some kuffaar

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in this life, we look at them and we say, look at how, how much they they do.

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You know, look at how much they spend in generous causes.

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Look at how they set up charities, and they give

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but none of that will benefit them. And

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none of that will benefit them either.

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It will be reduced to ashes. Also Allah subhanho wa Taala says, will Kadima Ilana I'm illumine Harmon for jalna Habad Torah in Surah four corner wa says and we will turn to what they have done of deeds and make them just like dust that is dispersed. Meaning on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanho wa Taala will turn to their good deeds, the deeds of the kuffar and make them to become like dust that is dispersed.

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And so this is the parable that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us concerning the end result of the deeds of the disbelievers.

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Among the lessons that we learned from this parable is first of all,

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that the kuffaar

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will never benefit from their good deeds

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in the

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regardless of how much they may have done

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because of their cover

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because of

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have their cover.

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And this is not only the kuffaar but anyone who does any good deed in which he was not sincere. He did not do it sincerely for the sake of a lot. So it could also include a Muslim who does a good deed, but he does not do it with pure airfloss sincerity, but rather, he did it to show off at Ria

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and so, such deeds, we will not see the reward of it.

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As for the kuffaar

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then there's a hadith in which

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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I shall know the Allahu anhu. She asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about

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an individual

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from Jay Lee.

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There was an individual in pre Islamic days,

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who is known for his generosity.

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His name was Abdullah bin Jardine.

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And he was a very, very generous

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person from kurush. But this was before Islam

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and he died.

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And so he was an idol worshiper, he was a Muslim.

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So I showed him the Allahu anhu. She asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yasuda, la impinger dan, he used to establish the ties of relationship.

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You also will know Russia.

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he used to feed the poor.

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So he used to do good deeds.

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So she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will that be of any benefit to him? meaning in the Euro?

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Because we know that he died as a Muslim, but now he has good deeds. Will these good deeds not benefit him in the accurate? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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it will be of no benefit to him. Because he never once said,

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oh my lord.

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Yeah, it'll be. It'll feel really happy to do that, oh my lord.

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Pardon my sins, forgive me my sins on the Day of Judgment.

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Meaning that he never once prayed to Allah subhana wa Tada, meaning that he was a mushrik. And he died as a Catholic.

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And so this hadith shows us that no matter who the person is, no matter what he was known for,

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have good.

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If he died as a Catholic,

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then none of his good will benefit him.

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And we should not be thinking here that this is injustice. Why? Because a loss of Hannah who went down and never does injustice, anyone, and he will not do injustice to anyone, when I have any more of buka your Lord does not do injustice to anybody. Nobody will be dealt with unjustly on the Day of Judgment. But rather we will see the pure justice of Allah subhana wa tada on that day.

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And so why is it that these people are being treated in this way? Even though they did a lot of good? The answer is very simple.

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The answer is very simple. And that is because there is one thing that outweighs everything else. There's one thing

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that outweighs all good deeds. And if you did not do that, then all of these good deeds are worthless, and that is acto hate, and worshipping a lot sensor.

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This is

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this is the definition of justice

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as a loss of Hannah hotel compared to

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a loss of Hannah who without is said in the Shu, kala fullmoon when the ship

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is a huge injustice.

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And as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained

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that to show how hideous

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and how unjust a shift is,

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when he was asked, What is the worst crime that a person can commit, he said, so Allahu Allahu wa sallam.

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To worship somebody else, to direct your worship to others, when it is Allah subhanho wa Taala, who created you? How dare you, direct your ibadah your worship

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to others,

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when they don't deserve that worship

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to these false gods, when they never created you, when it is a war who created you? How dare you, direct you are you bad, Your Worship, your devotion

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to others who don't deserve it.

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And you don't direct it to the one who created you, brought you into this world, and then not only brought you into this world, but then provided for you, from the day you came into this world, until the day you left,

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you are completely dependent upon a war. And then on top of that, you don't tackle and so this shows us

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no matter what good deeds we do, if we did not come with tawheed, and worship law sincerely,

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then it is worthless. And this is justice. This is this is true justice. This is true justice and not in justice. Like some people may be thinking that Oh, they did so many good deeds. They were so generous, they lived such a pious life in this world. They didn't harm anyone.

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But they did something worse than that. And that is a coup for this belief in Allah and His messenger and in Islam, and they worshipped others besides.

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The second lesson that we learn from this parable is

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notice how Allah subhanho wa Taala here in this parable, what did the lots of Hana hotel say in the very beginning? method, Latina, kuffaar with European?

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Allah said, the example of those who disbelieved in their Lord.

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I'm then home karamat

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their deeds are like ashes.

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What do we notice here?

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What we notice here is Allah subhanho wa Taala did not

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say that the deeds of the kuffaar the parable, here is of the deeds of the kuffaar but rather Allah said methylone Latina kerferd will be European, that the disbelievers themselves

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their deeds are like ashes.

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So it's as if

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it says if

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it says if Allah subhanho wa Taala

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is comparing the kuffar themselves and not their deeds.

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Even though we learned from this parable that

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the comparison here is the deeds

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But here Allah subhanahu wa tada set the example of those who disbelieve in their Lord, their deeds are like, are like ashes.

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The secret in this and the wisdom that the scholars they mentioned here is to allude to the fact that the kafar are the ones who will be affected on the Day of Judgment.

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That's why Allah says, method larina kuffaar will be robbed him.

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Those who disbelieve in their Lord,

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their example, or their example of their deeds, or like attributes.

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So just like their deeds are lost and destroyed, likewise, they to themselves are going to be destroyed on the Day of Judgment.

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And so, even though the parable here is not of the kuffar in and of themselves, but rather of their deeds, Allah subhanho wa Taala mention them themselves. Metallo Latina kuffaar will be right behind those who disbelieve in their Lord. Allah mentioned them as their example, to allude to the fact that just like their deeds will be destroyed, they will also be destroyed,

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meaning they will perish in the punishment of the hellfire.

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Finally, the last lesson that we learned from this parable is

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just like

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we have deeds that will not be accepted, and we'll go to waste. We have deeds that will be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and will not go to waste

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and so what

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the criteria for our deeds to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala there are two criteria that must be present with regards to our deeds. If one of these is not present, then our deeds will go to waste. The first is

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a class like we mentioned sincerity

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to do the deed sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa tada and not for anybody else.

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And so that is irrespective of whether it is

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the mushy raccoon, who do their deeds for

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other gods besides a lot, or a Muslim

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does his good deeds for other reasons,

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even though he's doing it for a lot, but he's doing it

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to show off, for example, as we mentioned,

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so this is

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a deficiency in your class, in your sincerity of intention. And so the first criteria is

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that you have to have a class, and you cannot be doing your deeds to show off to the people. And that is what is called

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to do something which is a good deed in the sight of Allah but you you're not doing it,

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to seek the pleasure of Allah, but rather to seek the pleasure of the people.

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So you're doing it to show off to the people to seek their praise.

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And you're doing it for them and not sincerely for

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the second criteria for our good deeds to be accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala is that it has to be done

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according to how it has been legislated by Allah and His messenger.

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And so whatever good deed we do, whatever activity bad that we do, if it is innovated, and not, according to how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has taught us, then it will not be accepted from us. And so if a person he adds into his salon,

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an act, that is not the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam taught us, then it will be rejected. Likewise, any other act of a bad

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if we do it, in a way, other than how the prophet SAW Selim taught us, then this is a beta. And this is an innovation that will be rejected. So these are the two criteria that have to be present, in order for our good deeds to be accepted by Alice Turner who went to Ireland and not for them to go to waste. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept from us our good deeds, especially in these days in which good deeds are more beloved to him. So Helena who attalla these first 10 days of the hedger, we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to accept from us our good deeds,

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so that we see the rewards of them on the Day of Judgment.

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With that we come to the end of this session subhanak along they'll be having Nick a shadow Elijah Hilah and pastel fuuka were to relate, was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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