Kamal El-Mekki – Unbreakable- Imam Ahmad

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a man named Rahim who was known for his humility and conservative views and spent his time in photosys and bringing the country to power. He spilled drugs into water and spilled it on his children, and used garments as a way to avoid being seen. The transcript also discusses a former Greek Greek author who used garments to avoid being seen and talked about a former chef named decides to study the internet and see the internet. The lack of human knowledge among political elite is a personal choice and a result of the lack of human knowledge. The transcript describes a man who died in a hospital and was buried in a cemetery, and a man who lost his life due to a lack of social interaction and family connections.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam, ala rasulillah. Meanwhile, earlier he was talking about, first of all, thank you for staying behind for the biography of him in Hamburg.

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I think everyone has a favorite biography take the profits out of the equation, and hands down the biography of Muhammad Rahim Allah is absolutely my favorite biography. It is just, it's inspiring. It's amazing. You see a human being who struggles through his fears to be brave and courageous. And that's why the scholars said that Allah azzawajal saved Islam in two occasions with Abu Bakr Siddiq on the day over ryda and with Ahmed Mohammed bin with the manner the fitna of the creation of a Koran. The reason they pick these two,

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like these two situations are like incidents is that they say that Islam has been through a lot, and through a lot of challenges, but none of them threatened to change the religion itself. So had a worker law and who not remained firm on the day of rinda when people left Islam and they didn't want to pay zakat, we would have received an Islam without Zika we would have lost a pillar and had another himolla not stood firm we would have received today would be living an Islam, where the Quran is not the speech of Allah, but it is something created by Allah subhanaw taala and so that's why they say allows me to save this religion twice with a sudip on the devil with the and with the

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humble during the fitna of the creation of the Quran. It is really amazing. And it's such an amazing story, but obviously we're not going to cover it at all tonight. We're just going to get an idea of who the Imam was Rahim Allah. So he was born in the year 164 after the hijra. His name was Ahmed Abu Mohammed ebonyi. humble. So we see that his his humbleness his grandfather, but he's known as a humble man, Muhammad.

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In humble in Hillel, Asad agnate, received Abdullah born in Baghdad, born in the city of Baghdad, and he said, I have never seen my father, nor my grandfather, or he said, I've never seen my grandfather nor my father. So he never saw his father or his grandfather. Now his grandfather humble. He was the governor of the city of serfs in hora son, and he was very active and he took part in the in bringing down the Romanians, when the ambassador overthrew the Omega dynasty. He was very much involved in that and help bring the ibises to power. And so they used to refer to him as the humble because his grandfather was popular. And this happens a lot in lineage. You go with the

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popular one, if your grandfather was more popular than your father, you get linked to him immediately. And his lineage also met with that of the prophet SAW Selim kind of way far back. He had no brothers and sisters, and he was very close to his two uncles Abdullah and his Huck Edna Humbert. He was very close to those to his description. He was tall, he was tan, he was handsome. And later on as an old man, he would likely put henna color his beard from the white hairs would color them in, and he had very few black hairs on his beard. So it got quite white, just very few black hairs, and he would dress were very coarse and rough clothing. And he would mostly sit cross

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legged anytime you saw him, he would be sitting cross legged. His mother was Sophia been to maimunah, the daughter of Abdul Malik Ibn Shaban, and she raised him because we said his father, he never saw his father. So his mother raised him. His father died Jani, and she loved him very much. And she used to accompany him and loved his company. Even when he grew up even as an older man. She was always loving his company, they were very close. And she wouldn't let him leave too early for FedEx, she would grab onto his clothes and she would tell him wait until you hear that. You don't want him to leave too early. And he used to be very obedient to her. When digital when the Tigris

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River would overflow, his mother would tell him Don't cross it. So one day he's with his friends and you can imagine the peer pressure when you're with your friends, and then the old cross and He didn't told once you cross

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He says no, my mother tells me doesn't allow me to cross. When it overflows, you see the obedience like he wasn't worried about the peer pressure and he didn't lead and say, Well, she's not here she won't know and still do it very obedient to her even in her absence.

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But she was also the one to push him towards attaining knowledge and learn learning language and learning the deen learning element memorizing the Quran at a young age and she raised him upon piety and taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala. So, just examples of his taqwa even as a young man who used to live during the reign of heroine Rashid, Harun al Rashid halifa, he was known he had two seasons, two times when he would leave town, he would go to Hajj, and he would go to Jihad to battle. So the soldiers when they would go with him to battle they would write,

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they would write letters, you know, for their wives for their family back home. And these to ask the youth to write down for them, some of them couldn't write. So they'd have the youth write down. And he would only write things that were decent. And if anyone wrote anything that was indecent, or complaint against a la jolla complaint against the situation, he would refuse to write it down, even though he's a small boy now.

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One time his uncle used to write the news of Baba to the governor. So basically spying and he's his uncle would spy on what's happening in Baghdad and inform the governor, this is what happened, this person did this that all these things. And for a while the letter stopped going to the governor. So when the governor returned about that, so in his absence, his uncle would spy on the people. Update him what's going on. For a while the letter stopped, and the governor returns back to back that. He said, Where are the letters? And why did you stop sending them?

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And he says, I used to continuously send them, I never stopped sending them, I would send them with my brother, son.

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And so they called a hammer, the hammer hammer low and he was a young man. And this is what happened to the letters. What did you stop delivering them or what happened? And he, again, a young boy, he said, You want me to pass on this kind of news, spying and all this stuff. He says, I have thrown them in the river. I would never deliver something like that. So he would just take them every time and throw them in the water. So they said in the law, we're nearly here, Joe said, this is a young man had Jani hula where Torah has worked his fear of Allah subhanaw taala a high level of taqwa. And what about us, and we're grown men doing all this stuff and spying and spreading news. And the young

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man refused to do it. And he's just a small boy at this point.

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One of one of the people who lived at his time he said indeed I spend on my children and I bring them a Debian Debian back then you would bring him a dip for your child and he would teach them manners refined manners and poetry and language just to make them any

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hi hi and teach them an OVA. And he says, and I don't see them benefits spends on his children, I don't see them benefit. And look at amyloid number, an orphan young boy meaning you complete the sentence Yanni, an orphan young boy, nobody's spending this on him and look at him his his, his morals, his poetry.

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A man by the name of Ibrahim ignoramus, this man, he was known as an avid Azadi. And you know, when people had these titles were not not everyone had a title. So they give him a title from how much a bird used to perform and from his level of zoo. So he is the one making this statement. He says come to our humble you, Elaine wahala. And you know what, um, we use this word for small boys. Ages nine, what have you. He says, I used to see the humble do the night prayer. You lay the annual payment lay while he's a small, small boy. This is how it was since childhood. And part of that a great part of that was due to his mother and the way she raised him.

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There was another his name was an Haytham IGNOU, Jamil and this man was known as an alpha three, and half of all these are his titles from the the people and feminists have an elephant Hadith, knowledgable in Hadith. And of the leaders of the of knowledge of Hadith in Baghdad. He used to say, in our Shahada, Al Fatah, this is when he was a young man, he should say if this man young man lives long enough, so he will be a hood just alcoholism and I

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never know how to translate that.

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Someone does a good job would be

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a witness.

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Yes, something like an expert. Yes. Someone to the people in his time would turn towards for everything for their alien for their knowledge and authority. Very good. Yeah. It's a combination of those

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reference material. Hello, Dana. Reference Allah authority Allah. Hello, Very good, thank you.

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But he was very, very poor, very poor until Nam testimonial shocker anyone else

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he was so poor until he became an old man he died at the age of 77. He was always poor. And he no doubt the poorest of the of the 40 mums, no doubt his mother used to sew clothing and not make much money from that

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young man he would engage in something known as lucky to have so he would go to the market where they load these sacks of grains barley wheat on the backs of camels or donkeys and what have you, and people are coming and going. And as that happens, small holes in these bags, sometimes you'll find a few of these grains on the floor. And he sand the sand on the floor and you find some leafy greens here and there. So he would spend hours and hours and hours down on the ground, picking up these you know, barley grains, rice, I don't know if rice reached the peninsula but the Arabian Peninsula at that point or not? Mmm, whatever these grains were, he would sit down for hours hours,

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gathering them from the dirt. And then they would take them and you need to have like a mud two handfuls how many hours of gathering these grains. And then finally he would take that home Washington his him and his mother would cook that and they would eat that. That's how poor he was.

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As far as his studies, he studied with a number of scholars, we're going to look at them. And we're going to look at them for a reason. We're going to briefly look at their biographies because from each one we can pinpoint.

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Like a characteristic that the Imam inherited from his teachers, and you can actually go back and see which this pit this characters that he had and which teacher he he acquired it from.

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he first started to study with a number of scholars, we're going to talk about them one of them who came up new Bashir and Abu Bakr of NIOSH, we look at any if you look at some of the famous scholars, this is a very well named well known scholar Abu Bakr Rahim Allah, and he would his Hallowed be after fudger so he's wake up before fudger I want to go early to the highlight on this one his mother would hold on to his clothes and and tell him that wait until you hear the event first. But no doubt the most benefit he got was from who shame Eben Bashir. He says I memorized everything I heard from Hussein while Hashem was alive. And Jim died in 184, after the hedgerow, so Mmm. Ahmed

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was 20 years old when he shamed the machine died. And then he started to travel to gain knowledge. And he's studied with over 400 scholars, we'll look at that in a second.

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He studied with he didn't know how to use he didn't know how long we're gonna talk about him in a second. He was such a major scholar, that the fitness of the creation of the Quran was delayed because he was alive. But Khalifa was worried that if I start the fitna and he disagrees with me, everyone's gonna turn on me. So that shows you the level of lm of this man. And the popularity of this man. He is the hero. But he used to love joking. He's a big jokester. Yeah. And in his lectures, he would always joke. And what's interesting is that people always imagined that the scholars were always like this.

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Just very serious, frowning the whole time. never smiled. No, it's about personalities is not about an act you put on because you're a scholar. If a scholar had joked he joked, that was his personal command. You know why I love this

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defense for me.

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That was his personality. I tell you something interesting.

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I'm not alone. He was stabbed. He gave the names of people and said choose a halifa from these people. Can you believe he did not put the name of Allah subhanaw taala.

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And of course, he should have put the name of Allah Nepali. So and everyone expected his name to be there. So they asked him they said you didn't put Ali. You know what he said? He jokes too much. And many people don't know this about a little below and they used to joke a lot. Because his reign is colorful was for six months. And it was all turmoil as you know, battles and wars, so we didn't really get much of a chance to see his funny side. But he used to joke a lot and I'm I didn't see that as appropriate. But that was his personal opinion. But of course, you know, Batman became a holiday and then it Ravana so

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he has you know her own he used to joke a lot. And he used to not like joking it in the lecture. And of course, again, this is not Islamic ruling. It's personality so he didn't like joking when attending.

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And you see the total utter respect for him would not joke when he was in the gathering. One day he is in the class.

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And he doesn't see him. So he started joking.

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He doesn't like it. So he goes like that. So he turned and he saw him he struck his forehead. And he reprimanded the other students it Why didn't you tell me that? Mohammed was here was here so I wouldn't joke in front of him. So out of respect for the student, he wouldn't joke when I was in humbles in the gathering when he wasn't he would joke, even though he was such a big scholar. One day, he gave all his students 500 dinars which a lot of money, gold dinners, not Durham's, he gave all of them 500 dinars. All of them accepted it except for Ahmed number. He should not accept gifts. And again, these are issues of religion. These are issues of personal choice, and sometimes,

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especially young people, they hear this in the biography then you invite them for lunch, you know, why? humble Easter?

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Who are you exactly, but don't do that. Yeah, that's just a personal thing here. So he's to never accept gifts. And he used to not accept help even from a friend who would not like people to help him out.

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So then he decided,

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after staying at his board and adopt studies with the shame of new Bashir, when he leaves and he goes to Mecca, he says, I made Hajj five times in him in his lifetime. He said I made Hajj five times of which three were on foot. Now you want to know how poor the Imam was or how long he says I've spent on all of them 30 Durham's you know, a Durham is silver coin 12. Durham's made one godina. Okay, by the way, just an interesting point, where I'm from in Washington DC, in the Smithsonian Institute, they have gold dinars from the time of the ambassador Okay, and you look you imagine like the gold dinars were like in the movies like fake coins, and when you drop them they're

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all clink clink, clink, clink, like this? is like, like kid paper thin if you ever see paper thin? Yeah, that was the dinar. The dyrham 12 silver Durham's made one gold dinner he spent on five hedge trips. 30. Durham's 30 silver drops. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine this trip, three of them are on foot, only two he got to ride. So how much did he eat barely anything.

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And that's how poor he was.

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There was a famous poet back then his name was Ollie jam, famous poet. I live in a jam. He says, we had a neighbor in Baghdad qumola. We had a neighbor in Baghdad. One day this neighbor produced a book and he said, Do you know whose handwriting This is? He said we looked at it. We said yes. This is the handwriting of amulet number. How did he come to write this book for you? So he tells him the story. He says we were in Mecca, studying with Sophia and Marina the great scholar. And for some days we hadn't seen Amma. We're studying with this great scholar. And for some days we didn't see him. Where's the mama? So we went to him and he had rented a room from people young people had a

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house and they rented this room. He was running this room from them. We knocked and he opened the door and he was wearing Holcomb and he was wearing two pieces of cloth one down here one over shoulders like that. So we said yeah, Abdullah, what is wrong we haven't seen you for a number of days. He said my stole my clothes were stolen, too. He just had

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one garment or one pair of add one outfit. Let's put it that way. One outfit. He washed it put out to dry then he will take it and wear it while he put it out to dry someone stole it. So he couldn't leave the house he didn't and what he was wearing was torn. He could not walk in the street with that. So it just stayed in the house all the time. And an interesting note here about the the textile industry still had not developed and you know garments were something amazing and if you remember when they captured during the Battle of tabuk they captured the brother of okay the dormitory gentlemen the king of dormitory gentlemen when they captured them. They sent his clothes

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in advance to the prophet SAW Salem. And then the narration says the companions gathered around it and they just kept touching it like this. Just keep touching the garment Can you see them just gathered just touching it it was so soft and smooth and

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garments wasn't like you watch the movie The message and this Sahaba in thobes from top to bottom and flowing garments. garments were a material was something rare. That's what you have, in fact

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that there's a ruling on how to pray. If you don't have any clothes. And someone might say How could you not have any clothes and we have walk in closets you walk in and you're surrounded with a wall of clothing and you complain you don't have anything to wear and some

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One might not have any clothes and you know the story of the companion who used to leave quickly after fidget and then one day they asked him why he leaves so quickly says we'll have only one garment my wife and I share it and I rushed back so she can pray for you and not miss it. That's how poor

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and by the way

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not that you will need it but the prayer of the one who has no clothes at all he prays

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seated right that's how you pray if you have no clothing at all, you pray seated. We still got this dude live in

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his hand and so you just sit in one place you don't move. Most of you

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would be disrespectful, right?

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And then other things and in the bizarre Salaam would tell the the the women to not raise their head immediately from sujood when he says Allahu Akbar to delay. Why? Because the men what was their clothing, just a thing wrapped around their waist sometimes. So if the woman raised her head too quickly, they might see some of the men uncovered. So I used to tell them delay raising the head from sujood just shows you the amount of poverty and not everyone that like had garments flowing. And then when you hear about making your garment so long that it goes under your ankle. Now you know why it's showing off at their time? Yeah.

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Okay, I don't want to go into too many tangents. But that's why it was a big deal to have your garment dangling under your, your ankle now is if someone has his jeans a little below their ankles. Do you say Mashallah, this brother his rich, Mashallah he can afford to drag his jeans. Do we say that today? No. That's why the scholars today say it's macro only to do it. But not Haha, feel free to disagree. But that's an opinion. I'm just putting it out there that it's macro. But it's not haram anymore. Because they're in there is not there, or the idea of you being showing off because of your making, because making it long doesn't exist anymore. garments or you know, even homeless

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people have long garments.

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I don't know him. The point is, he says, so we'll go back to the story. His clothes were stolen. So then a man said, because a group of us went to look for him. A man said, I have some dinars if you like, take a loan from me. And if you'd like just take it as a gift. You know, I'd refuse both. It was just his personal policy. He refused to take it as a loan. He refused to take it as a gift. He didn't want that. So

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the man now the narrator, the neighbor of this poet who's narrating the story says so I thought to myself, how can I help him? I know he doesn't accept help. And he doesn't accept like gifts and favors was the way to help him. So I said, Would you write a book for me meaning copy a book for me? They didn't have printing presses. So if you like a book, you give it to someone you pay them a fee and the copy you give them paper and pen also, and they write it down the copy it for you.

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is it would you write would you copy a book for me for a fee? And I took out a gold dinner and said take this as advanced payment. The mom said no, he refused. He said buy a piece of cloth, cut it in half, which shows you what they used to wear unless you you know

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the minimum of what they would wear, you would go and buy a long piece of cloth, cut it in half, wrap one around your waist and rip the other over your shoulders. That's what they would do.

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So he says buy a piece of cloth cut in half for the annual wear one as an EHR and the Lord around my waist and then wear the other over my shoulders, and then bring me the rest of the money. So I gave him the clothes, the rest of the money. And I bought him paper and ink and he started to copy the book for me. And that's how I ended up with this book. That is in his handwriting. Yeah. shows you the amount of poverty.

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Yeah. Skipping that nourishing. So

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one of the teachers, Mohammed as well. So we said he started I'm just the founder who shared with me Bashir. We're coming to them. Even a Shafi which I think we mentioned on Wednesday, we're talking about how he studied, learned filk from a llama chef and not Howdy, but fuck from him. And he was the first to discover him. I'm a chef a before him. I'm a chef. I was popular in the region. He discovered him and we said the the famous narration of one. Ahmed took his hockey of Norway and told him Come with me. I'm going to show you a young man the likes of which you've never seen. That was the moment shafia he had discovered him a long time ago.

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And you know, I'm a chef. I used to tell him Yeah, Abdullah, the cornea of Mr. Mohammed, you are more knowledgeable with the authenticity of narrations than I am. So if the Hadees is authentic, then inform me so that I may use it. That means he's not as good as he is in Hadith, but he's better than him. And so they actually both benefited from each other. He would learn from him and he would learn him and would learn from him. sheffy

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Okay, from his poverties at one time, he sometimes he would weave baskets

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To sell them to make some money. And one time he even had to pawn his sandals with a baker went to this Baker, given the sandals upon them, so the guy gives him some amount of money for them. And if I can't pay you back for them just just take them you know?

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Yeah. He says, talking about his journeys for travel. He went to Tucson up in Yemen to Ibrahim Morocco.

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In wanna be a Sinani he says I went to him and he was a Syrian, he was difficult a very difficult person. He said, I stood at his door for a day or maybe two, what four to get permission to study with him, stood outside his door for a full day. And this later on he says maybe it was two full days just waiting outside his door to study from him until I got to him. And he gave me two Hadith. That's it. Yeah, wait in front of your door for two days. Give me 200. And if I want 30 by Ceriani

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is for the whole month to get 30 Howdy. So

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yeah. Then he studied under abdulrazaq abdulrazaq. Asana Annie. So back then this color was so popular. If you said I'm gonna suck. Nobody said.

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That was it? It was no, you know, just like in Houston, if we just we say shut Sala. You don't ask which one. We know we don't mess around. And the story, right? Same thing after results on our famous journey all over.

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And he noticed that this scholar, despite his incredible knowledge of the risako Sinani, he used to always read the Hadith from a book even though he completely married memorize that Hadith, he would always use a book. So I learned this from him. And you'll see it later on in his in his biography, when he started teaching, he would always have a book even though he completely memorized it, he would always leave the book Why? Just to be extra certain and to never change the word in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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So, the scholars that he studied with the top five he benefited from Hussein Abu Bashir easydna. Her own is married Maria, Malaya one and Ignalina and Abdul Razak, Assam, Ani. He stayed with him for two years,

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shaman Bashir he was when he was a young man, his father used to not let him go study he used to love is a young man used to love to learn the deen, he would go sit with this judge and study at the Holocaust, the judge and his father would always tell them, don't forget this stuff. And they can make money from it comes with me and work with me. And sometimes he would skipped work and go and study and his father kept insisting.

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One day, Hussein got sick. So and he was a smart young man. And so the judge noticed him in class. When he got sick for a few days, he doesn't show up to the class. So the judge and who's in the back of the judge, big shots, judges and ministers and what have you all these big shots now, we started walking, looking for the home of this young boy. So and his father was a cook, father was a cook. So they asked him where was the house of the cook? And they showed him the father's at work. While he's at work, some people came to him and they said, the judge of the city and the ministers and all the big shots are at your house. Why would they come to the cooks house? So he goes and he finds the

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judge there just to ask about his son. So he tells him my son, I used to prevent you from seeking Hadeeth but not anymore. He said the judge now comes to my house, I had never dreamt that the judge of the city would be coming to my home. And from that day on his father started to support him to signal this was a shame even machine. He said, shame is the machines that I would memorize 100 had it in class 100 had it in class. And if I were asked about them, 10 months later, I would still remember them

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another level and he used to he traveled himself, Shamoon Bashir, he travelled and he learned from the tambourine and about a bit in the generation after the generation after the companions, and he attained vast, vast knowledge.

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And even sometimes scholars older than him would come in his halaqa and study under him that was a shame. He had been Bishop, the second scholar was said he benefit from was 11, the heroine known for his knowledge, and lengthy Salah, he would pray, and he would never move in his prayer is famous for that. And he would pray at night and he would pray during the day. Yeah, and he during the day long hours of no orphan prayers. You see this email I got this from him, and you he would always pray a lot at night and during the day, look at towards the end of his life, hours upon hours of no often during the day.

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At night, and he got that from us. He didn't know how long

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is he live? No one says I memorized 25,000 chains as I need changes not added themselves, but the chains from this person to that person these as I need 25,000 and I'm not boasting, he says, and he says, I memorize 20,000 Hadith from the people of a sham, of which I do not hesitate. Yeah. And they're all authentic and have no hesitation in their authenticity. And he says, law of harmony of law, in controller a coup. De, May Allah not keep me on this earth, if I do not act upon my Howdy, all these data members. This is another aspect we'll see how it picks up from the learn from this scholar is he didn't know how long McGraham Allah used to always act upon his body, he says, and his

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mouth his mustard had about 40,000 ahaadeeth. If you take the repetitions out about 25,000 Hadith, he says, I have never written a hadith except that I acted upon it. Even when I wrote that the Prophet said lamb even when I saw the Hadith of the Prophet lamb got cooked and gave the hjem the copper dinar, I got cup and give the hjem Edina he acted upon everybody. Of course within reason I don't ask me, How did they act upon the hadith of God?

00:31:21 --> 00:31:25

Within reason, he always acted upon that Hadith, you know.

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00:31:31 --> 00:31:34

So anyways, so this is this is what he learned from this scholar is he didn't

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and and no one had a popularity and he had the haber to the point that moon who later on started the fitna of the Christian, the Quran, Moon wanted to start the fitna earlier, but he was afraid of him. And he said had it not been for years. He didn't know how long I would have announced and declared the creation of the Koran. So the man who is with him tells him Yeah, and who is using that he should be feared. And he tells him we have

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I don't fear him, but he has been he has a position of power. And I feel that if I announced my position regarding the creation of the Quran, and he will respond to me and refuse my position and announce his a fitna will occur. That's how much shall be following he had that if he said something against the halifa A fitna will occur. It's not like the halifa will win. And so and what's interesting is, as soon as the positive neuron died, the fitness started immediately of the creation of the cola. And it was just the prison's of Bulldog filled with scholars and scholars being killed and whipped and beaten. And that's another story. The third one is Smile.

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Smile. His name was this made the son of Ibrahim moccasin, but it's made of no more Kasim Abraham moccasin married a woman Her name was Leah, and she gave him this boy smiled earlier. So why is he named after his mother? His mother was an intellectual. She was a noble woman. She was intellectual. She was intelligent, so she outshone his father.

00:33:12 --> 00:33:23

Yeah, so they start to refer to him as the son of his mother, not the son of his father, his father, disappeared, and in front of his mother's intelligence and mind and all that.

00:33:25 --> 00:34:06

Mud used to say, I missed Malik Jani. I never got a chance to meet him and Malik, but he knew what a great scholar he was for him Allah. He said, I missed Malik. So Allah replaced him for me with soufiane Marina in I missed Hama, Debussy, another great scholar. So Allah replaced him for me with a smile even earlier, this third scholar that we're talking about, and he was from the scholars of Basra and he was of the best of the scholars of Al Basra. And he didn't like this name with no age to be upset when people refer to him with his mother. He said, whoever calls me that fucker that ottaviani it's like Reba forming Reba. And mama used to never like to refer to him as even earlier.

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But when he The name was popular, it caught on and when he died, wasn't available anymore. So people refer to him as an early and that's why until today people do.

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But what is interesting you always find a great woman behind the scholars and his mother encouraged them to seek knowledge Imam Shafi we saw his mother again, Imam Malik, his mother, again, encouraged him to seek knowledge. Even if you look at others, even though pay him and others even those who their mother passed away, their older sister made them seek knowledge. This is how it was always

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by very good.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:59

So empathy Ba Ba Ba Ba, Al Baghdadi, the famous article, the author, he says, The people of El Basra met with the people of Vancouver, just like how cities compete. Like today we do Houston versus, you know, Dallas or the world or whatever we do here. So you

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He says the people of Alberta met with the people of Vancouver. So the people live in Kufa. They said to the people of Basra Move aside is Mariela Malaya and bring whoever you want Yanni let's let's have our scholars versus your scholars, but put out this man who can't he's too much just like the people of Dallas would say to us, you know, put your Salah aside and bring it on.

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widowed or widowed from sinner, Buddha Muhammad, the Hadith collected he said, There is none of them had anything except that he is Earth and he made a mistake, except it's made of Narnia, and Bishop, even unmovable. So he's saying every narrative is minimalistic, except these two and this is one of the teachers of so we're seeing also where the Imam became so, so intricate and so careful when it when it comes to Hadid. The fourth one was the famous scholars who had an arena and he was known as the Imam of Hadith. He lived in an Kufa he was 10 years younger than she Fianna thodi and he made his route to Mecca. And he became popular to the point that he became the main lecturer in the

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halaman Mecca. And he was named Mohammed Al haram and Makita Mohammed of the Harmon Mecca. And

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yeah, and of course, there's some quotes to show but I don't want to go too long. And he quotes to show how great the scholar was.

00:36:32 --> 00:36:37

Even amateurs I have never seen anyone more knowledgeable in the sunan than ignoramus.

00:36:38 --> 00:37:04

And he used to from his wisdom. And I used to say the scholar is not the one who knows the good and the evil. But the scholar is the one who knows the good and follows it and knows the evil and avoids it. And it's such an important quote because there's so many people that have information here. But morals zero ethics zero at a zero and, and this is the standard This is the quality back then.

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then there was another Asakusa Sinani and the moment that he says about chakras and Ani that he was a basically a storage of knowledge. And people would travel to him from all around the world. They used to say, for Allah He locked the availible

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the camels of the world of the region suffered a lot because of him. camels traveling from all over just to come and people coming to study with him. They traveled from all around the the Arabian or the Muslim Empire not just from his region. He was known also as the Imam of Yemen. He came from a family of scholars as well.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:56

Yeah, they said that these to say that the people of Hadith have not traveled to see anyone after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as they have to have the result.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:02

Okay, so these were the top five scholars that he studied with Imam

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Josie says that there were 414 scholars, Mohamad studied with 414 and amongst them was a woman also her name was Omar Omar bin to bin to Hassan Agnes eight at Santa Fe, one of the women also was one of his teachers.

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And we said he benefited a lot later on with the Imam Shafi. A person said that I have not gone to a chef, except that I found the humble with him. And he was in his company more than we were always with him.

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And he used to say if I am Mohammed used to say if I'm asked about an issue for which I have no Hadith, I would respond with the statement of a Shafi on that issue. That's how much he trusted Rama Shafi. Okay, very good. So the Imams because of all this traveling and seek technology attained a very high level of knowledge. And his son, father was a scholar also in his own right and one of the narrators of of Hadith himself. So a man tells me he says your father memorize 1000 1000, Hadith, alfalfa honey, a million. So he says, How do you know he said the cartoon? I reviewed them with him. millionaire Howdy. Yeah.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:25

Okay. Very good. Mr. Schaeffer used to say, Well, I left Baghdad, and I did not leave anyone behind.

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leaves behind me any man more better in knowledge then. Or he said to me in Baghdad, for Mahalo to be her Rajan and I didn't leave a man behind us but better when irlam are more knowledgeable when there are more any, any deeper and understanding whether I have more taqwa than Ahmed Mohammed. And of course, this was the opinion of the map.

00:39:52 --> 00:39:53

Let's begin to wrap up here.

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

But the mom a mama despite gathering all this immense knowledge, he didn't start and sit

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Teach him until he was 40 years old. He could have done in his 30s. So they asked him, Why did you wait until you hit 40? ticker? Gus.

00:40:11 --> 00:40:19

He said the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was sent when he was 40 years old. He was four. So I didn't want to start before the profits.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:38

Now, of course, this is not a rule. Yeah, but just again, a personal decision and preference. And even many of the scholars used to say, Do not write your first book, at least until you hit 40. You know that, you know, your mind is mature, then you've had some experiences. Many people used to say that, you know,

00:40:40 --> 00:41:08

anyways, people were waiting anxiously for him to start teaching. And so when he started teaching, at 40, in Baghdad in the Grand Mosque, people were so impressed, and they were impressed at his chain of narrations. They will vary the change is not was very short. And he like he didn't from Seoul until from so it wasn't that long, because he traveled and went to scholars we heard from that scholar who heard from the tablet, you heard it from the companion from the prophets or seller.

00:41:09 --> 00:41:30

And he will also keep that book like we like he learned. He keep the book turnout make make any mistakes. His halaqa every day would have 5000 students 5000 we explained this on Wednesday night. How did they have microphones back then? So the has huge 5000 people? And I think this room takes what 1000 was a

00:41:32 --> 00:42:11

500? What are 500? Yeah, so five, so like, maybe until where the playground is it'll just be people people to make it 5000. Yeah. So how would they didn't have microphones, what they would have is a student of knowledge would be standing within earshot, within hearing distance of the speaker this way, another one this way. And so when the Imam speaks, he would repeat what he could hear, because he was close enough to hear him, but also far enough to reach another audience. And he would repeat out loud, much louder. And then within earshot of that person is another person standing at a distance, and he would repeat out loud like that. So that and that's how the microphones were back

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then. So in the year of immense halaqaat, that's how it happened.

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So he said the gathering would reach 5000 people, and it will be total silence at all of the Imam and his element, just listening. Nobody wants to talk no side conversations. And because of the size of the gathering, students couldn't ask questions. So he would have another halaqaat, especially just for his students, and where they would ask questions and, and amongst his students were his son, Slava, and Abdullah. And both of them were scholars in their own right, and we said solid was one of the narratives as well of Heidi. And he would in his gathering, the poor, the rich, the big shots would just be so equal. And that, and maroochy. And also one of the great scholars, he said,

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I've seen, I've never seen the poor, more honored in gatherings than in the gatherings of Abdullah meaning Imam Ahmed.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:40

And people from an Angelus from corizon, from all over the world would come to learn from Mr. Mohammed even later on when he's under house arrest. And he's not allowed to talk to people because of the fitting of the Quran. A student of knowledge came walking on foot all the way from an abundance from Spain, all the way when he reaches there, he finds out that the mom is under house arrest. He's not allowed to talk to anybody. And he was like, I came all the way on foot from Spain. And I can't sit with him. He said, I went to a gathering. And there was a scholar who was so knowledgeable. I even asked him about scholars and an analyst and he knew them. And he and he spoke

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about them. And he told them if their narrative, they're trustworthy or not. He said, then I asked him.

00:43:46 --> 00:43:51

And he said, the scholars started to yell Mithra una use and

00:43:52 --> 00:44:21

you're gonna ask somebody like me, about someone like him, but he just kept repeating that. So this man said, there's no way I'm not going to sit with them. I have to he's such a big shot. I have to sit with him. So he actually started to go to the Imam, they made a deal. And he started to come as a beggar. He would dress as a beggar, and come asking and knock on his door. And when they would open it, do you have any food? And they would let him in? Because because they were watching him, you know, there was a Crown Victoria outside his house. They're watching him the whole time.

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00:44:24 --> 00:44:33

he would just enter like a beggar who that the family let him to eat. And he would go in and get the Hadeeth. And he continued doing this for a while, but couldn't miss out on such a great, Mr.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:36

Very good. Let me tell us last page here.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:42

Just some things about him. Your mom got married at age 40 as well. And

00:44:44 --> 00:44:59

so he got married late because he's seeking knowledge and most of his time is spent on that so he doesn't have time to work really and take care of a family. And this used to be the advice of Abu hanifa Rahim Allah He used to tell his students secret

00:45:00 --> 00:45:12

And when you don't seek knowledge, then work on you gathered some money, then get married. The only exception to this rule is someone who is genuinely afraid to fall into the harem for being single. But otherwise, you said

00:45:13 --> 00:45:34

you cannot provide, it's just going to be a disastrous life we having this woman suffer with you while you're a broke student. And then so finish your studies first, and then finish your school. I mean, work and then then get married. Now, we're not saying this now as to create fit and do whatever you need to do everyone. It's on a

00:45:36 --> 00:46:13

case by case basis. So he got married at age 42. alabasta was her name bentyl fuddle. And from her he got solid who's a scholar. Then after she died, he married Rihanna. And from her, he got Abdullah specifically. And then he got a slave girl by the name of Houston. And from her, he got Xena and then he got two twins that hasn't seen but they died in their infant infancy and as two infants they died. Then he got from her again and Hassan and Mohammed and sir eats it was born 50 days before the mom died, and the mom died at age 77.

00:46:14 --> 00:46:21

Still got it. Yeah. 77 and his this last child was born 50 days before he died.

00:46:23 --> 00:47:08

Yeah. So, okay. And he was known for his good for his worship for his knowledge. And he was always fasting even when he was whipped when he was whipped and you slip severely, and he was whipped so severely, the moon what he did, he brought floggers, and he had each one flog him two or three only. So the slug is the amount of money is tied up like this. And he's got them standing in a line like this. If he has one of them with him 100 times the first four are going to be full power, but the rest will be weaker. So he had like, let's say 10 floggers standing in line like this, each one would just give one, like two or three and move to the back of the line. So each one gives him

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fresh, full power. And so that's why the doctor who treated his back, he said, I have seen people whipped over 1000 and their bus we're in better shape than than yours. And had like, I mean, his back was destroyed. There were there was a time when as he's cleaning him up, there was a piece of meat, he says I have to cut. And so he bid on something and they just cut it off. And he's being patient on time. But he never broke his fast. He never broke his fast. At one point. They bring him and he's in jail with a number of people.

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And I said I won't go into the fitna but look just to see his personality. They bring him he's in jail, and it's hot. And there's no air conditioning, no fans, and it's Arabian. And he's so thirsty now after being beaten and bloodied. So they bring him what he asked for water. They brought him water, he's not fasting. Now. They brought him water with ice in it. Yes, they had ice. But you know how they got the ice, they would go and get it from a cold area or the top of a mountain, wrap it up and bring it of course a lot of it will melt in the process. But ice was a luxury we can agree. So when they gave him the water with ice, and it's so hard and he needs it. He says Do you have enough

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ice for all the prisoners for everyone in the prison who said no, just just for you just a little bit. He gave it back.

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And he would say they weren't whipped I was

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refused, again, personal choices here.

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And he would follow the suit of the problems during ease and during difficulty even when he was in hiding for three days from from a food safe from the government. He hid for three days in one place. Then he moved. They asked him why did you move to a safe location. He said the problem had for three days when he moved

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to this degree want to follow the process. He passed away in 241, after the hijiri was 77 years old, died and 241 he fell ill and even in his illness is very very patient and extremely thin. And he didn't eat very much. And he also got what is known as absolute bone. What do they call it absolute bone when when you're not able to urinate,

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return urine retention retention, I will just look at and they said is one of the most painful things that can naturally happen to the body and you're not like being cut but like naturally from within the body is very painful. But he used to not moan on his again this is a high standard it's not what is the stomach requirement. He's still not mourn from the pain on his on his bed.

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He would ask his son sila to encourage him to narrate to him the saying of poles have no case and the great scholar and he said poles used to say in an inner you come in when you're sick and you sing morning from the pain

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hos Rahim Allah, the squid scholar who used to believe that even the groaning do you make when you're sick, the angels write it down. And this also, as far as the angels write down anything is also the opinion of not bass and Ayesha and others, that they everything was written down and he did not like to moan. So it's as if it's a complaint against a lawsuit, but it's gonna say it is permissible to moan if you're in pain, okay, but he just didn't want to do that.

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And we said he passed away. His funeral, hundreds of 1000s came the least estimation 700,000 came and the highest estimation, 2 million people attended his funeral. They looked at the area where people prayed, and they estimated that it will be 2 million people. And it was not a disputed issue. For the last 1200 years that the biggest genocide in the history of Islam was there a 500 number for the last 1200 years that was the last largest janazah until anyone remember, something that happened during our lifetime

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has been bad for him Allah when he passed away in Serbia. And he, I don't know it was like two decades ago now or something. When that happened, that was that became the largest Genesis since since how long ago. There was the largest Genesis actually in Islamic history is even larger than the genesis of a mama grandma used to say, there was this evil minister his name was

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this guy used to rekindle the fitness every single time and have scholars killed and everything. And he used to always tell him the difference between us. And you, you guys who started the fitna will be on our funerals, because they still ridicule him, and he will tell them the difference between me and you will be on our funerals. So when inhambane Rahim Allah died his funeral 2 million people came men, women, children, roads were blocked. They said people would like if you knew someone like you want to get near to his house, if you knew someone in that neighborhood, you would go into their house and keep jumping walls from a neighbor to neighbor to this so you can get closer to his house.

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when he died, this guy who rekindled the fitna during the reign of three different halifa, every time killing scholars, all his all his fault, this guy when he died, the only people as funeral were the government workers who had to bury him like the guy who works at the cemetery and one guy from the Office of the government data. That's it, compared to the 2 million Michelle merisi. Another guy, troublemaker, small group of people also. That's why McCarthy Rahim Allah said, Allah subhanaw taala has made truthful the speech of Ahmed, the number of men and women who prayed over him could not be counted, could not be counted, while the others just a small handful of people. Anyways, I'll

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close with this quote. This is

00:52:54 --> 00:52:57

Yanni This is the quote from a Jaffa who said

00:52:59 --> 00:53:24

Do you know who is buried today? When he died? He said Do you know who was buried today? They said whom? He said the six of the five? The six of the five? Abu Bakr Omar with man, Ali, Omar Abdel Aziz and Ahmed Mohammed Rahim Allah Allah looking ahead and for your attentive listening so long Baka

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