Kamal El-Mekki – The Importance Of The Jummah Introduction

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The importance of remembering who wants to stop the internet and being aware of one's actions to avoid future negative consequences is discussed. The concept of hot button Hagneah and the differences between hunt and mud is also discussed. The importance of hummed praise in helping people achieve their goals is also emphasized. The transcript describes various verses and phrases used in Surah Al Emraan, including references to Islam and religion, and how "has" and "has" in religion can be used to make people feel better about their lives. The segment also touches on the use of "has" and "has" in religion to make people feel better about their lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the hamdulillah nama do who want to stay you know who want to stop federal. When oh the biller him, insurer and fusina woman say Dr. Medina, Mejia de la who follow medulla woma up Lin deola. What a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa The whole la sharika wash. Hello anna muhammadan Abdo Rasool

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All praise is due to Allah we praise Him and seek his assistance. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil within ourselves and from the evil of our deeds, whomsoever Allah guides and uncon misguide him at home ever he allows us to go astray none can guide him and I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah alone. He has no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger. Yeah, you have Davina on top of Allah ha ha ha de La Tomatina illa Anta Muslim moon, or you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared and do not die except in the state of Islam. Yeah, you are not to topple Rob Bakula, the HELOC or command FCM Wahida. Well, hello, come

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in Huzzah. Jaha Well, Bethlem in Houma Raja land cathedra one is what tabula rasa Luna be halal or haram? In Allah haka, Anna La Cumbre Kiba. Oh, O, mankind, be careful of your duty to your Lord, Who created you from a single being and then from him he created his mate, and fret and he spread from these to many men and women, and be careful of your duty to Allah, by whom you demand your mutual rights and to the ties of kinship Indeed, Allah is Ever Watchful over you. Yeah, you hola Dina. I'm an otaku. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola and said either use the Halacha mama Hola, como, la convenor Uber calm when my daughter Ella Rasulullah, who forgot the first oppose on Alima are you who believe fear

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Allah and speak the truth, he will direct you to the righteous good deeds and will forgive your sins, and whomsoever obeys Allah and His messenger. He has indeed achieved a great achievement.

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I'm about Venice local Hadith, tabula who asked him had you had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with Sharon Ohmori Martha to her 13 Bidda coolibah Malala we'll call it out in Vietnam.

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A markable. Usually you say a morbid meaning after what I've said to proceed to the next topic. Today we're saying a mockable as what we just said, As for what we just said, because today our hookah is explaining what is known as Hotbird alhaja. How we just began the hotbar

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because of a number of reasons. Number one, this is the part where everyone zones out. So the Imam start to say in Al Hamdulillah and people are just zoning out because we hear this ever hotbar and no one pays attention to it. And then when he introduces the topic, then everybody sits up and pays attention. So the prophets Allah wa salam often began his hot tub with what is known as hot button Hajah. But it's from the sunnah to do it for the marriage before the portable before the marriage, it's sooner to do the whole thing, but otherwise, it's not a sunnah. And you can omit it, or you can say it but the process alum often began his speeches with this. And so there must be then some

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benefit to it. And it'd be fits and it behooves us to understand what it means. The other thing is that when you understand this beginning, then every hope has benefit in it for you. You only ever hope it will be beneficial because you're benefiting from this beginning as opposed to just zoning out and then coming back to it to focus once the Imam begins. So, hot button Hajah and Nabi sallallahu alayhi salam begins by saying in Alhambra, Lila namah do that. Indeed. The praise is for Allah and Allah hummed is praise and it's different from a sugar. Sugar is when you think someone being thankful. And when you think it's Maccabi, if someone does some good or gives you something

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good, and then in return, you thank them for it an action done to you directly or indirectly that you benefit from so then you thank the person who did it.

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But you don't thank someone for an attribute that they have. You didn't get any benefit out of this. If someone is courageous or someone is intelligent, you don't go thank them for their own quality. And that's one of the differences between a thanking and sugar. Well hummed praising.

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Because when, when you're praising, you're describing one that is praised with Kamal with being complete or with perfection, or with a good quality, whether you receive it or not. And if someone from this community donates for the people advertised who need a bone marrow transplant, the parents of that person and the patient will

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thank them because they received an immediate good, but you if you're not affected by that you don't go thank them, but you will go praise this quality that they had. So, with praise, you don't have to be the recipient, you praise the quality that someone may have. And you can praise generosity that someone has, whether you're a recipient of that generosity or not. You're praising that quality. So we're saying unhemmed To Allah azza wa jal, we're praising Allah azza wa jal for those qualities, and that's why you praise Allah azza wa jal if something good happens, or if something bad happens, and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told us when something bad happens, you

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say Alhamdulillah Allah Koolhaas. So you're praising Allah, in all situations in all conditions. So you're praising whether good comes or bad comes because it's not related to receiving good it's related to the qualities of the one being praised.

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But the school has mentioned something very important and that is hummed comes also with other qualities, the difference between hunt and mud. And mud has this when you commend someone, or when you compliment someone, but it'll hummed comes with internal love and glorification as well, because someone might praise a king, but internally in his heart, he might not even like the individual. But with hand, it doesn't carry that meaning with hand. The minute that you use the word hand, it shows that it comes with with internal agreement, not just with the tongue. So you're you're praising Allah azza wa jal, but internally you you glorify Allah subhanaw taala, and you love Allah subhanaw

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taala and that's the meaning of unhemmed. So the porcelain would begin by saying in Alhambra, Lila All praise is due to Allah, Muhammad, we praise Him when a star you know, and we seek his aid his assistance. The scholar said in performing this Salah in a way that pleases Allah azza wa jal other said we seek as his assistance in this hotbar the speech that I'm about to give Mr. Ian who is seeking his aid and assistance, when a stop federal, we seek his forgiveness. And an important point, brothers and sisters, is that seeking forgiveness is not just when you commit a sin is not just from sin. So people think that you seek forgiveness when you actually do something wrong. But

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you can also seek forgiveness, for shortcomings, for under achieving, for being heedless. These are actually not actual things that were haram that were done, but I'm not giving Allah Subhana Allah His do right. I can seek forgiveness from that. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us after the Salah, the first thing we say is a stop for Allah three times here. It's not from a sin. It's saying from my shortcoming, yeah, Allah, this Salah that I just presented is not befitting is not worthy of your greatness and your majesty. So the sin is not just from it's the fault. It's not just from actually doing something wrong, but it's from falling short and from being

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heedless, and for all kinds of other things.

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And it's important to fix that meaning so that we don't only just make us suffer if we do something wrong, but we'd make us suffer for our shortcomings. Regarding Allah subhanaw taala when through the bIllahi min, Shuri and fusina women say Dr. Medina, so we seek refuge with Allah from the evil within ourselves and then from the evil of our deeds. This is not saying that the self the neffs is inherently evil, but it's saying We seek refuge with Allah from the potential evil of our souls. And as we know, there are different kinds of souls there is the good soul there is the evil one or the one that commands evil. And this is also mentioned in the Quran in surah Yusuf Wilma, Uber NFC in

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the Neff Salah Amara tune Bisou in Rama, Rama, Rama Rama, Rama Robbie in neurobiol form Rahim. And I do not declare myself guilt free or innocent. Because indeed man self is prone to command him to do evil, except those that my Lord have mercy upon. And surely my Lord is Most forgiving, Most Merciful. So we know that there's the evil soul, we know that there's the good soul, but you're saying that I am seeking refuge with Allah. I'm seeking Allah's help in restraining my neffs restraining myself. So it has the potential for evil and it has for evil deeds. And you notice then when all the machinery and fusina women say to Marlena and then the results would be of the evil

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knifes and the evil thoughts and the evil planning will be the action and that's why the thoughts came first. And then the actions came later from the evil of our deeds.

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Because then you get the thought and either you act upon it or you don't act upon it. Then the problem said it says here

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mija had a hula hoop fella mandala. Wama yodeling fella hottie Allah. If Allah guides someone, meaning if Allah chooses to guide someone or decrease guidance or wills guidance for someone that no one on the planet can then Miss guide that individual after Allah decreed that there will be guided and whoever Allah allow us to go astray or whomever chooses evil. So Allah then keeps him on that path that he or she she has chosen. And we see this multiple times in the Quran. So, certain level of wickedness where people have chosen evil so Allah allows them to remain in that evil we see this and sort of Miriam, Coleman Can I fit Bala? allottee valium did Lahore Rama no mud hut. So here

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Allah has been says say as for he who remains in error, then our human will surely prolong his length of days until they see what they're threatened with either the punishment or the our Lycos we see it in sort of the soft fella Mirza who as of Allah who Paluma home, but when they turned aside, then Allah made their heart hearts turn aside and Allah does not guide the transgressing people. So these people transgressed to a level that Allah will left them in their transgression left them in their misguidance. So whoever Allah Allah has to go astray or Allah, because of their choice leaves them in misguidance no one will bring them out of misguidance likewise, we see this in sort of

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Bacala Allah as will describe the people who chose the shayateen were either local with local Latina, Amana were either Hello Illa che Alpini him and then if they are alone with their Shayateen with their devils, they will say surely we are with you, we're only mocking so they chose the sheltering. So Allah subhanaw taala left them in the path that they chose.

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So then the Prophet SAW Selim says wash Hadoo and La ilaha illallah wa the hola Sharika wash, how do ana Muhammadan Abu wa rasuluh all the words were before were in plural form, in that hamdulillah no mother who want to stay in one iStockphoto and now it's singular form what a shadow singular, because it is more appropriate for the shahada to be in, in singular form, because you do it on behalf of yourself. You testify for yourself, you don't do it on behalf of others. And in it, of course, is the important meaning of Tawheed La ilaha illallah or the hula Cherie kala he is alone. He has no partner, you don't associate anyone in worship with him. And then the pro Salam asserting

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that Mohammed Abu wa Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, that Muhammad wa sallam is his worshiper is His servant. If what is His servant here? That means if he is worshiping Allah, if he's serving Allah, he can't be worshipped himself. He himself is doing worship. And it closes the avenue to Hulu and exaggerating, consoling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam of the who were also Allah and His messenger. So then you can't be lie or deny or ignore His prophet hood sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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This was the beginning sometimes and Nabi SallAllahu Sallam will recite three verses and these were the verses that we recited in the beginning. The first verse from Surah Al Emraan. Yeah, you have Latina Armano Takala Hepta to karate, wala tomo, tuna Illa. One two Muslim who are you who believe have proper Taqwa of Allah and Taqwa of Allah azza wa jal is to put a shield or a barrier between you and the punishment or the anger of Allah subhanaw taala. By doing good and staying away from the evil or the bad, usually Allah Allah will warn and tell you to have Taqwa of Allah azza wa jal or it takuna unless you go to Honduras, El Hijo para fear and stay away from the Hellfire put a shield

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between you and the hellfire. So a shield between you and Allah, a shield between you and the Hellfire or a shield between you and that day the date of judgment what topple yo man towards your own Fe Allah and fear a Day where you will be returned to Allah

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so then yeah, you heard the top Allah haka to Katya. Oh, you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared in the complete sense. Some of the scholars and it's a minority opinion said this verse was abrogated because no one can fear Allah as he should be feared. And they said insert into the verb when Allah Allah says, Allah must allow to fear Allah as much as you can. So they're saying because the first one is impossible, this is the verse that abrogated it, but the other scholars and that's the majority, they said, No, it is not an abrogated verse, but you can combine both meanings. So then that would the verses combined with mean fear Allah as he should be feared as much as you can

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and do not die except in the state of Islam which means remain steadfast upon this deen or upon this religion remain steadfast until you meet Allah azza wa jal as Muslims so that when death comes to you, you're Muslim and you meet Allah azza wa jal as Muslims. Then the next verse, the porcelain would recite is the beginning of Surah Nisa. Yeah, you harness it to pour a backhoe or you have people, be dutiful to your Lord or be mindful of your Lord who created you from a single being meaning Adam Alehissalaam

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was Hello caminhada zo Jaha and he created minha from it. So some of them have a Syrian said minha meaning the substance that he created the Adam from he created what from and others and the more popular from the soul of them and from this neffs of them he created his soldier, the spouse meaning Hawa, or Eve in English. Well hello, caminha soldier. Well Bethlem in Houma, Richard and Kathy are on one Isa. So then from them, Allah subhanaw taala great many men and women after them or from them.

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What toquilla And Lady Tessa Aluna be well or harm. It's saying

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and, and fear Allah through which you demand through whom you demand your mutual rights, just like how someone will ask someone by Allah as Allah Kabila, I asked you by Allah. So fear Allah, through whom you ask and demand your rights from each other. I asked you by Allah to give me this or to do this for me. Well, or Hama, or in some Quran, well or ha me. So when are Hama would be And fear Allah through which you demand your mutual rights, and when are Hama and do not break the ties of kinship? Your relatives, do not break the relationship with them. Always be in connection with them. So that's what that would mean. And some of them will or harm me would mean you demand your rights

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through Allah because Allah is great, you ask your demands through Allah. And you also ask your demands by the ties of kinship. And we actually have an example from this from the seat of the prophets of Allah Salam, where oh, to ignore Robbia, after the Prophet SAW Selim recited is to him. He said, Now shut took Allah wa Rahim, I ask you by Allah, and by the ties of the womb, and by the kinship and the relationship. So because it's saying it's such a big thing, people used to ask themselves to ask each other through their ties of kinship. Just like you'd ask someone, you know, I'm your cousin, or I'm your relative, or I'm your uncle. Do this for me. You're asking through that

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tie because it's something that is great. So that would be the second meaning of that.

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In Allahu Khanna alikoum rockhaven. Allah is ever watching and aware of what you do. And if you're aware

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that Allah subhanaw taala is watching you then that will be from the highest levels of Imam as the Prophet SAW, Selim explained in Sahih Muslim, when he was asked about their son is he said, it's to worship Allah as if you can see him and the school to see if you could see Allah with your eyes and you could see his greatness and His magnificence. And how would you worship Allah azza wa jal, but if you can't, then the second level is to remember that Allah subhanaw taala is constantly watching you.

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Then the third verse was from sortal aza via you hola Dena amo top Hola. Hola. Kulu. Colin said either or you who believe fear Allah

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and and speak the truth and cola city the Merced Alamosa, wob l Huck. So a truthful speech, that will that is leading to the truth or, or truthful meaning no lies in it.

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So fearing Allah azza wa jal, because the first start it took Allah fearing Allah is internal, and it's concealed. And now Allah's Will is mentioning something specific that his law had that is apparent and outward, and that would be speech. And it's a reflection speech is a reflection of what is in the heart. So it's not just good enough for the believer to think well, and then speak however you want as long as you are good in here. No, be good in here and speak well as well speak the truth as well. And as we know from the Hadith, it's of the top two things. The tongue is one of the top two things that lead people into the hellfire. Or in another Hadith the Prophet Salam asked

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rhetorically, is there anything that causes people to be toppled onto their faces into the Hellfire except the tongue?

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So then what is the result? Yeah, you heard at the end? I'm going to talk Allah wa Kulu colon said EDA, what's the result of that? Useless Allah come Amma Allah. Allah will rectify your deeds will rectify your affairs. If you have Taqwa. You have awareness that Allah is jealous watching, you know, disobedience. Then what about the shortcomings? You spend Mr. Malcolm? Well welcome goober. Calm and Allah

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Then we'll forgive your sins.

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When my youth are Allah wa Rasulullah, who forgot the feroza Fosun Alima and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger over 30 times in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal commands the believers to obey the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you are your livina Amanu Otto your Allah will alter your resume are you who believe obey Allah and obey the messenger. In another verse, Allah subhanaw taala equated obeying the promises and limb to obeying Allah azza wa jal Miyota Rasul Allah, Allah, whoever obeys the messenger, he has indeed obeyed Allah. And that's why today we see the biggest attack is on the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam on the commands of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, those who

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say we will follow whatever is in the Quran. But if they followed what's in the Quran, they would have naturally then as a result of that obeyed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and whoever does that for conifers or falls on Alima he will achieve a great achievement a great victory, which usually in the Quran means he will achieve Allah Jana

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and then in the second hot bench Allah will explain the last part of hot button Hotjar cola cola was taught for hola hola, hola Marie welcome in Jamia don't look for stuff Euro Fairphone mustafina Ask Allah Subhana Allah for his forgiveness indeed those who ask for his forgiveness shall prosper.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah hit I mean, what are the the he was so happy here Jemaine about.

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So then concluding hospital Hajah and maybe saw Selim would say for in Hyrule, Hadith kitab. Allah the best of speech is the book of Allah will hate al hadI had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That means then that there can't be any way of doing things better than the way of meaning and acts of worship and, and connecting with Allah azza wa jal, better than that shown to us by Muhammad salallahu Alaihe Salam, many times people give you advice that goes against it is advice or in acts of worship in life, but it can't be better than his guidance to the best of guidance is the guidance of

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, and people sometimes want to add or change the worship of Allah azza wa jal or how we worship Allah subhanaw taala. And it can never be better than the guidance of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam

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was Sharon Mori, that data to her and the worst of all affairs are the newly invented matters. And here and the thought is referring to issues that are were invented into the religion. It is not talking about cars and technology. It's talking about innovating and inventing something into how we worship Allah azza wa jal that alters or changes how we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala what could be the atin Bala Allah so we'll call it in beta so the problem said

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that the worst of affairs are the newly invented matters. And then we'll call them data in beta every newly invented matter is an innovation a bidder

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in the resource Island said cool which is all encompassing it means every newly invented matter and the religion is a better what could a little bit out in Bala and every bidder is leads astray is Ebola. And he said couldn't Salah Salem, every single one. Today you find people and this is no joke, they will tell you there is a bit of

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a better word Jeeva even they say there's an obligatory bidder and a good bidder. There is no such thing and there is a certain said every bidder, and when Amara Allahu Anhu called taraweeh. A good bidder. He wasn't using the word bid or lingual.

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Any technically meaning Islamically he was using it linguistically. Because the word bid is also a word in the Arabic language. He was using it in the Arabic language. He could never use it religiously because he knows that he has not a bit he prayed for three nights before behind the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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what could the Lala tin fineness and everything that leads us astray is in the hellfire.

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So this is how the Prophet SAW Selim would begin the hot tub. When there was the speech before the weddings, or sometimes before a speech and sometimes like Chateau de la Hana would say the pro Salam plan, the member for Hemet, Hamad Allah He praised Allah and then he began his speech. So it's not absolutely necessary that every copy or every book begins with Hotbird alhaja. And it's something that prostate lamb use sometimes and many Hatim start that way, and it's important for people to understand what it means to their benefit.

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bidding as they're hearing it, they're getting all the reminders as they're hearing it and not just zoning out and ignoring it, because it's something that we hear every time without ask Allah Israel to make use of those who recognize the truth as clear truth and follow the best of it for Allah Hamada and converse are in a bottle a bottle and clenched in Alba for Luminato data dunya Akbar Homina. Well, I'm a blogger Illumina, whether Illuminati ma Sirona. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant victory to Islam and to the Muslims and to grant ease and freedom to all the Muslims who are being held and dealt with unjustly around the world for Lahoma brimmed hat the Illuminati on

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Rushden. You asked Sophie allopathic with Duffy Hello Marcia Murphy will Morrow for you in haffi here in Mancha, SME dua masala Lahoma, robotic undergrowth Antonella meanwhile early he will be here Jemaine Welcome Home Kamala

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